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*CC Agenda 09-14-1987
4.01 Approve 08-24-1987 Minutes
4.02 Treasurer's Investment Report
4.03 Pro-Forma Financial Report
4.04 Disadvtg Business Ent
4.05 RevisedMCE Agreement
4.06 Final Acceptance 87-4
4.07 Warrant Register
4.08 Amend Salary Plan Full Time
4.09 Employee Benefit Plan
4.10 DolanPrkPh2SubmitPrpsl
4.11 Data Process System Computer
6.01 Scarlett Court Loading Zone
6.02 Underground Utility District
6.03 Floodplain Management
6.04 Dublin Blvd Eminent Domain
6.05 Patio Drive Req for Variance
6.06 ReqRezonePA87-076
6.07 ApplPA87-098DubKawasak
6.08 Amend Dept Head Positions
6.09 Personnel System Rules
6.10 Amend PERS Agmt
6.11 Establish Truck Routes
6.12 Establish ROW Lines
7.1 Eastern Area Infratructure Study
8.1 Select Underwriter & Bond Counsel
8.2 Dublin Blvd Improvements