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3.2 PublicWorksCIPProjects
4.01 DraftCC8-16&31-05 Min
4.02 FallonSprtParkMstPlan
4.03 Fallon Sport Park
4.04 ElectWasteRecycling
4.05 SeniorCenterChangeOrd
4.06 FuelTankRemoval
4.07 Trellis Painting
4.08 FenchPaintAssmtDist
4.09 Approval of Final Map and Improvement Agreement, and Acceptance of Parkland Dedication In-Lieu Fees Associated with Tract 7539, Phase II - Silvera Ranch, (Pheiffer Ranch Investors II, Inc.)
4.10 WillowsSanRamonVillag
4.11 LegalSvcsAgmt7thAmend
4.12 RepairsFireStation16
4.13 QuarryLaneSchoolImpro
4.14 FinancialRptsAug05
4.15 ShannonParkPlayArea
4.16 AnnualInvestPolicy
4.17 05-06 G&O/CIP
4.18 WestDublinBARTStation
4.19 Warrant Register
6.1 ZoningMapAmendment
6.2 DubRchAreaHWaterQualty
6.3 DubRchAreaFSorrento
6.3 SorrentoTollBroAttch 1
6.3 SorrentoTollBroAttch 2
6.3 SorrentoTollBroAttch 3
6.3 SorrentoTollBroAttch 4
6.4 InfrastructureProgram
6.5 DublinTransitCtrAmend
6.6 MedicalMarijuanaDispen
7.1 CampParksProject
7.2 FirstTimeHomeBuyerProg
8.1 TourismBusImprovement
8.2 RideNowPermitParking
8.3 EastBayRegionalParkDis
8.4 ValleyChildrensMuseum
8.5 DaveBurtonCommemorativ
8.6 LeagueVotingDelegate
8.7 HurricaneKatrinaRelief
8.8 AgencyLaborNegoitators