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6.07 ApplPA87-098DubKawasak
(j f1- Ý:J 7 0 Vi' AGENDA STATEMENT GITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: September 14, 19B7 SUBJECT: PUBLIG HEARING: EXHIBITS ATTAGHED: Background Attachments: ~"-"~'ì$K ¡¡/ FINANCIAL STATEMENT: APPLICANT/REPRESENTATIVE/ APPELLANT: PROPERTY OIlNER: LOCATION: ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER: PARCEL SIZE: Appeal of the Planning Commission action of August 17, 1987, denying PA 87-098 Dublin Kawasaki Conditional Use Permit request to allow outside storage and display of new and used motorcycles in a portion of the parking lot of an existing multi-tenant commercial center located at 6743 Dublin Boulevard, in the C-2, General Commercial Zoning District. Exhibit A ~ City Council Draft Resolution recommending Denial of PA 87-098 Exhibit B - Draft Minutes of the Planning Commission Meeting of August 17, 19B7 1. Appeal Letters from the Applicant dated August 19, and September 1, 1987 2. Appealable Action Letter dated August 18, 19B7 3. Planning Commission Staff Report dated August 17, 1987, inclusive of all Exhibits and Background Attachments 1) 2) Open the public hearing. Hear Staff, Applicant and public presentations. Question Staff, the Applicant and the public. Deliberate. a) Adopt Resolution denying Conditional Use Permit request PA 87-098; or b) Continue item to the City Council meeting of September 28, 1987, and provide direction to Staff and or Applicant for any additional information requested. 3) 4) 5) The project will have a negligible fiscal effect on the City. Tri-Dynamics, Inc. Douglas Meyer, President 387 Lone Oak Court Pleasanton, CA 94566 Murco Development H. B. Murphy 39111 Paseo Padre Parkway Fremont, CA 94538 6743 Dublin Boulevard 941-205-16 1.7 acres ------------------------------------------------~~;~;;-~~~--~~~~~~~~~-----.--~ 6 7 Owner ./ ITEM NO. .. . File PA 87 -098 EXISTING ZONING AND LAND USE: The subject property is occupied by a multi- tenant commercial building and is currently zoned C-2, General Commercial District. GENERAL PLAN DESIGNATION: Retail, Office & Automotive SURROUNDING LAND USE AND ZONING: North: Office & Light Industrial· M-l, Light Industrial District South: Dublin Sports Grounds - M-l, Light Industrial District East: Commercial C-2, General Commercial District West: Commercial C-2, General Commercial District ZONING HISTORY: August 27, 1975: Alameda County approved a Site Development Review application to construct the Shopping Center located at 6743 Dublin Boulevard. July 16, 1984: The Planning Commission denied a Conditional Use Permit application to allow the outdoor display of motorcycles at the Dublin Kawasaki outlet, 6743 Dublin Boulevard. The denial was appealed to the City Council. September la, 1984: The Applicant appealed the Planning Commission's denial of a Conditional Use Permit. The City Council upheld the Planning Commission's decision to deny the Conditional Use Permit request to allow the outdoor display of motorcycles. APPLICABLE REGULATIONS; Section 8-49.2 of the City's Zoning Ordinance states that the outside display of motorcycles in the c-2 District requires a'Conditional Use Permit. Section 8-94.0 states that conditional uses must be analyzed to determine: 1) whether or not the use is required by the public need; 2) whether or not the use will be properly related to other land uses, transportation and service facilities in the vicinity; 3) whether or not the use will materially affect the health or safety of persons residing or working in the vicinity; and 4) whether or not the use will be contrary to the specific intent clauses or peformance standards established for the district in which it is located. Section 8-94.4 states the approval of a Conditional Use Permit may be valid only for a specified term, and may be made contingent upon the acceptance and observance of specified conditions, includin~ but not limited !£ the following matters: a) substantial conformity to approved plans and drawings; b) limitations on time of day for the conduct of specified activities; c) time period within which the approval shall be exercised and the proposed use brought into existence, failing which, the approval shall lapse and be void; d) guarantees as to compliance with the terms of the approval, including the posting of bond; e) compliance with requirements of other departments of the City/County Government. -2- ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: This project has been found to be categorically exempt from CEQA, under Section 15301, Class I, of the California Environmental Quality Act Guidelines. NOTIFICATION: Public Notice of the September 14, 1987, hearing was published in The Herald, mailed to adjacent property owners, and posted in public buildings. ANALYSIS: On August 17, 1987, the Planning Commission adopted Resolution No. 87-064 (by a 4 to 0 vote) denying Dublin Kawasaki's Conditional Use permit request to allow outside storage and display of new and used motorcycles in the parking lot of the site containing a multi-tenant commercial building located at 6743 Dublin Boulevard (please refer to Background Attachment #2). On August 19, 1987, Staff received a letter from the Applicant appealing the Planning Commission's decision to the City Council. Since this letter did not contain grounds for the appeal, Staff requested that the Applicant provide additional information stating the basis of the appeal. Consequently, on September 1, 1987, the Applicant submitted a letter to Staff explaining that the appeal is based upon "the grounds that the original application was misunderstood by the Planning Staff and denied without due consideration by the Planning Commission" (please refer to Background Attachment #1). In order to clarify what was meant by this statement, Staff called the Applicant asking for an explanation. The Applicant told Staff that "the issue is parking rather than display". He went on to state, "I am using the parking lot to store my inventory during business hours and for customer parking, not to display my merchandise." In response to the Applicant's appeal statement, Staff would like to clarify that it does not matter whether the activity is called storage, display, or parking. What matters is all merchandise for sale by businesses in a C-2 District must occur from inside an enclosed building unless the Planning Commission approves a Conditional Use Permit allowing outside activities. Therefore, motorcycles for sale by this business located in the parking area creates a violation of the zoning standards established by the City. Motorcycles for sale by this business should be located inside the building and not in the parking lot. In the Planning Commission Staff Report dated August 17, 1987 (refer to Background Attachment #3), Staff indicated that the following problems make it necessary to deny this request: 1. The Applicant has been issued three citations by the Zoning Investigator for illegally storing and displaying motorcycles in the parking lot. A Municipal Court hearing has been set for October 20, 1987, in order to address all three citations. Even after being issued the citations, the Applicant continues to store and display the motorcycles in the parking lot, ignoring City zoning regulations. 2. .The motorcycles are proposed to be parked within the required back-up space of the 90 degree angled parking east of the building (please see Exhibit E in Background Attachment #3). The distance between the Kawasa~i building and the 90 degree parking is 30 feet. Of that 30 feet, 5 feet is required for pedestrian access in front of the building. The remaining 25 feet is required as clear back-up space for vehicles backing out of those parking spaces. The location of the motorcycles presents both safety and access problems. First, it eliminates pedestrian access and forces patrons to walk within the vehicular accessway. Second, it reduces vehicular back-up space to 20 feet, whereas the Zoning Ordinance requires 25 feet. A distance less than 25 feet makes ingress and egress to and from those parking spaces a hazard. 3. The parking lot and access ways on this site were designed to be shared and utilized by the tenants and their patrons in common. This shared usage is for vehicular access along with patron and tenant parking, not for the storage or display of tenant wares. -3- 4. The City does not want to set an undesirable precedent of allowing businesses to display or store their wares outside of an enclosed building. Allowing this could lead to the proliferation of unattractive and poorly kept storage areas directly on the City's main streets or in other highly visible locations. This would be detrimental to the conununity. In addition to the reasons mentioned above, Staff 1s also concerned that the City could be held liable if this request is approved and some form of personal injury or property damage occurs as a result of allowing the motorcycles to be stored or displayed 1n the proposed location. Based upon these reasons, Staff recommends that the City Council deny the application. Should the Council decide not to deny the application, the City Council should provide direction to Staff and/or the Applicant for additional information requested, and continue the item to the meeting of September 28, 1987. for a public hearing. -4- RESOLUTION NO. - 87 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DENYING AN APPEAL OF PA 87-098 DUBLIN KAWASAKI CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT APPLICATION TO ALLOW THE OUTSIDE STORAGE AND DISPLAY OF MOTORCYCLES AT 6743 DUBLIN BOULEVARD WHEREAS, Tri-Dynamics, Inc., Owner of Kawasaki of Dublin, filed an application for a Conditional Use Permit to allow the outside storage and display of motorcycles at 6743 Dublin Boulevard; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a public hearing on said application on August 17, 1987, at which time the Planning Commisison adopted Resolution No. 87-064 denyng the Conditoinal Use Permit for PA 87-098; and WHEREAS, proper notice of said public hearing was given in all respects as required by law; and WHEREAS, an appeal of the Planning Commission's action was filed on August 19, 1987, by Douglas W. Meyer, President of Tri-Dynamics, Inc.; and WHEREAS, the request is categorically exempt in accordance with the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act; and WHEREAS, the September 14, 1987, Staff Report was submitted recommending the application be denied due to there being an inadequate amount of space in the parking lot for safe and unobstructed pedestrian and vehicular access in conjunction with motorcycle storage and display, and the storage and display of motorcycles does not present a desirable appearance from Dublin Boulevard; outside storage and display is improperly related to other land uses in the vicinity in that the proposed activity would occupy space on the site that was developed and required to be maintained for parking and driveway access purposes and no provisions have been established for alternative parking and access; and WHEREAS, at the September 14, 1987, public hearing on this matte~, after hearing and considering all said reports, recommendations and testimony as hereinabove set forth, the Dublin City Council does hereby find that: 1) There would not be adequate space in the parking lot for safe and unobstructed vehicular and pedestrian access in conjunction with motorcycle sotrage and'display. 2) The proposed use is improperly related to other land uses in the vicintiy in that the proposed use would occupy space on the site developed and required to be maintained for parking and vehicular and pedestrian access. 3) The outside display or storage of motorcycles would not present a desirable appearance from Dublin Boulevard. 4) If approved, the proposed location of the motorcycles may prove to be materially detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to property or improvements in the neighborhood. - 1 - EXHiBIT A BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT THE Dublin City Council does hereby deny said application. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 14th day of September, 1987. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk -2- ::\,:<V~~1~;!:,;i¡U~'\ "';,;'}::!'~ß;t~f~~;W;f¡~~.f.~f.:.~.i.;,.f.,L.~.'.:,:.~.:t;if~F þ~ ;t;..:.;¡;. ' .-- ~.' , \. :. . ~ ", I An>' (.ílf{t···~: "~-;,'~:::~ - .:...,.(,;.·~,,~:ô,' SUBJECT::I" ïCb~'Lr't'·"" ¡ ':" PA 87-098 Dublin KawasakLConditional Use '.':'-' '.<I.h,.'!" : ":WÎð\' fo'·','· ".. ,,~,¡Permit request, ·6743·Dublin ,Boulevard., ('", !j:.~ œJai1.)~1~,::¡~:)·'-;':' ..,-,,~..' " ,; . :.:, ,-~..-. Cm. Raleyope~edt~e' públic hearing and called for, the Staff Report. :':r.. :1(-,;"!e]::'~_Qti~-fió,: t!-,~-: :\;·-djI;~";fH~·~~_.~.~· ~.,;J" ':'~"~ :'lL!r~ r{"e?¿"';"~'~::\~h-!rt~ Mr :,'Barger.;;:'d:¡;ised~thatthe Applicant was requesting approvaí :¿f .a êonditional Use Permit' to'¡àllow,the outdoor storage an~ ßisplay of ,new ,and, used motor- ,. cycles :',in)í'¡'portion ßf, the parking lot area '.Qf the site ;at 6?43.Dublin Boulevard.,~Hè·':said a similar Conditional Use Permit request at the same _. ,·;,ú¡,'þ,'\_". . location ,was ~denied by'.the Planning Commission on August 6,-,1984, .was subseqúently'appealed to the City Council, and was denied by the City Council on September" 10 , >,1984." .:, . ':", ';., '. .:,;".,~, ":'è·,,,L,:,: ,"""~:,,,;c' c, . -,; " - - .' . ~ ;i",~l that'_'-tbó, r:..':-'~_':'~,'-:.':' :-3:'-'. :. :.' oj .- ~;!,"ç.~î..'!.:!-:-!ht{\ \¡~ t..~ ~:~'!* Mr .iBarger~irldicated ,that the motorcycles are being illegallYos;to.red,andj ,',.' displayed in the driveway area, the walkway area and in parking ,spaces "of the site.;:on 'a_.daily basis. ,_;.:.: ~ ... ~p '. '''; :'~,~ -. ;.::;.3- ~-Y':'J t;h~·;.-:: :\-:<~c.\.~.'H;::: ~r;:!..~<-<;-.f0!" ..::\:-' ·).'_:"\..o~:'.::)i~-:../ '~', .-i:......~~..¡. . ' '1_....' .~.<~~ ,;,,;>..~ ?l'f.vì...C-:',!. -' Mr ;1Barger discussed. the ,chronology of events which ,have occ,:!rred .betweeIl,:the City and the Applicant since April, .:.1987; He noted that the Applicant has" indicated he wil+ be relocating his business to the Amador Lanes site in the' future; è'and ,that ,display ,of. the ;vehicles would be :temp?rary .~l¿He.,said,a,,~" U Conditional Vse,Permit,foroutdoor storage and display of:motorcycles ,was " approved for the 'Amador Lanes site. _,' ",',. \<·','i:"¡ t..':~ê >.<:ce',"" è,':' '. ~;-::-, ~;:~:;,~:-,-~",; !:.\ .:..,.~ .,:'..,- Mr. Barger reviewed Stáff's concerns related to the proposed application, particularly in regards ,to obstruction of vehicular and pedestrian access and the setting of an undesirable precedent should the application be approved.'. He said it was Staff's recommendation that the Planning Commission adopt a . draft Resolution denying the Conditional Use Permit request for PA 87-098, ,-.,-'- .." In response to an inquiry by Cm. Burnham, Mr. Barger clarified that although the Applicant has received three "Notices to Appear" in Municiple Court regarding the zoning violations, he has not yet appeared in Court. Mr. Barger advised that regardless of what occurs in Court, outside storage would not be an acceptable use on the subject property. Doug Meyer, President of Tri-Dynamics, Inc., indicated that he was unaware of the degree to which the Commission was involved with the situation under the previous owner. He said his application was in no way related to or involved with the previous owner of the Kawasaki business. He said that most of the information contained within the Staff Report pertained to the previous application. Mr, Meyer discussed the increase of sales since he had purchased the business, and said that as a result a significant amount of taxes was being returned to the community. Mr. Meyer stated that his product line had increased, as had his need for space. He said that because of the fluctuation in his inventory, it was impossible to keep all of the items within the store, and thus he had a need to display merchandise outside the building, He stated that when he was originally contacted by the Zoning Investigator, a number of the items parked around the building belonged to customers. He said Mr. Barger had contacted him on Saturday, and that at that time he told Mr, Barger that sometimes there are 14 or 15 people in the store who have brought in their own vehicles. He ., Regular Meeting ~Y~IRIT B :.' ..'_þ '":;''..i''' ~',,,,'.' ....: ' August 17, 1987 , said those items could be parked in the customer parking spaces, but that he would have a concern with the neighbors because of the impact it would have on the available spaces. Mr. Meyer referred to the Analysis section of the Staff Report, which indicated that motorcylces were being parked in the walkway area. He said that there was no walkway area, and that doors were never blocked. He also said that he did not think the motorcycles impacted vehicular traffic. Mr. Meyer said the application submitted by the previous owner was substantially different than his, that the previous proposal suggested a concrete pad be created in the landscape area on which to display merchandise, and that the previous Applicant desired to park his merchandise up to the beginning of the sidewalk. Mr. Meyer indicated that he did not intend to do the same thing, and that he always keeps the sidewalk itself clear. He referred to Exhibit E, and said he thought 25 feet was more than adequate space for any automobile to turn around. He stated that the previous application was turned down because it was thought there would not be enough room for the vehicles to turn around, Referring to complaints by adjacent businesses, Mr. Meyer said he thought if complaints had been received they were very general in nature. He said he desired to know if there were any complaints which specified that vehicles had been impeded in any way. Regarding a comment within the Staff Report which indicated that the parking of motorcycles on the subject property would lead to unattractive storage, he said he did not understand why that would be the case as the vehicles are clean, expensive ones, He said the Planning Commission had the option to deny other applications if they were not proposed in an intelligent manner, Mr, Meyer advised that he would be moving his merchandise to a new location where he had already obtained approval to store the items outside, He said he only needs approval for outdoor storage on a temporary basis. He said such approval was not insignificant to him. He indicated that rent at the new location would triple and that floor space would double. Mr. Meyer said that he had not ignored the City's regulations, that he had spoken previously to Ms. O'Halloran and discussed this situation with her. He said he did not think he had received any information during that discussion which directly related to his business, He said he had met with Vie Taugher and thought he had an understanding that since Mr. Taugher was aware that the Kawasaki business would be moving he would not have to do anything else for the duration of the summer. He said when he received his second citation from Mrs. Stagner he told her to issue all three citations at once so that one court date could be scheduled to handle all three, During a meeting with Mr, Tong, Mr, Meyer advised him that he had obtained approval to move into Amador Lanes and that a Conditional Use Permit for outdoor storage at that site had been approved, He said he was told by Mr, Tong that it may be necessary for him to rent another location until Amador Lanes was ready. Mr, Meyer stated that he wanted to comply with the City's regulations, and that when he was notified of the Sign Ordinance violations he complied with them, He said he can't comply with the regulations prohibiting him from Regular Meeting PCM-7-155 August 17, 1987 'C.,. " .... .>C.' " ~ ~;f~"',"";o:;)" '.~'. ~ :.~1~J;~~i.1If\îfi1J':æ!~~'j~#.~ ·'f¡¿¡~"I\t~~;!W't";··;¡"",..· '. -~ .r!:r ,. ';"rœ~1~~'4 .!~. ,,~ -/. . .~')~~~~J:iJi,.~:~¿:¡'ji",;'f.tl;ft~1i¡r¡:,r;A: ø. ~v', J~~~,:>.J~.Y- ~;~f~~~¿~i.í:~~·.· ·'··:'>F,Ii·:~:.-::1 : "¥iJ 12. ;, ''',:,' .:,':.~.,;..",,.v:r;'(·"~,d',,l''''.# i$.'J1..!?t ,"d'·'.4¡ :i'J.~,,~~,\i¿~ l"i.!'/,~.:r:'~ ·'r.z~;:;,." '¡-'}~·'I.' ,:-~~:'''·'r,jt'·'~.:..', ."'<j,;,V'~,,¥,!'!'.¡~?tÇ";;:'Ji""~.::, ..."..... ':"'~"2r ~ ,t,j·t;., ,,'ii"'~~';;'~~."_'l:~ ..,..:,...·.t¡·~· ('1-:,,'''~'''''¥,)f~...:(:"¡;..,fP''.;' T_ ·r.,,~.,~.~.?:" ,}}~1~ ~. /:, ·r -,.,of· ~<.:;:.¡>~':: ,~:'<'~}::'"/;;,;kf~$.~jÌt~,§£f.;::~: . ,'" ?1,,,,. '. , . .....:1t...". '. ¡ . 'o+' .__ "J':ç;.~·.~~~~·íf '';~;r :,7/" '.' .::~ ' , -' "'r ,~: ~ " .'~. ',"/..; .':' " '::';;';'~t~HJt~:~~ ~ ''ft.'' ""r.' -~) .'. ¡ . ~-~""-'~H--'~'>r'l:~'I.-'~"'1-;¡;;''¡'¡-'''''''' parking his vehicles outside, and sai~.þe..wouldlike a temporary permit until" he moves into his 'new store, which shoúld b'è ..ready between Nòvember';'iriCiithë.. first of1988"'r.·"{i¡·F!n~",' . . -'CO,)' . ·".':;,~;t0'f}~i1'~" :..;.-.:-:.._-~:::~:~~..:- . ----'~.~.:.:;:,';,.-..~~~.:'-;.'.,. ..:: -..:.....:.':-. "':"~_:¡.._.' ~~'":~·t:-,"~~~:~t~·~~:~;;~~:l,'" In response to àn "'inquiry by Cm. Raley.' Mr: Meyer indicated th¿t 'bothhe . and his'cústomers, arë,parking their motorcycles in front of the Kawasaki Store. ~ * "7.-* . ", Cm, Burnham stated that he understood concerns both on the part of Staff and the Applicant,- but that he felt that the "law is the law". He said if the Applicant {s~entitled to a certain number of parking spaces, .those should be utilized for .that purpose. He said he had concerns regarding motorcycles being parked"in' front of the building.-·· . . .. . " '. .." -, í Mr. Meyer indicated ,,' ~ said when the Police Department investigated his they didn't think there was a problem. -".- -- -, -~_.. property, they _,_._--0" __'. Mr"Barger clarified that the Police report indicated an attempt had been made to back the 'officer's car ou(of a ställ 'while theO'motoréyéles were parked there, and that it was extremely difficult to do so. He said the Police Department had reco!"",ended denial ,,-f ,~þe"appli<;~ti,,-n.,..,;;u;':",i:'''. ,.'.." - '. . :-'...~ > -;.. ;-.'-(,!. :; ." ".. ,... '.. _.' "._~' - . Mr. Gailey referred to the differenées'between'Exhibit'D and Exhibit E, and advised that he thought it was important to emphasize that there was no excess space available between the required 25-foot parking area and the 5-foot pedestrian space. He said if the Commissioners saw merit in approving the proposed application, they would also have to give direction on a dimensional parking variance, as a variation from the City:s Parking Ordinance would be created. He'indicated that this may cause a problem with insurance liability. Cm. Raley closed the public hearing. On motion by Cm, Barnes, seconded by Cm. Mack, and by a unanimous vote, a Resolution was adopted denying PA 87-098 Conditional Use Permit application. RESOLUTION NO. 87 - 064 DENYING PA 87-098 KAWASAKI OF DUBLIN CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT APPLICATION TO ALLOW THE OUTSIDE STORAGE AND DISPLAY OF MOTORCYCLES AT 6743 DUBLIN BOULEVARD Regular Meeting PCM-7-156 August 17, 1987 _ 0_0. " -...' 0 . 0 0 .. I ;t- '& 7-o'9i/-i',"': , " :.. '~':!"';'i;fC( ¡;'Ì;?\~;T-8~'>'& . -. '>::·.;'i'}".' '6/¡'1 h .' ".'{ÉC)j,VED' -, "··'1., . AUG 19 1967 DUBUN PJANNIN.G. ~ 'r.' ,"i ..... Kawasaki ~ Ulln.: guod limn tull , , ..", :.' -. ~c;!, : Aug. 19, 1987 City of Dublin .P.O. Box 2340 Dublin, Ca. 94568 '-.' " Re: Planning Application n PA87-098 - Dublin Kawasaki Temporary Parking To whom this may concern, As of this date please be advised that Tri dynamics (dba Dublin Kawasaki) desires to appeal to the City Council the denial of the above referenced application for conditional . use permit. Sincerely, M';;~rl Tri Dynamics A TT ACHMENT 1 6743 DUBLIN BLVD, DUBLIN, CA 94568 (415) 829·4466 - ...... ~...~ ,", " r', ~., "-.'''' '-'1"',-¡",' '. . . r". ''''J,"'' '''. ·..·r.... " ,'... "L 7ê . c;. , '¡. '"-,,, ,. ,,-, . ,. <. ,4.0 j' Il:J_J->,""'" ·...c.:C' 0,,-, 1,1,',':,/, !.~;.~~.) ':'. :"''' ~ ~'. '>':.,'.L'.>,R E eEl V ED. : - :;;:'-- ".~."', ""';'_,,._ 1 .. ~;¡,. ";.'......'.'_- ",,- ". '..",. """. ..,," t! f.'d '1' 166"1 '. ,,:'_:"";::,.',: ~::;>:~'_.'.:M '~. ....,. ~ hr- -" :' W ( " .. , . g;:,}:·;\F>:~ , Kawasaki .... .; , ," :' .'" ,,', , .;" '." "DUBUNPIANN1NG. ó, " ·t;'~jf¡{f0~;:;;~,!;;;:,!j{Œ;~~;!J,.:i'F,:::'~êA'>'·" ',;:1".'::1' :-!:.'''''/ .. Sept. 1, 1987 .. City of Dublin Planning Dept. Re: PA 87-098 appeal To whom this may concern, ',I it .'-' , . ....,. ,- This appeal iS,requested on the grounds that the original application was misunderstood by the planning staff and denied without due consideration by the planning commission. We respectfullly request the oppportunity t~ bring this matter before the council. Dou a W. Me~ Dublin Kawasak 6743 DUBLIN BLVD. DUBLIN, CA 94568 ". ' .' , ' ..... ," ....,..',... -," , .'0..._,..,.,", "',, ".'."_',-, .·......~..-....~~'I....... ..'·.'....,1 ". "" .;~~ ;...,1··._,,,.'.-'. '.<""'",'.'~'. ',- '.',.".". ' , , . "".... I-":'~' ~ "; :-..... :"'1" '''''- . ".' ......." ,',:"~~ ~-. ., " ...._.' _', .,_, .._.";-~..,~., '. _~" "':",'; .' ,.. ....... ., .. . . .;.~.;>....... 'c'·'· ..... " ~-X:.:r. ..,.;¿..~-~~=;. ..:..;.~-.;. . ~~'.;-, Applic~?-t : ':- ,,-::,:, ',:-'.- . , ". .' , . .;-,,'; . '.~'.. .:~_. ., Dear j' '~ ,_..~.'.i J " réferE!nced . . ~:-: . :~:.. -':'.~ ~~ - ..,. . ,'''.,- ."",-. Zoning' Administrator. ..Planning Director' . Planning'Commission 'City Council ' àcted upon on August 17, 1987, by the: The above' xx ..-(. \ and was: Approved -Approved subject to conditions XX Denied \ Findings are attached. This action becomes final and effective at 5:00 p.m. on August 27, 1987, unless appealed before that time in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance and other applicable regulations. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact Rod Barger, the Project Planner, or me. . Sincerely, .,~~~ ";:,:',, ..' ~'~La~r~: To~g ", li~ið;if,.~Î~'~Î~~i~~~j~f'~~- AHACHMENT Z :\~::~~;,~,.:.:,~..:a..~) ;~_." '~;~'- .\'i.~ IX~·~·Y;(~:~~:tf.)l'.~~~·. n...··~i\K' , i~~~~t<~.¡.. \j;'~¡ ~..r,f;t~\~;::., {\,""':':~'.r.~-' -- '.~';"~',,~ ;1t,~.. ·;-r'-\~$·~>&}'!,.~,¡,h~J:'.\\'Ü'!,:-{·· ~J':"'" ."" ,:":, ,~äK~~"'! ~.J* ;:~,'.':"'~;...~P-;.!':';'l· ,}~. 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':.'"'''YiJ',\ ~". .".,.~ .....' r';: :.~;''V~t-:1''·iÆ~...~/;.:!"C;~...Jt~~··,·:~'~, ~j;f:~'t~';::(\::.i;~~:~~2,~':::~f.;i~·;~·: :i ~·--_:,;,:;::;:~;Z;;:,~:~;fEi;i9~~~§~,:~i;(;;¡~;~~itfff~~~~h£.i~kik:¿;·. ~;i/f:/:::'.-:,'.·:·,:·";';<..¡,ENYING FA'87-098 KAIiASAKI OF DUBLIN CONDITIONAL USE;FERMIT)œFLIéATIÒN N>' {:i( /; :<~."., :::;:.~",:,:;,~..~:.:." TO ALLOW THE OUTSIDE STORAGE AND DISPUY 'OF HOTORCYC!.ES 'iT ,:!¿Z,j!.:;:~:';.::. . ¡,;i'};:"c: .;c.: :.~' ,," -' . ::'<',;::.:. . 6743 D~~~tr;;J:~p:v~.~);0·.'~~itt~m~;R~;·?:t/·· !.' WHEREAS. Tri·Dynamlcs, Inc:, Owner of'}(4wasaki;of Dublin.-' filed an ".. ·application for a Conditional Use Permit to ~llow the:.ou~side 's~oragê :änd/o:.,'· display ~f motorcycles at 6?43 DUbli~.~:~levard;, and ·:·';·~:·.·.;~~:,·:,'::\~5t~ftjl::~.~·2/?{~~·,:}: WHEREAS" the '-application hàs been received in' âcéorda.nce-'.:With'the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act an~ .~~s,.?een .foun~·:to. be categorically exempt; and .' --:~.;~.,:_.;:..,:.. /:'.':-:,~.:.:;.::~.- .. '..:.t.._ "; .. WE'REAS, the Planning Commission application on August ~7. 1987; and did hold a PUblic:~~a~~~g'on~s~l~ ,.,'- .. respects as YHEREAS.·proper notice required .~y law; and of said public he~ring was g_b~·e.n }:':,~~l ! ~...'.>,.:.. .,......_...~.;~: ,>:-':~: ·;:"~JN\~ t;/ti;Jt§~:~.~·:~·: . ,- submÜ:ted. recommending' the,:,~ppliéation -. . '. ~:,~.::::..'.·,':·:·;..:\:~?f~~·:-;>~7 . ,..i '.~. be denied; WHEREAS,· a Staff Report'was and .. . WEREAS. the reports, recommendations Planning Commission did hear and testimony as hereina~ove and set conside'r '" all s~id forth; - -<. .' NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE Dublin Pl~nning' Commission does hereby find that: 1) There is not adequate space on the site for the outside display of motorcycles. 2) The original Site Development Review was not designed to accommo4ate the outside display or storage of motorcycles. 3) The outside display or storage of motorcycles does not present a desirable appearance from Dublin Boulevard. 4) If approved, the proposed location of the motorcycles may create pedestrian and vehicular safety problems. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT THE Dublin Planning Commission does hereby deny PA 874098 as generally depicted by materials from the August 17, 1987, Planning Commission Staff Report on file with the Planning Department. PASSED. APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 17th day of August, 1987. AYES: Commissioners Barnes, Burnham, Mack and Raley NOES: None ABSENT: None Planning Commission Chairperson ATTEST; JifII- ;:i,~~~j~g;~Zj1);::·'~\~·;~~ ~;~< /~; . CITY OF DUBLIN PLANNING COMMISSION ACE/lOA STATE!1ENT/STAFF REPORT Meeting Date: August 17, 1987 FR0!1: Planning Commission Planning Staff~~ tt TO: SUBJECT: PA 87-098 Dublin Kawasaki Conditional Use Permi: reouest, 6743 Dublin Boulevard. GENERAL INFORMATION: PROJECT: Conditional Use Permit request to allow outdoor and storage and display of new and used motorcycles in a portion of the parking lot of an existing multi-tenant commercial structure. APPLICANT: Tri-Dynamics, Inc. Douglas Meyer, President 387 Lone Oak Court Pleasanton, CA 94566 PROPERTY m-1NER: Murca Development H. B. Murphy 39111 Paseo Padre Par~~ay Fremont, CA 94538 LOCATION: 6743 Dublin Boulevard ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER: 941-205-16 PARCEL SIZE: 1.7 acres GENERAL Pl.AJ.."{ DESIG~ATION: Retail, Office & Automotive EXISTING ZONING Ai'\!D L-\.i.'W USE: C-2, General Commercial, Small Retail Shopping Center SU~~OUNDING LAND USE A.L\¡D ZONING: North: South: East: ì~est: Office & Light Industrial, M-l Dublin Sports Grounds, M-l Commercial, C-2 Commercial, C-2 ZONI~G HISTORY: August 27, 1975: Alameda County aúúroved a Si~~ Development Review application to construct thè Shopping Center locatèd at 6743 Dublin Boulevard. July 16, 1984: The Planning Commission denie¿ a Conditional Use Permit application to allow thè outdoor display of motorcycles at the Dublin Kawasaki outlet, 6743 Dublin Boulevard. Th2 denial was appealed to the City Council. September 10, 1984: The Applicant appealed the Planning Commission's denial of a Conditional Use Permit. The City Council upheld the Planning Commission's decision to deny the Conditional Use Permit request to allow the outdoor display of motorcycles. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ITEH NO. Cf¡, '1 A IT ACHMENT 3 APPLICABLE RECULATIONS: Section 8-49.2 of the City's Zoning Ordinance states that the outside display of motorcycles in the C-2 District requires a Conditional Use Permit. Section 8-94.0 states that conditional uses must be analyzed to determine: 1) whether or not the use is required by the public need; 2) whether or not the use will be properly related to other land uses, transportation and service facilities in the vicinity; 3) whether or not the use will materially affect the health or safety of persons residing or working in the vicinity; and 4) whether or not the use will be contrary to the specific intent clauses or peformance standards established far the district in which it is located. Section 8-94.4 states the approval of a Conditional Use Permit may be valid only for a specified term, and may be made contingent upon the acceptance and observance of specified conditions, includin~ but not limited to the following matters: a) substantial conformity to approved plans and drawings; b) limitations on time óf day for the conduct of specified activities; c) time period within which the approval shall be exercised and the proposed use brought into existence, failing which, the approval shall lapse and be void; d) guarantees as to compliance with the terms of the approval, including the posting of bond; e) compliance with requirements of other departments of the City/County Government. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIE~: This project has been found to be categorically exempt from CEQA, under Section 15301, Class 1, of the California Environmental Quality Act Guidelines. NOTIFICATION: Public Notice of the August 17, 1987, hearing was published in The Herald, mailed to adjacent property owners, and posted in public buildings. ANALYSIS: The Applicant is requesting approval of a Conditional Use Permit to allow the outdoor storage and display of new and used motorcycles in a por~ion of the parking lot of this site which contains a multi-tenant commercial building. A similar Conditional Use Permit request at this location was denied by the Planning Commission on August 6, 1984, appealed to the City Council, and denied once again on September 10, 1984 (see Background Attachment 1). At present, motorcycles are being illegally stored and displayed in the driveway, the walkway area and in parking spaces of this site on a daily basis. The City's Zoning Investigator has made the Applicant aware that the storage and display of motorcycles in this fashion is a zoning violation without approval of a Conditional Use Permit. Planning Department Staff has also made the Applicant aware that the storage and display must cease until such a Use Permit has been approved by the Planning Commission. The Applicant has continued to store and display the vehicles in the parking lot despite Staff warnings. The following chronology of events has occurred between che City and th~ owner of the business as of late: April 30, 1987: The City Zoning Investigator issued a warning letter to the owner of the business concerning outdoor storage and display of motorcycles requesting that it cease. The violation continued. -2- ( ; , June 27, 1987: A second warning letter was issued resulting from a citizen complaint. The violation continued. July 21, 1987: As a result of the issuance of a citation by the Zoning Investigator to the Applicant, the Applicant received a "Notice to Appear" 1n Municiple Court on August 20, 1987. The violation continued. July 28, 1987: Since the violation continued, a second citation was issued by the Zoning Investigator to the Applicant. The Applicant received a second "Notice to Appear" in Municiple Court on August 27, 1987. The violation continued. . August 4, 1987: Since the violation continued, a third citation was issued by the Zoning Investigator to the Applicant. The Applicant received a third "Notice to Apepar" in Municiple Court on September 3, 1987. The violation continues to exist. The Applicant has told Staff that he will be relocating his business to the new buildings on the Amador Lanes site. On May 18, 1987, the Planning Commission approved PA 87-019, which included a Conditional Use Permit for the outdoor storage and display of motorcycles on the Amador Lanes site. The Developer has taken out building permits for this project and will proceed with its construction. The Applicant has indicated that the outdoor storage on this Dublin Boulevard site is temporary until he can move to the Amadòr Lanes site. Staff informed the Applicant that the parking lot and accessways on this site were designed to be shared and utilized by the tenants and their patrons in common. It was explained that this shared useage is for vehicular access along with pat~on and tenant parking, not for the storage or display of customer wares. The distance between the Kawasaki building and the 90 degree parking i~ front of the building is 30 feet. Of that 30 feet, 5 feet are r¿quired for pedestrian access in front of the building. The remaining 25 feet are required as clear back-up space for vehicles backing out of the parking spaces. The proposed location of the motorcycle stor2ge and display area is within both the driveway and wal~~ay areas. This location would obstruct adequate vehicular and pedestrian access. In no other location in the City are motorcycles parked in the pedestrian and vehicular accessway. Other businesses facing similar outdoor storage situations have complied with the City's Ordinances by either securi~~ approval of a Conditional Use Permit for outdoor storage (Payless) or by storing their wares inside the building (Tri-Valley Honda). This applicatio~ should be denied so that it does not not set an unèesirable precedent. If motorcycles are allowed to be stored in front of a building, then we may see the proliferation of unattractive and poorly kept storage areas directly on the City's main street in other highly visible locations. This could be detrimental to the community. Finally, the Applicant has blatantly ignored City zoning regulations, warnings from Staff, and Zoning Investigator citations. If this use is allowed to continue, the situation will only get ~orse with time. Staff cannot support a request allowing outdoor display and storage of motorcycles at this location. The Applicant should be directed to cease the illegal actions immediately. RECOMMENDATION: FOR}[AT: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Open public hearing. Hear Staff presentation. Hear Applicant and public presentations. Close public hearing. Adopt Resolution denying the Conditional Use Permit request, or give Staff direction and continue the item. -3- ( ACTION: Staff recommends the Planning Commission adopt the attached Resolution denying the Conditional Use Permit request for FA 87-098, Dublin Kawasaki. ATTACHI1ENTS: Exhibit A Resolution of Denial Exhibit ß Planning Application Form Exhibit C Letter form Applicant to Staff Exhibit D Site Plan Exhibit E Partial Site Plan Exhibit F Photographs Background Attachments: 1 - Zoning History, including: September 17, 1984, Final Action Letter and Resolution; City Council Staff Report dated September 10, 1984, and its attachments; Appealable Action Letter dated August 7, 1984; August 2, 1984, memorandum to the Planning Commission from the Planning Director including its attachments. ·4· ( (- RESOLUTION NO, 87- A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF DU8LIN - - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ - - - . - - - -. - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- DENYING FA 87-098 KAWASAKI OF DUBLIN CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT APPLICATION TO ALLOY THE OUTSIDE STORAGE AND DISPLAY OF MOTORCYCLES AT 6743 DUBLIN BOULEVARD WREREAS. Tri-Dynamics, Inc., Owner of Kawasaki of Dublin, filed an application for a Conditional Use Permit to allow the outside storage and display of motorcycles at 6743 Dublin Boulevard; and WHEREAS, the application has been received in accordance with the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act and has been found to be categorically exempt; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did hold a public hearing on said application on August 17, 1987; and WHEREAS, proper notice of said public hearing was given in all respects as required by law; and WHEREAS, a Staff Report was submitted recommending the application be denied; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did hear and consider all said reports, recommendations and testimony as hereinabove set forth; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE Dublin Planning Commission does hereby find that: 1) There is not adequate space on the site for the outside display of motorcycles. 2) The original Site Development Review was not dasigned to accommodate the outside display or storage of motorcycles. 3) The outside display or storage of motorcycles does not present a desirable appearance from Dublin Boulevard. 4) If approved, the proposed location of the motorcycles may create pedestrian and vehicular safety problems. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT THE Dublin Planning Coœmission does hereby deny PA 87-098 as generally depicted by materials from the August 17, 1987, Planning Commission Staff Report on file with the Planning Department. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 17th day of August, 1987. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Planning Commission Chairperson ATTEST: Planning Director -"'~"l~~\rnT A' l:~I1~DI ( ( .....__~... 'h i~ . : ...:,. . .. \::~:; , t.~. .- ~~:¡ " .;~ ':':1 " r, ....., CITY OF DUBLIN 8 f/l1:? -OyC¡ . . P.O. Box 2340 Dublin, CA 94568 Planning Depar1:1rent 6500 Dublin Blvd. Suite D Dublin - CA 94568 DU~!.!;.; FU :o.rr'J1"!":" . .J'.. .J.\:J RECEIVED . ,"_:~ ï' _,,00. 7 -- (415) B29-4600 (415) 829-4916 Eff.: 1/84 PLANNING APPLICATION FORM Notes to Applicant: . 11 Please discuss your prcposal with Staff prior to carpleting the Planning Application form. * All ite!1\s related to your specific tyçe of applicaticn nn.ISt be car.cleted. * Since this is a carnrehensive application form, sere of the items Înicht not ar;o1v to your specific application. - . -' _..__ : ~~~:~ ~~~~i~~ai~e;~~~y~~essary. 1f,ßê)~ 1f::o YÆ' I. AUTHORIZATION OF PROPERTY OWNER A. PROPERTY c::wNER: In signing this ~plication, I, as prq:erty crwner, have full le-=2.1 capacity to, and hereby do,authorize the filing of t.lús application. I .unëers~è. . that conditions of approval are binèing. I agræ to be bound by t.1.;.cse conditicns, subject only to the right to object at the hearings or àuring t.'1e 2f~al pe-.-l.cd. Narre ~ ¡..l1'J M "+1 M LI\<Do D", q""",¡, , Capacity: pro¡:erty Own"" Aèèress: ] '\ I \ P">"'o f,¡.;, "<. ¿t Daytirre Pbcne: ( ) ~R<~-\-r4- ""ç.?l . . ( ) ·Signature: I Date: B. APPLICnl-l'T OTHER TF.ÞN PROPERTY CW~B: In signing this 2!::ulicaticn, I, as aDDlic2...'1t reoresent to ·have cbtained authorization of t.J..¡e prq:ert.ÿ- cwner to file thi;· , application. I agree to be bound by :onditions of ,:-r-p:::-oval, subjeçt, only to t.'-:.e right to object at the hearings on the a::pl~cation. If this 2pplication has not ~'1 sigr.ed by the prcperty cwner, I have att=.c.1;.ed separate èc:c-..:r.e..'1taticn of full legal capê.city to file this application and agree."!'e..'1t to conditicns of ppproval, subject. only t:;, tl:e right to object at tl1e hearings çr èU!:"ing the appe21 pericd. Nacre: Ùovql~ N. rA~,/<,,, Capacity' '?r";o"",, jR.; JJ'I''''¡-M¡U E.JL Aèdress ~ ?7'- l..o~ OB-\<. c-+-. DaytÏ1re Piocne: "'I If) ~L9 -'-(<.{b ( Pl....,..,.,;"..., CPt. 9'1rfe- ( ) Signature. Q v....-. w Date: 6ho/:r ì'- , . 11. CERTIFICATiON I ce->-tify that I have the authorizaticn of the property CWTler to file tIus applicat:c;1.. I further ce-rtify that 'the infom.aticn and e.'<hibits sl1tmitted are true aI1d correct. Narr.e: Dûùl1lYt-r'-\): Yv\et,eA Capacity: Pre¡ì()t.-..)- TìVD.,~ic.J:;:7V'-, '\ ..--' r Adèress: 311' 1- L"...,.... ".f< '--+. Daytirr" Phcr.e: ('i{') L1-<tV6(. Pl<./þ......-t,..J c.l'T '1 ",k, ( ) Date: ~,h'h;> Signature: (OVER) EXH\B\1 -Þ .......-:'--- . --_.__.~:- .,- ":'~.-.... ..-_._'~~-.~.-~ '::-r--:-.~:-'<~'-:--'-"":' "'~_..-'-:._-' ..._--;..__._._~_.___ _.___ ( ( -.... .- .-~..- --...-...... - . ~I ;! ¡i ! ¡ j ! . . 'III: G\ÕNERAL DATA REQUIRE .ì ~..,:þ! A. Address or Location of Pr~y: (;, 7'13 I)( ;h/¡/\..J 73/vd. I B. Assessor Parcel N~ber(s}: 1t¡ 1- ;:{tJ5- (0 C. Site area: I·) ACtO, D. Present Zcning: c-¡ E. Existing Use of Prc¡:erty: ~i¡~ ?...I-iI:,l 11.., ~\-., 5,1« ,¡,u,J".-<¿-o<. / ßvh> S ¡Y!." 0/,,"',1. F. zoning and Existing Use Of Surrounding prcperty: Zone Existing Uses - ,~. (ß",t.-\. c.v..j,,",~ - North: fVÎ\ : M\ \ - South: : ~h (~J.'-, - East: C. 2- : ~ - West: CL.- : ~ G. Detailed Description of Prcposed Use of Property: (je--,LJlJif.¡ UNChfM.q€1) 11c:r- . ÁJA?'/) fin 1>A....AÀf( , l,;y¡,'.f~ ()úf7)<nn ,¿;"'þ')...., f , , , oP- "'...... IHr?-O ~ ('JJS~""" {)~:Uv. 0- . (Ccntinœ en separate s}'1~t i£ necessê...;..--Y) IV. TYPE OF APPLICATION Check t'{.'i?'f---0f planning ¡:e..."mÍt(s) teing reqœsted: '\J@.;~nistrative Conditional Use Per:nit o Rezoning ~dary !'.èjustre.'1t o Sign Conditional Use Pe-rrrU. t o Site Develq:üe.'"!t Revie~... o General Plan J..rre..'1àre.'1t o SlJbdivisicn ~.ëp o Planned Dev'"elcçræ.'1t o Variar..ce o Other: v. SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS A. Planned Deveicpment: (S¿e Planned CevelcçrrentRezcnL'1g SUhnittal Resui=e...'Te.'1ts) B. Subdivisicn ~.ap: (See subdivisicn Hap Sutmittal Reç:J.ireœnts) C. Any.Ot..'1er Planning Pe-rmit: (See C...¿r.eral Subnittal R.....~eœ..'1ts) J I ,I I , ;1 .! .J' , : i i VI, PROCESSING (See-Planning Applicaticn Cover Lette=-) VII, REFERENCE PHONE NUMBERS Most questions· relateà to the Planning Application st:.culd be directed to t.1-te Dubli.~. P larming Department, 1:c\,o,'ev'e!:", sare ccnce-rns might l:e aèè:æssed. direc-..J. y by anot1:e.:- appropriate èep~T~nt or agency: 1. City of Dublin: Buildlng Inspection: (415) Engineering: (415) Planning: (415) Police: (415) 829-0822 829-4916 829-4916 829-0566 2. Dublin San Ram:;,n Sè..rvices Dist=ict: Fire: (-115) 829-2333 ,later, &\_'er, Garbage: (415) 828-0515 3, Zone 7 - Alameda County Flcod Control: (415) 443-9300 ,-.... .,_.... ...._.~ ,~...... .... ·~·-~-'''''.·.r--...-··_·_..~.........-...-------_···· ( pt'r <¡ 7'07 i RECEIVED ~-:L 'j' í927 1.~"h<~.>4limn'"'' DUSU;'¡ HANNING July 3, 19B7 City of Dublin Planning Dept. Re: Overflow Parking of inventory at Dublin Kawasaki 6743 Dublin Blvd.) Dublin Dublin Kawasaki has been in it's present location for approximately 13 years. The current ownership, Tri Dynamics Corp.,began in Jan. 1985 after purchasing the business (then Kawasaki of Dublin) from William Lindsay. At that time gross sales had achieved a high of $700,000. Under the direction of Tri Dynamics Corp. sales have grown to 1.5 to 2 million dollars annually. This growth has necessarily brought with it the need for a higher level of inventory and additional space in which to conduct business. To this end, Tri Dynamics has signed a lease for approximately 3.5 times it's current space at a new location. This new location has approved outdoor inventory parking in it's layout. Occupancy 1s expec~ed by Nov. 1987. In the interim, however, Dublin Kawasaki is unable ~o comply with the city~s requirement to have all inventory indoors at all times. We respectfully ask that the planning commission gran~ a teQPorary conditional use permit allowing this inventory parking until such time as our new facilities are available for occupancy. This is not a change in any way f'rom what is currently being done and we would like to emphasize that there is not currently nor has there been to our knowledge ANY problem of inconvenience, access, congestion, parking, or safety in the usage of the space in this manner. In addition there has not been to our knowledge any complaint by anyone referring specifically to the usage of this space in this manner during the 13 years of Mr. Lindsay's or Tri Dynamics' occupancy at this location. This outdoor parking is essential to the continued growth and success of our business. . We hope that the city will continue to be our partner in this growth of our business, the City of Dublin, and the area. ~relY º~:Q: Dougl W. Me. r President, Tri Dynamics 6743 DUBLIN BLVD. DUBLIN, CA ! -....-" '¡;UBIT .. ~ i ~ ;;¡- ,',:, ' : j'<.:Jh" " ,~".:·:a.iI:I"" c ( ¡~ r: c ~ I "/ ;: iJ &LCG. I"~OOIt, .'t.. '.10' of 4' &~n ":-TOP OF Pb,O' ."c.to ..~ %11., 14 . ~ }t'.40 -~. I ! _ .;: / , I ' 1-1-' ® I 0 I I . 1~1. 00' , I' '-r.J i I I 1 IV ¡J I .1 ~ " = , C;';]:.;:·j ¡::~~'.:' ~~'~::;G ~ @ o '. , , -- '..- ,-." ø , ----·r L. tV ---.--- o .~..-~"" ~ t ,,11 w..~'-., L ® ...----- - ø . ~ ~ -------' ~ , .. ~ N QJ ------. ® , --._--.! © -------- ~ , ~;;..."" 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'I I, Ii I i\¡ , :1 :¡ '!:1 i: !:: i:1 ;:i I:, ¡:j !t " i,j .., I', P: " :;¡ ¡.; I" i' [, _m_ n __._________.._.___. _._ _._.__.___.. i r' ! ,. ('" -' ."'--' -' ...: .. -)..¿.{/\:~ I EXtUB~1 t- ( 0- .___._.__..______.__~__ - .----- , " CITY OF DUBLIN i ( fl? P.O. Box 2340 Dublin. CA 94568 (..115) X29-.lf100 Date: September 17, 1984 RE' FINAL ACTION LETTER FA 84-035 Kawasaki of Dublin, Conditional Use Permit project/site Address: 6743 Dublin Blvd., Dublin, Ca Assessor Parcel Number(s): 941-205-16 Applicant: William Lindsay 6743 Dublin Boulevard Dublin, California 94568 Property Owner: Earolã Murphy 39111 paseo Padre Parkway Fremont, Ca 94538 Dear Applicant: The above referenced project was acted upon on 9/10/84 by t~e: zoning Administrator Planning Director Planning Commission xxx City Council and 'tlas: Approved Approved Subject to Conditions XXX Denied -1- ATTACHMENT 1 ( ( . .---..-----.-----.--- ~ r THIS ACTION IS FINAL. Approval shall not be interpreted to be approval to violate or omit any provisions of the zoning Ordinance or any other applicable codes. Applicant must apply at Building Department to obtain any necessary building permits prior to commencing the project. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact this office. ~-a~ Laurence L. Tong, Planning Director LLT/j1m cc: B.l.D. Zoning Investigator -2- f·..···· ....;...'-,'..:~. " p ..... ,. ~.....;.......;u...¡.;....;..;,.:;~.¡¡,;,..:....;..:.;:.;,:~".;,;....;...........~;;.;,;,.....";;,.-j;.i;"'\'.;~~,;;,-.~¡,;<~\~ü'h~.:..,r.\-I-";....),,,,~""..."':I<"",·-'<·"· ..,.... , . , ( CD ( t~ RESOLUTION NO, 103-84 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN ------------------------------------------------------------------ DENYING PA 84-035, KAWASAKI OF DUBLIN 'CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT APPLICATION TO ALLOW THE OUTSIDE DISPLAY OF MOTORCYCLES AT 6743 DUBLIN BLVD. WHEREAS, William Lindsay, owner of Kawasaki of Dublin, filed an apolication, PA 84-0]5, for a Conditonal Use Permit to allow the åùtsi¿e display of motorcycles at 6743 Dublin Blvd: and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did hold public hearings on said application on July 2, July 16, and August 6, 1984; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did deny said application at the conclusion of the public hearing on 8/6/84; and WHEREAS, the applicant filed a timely appeal of 'said· denial: and WHEREAS, the City Council did hold a public hearing on said appeal on 9/10/84; and WHEREAS, proper notice of said hea~ing was given in all respects as required by law; and ~'ltiEREAS , accordance with the Quality Act and has this aoolication has been reviewed in provisl~ns of the California Environmental been found to be categorically exempt;' anè wtiEREAS, a Staff Re?o~t was submitteè reco~~en¿ing the application be èenied; and WHEREAS, the City Co~ncil did hear and consider all said r;ports, recommendations and testimony as hereinabove set forth; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED .THAT THE Dublin City council does hereby find that: 1) There is not adequate space on the site for the outside display of motorcycles. 2) The oricinal Site Develocment Review was not designed to accornoèate theJoutside display ôf motorcycles. 3) The outside display of motorcycles in landscaping or parking areas would not present a desirable appearance from Dublin Blvd. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Dublin City Council does hereby uphold the planning Comm~5sion action relative to PA 84-035 and denies t~e appeal. ~"",nr-OIT';"'o'" PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 1984. 10 th day of AYES: councilmembers Hegarty, Jeffery, Hoffatt anà ~!ayoL Snyder NOES: councilmeml:er Vonheeder .~LßA / .ì-la-o¡or ./ ABSE~IT: None AT1~ . GQ..~CC l¡,,~_ ',.",; !. '. - """ .:.. .¡,:.~"> ". -, 'T l' £:--1_ i-J().' ,lldj:r;!!f;t::;~"'~~'4'£''''''''''~'''.''''':'''_'''¡X..~:.;tWß~;;'':;~'''~.;, .:.,.;,~_~J...;._"'_":' :, ' . -,.,.", I'" ~ . . ~ .;:µ':"~I~~'J.·j",. "';';~:4.~I'.::~.~..;i;;:i;j;¡Ì..,·:,:.':'1"",:::,,~.:~_~.:;.-,':':;f:i.;..:...~..u' . I,. ~ (. " (;\ "',oJ.' -2- ~\,;/ ,r~ building and in the parking lot. After exploring these alternatives, the Planning commission determined that the site was simply not designed for an outside display area. Several property owners have installed or are proposing significant landscaping improvements along Dublin Boulevard. The intent of the landscaping improvements is to increase the attractiveness of the street and to soften the impacts of adjacent development. The present outside display of motorcycles at Kawasaki of Dublin is not consistent with the new and proposed improvements. Approval of this application would send conflicting signals to the development community. Staff recommends that the city council adopt the attached Resolution which denies the appeal and upholds the Planning commmission's action. Should the city council decide to approve the application, Staff recommends that the city council 1) direct Staff to prepare a revised resolution with the necessary findings and 2) continue the hearing. The attached 8/6/84 planning Commission Staff Report contains the background material associated with this request. , ."_ ..:.;;nJ.o.l...<J_.¡(~.I:;''':'¡;':p~~~:'''·~~··'·Ú..t~~,~,I'~J":'~''';'' . _~',c. :;~ ~.;...;v;,;~·;..,:.,..~ ~."'-- ",- '......~ ."~'. ',., In: 6¡ , "- , 1':."" , v,-~·...~ ....d..... RESOLUTION NO, 84-37 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN ------------------------------------------------------------------ DENNYING PA 84-035, KAWASAKI OF DUBLIN CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT APPLICATION TO ALLOW THE OUTSIDE DISPLAY DF MOTORCYCLES AT 6743 DUBLIN BLVD. WHEREAS, william Lindsay, owner of Kawasaki of Dublin, "filed an application for a Conditanal Use Permit to allow the outside display of motorcycles at 6743.Dublin Blvd; and WHEREAS, .the planning Commission did' hold a public hearing on said application on July 2, 1984; and WHEREAS, sQid hearing was continued at the applicant's request until July 16, 1984; and WHEREAS, the hearing on 7/16/84 was continued to the planning Commission meeting of 8/6/84, to allow the applicant an¿ Staff the opportunity to review the various alternatives for displaying motorcycles outside the building; and WHEREAS, Staff met with the applicant to revie~ sai¿ alternatives; and WHEREAS, after said meeting to review the applicant's proposals, it remains the position of the Staff that the propose¿ use at this location is not desirable or appropriate; and WHERE.a.S, accordance with the Quality Act and has this application has been reviewed in provisions of the California Environmental been found to be categorically exempt; and . WHEREAS, a staff report was submitted recommending the application be denied;' and WHEREAS, the planning Commission did hear and consi¿e= all said reports, recommendations and testimony as hereinabove set forth; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE Dublin Planni~s Commission does hereby find that: 1) There is not adequate space on the site for t:-.~ outside display of motorcycles. 2) The original Site Development Review was nct. designed to accomodate the outside display of ,motorcycles. 3) The outside display of motorcycles does not present a desirable appearance from Dublin Blvd. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Dublin Planning commission does hereby deny PA 84-035. ,'.~~; ;;;.;~-1¡::~.;:~,}:.X·.·;r.....J:i'Cii;t.·:,:",,'£..:;':":';;¡¡¡~'-::'::i:,Z'~;~'~~...:~i.i.-,:.CL¡;;;;'::~;;'-"'~';""::'~ ::;..:~~ ,......, ;,." '" ,.. .....~ , .. . . "~·'.."""1.~..... -,"'-. . ."-."~' -.., . - c.. . (L:;) (t'i -,':. PASSED, APPROVED .AND ADOPTED this 6th day of August, 1984. AYES: Commissioners Barnes, Mack and Raley NOES: Commissioner Petty ABSENT: Commissioner Á~ ission.¡Chairman ri{ëv .. �... ♦ l fry+ di.} � ' 8 OFF+ 1{',> a d ty• I.;v s ii+ .y" .N r a: ;./;•:s„rlj.„W,/',..;•:,.44•.:-%:. ._v .•.:..' . .: : � `4.c/Wf 4.4.+ :A.•444 '1 16'..i;;6 :.•64..r...Zt.n•*ks,a4/,t4,,l.J...:..... .Si•• ... .L Errs.► .L.y[1 _•w .t1..•• „ . •• i i . �, ... . •i«. •r t�►.d.J�►.�nr t; f�I,�b•iJ%a�C:�i 1.�.nu. �.•ter.:... ::;�s•�c"` -t,��� ♦ • •, .• • • .....,r� •• : . • • • • • r j • *.� �'J.t�.rh .���•.1;�.• L .Ll' '";.L.'.::• ':.LS11 .L ►L.L1. • • •rb ..• ••••••••:•:: ' 1. r��J 4}� rtx1»I. «.I.t «�....1._L -.•t. �. y;.. .?. • • ..•. • . • , - •.. • . ._.:.• ....•.•_. • :.�::' =-••. . , , 1.:•... •... r .I. •-- ..:•':: ,o•• i.1.....�� _. .•:, ...1••__•N-`s' i4.i•_ . • :1::...4, • .1 • • . . . .• ' ••• • • • • • • • - • •• . .. ._.._. ...• ... PR0Ppil1L . FoR 49(.-. z/ivy/NG •i •rn OrarLG`�GCE,S • • .« . 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'' ' --- Z / i s F _• .i '•....i.....1 _. �----- �. . ��t1 •' r f� _.•i•�:. _--:=�1'�`-:-'?— �L i��'7�'l •••/,%, •�-:' •.. .. : `-r.. a:.mil; '•6-1J=�T''•—_• • • ,;.;"1"";-"" - ~ . . :' -- '''':',:~:'~~~~~~'::;:~ f::t;~~:~~~""':"'::t':~. ~~:~~:;1:;j~:~;i;;:;;;'~:t.:~;1.~,:~~-~+:0{'-~";:'~: ;;i.~J-' ,,~'; .", ~'. .. _'.1~ .'''. "_'';}"'~:{ .... ...--,-:'\.·-;t'lt·--r ¡,~.~....... "¡'J. '-=3 .."'.....'-~ .'" ".. . . .~,.~. '"ß)';)' '. . ·r. ;':. ··,·l·~···' .~.Jíd"'"'- ~;.,,,·'i "I.. . (\\~. A ¡tA~ilME~\t - 7--.. ,,~ .. To: city or Dublin Planning Commision Subject: Proposal For Displaying Motorcycles At Kawasaki Of Dublin 1 propose to continue displaying motorcycles along -the east side of Kawasaki of Dublin as shown on the attached sit_ plan. Displaying motorcycles is ~ssential to my business. It shows the passing automobiles, motorcylists, and general public that we are open for business and have an e~iting product to sell. In addition it is necessary to have an outside area in which to deliver a sold motorcycle to a customer. Starting a motorcycle inside the store could not be allowed. Hawasaki of Dublin was started in October of 1976. Since that time motorcycles haÝe been displayed outside without one complaint from the County or .the City until March 1, 1981,. As a licensed vehicle ..dealer"in the state of California, 1 am entitled to have an outside display just as any automobile dealer is. Hawasakf af $700,OOÒ in considerable There will permit. Dublin generates approxiamately annual sales which adds revenue to the city of Dublin. be no cost to the City for this Some questions have come up reguarding abstructions to traffic and pedestrians entering and exiting the Murc.o Center, Sirice K~wasaki of Dublin opened in 1976, there have been no accidents or mish~ps due to parked motorcycles. In fact the reduced width of the driveway (26 ft ta 23.5 ft> is still 'wider than the easterly access driveway which is only 22 ft. In summary, I need to have an outside motorcycle display to stay in business. If I am denied the right to continue this practice. then the resulting 1055 in sales may force closure. For the city of Dublin it would be unfortunate. Sincerely, ð~ U;:L ð~'L- William B ~~~~:~ Kawasaki of Dublin Owner ~ /' // . , 1 , " . .. ':..; ·;',,^.:,: I:~ j.'~~;,;"'~..J_,,<;:;r:~:"~: ",:..-~_,,:,,..., _~.. '._ :;;..~;; - .;.. ....;;4~~.:;.~.:·.~~ ':', ~..~ .~,..;., j .;:;,~;i}....~.;.·;~:::"-,,..:> - ".~~~ :";';'..; ;.~ "..-~ :.~'~~...,~'~i..i :;:.:..v~':'I.. :-,-~<,';::.L:::": _ '.-::, " . /1. " (I>M :t:.~ (,;., . ·,.~ï¡ Reqular Meetinq - AUqust 6, 1964 A regular meeting of the city of Dublin Planning Commission was held on August 6. 1984, in the Meeting Room, Dublin Library. The meeting waS called to order at 7:30 p.m, by vice Chairperson Mack. * * * * ROLL CALL PRESENT: Commissioners Petty, Barnes, Raley, and Vice Chairperson Mack, Thomas p, DeLuca, Associate planner, and Laurence'L, Tong, Planning Director. ABSENT: Chairman Alexander * * * * PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Vice Chairperson Mack led the Commission, Staff, and those present in the pledge of allegiance to the flag. * * * * MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING The minutes of the regular meeting of July 16, 1984, were approved. as written. . * * * * ORAL CO~h~UNICATION None * * * * WRITTEN CO~~UNICATION None * * * * PUBLIC HEARING SUBJECT: PA 84-035, Kawasaki of Dublin Conditional Use Permit application for outside display of motorcycles at 6ï43 Dublin Boulevard Mr. Tong presented the staff report. Mr. Tong noted that the planning Commission had continued this application from the 7/16/84 meeting to the 8/6/84 meeting so that the applicant an¿ staff could explore potential alternatives for displaying motorcycles outsi¿e the Kawasaki building. Mr. Tong stated that staff could not support the two alternatives; l) displaying Regular Meeting PCH-)-í À iT ACHMfHI . d-- ·.4.:, ¡: '~-:'" .r. ::~""':.. .;-..:~;'; ::..:J.:.h.!...h...v..'..J....,;..a;,.;;r;:...':-¡ ;,.~".. -. ...- ~ .' ...... ~ .,,"'....¡:-!.;;.., ;..."" ;~;.;..:..:.,,'..u;,.. -<-~~ .;. :4;.,¡:,!t~:.::!:......._~3~·;.'.J~~~··. ".':"'>::'::J;~'" ...; . .. (., (. :" Q (f WRITTEN CO~IMUNICATION No Comments. * * *.* PUBLIC HEARING SUBJECT: PA 84-035, Ka~asaki of Dublin Conditional Use Permit application for outside display of motorcycle~ at 6743 Dublin Boulevard. Mr_ DeLuca presented the Staff Report which was a request by Kawasaki of Dublin for a conditional Use Permit to allow an outside display of motorcycles at 6743 Dublin Boulevard. Staff noted that the applicant was given several extensions for either bringing the motorcyc~~S inside or applying for a Conditional Use permit. Staff could not support the application because the motorcycles were within a pedestrian and vehicular circulation area,the motorcycles did not present a desirable appearance from Dublin Boulevard, the display of motorcycles would be contrary to previous city actions on outdoor displays of merchandise, and the .site was inappropriate for the proposed outàoor display. Chairman Alexander opened the publi~ hearing. William Lindsay, owner of Kawasaki of Dublin and applicant, addressed the planning Commission and stated he was not told the correct Section of the Zoning Ordinance that he was in violation of until his citation hearing at the District Attorney's office. Mr. Lindsay noted that the outside display area was a very important part of his business and requested the Planning Commission allow him to continue the outside display. Mr. DeLuca resoonded that the applicant was notified of the proper violati~n at an office hearing on 3/28/84. Considerable discussion occurred between the Planning Commissioners regarding the outside display area. The Planning commission brought up several potential alternatives for review and consideration. It was the consensus of the Planning Commission that the applicant should meet with Staff to study the potential alternative locations for the display area, and bring the alternative locations anà findings back to the Planning Commission. It was moved by Commissioner Mack and seconded by Commissioner petty that this application be continued to the 8/6/84 planning Commission meeting to allow the applicant and Staff an opportunity to study potential alternative locations and bring the findings back to the Planning Commission for further consideration. Regular Meeting PCH-3-82 7/16/84 '-._0·:';. '.~. '" .."";;;"ò.':-;."~:""",:".,,.,.l~,..:,,s¡;i...\\1."6¡h~i",íJ;""¡"",',, ";¡...;!~.,,",,,,<i";~&;f,'¿'i...;:.,","~Jh\'';''';!~> "i-""-·';";.~. ...' . ((v (do,'/ August 15. 1984 .~ TO: Dublin city Council FROM: William Lindsay RE: PA 84-035,Kawasaki of Dublin, Conditional Use Permit I would like to a~~eal the decision made by the city of Dublin Planning commission on August 6, 1984 reguarding the outside dis~lay .of motorcycles. ,at Kawasaki of Dublin. I feel that the commission rubbered stamped the Planning Departments recomenda- tion without reguard to my special situation. I decided to open up a motorcycle dealership in Dublin in 1976 primarily due to the location available at 6743 Dublin Blvd. I applied at that time for all the permits and licenses that I could find out that were necessary to operate the business. Until I was notified on March 5, 1984 that I was in violation of a city Zoning ordinance, I had no idea that'a conditional use permit was necessary. 'As a motor vehicle dealer licensed by the state of California, I have a right to an outside display (ref:ordinance 8-49.2) subject to the planning commission approval. I believe that I removed all possible objections to the display of motor- cycles with the modified plan presented to the commission on August 6, 1984. As it turned out the overiding objection was that the planning department did not feel that motorcycles presented an "attractive appearance from Dublin Blvd".. As a longtime businessman in Dublin, I am appealing to you to reconsider this . action so I may continue to contribute to the community. Sincerely, IvÆ~ william Lindsay, Owner, Kawasaki of Dublin .' d» «J' ~~ . "'v. 4Ú"~ ~/ Pn ~ð% C'/1).. .¡.; ¡y /l> <> /,j, 0", {9", ~/¡J "'A "c, '7 <"C'.>,;;9(.t,y 01- . ,,~ ""~  TT ACHMfNT 3, .-~ -, 1 , ,_ '~'''::;'':'~''.;l"",,;C!·,:~ ,,:..:.:.;..¿....L\,,;.. ..t- '.. '-'.." ',' - ",', " " ,-- -- . . - .... ~ }~.:!,'li.!~':".:-~.t.~-fJ,);):...:.~~;':'1,:;~~1w.'!l.;.ffl'ilf:t::,:~":,,:,,,:.:::.~;~~~it~~.,¡&~;¿.....-~~ .>O!-~. ",', ;.'.,......" , -.' . . . " . . . ",~,..'"'.....-.{_¿_,..I_:....._.. ." " 0' C· " (,...:..) \:Ð .(í", . '. .(!¡jj RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITy OF DUBLIN ------------------------------------------------------------------ DENYING PA 84-035, KAWASAKI OF DUBLIN CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT APPLICATION TO ALLOW THE OUTSIDE DISPLAY.. OF MOTORCYCLES AT 6743 DUBLIN BLVD. WHEREAS, william Lindsay, owner of Kawasaki of Dublin, filed an application, PA84-035, for a Conditonal Use Permit to allow the outside display of motorcycles at 6743 Dublin Blvd; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission di~ hold public hearings on said application on July 2, July 16, and August 6, 1984; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did deny said application at the conclusion of the public hearing on 8/6/84; and WHEREAS, the applicant filed a timely appeal of said denial; and WHEREAS, the city council did hold a public hearing on said appeal on 9/10/84; 'and WHEREAS, proper notice of said hearing was given in all respects as required by law; and WHEREAS, accordance with the Quality Act and has this application has been reviewed in provisions of the California Environmental been found to be categorically exempt; and WHEREAS, a Staff Report was submitted recommending the application be denied; and . WHEREAS, the City council did hear and consider all said reports, recommendations and testimony as hereinabove set forth; NOW, THEREFORE. BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE Dublin City Council does hereby find that: 1) There is not adequate space on the site for the outside display of motorcycles. 2} The original site Development Review was not designed to accomodate the outside display of motorcycles. 3) The outside display of motorcycles in landscaping or parking areas would not present a desirable appearance from Dublin Blvd. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Dublin City Council does hereby uphold the Planning Commission action relative to PA 84-035 and denies the appeal. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 1984. th day of AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk ATTACHMENT i .' ;'.: ..': :.j.....~,,,:...;, /~,~i ~,ij~;4 "i '~J::~ :·l·qi%*~;1t:¡~·!~ . '¡},1,>~/'i~;;~~~~;z',t ;;/ ¡.;¡~/..p j " ~ ~k" -~., .. tJ '-'!jít:~¡.J:.~~i·;·:&~r:~~~í; fjif'.?~~'{f5·~2.f~I' ~l~l1~}~¡')I,t:-:~~~:~f ,W;r;?Vi#.(:f:~·~t~~:.~~~:.: '.-' ", '. ,I t _, ;_~:; :J.,M' ·.;!jY/;'~~'~, 'J..¡'!J?¡~:V'~1ž '.?:1};.:'~r-.!.:,",~4 ~;}~~~:~ ·tõU~*' ~~'¡"~": ..;.:....:- '. : , '_"1'-::o.:J:~"'/r.~;;:~~:I!"..;r'J,.d:.,.~~....lYf!~-)i"'~t',~¡;r'¡:"'~jO,""~~- ,""iJ.;'''';!ìi'~I' ',¡..';.!\,'......)~:I'· ',.;. \ ' 1,_ . __. ~"I,.~¡ .,l '~:"..(.!....¡C\I...{J.,~ '4~~4" 't>J~ ~ ~I(;".' ' '1;" w..'I'{J' ". '.':0/ ~ . ." . , 1 .- ,\''''/ri~'''~ -: " ,;~ It.¡f.¡ ;~'-';!:'IJ'" ;/.,,''¿¡.,;l¡; ~ ;;-r,,';·~li'¡.~ ~:u::1' '.../ I.';t _~t;'¡~ ''''~~íl~'' "/':/ t ~:j.-":' /.... : ·/",(.~:·¡<..'.:·,~:.'.';,~;f·~.¿.:?~~:;(.:,;~'·>:,::J1;~:t,}*':::;r.:::":~J'7 ," .-';~;./., ~~;'l;::~2:·:,.>; ~,:" ' .1 'I ./1, 'f,-·.::lj....,,;:.JO,."!t"· ..;;t-:]"""I' ~,~'~r""'" ...'~J;·..."..."-,\¿u< . ¡!¡,:il~~{Œ~Î~~~~i.~.kYi¡~. ,., r:ø 'Z.D1 ~ ~dr- August 15, 1984 ~ TO: Dublin City Council FROM: William Lindsay RE: PA 84-035,Kawasaki of Dublin, Conditional Use Permit. I would like to appeal the decision made by the City of Planning commission on August 6, ,1984 reguarding the display of motorcycles at Kawasaki of Dublin. I feel commission rubbered stamped the Planning Departments tion without reguard to my special situation. Dublin outside that the recomenda- I decided to open up a motorcycle dealership in Dublin in 1976 primarily due to the location available at 6743 Dublin Blvd. I applied at that time for all the permits and licenses that- I could find out that were necessary to operate the business. Until I was notified on March 5, 1984 that I was in violation of a City Zoning Ordinance, I had no idea that a conditional use permit was necessary. As a motor vehicle dealer licensed by the state of California, I have a right to an outside display (ref:ordinance 8-49.2) subject to the planning commission approval. I believe that I removed all possible objections to the display of motor- cycles with the modified plan presented to the commission on August 6, 1984. As it turned out the overiding objection was that the planning department did not feel that motorcycles presented an "attractive appearance from Dublin Blvd". As a longtime businessman in Dublin, I am appealing to you to reconsider this action so I may continue to contribute to the community. Sincerely, IvÁ~ William Lindsay, Owner, Kawasaki of Dublin t9<t~ <'(.¡; 1'Ú-ó':t/ k'h "'-!j,C'/l}. ./J' fY R> !>~o'" <9& ~@ a;., "ú. 'l' "0~ "'(~ 01- ,,~ ? 1 . '.,- --....- ~.. ," . . .'.. '''''::';~\ ,.<':-~" . .... .:". ,- ~ -,.- ..; @ )ciY CITY OF DUBLIN @nlE COP1 P.O. Box. 2340 Dublin. CA 94568 (415) B29-4600 DATE: August 7, 1984 RE: APPEALABLE ACTION LETTER CERTIFIED MAIL PA PA 84-035, Kawasaki of Dublin Project/Site Address: 6743 Dublin Blvd., Dublin, Ca Assessor Parcel Number(s): 941-205-16 Applicant: William Lindsay 6743 Dublin Boulevard Dublin, California 94568 Property Owner: Harold Murphy' 39111 paseo Padre Parkway Fremont, California 94538 Dear Applicant: The above referenced project was acted upon on 8(6/84, by the: Zoning Administrator Planning Director xx Planning Commission and was: Approved Approved subject to conditions xx Denied Findings are attached. This action becomes final and effective at 5:00 p.m. on 8/17/84, unless appealed before that time in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact this office. ~ --:[6 Laurence L. TOng~ Planning Direct~~ ~ LLT/j1m cc: zoning Investigator City of Dublin B.I.D. ,~~~¡~.i~1*;' ". :..<~:~~''¡'~i:.:f.-ív:;ri.~;t~~~;'.iYt.,:.!:..:~~,;,eci:i:i.:<>~'';;;..:¡,,;i\.l.;;'~f!~~:;LI,~~¡;;;;'i~~~l:1r~:~~~.ø:,~>7~;~xi;U4j,':J:...-';'·~:;·~'=;;~·~",:¡·:'::'~~ ,~ - ~,,;; 'i_ ""... I f:'~í ~:If''' RESOLUTION NO, 84-37 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN ------------------------------------------------------------------ DENNYING PA 84-035, KAWASAKI OF DUBLIN CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT APPLICATION TO ALLOW THE OUTSIDE DISPLAY OF MOTORCYCLES AT 6743 DUBLIN BLVD. WHEREAS, William Lindsay, owner of Kawasaki of Dublin, filed an application for a Conditonal Use Permit to allow the outside display of motorcycles at 6743 Dublin Blvd; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did hold a public hearing on said application on July 2, 1984; and WHEREAS, said hearing was continued at the applicant's request until July 16, 1984; and WHEREAS, the hearing on 7/16/84 was continued to the Planning Commission meeting of 8/6/84, to allow the applicant and Staff the opportunity to review the various alternatives for displaying motorcycles outside the building; and WHEREAS, Staff met with the applicant to review said alternatives; and WHEREAS, after said meeting to review the applicant's proposals, "it remains the position of the Staff that the propose¿ use at this location is not desirable or appropriate; and WHEREAS, accordance with the Quality Act and has this application has been reviewed in provisions of the California Environmental been found to be categorically exempt; and WHEREAS, a staff report was submitted recommending the application be denied; .and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did hear and consider all said reports, recomme~dations and testimony as hereinabove set forth; NOW1 THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE Dublin Planning Commission does hereby find that: 1) There is not adequate space on the site for the outside display of motorcycles. 2) The original Site Development Review was not designed to accomodate the outside display of motorcycles. 3) The outside display of ~otorcycles does not present a desirable appearance from Dublin Blvd. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Dublin Planning Commission does hereby deny PA 84-035. ~"J' . .~:r":it.('~~·...~t'_.~rl"t~,~;!;¡,,ê;'J:W±(t"-t'~"';Jií'~ "....~t1 .' ., ~¡"'~'¡'~' " 1,,o;;fC:W...l...r"_~",,,I!JI::." .', :.¡J¡,"/r ~ ¡{ ~ '~'r."~~ ,,~¡¡.tr,:::::;-.'\ ")'nf".·,'W~~:··~,·~~,"i it ¡jR "'.'J'"..;\~ ··,¡,r;it,,,.....U..w'!j .....~.. " 'ø~·:'I·I;~!...n,U¡:W.h' ";.(~1t.'!I-~~!,i1,·:L:O"'').,\I....''· .....: ~ ''')0/1'::: ..~. ~~r.J>1.~'~~/. ~-,. ~;.f.r;..:, C·: I .,7ft ", ,,' d., .. WI\,," "',' '. "~ " " " ~...~¿:,J.....,;~.r....'(~ ¡~!-'~ ':;:;fI.:!tŠ:"~;f¡:;;'.::-, '/.~"'ÞJ. . ~~.~ ~\ ;.. ~ "~, 'u:] ,~,~ a~;t'¡lt:,-::" , ~·~f:t~~:C'~,Y~~t";";~,~..,·:i~~.f~~~f;:~¿';~·';~~;~4:f'" t~::J~~~&i,~};iI~'~'¡ï;,~::'~;~..~\\1:~fl!,'f,"i/!.f~:" ~J!I/~)~;~ ŠP'Jt:~·' , . . ·lifj;~;'2·~ .:. ,t I' ',' t. ,',;¡'j~'''' I., 1~ "".",. .. , ...'tl;(~r~·Æ""í:~¡" {,f.~¡;S"~'" "'-!'fII'~"~",ð.~I'r.~f!.''''''~' ~i',-I ~ ..1 'I" !"....."...r~. -' ~ ".', ,....._ ~;. ~,~"! ~¡"'" .:..f .'., ,.' '; ';; P:;':~f!.MJ'4;.:;i' ~,.{:I'~'</'!,f~;¡..' '!.I>':'),'f.;j :~.F"'...~({1t<4 ,.1{ç,1. .o:/^.r2l;~ ¡ r,.7....'1f1"(;',~~;.:/ ~' .: _",1"\ :' " ..: ~"·'·-_~';:"~',::r:/;;;':r-:;.~~·l:~;·,-;.'..,:'!J::.i.t:.·'~~..",'.,'';:~/&'. .'~~~)~:~:I¡t ,;.o.6:;t;;OIfc·~·",I'·L~,j·1""·:!·-'·· .' :~' '. ~;,' -.:, '.:. " ."0:. :tt,. ~-;:. '("¡;j!.}-}~.:t.~ ~r'¡':'\ w,.1....-:~'i.....:.~ f::~;)":-¡-l~l,* .~~I1ft.. &;:~ f~1),~~~~/;)~..}.;{..¡:,. /". ." : ":' ::. :; j-;,:,"·.-".:,'~\;t-,~.;!"'~;· ::<.:...--:~ ;'-~1';;? ,; "'\f".~..~7.y..;1.t)fiì::.'3~:':~R':"~:,<;;.:'~~~:r;'~' <!.:-:.;-...:.; ~ ': ;" I::. ·?'·/I ,..t t' ~,~,'!t<.;~/I.."..,.t''''"" !1~,~,.·1'i";a+.¡";r'þ-"~~'-'" ..:~"J., . . ~ < :.:I.·..¡,~'.1~:--.-'-:..~.'!...t1.-,,·:,'1;>«:.,.';':..~:,!;/~$.'~~}6.1f\~;¡it"..; ~",.f""'-j:!·.;'t:, PASSED,' APPROVED .AND 'ADOPTED':this" 6th ~day ,.of .,August; "ë"'- ""',"..;" 1984." . . ~Plann~ng :~~)Inm~ss~o.n Chairman Planning Director ATTEST: "'.. " .' " ':.1-"::.;:',,#.. ( " ~ ._~;.; I.:. ·';·P{: "~"~':~J'::i'¡ .',. '~'~J:..~::Fi:;~7:·: :'; ~"'.·~·,,r /.11~'~"'- ;;:i~N·œ?;.;!f.,'¡.y .' ," ,- " .,.,. " ;' .;O;:::;'.f.~.;. : ,,~.' FROM: Planning Commission .~, Larry TOng: Planning' Dir~~tor k,' ..,,' ," FA 84-035, Kawasaki of Dublin, Conditional Use Permit August 2, 1984 TO: RE: .. ' The Kawasaki of Dublin Conditional Use Permit application was continued from the July 16, 1984 meeting to the,:August 6, 1984 meeting. The purpose of the continuance 'was to ," allow the applicant and Staff the oppor~unity to explore potential . alternatives for displaying motorcycles outside the Kawasaki building. . Staff met with the applicant on July 27; 1984, to review a sketch submitted on July 17, 1984 (attached). The Sketch calls for two outside display areas,' one located' on the .eastern side of the --:-- building immediately _south of the entrance with ,the 'other ,display area located in the landscaped area south of the building." -Staff made it clear to the applicant that Staff could not ,see any viable alternatives, however, Staff asked the-applicant to provide more detailed drawings to better show the Planning Commission what alternatives the applicant would like considered. Staff suggested that the applicant explore an additional alternative area on the eastern side of the building north of the main entrance. A more detailed sketch was submitted on August I, 1984, which outlines in more. detail the two outside display areas. The Staff cannot support either one of the display areas for the reasons noted in the previous Staff Report (attached). The shopping center the applicant is located in was designed and developed specifically for retail use within the_buildings; no provision was made for an outside display area. The City has been working with property owners along Dublin Boulevard to increase the landscaping. To allow an outside display area in a landscaped area would send conflicting signals to the development community. The outdoor display of motorcycles at the proposed location would be inappropriate. Staff recommends that the Planning Commission adopt the revised Resolution attached to the Staff report which denies PA 84-035, Kawasaki of Dublin's request for a Conditional Use Permit to allow an outside display area for motorcycles. LLT/j1m ATTACHMENTS: 1) Letter and sketch from applicant dated 8/1/64 2) Sketch from applicant dated 7/17/84 ' 3) Typical Motorcycle Dimensions 4) 7/16/84 Staff Report with 'revised Resolution 7/ '," , i J ...0.._ . ~ ŒA~G~~1~4Œ ~ To: City Of Dublin Planning CITY OF DUBLIN BUILDING INSPECTION DE?T. Commission Subject: Revised Proposal For Displaying Motorcycles At Kawasaki Of Dublin At the Planning Comrnisions request I am submitting this revised display plan. I propose to primarily display the Kawasaki product line on two concrete pads in the front of the store between the sidewalk and the front window. Each pad will be 7 ft by 7 ft and will hold either 3 motorcycles ,1 threewheeler and 1 motorcycle, or a pair of jet skis. In addition I am proposing another concrete pad along side of the front portion of the building. Its dimensions will be 4.5 ft by 9 ft. Its purpose will be primarily to park motorcycles that are awaiting customer delivery -or demonstration. This plan should satisify any objections that come up with respect to interfering with traffic or pedestrian use. In fact the present width of the driveway is 2 ft wider than the stated -width in the building plan submitted to the county in 1975. The vehicle displays will look professional and will add color to the existing landscaping. It will also shew the passing public that we are open for business and have an exiting product to sell. This is the best plan that I could come up with that would satisfy all prior objections from the Planning DeDar~~ent with the exceDtion "The outside disulav of motorcycles does not presënt a desirable appeara~ce·from Dublin Blvd. "comment that the staff made in their resolution. Please pass this plan as I need an outside display to continue my business. ;J:LYÍpD William B Lindsa~owner Kawasaki Of Dublin 1 " ( > : ~ q, ~ . ~ ~ i .j ~ ¿ .:" ~ ".. ..'-,~§~"'::.' ....:-¿: ----"-- -.~~ \". \ ' \ "," J \ T \ '- ~\, i\/ I' .1) ~I ~I \ \ ' / ',' '¡ < I 1 ~ ,.(/~//? :,/ :, ' / J qrr .. Ii ../ ~i: / ~' / ~~ -' ./ ,// .!~/~:j __¡__Q~" \, \ ' "': /,' ,,> /." ~ -¡ -'j / ,,>: t- ';v / " '~-/,"...'/ /' / ... 0,\ ' I 1",,' / / ~II/ ,/ /~;~I/ /;;;j ,/ ./ / /// ,/~ ·L~ ~ i .I o,¡ /1 / ~!::I / ~ 1.~/ /. /// '/,' _ _ I ' ,~ -'/3iQ."~~'/_1 __Ii:', I. I ~i, / / '< ¡ ~~ '/ .. / / . ~_~I / 1;[,1 // -/1,' ': I !.. [' I ' ~!..., / ,'¡ '.o' / / " j ~!I" / /./' / ,il / ,/ , "'\1 / ' , ,', ¡.. . ,/ / ' I ¡/ tv ""1 . / '- ~L,' ~ -I; , "Ii ~ Ü:1 "" ,).;1 t..b l.Iil V ~¡i 1..:' ':"1 ,:1 Q ...,:\ ~ ~'I ~ ~\\ ~! "II ~il "-Ii ~" ~!i ~;i it I I .~.:::z. Y~ / ~ .. , ') (' .\ (":," r-;) > , . I " ï:,,- ~~~ . ! , . 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'1-:-:~:';.íí*';'!~.."'~ t!,;!..·,<;·t¥)JW,:·~~t("¡:'!-1~··:Ui~;:,,;:;~.,~:'i'·· ?/f. ~:..,::~., :'Y:;','~~:-:'}~~:~5 ~""""'h:i,f,1g:~::. ~:.4·:f.;;·~'¡"~1/Y,;'::;;;¡O""'¡r-;ã:';~~:\{;.....,J.:" ::."' ,; ¡'"}"';~~:!::~{;:!~~:~:~W;2;.,.:",:::~!%~::~t~4~t~'~î~\{ . " ..' '- .:-'" " ,"-~" ,.-< <., .':~." , " ,',- ';;'/>'\- ,. , ,., , " NOTIFICATION' >,':;;.public, Notice of the ,'July 2, 1984/',héaring'was :: published ·in~.,th~_.Tri-Valley Herald,-mailed ,to adjacent "'_,"_' .. property :'o\.¡ners ,<:,and posted In public buildings :-:.\<;.¡;.;¡:.':, " ':, " ',;:y' ;',~'~'/"',"'-',: ' ',""';':::,<~\;?t;{~;!.;'::/ ANALYSIS"V 'k' .. ... '..'::. .,._,;~"o "_ ,'c' , ~.._ " ,.' :;'."'"' ' . In February of 1984 the city received a'complaint:iegarding the outside- display of motorcycles at the suþject "site .,. On Harch 5 the City notified the applicant that he was in ,.., , violation of the zoning ordinance because he did not have a Conditional Use Permit; he was "given 10 'days to remove the ~motorcyc1es or file a complete Conditional Use Permit application. On March 28th an office hearing was held to, determine why the motorcycles were still being displayed . outside.~he store or why a Coditional Use Permit application "had 'not ·beenfiled. 'The applicant was given an extension for,rernoving'the motorcycles or filing'a Conditional Use 'Permit ',application until 4/20/84, 'Since the, applicant did ,not ~:corñply'::'and 'with this ""extension, a citation hearing was held :in'the District Attorney's office on June 7; '1984. The "..District ._Attorney directed the applicant to remov.e the ,_ motorcycles·.,or',:file.a Conditional Use .application. by June ,-'. " ,18 r;: 1, 9.8 ~ ;~?)'/", " ,:. Th~"~pplicant'has been informeå from the very beginning that staff could not support a Conditional _Use Permit to allow 'the :outside"display of motorcycles at the site in question. The site was designed and developed specifically for retail use within the existing builõings. .No provision was maåe for an outside display area. The distance between the Kawasaki building and the 90 degree parking in front of the building is 30 feet. This is an absolute. minimum ¿is't.'::1ce which is comprised of 25 feet of required backup space and 5 feet for pedestrian travel in fron~ of the buildings. In essense, the ë?plicant has displayed the motorcycles within the driveway and walkway areas. " , .' , ~ :, ".;... ",. ':'):.-:':"::',;~;~ :.",":,",.',,,~ -i'_-;,,'-' The site is reflective of several other small comrne~cial sites in Dublin. In no other case are motorcycles displayed in the drive~.¡ay or walkway area. The most appropriate location for this type of use would be where there is sufficient room for an attractive display of motorcyles as opposed to "squeezing" them in a òrive·....ay or walkway area. This use could possibly be done in conjunction with an established automobile agency. Furthermore, the outside display of motorcycles at the present location does not present an attractive appearance from Dublin Blvd. The motorcycles are located directly behind the sidewalk and are extremely visible from Dublin Blvd. In most commercial Zoning Districts the area behind the sidewalk is landscaped. While it is too late to incorporate additional landscaping into the project, staff cannot support a request to display motorcycles at this location. '. RECOMMENDATION FORMAT: 1- Open publ.ic hearing and hear staff presentation. , 2. Take testimony from applic~nt and the public. 3. Question staff, applicant and the public. 4. Close public he~ring and deliberate. 54 Adopt resolution regarding the Conditional Use Permi t. ;i\ ?m-~~,',\i~~.¡'~¡¡!@.11,',.q,¡:{i~~! ' '1J"1?1~~"~rjj,þ.,j~~~,¡' /;:71:!{r;iA1~~"'(11;"'Y ~~'f!.t."?¡9f.l1: . ~ '~'Ii,1' .lfk-r,ïÔl~1~.~J¡;¡H~í.8;~""'-:'~ ';;::'<'þ",;l.~"'/:' 'I;';'''i¡'~;:, I:J:!~\ 'l . , 'dfi1, :¡;1Jt~~:-rC~: 's \ .1' .., .:I....I~ ,,.., ....'~_Ic- ~~~,:,;,.~ 11 ."I~.-.;.. ~,,,. 'I. . ;.;,.:' !.n7_:~: :.'" "'~':.Y~~~:'1.-.~~~' - ~.t..~~t;;f~.;r. ,V:.~··i~:.W;~..,,'{,)tf:<.,· , '.. /.;...., .' I fí :.,"'.... ,..' .' ~t';J,""''' " .,''''WI...'!··.·· ." ..-".....)..',., ._ . ," .... _. _ ..~.;'./..~.f'}:.'\' ~,;.rf':;...:~ì'.....~.¡;....~.~.~..,,' '.t_·~·_·J~. '".n: , " :~>,::;',}:;::::{'\iE ·~T~;;~1i~t:;r~;:· ·,;·]::ý~!hW~f~~~ï,~,~~,.. ,'" .'''¥ ,\<,-,., ,. , ACTION: . sÙ':ff'recommends thatthePläñiíing :commi'sslon"adópt 'the ',_ attached Resolution. denying -Kawasaki ~"of ~Dubliñ'.!;"~'iéquest _for,:a--., . ."" Conditional Use Permit',to .allow theoutside'diSì:ilåy .of,;::;;· ,.....' .". motorcycles "at' 6743 Dublin Blvd.' ···::.',·~~.r:¡;;:':~i~g(;?i,;:;¡;Ç~~:¡~~l.t·-~i'r/~, .,;,.....,.,~~:.. ., ~~TÁc~tE~1j{;:@h'~¿~:%:5;:·: ..;:~j:;?,;ÌliR~f~~~gtf~~~·~ . '.' "'" ,;I .. ',,'- Exhibit 'Ai Draft Resolution '1) site plan, 2) Project description . 3) Letter to William Lindsay 4) Letter to William Lindsay 5) Letter to William Lindsay 6) Letter to william Lindsay. . : " . .:..; . .~, _., .:-:>;''-~- " ,.':_\.:r'~;.:; ,~.,,_;...:. deny i ng'.th~,' 'r'eque 5 f}Ù~- \:. , .:~..:~it:~::~~::~t;:~:·"~iY;;:.:!;:;-(·: . dated 3/5/84 ..... dated '3/20/84 ~:~:~:~;~~~4 <.,:,::';"" COPIES TO AppÜcâÍ1t:,." .... :: 1:9~~~i:~,\ f::~~&~~~~!7}(,;r~p·~~!\ .;.... ,,' . ,', .: :-.;:~ - j." ~;--':.; . ... .. .. .. .,.-, .,-~ -' ~" :':~\.~~S~.~i;,;;;!:gy.· :. ': ~> :'. -,.,", ,:.,-.'-: "'-"'_":""-":.',-.";;.. . ,-~, - '.. ".-,' -," , '.'. : ::~~~;j : <: ~~~~S.~;·~.~~~;~~~j;tg~~:'~'·~:- .... .., .. f.~:·~ '. :~. ':';;:',-':-:' ,'.'; .~:;-:.:::;,~~:~~~:-.:::¡:;~.~~: ~. . ..~ .'.J.... . - -. ... '. .. ,., . .. . N' '. , , . ¡ !:!.;;,1.:i.f-~:~::;.;.i;;i;~:.~.'",:;.;~\~];!:r:.lci~';~:;¿;"''',';-':~~;~.~·;:¡;:::,.:.~;.;·~.:.í,;....;~."::.::;;;:,:;,,·!~:,;::;,~~~·;..~~;~;,.:.:n~;..~,~Jt¡~,:¡.1:".Gm\¡;~Ì'.i:~ ~·~'I,.i:.:r·" I .' . ( "," (':;I} ..?v'7' (.. Ci{^ ....,.~iI RESOLUTION NO, A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN ------------------------------------------------------------------ DENNYING PA 84-D35, KAWASAKI OF DUBLIN CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT APPLICATION TO ALLOW THE OUTSIDE DISPLAY OF MOTORCYCLES AT 6743 DUBLIN BLVD. WHEREAS, William Lindsay, owner of Kawasaki of Dublin, filed an application for a Conditonal Use Permit to allow the outside display of motorcycles at 6743 Dublin Blvd: and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did hold a public hearing on said application on July 2, 1984: and WHEREAS, said hearing was continued at the applicant's request until July 16, 1984: and WHEREAS, the hearing on 7/16/84 was continued to the Planning Commission meeting of 8/6/84, to allow the applicant and Staff the opportunity to review the various' alternatives for displaying motorcycles outside the building; and WHEREAS, Staff met with the applicant to review said alternatives; and WHEREAS, after said meeting to review the applicant's proposals, it remains the position of the Staff that the proposed use at this location is not desirable or appropriate: and WHEREAS, accordance with the Quality Act and has this application has been reviewed in provisions of the California Environmental been found to be categorically exempt; and WHEREAS, a staff report was submitted recommending the application be denied: and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did hear and consider all said reports, recommendations and testimony as hereinabove set forth; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE Dublin Planning commission does hereby find that: I) There is not adequate space on the site for the outside display of motorcycles. 2) The original Site Development Review was not designed to accomodate the outside display of motorcycles. 3} The outside display of motorcycles does not present a desirable appearance from Dublin Blvd. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Dublin Planning Commission does hereby deny FA 84-035. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 1984. th day of AYES: NOES: . ,/, .-.-.; \'. - "._ -.,¡o'¡" ~ c:~ " ,~ '.¡ , ',' , ~ ,.,,-. " . . .." .>.~,~. Planning Comm.lssion '. '~-,. .':.' '~~::~~~~·~,i(:;~~<);':.;~);~··-· Chairman "':'" ATTEST: d .., <C:'l' "'e" , . Plann.lng D.lrector -,. ::)~:;,:;;!)t;';~ ·.-r·::, - .. .. - ::~,.:~~~,~<.'L·#:;~~f;;;;'::~::::~;:~:~:'~;;~;~C.:.::;;;':.,;~:~/7~;~;~~~::~.~~"::- .- . ... 'c' .J"c,:\..r.-f'--··(,···..·;\· ",. '.' ....... ,..._--(,1·k.,,··.'··..,·....··,··,..· "1 .' . .". I: ..~·:.~.;.!;.!:....,:.';'O,;..f.'U~~':: '\,;.:,.' ". ,..:;' ~ ',' t·t..·... .,;':" "t':'}·:...:···:'·~;:""~~:;,¡r;-~ :.'. . ''''''\'' 1 ·",I'.¡l+l.¡tJ..\¡~·!:I.,.J+'_I·L1_"·'··..,I"!..JJ...I..'j"'" ... ..',". ".....' .. 'I'·..· ':.~:.:; :'::':::.:':: ¡.;:~::,,::;:t:J:!tL;;~! :!'::.:.:~': :::'~:~I;: :'rl ßW~£~~ffiOO~1 ;,::::. .. . :. . ' :.;:,;;.~:~:·:..:.:¡·;L;,j~;U~~:i.t\.j.\.~;.i\jh~~:~;.";",..,, ,.., '"..::,,-.:·¡::m.Ylt·.: . ... ... ........ 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'--'-'-'--7 ----. f-:')~""';"'-:-:' ·:trU ," .,:~ I' -g'" .~~~ .._~,::::::. I _.. "'-r~ ':"'-0 .-'1-' ._."'f......~..¡: ._~-:-!-~"t'- -~r-·" H"-I" t:- 2'~'" "I'"""r:' H--PJ±? ¡...:...;¡to;¡~b.>3~', '-(3 -r91.---:..! _..... __.._.' __....._ ..+:.,~,.:".. .....:-:.::.:-: ::1: .... +y~,.¡,7::'fr:;n:P=R11~,:j:¡.Þ.t1tH-HF¡¡::::;~~~:i .. - .-. no' .. ..u .. ----~--- ... -- -- .. .... - - ... ...- .. .. ..- - .. - ,. .... < ..:.. "f~;·;J;:'.. :,.;':, ;:'. , ' ..:.:,A$O.':':'·~' ;.~.. "j ,:........ ,.',~.~Ú'-i~..:~;~ Ù :;'~·"i::J.';l,.J. __;~'.,:~,,~¡~i,;';';'_I. ....-.. " ), , r·';.':,.. " "'. lJ:f;.1' / !. AiHl]M~~~íf ' ~ To: city or Dublin Planning Commision Subject: Proposal For Displaying Motorcycles At Kaw~saki Of Dublin " I propose to continue diš'playing motorcycles along the east side of Kawasaki or Dublin as shown on the attached site plan. Displayin9 motorcycles is essential to my business. It shows the passing automobiles, motorcylistSr and general public that we are open for business and have an exiting product to sell. In addition it is necessary to have an outside area in which to deliv!f'.a ,old motoicycle to a customer. Starting a motorcycle'-inside':':the store could not be allowed:, µ' Kawasaki of Dublin was started "in Oc'tober of 1976. Since that time motorcycles have been displayed outside witho»t one complaint from the County or the City until March 1. 1984. As a licensed vehicle dealer in the state of California, 1 am entitled to have an outside display just as any automobile dealer is. Kawasaki of $ìOO,OOO in considerable There will pe rrTli t. Dublin generates approxiarTlately annual sales which adds revenue to the city of Dublin. be no cost to the City for this Some questions have come up reguarding obstructions to traffic and ped!!strians entering and exiting the Hurta Center. Since Kawasaki of Dublin opened in 1976, there have been no accidents or mishaps due to parked motorcycles. In fact the reduced width of the driveway (26 ft to 23.5 ft) is still 'wider than the 'easterly access driveway which. is only 2.2 ft. In sumrTlary. I need to :have ~..an _outside motorcycle display to stay in..business..:If ..1 altl denied the right ,to continue ,.this practi¿e, then the resulting 1055 in sales :'lI\ay force closure. For the city of Dublin it would be unfortunate. ~~ ,'/ -- // Sincerely. ð" W~L Ô-:;C::1, William B Lindsa~ Kaw~saki of Dublin ., Owner " 1 . I ........ . ;'~;j~,:~~{.,~~~~~~&-¡,-~.t~.:·. .'·~·~2::o!L).': ':<.~~Û:::-'-:;~I',~;;:" 't'/.' .~' .-'>: . . ,«..... ~.,I":.~:~~...., '/1.. . ...." -'" :,¡.,í;l(r" Mi·..··..Æ)(.r:'}.,~iJi11-:!....:f':o':.!~,._"'..~/ ~11' ~r~,J, '<'-.... I \' '1' ~. "0..' . ""1' . ""',:', '¡':;: ~~..':.I."~' ~'·"r{:;!-v.~·~·..,.'5,:it 1t- ... If'iI<L :;-:::'. '''.>'í):-:''::1:'J!~:'.. ";'i;:<;;'~ ;:e);;}: ;,:;:~3' o;,Jffir~~t;:,:.~:f;.': ð..i.~.äc!Jf,;'€i1fl~~; ': \' _.. ~ .... ) ", ... . ~ ,. ' . " J~": ~,^ 'r¡~ .t<:-.... ~w;.¡~' "',.~. . '.'_.." ....."" '.~ .' '¡ '~>;,:._ ... ~~':/... .,.t.....;'?:.... .~:,:.r:þ':~-:-~..~ ....!."..¡.,.c..~Jo ",; J' .r.., . :- ,#fi.k':'" :~.' '.,. .)1 :..:.\'.~f7.!.r:;...~~tJ" ..~':!;~:.:~;'. '" . . . . . :' _, ' .:..t'¡}:!j<!-1~:::,~ ~ ~,. ~ ,.::~'. -:-~..,~, :7·~':I.1"'!.~-n~dJ~û·!/~~r~ ;r.1;~~""',,_.!, r,·,~r:,.t:-;~~t7); . , . . ':}·~'::}i,fi:'}·<,J?té~}:;T·\;':<:\~~.~~~6;;}if.?@~.:;,f~~f~t!:~~::;:;' , '": ',' ~ '" .;" .,' .f.'''_ '" .,;. ",~' ........:~" " -, I ,,' :';~;' -. ~', '. -' ':,: ,"....~.'. ",:, _' :c.... . . . CITY OF DUBLIN .. .f; '," .. '. P.o. Bl'~ 2340 Dublin. c,\ 94563 {.t IS} :C.9-4NJU ~ '. Barch 5, 1984 .. Mr. William Kawasaki of 6743 Dublin Dublin, CA B. Lindsay Dublin Boulevard 94568 .. RE' ZONING VIOLATION AT 6743 DUBLIN BOULEVARD .,,; :". ~. On March 1, "1984 an inspection was made at 6743 Dublin.Boulev2!."'d. At the time of the inspection we found (5) five motorcycles' displayed on the exterior portion of the þuilding for sale which is a violation of Section 8-48.8.1 of thê Dublin City Ordinance. Therefore, within (10) ten days the motorcycles shall be removed from the above m~ntioned area. If you have any questions regarding this matter, you may contac~ our city pl,nning and Zoning Dep,rtment. ~~'-\ l~ltD ROBERT WElTE BUILDING & ZONING.INVESTIGrlTOR cf cc: Plann~ng Department .. 11 n ACHMEN1 3 -;. " .. I I I I , ; i I ¡j" 'i!II: _~ ~~__ ~~~~~rl..~ _.y--~ "......_:>'" '.' }. .,_ ~,.,.. . \ r. "-,,.' ~ ''''. ,_. r '.' ~...~ 't'~-'. 1"_-"',¡'~ I.: ~.~I~.t~': ';:fA.~'i~~ !:'~'r~ :(;~~,:t'~'::~)';'f:"!i~,~;~('¡r'''~lJ:::'r,:I',n ,,"~~.~ .........". ~.--,.,~ ',,'1/. ~. ...<. ..~¡.-,À. }~¡";¡~'" ,~....'.jJ''''''''~.f.~~1tI''''''~~'; rr;1-ò.'" ~~ä,rl'J.-"""~1-~"·"'.-;:'··· '.': :_, .,' . ;-1,. . :"...,.,,":'f' i,H"> , ,,-, ,--~~ ;r:rt·¿'<I'>.:..J;'tf.",':,;,p,· /.:J;r..·"""~/)':' . to ;,t.~I~"i ~,.'.I,r;;!?{1·.,_;: ; '.. ..,:".;0.' .....,.-,., " ,,,,.. '¡.~'('iJ:-:·,~},,·'t."I~V'I,,\,~r,. ¡. ' _~"ì.1;.··'(·(~";O:'-"'· . ,. ~ ,',.'... II.,'!;' _..'t""J;,~¡'.r,.....".."Y' .'''~~'¡_,7.;.;.,:~";,~~,,,::'''t'.:''::ÎY'' '~" :,;¡l:'·N}(:i~·~¡'I.'~·~;': ,,-. ;-. '. ., ;-¡. ,.... .. . " /' I CITY OF D'UI3LlN " ., ...., p ,0, Bo< 2340 Dublin. CA 94565 PiS) 8,9,4600 Harch 20, 1984 CERTIFIED MAIL Hr. william B. Lindsay Kawasaki of Dublin 6743 Dublin Boulevard Dublin, CA 94568 ..,;. .RE: . ZONING, YIOLATION AT 674 3 DUBLIN BOULEVARD ',' . .'...'~ ....' . . '.-: '.. :: .~:; .,,::-.: .., On March '5, '·1984. yo"; were req~ested to discontinue 'outdoor display .of motorcycles at the above address. Section 8-48.8.1 requires . ."'; :-a11 ,activity ~to be conducted within ·!a fully enclosed building.. On March 19, 1984 the motorcycles were still being displayed outdoors. "'. .... . You are hereby requested to appear at the city of Dublin, Building Inspection Department, 6500-D Dublin Boulevard, on March 28,·1984, -at 10: 00 a.m., to show cause why you should not be prosecuted for 'the above violation. " (!a¿ /:2-;;µ:- VICTOR L. TAUGHER BUILDING OFFICIAL cf A TT ACHMENi '-( \ i . i i .. i , , ¡ , ¡ I , I ; 1 " 1 . . " " ... ,'c-' ,,,,,,,;,-' ",.., >I'..!r.l/d'''ð,~):;':''~~,,''_~ - ~ ~'" '.,.£._- .'~. -.,. . ....'.. .,,'.......,-., ,. , .' . , r., I, '(. (, '.....;,;) ( CITY OF DUBLIN ( P.O. BiJ:( 2340 Duhlin. CA 9456:\ (415) 319·4(,t)[) A~ril 5. 1984 Hr. william Lindsay Kawasaki of Dublin 6743 Dublin Boulevard Dublin. CA 94568 RE: ZONING VIOLATION AT 6743 DUBLIN BOULEVARD' : : This "is ,.to -. ~¿;n'£i~:n' our; conversa~ion of .April 2,"":1~?4-~:·'~·::.:' :'~".::., " You have raised two issues at the Office Hearing held on March 2~, "1984 and the ,following ·is the result of, my·'investigation. The property was ,rezoned from M-l to C-2 Ender the 1200th Zoning Unit effective August 9, 1975. 'A builèing permit ",;as issued for the building 'you now.occupy, November 14, 1975. 'A permit for the "Ka',<Iê.saki" sign was issued on September 20, 1976. You inèicateè your business was established October, 1976. Section 8-49.2(g) of the zoning Or¿inance which Fe~its out¿ccr sales, storage or rental of autcwobiles, c~~?ers, boats a~¿ tra~lers with a Conèitional Use Per~it was a¿êe¿ to ~he Zc~i~c Ordinance by Or¿ina:1ce 58-68, effect.ive Sept2~er 15, 1953. - Thus, under the Zonins Ordinance it was not pe~issible to èis~lay your mot.orcycles outdoors since you established your bl!.siness in 1976_ Fu:;ther, there is nothing ·in t!1e files inè.icating ,that the County gave a~proval for outècor display. , ' Section 8-94.5 does not. apply to your situation for thzee reasons: 1. There was no subsequent ame~d~ent to the Zonins Ordinance after 1968 relating to the requirement for a Conditional Use Permit.' 2. The zoning district boundaries have not peen changeà since 1975. 3. The use (outèoor display) established in 1976 would not be considered a lawfully existing use because it was nct permitted in 1976 without a Con¿~tional Use Per~it. Section 8-94.1 provièes that the Zoning A¿~inistrator ¿e~i¿2s O~ a~?lications for a Conditional Use Pe=~it. City of Dublin Orèinance No. 23 changed that provision. 3 of that ordinance provides that, with minor exception, Planning Cowmission acts on Conditional Use Per:nits. Section t~e .. .. A TT ACnMENT s 1"';",'.,1'[,'" ¥ii¡;~~':-~"~$?.;î~;~':;¥Ø\ ~-ri'ð,1~4~~~~1' ~w~~i¡¡>f-"~·F., :;irj¡0:~~~~~~~~~:~' '5J~~~:f~!~,~:t~1/~s~~ìi '~C¡~!jt;t·!!i!: !5f~t.~¥j~ it}~{~ _;¡ 'i~1i' ~~~:l~~¡~~;:i:>:. ...., 'I'.~ ," ~",.~."'<.~.' ,,~,~";.......,.:_!~I"·'¡~"'I:'¡:"1 "'·,~3'1:ti~01~..;:" j~~ t.!,~"'I~h."~"">7~~.!'!'-'" :''',,; :. ,,.. ", ';",( ".,.)' ~. '~. .~(,' ~ ,>./;:. i...;.:.;.·¿ t.~.: ·f~~;.r.~Z~~·r:~:.I'~:f!·....';.,,-<.\¡r;::;·t}~ ~1,f£ ;:,~~;f!,.~~£I:~,:,r(.1:,,,,.:':'.;,:7:...·>·. ~ ',' ,', ' ','. : . ·:;¡~f?"f;;l~;..:.'."'c\f~,f.:.:.¡,j.¡_¡.:.;.;.!.¡.,.:.'.,.l,~t~S:~::ØE ' .' ".p," - '. (:>.. "....~.;,~ ·...r,.· .'. r:;è:;\~~:i¡'·:;:)i;;':;··''.·;:' "". ,': ,.;--,~.;'.-: ":'~7t:~~ - -t". .....-.;...:'t::.:..:~:.....:. ~~b~~aUeI\t C""":"." .~: .. and "''1 ¡ believe 8 1984 'hea):l.nihe nearing '., ch 2. 'ed a~ f the 1-\a1: yOU ra15. orainance ;. h r-e.sult. 0 f the isS\1es f the 'Z.on1..n<3 - -"::' :,': -:': t.¿oo::C AS ts~igat.iO[\.O violat.ion 0 . _',: ,-:--'... nt.inuing the a~~iona1 use inve 0IJ. are l.n d bY d1.Sc~ fo::C a. con e O\ltaoor that Y.. be co::crecte b'i applY1.ng discontinue ,;h ...a1 use . . can leS or d to C ait1.0H . . olat).on tOrcYc eq\1este. for a. on . "the v1. f the '[\'\0 ou are r licat1.ot\. . di5P~a'i 0 '):heref<;re. ~o",ple~e apP '. ?er""~' or 5ub",,~oa 1984. ~~~~l~'i1;'i..~ ..:. ,....,. .;¿,. , . :.:·~>~;~)Lm~" . , '.,.1&4 .',. ''''):l'DG!!ER : .' ~'V¡C'):OR ~"OFF1C1AL. . 13011,D1<l ., ".. , . .... .... .'., :·;~\~~i~i!~:;\::~ .~'~." .:':'-' . .. ..' .' . .~..- , ."';"-. .. '. . ". :; -r. ~ .. .- ~ ~ ......... ." 23 .....:.... ~ .......: C£ ce No. ordinan -.... .' ,-''''''- reo I,nclQSu _: --' -----.- . -'- .' . - . ~~. ~~~4TJ~%~~::~~:\t: ~;~:'t:~1~;~~~ ~!~~M~~~~t~fi.~¥~l~{B~:~f\,; .. -., ---' '";....{ .. ....,.."-'.:.-; : -',.. ,. i:·~.·:_· (~ ! !~' . ,..' ,. . '.,_.~.:.:.~ _~,'..i~_;'::;~~J"":"-.':..'~·::';':";:", .; .": ~',~ ..: :.i;::J;'('.ú.~:,.)~ -., :.¡",.::..-,,,.;;...;. '<. ~4;;...;;1~.r':"JJ."."(,. ..--;., ,'" _. oJ". ,.-.~" .:) 6tj:·f· ,it: -,-,,-..,;. '_''''0 ";:"~"';"_:':':'-.;.}.."':'''J:. " ..... '.,' ~, . ~_._- -Ó"H"-" .... ' , (:~~,::'); . :~.' . .... .~ .. ' (~ CITY OF DUBLIN ( p .0. B~)~ 23';0 Dublin, CA 9';568 (':15) :C:I)·';(,O¡) April 23, 1984 Marty Brown . 'Assistant District Attorney '39 SO>'Livermore Ave:' . Livermore, CA 94550 " ." ~ . " . :;...... ;....... - '. ......., ...::..._' ~:~~::'~. . . . ' HEARING RE: REQUEST FOR CITATION WILLIAM B, LINDSAY 6743 DUBLIN tLVD. DUBLIN, CA 94568 ~. On March 31, 1984 as 2. result of a complaint, the subject property was inspecteê. It was noted that five motorcycles we~e being êis?layeè in front of the buildinç. The pro~e~ty is zone¿ C-l. S-2ction 8-49.7 of the City of Dublin ZOi1i~c Ordinance provi¿es that all uses, with scme exc€?tion tha~ èo not apply to this case, be conèucteè within 2. full v e!1closed builè.i!1S· - The Building Ins?ection Depa~tment held an informal office hea~ing on April 28, 1984. M~. Lindsay was adviseà to discontinue the use or apply for a Conditional Use Pe~rnit, which if granteè would elimina~e the violation. As of April 20, Mr. Linèsay has not complie·d. -Therefore, please schedule a citation hearing.· Thank you for your cooperation. /~h v-aL VICTOR L. TAUGE~R BUILDING OFFICIAL jv A TT ACtJMEm h .. ,