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*CC Agenda 06-17-2008
3.1 Sports Ground Accpt Improv
3.2 Mayor's Appt P&CS
3.3 Proc Bonnie Robert Powers Day
4.01 Draft CC 03-31-2008 Min Sp Mtg
4.02 Geotech Services
4.03 SNG Agmt Engineer Svcs
4.04 Traffic Engineering Svcs Agmt
4.05 Geotech Eng Svcs Agmt
4.06 Traffic Eng Svcs Agmt
4.07 Sidewalk Safety Accpt Wk
4.08 Bus Stops Citywide
4.09 St Pats Way Acq ROW
4.10 Traffic Eng Svcs
4.11 MuniCode Smoke Pollution
4.12 Sorrento Partial Rel of Sec
4.13 Reg Traffic Devices
4.14 Stagecoach Pk Renov
4.15 Eng Rpt Land Light AD 83-2
4.16 Financial Rpt 4/2008
4.17 Personnel System Revision
4.18 Land Light AD 86-1 Eng Rpt
4.19 Landscape Maint AD 97-1
4.20 MuniCode Personnel
4.21 Warrant Register
4.22 Street Light Maint AD 83-1
4.23 Street Light Maint AD 99-1
6.1 Zone Ord Site Dev Review
6.2 MuniCode Abatement Costs
6.3 MuniCode Rodent Fly
6.4 MuniCode Graffiti
6.5 MuniCode Prop Maint
6.6 MuniCode Weeds Refuse
7.1 AVI Svcs Agmt Amend
8.1 Gen Municipal Election 11/08
8.2 Affordable House Agmt