HomeSearchMy WebLinkAbout6.1 Attachment 5 - Exhibit A to the Resolution - Climate Action Plan 2030 and Beyond6.1 Attachment 5 - Exhibit A to the Resolution - Climate Action Plan 2030 and Beyond (2)Item 3.1 - 3385 Employee Introduction Pratyush BhatiaItem 3.1 - 3385 Employee Introduction Pratyush Bhatia (2)Item 4.1 - 3357 City Proclamations for the Months of SeptemItem 4.1 - 3357 City Proclamations for the Months of Septem (2)Item 4.10 - 3374 Final Map Notice Tract 8484 Tassajara HillsItem 4.10 - 3374 Final Map Notice Tract 8484 Tassajara Hills (2)Item 4.11 - 3377 Laserfiche Forms PortalItem 4.11 - 3377 Laserfiche Forms Portal (2)Item 4.12 - 3364 Planning Commission AppointmentItem 4.12 - 3364 Planning Commission Appointment (2)Item 4.13 - 3386 Third-Party Food Delivery Urgency OrdinanceItem 4.13 - 3386 Third-Party Food Delivery Urgency Ordinance (2)Item 4.14 - 3387 Draft Minutes of the August 18 2020 & theItem 4.14 - 3387 Draft Minutes of the August 18 2020 & the (2)Item 4.2 - 3366 2020 Development Agreement ReviewItem 4.2 - 3366 2020 Development Agreement Review (2)Item 4.3 - 3372 Acceptance of Office of Traffic Safety GranItem 4.3 - 3372 Acceptance of Office of Traffic Safety Gran (2)Item 4.4 - 3381 Payment Issuance Report for Aug 2020Item 4.4 - 3381 Payment Issuance Report for Aug 2020 (2)Item 4.5 - 3370 COI UpdateItem 4.5 - 3370 COI Update (2)Item 4.6 - 3353 Sewer Capacity Assistance Program - Mimi'sItem 4.6 - 3353 Sewer Capacity Assistance Program - Mimi's (2)Item 4.7 - 3368 DCC Park and Ride 1st AmendmentItem 4.7 - 3368 DCC Park and Ride 1st Amendment (2)Item 4.8 - 3340 Proposition 68 Round 4 Grant FundingItem 4.8 - 3340 Proposition 68 Round 4 Grant Funding (2)Item 4.9 - 3369 Administrative Citations - Second ReadingItem 4.9 - 3369 Administrative Citations - Second Reading (2)Item 6.1 - 3367 Climate Action Plan 2030 and BeyondItem 6.1 - 3367 Climate Action Plan 2030 and Beyond (2)Item 8.1 - 3383 Fallon-East Framework Part 1Item 8.1 - 3383 Fallon-East Framework Part 1 (2)