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*Agenda 04-07-1998
3.1 Accept Gifts
3.2 ProclNatLibraryWeek
4.01 Draft Minutes 03-16-1998
4.02 FinRpt 2-98
4.03 Award of Bid 98-01
4.04 QuitclaimTract6644
4.05 StRaymondsPewProject
4.06 LibraryConstr&RenovBond
4.07 Award of Bid-Landscape
4.08 AgrmtGeorgeHomolkaCnslt
4.09 RepealStatesVehicleLic
4.10 AuthorizeToSolicitBids
4.11 ReplacemtPatrolVeh
4.12 ApprSummerGlen
4.13 Warrant Register
5.1 BoysScoutsWaiverFees
6.1 BloomingtonWyTrffcStdy
6.2 All-Way Stop at Intersection Of Penn Drive & King Way
8.1 AllAboardMiniStoreAmend
8.2 SummerConcertsCivCtr
8.3 580/680ConstrSched
8.4 GoodTimesPastaJazz