HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.2 Downtown Dublin Specific Plan Amendments – Parking Requirements (PLPA-2023-00019)Agenda Item 6.2
January 9, 2024
Honorable Mayor and City Councilmembers
Linda Smith, City Manager
Downtown Dublin Specific Plan Amendments - Parking Requirements
Prepared by:• Gaspare Annibale, Associate Planner
The City Council will consider amendments to the Downtown Dublin Specific Plan to eliminate
parking requirements in the Downtown. The proposed amendments implement recent changes in
state law and the recommendations of the Urban Land Institute. They also
extend the elimination of parking requirements beyond the state -required one -half -mile radius of
the BART station to include all properties within the Downtown Dublin Specific Plan area.
Conduct the public hearing, deliberate, and adopt the Resolution Amending the Downtown Dublin
Specific Plan to Eliminate Parking Requirements in the Retail District, Transit -Oriented District,
and Village Parkway District.
The overarching goal of the Downtown Dublin Specific Plan (DDSP) is "to create a vibrant,
dynamic commercial and mixed -use center that provides a wide array of opportunities for
shopping, services, dining, working, living, and entertainment in a pedestrian -friendly and
aesthetically pleasing setting that attracts both local and regional residents."
The DDSP established three distinct districts, each including its own set of parking standards
tailored to the envisioned uses. A map of the DDSP area and districts is provided in Figure 1.
Page 1 of 6
The Transit -Oriented District embraces its proximity to
the West Dublin BART station. The Retail District
includes much of the existing retail core and aims to
stimulate infill development and redevelopment of
aging buildings and large surface parking areas. The
Village Parkway District embraces the existing
successful service and retail uses along a "Main Street"
corridor, with this district having the most potential to
reutilize and re -tenant existing buildings with more
intense uses such as restaurants, service retail, and
other local -serving businesses.
One of the Guiding Principles of the DDSP is to
consider more flexible and appropriate parking
standards. This Guiding Principle has been supported by an analysis completed by the Urban Land
Institute (ULI), the City Council's Strategic Plan to support local businesses and new business
attraction, and by past actions of the City Council.
Figure 1. Downtown Dublin Districts
In 2012, the City Council approved a two-year Pilot Parking Program in the Village Parkway
District to allow parking supply and demand for existing commercial buildings and uses to be
managed by the property owners and tenants, instead of being regulated by the City. During the
Pilot Program it was the responsibility of the property owners, property managers, and
businesses to lease tenant spaces to the right combination of users to ensure sufficient parking to
serve the businesses and their customers. The Pilot Program waived the requirement that
commercial uses occupying existing buildings within the Village Parkway District provide a
specified number of on -site parking spaces. The goal was to enable a wider variety of businesses
to be established in the Village Parkway District without the encumbrance of parking
requirements. New commercial buildings are required to provide parking spaces at the rate of one
space per 300 square feet. The program was successful and in 2014, the City Council extended the
program for five additional years.
Given the success of the Pilot Parking Program, in 2018 the City asked the ULI Technical
Assistance Panel to make a recommendation on expanding the Village Parkway Parking Program
in other areas of the Downtown. The ULI report confirmed that expanding the program to the
remainder of the Downtown would be a positive element that could provide certainty for future
In 2019, the City Council adopted amendments to the DDSP to make the relaxed parking standards
of the Pilot Parking Program permanent in the Village Parkway District, and established a reduced
parking standard for hotels and office uses in the Transit -Oriented District.
On September 22, 2022, Governor Newsom signed into law Assembly Bill 2097, entitled
"Residential, commercial, or other development types: parking requirements." With AB 2097, the
legislature found and declared parking minimums increase the cost of housing, limit the number
of available units, lead to an oversupply of parking spaces, and increase greenhouse gas
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emissions. The bill prohibits a public agency from imposing or enforcing any minimum
automobile parking requirement on any residential, commercial, or other development project
located within one-half mile of public transit, with some exceptions.
A local jurisdiction may only impose or enforce minimum parking requirements on a project, with
the exception of certain housing developments as described below, that is located within one-half
mile of public transit if the public agency makes written findings that not imposing or enforcing
such minimums would have a substantially negative impact. Such a decision must be supported by
findings that not imposing minimums would negatively impact:
• The jurisdiction's ability to meet its share of the regional housing need for low- and very -
low -income households;
• The jurisdiction's ability meet any special housing needs for the elderly or persons with
disabilities; or
• The existing residential or commercial parking within one-half mile of the development
However, the City cannot apply these findings to housing development projects if:
• At least 20% of the units in the project are dedicated to very -low-, or low-income
• The project has 20 or fewer units; or
• The project is subject to parking reductions based on the provisions of other applicable
A "development project" includes a project involving the issuance of a permit to construct or
reconstruct but not a permit to operate. "Public transit" is defined as a site containing any of the
• An existing rail or bus rapid transit station;
• A ferry terminal served by either a bus or rail transit service; and
• The intersection of two or more major bus routes with a frequency of service interval of 15
minutes or less during the morning and afternoon peak commute periods.
The West Dublin/Pleasanton BART Station is the only public transit in the Downtown area which
meets this criterion. Therefore, the bill applies to all new and existing development within one-
half mile of the BART Station. A map showing the one -half -mile radius measured from the West
Dublin/Pleasanton BART Station is provided in Figure 2.
Figure 2. One -Half Mile Radius of the West Dublin/Pleasanton BART Station
Page 3 of 6
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The provisions of AB 2097 are fairly consistent with the Guiding Principles of the DDSP, the
recommendations from the ULI report, and the relaxed parking standards adopted for the Village
Parkway District. Additionally, the one -half -mile radius prescribed in AB 2097 bifurcates several
of the shopping centers and developments within the DDSP area. Therefore, Staff is proposing to
amend the development standards in Sections 4.1.4, 4.2.3 and 4.3.3 of the DDSP to eliminate
parking requirements throughout the DDSP area.
The proposed amendments eliminate minimum parking requirements for all new and existing
development and uses allowed throughout the three Downtown Districts. Minimum parking
requirements may be enforced if it is found that not enforcing minimum parking requirements on
a particular use would negatively impact new or existing development.
The proposed DDSP amendments would build on the previous success of the Pilot Parking
Program used in the Village Parkway District to encourage intensification and reinvestment.
Parking supply and demand would be managed by the property owners and tenants, instead of
being regulated by the City. It would be the property owners' responsibility to lease tenant spaces
to the right combination of users to ensure sufficient parking to serve the businesses and their
The proposed amendments would implement the requirements of AB 2097 and further
implement the recommendations of ULI TAP report in that it would provide flexible parking for all
Page 4 of 6
uses within the three districts of the Downtown. The amendments also implement one of the
Guiding Principles of the DDSP, which is to consider more flexible and appropriate parking
standards. These amendments would ensure consistency and fairness for all property owners by
extending this policy throughout the Downtown, not just within a one -half -mile radius of the
BART Station as required by AB 2097.
The City Council Resolution amending the DDSP is included as Attachment 1. The proposed
amendments to the DDSP are also provided in a redline format in Attachment 2 where underlined
text is proposed to be added and text with a strikcthrough is proposed to be deleted.
The DDSP is located within the General Plan land use designations of Downtown Dublin - Village
Parkway District, Downtown Dublin - Transit -Oriented District, Downtown Dublin - Retail District,
and the Downtown Dublin Zoning District. The DDSP Amendments remain consistent with the
General Plan designations, as amended, which allow a range of residential, commercial, and mixed
uses consistent with the DDSP. The Downtown Dublin Zoning District was established to
implement the DDSP and ensure that all development in the DDSP area is reviewed for substantial
compliance with the DDSP. The DDSP Amendments continue to require compliance with the
development standards, land use regulations and design guidelines in the DDSP.
In 2010, an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) was prepared to address potential environmental
impacts of the DDSP. The DDSP EIR (SCH# 2010022005) was prepared in accordance with the
California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and was certified by the City Council on February 1,
2011. Since parking is not considered an impact under CEQA, amending the parking standards in
the DDSP does not require further environmental review.
The Planning Commission considered the proposed amendments to the DDSP at their regular
meeting on October 24, 2023. There was one public comment provided at the meeting. The
Planning Commission voted unanimously to adopt Resolution No. 23-10 (Attachment 3)
recommending approval of the DDSP Amendments.
Strategy 1: Downtown Dublin and Economic Development.
Objective A: Continue support of the Downtown Preferred Vision and Downtown Dublin Specific
Plan including improving visual and environmental quality and evaluating specific business uses.
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In accordance with state law, a public notice was published in the East Bay Times and posted at
several locations throughout the City. A notice of this hearing was also mailed to all property
owners and tenants in the DDSP area, those within 300 feet of the DDSP boundaries, and all
persons who have expressed an interest in being notified of meetings.
1) Resolution Amending the Downtown Dublin Specific Plan to Eliminate Parking Requirements
in the Retail District, Transit -Oriented District, and Village Parkway District
2) DDSP Amendments - Redlined Pages
3) Planning Commission Resolution No. 23-10 Recommending that the City Council Approve
Amendments to the DDSP Parking Requirements
Page 6 of 6
Attachment I
WHEREAS, the Downtown Dublin Specific Plan (DDSP) project area is located in the
southwestern portion of the City of Dublin (City) and is approximately 284 acres in size. The
project area is generally bound by Village Parkway to the east, Interstate 580 to the south, San
Ramon Road to the west, and Amador Valley Boulevard to the north; and
WHEREAS, on February 1, 2011, the Dublin City Council (City Council) adopted
Resolution No. 09-11 approving the DDSP and associated implementation actions. At the same
time, the City Council adopted Resolution No. 08-11 certifying the DDSP Environmental Impact
Report (EIR) (SCH# 2010022005, incorporated herein by reference). The DDSP EIR evaluated
the potential impacts associated with intensifying development in the 284-acre Downtown Dublin
area to accommodate additional residential and non-residential uses; and
WHEREAS, subsequent to adoption, the DDSP has been amended periodically, including
the 2019 DDSP Amendments which focused on amending the parking standards in the Village
Parkway District and Transit -Oriented District; and
WHEREAS, recent changes in State law related to Assembly Bill 2097 (AB 2097) prohibits
a public agency from imposing or enforcing any minimum automobile parking requirement on any
residential, commercial, or other development project, that is located within one-half mile of public
transit; and
WHEREAS, the proposed amendments to the DDSP bring the DDSP into compliance with
AB 2097, and go beyond the requirements of state law to eliminate parking requirements for all
new and existing development throughout areas of the DDSP that are outside the one-half mile
radius required by AB 2097; and
WHEREAS, consistent with Section 65352.3 of the California Government Code, the City
obtained a contact list of local Native American tribes from the Native American Heritage
Commission and notified the tribes on the contact list of the opportunity to consult with the City on
the proposed Specific Plan Amendment. None of the contacted tribes requested a consultation
within the 90-day statutory consultation period and no further action is required under Section
65352.3; and
WHEREAS, the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), together with State
Guidelines and City of Dublin CEQA Guidelines and Procedures require that certain projects be
reviewed for environmental impacts and that environmental documents be prepared; and
WHEREAS, parking is not considered an impact under CEQA and, therefore, amending
the parking standards for the three districts does not require environmental review; and
Reso. No. XX-24, Item X.X, Adopted XX/XX/2024 Page 1 of 7
Attachment I
WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a properly noticed public hearing on the
proposed DDSP Amendments on October 24, 2023, at which time all interested parties had the
opportunity to be heard; and
WHEREAS, on October 24, 2023, the Planning Commission adopted Resolution No. 23-
10 recommending that the City Council approve the proposed DDSP Amendments, which
Resolution is incorporated herein by reference; and
WHEREAS, a Staff Report, dated January 9, 2024, and incorporated herein by reference,
described and analyzed the DDSP Amendments for the City Council; and
WHEREAS, the City Council held a properly noticed public hearing to consider the
proposed DDSP Amendments on January 9, 2024, at which time all interested parties had the
opportunity to be heard; and
WHEREAS, the City Council considered all above -referenced reports, recommendations,
and testimony for the proposed DDSP Amendments.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the foregoing recitals are true and correct
and made a part of this resolution.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Council finds that the DDSP Amendments, as
set forth below, are in the public interest and will promote general health, safety and welfare, and
that the DDSP as amended will remain internally consistent.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Council hereby approves the following
amendments to the DDSP:
Reso. No. XX-24, Item X.X, Adopted XX/XX/2024 Page 2 of 7
Attachment I
Page 55, Section 4.1.4 Retail District Development Standards, Parking Requirements
shall be amended to read as follows:
Parking Requirements
7 Minimum Bicycle
Parking Requirements
8 Compact Spaces
9 Landscaping
No parking requirement for new and existing
No parking requirement for outdoor dining areas.
Excessive surface parking is strongly discouraged.
Notwithstanding that there are no minimum parking
requirements, if the amount of parking provided exceeds
the min. standard established by the Dublin Zoning
Ordinance Chapter 8.76 by 10 percent, at least one of the
following measures shall be incorporated into the surface
parking area:
• Increase the number of shade trees provided to a
ratio of 1 tree per 3 parking spaces;
• Divide surface parking areas into at least 2 smaller
parking lots divided by a landscaped planter that is
at least 10 feet in width (these parking areas may be
connected by drive aisles); or
• Provide a double row of trees (with shrubs and
groundcovers surrounding them) between the
sidewalk and surface parking area (where parking
lots are permitted near sidewalks).
All on -site parking spaces shall be considered "required
parking" for the purposes of administering Chapter 8.76 of
the Dublin Zoning Ordinance unless otherwise determined
by the Community Development Director.
Notwithstanding the above, the parking requirements
contained in the Dublin Municipal Code Chapter 8.76 may
be enforced on a project that is located within one-half
mile of public transit if it is found that not enforcing these
parking requirements would have a substantially negative
impact in accordance with Government Code Section
Residential and Non -Residential bicycle parking
requirements and support facilities shall conform to the
California Green Building Standards Code.
Up to 35% of vehicle spaces may be compact in parking
areas with at least 20 spaces.
Compact spaces shall be labeled as "C" or "Compact."
Parking lots shall contain a min. of 1 shade tree per 4
parking spaces and have a min. canopy radius of 15 feet at
maturity. Each shade tree shall be spaced no more than
40 feet from another tree. Additional accent trees are
also allowed within parking lots.
A 5 foot wide landscaped buffer is required between
sidewalks and parking lots and shall comply with Section
8.76.070.A.19 of the Zoning Ordinance.
The minimum tree planter width in parking areas shall be
5 feet.
Reso. No. XX-24, Item X.X, Adopted XX/XX/2024 Page 3 of 7
Attachment I
Page 64 and 65, Section 4.2.3 Transit -Oriented District Development Standards, Parking
Requirements shall be amended to read as follows:
Bicycle Parking
Parking Requirements
inimum Bicycle
arking Requirements
Allowed within individual residential units.
Allowed within surface parking areas and first floor of
underground parking areas.
Allowed near building entrances (excluding private service
Allowed on private property adjacent to sidewalks.
Allowed on sidewalks if a clear walking path of at least 6 ft
is maintained.
No parking requirement for new and existing
No parking requirement for outdoor dining areas.
Excessive surface parking is strongly discouraged.
Notwithstanding that there are no minimum parking
requirements, if the amount of parking provided exceeds
the following minimum standard by 10 percent or more:
• Residential: 1.5 spaces per unit
• Hotel: .85 spaces per room
• Office: 2.5 spaces per 1,000 square feet of gross
floor area
• Retail: As stated in the Dublin Municipal Code
At least one of the following measures shall be
incorporated into the surface parking area:
• Increase the number of shade trees provided to a
ratio of 1 tree per 3 parking spaces;
• Divide surface parking areas into at least 2 smaller
parking lots divided by a landscaped planter that is
at least 10 feet in width (these parking areas may be
connected by drive aisles); or
• Provide a double row of trees (with shrubs and
groundcovers surrounding them) between the
sidewalk and surface parking area (where parking
lots are permitted near sidewalks).
All on -site parking spaces shall be considered "required
parking" for the purposes of administering Chapter 8.76 of
the Dublin Zoning Ordinance unless otherwise determined
by the Community Development Director.
Notwithstanding the above, the parking requirements
contained in the Dublin Municipal Code Chapter 8.76 may
be enforced on a project that is located within one-half
mile of public transit if it is found that not enforcing these
parking requirements would have a substantially negative
impacts in accordance with Government Code Section
Residential and Non -Residential bicycle parking
requirements and support facilities shall conform to the
California Green Building Standards Code.
Up to 35% of the vehicle parking spaces may be compact
in parking areas with at least 20 spaces.
Compact spaces shall be labeled as "C" or "Compact."
Reso. No. XX-24, Item X.X, Adopted XX/XX/2024 Page 4 of 7
Attachment I
9 Landscaping
Parking lots shall contain 1 shade tree per 4 parking
spaces and have a minimum canopy radius of 15 feet at
maturity. Each shade tree shall be spaced no more than
40 feet from another shade tree. Additional accent trees
are also allowed within parking lots.
A 5 foot wide landscaped buffer is required between
sidewalks and parking lots and shall comply with Section
8.76.070.A.19 of the Zoning Ordinance.
The minimum tree planter width in parking areas shall be
5 feet.
Reso. No. XX-24, Item X.X, Adopted XX/XX/2024 Page 5 of 7
Attachment I
Page 74, Section 4.3.3 Village Parkway District Development Standards, Parking
Requirements shall be amended to read as follows:
Bicycle Parking
Parking Requirements
Minimum Bicycle
Parking Requirements
Allowed within individual residential units.
Allowed within surface parking areas and first floor of
underground parking areas.
Allowed near building entrances (except service entrances).
Allowed on private property adjacent to sidewalks.
Allowed on sidewalks if a clear walking path of at least 6 ft
No parking requirement for new and existing development.
No parking requirement for outdoor dining areas.
Excessive surface parking is strongly discouraged.
Notwithstanding that there are no minimum parking
requirements, if the amount of parking provided exceeds the
minimum standard established by the Dublin Zoning Ordinance
Chapter 8.76 by at least 10 percent, at least one of the
following measures shall be incorporated into the surface
parking area:
• Increase the number of shade trees provided to a ratio of
1 tree per 3 parking spaces;
■ Divide surface parking areas into at least 2 smaller
parking lots divided by a landscaped planter that is at
least 10 feet in width (these parking areas may be
connected by drive aisles); or
• Provide a double row of trees (with shrubs and
groundcovers surrounding them) between the sidewalk
and surface parking area (where parking lots are
permitted near sidewalks).
All on -site parking spaces shall be considered "required
parking" for the purposes of administering Chapter 8.76 of the
Dublin Zoning Ordinance unless otherwise determined by the
Community Development Director.
Notwithstanding the above, the parking requirements
contained in the Dublin Municipal Code Chapter 8.76 may be
enforced on a project that is located within one-half mile of
public transit if it is found that not enforcing these parking
requirements would have a substantially negative impact in
accordance with Government Code Section 65863.2.
Residential and Non -Residential bicycle parking requirements
and support facilities shall conform to the California Green
Building Standards Code.
Up to 35% of vehicle spaces may be compact in parking areas
with at least 20 spaces.
Compact spaces shall be labeled as "C" or "Compact."
Parking lots shall contain 1 shade tree per 4 parking spaces and
have a minimum canopy radius of 15 feet at maturity. Each
shade tree shall be spaced no more than 40 feet from another
shade tree. Additional accent trees are also allowed within
parking lots.
A 5 foot wide landscaped buffer is required between sidewalks
and parking lots and shall comply with Section 8.76.070.A.19 of
the Zoning Ordinance.
The minimum tree planter width in parking areas shall be 5
Reso. No. XX-24, Item X.X, Adopted XX/XX/2024 Page 6 of 7
Attachment I
PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED this 9th day of January 2024, by the following
City Clerk
Reso. No. XX-24, Item X.X, Adopted XX/XX/2024 Page 7 of 7
6 Parking Requirements
Minimum Bicycle
Parking Requirements
Per the requirements in Chapter 8.76: Off Street Parking
and Loading Requirements in the Zoning Ordinance.
No parking requirement for new and existing
No parking requirement for outdoor dining areas.
Excessive surface parking is strongly discouraged.
Notwithstanding that there are no minimum parking
requirements, Rf the amount of parking provided exceeds
the min. standard established by the Dublin Zoning
Ordinance Chapter 8.76 {sec row 6) by 10 percent, at
least one of the following measures shall be incorporated
into the surface parking area:
• Increase the number of shade trees provided to a
ratio of 1 tree per 3 parking spaces;
• Divide surface parking areas into at least 2 smaller
parking lots divided by a landscaped planter that is
at least 10 feet in width (these parking areas may
be connected by drive aisles); or
• Provide a double row of trees (with shrubs and
groundcovers surrounding them) between the
sidewalk and surface parking area (where parking
lots are permitted near sidewalks).
All other uses shall provide parking per the Dublin Zoning
All on -site parking spaces shall be considered "required
parking" for the purposes of administering Chapter 8.76
of the Dublin Zoning Ordinance unless otherwise
determined by the Community Development Director.
Notwithstanding the above, the parking requirements
contained in the Dublin Municipal Code Chapter 8.76 may
be enforced on a project that is located within one-half
mile of public transit if it is found that not enforcing these
parking requirements would have a substantially negative
impacts in accordance with Government Code Section
Residential and Non -Residential bicycle parking
requirements and support facilities shall conform to the
California Green Building Standards Code.
Compact Spaces
9 Landscaping
Shared parking between adjacent lots is allowed if a
parking study is prepared (where required) and a shared
parking agreement is established and approved by the
Community Development Director (pursuant to a Use
Permit), and if parking is provided to meet the gr atest
p ak hour demand of the combined uses.
Up to 35% of vehicle spaces may be compact in parking
areas with at least 20 spaces.
Compact spaces shall be labeled as "C" or "Compact".
1 vehicle space per 40 may be replaced as a motorcycle
space in parking arms with at Icast110 vehicle spaces and
labeled as such.
Parking lots shall contain a min. of 1 shade tree per 4
parking spaces and have a min. canopy radius of 15 feet
at maturity. Each shade tree shall be spaced no more
than 40 feet from another tree. Additional accent trees
are also allowed within parking lots.
A 5 foot wide landscaped buffer is required between
sidewalks and parking lots and shall comply with Section
8.76.070.A.19 of the Zoning Ordinance.
The minimum tree planter width in parking areas shall be
5 feet.
6 Parking Requirements
1.5 spaces (covered or uncovered) per residential unit.
Guest parking should also be provided up to 15% of the
total parking amount. Additional parking for residential
units does not require additional amenities discussed in 1:
Surface Parking, above
No parking requirement for new and existing
No parking requirement for outdoor dining areas.
Excessive surface parking is strongly discouraged.
Notwithstanding that there are no minimum parking
requirements, Rf the amount of parking provided exceeds
the following minimum standard {sec row 6) by 10
percent or more:
• Residential: 1.5 spaces per unit
• Hotel: .85 spaces per room
• Office: 2.5 spaces per 1,000 square feet of gross
floor area
• Retail: As stated in the Dublin Municipal Code
aAt least one of the following measures shall be
incorporated into the surface parking area:
• Increase the number of shade trees provided to a
ratio of 1 tree per 3 parking spaces;
• Divide surface parking areas into at least 2 smaller
parking lots divided by a landscaped planter that is
at least 10 feet in width (these parking areas may be
connected by drive aisles); or
• Provide a double row of trees (with shrubs and
groundcovers surrounding them) between the
sidewalk and surface parking area (where parking
lots are permitted near sidewalks).
Hotel parking is .85 spaces per room. For hotels with
assembly space greater than 10,000 square feet,
additional parking may be required.
Office parking is 2.5 spaces per 1,000 square feet of gross
floor arm.
All other uses shall provide parking per the Dublin Zoning
All on -site parking spaces shall be considered "required
parking" for the purposes of administering Chapter 8.76 of
the Dublin Zoning Ordinance unless otherwise determined
by the Community Development Director.
Notwithstanding the above, the parking requirements
contained in the Dublin Municipal Code Chapter 8.76 may
be enforced on a project that is located within one-half
mile of public transit if it is found that not enforcing these
parking requirements would have a substantially negative
impacts in accordance with Government Code Section
Minimum Bicycle
Parking Requirements
Compact Spaces
Residential and Non -Residential bicycle parking
requirements and support facilities shall conform to the
California Green Building Standards Code.
Shared parking between adjacent lots is allowed if a
parking study is prepared (where required) and a shared
parking agreement is established and approved by the
Community Development Director pursuant to a Use
Permit, and if parking is provided to meet the grmtest
p ak hour demand of the combined uses
Up to 35% of the vehicle parking spaces may be compact
in parking areas with at least 20 spaces
Compact spaces shall be labeled as "C" or "Compact"
1 vehicle space per 40 may be replaced as a motorcycle
space in parking ar as with at I ast 40 vehicle spaces
Motorcycle spaces shall be labeled as such.
Parking lots shall contain 1 shade tree per 4 parking
spaces and have a minimum canopy radius of 15 feet at
maturity. Each shade tree shall be spaced no more than
40 feet from another shade tree. Additional accent trees
are also allowed within parking lots.
A 5 foot wide landscaped buffer is required between
sidewalks and parking lots and shall comply with Section
8.76.070.A.19 of the Zoning Ordinance.
The minimum tree planter width in parking areas shall be
5 feet.
5 Bicycle Parking
Allowed within individual residential units.
Allowed within surface parking areas and first floor of underground
parking areas.
Allowed near building entrances (except service entrances).
Allowed on private property adjacent to sidewalks.
Allowed on sidewalks if a clear walking path of at least 6 ft
Per thc requirements in Chaptcr 8.76: Off Street Parking and
loading Requirements in thc Zoning Ordinance.
No parking requirement for new and existing development.
No parking requirement for outdoor dining areas.
No parking requirement for commercial uses occupying existing
New commercial buildings arc required to provide parking spaces at
thc rate of 1 space per 300 square feet of gross building ar a,
regardless of the future commercial use of the building. Excessive
surface parking is strongly discouraged. Notwithstanding that there
are no minimum parking requirements, Rf the amount of parking
provided exceeds the minimum standard established by the Dublin
Zoning Ordinance Chapter 8.76 (sec row 6) by at least 10 percent, at
least one of the following measures shall be incorporated into the
surface parking area:
• Increase the number of shade trees provided to a ratio of 1
tree per 3 parking spaces;
• Divide surface parking areas into at least 2 smaller parking lots
divided by a landscaped planter that is at least 10 feet in width
(these parking areas may be connected by drive aisles); or
• Provide a double row of trees (with shrubs and groundcovers
surrounding them) between the sidewalk and surface parking
area (where parking lots are permitted near sidewalks).
All other uses shall provide parking per the Dublin inning Ordinance.
All on -site parking spaces shall be considered "required parking" for
the purposes of administering Chapter 8.76 of the Dublin Zoning
Ordinance unless otherwise determined by the Community
Development Director.
Notwithstanding the above, the parking requirements contained in
the Dublin Municipal Code Chapter 8.76 may be enforced on a
oroiect that is located within one-half mile of public transit if it is
found that not enforcing these parking requirements would have a
substantially negative impacts in accordance with Government Code
Section 65863.2.
Minimum Bicycle
Parking Requirements
Residential and Non -Residential bicycle parking
requirements and support facilities shall conform to the
California Green Building Standards Code.
Compact Spaces
Sharcd parking between adjacent lots is allowed if a
parking study is prepared (where required) and a shared
parking agreement is established and approved by the
Community Development Director pursuant to a Use
Permit, and if parking is provided to meet the gr atest
p ak hour demand of the combined uses.
Up to 35% of vehicle spaces may be compact in parking
areas with at least 20 spaces.
Compact spaces shall be labeled as "C" or "Compact".
1 vehicle space per 40 may be replaced as a motorcycle
space in parking arcvs with at Icvst110 vehicle spaces
Motorcycle spaces shall be labeled as such.
Parking lots shall contain 1 shade tree per 4 parking spaces
and have a minimum canopy radius of 15 feet at maturity.
Each shade tree shall be spaced no more than 40 feet from
another shade tree. Additional accent trees are also
allowed within parking lots.
A 5 foot wide landscaped buffer is required between
sidewalks and parking lots and shall comply with Section
8.76.070.A.19 of the Zoning Ordinance.
The minimum tree planter width in parking areas shall be
5 feet.
Attachment 3
WHEREAS, the Downtown Dublin Specific Plan (DDSP) project area is located in the
southwestern portion of the City of Dublin (City) and is approximately 284 acres in size. The
project area is generally bound by Village Parkway to the east, Interstate 580 to the south, San
Ramon Road to the west, and Amador Valley Boulevard to the north; and
WHEREAS, on February 1, 2011, the Dublin City Council (City Council) adopted
Resolution No. 09-11 approving the DDSP and associated implementation actions. At the same
time, the City Council adopted Resolution No. 08-11 certifying the DDSP Environmental Impact
Report (EIR) (SCH# 2010022005, incorporated herein by reference). The DDSP EIR evaluated
the potential impacts associated with intensifying development in the 284-acre Downtown Dublin
area to accommodate additional residential and non-residential uses; and
WHEREAS, subsequent to adoption, the DDSP has been amended periodically, including
the 2019 DDSP Amendments which focused on amending the parking standards in the Village
Parkway District and Transit -Oriented District; and
WHEREAS, recent changes in state law related to Assembly Bill 2097 (AB 2097) prohibit
a public agency from imposing or enforcing any minimum automobile parking requirement on any
residential, commercial, or other development project, that is located within one-half mile of public
transit; and
WHEREAS, the proposed DDSP Amendments would bring the DDSP into compliance with
AB 2097 and go beyond the requirements of state law to eliminate parking requirements for all
new and existing development throughout areas of the DDSP that are outside the one-half mile
radius required by AB 2097; and
WHEREAS, consistent with Section 65352.3 of the California Government Code, the City
obtained a contact list of local Native American tribes from the Native American Heritage
Commission and notified the tribes on the contact list of the opportunity to consult with the City on
the proposed DDSP Amendments. None of the contacted tribes requested a consultation within
the 90-day statutory consultation period and no further action is required under Section 65352.3;
WHEREAS, the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), together with State
Guidelines and City of Dublin CEQA Guidelines and Procedures require that certain projects be
reviewed for environmental impacts and that environmental documents be prepared; and
Reso. No. 23-10, Item 6.2, Adopted 10/24/2023 Page 1 of 2
WHEREAS, parking is not considered an impact under CEQA, therefore, amending the
parking standards for the three districts does not result in a CEQA issue; and
WHEREAS, a Staff Report, dated October 24, 2023, and incorporated herein by reference,
described and analyzed the proposed DDSP Amendments for the Planning Commission; and
WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a properly noticed public hearing to consider
the proposed DDSP Amendments on October 24, 2023, at which time all interested parties had
the opportunity to be heard; and
WHEREAS, the Planning Commission considered all above -referenced reports,
recommendations, and testimony to the proposed DDSP Amendments.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the foregoing recitals are true and correct
and made a part of this resolution.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Planning Commission recommends that the City
Council approve the amendments to the DDSP based on findings, as set forth in Exhibit A, that
the amendments is in the public interest, promotes general health, safety and welfare, and that
the DDSP, as so amended, will remain internally consistent.
PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 24th day of October 2023 by the following
AYES: Aini, Grier, Thalblum, Tyler, Wright
DocuSigned by:
Planning Commission Chairperson
[RDocuSigned � by: � � � Q � �
Assistant Community Development Director
Reso. No. 23-10, Item 6.2, Adopted 10/24/2023 Page 2 of 2
Downtown Dublin Specific
Plan Amendments -
Parking Requirements
City Council Meeting
January 9, 2024
Bac <ground
• DDSP is divided into three
districts each with its own
parking standards:
- Transit -Oriented District
- Retail District
- Village Parkway District
Specific Plan Boundary
Gry Lima Line
spKai. P6.. Dkxi.h
- Retail oirmrf
111. 1 nsIt-oriented olanid
b411oy. pwkway �Qmd
City of
Bac cground
• Guiding principle of DDSP:
— "Consider more flexible and appropriate harking
• Urban Land Institute (ULI) Technical Assistance
Panel (TAP)
• City Council's Strategic Plan to support local
businesses and new business attraction
• Past actions of City Council
Bac cground
• Village Parkway District:
— 2012 —Two-year Pilot Parking Program (extended
for five additional years)
— 2018 — ULI recommended expanding parking
program throughout Downtown
— 2019 — City Council adopted amendments to relax
parking standards in Village Parkway and reduced
parking standards in TOD
Bac cground
• September 22, 2022, AB 2097 signed into law:
— "...prohibits a public agency from imposing or enforcing
any minimum automobile harking requirement on any
residential, commercial, or other development project
located within one-half mile of public transit."
Proposed Amendments
• Amend DDSP Sections 4.1.4,4.2.3
and 4.3.3 to eliminate parking
requirements throughout DDSP
area for all new and existing
• Minimum parking requirements
may be enforced if it is found that
not enforcing them on a particular
use would negatively impact new
or existing development
Wes} ovblln?Alea sonlon
hart Stollen
Downtown Dublin Specific Plan Districts
within D.5 mi Buffer of Bart Station
Downtown -
Downtown - "rm.di
nrwxm betria
Downtown aun - vaaga
Parkway Dialroct
p earl station
f 0.5 Mile Buffer
r J ay Limit
Environmental Review
• Downtown Dublin Specific Plan EIR (2011)
• Parking is not considered an impact under CEQA,
therefore, amending DDSP parking standards
does not require further environmental review
Planning Commission Review
• On October 24, 2023, Planning Commission
considered the proposed DDSP Amendments and
unanimously adopted Resolution No. 23-10
recommending approval to City Council
• Conduct the public hearing, deliberate, and adopt
the Resolution Amending the Downtown Dublin
Specific Plan to Eliminate Parking Requirements in
the Retail District,Transit-Oriented District and
Village Parkway District