HomeSearchMy WebLinkAbout*CC Agenda 08-19-2008*CC Agenda 08-19-2008 Jt Mtg3.1 Accept Gift Sports Fest3.2 East Bay Bicycle Coalition4.02 Green on Park Place4.03 No Parking Dougherty Rd4.04 Dublin Honda PM 91854.05 Automated Bicycle Counter4.06 Veterinary Specialty Hospital4.07 Tri-Valley House Oppty4.08 Tri-Valley Safety Challg Grant4.09 City Manager Agmt Pattillo4.10 Warrant Register6.1 MuniCodr Park and Rec Areas6.2 Muni Code Filming7.1 LAVTA Joint Power Agmt7.2 Rental of BMRs7.3 Parks & Commty Service Needs8.1 Piazza Sorrento Dedication8.2 Dublin Transit Ctr Art Proj8.3 Bus Rapid Transit8.4 Appoint 08 Ad-Hoc Audit8.5 West BART SP