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Reso 001-86 K&B NegDecl
Reso 002-86 K&B Prezone
Reso 003-86 LAFCO AnnexApplic
Reso 004-86 K&B TentMap5410
Reso 005-86 K&B PropTaxExch
Reso 006-86 FallonSchoolSiteBuy
Reso 007-86 COP $11,968,000
Reso 008-86 Hatfield PropTaxExc
Reso 009-86 FinalMapTr5402
Reso 010-86 DolanSchoolGrantDee
Reso 011-86 Certified
Reso 011-86 DHA Chair Appt
Reso 012-86 DHA Temp Secretary
Reso 013-86 Tr4929 ImprvmtAccep
Reso 014-86 Amending Mandatory Dates for Undergrounding of Utilities in the San Ramon Road Underground Utility District Number 1
Reso 015-86 Modifying Mandatory Dates for the Undergrounding of Utilities in the Dublin Boulevard Underground Utility District Number 1
Reso 016-86 IRS Code
Reso 017-86 PERS ResoIntent
Reso 018-86 PedHazPolicy
Reso 019-86 DolanSchoolGrantDee
Reso 020-86 JtSolidWasteAgmt
Reso 021-86 OaklScavGarbage
Reso 022-86 LiabilityClaims
Reso 023-86 OSC Agmt Garbage
Reso 024-86 OSC GarbageRates
Reso 025-86 PaySalaries
Reso 026-86 RecyFacTransportFee
Reso 027-86 PMap4050 ImprvmtAcc
Reso 028-85 StNameChange
Reso 029-86 MTC TDA$FY86-7
Reso 030-86 R&N NegDeclAlamoCr
Reso 031-86 PD Rez R&N AlamoCr
Reso 032-86 TentMap5511 R&N
Reso 033-86 ShannonCntrRentRate
Reso 034-86 EasemntTr4719Zone7
Reso 035-86 LAFCO ApplicHatfiel
Reso 036-86 HatfieldPropTaxExch
Reso 037-86 EarthquakePrepareWk
Reso 038-86 K&B Variance
Reso 039-86 SignRegs
Reso 040-86 AuthorizedSignature
Reso 041-86 AdmSvcDirClassif
Reso 042-86 AdmSvcDir$Benefit
Reso 043-86 SignRegsAmend
Reso 044-86 Tr4719 AI Stagecoac
Reso 045-86 MAD83-2PrepareRpt
Reso 046-86 MAD83-1 PrepReport
Reso 047-86 Scarlett Ct Easemen
Reso 048-86 AlaCoTaxAgent
Reso 049-86 DoughertyRdClosure