HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-13-2018 HCAC Agenda PacketSeptember 13, 2018 Dublin Heritage & Cultural Arts Commission Agenda Page 1 of 2 REGULAR MEETING Thursday, September 13, 2018, 7:00 PM 100 Civic Plaza, DUBLIN HERITAGE & CULTURAL ARTS COMMISSION A G E N D A • Agendas and Staff Reports are posted on the City’s Internet Website (www.dublin.ca.gov) • A complete packet of information containing Staff Reports and exhibits relate to each item is available of public review at least 72 hours prior to a Heritage & Cultural Arts Commission Meeting or, in the event that it is delivered to Heritage & Cultural Arts Commission members less than 72 hours prior to a Heritage & Cultural Arts Commission Meeting, as soon as it is so delivered. 1. CALL TO ORDER AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 2. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS 2.1. Public Comment At this time, the public is permitted to address the Heritage & Cultural Arts Commission on non-agendized items. Please step to the podium and clearly state your name for the record. COMMENTS SHOULD NOT EXCEED THREE (3) MINUTES. In accordance with State Law, no action or discussion may take place on any item not appearing on the po sted agenda. The Heritage & Cultural Arts Commission may respond to statements made or questions asked, or may request Staff to report back at a future meeting concerning the matter. Any member of the public may contact the Recording Secretary’s Office related to the proper procedure to place an item on a future Heritage & Cultural Arts Commission agenda. The exceptions under which the Heritage & Cultural Arts Commission MAY discuss and/or take action on items not appearing on the agenda are contained in Government Code Section 54954.2(b)(1)(2)(3). 3. CONSENT CALENDAR Consent Calendar items are typically non-controversial in nature and are considered for approval by the Heritage & Cultural Arts Commission with one single action. Members of the audience, Staff or the Heritage & Cultural Arts Commission who would like an item removed from the Consent Calendar for purposes of public input may request the Chair to remove the item. 3.1. Heritage and Cultural Arts Commission Meeting Minutes of August 9, 2018 The Heritage and Cultural Arts Commission will consider approval of the minutes of the August 9, 2018 Regular Meeting. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approve the minutes of August 9, 2018 Regular Meeting of the Heritage and Cultural Arts Commission. 4. WRITTEN COMMUNICATION - NONE 5. PUBLIC HEARING - NONE 6. UNFINISHED BUSINESS - NONE 7. NEW BUSINESS 7.1. Veterans Art Selection September 13, 2018 Dublin Heritage & Cultural Arts Commission Agenda Page 2 of 2 The Heritage and Cultural Arts Commission is being asked to make a recommendation to City Council regarding selection of an artist and design for a public art piece to be placed in the future Public Safety Complex. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Recommend that the City Council approve the design proposed by Gordon Huether for a public art piece to be placed in the future Public Safety Complex. 7.2. Heritage Park and Museums Annual Report, September 2017-August 2018 The Commission will receive a report on Heritage Park and Museums attendance, activities and events conducted September 2017 through August 2018. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Receive the report and provide feedback as needed. 8. OTHER BUSINESS Brief information only reports from the Commission and/or Staff, including committee reports and reports by the Commission related to meetings attended at City expense (AB1234). 9. ADJOURNMENT This AGENDA is posted in accordance with Government Code Section 54954.2(a) If requested, pursuant to Government Code Section 54953.2, this agenda shall be made available in appropriate alternative formats to persons with a disability, as required by Section 2 02 of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (42 U.S.C. Section 12132), and the federal rules and regulations adopted in implementation thereof. To make a request for disability-related modification or accommodation, please contact the City Clerk’s Office (925) 833- 6650 at least 72 hours in advance of the meeting. Mission The City of Dublin promotes and supports a high quality of life, ensures a safe and secure environment, and fosters new opportunities. Vision Dublin is a vibrant city committed to its citizens, natural resources and cultural heritage. As Dublin grows, it will balance history with progress, to sustain an enlightened, economically balanced and diverse community. Dublin is unified in its belief that an engaged and informed community encourages innovation in all aspects of City life, including programs to strengthen our economic vitality, and preserve our natural surroundings through environmental stewardship and sustainability. Dublin is dedicated to promoting an active and healthy li festyle through the creation of first-class recreational opportunities, facilities and programs. Page 1 of 1 STAFF REPORT HERITAGE & CULTURAL ARTS COMMISSION DATE: September 13, 2018 TO: Honorable Chair and Commissioners FROM: Tegan McLane, Heritage & Cultural Arts Manager SUBJECT: Heritage and Cultural Arts Commission Meeting Minutes of August 9, 2018 Prepared by: Roel Blanco, Recording Secretary EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The Heritage and Cultural Arts Commission will consider approval of the minutes of the August 9, 2018 Regular Meeting. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approve the minutes of August 9, 2018 Regular Meeting of the Heritage and Cultural Arts Commission. FINANCIAL IMPACT: N/A DESCRIPTION: The Heritage and Cultural Arts Commission will consider approval of the minutes of the August 9, 2018 Regular Meeting. NOTICING REQUIREMENTS/PUBLIC OUTREACH: N/A ATTACHMENTS: 1. Minutes - Heritage & Cultural Arts Commission - August 9, 2018 Regular Meeting 3.1 Packet Pg. 3 HERITAGE & CULTURAL ARTS COMMISSION MINUTES Thursday, August 9, 2018 Heritage & Cultural Arts Commission August 9, 2018 Regular Meeting P a g e | 1 A Regular Meeting of the Dublin Heritage & Cultural Arts Commission was held on Thursday, August 9, 2018, in the Heritage & Cultural Arts Commission Council Chamber. The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM., by Chair Bennett. 1. Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance Commissioner Rita Szollos: Absent, Commissioner Kathy Blackburn: Present, Commission Vice Chair Georgean Vonheeder-Leopold: Absent, Commission Chair Robert Bennett: Present, Commissioner Kit Lau: Present, Commissioner S.Tejas Peesapati: Absent, Commissioner Sammy Jo Rudy: Present. Chair Bennett led the Pledge of Allegiance. 2. Oral Communications 2.1. Public Comment Chair Bennett opened the floor for public comment. Seeing no comments from the Public, Chair Bennett closed the floor to p ublic comments. 3. Consent Calendar RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVED BY: Kit Lau, Commissioner SECOND: Kathy Blackburn, Commissioner AYES: Kathy Blackburn, Robert Bennett, Kit Lau, Sammy Jo Rudy ABSENT: Rita Szollos, Georgean Vonheeder-Leopold, S.Tejas Peesapati 3.1. Approve the minutes of June 14, 2018 Regular Meeting of the Heritage and Cultural Arts Commission. ACTION: Approved as presented. 4. Written Communication - None 3.1.a Packet Pg. 4 At t a c h m e n t : 1 . M i n u t e s - H e r i t a g e & C u l t u r a l A r t s C o m m i s s i o n - A u g u s t 9 , 2 0 1 8 R e g u l a r M e e t i n g ( H e r i t a g e & C u l t u r a l A r t s C o m m i s s i o n M e e t i n g Heritage & Cultural Arts Commission August 9, 2018 Regular Meeting P a g e | 2 5. Public Hearing - None 6. Unfinished Business - None 7. New Business 7.1. Introduction of Parks and Community Services Director La Shawn Butler Tegan McLane, Heritage & Cultural Arts Manager, introduced the new Parks & Community Services Director, La Shawn Butler, as outlined in the Staff Report. Ms. Butler stated that she looks forward to working with the Commission and is exited to learn more about the arts and cultural art projects in Dublin. The Commissioners welcomed and congratulated Ms. Butler on her new position. Chair Bennett opened the floor to public comment. Steve Minniear of the Dublin Historical Preservation Association welcomed Ms. Butler to the City of Dublin. Seeing no other comments from the public, Chair Bennett closed the floor to public comment. 7.2. Spring 2018 Quarterly Report Laura Johnston, Recreation Supervisor, provided the specifics of the item as outlined on the Staff Report. Ms. Johnston presented the details on contracted classes and city-sponsored events, including recent park openings. Chair Bennett opened the floor for comments and questions from the Commissioners. Seeing no comments or questions from the Commissioners, Chair Bennett closed to floor for comment and opened the floor to Public Comment. See no comments from the Public, Chair Bennett closed the floor for Public Comment. 8. Other Business 3.1.a Packet Pg. 5 At t a c h m e n t : 1 . M i n u t e s - H e r i t a g e & C u l t u r a l A r t s C o m m i s s i o n - A u g u s t 9 , 2 0 1 8 R e g u l a r M e e t i n g ( H e r i t a g e & C u l t u r a l A r t s C o m m i s s i o n M e e t i n g Heritage & Cultural Arts Commission August 9, 2018 Regular Meeting P a g e | 3 Brief information only reports from Commissioners and/or Staff, including committee reports and reports by Commissioners related to meetings attended at City expense (AB1234). The Commissioners provided brief informational reports on events and meetings attended. The Commissioners expressed a desire to have an annual presentation on upcoming projects with time lines, work plans of Heritage & Cultural Arts staff, and City Council priorities for the Commission. Cm. Blackburn stated t hat this type of presentation has been provided in the past and would be helpful to the Commission being informed. On a motion by Cm. Blackburn, seconded by Cm. Lau, and by a vote of 4 -0-0 with Cm. Vonheeder-Leopold, Cm. Peesapati and Cm. Szollos absent , the Commission voted to recommend an annual presentation to include upcoming projects with time lines, work plans of Heritage & Cultural Arts staff, and City Council priorities for the Commission. Ms. McLane provided updates regarding programs, events, public artwork and cemetery maintenance. 9. Adjournment Being no further business, the meeting was adjourned by Chair Bennett at 7:23 PM. Minutes prepared by Roel Blanco, Recording Secretary. _______________________________ Chairperson _______________________________ Tegan McLane Heritage & Cultural Arts Manager 3.1.a Packet Pg. 6 At t a c h m e n t : 1 . M i n u t e s - H e r i t a g e & C u l t u r a l A r t s C o m m i s s i o n - A u g u s t 9 , 2 0 1 8 R e g u l a r M e e t i n g ( H e r i t a g e & C u l t u r a l A r t s C o m m i s s i o n M e e t i n g Page 1 of 3 STAFF REPORT HERITAGE & CULTURAL ARTS COMMISSION DATE: September 13, 2018 TO: Honorable Chair and Commissioners FROM: Tegan McLane, Heritage & Cultural Arts Manager SUBJECT: Veterans Art Selection Prepared by: Tegan McLane, Cultural Arts and Heritage Manager EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The Heritage and Cultural Arts Commission is being asked to make a recommendation to City Council regarding selection of an artist and design for a public art piece to be placed in the future Public Safety Complex. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Recommend that the City Council approve the design proposed by Gordon Huether for a public art piece to be placed in the future Public Safety Complex. FINANCIAL IMPACT: The budget for this public art piece is $300,000. The Public Art Fund is the funding source. No General Fund dollars are being expended on this project. DESCRIPTION: On June 7, 2016, the City Council approved a Capital Improvement Project for a public artwork to be located at the new Public Safety Complex a t the corner of Dublin Boulevard and Clark Avenue. A budget of $300,000, equivalent to two percent of the projected construction cost, was approved at that time, and the Public Art Fund was identified as the funding source. On June 26, 2017, Staff issued a public Request for Qualifications from public artists interested in being considered as candidates to design and fabricate monumental sculptures for two upcoming City of Dublin monuments -- the Veterans art piece and a piece for the Public Safety Complex. On May 23, 2018, a specially assembled public art selection committee consisting of 7.1 Packet Pg. 7 Page 2 of 3 representatives from City Council, Heritage and Cultural Arts Commission, Dublin Police Services, Alameda County Fire Department and a Dublin resident reviewed portfoli os of 15 potential public artists. The committee selected five artists to invite to create site specific design proposals. On August 29, 2018, the committee reconvened to review designs proposals from the five artists: Alan Cottrill, James Dinh, Barbara Grygutis, Gordon Huether, the father-son team of Adan and Jesus Romo. A design submitted by Gordon Huether, a Napa -based artist specializing in sculptures that include dichroic glass, was the top choice of the selection committee. (Attachment 1 - Resume, Attachment 2 - Design Proposal) Mr. Huether's design is a 17-foot tall brushed stainless-steel sculpture inspired by the universal symbol of the remembrance/awareness ribbon and inset with blue and red dichroic glass to represent Police and Fire respectively. Dichroic glass is an extremely light sensitive and highly reflective glass that appears to change the color reflected as the viewing angle changes. The piece will sit atop a plinth with that bears meaningful words chosen by the Police and Fire department personnel: Commitment, Honor, Integrity and Trust. Members of the selection committee particularly admired the simplicity and beauty of the design, incorporation of the blue and red dichroic glass, equal representation given to both departments, and the fact that this piece is quite different from the rest of Dublin's public art collection. They also appreciated Mr. Huether's extensive experience creating this type of artwork. He recently completed San Jose Police Department's "End of Watch" memorial and his portfolio includes various works for public safety departments around the country, including "In Honor of the Fallon" for the Oklahoma City Police Headquarters and artwork for Houston, Texas’ Midwest Police Department and San Jose Fire Station 17, as well as the City of Napa’s 9/11 Memorial. Mr. Huether has created more than 70 large scale public commissions and more than 175 for private organizations and individuals. The monument would be fabricated at Mr. Huether’s own studio, working with a California licensed engineer. Gordon Huether Studio will provide installation, in coordination with the general contractor. Installation is expected to be complete in late Fall 2019, prior to the site opening to the public. Public Works staff, landscape architect and the City's contracted art conservator, SF Art Conservation, are reviewing Mr. Huether's design to identify any major concerns with its cost estimate, maintenance and safety. So far, no major concerns have been identified. Engineering documents will be required soon after a contract is awarded, and a detailed review will be conducted early in the public art process to ensure any concerns are addressed in a timely fashion and do not delay the project. In Mr. Huether's proposal, the artwork is placed in the center of the turf circle directly in 7.1 Packet Pg. 8 Page 3 of 3 front of the building off Clark Avenue. The intention of the original location off Dublin Boulevard was for the artwork to serve as a landmark for the Public Safety Complex and a stop on a future walking or biking tour of public art connecting Downtown Dublin and the Civic Center. The committee has requested that Staff ask Mr. Huether to further refine his design for Dublin Boulevard street corner location and look to include items such as angled turf, a circular plaza, or a seat wall with benches similar to those in front of the building. The also noted that there would need to be ADA accessible paths to the artwork. The Committee also requested Staff request information on the feasibility of illuminat ing the meaningful words, so they would be more visible at night. NOTICING REQUIREMENTS/PUBLIC OUTREACH: Stakeholders, including the Alameda County Sheriff and Alameda County Fire Chief, were informed of this meeting. Mr. Huether was provided a copy as well. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Gordon Huether Public Safety Complex Public Art Proposal 2. Gordon Huether Resume 7.1 Packet Pg. 9 gordon huether studio art matters 1 DUBLIN PUBLIC SAFETY COMPLEX PUBLIC ART PROPOSAL FOR A MONUMENTAL SCULPTURE AUGUST 2018 7.1.a Packet Pg. 10 At t a c h m e n t : 1 . G o r d o n H u e t h e r P u b l i c S a f e t y C o m p l e x P u b l i c A r t P r o p o s a l ( P u b l i c S a f e t y C o m p l e x A r t gordon huether studio art matters 2 design fabricate install 7.1.a Packet Pg. 11 At t a c h m e n t : 1 . G o r d o n H u e t h e r P u b l i c S a f e t y C o m p l e x P u b l i c A r t P r o p o s a l ( P u b l i c S a f e t y C o m p l e x A r t gordon huether studio art matters3 Inspiring humanity by bringing beauty and meaning into the world through art. mission statement 7.1.a Packet Pg. 12 At t a c h m e n t : 1 . G o r d o n H u e t h e r P u b l i c S a f e t y C o m p l e x P u b l i c A r t P r o p o s a l ( P u b l i c S a f e t y C o m p l e x A r t gordon huether studio art matters 4 • 75+ public art awards • 175+ private commissions • 30 years experience in designing, fabricating, and installing large-scale, permanent, site specific art installations in a variety of media and applications the artist • Skilled artisans and fabricators • Digital and graphic design • Project Management • Project Development the team • 15,000 square foot studio • Glass Studio • Metal Studio • Wood Studio • Gallery Space • Adminstrative Offices the studio++ 7.1.a Packet Pg. 13 At t a c h m e n t : 1 . G o r d o n H u e t h e r P u b l i c S a f e t y C o m p l e x P u b l i c A r t P r o p o s a l ( P u b l i c S a f e t y C o m p l e x A r t gordon huether studio art matters5 creative philosophy tell a story create a sense of place site specific beautiful + inspiring finely crafted meaningful + relevant 7.1.a Packet Pg. 14 At t a c h m e n t : 1 . G o r d o n H u e t h e r P u b l i c S a f e t y C o m p l e x P u b l i c A r t P r o p o s a l ( P u b l i c S a f e t y C o m p l e x A r t gordon huether studio art matters6 approach exploration research collaboration refinement fabrication installation conceptual development 7.1.a Packet Pg. 15 At t a c h m e n t : 1 . G o r d o n H u e t h e r P u b l i c S a f e t y C o m p l e x P u b l i c A r t P r o p o s a l ( P u b l i c S a f e t y C o m p l e x A r t gordon huether studio art matters7 project goals | dublin public safety complex Create artwork inspired by the core values of commitment, integrity, honor, and trust Convey a sense of community, culture, heritage, history, and positive impact reflective of the Public Safety mission Encourage visibility and visitation for the walking and biking community Create artistic enhancements which complement architecture, style, scale, medium and integrity of complex and surrounding neighborhoods Use materials that require minimal maintenance and withstand local environment 7.1.a Packet Pg. 16 At t a c h m e n t : 1 . G o r d o n H u e t h e r P u b l i c S a f e t y C o m p l e x P u b l i c A r t P r o p o s a l ( P u b l i c S a f e t y C o m p l e x A r t gordon huether studio art matters8 proposal narrative | dublin public safety complex I believe my years of experience and past achievements have provided me with the understanding, ability, and insight to fully meet the expectations and goals for the monumental sculpture at the Dublin Public Safety Complex. I have had the honor and privilege of creating public artwork for a number of police and fire departments across the United States, including installations for the new Oklahoma City, OK Police Department Headquarters, Houston, TX Midwest Police Department, San Jose, CA Fire Station #17 as well as an installation for the San Jose, CA police department. These experiences instilled in me a deep appreciation for the valor, leadership and bravery exhibited by members of the police and fire forces and the importance of the relationship between first responders and the communities they serve. I believe public art in civic settings is capable of creating a space for communication and understanding among civil servants and diverse members of the community. I understand that the Public Safety Complex sits in a walkable area that is close to the Dublin Civic Center as well as Downtown Dublin, both of which are close to dynamic residential neighborhoods. The art installation I have proposed conveys the eclecticism and excitement of the diverse community, as well as the ideals and positive message of the Public Safety mission. The work I present for your review will facilitate community relationships, provide a warm and welcoming space for visitors, and complement and illuminate the architectural qualities of the Public Safety Complex through graceful abstraction, material and synergy. My proposal for the exterior plaza embodies the symbol of the remembrance ribbon and and seeks to demonstrate the strength and dedication that our first responders bring to the community without hesitation. The graceful curvature of this 17-foot tall sculpture, inset with lively, colorful dichroic glass, complements the flying architectural lines of the building, and will incorporate seamlessly within the circular plaza, creating a visual poetic dialogue between the landscape and the architecture. The abstracted ribbon provides a welcoming, inviting sense of place that will attract visitors, both on foot and on bicycle, and allow them to interact with the dynamic shape and colors of the sculpture. The blue and red dichroic glass inset in the aluminum is a metaphor for the line that separates order from lawlessness. The gleaming brushed aluminum and the vibrant properties of dichroic glass will enliven the plaza entrance throughout the day and evening, without being a distraction to those driving by on Dublin Boulevard and Clark Avenue. The words “Commitment, Honor, Integrity and Trust” will complete the sculpture by reminding the public of the mission and values for both the Fire and Police Departments. Thank you again for the opportunity to share my proposal for the Dublin Public Safety Complex in Dublin, California. This is an exciting and important project, and it would be a great honor to work with this community to fulfill the vision for this meaningful public art. 7.1.a Packet Pg. 17 At t a c h m e n t : 1 . G o r d o n H u e t h e r P u b l i c S a f e t y C o m p l e x P u b l i c A r t P r o p o s a l ( P u b l i c S a f e t y C o m p l e x A r t gordon huether studio art matters9 dublin public safety complex | plaza sculpture Honoring the duality of purpose for both police and fire Synergistic approach: celebrate the cooperation of the two organizations for the best combined public safety efforts Create a welcoming, common ground for diverse communities to come together 7.1.a Packet Pg. 18 At t a c h m e n t : 1 . G o r d o n H u e t h e r P u b l i c S a f e t y C o m p l e x P u b l i c A r t P r o p o s a l ( P u b l i c S a f e t y C o m p l e x A r t gordon huether studio art matters10 dublin public safety complex | plaza sculpture 7.1.a Packet Pg. 19 At t a c h m e n t : 1 . G o r d o n H u e t h e r P u b l i c S a f e t y C o m p l e x P u b l i c A r t P r o p o s a l ( P u b l i c S a f e t y C o m p l e x A r t gordon huether studio art matters11 inspiration | public safety awareness Universally recognized Symbol of Honor Awareness and respect for a civil society Awareness and respect for the contributions of first responders 7.1.a Packet Pg. 20 At t a c h m e n t : 1 . G o r d o n H u e t h e r P u b l i c S a f e t y C o m p l e x P u b l i c A r t P r o p o s a l ( P u b l i c S a f e t y C o m p l e x A r t gordon huether studio art matters12 dublin public safety complex | site plan 7.1.a Packet Pg. 21 At t a c h m e n t : 1 . G o r d o n H u e t h e r P u b l i c S a f e t y C o m p l e x P u b l i c A r t P r o p o s a l ( P u b l i c S a f e t y C o m p l e x A r t gordon huether studio art matters13 renderings | plaza sculpture © Gordon Huether + Partners 2018 7.1.a Packet Pg. 22 At t a c h m e n t : 1 . G o r d o n H u e t h e r P u b l i c S a f e t y C o m p l e x P u b l i c A r t P r o p o s a l ( P u b l i c S a f e t y C o m p l e x A r t gordon huether studio art matters14 renderings | plaza sculpture © Gordon Huether + Partners 2018 7.1.a Packet Pg. 23 At t a c h m e n t : 1 . G o r d o n H u e t h e r P u b l i c S a f e t y C o m p l e x P u b l i c A r t P r o p o s a l ( P u b l i c S a f e t y C o m p l e x A r t gordon huether studio art matters15 renderings | plaza sculpture © Gordon Huether + Partners 2018 7.1.a Packet Pg. 24 At t a c h m e n t : 1 . G o r d o n H u e t h e r P u b l i c S a f e t y C o m p l e x P u b l i c A r t P r o p o s a l ( P u b l i c S a f e t y C o m p l e x A r t gordon huether studio art matters16 renderings | plaza sculpture © Gordon Huether + Partners 2018 7.1.a Packet Pg. 25 At t a c h m e n t : 1 . G o r d o n H u e t h e r P u b l i c S a f e t y C o m p l e x P u b l i c A r t P r o p o s a l ( P u b l i c S a f e t y C o m p l e x A r t gordon huether studio art matters17 renderings | plaza sculpture © Gordon Huether + Partners 2018 7.1.a Packet Pg. 26 At t a c h m e n t : 1 . G o r d o n H u e t h e r P u b l i c S a f e t y C o m p l e x P u b l i c A r t P r o p o s a l ( P u b l i c S a f e t y C o m p l e x A r t gordon huether studio art matters18 renderings | plaza sculpture © Gordon Huether + Partners 2018 7.1.a Packet Pg. 27 At t a c h m e n t : 1 . G o r d o n H u e t h e r P u b l i c S a f e t y C o m p l e x P u b l i c A r t P r o p o s a l ( P u b l i c S a f e t y C o m p l e x A r t gordon huether studio art matters19 renderings | plaza sculpture © Gordon Huether + Partners 2018 7.1.a Packet Pg. 28 At t a c h m e n t : 1 . G o r d o n H u e t h e r P u b l i c S a f e t y C o m p l e x P u b l i c A r t P r o p o s a l ( P u b l i c S a f e t y C o m p l e x A r t gordon huether studio art matters20 renderings | plaza sculpture © Gordon Huether + Partners 2018 7.1.a Packet Pg. 29 At t a c h m e n t : 1 . G o r d o n H u e t h e r P u b l i c S a f e t y C o m p l e x P u b l i c A r t P r o p o s a l ( P u b l i c S a f e t y C o m p l e x A r t gordon huether studio art matters21 renderings | plaza sculpture © Gordon Huether + Partners 2018 7.1.a Packet Pg. 30 At t a c h m e n t : 1 . G o r d o n H u e t h e r P u b l i c S a f e t y C o m p l e x P u b l i c A r t P r o p o s a l ( P u b l i c S a f e t y C o m p l e x A r t gordon huether studio art matters22 dublin public safety complex | site plan 7.1.a Packet Pg. 31 At t a c h m e n t : 1 . G o r d o n H u e t h e r P u b l i c S a f e t y C o m p l e x P u b l i c A r t P r o p o s a l ( P u b l i c S a f e t y C o m p l e x A r t gordon huether studio art matters23 renderings | plaza sculpture © Gordon Huether + Partners 2018 7.1.a Packet Pg. 32 At t a c h m e n t : 1 . G o r d o n H u e t h e r P u b l i c S a f e t y C o m p l e x P u b l i c A r t P r o p o s a l ( P u b l i c S a f e t y C o m p l e x A r t gordon huether studio art matters24 © Gordon Huether + Partners 2018 renderings | plaza sculpture 7.1.a Packet Pg. 33 At t a c h m e n t : 1 . G o r d o n H u e t h e r P u b l i c S a f e t y C o m p l e x P u b l i c A r t P r o p o s a l ( P u b l i c S a f e t y C o m p l e x A r t gordon huether studio art matters25 © Gordon Huether + Partners 2018 renderings | plaza sculpture 7.1.a Packet Pg. 34 At t a c h m e n t : 1 . G o r d o n H u e t h e r P u b l i c S a f e t y C o m p l e x P u b l i c A r t P r o p o s a l ( P u b l i c S a f e t y C o m p l e x A r t gordon huether studio art matters26 © Gordon Huether + Partners 2018 renderings | plaza sculpture 7.1.a Packet Pg. 35 At t a c h m e n t : 1 . G o r d o n H u e t h e r P u b l i c S a f e t y C o m p l e x P u b l i c A r t P r o p o s a l ( P u b l i c S a f e t y C o m p l e x A r t gordon huether studio art matters27 © Gordon Huether + Partners 2018 renderings | plaza sculpture 7.1.a Packet Pg. 36 At t a c h m e n t : 1 . G o r d o n H u e t h e r P u b l i c S a f e t y C o m p l e x P u b l i c A r t P r o p o s a l ( P u b l i c S a f e t y C o m p l e x A r t gordon huether studio art matters28 renderings - night | plaza sculpture © Gordon Huether + Partners 2018 7.1.a Packet Pg. 37 At t a c h m e n t : 1 . G o r d o n H u e t h e r P u b l i c S a f e t y C o m p l e x P u b l i c A r t P r o p o s a l ( P u b l i c S a f e t y C o m p l e x A r t gordon huether studio art matters29 renderings - night | plaza sculpture © Gordon Huether + Partners 2018 7.1.a Packet Pg. 38 At t a c h m e n t : 1 . G o r d o n H u e t h e r P u b l i c S a f e t y C o m p l e x P u b l i c A r t P r o p o s a l ( P u b l i c S a f e t y C o m p l e x A r t gordon huether studio art matters30 renderings - night | plaza sculpture © Gordon Huether + Partners 2018 7.1.a Packet Pg. 39 At t a c h m e n t : 1 . G o r d o n H u e t h e r P u b l i c S a f e t y C o m p l e x P u b l i c A r t P r o p o s a l ( P u b l i c S a f e t y C o m p l e x A r t gordon huether studio art matters31 renderings - night | plaza sculpture © Gordon Huether + Partners 2018 7.1.a Packet Pg. 40 At t a c h m e n t : 1 . G o r d o n H u e t h e r P u b l i c S a f e t y C o m p l e x P u b l i c A r t P r o p o s a l ( P u b l i c S a f e t y C o m p l e x A r t gordon huether studio art matters32 Dichroic Glass Dichroic means ‘’two colored’’ and is derived from the Greek words ‘’di’’ for two and ‘’chroma’’ for color. Dichroic glass and acrylic are extremely light sensitive and highly reflective, with fantastic multi- colored and reflective properties. Light transmitted through a dichroic surface will appear to be one color and light reflected from it will appear as a complementary color. As the angle at which the dichroic is viewed changes, the colors that are transmitted and reflected also change. materials 7.1.a Packet Pg. 41 At t a c h m e n t : 1 . G o r d o n H u e t h e r P u b l i c S a f e t y C o m p l e x P u b l i c A r t P r o p o s a l ( P u b l i c S a f e t y C o m p l e x A r t gordon huether studio art matters33 Stainless Steel Stainless steel is a lightweight, highly conductive, reflective and non-toxic metal that can be easily machined. The metal’s durability and numerous advantageous properties make it an ideal material for public art applications. materials 7.1.a Packet Pg. 42 At t a c h m e n t : 1 . G o r d o n H u e t h e r P u b l i c S a f e t y C o m p l e x P u b l i c A r t P r o p o s a l ( P u b l i c S a f e t y C o m p l e x A r t gordon huether studio art matters34 specifications | plaza sculpture 17 ' - 2 " 3'-11 1/8" 2" 15 ' - 1 1 3 / 8 " 8' - 5 / 8 " STAINLESS STEEL BODY DICHROIC GLASS MECHANICALLY FASTENED TO STAINLESS BODY 1'-0" 7.1.a Packet Pg. 43 At t a c h m e n t : 1 . G o r d o n H u e t h e r P u b l i c S a f e t y C o m p l e x P u b l i c A r t P r o p o s a l ( P u b l i c S a f e t y C o m p l e x A r t gordon huether studio art matters35 specifications | plaza sculpture 10 1/8"11 1/4" 3'-0" 17 ' - 2 " 15 ' - 1 1 3 / 8 " 8' - 5 / 8 " 1" DICHROIC GLASS MECHANICALLY FASTENED TO STAINLESS BODY STAINLESS STEEL BODY 7.1.a Packet Pg. 44 At t a c h m e n t : 1 . G o r d o n H u e t h e r P u b l i c S a f e t y C o m p l e x P u b l i c A r t P r o p o s a l ( P u b l i c S a f e t y C o m p l e x A r t gordon huether studio art matters36 • The internal structure of the sculpture will be fabricated from square tube, final sizing to be determined during design development phase in coordination with California certified engineer. • The words on the pedestal will be waterjet-cut aluminum mechanically fixed to the concrete. • Rolling the necessary tube to the proper shape using a CNC guided tube bender will create the curves of the internal structure. • Internal trussing will be located within the structure to add strength as specified by an engineer during the design development phase. • The internal structure of the blades will be clad with aluminum sheet with appropriate gauge thickness to be determined during design development phase in coordination with California certified engineer to give a solid appearance. • The exterior aluminum sheet will be attached with welding and structural grade aluminum adhesives as specified by the engineer during the design development phase. • Exterior stainless steel will have a brushed finish applied. • Safety laminated dichroic glass will be cut at the appropriate diameter to create curvature that follows the sculpture’s shape. • Glass will have mounting holes drilled for mechanical fastening to the mounting channel. • Glass components of the blades are approximately 8’ H x 12” W x .75” D. • For glass mounting purposes, a channel will be cut through the sculpture structure and holes will be drilled to allow for mounting of glass components. During installation, glass components will be mechanically fastened and adhered to the mounting channel with a structural grade silicone. • A 1” thick baseplate will be welded at the base of the sculpture for mounting purposes. (Engineer will confirm final dimensions of baseplate during design development phase.) • Baseplate will have mounting holes for securing to a concrete foundation. (Engineer will determine the size and number of anchor holes during design development phase.) *Please note: Dimensions, fabrication, site prep and installation details are for proposal purposes only, and may be subject to modification during design development and/or engineer review. fabrication | plaza sculpture 7.1.a Packet Pg. 45 At t a c h m e n t : 1 . G o r d o n H u e t h e r P u b l i c S a f e t y C o m p l e x P u b l i c A r t P r o p o s a l ( P u b l i c S a f e t y C o m p l e x A r t gordon huether studio art matters37 site preparation | plaza sculpture It is understood that Client is responsible for site preparation. Gordon Huether Studio (GHS) will collaborate with Client on site preparation in the following manner: • GHS will provide all necessary calculations and information to Client to ensure that Client’s contractors will be able to prepare the site appropriately for the proper acceptance of artwork. • GHS will collaborate with all necessary parties throughout all stages of site preparation. • GHS will provide recommendations for preparing a foundation that can be integrated into the current site plan. 7.1.a Packet Pg. 46 At t a c h m e n t : 1 . G o r d o n H u e t h e r P u b l i c S a f e t y C o m p l e x P u b l i c A r t P r o p o s a l ( P u b l i c S a f e t y C o m p l e x A r t gordon huether studio art matters38 *Please note: Dimensions,fabrication, site prep and installation details are for proposal purposes only, and may be subject to modification during design development and/or engineer review. installation | plaza sculpture • Prior to setting an installation date, GHS will make a site visit to ensure that the site is ready for installation. • Upon confirmation that the site is ready for installation, GHS will ship sculpture as a dedicated truckload to site. • GHS will arrive one day prior to delivery of sculpture to accept required equipment and prepare site for delivery of sculpture. • A crane with operator, 40 ft articulating boom lift, generator and miscellaneous hand tools will be required for installation. • When truck arrives on site with sculpture at scheduled time, GHS, with crane operator, will rig the sculpture for lifting and setting on foundation. As soon as truck is unloaded, it will demobilize from site. • Once sculpture is set on foundation, GHS will drill holes and set anchor bolts to the appropriate size and embedment depth, (as determined by engineer). Setting anchor bolts after sculpture is set on foundation helps prevent anchors from being set improperly during the pouring of the foundation and allows for slight adjustment if needed during installation. • GHS will then secure sculpture with the anchor bolts to foundation. • Once sculpture is secured to the foundation, crane and operator will demobilize. • GHS will use articulating boom lift to set dichroic glass into the predetermined locations on sculpture. Each piece of glass will be secured within the mounting channel with mechanical fasteners as well as structural grade silicone. • Glass will be cleaned as it is installed. • All aluminum components will be cleaned and polished. • Site will be cleaned and all equipment demobilized. • GHS will demobilize. 7.1.a Packet Pg. 47 At t a c h m e n t : 1 . G o r d o n H u e t h e r P u b l i c S a f e t y C o m p l e x P u b l i c A r t P r o p o s a l ( P u b l i c S a f e t y C o m p l e x A r t gordon huether studio art matters39 estimated budget | plaza sculpture BUDGET ITEM ESTIMATED COST Artist Fee $60,000 Project Managment $16,800 Design Management, Engineer Coordination, Material Purchasing, Fabrication Scheduling and Coordination, Site Work Coordination, Shipping Coordination, Equipment Coordination, Installation Coordination Client Communications, General Project Oversight Digital Design $7,000 Renderings, Digital Modeling, Shop Drawings, etc. (GHS staff) Engineering $13,800 Fabrication | Materials $103,600 Stainless Steel, Glass, Hardware, Plaque, etc. Fabrication | Labor $64,400 Material Prep, Welding, Water Jet Cutting, Stainless Steel Tube Rolling, Glass Lamination, Glass Drilling, Assembly, Polishing, etc. Shipping $6,800 Crating, Permitting, Dedicated Truckload Delivery Installation $27,600 Equipment, Crane and Operator, Installation, Labor TOTAL ESTIMATED BUDGET $300,000 7.1.a Packet Pg. 48 At t a c h m e n t : 1 . G o r d o n H u e t h e r P u b l i c S a f e t y C o m p l e x P u b l i c A r t P r o p o s a l ( P u b l i c S a f e t y C o m p l e x A r t gordon huether studio art matters40 budget note | plaza sculpture In determining project budgets, GHS considers contingency, insurance, studio space and other administrative costs to be part of our business overhead. The proposed budget reflects this consideration. Estimated budget is for proposal purposes only, and may be subject to modification during design development and/or engineer review. Due to the fluctuating costs of project materials and other elements, the proposed budget is valid for 90 days from date of presentation, only. After 90 days, if a contract is not yet executed, proposed design will need to be re-assessed to account for any increase in costs. 7.1.a Packet Pg. 49 At t a c h m e n t : 1 . G o r d o n H u e t h e r P u b l i c S a f e t y C o m p l e x P u b l i c A r t P r o p o s a l ( P u b l i c S a f e t y C o m p l e x A r t gordon huether studio art matters41 estimated timeline | plaza sculpture Task/Phase Estimated Duration Design Development 6 - 8 weeks Fabrication 12 - 16 weeks Crating + Shipping 1 - 2 weeks Installation 5 - 7 days TOTAL 20 - 27 weeks Note: Timeline commences at execution of contract between GHS and client and will be established according to contractual agreement. 7.1.a Packet Pg. 50 At t a c h m e n t : 1 . G o r d o n H u e t h e r P u b l i c S a f e t y C o m p l e x P u b l i c A r t P r o p o s a l ( P u b l i c S a f e t y C o m p l e x A r t gordon huether studio art matters42 maintenance plan | plaza sculpture The only maintenance required will be occasional washings with a mild detergent to remove any possible soiling. GHS suggests cleaning sculpture twice a year initially, to determine if frequency of washing should be increased or decreased. 7.1.a Packet Pg. 51 At t a c h m e n t : 1 . G o r d o n H u e t h e r P u b l i c S a f e t y C o m p l e x P u b l i c A r t P r o p o s a l ( P u b l i c S a f e t y C o m p l e x A r t gordon huether studio art matters43 past work 7.1.a Packet Pg. 52 At t a c h m e n t : 1 . G o r d o n H u e t h e r P u b l i c S a f e t y C o m p l e x P u b l i c A r t P r o p o s a l ( P u b l i c S a f e t y C o m p l e x A r t gordon huether studio art matters44 IN HONOR OF THE FALLEN OKLAHOMA CITY POLICE HEADQUARTERS | 2015 | ALUMINUM, DICHROIC GLASS, FUSED GLASS | 18’ DIA, 70’ PATHWAY 7.1.a Packet Pg. 53 At t a c h m e n t : 1 . G o r d o n H u e t h e r P u b l i c S a f e t y C o m p l e x P u b l i c A r t P r o p o s a l ( P u b l i c S a f e t y C o m p l e x A r t gordon huether studio art matters45 NAPA 9/11 MEMORIAL CITY OF NAPA, CA | 2013 | SALVAGED STEEL BEAMS, GLASS | 25’ H X 25’ D 7.1.a Packet Pg. 54 At t a c h m e n t : 1 . G o r d o n H u e t h e r P u b l i c S a f e t y C o m p l e x P u b l i c A r t P r o p o s a l ( P u b l i c S a f e t y C o m p l e x A r t gordon huether studio art matters46 UP WE GO YOUNTVILLE, CA | 2017 | EXTRUDED ALUMINUM, DICHROIC GLASS | 20’ H X 6’ W 7.1.a Packet Pg. 55 At t a c h m e n t : 1 . G o r d o n H u e t h e r P u b l i c S a f e t y C o m p l e x P u b l i c A r t P r o p o s a l ( P u b l i c S a f e t y C o m p l e x A r t gordon huether studio art matters47 GLOBUSSPHARE LOSSBURG, GERMANY | 2009 | STAINLESS STEEL, PYREX, DICHROIC GLASS, BORO-ARTISTIC GLASS RODS | 16’ DIA 7.1.a Packet Pg. 56 At t a c h m e n t : 1 . G o r d o n H u e t h e r P u b l i c S a f e t y C o m p l e x P u b l i c A r t P r o p o s a l ( P u b l i c S a f e t y C o m p l e x A r t gordon huether studio art matters48 PORTAL TOLEDO, OH | 2013 | ALUMINUM | 14’ H X 14’ W X 4’ D 7.1.a Packet Pg. 57 At t a c h m e n t : 1 . G o r d o n H u e t h e r P u b l i c S a f e t y C o m p l e x P u b l i c A r t P r o p o s a l ( P u b l i c S a f e t y C o m p l e x A r t gordon huether studio art matters49 SILVER TWIST BURBANK, CA | 2010 | STAINLESS STEEL AND DICHROIC GLASS | 14’H X 5.5’ W X 4’D 7.1.a Packet Pg. 58 At t a c h m e n t : 1 . G o r d o n H u e t h e r P u b l i c S a f e t y C o m p l e x P u b l i c A r t P r o p o s a l ( P u b l i c S a f e t y C o m p l e x A r t gordon huether studio art matters 50Thank You 7.1.a Packet Pg. 59 At t a c h m e n t : 1 . G o r d o n H u e t h e r P u b l i c S a f e t y C o m p l e x P u b l i c A r t P r o p o s a l ( P u b l i c S a f e t y C o m p l e x A r t 1 GORDON HUETHER 1821 Monticello Road • Napa, CA 94558 Phone: 707.255.5954 • Fax: 707.255.5991 mail@gordonhuether.com • gordonhuether.com SELECTED COMMISSIONS 2018 Landmark Public Art Installation, Vista Collina Resort, Napa, CA Commissioned by Vista Collina Resort | The Meritage Resort and Spa 2017 All In, Allen Reeves Football Complex, University Athletic Precinct, Clemson, SC Commissioned by: Clemson University Happy Valley Road & 83rd Street, Peoria, AZ Commissioned by: Peoria Arts Commission Confluence, Grand Forks Transportation Corridor Gateway Commissioned by: City of Grand Forks, ND San Jose Police Department “End of Watch” Memorial, San Jose, CA Commissioned by: City of San Jose, CA Acero Picado, Mariposa Plaza, Fresno, CA Commissioned by: City of Fresno, CA Trees of Life, BioMarin Pharmaceutical Inc., Headquarters, San Rafael, CA Commissioned by: BioMarin Pharmaceutical Inc. Canyon Light, Southern Utah University School of Business, Cedar City, UT Commissioned by: Utah Division of Arts and Museums Shoal + Shimmer, Point Defiance Zoo + Aquarium, Tacoma, WA Comissioned by: Metro Parks Tacoma Public Art Program Cloud Fountain, Civic Center, City of Elk Grove, CA Commissioned by: City of Elk Grove, CA 2016 Words We Live By, Salt Lake County District Attorney’s Office Building, Salt Lake City, UT Commissioned by: Salt Lake County Waves, Redondo Beach Performing Arts Center, Redondo Beach, CA Commissioned by: Redondo Beach Art in Public Places Fantasia Anthropoda, Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Office, West Palm Beach, FL Commissioned by: Palm Beach County Art in Public Places Roundabout the Mountain, Vail I-70 Highway Exit Roundabout, Vail, CO Commissioned by: Vail Art in Public Places Velocity, Ashland Theater Corridor, Ashland, OR Commissioned by: Ashland Public Art Commission Over the Moon, CityLine Gateway, Richardson, TX Commissioned by: CityLine Aperture, Sand Hill, Palo Alto, CA Commissioned by: Palo Alto Public Art Commission Is That Bob + Margrit and Fork, The Culinary Institute of America at Copia, Napa, CA Commissioned by: The Culinary Institute of America Spectrum, Dadeland Roundabout, Boca Raton, FL Commissioned by: Duncan Hillsley Capital Salud, OLE Health, Napa, CA Commissioned by: OLE Health 2015 Bank of the West, Palo Alto, CA Commissioned by: Bank of the West The Basket, Archer Hotel, Napa, CA Commissioned by: LodgeWorks The Canyon, Salt Lake City International Airport, Salt Lake City, UT Commissioned by: Salt Lake City Department of Aviation Sunrise + Sunset, Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood International Airport - Terminal 1, Fort Lauderdale, FL gordon huether | résumé 7.1.b Packet Pg. 60 At t a c h m e n t : 2 . G o r d o n H u e t h e r R e s u m e ( P u b l i c S a f e t y C o m p l e x A r t S e l e c t i o n ) 2 GORDON HUETHER 1821 Monticello Road • Napa, CA 94558 Phone: 707.255.5954 • Fax: 707.255.5991 mail@gordonhuether.com • gordonhuether.com Commissioned by: Broward County Public Art Program On the Move 1 + 2, Iliff Rapid Transit Station and Parking Structure, Aurora, CO Commissioned by: City of Aurora, Art in Public Places In Honor of the Fallen, Memorial Sculpture, Oklahoma City Police Headquarters, Oklahoma City, OK Commissioned by: Oklahoma City Office of Arts & Cultural Affairs 2014 Applique de Parete, 535 Mission Street, San Francisco, CA Commissioned by: Boston Properties 9/11 Memorial Sculpture, American Canyon, CA Commissioned by: American Canyon Fire Department Blossoms, Woodbury Condominiums, Lafayette, CA Commissioned by: The New Homes Corporation; City of Lafayette Eden Medical Center, Castro Valley, CA Commissioned by: Andrea Schwartz Gallery Hoops, Oregon State University - Basketball Practice Facility, Corvallis, OR Commissioned by: Oregon State Arts Commission Lichtregen, Archer Hotel, New York, NY Commissioned by: LodgeWorks Millstone Rehabilitation Project, Yountville, CA Commissioned by: Town of Yountville The Nature of Life, Martinez Courthouse, Martinez, CA Commissioned by: Judicial Council of California, Arts in the Courthouse Program Red Bluff Courthouse, Sacramento, CA Commissioned by: State of California; LPAS Architecture + Design Rockland County Office Building, New City, NY Commissioned by: Rockland County Art in Public Places Spirale, Provenance & Hewitt Vineyards, Rutherford, CA Commissioned by: Diageo Chateau & Estate Wine Carey Interfaith Chapel, Stamford Hospital, Stamford, CT Commissioned by: Stamford Hospital Studio M Fine Wines, Napa, CA Commissioned by: Studio M Fine Wines LLC Tarantula + Poppy Jasper, 4th Street Parking Garage, Morgan Hill, CA Commissioned by: City of Morgan Hill; F+H Construction Twelve Tribes of Israel, Congregation Beth Shalom, Napa, CA Commissioned by: Congregation Beth Shalom Wards Corner Gateway, Norfolk, VA Commissioned by: City of Norfolk 2013 Hatcher Road Streetscape Project, Phoenix, AZ Commissioned by: City of Phoenix, AZ Historic Napa Mill Gateway, Napa, CA Commissioned by: CDI Companies Pearl Street Plaza, Bethesda, MD Commissioned by: M Contemporary LLC; Atlantic Arts Portal, University of Toledo Roundabout, Toledo, OH Commissioned by: University of Toledo 2012 A-Round Oakland, BART Oakland Coliseum Connector Station, Oakland, CA Commissioned by: Bay Area Rapid Transit Authority Aureole, Centennial Plaza Sculpture, Peoria, AZ Commissioned by: City of Peoria Grand Hyatt, San Francisco, CA 7.1.b Packet Pg. 61 At t a c h m e n t : 2 . G o r d o n H u e t h e r R e s u m e ( P u b l i c S a f e t y C o m p l e x A r t S e l e c t i o n ) 3 GORDON HUETHER 1821 Monticello Road • Napa, CA 94558 Phone: 707.255.5954 • Fax: 707.255.5991 mail@gordonhuether.com • gordonhuether.com Commissioned by: Hyatt Hotels Corporation; CCS Architects High Wire Travelers, Raleigh-Durham International Airport, Raleigh, NC Commissioned by: Raleigh-Durham International Airport Biomorphic, Henry Belmon Research Center, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK Commissioned by: Oklahoma Art in Public Places Parish Church St. Laurentius, Bobenheim-Roxheim, Germany Commissioned by: Bistum Speyer; Episcopalian Building Authority Tree of Life, Congregational Church of San Mateo, San Mateo, CA Commissioned by: Congregational Church of San Mateo 2011 A is for Allen, Exchange Parkway Median Enhancement, Allen, TX Commissioned by: City of Allen Century Napa Valley Cineplex, Cinemark, Napa, CA Commissioned by: Peter A and Vernice H. Gasser Foundation, Inc. St. John the Baptist Catholic Church, Napa, CA Commissioned by: St. John the Baptist Catholic Church University Health System - Medical Center Campus, San Antonio, TX Commissioned by: Bexar County Hospital District 2010 TRAX, Salt Lake City International Airport - TRAX Station, Salt Lake City, UT Commissioned by: Salt Lake City; Utah Transit Authority Desert Light, Sun Tran Bus Storage & Maintenance Facility, Tucson, AZ Commissioned by: Tucson Pima Arts Council Houston Police Department, Midwest Police Station, Houston, TX Commissioned by: Houston Arts Alliance; City of Houston Kansas City Police Department - South Patrol Station, Kansas City, MO Commissioned by: Kansas City Millcreek Community Center, Salt Lake County, UT Commissioned by: Salt Lake County Temple Beth Elohim, Wellesley, MA Commissioned by: Temple Beth Elohim 2009 9/11 Memorial, Napa, CA Commissioned by: City of Napa Globussphäre, Loßburg, Germany Commissioned by: Arburg GmbH & Co. KG Lady Bird Mural, LBJ Presidential Library, Austin, TX Commissioned by: LBJ Presidential Library LBJ School of Public Affairs, Austin, TX Commissioned by: University of Texas at Austin Pixel Care and Light Forest, El Camino Hospital, Mountain View, CA Commissioned by: El Camino Hospital, Mountain View, CA Rostrum, Miramar Town Center, White Rock, BC, Canada Commissioned by: City of White Rock, BOSA Properties Silver Twist, 2300 Empire Center, Burbank, CA Commissioned by: WH Empire Center, Chicago, IL 2008 Jack London Square, Oakland, CA Commissioned by: City of Oakland; Jack London Square Partners Lafayette-Orinda Presbyterian Church, Lafayette, CA Commissioned by: Lafayette-Orinda Presbyterian Church; HKIT Architects Lot 5 Project, Chapel Hill, NC Commissioned by: Town of Chapel Hill Napa Fifth Street Parking Garage, Napa, CA 7.1.b Packet Pg. 62 At t a c h m e n t : 2 . G o r d o n H u e t h e r R e s u m e ( P u b l i c S a f e t y C o m p l e x A r t S e l e c t i o n ) 4 GORDON HUETHER 1821 Monticello Road • Napa, CA 94558 Phone: 707.255.5954 • Fax: 707.255.5991 mail@gordonhuether.com • gordonhuether.com Commissioned by: City of Napa O Wave, Ovation Condominiums, St. Petersburg, FL Commissioned by: JMC Communities Red Eye, East Village Parking Facility, Kansas City, MO Commissioned by: Kansas City Municipal Art Commission Super Space, Self Storage Facility, Sunnyvale, CA Commissioned by: Highridge Partners, Inc. 2007 Desert Mosaic, Tucson Justice Court, Municipal Court Complex, Tucson, AZ Commissioned by: Tucson Pima Arts Council Eisenhower Medical Center, Ranch Mirage, CA Commissioned by: Jain Malkin Inc. Gotta Go, Jacksonville International Airport, Jacksonville, FL Awarded by: Jacksonville International Airport Arts Commission Mountain Range and River of Light, John Muir Medical Center, Walnut Creek, CA Commissioned by: John Muir Health Foundation; City of Walnut Creek Petaluma Tower, Petaluma, CA Commissioned by: City of Petaluma Richmond Civic Center, Richmond, CA Commissioned by: City of Richmond Texas Tech University - School of Law, Lubbock, TX Commissioned by: Texas Tech University 2006 The Bridge North Texas | Homeless Assistance Center, Dallas, TX Commissioned by: Dallas County; Overland Partners Marsh Creek Bridge, Brentwood, CA Commissioned by: City of Brentwood The Collection, Burbank, CA Commissioned by: City of Burbank; Champion Development The Rock, St. Helena, CA Commissioned by: St. Helena Castle Investments Tallwood Venture Capital Building, Palo Alto, CA Commissioned by: Tallwood Venture Capital Vessel and Waves, Sacramento Regional County Sanitation District, Sacramento, CA Commissioned by: Sacramento Metropolitan Arts Commission 2005 Duty Free Shop, Guam Commissioned by: Duty Free Shop; Art Source Gasser Building, Napa, CA Commissioned by: Peter A and Vernice H. Gasser Foundation, Inc. Go, Go, Go, Foothills Recreation & Aquatics Center, Glendale, AZ Commissioned by: Glendale Arts Commission Napa Courthouse, Napa, CA Commissioned by: The Historical Society Salt Palace Convention Center, Salt Lake City, UT Commissioned by: Salt Lake County Sletten Regional Cancer Institute, Great Falls, MT Commissioned by: Benefis Health System; NTDStichler Architecture Umpqua Bank, Napa, CA Commissioned by: Peter A and Vernice H. Gasser Foundation, Inc. Washington Tech Park II, Chantilly, VA Commissioned by: Corporate Office Properties Trust; Atlantic Arts 2004 Arena Parking Structure, Stockton, CA 7.1.b Packet Pg. 63 At t a c h m e n t : 2 . G o r d o n H u e t h e r R e s u m e ( P u b l i c S a f e t y C o m p l e x A r t S e l e c t i o n ) 5 GORDON HUETHER 1821 Monticello Road • Napa, CA 94558 Phone: 707.255.5954 • Fax: 707.255.5991 mail@gordonhuether.com • gordonhuether.com Commissioned by: City of Stockton Hospice of Napa Valley, Napa, CA Commissioned by: Hospice of Napa Valley Issaquah Transit Center, Issaquah, WA Commissioned by: Sound Transit Board San Jose Fire Department Station 17, San Jose, CA Commissioned by: City of San Jose San Mateo Public Library, San Mateo, CA Commissioned by: City of San Mateo St. Josephs Hospital and Medical Center, Phoenix, AZ Commissioned by: St. Joseph’s Hospital and Medical Center UCSF Parnassus - Mofit-Long Emergency Center, San Francisco, CA Commissioned by: University of California San Francisco 2003 Falcon Field Airport Terminal, Mesa, AZ Commissioned by: City of Mesa Fred Waring Corridor Project, Palm Desert, CA Commissioned by: City of Palm Desert The Great Wall, BioMarin, Novato, CA Commissioned by: BioMarin Pharmaceutical Inc. Over Houston, William P. Hobby Airport, Houston, TX Commissioned by: Houston Airport System; Cultural Arts Council of Houston & Harris Counties Pasadena Collection Development, Pasadena, CA Commissioned by: City of Pasadena Polaris K-12 Alternative School, Anchorage, AK Commissioned by: Municipality of Anchorage San Joaquin Council of Governments, Stockton, CA Commissioned by: City of Stockton; San Joaquin Council of Governments 2002 Aluminum Yucca, East Gateway Project, Albuquerque, NM Commissioned by: City of Albuquerque; New Mexico Arts Denver International Airport - Child Care Center, Denver, CO Commissioned by: Denver International Airport Public Art Program Equity Playground Fantastico, Napa, CA Commissioned by: City of Napa; Napa Valley Arts Council Sunnyvale Older Adults Center, Sunnyvale, CA Commissioned by: City of Sunnyvale; Sunnyvale Arts Commission University of Santa Clara Project Design Consultant, Santa Clara, CA Commissioned by: The University of Santa Clara 2001 All Saints Mausoleum, Colma, CA Commissioned by: Roman Catholic ArchBishop of San Francisco BART San Bruno Station, San Bruno, CA Commissioned by: Bay Area Rapid Transit Authority Congregation Beth Israel, San Diego, CA Commissioned by: Congregation Beth Israel; Austin Veum Robbins & Parshalle Kaiser Permanente, Harbor City, CA Commissioned by: Kaiser Permanente; Lee Burkhart & Lui, Inc. Sacramento Midtown Parking Garage, Sacramento, CA Commissioned by: Sacramento Metropolitan Arts Commission; City of Sacramento SEPTA Frankford Transportation Center, Philadelphia, PA Commissioned by: Philadelphia Arts Commission; Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority 2000 Applied Micro Circuits Corporation (AMCC) Headquarters, San Diego, CA 7.1.b Packet Pg. 64 At t a c h m e n t : 2 . G o r d o n H u e t h e r R e s u m e ( P u b l i c S a f e t y C o m p l e x A r t S e l e c t i o n ) 6 GORDON HUETHER 1821 Monticello Road • Napa, CA 94558 Phone: 707.255.5954 • Fax: 707.255.5991 mail@gordonhuether.com • gordonhuether.com Commissioned by: AMCC; Art Consultants West Charles Schwab Building, San Francisco, CA Commissioned by: HOK Architects; San Francisco Arts Commission The Glass Forest, TIAA-CREF Corporate Headquarters, Charlotte, NC Commissioned by: TIAA-CREF; Hughes Good O’Leary & Ryan Congregation Beth Israel, San Diego, CA Commissioned by: Congregation Beth Israel Hickory Ridge Middle School, Memphis, TN Commissioned by: Memphis Arts Council; Memphis City School Board UCSF - Comprehensive Cancer Care Center at Mount Zion, San Francisco, CA Commissioned by: University of California at San Francisco Arts for Recovery Program 1999 Deloitte & Touche, San Francisco, CA Commissioned by: Deloitte & Touche J Wine Company, Healdsburg, CA Commissioned by: Judy Jordan; Hall & Bartley KPMG, Los Angeles, CA Commissioned by: KPMG; BC Art Consultants Stowers Medical Research Center, Kansas City, MO Commissioned by: Mr. and Mrs. Stowers; MBT Interiors & PGAV Architects University of Oregon - Recreation & Fitness Center, Eugene, OR Commissioned by: Oregon Arts Commission, Oregon University System 1998 Diocese of Santa Rosa, Santa Rosa, CA Commissioned by: Roman Catholic Diocese of Santa Rosa Elihu Harris State Building and Childcare Center, Oakland, CA Commissioned by: State of California; DMJM Architects Hope and Healing Center, Memphis, TN Commissioned by: The Memphis Arts Council; The Church Health Center of Memphis Luckman Plaza, San Francisco, CA Commissioned by: Luckman Plaza Management Mozart Corporation, Mountain View, CA Commissioned by: City of Mountain View; Korth, Sunseri, Hagey Architects San Francisco Civic Center, San Francisco, CA Commissioned by ISEC Inc.; SMWM Architect Angle of Incidence, Utah State University - Widstoe Hall Science Learning Center, Logan, UT Commissioned by: Utah Arts Council; Utah State University 1997 105 Madison Avenue, New York, NY Commissioned by: Elias Associates Anaheim Stadium Renovation, Anaheim, CA Commissioned by: Walt Disney Imagineering Art Hotels Sapporo, Sapporo, Japan Commissioned by: Art Hotels Sapporo in conjunction with Killingsworth, Stricker, Lindgren, Wilson + Assoc. Architects Entertainment Partners, Burbank, CA Commissioned by: City of Burbank; Daniel Chudnovsky Architects Falling Leaves and Partition Wall, Cordant Technologies, Ogden, UT Commissioned by: Cordant Technologies FotoKem Industries Inc., Burbank, CA Commissioned by: FotoKem Industries Inc.; Daniel Chudnovsky Architects Jewish Community Center of Long Beach, Long Beach, CA Commissioned by: The Jewish Federation of the Long Beach and Greater Orange County 7.1.b Packet Pg. 65 At t a c h m e n t : 2 . G o r d o n H u e t h e r R e s u m e ( P u b l i c S a f e t y C o m p l e x A r t S e l e c t i o n ) 7 GORDON HUETHER 1821 Monticello Road • Napa, CA 94558 Phone: 707.255.5954 • Fax: 707.255.5991 mail@gordonhuether.com • gordonhuether.com Linear Hair, Irvine, CA Commissioned by: Carlton Hair International Ontario International Airport, Ontario, CA Commissioned by: The City of Los Angeles; Los Angeles World Airports Public Art Program University of California San Francisco – Anatomy Lab, San Francisco, CA Commissioned by: University of California San Francisco; SRG Architects University of Utah - Skaggs Biology Building, Salt Lake City, UT Commissioned by: Salt Lake City Arts; University of Utah Utah Transit Authority Delta Center Station, Salt Lake City, UT Commissioned by: Salt Lake City Arts Council, Utah Transit Authority Arts in Transit Program 1996 Abdulla Mubarak Ceremonial Hall, Safat, Kuwait Commissioned by: Al Riyash Trading Co. Artesa Winery Fountain, Napa, CA Commissioned by: The Raventos Family Hard Rock Café, Seoul, Korea Commissioned by: Hard Rock Café Seoul; IDEAS Hiroshige Art Museum, Tendo, Japan Commissioned by: The Yamaguchi Family, Kumagai Gumi Co., LTD. Ronald Regan National Airport, Washington, D.C. Commissioned by: Metropolitan Washington Airport Authority; Cesar Pelli 1995 AT Kearney, Cosa Mesa, CA Commissioned by: AT Kearney Inc. The Getty Center, Los Angeles, CA Commissioned by: The J. Paul Getty Trust Fund; Richard Meier and Partners Architects Houston Light and Power, Houston, TX Commissioned by: Houston Light and Power; DMJM Keating Lincoln Plaza, Sacramento, CA Commissioned by: LPA Architects Tendo Wedding Chapel and Hotel, Tendo, Japan Commissioned by: Kumagai Gumi Co., LTD. 1994 Dominican Sisters, San Rafael, CA Commissioned by: The Sisters of St. Dominic; Treffinger, Walz & MacLeod Architects and Planners Oracle Corporation; Redwood Shores, CA Commissioned by: Oracle Corporation; Seccombe Design Associates 1993 University of California at San Diego Medical Center; San Diego, CA Commissioned by: The University of San Diego; Carmen, Farnum, Igonda Architects 1992 Fremont Police Facility, Fremont, CA Commissioned by: Fremont Arts Commission 1990 San Diego Hospice Meditation Room, San Diego, CA Commissioned by: San Diego Hospice 1989 University of Alaska Geophysical Institute, Fairbanks, AK Commissioned by: Fairbanks Arts Commission SELECTED RESIDENTIAL COMMISSIONS 2015 Urbach Residence, Rutherford, CA Commissioned by: Janet Effland-Urbach and Bill Urbach Private Commission, Los Altos Hills, CA 2014 Nichols Residence, St. Helena, CA Commissioned by: Amy and John Nichols Otton Residence, Napa, CA 7.1.b Packet Pg. 66 At t a c h m e n t : 2 . G o r d o n H u e t h e r R e s u m e ( P u b l i c S a f e t y C o m p l e x A r t S e l e c t i o n ) 8 GORDON HUETHER 1821 Monticello Road • Napa, CA 94558 Phone: 707.255.5954 • Fax: 707.255.5991 mail@gordonhuether.com • gordonhuether.com Commissioned by: Nancy and Terry Otton 2012 Fischer Residence, Napa, CA Commissioned by: Karen and Joe Fischer 2010 Jacober Residence, New York City, NY Commissioned by: Dana and Joseph Jacober Vasudevan Residence, Los Altos, CA Commissioned by: R. & Jayashree Vasudevan 2008 Christal Residence, Carmel by the Sea, CA Commissioned by: Lynda and Tom Christal Warner Residence, San Jose Commissioned by: Laurie and Mike Warner Gotschall Residence, Laguna Beach Commissioned by: Susan and Ed Gotschall Weiss Residence, Big Sur, CA Commissioned by: Jean and Tim Weiss 2006 Taft Residence, Los Altos, CA. Commissioned by: Pamela and Edward Taft Owens Residence, Elmhurst, IL Commissioned by: Gigi and James Owens 2005 Devine Residence, Laguna Beach, CA Commissioned by: Leason Pomeroy, LP3 Architecture SELECTED AWARDS 2017 The Silicon Valley Business Journal: 2017 Silicon Valley Structures Awards in the category Community Impact for the 4th Street Parking Garage, Morgan Hill, CA featuring Poppy Jasper and Tarantula Poppy Jasper + Tarantula, CODAworx Video Awards Top 100 - Collaboration of Art and Design 2015 Napa 9/11 Memorial - CODAworx Video Awards Top 100 - Collaboration of Art and Design Highwire Travelers, Raleigh-Durham International Airport - 2015 CODA Awards Merit Winner – Transportation 2014 Napa 9/11 Memorial, CODAworx Video Awards Top 100, Collaboration of Art and Design 2013 Mountain Range and River of Light, John Muir Medical Center - CODAworx Awards Top 100 - Collaboration of Art and Design 2010 Certificate of Merit, American Society of Interior Designers, California Peninsula Chapter 2009 Gotta Go, Jacksonville International Airport, Jacksonville, FL - Americans for the Arts Public Art Network - Best Public Art in the United States, 2009 The Bridge Homeless Assistance Center, Dallas, TX - Housing Committee Award for Special Housing, American Institute of Architects - Award for Community-Informed Design, Department of Housing and Urban Development 2006 Stockton Arena Public Parking Structure, Stockton, CA - Americans for the Arts Public Art Network - Best Public Art in the United States SELECTED LECTURES | TEACHING | APPOINTMENTS 2018 Stained Glass Association of America, 109th Annual Summer Conference, Long Beach, CA - “The Changing Landscape of Art Glass” 2017 American Institute of Architects, Monterey Design Conference, Monterey CA – “Art In Architecture” American Glass Guild Annual Conference, Rochester, NY “Integration of Artglass and Architecture” NeoCon Annual Conference, Chicago, IL “Integration of Art and Architecture” 2016 IIDA Forum: “Design for Humanity: An exploration into the power and influence of art and design on at-risk youth.” 2015 American Institute of Architects, Monterey Design Conference, Monterey CA – “Art In Architecture” BECon Conference, Emeryville, CA - Pecha Kucha - “From Napa With Love” AAAE Arts in the Airport Workshop, Dallas, CO - “I Walk The Line - The Balancing Act of Art + Business” 7.1.b Packet Pg. 67 At t a c h m e n t : 2 . G o r d o n H u e t h e r R e s u m e ( P u b l i c S a f e t y C o m p l e x A r t S e l e c t i o n ) 9 GORDON HUETHER 1821 Monticello Road • Napa, CA 94558 Phone: 707.255.5954 • Fax: 707.255.5991 mail@gordonhuether.com • gordonhuether.com Dominican Sisters of San Rafael, CA - “The Spiritual in Art | An Artist’s Perspective” 2014 AAAE Arts in the Airport Workshop, San Francisco, CA - “Trials, Tribulations & Triumphs of Integrating Art into Airports” 2011 American Institute of Architects Monterey Design Conference, Monterey, CA -”The Great Collaboration: Integrating Art & Architecture” 2009 Stained Glass Association of America, Oklahoma City, OK - “Stained Glass Then and Now” University of San Francisco, School of Architecture, San Francisco, CA - “Art in Architecture” 2008 The Bridge Homeless Assistance Center, Dallas, TX - “Art Matters” 2007 BECon Conference, Portland, OR - “Making Art, Love and Money” 2006 Member of the Board of Directors, American Institute of Architects San Francisco, Center for Architecture & Design 2005 Chairman, City of Napa Planning Commission 2002 President, Napa Valley Museum Board of Trustees 2000 Urban Art Commission & The American Institute of Architects, Memphis, TN - “Designing our Community Through Art in Architecture” 1999 American Institute of Architects National Conference, San Francisco, CA - “Redefining Contemporary Glass” 1997 Society for Environmental Graphic Design National Conference, San Francisco, CA - Guest Lecture 1996 PLANETREE Annual Conference, San Francisco, CA - “Light and Color: Elements that Heal” SELECTED EXHIBITIONS 2017 Solo Show, Art Ventures, Menlo Park, CA 2014 – 2016 Rotating Solo Exhibition. St. Supéry Estate Vineyards & Winery 2012 – Present Art on 1st; Group Exhibition, First Street, Napa, CA 2010 – Present Public Art Walk, Town of Yountville, CA 1997 – 2016 Permanent Resident Artist, Rotating Solo Exhibition. Artesa Winery, Napa, CA 2014 12 x 12, Artamo Gallery, Santa Barbara, CA 2014 Currents, St. Supéry Estate Vineyards & Winery, Rutherford, CA 2009 Beauty, Group Exhibition, The Gallery at Cliff Lede Vineyards, Yountville, CA 2007 Metal Matters, Solo Exhibition, Robert Mondavi Winery, Oakville, CA 2006 Art + Architecture, Group Exhibition. Keller Estate Winery, Petaluma, CA 2005 Summer in Southpark, Group Exhibition. Andrea Schwartz Gallery, San Francisco, CA 2005 Orange Door-Blue Window, Solo Exhibition. Metalstone Gallery, New York, NY 2005 Group Exhibition, Artamo Gallery, Santa Barbara, CA 2005 El Paseo Exhibition, El Paseo Drive, Palm Desert, CA 2004 Body Talk; Solo Exhibition, The UMA Gallery, New York, NY 2004 In Nature’s Light, New York Hall of Science, New York, NY EDUCATION 1990-92 Life Center Collaborative Project with Professor Johannes Schreiter, Napa, CA 1986 Pilchuck Glass School, Stanwood, WA 1980-82 Apprenticeship at Universal Glass Studio, Blieskastel, Germany BIRTHPLACE 1959 Rochester, NY 7.1.b Packet Pg. 68 At t a c h m e n t : 2 . G o r d o n H u e t h e r R e s u m e ( P u b l i c S a f e t y C o m p l e x A r t S e l e c t i o n ) Page 1 of 8 STAFF REPORT HERITAGE & CULTURAL ARTS COMMISSION DATE: September 13, 2018 TO: Honorable Chair and Commissioners FROM: Tegan McLane, Heritage & Cultural Arts Manager SUBJECT: Heritage Park and Museums Annual Report, September 2017-August 2018 Prepared by: Laura Johnston, Heritage & Cultural Arts Supervisor EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The Commission will receive a report on Heritage Park and Museums attendance, activities and events conducted September 2017 through August 2018. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Receive the report and provide feedback as needed. FINANCIAL IMPACT: N/A DESCRIPTION: The City of Dublin’s published Vision statement says Dublin values History. It states, “We will honor our history through places and programs that remind people of our beginnings.” The Parks and Community Services Department’s Heritage and Cultural Arts division is the steward for Dublin’s historical assets and reports annually on these facilities and programs to the Heritage and Cultural Arts Commission. Beginning this year, the annual Heritage report is also being shared with the Parks and Community Services Commission. Most of Dublin’s historical artifacts, buildings and history-focused programs are concentrated at Dublin’s 10-acre Heritage Park and Museums. The park is home to the Murray Schoolhouse Museum, Kolb House historic home, and other historic properties including St. Raymond Church, the Sunday School Barn and the Dublin Pioneer Cemetery. 7.2 Packet Pg. 69 Page 2 of 8 Dublin Camp Parks Military History Center (DCPMHC) is the newest addition to Dublin’s heritage attractions. The history center contains a permanent exhibit detailing how the arrival of the military contributed to Dublin’s transformation from a small farming community to the City it is today. The facility is joint ly operated by the City of Dublin and Parks Reserve Forces Training Area. This report includes information and statistics on this year’s exhibits, special events, visitors, formal tours, volunteer efforts and facility rentals at Heritage Park and Museums and Dublin Camp Parks Military History Center. SPECIAL EXHIBITS October 14, 2017 to January 28, 2018, the Murray Schoolhouse Museum’s Little Classroom featured Pride of Place. The exhibit included artwork of Dublin’s most iconic places, from the 1859 Gothic Revival St. Raymond Church, to the 1910 Craftsman Kolb House, to the ranch houses of 1960s suburbia. Museum-goers were invited to stop at the makers’ station to create their own “Ode to Dublin” in mixed media. A new tour was added in conjunction with the exhibit, A Craftsman Classic: The Kolb House. The 30-minute tour provided a detailed look into the Craftsman style of the early 20th century and its contrast from the formality of the previous Victorian era. During the month of December, the home was decorated for the holidays from the 1930s and 1940s. April 18 to August 19, 2018, the Museum’s Little Classroom hosted the Got Milk? Local Dairies in the Dublin Area exhibit. The exhibit focused on local dairies, including Meadowlark Dairy in Pleasanton, and the development of modern, scientific mass- production/mass-distribution of dairy products, particularly from Dublin’s own Foremost Dairy Research Center which opened in 1966. The exhibit highlighted vintage dairy artifacts including local milk bottles, cartons, bottle caps and modern dairy equipment, some on loan from the California State Parks Dairy Collection. November 10, 2017, through May 11, 2018, DCPMHC featured the temporary exhibit The 91st “Wild West” Division at Camp Parks, about the Army’s 91st Division’s campaigns and explored its reputation as the “Wild West” division. May 25 to October 26, 2018, DCPMHC’s temporary exhibit is Women in Service: The Red Cross and Nurses of Camp Parks During the 1940s and 1950s. The exhibit highlights the women who served as nurses at Shoemaker Naval Hospital at Camp Parks during World War II and explores the history of the Red Cross and its ties to the Dublin area. SPECIAL EVENTS Harvest Fair 7.2 Packet Pg. 70 Page 3 of 8 Due to the high ash content in the air, the Bay Area Air Qu ality Management District issued a health warning advising children and elderly to remain indoors the days leading to and the day of the Harvest Fair. The City cancelled the annual event out of concern for its participants. Ghosts of Dublin The third annual Ghosts of Dublin event was held at Heritage Park and Museums, Friday and Saturday, October 27 and 28, 2017. The event was a sell-out. Three hundred seven participants took a flashlight tour through the Dublin Pioneer Cemetery. Those on the tour were treated to stories of the symbolism of some of the artwork on the headstones, as well as life stories of some of Dublin’s pioneers. Members of the NorCal Paranormal Project shared their findings from their paranormal research throughout the park and took a group through the cemetery with their paranormal research equipment. Camp Parks 75th Anniversary Commemoration DCPMHC hosted a celebration of 75 years of Camp Parks on November 12 with live music, refreshments and a showing of the classic movie, “The Fighting Seabees.” Forty- seven people attended, including command staff and City officials. Holiday Teas Heritage Park and Museums kicked off its holiday season with the annual Holiday Teas on December 2, 2017. The three Holiday Teas hosted 67 people, including children and their families and a large group from the Dublin Women’s Club. Teen volunteers from Dublin High School’s AVID club assisted Staff with set-up, clean up and helped served tea. Heritage Park volunteers sold several holiday gift items created by our craft committee and Dublin High School Culinary Academy prepared the menu. Spring Fair More than 700 visitors attended the Dublin Heritage Park and Museums’ Spring Fair on Saturday, May 5, 2018, up from 500 the previous year, when rainy weather en ded the event earlier than planned. Highlights included hands -on farm activities in the dairy pen, farm yard planting and tractor-drawn wagon rides. The Bluegrass band The Dim Lights performed. The Spring Fair’s dairy theme coincided with the dairy exhibit in the museum, “Got Milk? Local Dairies in the Dublin Area.” Volunteers served tea and cookies to 72 drop-in customers at a Farm Tea Cottage set up in the Sunday School Barn. Approximately 22 volunteers served over 75 hours helping implement the hands - on activities and farm tea cottage. Fourteen craft vendors, business vendors and community groups participated with sales and information booths. Military History Event: Celebrating Women in Service On May 27, DCPMHC hosted a panel discussion attended by 54 participants including veterans of the Red Cross and different branches of the military. They listened to female panelists discuss their experiences in the military. Music Jams 7.2 Packet Pg. 71 Page 4 of 8 Bluegrass and Irish/Old Tyme Music Jams are hosted at Heritage Park on alte rnating Tuesdays. This free, music jam drop-in program attracts an average of 20 musicians per month. A music jam drop-in fee of $3 went into effect September 1 of this year and is aligned with other music jam drop-in programs at the Dublin Senior Center. Audience members may listen at no charge. VISITORS A visitor’s comparison chart shows the number of people who visited Heritage Park and Museums as part of a formal tour, as walk-in guests during public exhibit hours, or attended a special event at the Heritage Park. Tour guests were counted and recorded by the tour guide. Volunteers at the Visitor Center in the Murray Schoolhouse recorded the walk-in guests. For ticketed special events, such as Teas, guest attendance was drawn from ticket sales data. For non-ticketed events, such as the Spring Fair, Staff working the event estimated attendance. The Heritage Parks and Museums has seen an increase in overall attendance compared to 2016/2017. While school tours decreased slightly, community group tours increased. Special event attendance decreased due mostly to the cancellation of the Harvest Fair. However, the Spring Fair saw its highest attendance compared to the last couple of years, and Heritage Park and Museum visitors increased due to better weather compared to 2016/2017. Staff also recorded attendance 19 more days than the previous year. Visitor Comparison numbers do not include people visiting Heritage Park for City -run classes (counted in class attendance numbers), private rental functions, or those who may have been walking through the park before or after museum hours. DCPMHC visitors are not included in the Visitor Comparison. As the facility is unstaffed, there is currently no method for tracking visitors. However, 319 people signed the guest book at the History Center between September 2017 and August 2018. VISITORS COMPARISON Attendance Type 2017/2018 2016/2017 Sep- Nov Dec- Feb Mar- May Jun- Aug YTD TOTAL Sep- Nov Dec- Feb Mar- May Jun- Aug YTD TOTAL Community Tour 49 47 21 42 159 50 8 0 0 58 Student Tours 0 16 626 91 733 0 0 748 85 833 Park/Museum Visitors 1,193 1,368 1,878 1,885 6,324 1,294 901 1,412 1,759 5,366 Special Events *312 67 700 57 1,136 690 112 500 10 1,312 Total Visitors 1,554 1,498 3,225 2,075 8,352 2,034 1,021 2,660 1,854 7,569 *Harvest Fair 2017 cancelled due to unhealthy smoke conditions. Average 500 participants. 7.2 Packet Pg. 72 Page 5 of 8 HANDS-ON HISTORY Free Hands-on History drop-in activities are offered on the first Saturday of the month, with the exception of October, December and May. Ea ch month features different themed, hands-on history activities. This year’s themes included seasonal farm yard planting with our Master Gardeners, pioneer living, and summertime fun. The program is marketed on the Shannon Community Center marquee, social media posts, city calendars, Heritage Park webpage, seasonal activity guide and email blasts. Attendance has risen steadily through the year, starting with four in September 2017 and most recently 27 attended in August. The event is coordinated with a week end staff person and several teen volunteers. TOURS The City also tracks the number and type of tours. Tours are especially popular with elementary schools, as third graders study local history. Third graders from Amador, Dougherty, Dublin, Green, and Murray elementary schools attended, along with a class from Valley Christian School and Girl Scout Troop 30266. Two groups of seniors from Sunrise Villa in San Ramon and a group from the City of Cupertino Senior Center visited the park this spring and summer. Two Dublin schools, Kolb Elementary and Frederiksen Elementary, did not participate this year citing rising transportation costs. About half of the classrooms touring also participated in add -on activities such as old- fashioned laundry and gold panning. Dougherty Elementary added tractor rides to their visit and Amador Valley added Farm Yard activities to their visits. Community group tours increased slightly, with two additional private groups compared to 2016/2107. A group of 34 educators enrolled in an educational program through the University of Pacific took a tour of the park in June to learn about the various activities available for teachers and students in the area. Heritage Park and Museums hosted the winter quarterly meeting of the Bay Area Historic House Museums (BAHHM). Twenty-six members attended, representing eight historic house museums from the Bay Area. Museum Director Elizabeth Isles gave a presentation on the architectural features of the Kolb family’s Craftsman house. The group then toured the house exhibit, A Craftsman Classic: The Kolb House. TOURS COMPARISON Attendance Type 2017/2018 2016/2017 Sep- Nov Dec- Feb Mar- May Jun- Aug YTD TOTAL Sep- Nov Dec- Feb Mar- May Jun- Aug YTD TOTAL Student Tour 1 0 16 4 21 0 3 18 1 22 Community Tours 1 4 1 2 8 1 0 0 2 3 Total Tours 2 4 17 6 29 1 3 18 3 25 VOLUNTEERS There are 58 registered volunteers at the Heritage Park and Museums. Volunteers are grouped by interest and may choose to participate in a variety of specialized work 7.2 Packet Pg. 73 Page 6 of 8 groups including: Docents/Greeters, Collections and Archives, Gardeners, Photography, Walking-Tours and Tractor and Kolb Truck Drivers and Mechanics. Volunteer hours declined in the fall quarter primarily due to the cancellation of the Harvest Fair. However, volunteer hours increased slightly in the winter, spring and summer quarters, due in large part to the addition of more active collections and garden committees and the return of docents who had been out last year due to health issues. Highlights of the volunteer program include: • Three docent volunteers led 29 tours and hands-on heritage activities for 27 Dublin classrooms and eight community groups. • Twenty-seven volunteers from SAP, Workday and a local running club, completed general park maintenance projects includi ng raking leaves, collecting garbage, and sweeping porches and cobwebs. • Twelve volunteers staffed the Tea Room and Hands -on Heritage activities during the Spring Fair and Farm Teas. In addition, more than 70 high school students volunteered over 500 hours of service at various special events. • Eleven greeters staffed the museum desk and led public tours during open hours. • Four garden committee members, led by Jim and Sue Farr, cared for gardens throughout the park, weeding, raking and pruning. They now also care for the new Farm Yard, a vintage-style vegetable garden and museum flower garden. The garden committee tends the grounds once a week, weather and schedules permitting. • One volunteer tractor driver logged approximately 20 hours for three school tours, two community group tours, one summer camp, and one special event. • Four drivers from Henry’s A’s model car club completed certification to drive the Kolb Truck. However due to cancellation of the Harvest Fair and rainy weather at St. Patrick’s Day, they have not yet had opportunities to drive it. • Volunteer mechanics diagnosed and repaired a problem with the tractor being difficult to start. • Approximately 50 volunteers participated in projects at Heritage Park during the annual Dublin Pride community volunteer event. Volunteers assisted staff and volunteer Farm Yard project coordinators Jim and Sue Farr with raking, loading soil, wood chips and wattles around the garden area. Volunteers also helped maintain the cemetery by raking weeds and leaves off unmainta ined graves and installing wood chips along walkways. VOLUNTEER HOURS COMPARISON 2017/2018 2016/2017 Rental Type Sep- Nov Dec- Feb Mar- May Jun- Aug YTD TOTAL Sep- Nov Dec- Feb Mar- May Jun- Aug YTD TOTAL Adult Volunteer Hours *188 217 489 190 1,084 **518 241 489 182 1,430 Student Volunteer Hours *76 135 294 12 517 303 85 190 18 596 7.2 Packet Pg. 74 Page 7 of 8 Total Hours *264 352 783 212 1,601 821 326 679 200 2,026 *The decline in volunteer hours during the fall quarter was in large part due to the cancellation of the Harvest Fair and Hands-on Bay Area volunteer group event. **The California Conference of Historical Societies hosted its annual conference in Dublin October 2016, and the Hands-on Bay Area group brought 75 volunteers for 3 hours in October 2016. Volunteer Plan Dublin’s Heritage Park and Museums relies on a limited number of active volunteers to assist Staff in caring for the facility, grounds and collection and in providing programs for the public. Heritage Park has 58 volunteers on its roster, 23 of which are consider ed “active,” including 14 museum docents and greeters, four gardeners, four collection archivists and one tractor driver. The Museum has seen an increase in Collections volunteers and an increase in service hours from existing Garden Committee volunteers. The Museum also found volunteers with unique talents such as music and photography. However, it has also lost several longtime museum docents and vehicle drivers, who have aged out of the program or relocated. FACILITY RENTALS St. Raymond Church has been available to the public for private rental since prior to the expansion of the Heritage Park and Museums. The Sunday School Barn became available for private rentals in 2012. This year saw a slight decrease (21%) in facility rentals at Heritage Park, due to the Hosanna Community Church relocating its services to a larger venue as of September 2017. Family celebration events were the most popular type of rental in the Sunday School Barn with 13 rentals, followed by memorials in the church with eight r entals. Rental surveys are sent to renters within the first week after their rental. Eleven responses were returned. One hundred percent of those responding gave a rating of “very satisfied” for overall satisfaction, set-up and cleanliness of the buildings, with one customer stating, “Great experience with everyone I met with, very helpful and pleasant, wonderful customer service!” Nine responded that they would recommend the facility to family and friends and would rent the facility again. A new marketing plan is underway that addresses the need to increase Sunday School Barn rentals and the new Heritage Park Picnic area by marketing the Heritage Park facilities to past and new customers. The objective of the marketing plan is to host 13 barn rentals, 12 combination barn and church rentals, 20 church rentals and four picnic rentals through June 2019 through community outreach efforts, electronic marketing and open houses. Additional information will be provided to the Commission at a future date. 7.2 Packet Pg. 75 Page 8 of 8 FACILITY RENTALS COMPARISON 2017/2018 2016/2017 Rental Type Sep- Nov Dec- Feb Mar- May Jun- Aug YTD TOTAL Sep- Nov Dec- Feb Mar- May Jun- Aug YTD TOTAL St Raymond Church 4 4 5 4 17 4 2 3 3 12 Sunday School Barn 7 2 8 4 21 4 3 3 4 14 Package Rental 2 2 0 0 4 0 4 13 13 30 Picnic Rental --- --- --- 2 2 --- --- --- --- --- Total Rentals 13 8 13 10 44 8 9 19 20 56 NOTICING REQUIREMENTS/PUBLIC OUTREACH: N/A ATTACHMENTS: None. 7.2 Packet Pg. 76