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Item 4.02 BudgetModifArticleXIIIB
Item 4.02 BudgetModifArticleXIIIB (2)
Item 4.03 PersonnelAgmtsFire
Item 4.03 PersonnelAgmtsFire (2)
Item 4.04 AnimalCntrlContract
Item 4.04 AnimalCntrlContract (2)
Item 6.1 StormWaterRefuse
Item 6.1 StormWaterRefuse (2)
Item 6.2 GarbageCollect,Disp&Recyl
Item 6.2 GarbageCollect,Disp&Recyl (2)
Item 6.3 AssessGarb/RecyclSvs
Item 6.3 AssessGarb/RecyclSvs (2)
Item 6.4 LawEnforceBlkGrants
Item 6.4 LawEnforceBlkGrants (2)
Item 6.5 5YrCapital Improvement Prgm
Item 6.5 5YrCapital Improvement Prgm (2)
Item 6.6 1997-98Budget&FinPlan
Item 6.6 1997-98Budget&FinPlan (2)
Item 6.6 Attach 2 1997-98PrelimBudget
Item 6.6 Attach 2 1997-98PrelimBudget (2)
Item 8.1 AppropriationLimit97-98
Item 8.1 AppropriationLimit97-98 (2)