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Item 3.1 - 1562 Splatter Preview
Item 4.1 - 1563 Draft Minutes of the August 15 2017 Regula
Item 4.10 - 1567 City Manager Contract
Item 4.11 - 1553 Q4 Investment Report
Item 4.2 - 1535 MOU with LAVTA on pass-through TVTC funding
Item 4.3 - 1552 Dublin Blvd Extension - Amend Consultant Co
Item 4.4 - 1554 Annual Review of City’s Investment Policy
Item 4.5 - 1555 Amendment to the Agreement with Geosyntec C
Item 4.6 - 1558 Adoption of an Ordinance Establishing a Str
Item 4.7 - 1559 Tract 8260 Tassajara Hills Phase 2 Final Ma
Item 4.8 - 1560 Amendments to Consulting Service Agreements
Item 4.9 - 1561 2nd Read - Chapter 9.28
Item 8.1 - 1557 Veterans Art Selection Committee Representa
Item 8.2 - 1399 Donation and Sponsorship Policy