HomeMy WebLinkAbout03-062 EDublin BART PrkgStructr
PUBLIC HEARING: (Legislative and Adjudicatory Action) PA 03-062,
East Dublin BART Parking Structure Stage 2 Planned Development
Rezoning and Site Development Review f\f' ~
Report Prepared by, Mamie R. Nuccio, Associate Plannell../f.
A TT ACHMENTS: I. Resolution recommending City Council adoption of a Stage 2 Planned
Development Rezoning, with Ordinance attached as Exhibit A
2. Resolution referring decision making authority and recommending
City Council approval of Site Development Review, with City
Council Resolution attached as Exhibit A
3. September 27,2005 Planning Commission Agenda Statement, without
4. September 27, 2005 Planning Commission Meeting Minutes, under
separate cover
5. IPD, Inc memo regarding CCTV, Emergency Phones & Maintenance
System Descriptions, dated October 6, 2005
6. City Council Agenda Statement and Meeting Minutes from 1995
7. BART memo regarding Radio Tower at Dublin BART Station, dated
October 5, 2005
8. Revised Project Renderings
RECOMMENDATION: I. Open public hearing and hear Staff presentation.
2. Take testimony from the Applicant and the public.
3. Close public hearing and deliberate.
4. Adopt Resolution (Attachment 1) recommending City Council
adoption of a Stage 2 Planned Development Rezoning, with
Ordinance attached as Exhibit A.
5. Adopt Resolution (Attachment 2) referring decision making authority
and recommending City Council approval of Site Development
Review, with City Council Resolution attached as Exhibit A.
The East Dublin BART Parking Structure (the "Project") would be located on approximately ±4.99 acres
of the ±8.65 gross acres of public/semi-public lands within the Dublin Transit Center. The site is
southeast ofIron Horse Parkway adjacent to the existing BART station and is surrounded by Site D-l to
the north (future Campus Office site), D-2 to the east (future Campus Office site) and Site C (future High
Density Residential site) to the west (See Figure 1). The Project includes a 6-7 level parking structure,
surface parking, landscaping and 7,500 square feet ofretail.
Property Owner
G:\PA#\2003\03-D62 c. Dublin BART Garagc\PC\PCSR Cant 10-1 I-OS.doc
ITEM NO,: e.1
The parking structure is planned to be constructed in two phases: Phase I, to be constructed by the
Alameda County Surplus Property Authority, would include the construction of a 7-level, 1,528 space
parking structure and Phase II, to be constructed by BART, would consist of a 6-level, 655 space parking
structure. The retail component would also be constructed by BART. It is unknown at this time when
Phase II of the parking garage or the retail would be constructed.
Figure 1. Dublin Transit Center Land Use Plan
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BART Parking
Planninl! Commission Meetinfl
At the September 27, 2005 Planning Commission meeting Staff presented the Project to the Commission
with a recommendation that the Planning Commission recommend approval of the Project to the City
Council (See Attachment 3). During the Public Hearing the Planning Commission expressed the
following concerns (See Attachment 4):
I. Public Safety and Security.
2. Construction Traffic.
3. Displacement of Parking.
4. Exterior color schemes.
5. Communications Tower.
6. Covered Walkway.
7. Dublin IdentificationlNeon Shamrock Sign.
Public Safetv and Security
The Project has been conditioned to provide security telephones (COA #55, Exhibit A of Attachment 2)
and closed circuit surveillance (COA #56, Exhibit A of Attachment 2) in accordance with "BART facility
standards" as these standards have been determined to be equal to, or more stringent than, the City of
Dublin's Non-Residential Security Requirements (See Attachment 5). A representative from Dublin
Police Services will be in attendance at the October II, 2005 Planning Commission meeting to answer
questions regarding the City's security requirements.
Construction Traffic
At the Dublin Transit Center, two high density residential projects are currently under construction: I 12
apartment units being constructed by EAH, Inc and 257 condominium units being constructed by DR
Horton. An additional 305 apartment units, to be constructed by Avalon Bay is currently in Building Plan
Check and is expected to break ground in Spring of 2006. The BART Garage is also anticipated to start
construction in Spring of 2006. Due to all the construction activity at the Transit Center, the Planning
Commission expressed concern over the safety of the public accessing the BART station. In the interest
of public safety, a condition of approval (COA# 2la, Exhibit A of Attachment 2) has been added to the
Project and reads as follows:
Construction Traffic. During peak commute hours, all construction traffic shall
access the BART garage site off of Altamirano Road. During offpeak commute
hours, construction traffic, specifically heavy equipment and concrete trucks, shall be
encouraged to access the site primarily off of Altamirano Road. Construction traffic
off of Iron Horse Parkway shall be limited to reduce conflicts with BART patrons
accessing the BART station.
Displacement of Parking
The Planning Commission expressed concern over the availability of parking for BART patrons while the
BART garage is under construction. While the Project includes a plan for providing temporary
replacement parking for the 145 parking spaces which will be displaced during construction, the Planning
Commission would like to ensure that this temporary parking is constructed and available to BART
patrons prior to the existing parking being displaced by construction. In response to this concern, the
following condition of approval (COA # 23a, Exhibit A of Attachment 2) has been added to the Project
and reads as follows:
Parking during Construction. At no time shall the total number of parking spaces
available to BART patrons go below the existing 1,714 spaces. Parking displaced
during construction must be replaced and be available for use by BART patrons prior
to existing spaces becoming unavailable.
Exterior Color Schemes
The exterior surface of the BART parking structure was proposed to be painted white with custom mixed
integral color stucco finishes on the façade panels and elevator tower. Integral color #1 (canvas white)
would highlight the façade panels by providing a defined border around decorative metal screens; integral
color #466 (cone flower) accents would further define the façade panels with decorative caps in canvas
white. Also incorporated into the façade panels would be metal louvers painted green. The elevator
tower would be primarily cone flower with canvas white accents at the top of the tower and as a
horizontal band above the second floor level. The color palette was chosen in order to subdue the
presence of what will be a large concrete parking structure and to accent architectural elements (façade
panels) which are intended to break up the massing of the structure. The Planning Commission expressed
concern over the maintenance of a painted structure and the color scheme chosen. In response to the
Planning Commissions concerns, the Applicant has agreed to not paint the parking structure white but
prefers to keep the original custom mixed integral color, color scheme for the façade panels and elevator
Communications Tower
At the northwest corner of the proposed BART garage site is an existing communications tower which is
owned and operated by BART. At the January 9, 1995 City Council meeting, Staff had presented
BART's plans for surface parking lots to serve the DublinlPleasanton BART Station, which at the time
was under construction. The parking lot plans had been revised to include a l20-foot communications
tower and a small out building. The Council expressed concern over the height and location of the tower
to which a BART representative responded that the tower was temporary and would be replaced by a fiber
optic system within 5 years or so. Once the fiber optic system was in place it was anticipated that the
tower would no longer be needed (See Attachment 6). The tower allows for communications between
BART train operators and also with police traveling on the Interstate.
In a letter addressed to the City Council, dated January 12, 1995, Bob Fasulkey expressed concern over
the communications tower and requested that the City Council work towards having this tower removed
from BART's plans. The City Council addressed Mr. Fasulkey's letter at the January 31, 1995 City
Council meeting briefly discussing the matter but no direction was given to Staff (See Attachment 6).
In recent discussions with representatives from BART, BART has indicated that in the interest of public
safety the communications tower is essential in maintaining lines of communication between train
operators and local law enforcement (See Attachment 7). BART has evaluated the cost of relocating the
tower and incorporating it into the design of the BART garage but subsequently detennined that it is not
financially feasible as it would cost upwards of 1 million dollars.
Covered Walkway
The proposed BART garage includes a 98-foot elevator tower which will act as the main pedestrian entry
and exit from the garage. At the ground floor level, the entrance is proposed to be covered by a "Kalwall"
entry canopy supported by stainless steel cables. The Planning Commission asked whether a covered
walkway could extend rrom this location towards the BART plaza giving patrons a covered walkway
which would protect them from inclement weather. The Applicant has indicated that a walkway canopy
was considered as part of the initial design of the garage but it was detennined not to be cost effective.
Should funding become available through an MTC grant or other source the Applicant would be willing
to incorporate a covered walkway into the design. The following condition of approval (COA # 61,
Exhibit A of Attachment 2) has been added to the Project and reads as follows:
Walkway Canopy. Should funds become available, a walkway canopy shall be
constructed providing a covered path of travel from the elevator tower at the BART
garage to the BART plaza to protect BART patrons from inclement weather.
Dublin IdentificationlNeon Shamrock Sign
The Planning Commission made a recommendation that the upper levels of the BART garage incorporate
signage which would identify the garage as being part of the City of Dublin. A "Welcome to Dublin"
sign or a neon shamrock was proposed. Staff has noted the Commission's recommendations and will
present them to the City Council.
Other Items Discussed at the September 27. 2005 Planning Commission Meeting
The proposed building signage for the BART parking structure includes the BART logo at the top of the
elevator tower and a "BART - East Dublin" sign above the entry canopy which covers the main vehicular
entrance to the garage. The Planning Commission asked whether the signage should read "East Dublin"
or simply "Dublin" as the former does not correspond to the name of the BART Station but the latter
does. Staff will present this question to the City Council for consideration.
For the September 27,2005 Planning Commission meeting Staff provided the Commission with project
booklets which included elevation renderings of the proposed BART parking structure. These renderings
were also mounted to foam board and displayed at the meeting. The Applicant brought elevation
renderings to the Planning Commission meeting as well. The renderings provided in the booklets were
hand drawn whereas the renderings brought to the meeting by the Applicant were computer generated. In
order to give the Planning Commission a better sense of what the parking structure will look like, Staff
has asked the Applicant to prepare additional computer generated elevation renderings for the
Commission's review (See Attachment 8).
In response to the concerns expressed by the Planning Commission at the September 27, 2005 Planning
Commission meeting, Staff has worked with the Applicant to incorporate new conditions of approval into
the project addressing construction traffic, displacement of parking and a covered walkway.
Modifications to the exterior color scheme have also been made in response to the Commission concerns
over maintenance of a painted structure. Additional information on public safety and security and the
communications tower has also been provided. These concerns as well as the Dublin identification/neon
shamrock sign and building signage will be incorporated into the City Council Staff Report for the
Proj eel.
Staff recommends that the Planning Commission, I) open the public hearing and hear Staff presentation,
2) take testimony from the Applicant and the public; 3) close Public Hearing and deliberate; 4) adopt
Resolution (Attachment I) recommending City Council adoption of a Stage 2 Planned Development
Rezoning, with Ordinance attached as Exhibit A; and, 5) adopt Resolution (Attachment 2) referring
decision making authority and recommending City Council approval of Site Development Review, with
City Council Resolution attached as Exhibit A.
Alameda County Surplus Property Authority
224 W. Winton Avenue, Room 110
Hayward, CA 94544
Attn: Patrick Cashman
Southeast ofIron Horse Parkway adjacent to 1-580 and the
existing DublinlPleasanton BART Station
Por. of APN 986-0001-013-02 and Por. of986-000l-009
PD, Planned Development (PA 00-013)
Public/Semi-Public Facility
Eastern Dublin Specific Plan, Public/Semi-Public
(por. of APN 986-0001-009 and por. of APN 986-0001-013-02)
P A 03-062
WHEREAS, the Applicant, Alameda County Surplus Property Authority, has requested approval
of a Stage 2 Planned Development Rezoning for P A 03-062, East Dublin BART Parking Structure, for the
construction of a 6-7 level parking structure and the future development of 7,500 square feet of retail on
approximately ±4.99 acres of land, located on a portion of land within the Dublin Transit Center
designated for public/semi-public uses, also within the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan area, southeast of
Iron Horse Parkway adjacent to 1-580 and the existing DublinlPleasanton BART Station; and
WHEREAS, the Applicant has submitted a complete application for a Stage 2 Planned
Development Rezoning for the construction of a 6-7 level parking structure and the future development of
7,500 square feet of retail, which is available and on file in the Planning Division; and
WHEREAS, the Applicant has submitted project plans in conjunction with the requested
entitlement dated September 12,2005 and a Stage 2 Development Plan; and
WHEREAS, the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), together with the State
guidelines and City environmental regulations require that certain projects be reviewed for environmental
impacts and that environmental documents be prepared; and
WHEREAS, Pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act, Staff has recommended that
the project be found exempt from additional CEQA review. The Project is within the scope of the Final
Environmental Impact Report for the Dublin Transit Center General Plan Amendment, Eastern Dublin
Specific Plan Amendment, Stage I Planned Development Zoning, Tentative Parcel Map, and
Development Agreement (SCH 2001120395) which was certified by City Council Resolution No. 215-02
dated November 19, 2002. This recommendation is based on a determination that there are no
supplemental impacts that would require preparation of a Supplemental EIR; and
WHEREAS, a public hearing was scheduled before the Planning Commission on September 27,
2005; and
WHEREAS, proper notice of said public hearing was given in all respects as required by law; and
WHEREAS, a Staff Report was submitted to the Planning Commission describing the project and
outlining the issues surrounding the request; and
WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did hold a public hearing on said project application on
September 27, 2005; and
WHEREAS, the Planning Commission expressed concerns related to the Project and continued
the public hearing to October 11,2005; and
WHEREAS, a public hearing was scheduled before the Planning Commission on October II,
2005; and
WHEREAS, proper notice of said public hearing was given in all respects as required by law; and
WHEREAS, a Staff Report was submitted to the Planning Commission describing the project and
addressing the concerns expressed at the September 27,2005 meeting; and
WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did hold a public hearing on said project application on
October 11, 2005; and
WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did use its independent judgment and considered all said
reports, recommendations, and testimony hereinabove set forth.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE Planning Commission of the City of
Dublin does hereby make the following findings and determinations regarding said Stage 2 Planned
Development Rezoning:
A. The proposed amendment will be harmonious and compatible with existing and potential
development in surrounding areas.
B. The subject site is physically suitable for the type and intensity of the zoning district being
C. The proposed amendment will not adversely affect the health or safety of persons residing or
working in the vicinity, or be detrimental to the public health, safety, and welfare.
D. The proposed amendment is consistent with the Dublin General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific
E. The proposed Planned Development Zoning District meets the purpose and intent of Chapter 8.32
Planned Development Zoning District of the Dublin Zoning Ordinance.
F. Development under the Planned District Development Plan will be harmonious and compatible
with existing and future development in the surrounding area.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Planning Commission does hereby recommend that the
City Council approve the Stage 2 Planned Development Rezoning in substantially the form attached as
Exhibit A for PA 03-062 East Dublin BART Parking Structure.
PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 11th day of October 2005.
Planning Commission Chair
Community Development Director
(por. of APN 986-0001-009 and por. of APN 986-0001-013-02)
P A 03-062
Section 1. RECITALS
A. By Ordinance No. 21-02 the City Council rezoned the approximately 9l-acre area known
as the Dublin Transit Center ("the Transit Center") to a Planned Development Zoning District and
adopted a Stage 1 Development Plan for the Transit Center.
B. This Ordinance adopts a Stage 2 Development Plan for a portion of the Transit Center,
designation for public/semi-public uses also known as the BART parking structure site.
Section 2.
Pursuant to Section 8.32.070 of the Dublin Municipal Code, the City Council finds as follows:
I. The Project, known as the East Dublin BART Parking Structure, Stage 2 Development
Plan meets the purpose and intent of Chapter 8.32 in that it provides a comprehensive
development plan that is tailored to the public/semi-public and ancillary commercial land
uses proposed on the Project site and creates a desirable use of land that is sensitive to
surrounding land uses by virtue of the layout and design which is in close proximity to
mass transit.
2. Development of the East Dublin BART Parking Structure under the Stage 2 Development
Plan will be harmonious and compatible with existing and future development in the
surrounding area in that the land uses and site plan establish a multi-level parking structure
with ancillary commercial uses in compliance with the Master Development Agreement
adopted by Ordinance 5-03 in May 2003. The land uses and site plan provide effective
transitions to surrounding development which is characterized by the proposed vehicular
and pedestrian circulation system.
Pursuant to Section 8.l20.050.A and B of the Dublin Municipal Code, the City Council finds as follows:
I. The Stage 2 Development Plan for the East Dublin BART Parking Structure will be
harmonious and compatible with existing and potential development in the surrounding
area in that the land uses and site plan establish a multi-level parking structure with
ancillary commercial uses in compliance with Master Development Agreement adopted by
Ordinance 5-03 in May 2003. The land uses and site plan provide effective transitions to
surrounding development which is characterized by the proposed vehicular and pedestrian
circulation system.
2. The Stage 2 Development Plan for the East Dublin BART Parking Structure Planned
Development rezoning has been designed to accommodate the topography of the Project
site which typically is characterized as vacant, flat land suitable for the development of a
multi-level parking structure with ancillary commercial uses and therefore physically
suitable for the type and intensity of the proposed Planned Development Zoning District.
3. The Stage 2 Development Plan will not adversely affect the health or safety of persons
residing or working in the vicinity or be detrimental to the public health, safety and welfare
in that the Project will comply with all applicable development regulations and standards
and will implement all adopted mitigation measures.
4. The Stage 2 Development Plan is consistent with the Dublin General Plan, Eastern Dublin
Specific Plan, and the Dublin Transit Center Stage I Development Plan (Ordinance No.
21-02) as it is in conformance with the land use designation of public/semi-public, which
allows structured parking and ancillary commercial uses, and the various requirements of
the Stage 1 Development Plan.
Pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act, the City Council finds as follows:
I. Pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act, Staff has recommended that the
Project be found exempt from additional CEQA review. The Project is within the scope of
the Final Environmental Impact Report for the Dublin Transit Center General Plan
Amendment, Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Amendment, Stage I Planned Development
Zoning, Tentative Parcel Map, and Development Agreement (SCH 2001120395) which
was certified by City Council Resolution No. 215-02 dated November 19, 2002. This
recommendation is based on a determination that there are no supplemental impacts that
would require preparation of a Supplemental EIR
Section 3. Map of the Property.
Pursuant to Chapter 8.32, Title 8 of the City of Dublin Municipal Code, the Stage 2 Development Plan
applies to the following property ("the Property"):
2.69± acres (por. of APN 986-0001-013-02), Parcel A of Vesting Tentative Parcel Map 7892 and
2.30± acres (por. of APN 986-0001-009), Parcel A of Parcel Map 7395 within a portion of the
Dublin Transit Center adjacent to the existing DublinIPleasanton BART Station.
A vicinity map showing the area for a Stage 2 Planned Development Rezoning is shown below:
Por. of APN 986-0001-009 and
Por. of APN 986-0001-013-02
Por. of APN 986-0001-009 and
Por. of APN 986-0001-013-02
Section 4. APPROVAL
The regulations for the use, development, improvement, and maintenance of the Property are set forth in
the following Stage 2 Development Plan for the Property, which is hereby approved. Any amendments to
the Stage 2 Development P;an shall be in accordance with Section 8.32.080 and/or Section 8.120 of the
Dublin Municipal Code or its successors.
Stage 2 Development Plan for East Dublin BART Parking Structure
This is a Stage 2 Development Plan pursuant to Chapter 8.32 of the Dublin Zoning Ordinance. This
Development Plan meets all the requirements for a Stage 2 Development Plan and is adopted as part of
the PD, Planned Development rezoning for PA 03-062, East Dublin BART Parking Structure. The Stage
2 Development Plan consists of the items and plans identified below, many of which are contained in the
document entitled "East Dublin BART Station Parking Structure ("Project Plans")", date stamped
received September 12, 2005 which is incorporated herein by reference. The PD, Planned Development
Zoning District and this Stage 2 Development Plan provide the flexibility to encourage innovative
development while ensuring that the goals, policies, and action programs of the General Plan, Eastern
Dublin Specific Plan, and provisions of Chapter 8.32 of the Zoning Ordinance are satisfied.
1. Statement of Compatibility with Stage 1 Development Plan. The East Dublin BART Parking
Structure Stage 2 Development Plan is compatible with the Dublin Transit Center Stage I
Development Plan in that the Project is a multi-level parking structure with ancillary commercial
uses as planned for in the Stage I Development Plan and conforms with the development
regulations established under the Stage I Development Plan for BART parking.
2. Statement of Proposed Uses. Permitted, Conditional, Accessory, and Temporary uses shall be as
adopted by Ordinance 21-02, the Dublin Transit Center Stage I Planned Development Zoning
Development Plan (PA 00-013) and are as follows:
Permitted Uses: The Permitted use of the Project site is structured parking. All other Permitted
and Ancillary Retail uses shall be as adopted by Ordinance 21-02, the Dublin Transit Center Stage
I Development Plan (P A 00-013).
Conditional Uses: Conditional uses shall be as adopted by Ordinance 21-02, the Dublin Transit
Center Stage 1 Development Plan (P A 00-013).
Temporarv Uses: Temporary uses shall be as adopted by Ordinance 21-02, the Dublin Transit
Center Stage 1 Planning Development Zoning Development Plan (P A 00-013).
Accessory Uses: Accessory uses shall be as adopted by Ordinance 21-02, the Dubjin Transit
Center Stage I Development Plan (PA 00-013).
3. Stage 2 Site Plan. See page 2 (Phase I) and page 18 (Phase II) of the Project Plans date stamped
received September 12, 2005.
4. Site Area, Proposed Densities.
Lot Area: ±2.30 acres (net) 986-0001-009 por.
+2.69 acres (net) 986-0001-013-02 por.
Building Size: 70,312 Square feet Phase I
38,642 Square feet Phase II
Maximum Non-Residential
Square Foota¡¡e: 7,500 Square feet 986-0001-009 por.
5. Development Regulations.
Lot Dimensions:
Lot Width: ±398 feet, north PL
+595 feet, south PL
Lot Depth: ±220 feet, west edge
+395 feet, east PL
Setbacks: none required
Hei2ht Limits:
Parking Structure
Phase I: 7 levels
69 feet
Parking Structure
Phase II: 6 levels
58 feet
Elevator Tower 98 feet
Required Parkin2:
Phase I:
Parking Structure 1,528 Spaces
Surface Parking 178 Spaces
Phase II:
Parking Structure 655 Spaces
Surface Parking 67 Spaces
6. Architectural Standards. See pages 12-15 (Phase I) and pages 23-25 (Phase II) and page 27 of
the Project Plans date stamped received September 12, 2005.
7. Preliminary Landscaping Plans. See page 5 of the Project Plans date stamped received
September 12, 2005.
8. Applicable Requirements of Dublin Zoning Ordinance. Except as specifically modified by the
provisions of this PD, Planned Development Zoning District, all applicable general requirements
and procedures of the Dublin Zoning Ordinance shall be applied to the land uses designated in this
PD, Planned Development Zoning District Development Plan.
This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after the date of its
passage. The City Clerk of the City of Dublin shall cause the Ordinance to be posted in at least three (3)
public places in the City of Dublin in accordance with Section 36933 of the Government Code of the
State of California.
PASSED AND ADOPTED BY the City Council of the City of Dublin, on this 18th day of
October 2005, by the following votes:
City Clerk
(por. of APN 986-0001-009 and por. of APN 986-0001-013-02)
P A 03-062
WHEREAS, the Applicant, Alameda County Surplus Property Authority, has requested approval
of Site Development Review for P A 03-062, East Dublin BART Parking Structure, for the construction of
a 6-7 level parking structure and the future development of 7,500 square feet of retail on approximately
±4.99 acres of land, located on a portion of land within the Dublin Transit Center designated for
public/semi-public uses, also within the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan area, southeast of Iron Horse
Parkway adjacent to 1-580 and the existing DublinIPleasanton BART Station; and
WHEREAS, the Applicant has submitted a complete application for Site Development Review
for the construction of a 6-7 level parking structure and the future development of 7,500 square feet of
retail, which is available and on file in the Planning Division; and
WHEREAS, the Applicant has submitted project plans in conjunction with the requested
entitlement dated September 12, 2005; and
WHEREAS, the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), together with the State
guidelines and City environmental regulations require that certain projects be reviewed for environmental
impacts and that environmental documents be prepared; and
WHEREAS, Pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act, Staff has recommended that
the project be found exempt from additional CEQA review. The Project is within the scope of the Final
Environmental Impact Report for the Dublin Transit Center General Plan Amendment, Eastern Dublin
Specific Plan Amendment, Stage I Planned Development Zoning, Tentative Parcel Map, and
Development Agreement (SCH 2001120395) which was certified by City Council Resolution No. 215-02
dated November 19, 2002. This recommendation is based on a determination that there are no
supplemental impacts that would require preparation of a Supplemental EIR; and
WHEREAS, the City of Dublin Zoning Ordinance, Chapter 8.96.020.C.1-6 allows the Planning
Commission to transfer hearing jurisdiction to the City Council at its discretion because of policy
implications, unique or unusual circumstances, or the magnitude of the project; and
WHEREAS, the City Council has been very involved with BART and Alameda County regarding
the ability to enforce conditions of approval and the overall financing of the garage; and
WHEREAS, Staff has prepared this Resolution for the Planning Commission to transfer their
hearing jurisdiction to the City Council with a recommendation for approval of P A 03-062, East Dublin
BART Parking Structure Site Development Review, related amendments and time extensions of permits;
WHEREAS, a public hearing was scheduled before the Planning Commission on September 27,
2005; and
WHEREAS, proper notice of said public hearing was given in all respects as required by law; and
WHEREAS, a Staff Report was submitted to the Planning Commission describing the project and
outlining the issues surrounding the request; and
WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did hold a public hearing on said project application on
September 27, 2005; and
WHEREAS, the Planning Commission expressed concerns related to the Project and continued
the public hearing to October II, 2005; and
WHEREAS, a public hearing was scheduled before the Planning Commission on October 11,
2005; and
WHEREAS, proper notice of said public hearing was given in all respects as required by law; and
WHEREAS, a Staff Report was submitted to the Planning Commission describing the project and
addressing the concerns expressed at the September 27, 2005 meeting; and
WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did hold a public hearing on said project application
October 11, 2005; and
WHEREAS, the draft City Council Resolution approving the East Dublin BART Parking
Structure project has been revised to address the Planning Commissions concerns and is attached as
Exhibit A; and
WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did use its independent judgment and considered all said
reports, recommendations, and testimony hereinabove set forth.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Dublin Planning Commission does
hereby transfer the original hearing jurisdiction for the East Dublin BART Parking Structure Site
Development Review to the City Council pursuant to Chapter 8.96.020.C.3 of the Zoning Ordinance and
also recommends City Council approval of said project.
PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 11th day of October 2005.
Planning Commission Chair
Community Development Director
(por. of APN 986-0001-009 and por. of APN 986-0001-013-02)
P A 03-062
WHEREAS, the Applicant, Alameda County Surplus Property Authority, has requested approval
of Site Development Review for PA 03-062, East Dublin BART Parking Structure, for the construction of
a 6-7 level parking structure and the future development of 7,500 square feet of retail on approximately
±4.99 acres of land, located on a portion of land within the Dublin Transit Center designated for
public/semi-public uses, also within the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan area, southeast of Iron Horse
Parkway adjacent to 1-580 and the existing DublinlPleasanton BART Station; and
WHEREAS, the Applicant has submitted a complete application for Site Development Review
for the construction of a 6-7 level parking structure and the future development of 7,500 square feet of
retail, which is available and on file in the Planning Division; and
WHEREAS, the Applicant has submitted project plans In conjunction with the requested
entitlement dated September 12, 2005; and
WHEREAS, the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), together with the State
guidelines and City environmental regulations require that certain projects be reviewed for environmental
impacts and that environmental documents be prepared; and
WHEREAS, Pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act, Staff has recommended that
the project be found exempt ITom additional CEQA review. The Project is within the scope of the Final
Environmental Impact Report for the Dublin Transit Center General Plan Amendment, Eastern Dublin
Specific Plan Amendment, Stage 1 Planned Development Zoning, Tentative Parcel Map, and
Development Agreement (SCH 2001120395) which was certified by City Council Resolution No. 215-02
dated November 19, 2002. This recommendation is based on a determination that there are no
supplemental impacts that would require preparation of a Supplemental EIR; and
WHEREAS, the decision making authority for Site Development Review applications typically
lies with the Planning Commission; and
WHEREAS, the City of Dublin Zoning Ordinance, Section 8.96.020.C.I-6 allows the Planning
Commission to transfer hearing jurisdiction to the City Council at its discretion because of policy
implications, unique or unusual circumstances, or the magnitude ofthe Project; and
WHEREAS, the City Council has been very involved with BART and Alameda County regarding
the ability to enforce conditions of approval and the overall financing of the garage; and
WHEREAS, a public hearing was scheduled before the Planning Commission on September 27,
2005; and
WHEREAS, proper notice of said public hearing was given in all respects as required by law; and
WHEREAS, a Staff Report was submitted to the Planning Commission describing the Project and
outlining the issues surrounding the request; and
WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did hold a public hearing on said project application on
September 27,2005; and
WHEREAS, the Planning Commission expressed concerns related to the Project and continued
the public hearing to October II, 2005; and
WHEREAS, a public hearing was scheduled before the Planning Commission on October 11,
2005; and
WHEREAS, proper notice of said public hearing was given in all respects as required by law; and
WHEREAS, a Staff Report was submitted to the Planning Commission describing the project and
addressing the concerns expressed at the September 27,2005 meeting; and
WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did hold a public hearing on said project application
October 11, 2005; and
WHEREAS, the Planning Commission adopted a Resolution on October II, 2005 referring their
decision making authority and recommending City Council approval of P A 03-062, East Dublin BART
Parking Structure Site Development Review, related amendments, and time extensions of permits to the
City Council; and
WHEREAS, a public hearing was scheduled before the City Council on October 18, 2005; and
WHEREAS, proper notice of said public hearing was given in all respects as required by law; and
WHEREAS, a Staff Report was submitted to the City Council describing the project and outlining
the issues surrounding the request including the concerns expressed by the Planning Commission on
September 27, 2005 and October 11,2005; and
WHEREAS, the City Council did hold a public hearing on said project application October 18,
2005; and
WHEREAS, on October 18, 2005, the City Council adopted the Stage 2 Planned Development
Rezoning applicable to the proposed Site Development Review; and
WHEREAS, the City Council did hear and use their independent judgment and considered all said
reports, recommendations and testimony hereinabove set forth.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE City Council of the City of Dublin
does hereby make the following findings and determinations regarding the proposed Site Development
A. The proposed Project, as conditioned is consistent with the purpose and intent of Chapter 8.104
Site Development Review of the Zoning Ordinance in that it will contribute to orderly, attractive
and harmonious site and structural development within the Dublin Transit Center project area;
complies with the Stage 1 Development Plan adopted for the Dublin Transit Center which
identified the project as a public/semi-public use and the Stage 2 Planned Development Zoning
regulations, requirements, and performance standards adopted for the ±4.99 acres; and will
promote the general welfare by providing structured parking opportunities for BART patrons and
ground floor retail for various users of the Dublin Transit Center.
B. The proposed Project, as conditioned, will be compatible with the surrounding area and complies
with the policies of the General Plan and the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan; the zoning
requirements of the Stage 1 Development Plan for the Dublin Transit Center in which the project
is located; the Stage 2 Planned Development Zoning regulations, requirements, and performance
standards adopted for Site B-2 of Dublin Transit Center; and, with all other requirements of the
Zoning Ordinance.
C. The proposed Project, as conditioned, will not adversely affect the health or safety of persons
residing or working in the vicinity, or be detrimental to the public health, safety and welfare, as
there will not be any significant environmental impacts associated with the project and the project
has been conditioned to comply with all mitigation measures adopted as part of the Dublin Transit
Center EIR.
D. The proposed Project will not be injurious to property or improvements in the neighborhood as the
project is conditioned to comply with all Alameda County Fire Department requirements and will
be constructed and inspected to State of California and BART standards.
E. The site development for the proposed Project has been designed to provide a desirable
environment for the Project and surrounding areas with regard to its site layout, structures,
vehicular access, circulation and parking, setbacks, height, walls, public safety, and similar
F. The subject site is physically suitable for the type, density, and intensity of the proposed Project
and related structures.
G. The proposed Project may impact some views of properties immediately adjacent to the Project
site which have been or will be developed at a lower building height. However, the proposed
Project is consistent with the Stage 1 Development Plan which allows for a multi-level parking
structure to serve BART patrons to further the City's goals of greater public transportation use and
less dependency on the automobile.
H. There are no impacts to slopes or topographic features as the site is generally flat.
I. Architectural considerations, including the character, scale and quality of the design, the
architectural relationship with the site and other buildings, building materials and colors, screening
of exterior appurtenances, exterior lighting, and similar elements have been incorporated into the
Project and as conditions of approval in order to ensure compatibility of this development with the
development's design concept and the character of future adjacent uses.
J. Landscape considerations, including the location, type, size, color, texture and coverage of plant
materials, provisions and similar elements have been considered to ensure visual relief and an
attractive environment for the public.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Council does hereby approve said application, P A
03-062, East Dublin BART Parking Structure Site Development Review to construct a 6-7 level parking
structure and the future development of 7,500 square feet of retail located southeast of Iron Horse
Parkway adjacent to 1-580 and the existing DublinlPleasanton BART Station, as generally depicted in the
written statement and project plans prepared by International Parking Design (IPD), Inc. dated September
12, 2005, labeled Exhibit A and attached hereto, stamped approved, and on file with the Planning
Division, subject to the following conditions:
Unless stated otherwise, all Conditions of Approval shall be complied with prior to the issuance of
building permits or establishment of use, and shall be subject to Planning Department review and
approval. The following codes represent those departments/agencies responsible for monitoring
compliance of the conditions of approval: [PL] Planning, [B] Building, [PO] Police, [PW] Public Works,
[ADM] Administration/City Attorney, [FIN] Finance, [PCS] Parks and Community Services, [F] Alameda
County Fire Department, [DSR] Dublin San Ramon Services District, [LDD], Livermore Dublin Disposal,
[CO] Alameda County Department of Environmental Health, [Zone 7], Alameda County Flood Control
and Water Conservation District, Zone 7, [LA VT A], Livermore Amador Valley Transit Authority, [CHS],
California Department of Health Services.
Prior to:
1. Approval. This Site Development Review approval for the PL On-going Planning
Dublin/Pleasanton Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART) System
Parking Structure establishes the detailed design concepts
and regulations for the project. Development pursuant to
this Site Development Review shall generally conform to the
Project Plans and color and materials board, stamped
received by the Dublin Planning Division on September 12,
2005, submitted by International Parking Design, Inc.,
stamped approved, and on file in the Planning Division and
other plans, text, and diagrams relating to this Site
Development Review, (hereinafter referred to as the "Project
Plans"), unless modified by the Conditions of Approval
contained herein. No other modifications shall be made to
the Project Plans without subsequent review and approval.
This approval shall not become effective until the City and
County have entered into a written agreement regarding the
enforcement of these conditions.
2. Term. Approval of this Site Development Review shall be PL
valid for eighteen (18) months from the date of approval. If
construction, or demonstrated progress toward commencing
such construction, has not commenced by that time, this
approval shall be null and void. If an additional extension is
desired, the County can make the request to be considered by
Prior to:
the decision making body that ultimately approved this Site
Development Review.
3. Revocation. This approval shall be revocable for cause in PL On-going DMC
accordance with Section, Revocation of the
Dublin Zoning Ordinance. Any violation of the terms and
conditions of this approval may be subject to the issuance of
a citation.
4. Modifications. Modifications or changes to this Site PL On-going DMC
Development Review approval may be considered by the 8.104.100
Community Development Director if the modifications or &
changes proposed comply with Section 8.104.100 of the 8.104.090
Dublin Municipal Code (Site Development Review Waiver).
All other modifications shall be considered in accordance
with Section 8.104.090 the Dublin Municipal Code
5. Required Permits. The Applicant/Developer shall obtain Various Start of Various
all necessary permits required by other agencies and shall Construction
submit copies of the permits to the Director of Public Works.
6. Fees. The ApplicantlDeveloper shall pay all applicable fees Various Start of Various
prior to the establishment of use and the building opening to Construction
serve the public.
7. Compliance with EIR Mitigation Measures. The proj ect PL On-going Planning
is required to comply with all mitigations measures as
detailed in the Final Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for
the Dublin Transit Center (dated September 2002).
8. Compliance with the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan PL On-going Planning
General Plan Amendment EIR. As required by the Site
Development Review findings, the BART Parking Structure
project shall be in compliance with the General Plan and
Eastern Dublin Specific Plan, and therefore must also be in
compliance with the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan General
Plan Amendment EIR and the associated Mitigation
Monitoring Program.
9. Property maintenance. The property owner and/or future PL On-going Planning
tenants shall be responsible for maintaining the site in a
clean and litter free condition at all times.
10. Controlling Activities. The Applicant/Developer shall PL During Planning
control all activities on the project site so as not to create a Construction
nuisance to surrounding businesses and residences. and on-going
II. Equipment Screening. All electrical and/or mechanical PL Through Planning
equipment shall be screened from public view. Any roof- Completion/
mounted equipment shall be completely screened from view On-going
by materials architecturally compatible with the building and
to the satisfaction of the Community Development Director.
12. Final Landscape and Irrigation Plans. The Final PL Establishment Planning
Landscape and Irrigation Plan shall be generally consistent of use/opening
with the Dublin Transit Center Stage I Planned Development to the public
Rezoning and with the preliminarv landscape plan prepared
Prior to:
by Intemational Parking Design, Inc., dated received
September 12, 2005, except as modified by the Conditions
of Approval contained herein.
13. Landscaping at Street and Drive Aisle Intersections. PL,PO Establishment Planning
Landscaping shall not obstruct the sight distance of of use/opening
motorists, pedestrians or bicyclists. Except for trees, to the public
landscaping at drive aisle intersections shall not be taller
than 30 inches above the curb. Landscaping shall be kept at
a minimum height and fullness giving patrol officers and the
general pubJic surveillance capabilities of the area.
14. Landscape and ntilities. The Applicant/Developer shall PL Establishment Planning
coordinate the location of utilities with proposed of use/opening
landscaping. The location of utilities shall be studied to the public
carefully to minimize their visual impact and to provide
adequate planting space for trees and for screening shrubs.
15. Landscape Screening of Walls (if any) and Trash PL Establishment Planning
Enclosures. The ApplicantlDeveloper shall screen all walls, of use/opening
fencing and the sides of walls surrounding trash enclosures to the public
with shrubs and/or vines.
16. Lighting. The Applicant/Developer shall coordinate the PL Establishment Planning
location of trees and light fixtures to avoid any conflicts. of use/opening
Lighting used after daylight hours shall be adequate to to the public
provide for security needs.
17. Plant standards. All trees installed shall be 24" box PL Establishment Planning
minimum; all shrubs shall be 5-gallon minimum. Ground of use/opening
cover plants may be 1 !mllon. to the pubJic
18. Installation of Landscaping/Parking Lot Improvements. PL EstabJishment Planning
All landscaping and parking lot improvements shall be of use/opening
installed prior to occupancy of the structure. to the public
19. The parking structure shall have a continuous minimum 10 PL Establishment Planning
foot perimeter landscaping with vertical elements (such as a of use/opening
tree or a tall shrub) at least everv 20 feet. to the public
20. The following shall be addressed in the Final Landscape PL Establishment Planning
Plans: of use/opening
a. Provide P. Pyrus 'Chanticleer' or approved equal in to the public
the parkway along Campus Drive. The Chanticleer
variety resists disease better than Aristocrat Pear.
b. Revise the bioswale design at the east face of the
parking garage to resolve conflicts with the proposed
c. Replace Gleditsia (Honey Locust) with Celtis
sinensis (Chinese Hackberry, Yunnan Hackberry).
Honey Locust is highly susceptible to insets.
d. Substitute Pyrus 'Chanticleer', Capital' or 'Redspire'
for the P. 'Aristocrat' . Aristocrat Pear is more
susceptible to disease than Chanticleer, Capital or
Redspire varieties.
e. Deleted.
Prior to:
f. Provide an approved bamboo root barrier for the
Phylostachys vivax (Timber Bamboo) or select a less
aggressIve clumping bamboo such as Bambusa
oldhamii (Oldham Bamboo, Clumping Giant Timber
g. Use a non-reseeding bunch grass such as Miscanthus
transmoriensis (Evergreen Miscanthus) or
Huhlenbergia ngens In place of the Nassela
tenuissima (Mexican Feather Grass).
h. All areas identified in green but not labeled with
specific landscape material shall be landscaped with
low maintenance, drought tolerant plant material.
1. Deviations from the approved preliminary landscape
plan (i.e. landscaping of the future retail area and/or
changes in plant material) shall be subject to prior
review and approval by the Community Development
21. The access via Arnold Drive and Altamirano Road shall be PW Establishment Public
completed prior to opening the BART Parking Structure to of use/opening Works
the satisfaction of the City Engineer. to the Dublic
21a. Construction Traffic. During peak commute hours, all PW Duriug Public
coustruction traffic shall access the BART garage site off Coustruction Works
of Altamirano Road. During off-peak commute hours,
construction traffic, specifically heavy equipment and
concrete trucks, shall be encouraged to access the site
primarily off of Altamirano Road. Coustruction traffic
off of Iron Horse Parkway shall be limited to reduce
conflicts with BART Datrous accessiß!! the BART station.
22. The modifications to Iron Horse Parkway at the entrance to PW Establishment Public
the BART Parking Structure shall be completed prior to of use/opening Works
opening the BART Parking Structure to the satisfaction of to the public
the City Engineer.
23. Temporary parking lots shall be provided for any parking PW Start of Public
displaced during construction. If such parking lots are Construction Works
located on BART property they shall be constructed to
BART standards; if such parking lots are located on property
not owned by BART they shall be constructed to the
satisfaction of the City Engineer.
23a. Parking during Construction. At no time shall the total PW Start of Public
number of parking spaces available to BART patrons go Construction Works
below the existing 1,714 spaces. Parking displaced
during construction must be replaced and be available
for use by BART patrons prior to existing spaces
becoming unavailable.
24. Directional signs to "BART Parking" shall be installed on PW Establishment Public
Dublin Boulevard and Hacienda Drive at locations approved of use/opening Works
bv the City Engineer. to the public
25. If not completed with the Parcel Map 7892 Improvements, PW Establishment Public
the medians, signing and restriping of DeMarcus Boulevard of use/opening Works
Prior to:
and Iron Horse Parkway between Dublin Boulevard and to the public
Campbell Green shall be completed within six (6) months of
the completion of the Phase 1 BART ParkinQ GaraQe.
26. Fire Protection. The parking structure shall be provided B Establishment Building
with a fire sprinkler system per section 7.32.140 of the of use/opening
Dublin Municipal Code. to the public
27. Accessible Parking Stalls. The project shall comply with B Establishment Building
the following criteria: 1) in accordance with the ADA of use/opening
parking requirements, per the California Building Code, 2% to the public
of the first 1,000 spaces and I % of the spaces beyond the
first 1,000 will be accessible; and 2) in accordance with
BART requirements one (1) out of every six (6) accessible
spaces will be van accessible.
28. The property line through the building shall be eliminated. F Start of Fire
29. The openings and wall ratings of the new and existing F Start of Fire
building shall comply with the California Building Code construction
based on an assumed property line between the new building
and adjacent structures.
30. The building allowable area calculations shall comply with F Start of Fire
CBC chapter 5 for each phase. construction
31. A detailed phasing plan shall be submitted and approved. F Start of Fire
Emergency vehicle access, fire protection and exiting shall construction
be maintained for each phase of the proiect.
32. Provide fire hydrants, water mains and backflow preventors F Vertical Fire
as required by the CFC for the site. construction or
storaQe on site
33. Provide standpipes in accordance with NFPA 14. Temporary F During Fire
standpipes are required in accordance with the CBC when construction
the height of the buildinQ reaches 35 feet.
34. Provide exit signs and emergency lighting in the garage as F Occupancy Fire
required by the CBC or by BART, whichever is more
35. Automatic sprinklers shall be provided throughout the building F Occupancy Fire
as required by the Alameda County Fire Code.
36. Show the sprinkler system is monitored by a UL listed F Occupancy Fire
central station or In compliance with BART criteria,
whichever is more stringent, to the satisfaction of the
Alameda County Fire Marshall.
37. Emergency vehicle all-weather (paved) access roads (first lift F Vertical Fire
of asphalt) and the public water supply including hydrants construction or
shall be in place, to the satisfaction of the Fire Department, combustible
prior to vertical construction or combustible storage on site. storage on site
Fire apparatus roadways shall have a minimum unobstructed
width of 20 feet (14 feet for one way streets) and an
unobstructed vertical clearance of not less than 13 feet 6
Prior to:
inches. Roadways under 36 feet wide shall be posted with
signs or shaIl have red curbs painted with labels on one side;
roadways under 28 feet wide shaIl be posted with signs or
shaIl have red curbs painted with labels on both sides of the
street as foIlows: "NO STOPPING FIRE LANE - CVC
22500.1 ".
38. Approved numbers or addresses shall be placed on all new F Occupancy Fire
and existing buildings. The address shaIl be positioned as to
be plainly visible and legible from the street or road fronting
the property. Said numbers shaIl contrast with their
39. Provide 2A10BC fire extinguishers within 75 ft travel distance F Occupancy Fire
of portions of the buildings. An approved sign in accordance
with Uniform Fire Code shall be conspicuously posted above
the extinguisher.
40. Provide Knox key boxes at the main entrance to the buildings F Occupancy Fire
at the exterior doors to stair that extend to the 4th floor and at
any gates. The Knox box shaIl contain a key that provides
access to the building or gate. Gates or barriers shaIl meet the
requirements of the ACFD and BART Facility Standards.
41. The project shaIl comply with Fire Code as adopted by F On-going Fire
Alameda County.
42. Addressing. Addressing and building numbers shall be PO Establishment Police
visible from all the approaches to the buildings. of use/opening
to the public
and on-going
43. Posting of Entrances. All entrances to the parking structure PO Establishment Police
shaIl be posted with appropriate signs per Sec. 22658(a) of of use/opening
the California Vehicle Code, to assist in removing vehicles at to the public
the property owner's/manager's request. Signs shall be and on-going
approved by BART.
44. StairweIls. Outside stairwells shall be open and not PO Establishment Police
obstructed from view. of use/opening
to the public
and on-going
45. Deleted.
46. Areas Beneath Stairways. Areas beneath stairways at or PO Establishment Police
below ground level shall be fuIly enclosed or access to them of use/opening
restricted. to the public
and on-going
47. Deleted.
48. Vandal Resistant Lighting. Lighting fixtures shall be of a PO Establishment Police
vandal resistant type. of use/opening
to the public
and on-going
49. Lighting Plan. A commercial lighting plan shall be PO Establishment Police
prepared with point by point photometric measurements for of use/opening
the parking structure, connecting path, and outdoor Darking to the public
Prior to:
area and shall demonstrate that the interior portion of the
parking structure will be il1uminated with a uniformly
maintained minimum level of two foot candles of light
between ground level and 6 vertical feet. The same level of
light shall apply to the open parking area adjacent to the
parking structure.
50. Deleted.
51. Graffiti. The Applicant/Developer shall keep the site clear PO On-going Police
of graffiti vandalism on a continuous basis at all times.
Graffiti resistant materials should be used.
52. Theft Prevention and Security. The Applicant/Developer PO On-going Police
shall work with the Dublin Police/BART Police on an on-
going basis to establish an effective theft prevention and
security program.
53. Perimeter Fencing. The perimeter of the site shall be PO Start of Police
fenced during construction, a temporary address sign shall be Construction
placed at the site and security lighting and patrols shall be
employed as necessary.
54. Radio Transmission. The structure shall be designed to PO Establishment Police
insure radio transmit and receive capabilities for police-fire- of use/opening
ambulance. to the public
and on-going
55. Security Telephones. The structure shall include security PO Establishment Police
and emergency as required by BART Facility Standards. of use/opening
to the public
and on-going
56. Closed Circuit Surveillance. The structure shall include a PO Establishment Police
closed circuit surveillance system as required by BART of use/opening
Facility Standards. to the public
and on-going
57. Speed Limit Signage. Speed limit signs shall be posted PO Establishment Police
restricting 5mph speed limit per BART Facility Standards. of use/opening
to the public
and on-going
58. Standard Conditions. Applicant/Developer shall comply DSR Through DSRSD
with all applicable Standard Conditions as required by Construction
Dublin San Ramon Services District.
59. The project is located within the District Recycled Water DSR Prior to DSRSD
Use Zone (Ord. 301), which calls for installation of recycled Completion
water irrigation systems to allow for the future use of
recycled water for approved landscape irrigation demands.
Recycled water will be available, as described in the DSRSD
Water Master Plan Update, September 2000. Unless
specifically exempted by the District Engineer, compliance
with Ord. 280, as may be amended or superseded, IS
required. Applicant/Developer must submit landscape
irrigation plans to DSRSD. All irrigation facilities shall be
Prior to:
incompliance with District's "Recycled Water Use
Guidelines" and Dep!. of Health Services requirements for
recycled water irrigation design.
60. Off site easements for connection to District water and sewer DSR Prior to DSRSD
facilities may be required. The Applicant/Developer shall be Completion
responsible for acquiring all necessary off site easements and
construction necessary off site water and sewer mams m
conformance with all District requirements.
61. Walkway Canopy. Should fuuds become available, a PL Ou-going Planning
walkway canopy shall be constructed providing a covered
path of travel from the elevator tower at the BART
garage to the BART plaza to protect BART patrons from
inclement weather.
PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 18th day of October 2005.
City Clerk
PUBLIC HEARING: PA 03-062, East Dublin BART Parking Structure
Stage 2 Planned Development Rezoning and Site Development Review
Report Prepared by, Mamie R. Nuccio, Associate Planner
ATTACHMENTS: 1. Resolution recommending City Council adoption ofa Stage 2 Planned
Development Rezoning, with Ordinance attached as Exhibit A
2. Resolution referring decision making authority and recommending
City Council approval of Site Development Review, with City Council
Resolution attached as Exhibit A
3. Dublin Transit Center Land Use Plan
4. Project Plans
RECOMMENDATION: 1. Open public hearing and hear Staff presentation.
2. Take testimony from the Applicant and the public.
3. Close public hearing and deliberate.
4. Adopt Resolution (Attachment I) recommending City CounciJ
adoption of a Stage 2 Planned Development Rezoning, with Ordinance
attached as Exhibit A.
5. Adopt Resolution (Attachment 2) referring decision making authority
and recommending City Council approval of Site Development
Review, with City Council Resolution attached as Exhibit A.
Dublin Transit Center
In December 2002, the City Council adopted Resolution 216-02 approving a General Plan/Eastern Dublin
Specific Plan Amendment; Ordinance 21-02 approving a Stage 1 Planned Development Zoning; and,
Resolution 02-40 approying Tentative Parcel Map 7892, for the Dublin Transit Center, located generally
between the Iron Horse Trail to the West, Dublin Boulevard to the North, Arnold Road to the East, and
the DublinlPleasanton Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART) Station to the South. A Master Development
Agreement for the Dublin Transit Center was adopted by Ordinance 5-03 in May 2003 and together with
the approved General PlanlEastern Dublin Specific Plan Amendment, Stage 1 Planned Development
Zoning, and Vesting Tentative Parcel Map established the land use approvals for the future development
ofthe site.
The Dublin Transit Center project area includes the future development of up to 1,800 residential units on
Sites A, B, C, and E-1; 1.7-million square feet of campus office on Sites D and E-2; and 70,000 square
feet of ancillary retail uses to be dispersed between Sites B-E and adjacent to the BART parking structure.
Open space will be provided by a 12.20 gross acre park located on Site F and a I-acre Village Green
located between Sites B and C. The Transit Center project area also includes 8.65 gross acres of
Copies to: Applicant/Property Owner
In House Distribution
cg. bACHMENT 3
public/semi-public uses including the future BART parking structure, an existing PG & E substation, and
surface parking lots for BART patrons (See Attachment 3).
Development Projects:
On May 5, 2004, a Vesting Tentative Parcel Map was approved by the Community Development Director
to subdivide Site A into three project areas, Sites A-I, A-2 and A-3. In April of 2004 EAH, Inc. received
approval to develop Site A-2 (see Figure I) with 112 apartment units affordable to very-low and low-
income households; construction is currently underway.
Figure 1. Dublin Transit Center Project Area
Site A-3
Site B-1
Site E-J
Site D-l
BART Parking
Village Green
In November 2004, the Planning Commission approved a Vesting Tentative Tract Map for the subdivision
of Site B into two project areas, Sites B-1 and B-2 (see Figure I). In January 2005 D.R. Horton received
approval for the development of 257 condominium units on Site B-1 and Avalon Bay Communities
received approval for the development of 305 apartment units and 12,750 square feet of ground floor retail
on Site B-2. A I-acre park to the south of Site B, the Village Green (see Figure I), was also proposed in
January 2005 but was not approved. A separate application will be submitted by Avalon Bay for the park
site. Site B-1 is currently under construction by DR Horton and Site B-2 is currently in Building Plan
Check review.
DR Horton submitted a proposal in July 2005 for the development of Site E-l with 300 condominium
units and 15,000 square feet of ground floor retail. The Stage I Development Plan for the Transit Center
adopted a "flex zoning" which allowed for the development of up to 300,000 square feet of campus office
and 150 residential units on Site E-1 and up to 190,000 square feet of campus office and 150 residential
units on Site D-l (see Figure 1). At the September 20, 2005 City Council meeting, the Council introduced
an Ordinance amending the Master Development Agreement for the Dublin Transit Center to allow the
300 "flex" residential units to be developed entirely on Site E-I thereby increasing the total number of
residential units within the Dublin Transit Center from 1,500 to 1,800 and reducing the overall square
footage of Campus Office fÌom 2-million square feet to 1.7 million square feet. Additionally, the Council
considered whether the additional 300 units should be subject to the affordable housing requirements
contained in the Master Development Agreement for the Dublin Transit Center or the City's current
Inclusionary Zoning Requirements. DR Horton's project is currently under review by Planning.
The remainder of the Dublin Transit Center project area remains primarily undeveloped with the
exception of existing surface parking lots for BART patrons.
East Dublin BART Parkin!! Structure
In 1993 the City of Dublin and County of Alameda Surplus Property Authority (SPA) entered into an
agreement relating to the annexation of properties owned by SPA. These properties included the site
currently known as the Dublin Transit Center. The Annexation Agreement requires that any development
proposed for the Transit Center property shall be processed in accordance with:
The City's rules, regulations, ordinances or other enactments relating to land use
including but not limited to the City's General Plan, any applicable Specific Plan,
Municipal Code, Zoning Ordinance, Building Code, Electrical Code, Mechanical Code
and Housing Code. "
In addition, the County was required to ensure that if it transferred the property to another governmental
agency that a clause would be included in the deed requiring the same compliance that is referenced above.
The deed transferring a portion of the property on which the BART parking garage would be constructed
£Tom SPA to BART did not contain such a provision. Absent such a waiver of its sovereign irnmunity,
BART is not subject to the City's land use and building regulations. Nonetheless, since a portion of the
proposed BART parking garage is on property owned by SPA, the BART parking garage would require
the following approvals:
· Approyal of a Stage 2 Planned Development Rezoning;
· Approval of Site Development Review; and
· Approval of a Specific Plan Development Agreement.
In addition, the construction of the garage would be required to comply with all of the City's building
standards in relation to the construction of the garage, including but not limited to:
· The City of Dublin Building Code;
· The City of Dublin Fire Code;
· The City of Dublin Electrical Code;
· The City of Dublin Plumbing Code;
· The City of Dublin Mechanical Code; and
· Any other applicable Codes relating to construction.
Although the garage would be constructed by SPA, BART desires that the Project not be subject to the
City's building standards nor to the jurisdiction of the City's Building Official, and that BART "self-
inspect" the garage construction. As a result, the SPA requested that the City waive the following
1) The requirement that the BART parking garage be subject to the City's building standards and to
the jurisdiction of the City's Building Official; and
2) The requirement that the project obtain a Specific Plan Development Agreement.
On August 16,2005 the City Council considered the SPA's request and adopted a Resolution approving
an agreement between the City of Dublin and the Alameda County Surplus Property Authority to waive
the aforementioned requirements. The BART parking garage is still subject to a Stage 2 Planned
Development Rezoning and Site Development Review. By waiving the Building Official's jurisdiction
over the project, the mechanism by which enforcement of Site Development Review conditions of
approval is removed. In response to this, the Agreement included a mechanism to ensure that the
conditions of approval would be enforceable by the City.
The Project:
The East Dublin BART Parking Structure (the "Project") would be located on approximately ±4.99 acres
of the ±8.65 gross acres of public/semi-public lands within the Dublin Transit Center. The site is
surrounded by Site D-l to the north (future Campus Office site), D-2 to the east (future Campus Office
site), 1-580 and the DublinlPleasanton BART Station to the south and Site C (future High Density
Residential site) to the west. The Project includes a 6-7 level parking structure, surface parking,
landscaping and the future construction of7,500 square feet of retail.
The parking garage is planned to be constructed in two phases: Phase I, to be constructed by the Alameda
County Surplus Property Authority, would include the construction of a 7-level, 1,528 space parking
structure and Phase II, to be constructed by BART, would consist of a 6-level, 655 space parking
structure. The future retail component would also be constructed by BART. It is unknown at this time
when Phase II of the parking garage or the retail would be constructed.
General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Consistency
The Project would be consistent with the Dublin General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan, of which
the Project is a part. Both the General Plan and Specific Plan have adopted a Public/Semi-Public land use
designation for the Project site. The proposed Project is consistent with this land use designation as it is a
quasi-public use which will be owned by the Bay Area Rapid Transit District.
The Project site would be located within the Eastern Extended Planning Area, as defined by the Dublin
General Plan, and the Transit Center Planning Subarea, as defined by the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan.
The guiding policy for the Eastern Extended Planning Area is to, "Encourage the development of a full
range of commercial and employment-generating uses...that will meet the needs of the City and
surrounding Tri-Valley area." The proposed Project is consistent with this policy as it is one component
of a transit oriented development which includes retail and campus office uses as well as high density
residential uses within close proximity to mass transit. The proposed BART parking structure aids in the
development of such uses by providing structured parking which would free up land for the development
of such uses.
The Transit Center Planning Subarea was adopted to maximize the transit opportunities presented by the
BART Station and associated bus hub by creating a pedestrian oriented, high density mix of uses within
easy walking distance of mass transit. To further this goal, parking for BART patrons would be relocated
from existing surface lots to a multi-level parking structure in order to allow for the development of high
density residential uses within walking distance of mass transit. The Project would be located in a high
visibility area and as such is required to incorporate architectural elements which present a high profile,
quality image (see Architecture below). Ancillary retail and service uses that offer convenient goods and
services to area residents', employees and commuters are encouraged on the ground floor along Iron Horse
Parkway and have been planned for as part of this Project (see Retail below).
Stal!e 2 Planned Development Rezoninl!
The Stage 1 Planned Development Zoning adopted for the Dublin Transit Center in December 2002 zoned
the Project site as a public/semi-public land use and allowed structured parking as a permitted use. The
Stage 1 Development Plan anticipated the construction of a multi-level BART parking structure to replace
surface parking throughout the Dublin Transit Center. According to the Stage 1 Development Plan, the
BART parking garage was planned to be constructed in phases with the first phase accommodating
approximately 1,700 parking spaces. The parking structure was to be designed so that BART could add
an additional 500 structured spaces in the future (Phase II). In total, 2,200 parking spaces would be
provided for BART patrons.
The Eastern Dublin Specific Plan requires that a Stage 2 Planned Development Rezoning be adopted prior
to project specific Site Development Review approvaL The Stage 2 rezoning establishes the specific use,
site layout, development regulations, and architectural and 1a:Í1dscaping concepts for the Project (Exhibit
A, Attachment 1) and must be compatible with the adopted Stage 1 Planned Development Zoning.
The proposed Stage 2 Development Plan would be compatible with the adopted Stage 1 Zoning as follows
(See Table 1):
· 1,528 structured parking spaces would be provided in the Phase I garage and 178 surface
parking spaces adjacent to the garage for a total of 1,706 parking spaces.
· The Phase I garage would be constructed with the ability to expand the garage to
accommodate an additional 655 structured parking spaces (Phase II).
· A total of 2,152 structured parking spaces (Phase I and Phase II) and 67 surface parking
spaces (Phase II) would be provided for a grand total of 2,219 parking spaces.
· Site improvements including the installation of landscaping would be provided for both
Phases of the Project.
T hi I S
d d S f P kO f BART P
a e tructure an ur ace ar IßI! or atrons
Phase I Phase II Grand Total*
Structured Parkinfl 1,528 655 2,152
Surface Parkin!! 178 67 67
Total 1,706 722 2,219
"The construction of Phase II of the garage will result in a loss of some structured and surface parking spaces from Phase 1.
See Grand Total colunm for total number of spaces provided at project build-out.
Site Development Review
In 1997, with the official opening of the DublinlPleasanton BART Station, approximately 1,200 surface
parking spaces were located adjacent to the BART Station. In 1999, the SPA constructed an additional
427 surface parking spaces for an approximate total of 1,627 spaces. In 2002, the City of Dublin adopted
a master plan for the development of the Dublin Transit Center which included the future construction of
a BART parking structure to replace all existing surface parking for the future development of high
density housing within close proximity to mass transit.
According to a recent site assessment of surface parking, there exists today a total of 1,741 surface parking
spaces throughout the Dublin Transit Center (See Sheet A, Attachment 4). As noted above, originally it
was estimated that there were 1,627 spaces which was a little lower than what actually exists there today.
Existing surface parking is provided as follows (See Figure 2):
· Site C (1,086 spaces),
· PG&E Substation (83 spaces),
· Site A (427 spaces), and
· Portion of the future BART garage site (145 spaces).
Site A
(427 spaces)
Portion of
future BART
(145 spaces)
(83 spaces)
Site C
(1,086 spaces)
Phase I Site Plan:
A 7-level parking garage with 1,528 structured parking spaces is proposed to be located on the northern
half of the site with 110 surface parking spaces located south of the structure. The existing traction
equipment station located southwest of the Phase I parking garage would remain and would be surrounded
by 68 surface parking spaces for a total of 178 surface parking spaces. An existing communications
tower, located north of the proposed parking structure would also remain (See Figure 3).
Figure 3. Phase I BART Parking Structure
Phase I Parking
(1,528 spaces)
"-.-. ..
110 Surface
68 Surface
" \
.: :. . i l \
. ,. ttf ": j i L
--. ·:=-~=:=-~~~k~
While Phase I of the BART garage is under construction 145 existing surface parking spaces which are
located on a portion of the site would be relocated to Site A (See Sheet B, Attachment 4). Upon
completion of Phase I, all existing surface parking on Site C and Site A would be relocated to the parking
structure and the both surface parking lots would be demolished.
Phase II Site Plan:
A 6-level parking structure is proposed for Phase II of the Project and would be physically connected to
the south elevation of the Phase I, 7-level parking structure. 31 structured parking spaces in the Phase I
garage and 110 surface parking spaces south of the Phase I garage would be displaced by the construction
of the Phase II structure. The displacement of 31 structured spaces would be necessary in order to extend
the drive aisles from the Phase I structure into the Phase II structure; the displacement of 110 surface
parking spaces would be necessary for the construction of the Phase II garage. 67 surface parking spaces
would remain adjacent to the traction equipment station (See Figure 4). In all, the amount of parking
provided for both Phases of the project would be 2,219 parking spaces (See Table 1).
Figure 4. Phase II BART Parking Structure
'I] (j
, '
I, "
Phase I Parking
(1,528 spaces)
67 Surface
Phase II Parking
(655 spaces)
Access and Circulation:
The parking structure would have two main points of vehicular access, one off of Iron Horse Parkway and
the other off of the future Altamirano Road. From Altamirano Road there would be an east and west point
of entry along the southern elevation of the parking structure. Directaccess to surface parking would also
be off of Altamirano Road. When Phase II of the parking structure is constructed the east and west points
of access off of Altamirano Road would be relocated to the southern elevation of the Phase II structure.
The Phase II structure would be constructed over the surface parking lot directly south of the Phase I
parking structure and would include six levels of parking. The circulation pattern of the Phase I parking
structure would be tied into the Phase II parking structure. The surface parking southwest of the parking
structure (adjacent to the traction station) would remain unchanged (See Sheets 2 and 18, Attachment 4).
The 7-level (Phase I) and 6-level (Phase II) parking structures would be constructed of concrete with
splitface stone accents on the ground floor and on vertical elements also known as façade panels. Security
screens are proposed on the lower levels of the garage and would be incorporated into façade panels as an
accent feature. Painted metal louvers would also be incorporated into the façade panels to create added
interest to the structure at defined points. Together the façade panels, splitface stone accents, security
screens and painted metal louvers aid in breaking up the massing of the garage.
North Building Elevation (Sheet 12. Attachment 4): The north elevation would include the main
vehicular entrance to the garage (off of Iron Horse Parkway) which is defined by an entry canopy,
supported by stainless steel cables, and building signage. This vehicular entrance would be surrounded by
splitface accent stone and security screens on the ground floor framing the entry point into the garage.
Security screens are also proposed as an accent feature above the entry canopy. Also above the entry
canopy, on levels three and four, would be a series of façade panels. The façade panels would be accented
with a smooth finish, colored stucco with painted metal louvers incorporated within. Each façade panel
would be capped with horizontal banding or scoring. Smooth finish, colored stucco accents would
complete the entry statement by tying the façade panels on levels three and four to the roof level of the
structure. This accent feature would be repeated intermittently on level three of the garage.
The east end of the north elevation would have an exterior stairway and strong vertical façade panel as an
accent feature. Incorporating elements from the vehicular entry, this façade panel would include splitface
accent stone on the ground level, painted metal louvers on the second level, and security screens on levels
three through six. The façade panel would have a border of smooth finish of colored stucco tying it in
with the façade panels proposed above the main vehicular entry.
South Building Elevation (Sheet 14. Attachment 4): The south elevation, facing the BART station and 1-
580, would be approximately 374' in length. To break up the massing of this elevation, façade panels are
evenly spaced across the entire elevation creating vertical elements which would have splitface accent
stone, painted metal louvers and security screens to accent them. The upper levels of the garage, which
would be most visible from 1-580 and the BART platform, would include a smooth finish colored stucco
border with painted metal louvers incorporated within. Horizontal scoring or banding would complete
the feature by creating a cap at the top. Two vehicular entrances would be located along the south
elevation and are defined with splitface stone accents on the ground floor and façade panels above. On
the east end of the building is an exterior stairway and on the west end an elevator tower.
Elevator Tower (Sheets 14 & 15. Attachment 4): The elevator tower would stand 98' tall and be located
on the southwest corner of the Phase I parking garage. The tower would haye a splitface stone accent
base. The pedestrian entry/exit to the tower would be covered by a canopy which would compliment the
entry canopy proposed over the main vehicular entrance to the garage. The tower would have a smooth
colored stucco finish on either side of a tinted glass curtain wall. A backlit BART logo would be placed
at the top of the tower. The north and south elevations of the tower would include two vertical glass
curtain walls between a smooth finish colored stucco with an open breezeway in the center of the tower.
The colors, materials, and finishes would be consistent with the façade panels used throughout the exterior
of the parking garage.
Preliminary Landscape Plan:
The preliminary landscape plan was prepared by International Parking Design (IPD), Inc and includes
perimeter landscaping as well as some surface parking lot landscaping. Perimeter landscaping includes
Columnar English Oak along the north side of the parking structure, Saratoga Laurel along the east side,
and Bamboo along the south side. The Bamboo is a temporary plant used to screen the southern elevation
of the Phase I parking structure until Phase II is constructed. The streetscape includes Pyrus 'Chanticleer',
'Capital' or 'Redspire' along Iron Horse Parkway and the future Campus Drive. In the parkway strip
adjacent to the existing wall that separates 1-580 from the site would be Red Oaks.
Along the west side of the parking structure, adjacent to Iron Horse Parkway, is the future location of the
retail buildings (to be constructed by BART); in the interim, the area would be landscaped with a variety
of specimen plants (see Retail below).
The Stage 1 Development Plan for the Dublin Transit Center established a preliminary landscape and
streetscape plan for the entire Transit Center project area. Minor modifications to the preliminary
landscape plan have been incorporated as conditions of approval for this Project as follows: I) Celtis
sinensis has been conditioned to replace the Gleditsia (Honey Locust) along Iron Horse Parkway as Honey
Locust tends to be more susceptible to insets and 2) Pyrus 'Chanticleer', 'Capital' or 'Redspire' has been
conditioned to replace the Aristocrat Pear along Iron Horse Parkway as the former resists disease better
than the latter.
The Project has been designed to allow for the future development of approximately 7,500 square feet
of retail fronting Iron Horse Parkway; the retail buildings would be constructed by BART. Conceptual
architectural designs and layout of the retail buildings were not included with the parking garage
application. In the interim the northern portion of the future retail space would be landscaped with
Lavender, a non-receeding bunch grass (Condition of Approval #20.g), and Salvia; the southern portion
would include a temporary surface parking lot.
The Stage 1 Development Plan for the Dublin Transit Center did not adopt a specific parking
requirement for ancillary ground floor retail uses along Iron Horse Parkway. In an effort to promote a
vital live/work environment and reduce potential traffic generation, the Stage 1 Development Plan
requires that ancillary ground floor retail and service uses be clustered along Iron Horse Parkway. The
proposed 7,500 square feet of retail adjacent to the BART garage would be consistent with the Stage I
Development Plan by proYiding ground floor retail and service uses in a centralized, convenient,
walkable area for residents, employees and BART patrons. Uses such as restaurants, coffee shops, dry
cleaners and banks would provide easy pedestrian access without requiring an additional trip by car.
Environmental Review:
Pursuant to the California Enyironmental Quality Act, Staff has recommended that the Project be found
exempt from additional CEQA review. The Project is within the scope of the Final Enyironmental
Impact Report for the Dublin Transit Center General Plan Amendment, Eastern Dublin Specific Plan
Amendment, Stage 1 Planned Developrnent Zoning, Tentative Parcel Map, and Deyelopment
Agreement (SCH 2001120395) which was certified by City Council Resolution No. 215-02 dated
November 19, 2002. This recommendation is based on a determination that there are no supplemental
impacts that would require preparation of a Supplemental EIR.
Referring Decision Making Authority:
Chapter 8.96 of the Dublin Zoning Ordinance allows the Planning Commission to transfer hearing
jurisdiction to the City Council at its discretion because of policy implications, unique or unusual
circumstances or the magnitude of the project. The City Council has been very involved with BART and
Alameda County regarding the ability to enforce conditions, and the overall financing of the garage.
Therefore, Staff has prepared a Resolution for the Planning Commission to transfer their hearing
jurisdiction to the City Council with a recommendation for approval for the aforementioned reasons (See
Attachment 2).
In accordance with State law, a public notice was mailed to all property owners and occupants within
three hundred feet (300') of the proposed Project to advertise the Project and the public hearing scheduled
for September 27, 2005. The public notice was also published in the Valley Tirnes and posted at several
locations throughout the City. .
This application has been reviewed by applicable City departments and agencies and their comments have
been incorporated into the Project and the recommended conditions of Project approval. The proposed
Project is consistent with the Dublin General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan, and the Planned
Development Zoning for the Dublin Transit Center and represents an appropriate project for the site.
Staff recommends that the Planning Commission, I) open the public hearing and hear Staff presentation,
2) take testimony from the Applicant and the public; 3) close Public Hearing and deliberate; 4) adopt
Resolution (Attachment 1) recommending City Council adoption of a Stage 2 Planned Development
Rezoning, with Ordinance attached as Exhibit A; and, 5) adopt Resolution (Attachment 2) referring
decision making authority and recommending City Council approval of Site Development Review, with
City Council Resolution attached as Exhibit A.
Alameda County Surplus Property Authority
224 W. Winton Avenue, Room 110
Hayward, CA 94544
Attn: Patrick Cashman
Southeast of Iron Horse Parkway adjacent to 1-580 and the
existing DublinIPleasanton BART Station
Por. of APN 986-0001-013-02 and Por. of986-000l-009
PD, Planned Development (P A 00-013)
Public/Semi-Public Facility
Eastern Dublin Specific Plan, Public/Semi-Public
.~~ International
I Parking
Design, Inc.
Architecture' Engineering. Consulting
October 6, 2005
Ms. Mamie Nuccio
City of Dublin
100 Civic Plaza
Dublin, CA 94568
Re: East Dublin Parking Facility CCTV, Emergency Phone & Maintenance System Descriptions
Dear Mamie,
Per your request, please find below system descriptions for the above referenced project.
A closed circuit television system shall be provided in the East Dublin BART parking facility. Fixed lens
cameras shall be located for viewing and monitoring of all elevator cab entrances, elevator lobbies, and
stairwells on all parking levels. Pan, tilt, zoom cameras shall be located for viewing and monitoring of all
three vehicular entrances at the ground level. Typical parking aisles and cross aisles shall also be
equipped with fixed CCTV cameras. In addition to local monitoring of CCTV images, the system shall
be connected to the systemwide fiber optic cable system for transmission of CCTV signals to the Police
Zone Facility having jurisdiction over the BART facility. Real-time continuous automatic recording shall
be initiated by the video network digital video recorder.
An emergency telephone system shall be provided to allow direct telephone
connection to Central Control in an emergency situation. Emergency phones shall be located at both
eastern stair locations and adjacent to the elevator tower lobby on all floors. In the event of an
emergency, lifting a handset (no dialing) would place a caller to an immediate connection to the Operator
in Central Control and the Station Agent's Booth of the covering passenger station. This action shall
cause an indication to be displayed (flashing blue light) and an audible alarm to sound. At the power and
support console at Central Control Location, the calling telephone set is automatically identified and
logged, and an audio record of the conversation shall be made.
While convenience, comfort, and attractiveness has been considered in the selection and application of
this facility's finishes, the District and community shall be also assured that the goals of safety, durability,
and economy are achieved first and foremost. The East Dublin Parking Facility shall employ
standardized materials that are fabricated in such a manner to resist vandalism and provide for ease of
maintenance, cleaning, and repair or replacement.
7700 Edgewater Dr.. Suite 635 Oakland, CA 94621
Phone 510 553-2120 Facsimile 510 553-2164
E-mail mfleig@ipd-oak.com Web www,ipd-gJobaLcom
Los Angeles / Oakland I Irvine I Sacramento
Ms. Mamie Nuccio
October 6, 2005
Page 2
BART Facility Standards and Basic Goals which are to be complied with in the development of this
Parking facility include:
A. Safety
· Fire Resistance and Smoke Generation: Reduce hazard from fire by using non-combustible
materials. Interior finishes shall meet NFP A 101 requirements. Adhesives and sealants shall meet
the requirements stated herein. The Construction is of Type II-Fire Resistive and fully
sprinkIered throughout.
· Attachment: Eliminate hazard from dislodgement due to temperature change, vibration, wind,
seismic forces, aging, or other causes by using proper attachments and adequate bond strength.
· Slip-Resistant: All walking surfaces including the public areas and the ancillary spaces shall be
constructed of materials selected for their slip-resistant qualities in both wet and dry states. These
materials shall not require maintenance (other than normal housekeeping) to retain their slip-
resistant qualities.
· Glazing: Glazing used on the elevator tower shall comply with the requirements of CBC.
B. Durability.
· Provide for long and economical service by using materials with wear, strength, and weathering
qualities consistent with their initial and replacement costs, and their location. The materials shall
maintain their good appearance throughout their useful life. Materials shall be colorfast.
C. Resistance to Vandalism.
· Anti-graffiti coating shall be provided as required by BART BFS criteria.
· Provide materials and details that do not encourage vandalism, that are difficult to deface,
damage, or remove.
· All surfaces exposed to the public shall be finished in such a manner that the results of graffiti can
be readily removed with normal maintenance techniques.
D. Ease of Maintenance.
· Cleaning: Reduce cleaning costs by using materials which do not soil or stain easily, which have
surfaces that are easy to clean in a single operation, and on which minor soiling is not apparent.
Materials shall be cleanable with standard equipment and cleaning agents. Maintenance
procedures shall not require use of JLG lifts.
· Repair or Replacement: Reduce maintenance costs by using materials which, if damaged, are
easily repaired or replaced without undue interference with the operation of the System. Spare
materials shall be provided for tile and other unit materials in a quantity of approximately two
percent of the total used.
E. Aesthetics: Create a feeling of welcoming and timeless quality.
If you have any questions regarding any of the above descriptions, please do not hesitate to call on me.
Raju Nandwana
Project Manager
CC: Pat Cashman, Alamada County
John Rennels, BART
EXHmfJS .lTT'OCIIED: Exhibit I . Plans for the East DublinlPleasantoD Station Parking
RECtJjMMENB~TION:'" Receive Presentation
The Bay' Area Rapid Transit District (BART) staff and consultan/S have previously
COII'!?leted and presented plans for the East Dublin/Pleasanton Station to the City. The station is
und'lf constNction. They have also completed plans for the parking lot (Exhibit 1) and the
conlfact is out to bid. The contract for the parking lot iSlo be awarded in the Spring <If 1995.
The plans call for approximarcly 2,600 parking spaces split between the north and south
side.s. The plans for the north parking lot have recently been revised to include a mdio tower with
a small out builcling. The tower will be approximarcly 120 feet tall.
The SA R T staff and consultants will be available at the meeting to make a brid'
presentation and to answer any questions about the parking lot.
COPIES TO: Agenda File
Chuck Middlebrook, BA TC
Marv Dalander, BART
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Cm. Howard clarified that the committee will not dictate to the Economic
Development Manager.
Mayor Houston stated their charge has not changed, we just have more people
who can add ideas. Ron Nahas should be asked to stay as he is a great asset.
Cm. Barnes questioned the amount of time.
Mayor Houston stated they could revisit it in 6 months. This is not set in stone. This
is something that will revolve over the years.
Mayor Houston directed Staff to send a letter to the Chamber of Commerce
asking if they also want to add people to the BTF.
.."+ .
Planning Director Tong advised that recently completed plans for the East
Dublin/Pleasanton BART Station call for approximately 2,600 parking spaces split
between the north and south sides. 171.1._ C, "._ ..~, II, lulIL~ lilt hI 15 rJ "'"Fly
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Mr. Tong introduced Chuck Middlebrook, with BATC and Marv Dalanderwith
BART who made brief presentations and showed slides of the project.
Cm. Burton questioned the location of the 'kiss & ride' drop off.
Mr. Middlebrook pointed out the location on the slides of where the drop off
points would be.
Cm. Barnes asked if cars could go from the north to the south.
Mr. Middlebrook explained that they couid not.
Cm. Moffatt asked if there was any concept of double stacking the parking.
Mr. Middlebrookresponded no, they have not been asked to do anything, but it
is entirely feasible. This plan should meet capacity through 2005 and then they
would need to look at ways of providing additional parking.
~.__Jl.. ..... "~r":
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this fiber optic system, and they should have a system within 5 years or so and
then tll_J ..l'~hll It 1111..d..w,~ I"",~,·.
Cm. Burton asked what would be involved with putting it further east on the
County property, near the California Highway Patrol facility and the animal
Mr. Dalander stated he did not know. They would have to talk to the
communications people.
Cm. Burton stated he would like to see this addressed.
Mr. Middlebrook advised that the antenna had already been bought.
Bob Fasulkey asked questions about the 120' tower. There is technology that
makes this unnecessary. \JsL _,,~oIiI¡if;'WuJ¡p_Q Q'k:1I~'I4Qr ~~I","""mlØ.~14¿ H1ii!IÞI..j,I¡e
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p~li<;¡'i' . 'r I 'i1i.
Mr. Fasulkey stated he would still stand opposed and feit it was unnecessary.
Reauest to provide help to Childrens' Theatre Workshop (900-40)
Lyn Dinelli, 6979 Portage Road stated she was a 15 year resident. She discussed
the recent article in the newspaper about the Childrens' Theatre Workshop and
the money and space problems they are having. The Dublin Unified School
District has agreed to give them a hand and they would like to speak to the City
Council about this. During campaigns, several people expressed concerns
about activities for the kids and this group provides a wonderful outlet for kids.
She requested that the City Council place this issue on the next City Council
meeting agenda in order to discuss some things the City can do to help them
find a home. She would like to see this group call Dublin home.
Mayor Houston asked about the discussions with the School District.
January 9, 1995
9ìtø .Cí~~L':
jt\N 13 '\995
clT'f Of DUBUN
January 12, 1995
Dublin City Council
100 Civic Plaza
Dublin, California 94568
Dear Council Members,
Recently representatives of BART and it's consultants presented a plan for the new BART
station to be built in Dublin Apparently this original plan has now been modified to
include a large communications antenna for the exclusive use of BART.
To the best of my knowledge this antenlUl has never been reviewed for public comment.
A change of this magnitude seems to demand such a review. Do we have a choice in this
matter? According to BART's testimony alternatives to the antenna are available. These
should be used as was originally proposed.
J respectfully request your assistance in addressing and eventually removing this antenna
from the plan. We must send BART a clear message that their arrogance cannot be
perpetrated on the community of Dublin,
Bob Fasulkey, Dublin Citizen
7776 Topaz Circle
Dublin, California 94568
!o(Po <30
Cm. Howard stated she would like to know more about the must-carry stations. We
have 2 Chinese and 2 Spanish
Mr. Rankin stated unfortunately because of our geographiciocation, and the way the
bands were drawn, we have a large number of must carry stations.
Mayor Houston stated he thought Washington is reviewing this. People are frustrated
that all of a sudden one day it is cut off. If they could make their opinions known, this
would be better. He did not know what the lead time is.
Mr. Rankin advised in this =se they were refusing to carry the station they must put on
and they lost, so now they are taking off the Nashville Network to carry this other
Cm. Barnes requested Staff to ask Viacom when they are going to increase their
. m..........
BART (1060-301
Cm. Barnes asked vAb-.&. .J.h~~r;~.L.c-......n~n UJ~I d!7 h~ rlnip2 ~W!;¡ r.ogC'trrf tr.\ ~p.t'r'-"-IiÌi~~to
t~e#@r"",".."'" i~18 ¡:@IIII!!III(¡¡¡~' ""~ 'i:;\\iòI~A~:rril~¡¡¡"jIileR1.·""'II,=,rHla:-VVhat can be
done about this.
Mr. Ambrose stated the Council discussed this and gave Staff no direction. They can
apply political pressure, however.
Cm. Howard asked if they have a mock up of the BART Station and what it will look like.
Cm. Moffatt questioned ·if they would have a model over at the BART office in
Cm. Burton stated if they are already going to bid, this is finished.
Mayor Houston stated ¡fanything, we just want to know what their concept is. It is kind
of late in the game for this.
Cm. Moffatt questioned if, under FCC regulations, we have any jurisdiction over
January 31,1995
Cm. Burton stated it can't interfere with other people.
Cm. Moffatt stated he thought antennae weren't under the purview of the Planning
Cm. Burton commented that cities can control antennas.
Ms. Silver advised that cities cannot control those that transmit but can control receive
only antennas with respect to land use issues, such as height, visibility, distance from
street. etc.
Cm. Burton felt the best bet would be to ~J. II~~", I""",... 111 it 11II1II1 ·Iu._ .:!Le.
Hazardous Waste Plan (850-701
Cm. Moffatt reported that the Waste Management Authority had a Hazardous Waste
Management Plan that came out several years ago and because the State was low
on money, it wasn't certified. The State has now decided that they will certify it and this
will come back within a month or so. .
Cm. Burton asked if this was for Household Hazardous Waste? We have 3 pick up
Cm. Moffatt stated this has to do with sites that generate. There is an inter-jurisdictional
agreement that will come back for re-evaluation. If we don't get involved then the
State has the ability to site a hazardous waste generator in the City. The State would
come In if we don't get involved.
Cm. Burton commented that this sounded like a threat.
Peddler Permit/License 1390-40)
Cm. Moffatt stated a citizen had asked him if the City Council would be interested in an
ordinance to make it illegal for door to door solicitation to occur, especially if they have
a sign that says no solicitors allowed. This came up mainly regarding the safety issue of
January 31,1995
Mr. Ambrose pointed out they are not an agency. It's just a group of communities.
There are risks if we do and risks if we don't. It's important for us to have the City
Attorney look at the impacts. The Council needs to understand exactly what we're
getting into.
Cm. Burton stated he was not against the report. His point was to not get involved
where they can come in and enforce things that impact us.
By a concurrence, the Council agreed to continue the item to the February 27, 1995,
City Council meeting in order to obtain further analysis from the City Attorney's office
before considering adoption of the Tn-Valley Transportation Plan/Action Plan.
Informational Reports 1610-05)
Mr. Ambrose reported that Staff was working with the School District to schedule a
meeting of the Teen Task Force on March 16, 1995, possibly in the Dublin High School
G!i'J" I¥Ilel'l..e., Sil¥el"'elI!l~~~ooea.~m""l~ r!a'li(5I't'!'e'1erbd"I,,:,.~hc r:,~T
Mr. Ambrose relayed information from Carol Whiteside related to National Correction
Day; dumb federal laws that need to be changed.
The Council thanked Staff for the updated list of appointments.
Cm. Howard asked what's happening with the old Lucky Store site. Mr. Ambrose
advised that Staff had no information on a firm tenant. They were looking at a furniture
store, but this is not confirmed yet.
1i~.-u4Il'-;J, J.~J:>
PAGE 101
Mr. Ambrose stated he had talked with the corporate Vice President of Best Buy. They
hope to open 9 stores. The Dublin location is a number one site. but they are also
considering two other sites.
Cm. Barnes asked if we ever got information on the City entrance signs. Mayor Houston
stated he had not heard back from the Chamber. Janet said they would look into it.
Crn. Barnes requested that someone please follow up on this.
Cm. Barnes advised that she had been on the phone constantly about the Viacom
and TNN issue. It appears by the way they put it in the paper that we were more
successful. but we really were not. Viacom has assured us that sometime in 1995 or
1996. this will all be fixed. They've sold the company and there's new people. They
don't even know if they will have a job in June. The people in Dublin that were fighting
for TNN did not win.
Cm. Moffatt asked if we could revisit the National Small Business Tree Program and get
some of the berms over on Dougherty road planted. Redwood trees and azaleas
would look nice. or maybe some native oak trees. Mr. Ambrose stated the application
has already been submitted. Staff can review this. Mayor Houston asked If somebody
comes out and checks to see where we piant the trees. Mr. Thompson stated yes. he
thought this was a requirement. Cm. Moffatt said this was a general concern - If we
can't plant trees, he requested that Staff look at the possibility of pianting some seeds
to get some coior out there. Mr. Ambrose said Staff could evaluate this as part of the
Cm. Moffatt brought up the League of California Cities urgent fax about SB 1 I and
mandate relief coming up on Wednesday, February 1 5. Mayor Houston said he supports
this. Mr. Ambrose stated Staff could send something on this.
Cm. Burton commented on the memo regarding the reiease of prisoners coming to
Santa Rita. He saw something about them trying to negotiate with bus tickets. Mr.
Ambrose stated once they are released. they are free. We have little to say about this.
They can make it available to them, but they can't make them do it. Mayor Houston
felt as a general practice. they help arrange for a relative or friend come and pick
February 13, 1995
PAGE 102
them up. If somebody has no way to get out, they try to make arrangements with a
bus or some other way. Cm. Howard asked why they don't make them free when they
step on the bus. Cm. Barnes stated the prisoners are from all over the state. Mayor
Houston advised they could be there anywhere from 10 to 60 days. A portion of them
will be going back to jail. Cm. Burton stated since they go through a court hearing,
why not let them go from the court.
Cm. Burton asked if Cm. Howard had attended an Alameda County Housing Authority
meeting. He attended the last meeting. but she is the appointment. Mayor Houston
requested that the City Clerk check on this to see who the appointment is. He stated
he tried to spread out the assignments. Following discussion, it was determined that
Cm. Burton rather than Cm. Howard will be the appointment.
Mayor Houston stated he saw on CTV 30 that 4 people from LA VT A were going to
Washington. D.C. He questioned who authorized this kind of thing? Cm. Moffatt stated
one of the problems that all the transit agencies are having now is that the budget has
been cut back very severeiy. They are trying to lobby for more money from the federal
government. The money that's been spent in the past for lobbying is small compared
to the money they get. Mayor Houston pointed out that the City of Dublin works hard
to cut back here and the different boards should be aware of this as well. Four people
are too many. He's happy our people didn't go.
Cm. Moffatt asked for direction related to the use of the Regional Meeting Room by
the Subregional Pilot Program people. Since Dublin will no longer be participating, this
group may be required to pay for the meeting space. The Council determined that
they will have to pay in the future. Mayor Houston stated he would be at the next
meeting and he would break the news and will take the arrows.
At 10:43 p.m., the Council recessed to a closed session to conference with Legal
Counsel regarding existing litigation pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(0):
City of Dublin vs. Dublin Meadows Partners, Golden Eagle Insurance Company and JL
Construction Company - Alameda County Superior Court Case No. V-003778-9.
February 13, 1995
PAGE 103
Joel Keller
Go"', Ward All",
Thomas E. Mafgro
Gail Murroy
Bob Fro.klm
Corole Wan! Allen
Zoyd luce
Thorn" M. Blalock
lynette Sweet
Jamøs Fang
Tom RadulO'/ich
NO. 808 1'001
300 lakeside Drive, P.O. Box 12688
Oakland. CA 94604-2688
(510) 464-6000
October 5, 2005
Jeri Ram
Conununity Development Director
City of Dublin
100 Civic Plaza
Dublin, CA 94568
via facsimile (925) 833-6628
RE: Radio Tower at Dublin BART Station
Dear Jeri:
I am pleased to provide you with the status of the subject radio tower. It is
unfortunate that 10 years ago individuals who are no longer with BART indicated the
tower would be temporary until the fiber optic system was installed.
The fact is the fiber optic system has beeu installed. However, the tower, along with
similar structures throughout the system are a critical component of our system-wide
telecommunications network. This system enables us to connnunicate both internally
as well as externally to other public safety agencies.
Homeland Security issues and other recent natural disasters have highlighted the
importance of a clear, uninterrupted and efficient communications network to enable
us to provide critical regional transportation/evacuation and public-safety services in
the event of an emergency. This seamless network of fiber optic and wireless
communications is only possible with the strategicalIy placed telecommunications
Thus, I want to assure your Planning Commissioners it is only through the
connnunications network referenced above that we are able to provide safe and
efficient transit services throughout the Bay Area communities which we have the
privilege to serve.
Thank you for allowing me to clarify the sigoificance of this very important asset
within our system.
Kathleen K. Mayo
Deputy Executive Manager- Transit Systems Development
Cc:J. Rennels
10/06/2005 THU 08: 33 [TX/RX NO 6t67] i;i] 001