HomeSearchMy WebLinkAboutPC Reso 22-01 PLPA-2022-00002 Citywide Multi-Family Objective Design StandardsPC Reso 22-02 PLPA-2021-00012 SCS PropertyPC Reso 22-03 PLPA-2021-00050 Senate Bill 9PC Reso 22-04 PLPA-2020-00044 Inspiration Drive Memory CarePC Reso 22-05 PLPA-2020-00045 Inspiration Drive Assisted Living ProjectPC Reso 22-06 Draft 2023-2031 Housing ElementPC Reso 22-07 PLPA-2021-00042 Dublin Senior LivingPC Reso 22-08 Fiscal Year 2022-23 and 2023-24 Five Year CIPPC Reso 22-09 PLPA-2021-00046 Ace Hardware Outdoor Storage AreaPC Reso 22-10 PLPA-2022-00020 Outdoor Seating ZOAPC Reso 22-11 PLPA-2021-00018 Infiniti Dealership SDRPC Reso 22-12 PLPA-2022-00003 Nissan Commercial Car WashPC Reso 22-13 PLPA-2022-00005 SCS DublinPC Reso 22-14 PLPA-2022-00036 2023-2031 Housing ElementPC Reso 22-15 Bicycle and Pedestrian PlanPC Reso 22-16 PLPA-2022-00033 H Mart SDR Permit