HomeSearchMy WebLinkAboutItem 3.1 AlaCntyHousngAuthCommNomItem 3.1 AlaCntyHousngAuthCommNom (2)Item 4.01 Draft Minutes 11-18-1997Item 4.01 Draft Minutes 11-18-1997 (2)Item 4.03 1997 Goals&ObjStatusRptItem 4.03 1997 Goals&ObjStatusRpt (2)Item 4.04 CtyMgrEmploymtAgmtItem 4.04 CtyMgrEmploymtAgmt (2)Item 4.05 Award of Bid 97-12Item 4.05 Award of Bid 97-12 (2)Item 4.06 ExamSales&UseTaxRecordsItem 4.06 ExamSales&UseTaxRecords (2)Item 4.07 DsgnteWineberryThruStItem 4.07 DsgnteWineberryThruSt (2)Item 4.08 PrelimFinRpt 10-97Item 4.08 PrelimFinRpt 10-97 (2)Item 4.09 StPatricksDayCelebItem 4.09 StPatricksDayCeleb (2)Item 4.10 Warrant RegisterItem 4.10 Warrant Register (2)Item 6.1 DublinRnchA ReznItem 6.1 DublinRnchA Rezn (2)Item 6.2 DublinRnchB-E ReznItem 6.2 DublinRnchB-E Rezn (2)Item 8.1 ShellSrvcStation-SDRItem 8.1 ShellSrvcStation-SDR (2)Item 8.2 HaciendaXingsMasterSgnProgrmItem 8.2 HaciendaXingsMasterSgnProgrm (2)Item 8.3 InitiateGPA VacantSiteDoughertyItem 8.3 InitiateGPA VacantSiteDougherty (2)Item 8.4 Utility Restructuring RptItem 8.4 Utility Restructuring Rpt (2)Item 8.5 Vice Mayor SelectionItem 8.5 Vice Mayor Selection (2)