HomeMy WebLinkAboutReso 190-05 ExpendPlanAmendmt RESOLUTION NO. 190 - 05 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN * * . * * . . * . . . . * * * . * * * * * * AUTHORIZING THE APPROVAL OF AMENDMENT NO.1 TO THE ALAMEDA COUNTY TRANSPORTATION EXPENDITURE PLAN, DATED AUGUST 1986 WHEREAS, in 1986, the voters of Alameda County approved Measure B, a half-cent sales tax to pay for transportation projects as described in the Alameda County Transportation Expenditure Plan (Expenditure Plan), dated August 1986, and to be administered by the Alameda County Transportation Authority (ACTA); and WHEREAS, the Measure B projects and programs in the Expenditure Plan in North County and East County have been delivered and ACTA is currently working towards completing the delivery of the remaining projects in South County; and WHEREAS, the Route 238 and Route 84 Project, sponsored by the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans), was one of the ten capital projects in the Expenditure Plan; and WHEREAS, Caltrans developed the Route 238 Hayward Bypass Project as "a six lane rreeway/ expressway along Foothill and Mission Boulevards to lndustrial Parkway" as part of the Route 238 and Route 84 Project specified in the Expenditure Plan; and WHEREAS, court decisions in 2002 specified that Measure B funds could not be utilized to deliver the Route 238 Hayward Bypass Project as proposed by Caltrans without amending the Expenditure Plan; and WHEREAS, Caltrans has relinquished sponsorship of the Route 238 Hayward Bypass portion of the Route 238 and Route 84 Project in the Expenditure Plan; and WHEREAS, on March 1,2005, the City Council of Hayward passed a resolution submitting the Route 238 Corridor Improvement Project to the ACT A as the proposed replacement for the Route 238 Hayward Bypass Project in regional planning documents and the Expenditure Plan; and WHEREAS, the ACTA Board approved the concept of the proposed Amendment No. I to the Expenditure Plan on April 28, 2005, and the specific language of Amendment No. 1 to the Expenditure Plan on May 26, 2005; and WHEREAS, Amendment No. I to the Expenditure Plan was transmitted on June I, 2005 to the Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC) for review and approval and the MTC approved said amendment on September 21,2005; and G:\Çç.MTGS\l005-qtr4\QotIIO-04-<J5\R""o 190-05 M""""", B AmendmenLdoc (1'=3.4) PaJl;e lof2 WHEREAS, the Mayors' Conference at their meeting on July 13, 2005, endorsed the proposed Amendment No.1 to the Expenditure Plan by a unanimous vote of those in attendance. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the City of Dublin hereby approves Amendment No. I to the Expenditure Plan as defined in Exhibit "A." attached hereto. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 4th day of October, 2005, AYES: Councilmembers Hildenbrand, McCormick and Oravetz, and Mayor Lockhart NOES: None ABSENT: Vice Mayor Zika ABSTAIN: None A:tT: I'IU~ ~ City Clerk Fawn Holman G:\Çç.MTGR\2005-qtr4\00t\10·04·05\Rew 190-05 M........ B Ameodment,doc (Item 3,4) Pa~e 2 on · 3 Db 12. PROPOSED AMENDMENT NO.1 TO THE 1986 EXPENDITURE PLAN Thus, pursuant to the enabling legislation of Measure B, under Public Utility Code Sections 131304 and 131050, which allows for the Authority to add, delete a project, or to make changes of major significance, it is proposed that an amendment to the 1986 Expenditure Plan be approved to reflect the following; 1. Delete references to the Route 238 Project currently in the project description in the Expenditure Plan's Essential Transportation Project List as follows; Proiect: Cost: Sponsor: Route 238 and Route 84 $77 million Sales tax contribution; $67 million Caltrans Description: Route 238 (Mission Boulevard) will be built as a six lane roadway from Industrial Parkway to Route 84 near Decoto Road, existing Mission Boulevard will be widened to six lanes to existing Route 84 will then be built along a previously adopted alignment where right of way have been acquired to intersect with 880. Note; Although the new Route 84 will likely intersect Route 238 somewhere north of Peralta Avenue, the six lane conventional road is intended to extend to Peralta Avenue. The remaining $10 million to complete the Route will come from other sources: i.e., local assessment districts, thus providing leveraging for the sales tax funds. The project is contingent upon receipt of the $10 million. If!t is not forthcoming, the project will not be built. (2) Note (2) Cost break-out is as follows; C) Engineering/Design , 15M 55M 7M 77M ¡ A) Rte. 238 through Union City Widening existing Mission Blvd_ to 6 lanes B) Rte 84 - 4 lane freeway Total Page 3 ~q~"M l-\ '2èX2.. 2. Add the City of Hayward's Proposed Route 238/Mission-Foothill-Jackson Corridor Improvemeut Project as follows: Route 238/Mission-Foothill-Jachon Corridor Improvement Project In Hayward $91.5 million ACTA Measure B Sales tux contribution: $80.0 million (inclusive of $1.5 mil/jon for project definition) Project: Cost: Sponsor: City o/Hayward Description: i """,~$õ.lIt~~ '_·,,,~ ~t.. .-"" </>' § ~ £ '\ . ! 'I tMTlllIIiWfI' K!~/' /""" J'" ,'\:~ '!I¡,- .,. .""I} . " "'~ "" ,I' ~ . "'t \ .... ..¡-OJMt..... ..(\J,.:ìmeda . C(l\~ntl~ ',' ~C#~~ t ..'Int\, Route 238/Mission-Foothill-Jackson Corridor Improvements in Haywurd will include capaä(y und operational a8 well uS pede8trian and bicycle improvement8 on Foothill and Missian Boulevards between Mal/ox Road und Industrial Parkway. Between Mal/ox Road and A Street, Foothill Boulevard will generally accommodate three northbound and three 8outhbound lanes plus the conver8ion of the exi8ting parking lune to a through trufjic lane in each direction during peak periods only. Between A Street and Jachon Street, the project will convert some existing street8 to a new one-way street system as follows: A Street will become a one -way street with jive we8tbound lane8. joining Mission Boulevard as a one-way 8treet with .five southbound lanes, and meeting a grade 8eparation at the intersection at Foothi/l! Mission/Jackson From the grade separation, Foothill Boulevard will be reconfigured to U one· way 8treet with six northbound lanes to A Street. Between the grade separation and Indu8trial Parkway, Mi88irm Boulevard will accommodate two lanes northbound and southbound plus a conversion of the existing parking lane to a through trafjic lane in each direction during peak periods, Several intersections along Foothill and Mission Boulevards will also be improved, including, but not limited to, the Carl08 Bee Boulevard/Mission Boulevard inter8ection. The final 8cope of the project will be determined by the environmental clearance proce8S. Page 4 50b\"'"L Cost and fUnding break-out and proposed schedule are as follows,' Cost ($ x 1 million) 1.5 1.5 8.0 12.5 68.0 Total 91.5 Tentative Cost Breakdown (Subject tQ Change): Scoping Environmental/Preliminary Engineering Design Right-of-Way Support and Capital Construction Support and Capital Funding: $80.0 million - ACTA Measure B $11.5 million Citv ofHavward $91.5 mülion - Total Tentative Schedule: Scoping Environmental! Preliminary Engineering Design Right-of-Way Support and Capital Construction Support and Capital Page 5 Bellin Spring 2003 Summer 2005 Summer 2006 Summer 2006 Fall 2008 End Spring 2005 Winter 2006 Spring 2008 Winter 2008 Summer 2011 (j) è'Ö I¿~-- 3. Add the 1-580lRedwood Road Interchange Project in Castro Valley as supplemental improvements 10 the Hayward Route 238 Corridor Improvement Project as follows; Project: Cost: Sponsor: ¡-580/Redwood Road Interchange Improvements Project in Castro Valley $29 million ACTA Measure B Sall'.\· tax contribution: $15 million Alameda County Transportation Improveml'nt Authority (ACT/A) Description: I.'!,~I!¥!V: '\b'1~.,. _t. Q ~. ¡ " \ ,I ~ f ",/:1 ~ ",~,' , / ·\.,I~':"\I¡: { , n ....... ~~~+j, "~' l 11 ,1., . '.., ' ",~, "Ç> , ',~~~,~~~.~-º,,[t{!~R(Hðti~EINr~.Y.i\Il~ Nar'1¿,¡j,1 Ct,)jnt.l'. l· ; 1II1III'C¡h' \ '''''1101'<...·'·''"'''''·"'"'.''''_'~n'~~'''' The project is comprised of the following elements (subject to definition in the environmental document): · Construct a nl'W westbound off-ramp ji-om 1-580 to Redwood Road: · Construct a new eastbound on-ramp ji-om Redwood ROQd to 1-580; · Replaæ the existing eastbound 1-580 oj}ramp to Center Street with a new ofFramp to Grove Way; and · Remove the existing westbound (m-rampfrom Castro Valley Boulevard to 1·580. Cost break-out and proposed schedule are asfollows: Tentative Cost Breakdown: Cost ($ x 1 million) 0,7 0.7 2.1 8.5 17.0 29.0 Scoping EnvironmentQI/p,.eliminary Engineering Design Right-of-Way Support and Capital Construction Support and Capital Total Page 6 Funding: $15.0 million -ACTA Measure B $J J.3 million-ACTIA Measure B $2.7 million - Local $29.0 million. Total Tentative Schedule: Scoping Environmental/Preliminary Engineering Design Right-of Way Support and Capital Construction Suppol1 and Capital Page 7 Beein Spring 2003 Summer 2004 Summer2005 Summer 2005 Spring 2007 76(;;/2- End Summer 2004 Fall 2006 Spring 2007 Spring 2007 Fall 2009 B C6'-L 4. Add tbe Central Alameda County Freeway System Operational Analysis as follows: I Description: , I L Central Alameda Count' Freewa S stem 0 erationol Analy";,, $5 million _ ACTj Measure B Sales tax contribution.' $5 million Alameda COUl¡~y Transportation Improvement Authority (ACT/A) and .Alameda County Con estion Mana ement A ency (ACCMA) & 1I1!II.1~" !\to;rI!l4,.. .i ~' o g ~ . ./ øe.T~-uI1 . ~f " ~ ""'1..,1 -- l AJa"'ed" (0'""-1 ~ I ..' '.... .1"Jo>'Þ., ~ U~,_Wtm FREWð.YSY$l'1M~~_ANN.1SIS . : ...."In No.I~~~I'td~"'~q.1" The transportation planning study will document the long and short ran~~l , plan jor State highway improvements in the 1-880, 1-580 ami 1-238 Corridors, in Central Alameda County. The study shall include planning level traffic operations analysis, traj)ic congestion and operational problem/dejiciency ident~jication, henefit-cost analysis, project implementation strateg;" and technical report. The Central County area includes the Cities o[ Hayward, San Leandro and unincorporated areas of Alameda County, The suggested limits for the corridors 10 be studied are: 1-880 from Whipple Road to Davis Street; 1-580 from Crow Canyon to I- 238; and 1-238 from I-580 to 1-880, Specific projects to be considered in this planning study will include, but will not be limited to those in ¡he Alameda Countywide Transportation Plan and ¡he ACTIA Measure B Expenditure Plan, as well as those that already have approved Project Study Reports. Other roadway improvements may he added a.' appropriate. ':E The purpose and objective o[the study involves the development ofa technical report that addresses the long-range plan and the sequencing of' . improvements that will be required to achieve the most practiœl traffic reliefin the 1-880, I-580 and 1-238 Corridors. The technical report will summarize the various project scopes, schedules and costs; funding avoilability; recommended project sequencing; and an implementation strateg;1 that will provide the improvements that are most cost effective and consistent with the transportation needs in the area. The technical report I could he also used [or I!!.eparation o[programming documents (Ca/trans .---J Page 8 qC?J ¡L Project Study Report) for possible State fundingfrom the State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP), State Highway Operation and Protection Program (SHOPP), and/or proceeds from the sales of excess I right-or-wav pursuant to the SB 509 Statute. Cost break-out and proposed schedule are as follows: Cost: Costs for the technical studies and subsequent Project Study Reports will be identified at the initiation of this project. Funding: · $5 million -ACTA Measure B. · No other funding source identified at this time. However, there is potential fUnding from sale of state owned right-of-way associated with Route 238 Bypass Project pursuant to the SB 509 Statute. . Tentative Schedule: · Technical studies identifying a list of potential projects - 6 months after Expenditure Plan Amendment approval. · Project Study Reports for selected projects - 5 years after Expenditure Plan Amendment approval. Page 9 10 (it· ./7_ j 5. Add the Castro Valley Local Traffic Circulation Improvement Project as follows; I Pro'ectlStud: ._ Castro Valley Local Area Traffic Circulation Improve~~-;'t Project Co~·t: =to, $5 million _.. ACTA Measure B §ales tax contribution: $5 mil/ion Sponsor: ,I Alameda County Public Works Agency I !\1~I"'" ~!",I ..!.. Description: -" ~~ , . ,. j , ! ., \ ,/ '" ~ " " ~, . I, .~, ~ \11".", ~¡;t",,, /. '~ '':1':' ..... r~ ., ..'~,~ CASIKO vAJ.J1:v ~..u JIWfI( (, R(:UL~TION &MPRC::¥M!t¥!...~. 'f' 1IIIItII'.'" '. ""...~"..¡:,a~I,,,,,."œr,",,...,....,,,,,,, ;el~;:m a Studv In order to identify and prIOritize transporlatum proj':~tsl and Implement projects that advance safe and efjicient multi-modal , I trans/~~:ation objectives. _ I ~round: ---i The Route 238 Bypass and the accompanying ramps ¡rom 1-580 to the Route 238 Bypass would have provided congestion relief and reduced regionlll bypass Ilnd cut through traffic on numerous Ilrterial, collector Ilnd local roads in the Baywood area of Unincorporated Alameda County The proposed Hllyward Route 238 Corridor Improvement Project does nOI provide these same benefits. The Baywood area of Unincorporated Alllmedll County is bounded hy Castro Valley Boulevard. A Street and Foothill Boulevard. 'I I, .,~ ·,.1 - f '.~(,? 'All" 'i ".. ~ } ,"", J !\lc1mt:dd CrJlJ(!LI.! . I I L........._~~.___ ' Descrivtion: The Alamedll County Public Works Agency (ACPWA) will develop a list of projectsfor the potential U~'e of these ACTAjimds that will pro II/de çonge.<tion relief and potentially increased capacity, and may Ilddress the regional bypass and cut through traffic that the Baywood area is presently experiencing. These projects will be evaluated against a set of crite<ria developed by ACPWA which may include, but not limited to, congestion reduction, capacity enhancement, regional bypass and cut through traffic Illleviation, cost-benefit, community acceptance, political acceptllnce, project relldiness and confidence in project i'!lplementation. AC~WA wilL.1 Page 10 J /rfO /2.. develop a list of projects to be pursued with the Measure B funds and I present them to the Board of Supervisors for their review and, if I appropriate, approval. Project information will be shared with the City of Hayward on an ongoing basis for review and comment. All phases of project development (preliminary 'engineering, environmental, design, right-of-way engineering and acquisition, and construction capital and support) are eligible for use of these funds. It should be noted that the list of projects developed by the ACPWA may not be included presently in any County transpol1ation programming docurmmt. However, the needfor theseproject$ has been known by ACPWA staff and voiced by the Baywood area constituency for some time. Cost break-out and proposed schedule are as follows: Cost: Cost for the various project development phases to be developed with the list of projects by ACPWA. Funding: $5 million Tentative Schedule: Completion of List of Projects, Evaluation of Projects and Approval of List of Project by the Board of Supervisors - 6 months after Expenditure Plan Amendment approval. Implementation of List of Projects with Measure B Funds - 5 years after Expenditure Plan Amendment approval. Page 11