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Agenda Packet
07-22-2014 PC Agenda
8.1 Attch 1 Boundary Map
8.1 Attch 2 Airport Land Use Compatibility Plan
8.1 Attch 3 Airport Land Use Comm Reso 01-2014
8.1 Attch 4 Proposed GP Policies
8.1 Attch 5 Proposed GP Land Use Map
8.1 Attch 6 Proposed Airport Overlay ZD Chapter
8.1 Attch 7 Propsed Zoning Map
8.1 Attch 8 Exh A CC Reso
8.1 Attch 8 PC Reso recommend CC Reso fro GPAmend
8.1 Attch 9 Exh A Draft CC Ord
8.1 Attch 9 PC Reso Recommend CC Ord
8.1 PCSR Airport Land Use Compatibility Plan
8.2 Attch 1 Project Plans from 07-11-2014
8.2 Attch 2 Reso Appr'v CUP
8.2 Attch 3 Exh A Vesting TPM
8.2 Attch 3 Reso Appr'v SDR
8.2 PCSR Fallon Gateway Ph 4 CUP
8.3 Attch 1 Reso Recommend CC appr'v GP/EDSPA
8.3 Attch 2 Exh A Draft Ord Stage 1&2
8.3 Attch 2 Reso Recommend CC Adopt Ord
8.3 Attch 2 to Exh A Architect Design Standards
8.3 Attch 2 to Exh B Landscape Design Standards
8.3 Attch 3 Applicant's Submittal Pkg
8.3 Attch 4 Exh A CC Reso
8.3 Attch 4 PC Reso recommend CC adopt SDR reso
8.3 Attch 5 Exh A CC Reso
8.3 Attch 5 PC Reso Recommend CC adopt CEQA Addend
8.3 PCSR Tassajara Highlands