HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Reso05-58 B&L GPA/EDSPA FallonVlg
P A 04-040
WHEREAS, the City Council initiated a general and specific plan amendment study for the
Eastern Dublin Property Owners (ED PO) area (Resolution 167-02). Braddock and Logan submitted a
related general and specific plan amendment and PD-Planned Development district rezoning with Stage I
Development Plan for future development of up to 3,108 dwellings at a variety of densities; up to
2,503,175 square feet of commercial, office, light industrial and mixed use development; two elementary
school sites, parks, utility extensions and open spaces located on an approximately 1,134 acre site located
in an area bounded by 1-580 to the south, Fallon Road and the Dublin Ranch development to the west, the
easterly Dublin city limit line to the east, and the northerly Dublin city limit line to the north. These
applications for the entire 1,134 acre area comprise P A 04-040 and are referred to herein as the "Fallon
Village project" or the "project"; and
WHEREAS, the General Plan amendment proposes to redesignate residential uses for an open
space corridor in a northeast-southwest direction through the project area; to intensifY residential densities
outside the open space corridor; to redesignate a portion of the Livermore AP A from Future Study Area to
commercial, office and retail development; to redesignate industrial park land uses to include commercial
and office uses; to adopt and apply the Mixed Use designation; to adjust the Rural Residential/Agriculture
boundary in some locations; and to make related map and text changes as further set forth in Sections A
and B below; and
WHEREAS, the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan amendment proposes map and text changes
consistent with the general plan changes described above and proposes to add the northerly approximately
638 acres of the project area to the Specific Plan area so that the entire project area will be subject to the
Eastern Dublin Specific Plan. The Specific Plan amendments are further set forth in Sections C and D
below. The PD-Planned Development District rezoning proposes to modifY existing land uses and
roadway alignments in the 2002 Stage I Development Plan to establish the open space corridor, increase
the number of approved dwellings to 3, I 08 dwellings, increase non-residential development to 2,503,175
square feet, and include elementary schools, parks, and open space.
WHEREAS, Braddock and Logan submitted related development applications, including a Stage
2 Development Plan, vesting tentative maps, and other requests for the northerly 488 acres to include
development of 1,078 dwellings along with elementary schools, parks, and open space (related P A 05-
038); and
WHEREAS, project area contains thirteen parcels ofland under eleven ownerships within the
City of Dublin; and
WHEREAS, the Project site currently is undeveloped and used for farming, grazing, storage, and
other rural uses; and
WHEREAS, the project site is in Eastern Dublin for which the City adopted the 1993 Eastern
Dublin General Plan Amendment and Specific Plan to provide a comprehensive planning framework for
future development of the area. In connection with this approval, the City certified a program EIR
pursuant to CEQA Guidelines section 15168 (SCH No. 91103064, Resolution 51-93, and Addendum
dated August 22, 1994, hereafter "Eastern Dublin ErR" or "program EIR") that is available for review in
the City planning department and is incorporated herein by reference. The program EIR was integral to
the planning process and examined the direct and indirect effects, cumulative impacts, broad policy
alternatives, and area wide mitigation measures for developing Eastern Dublin; and
WHEREAS, upon approval of the Eastern Dublin General Plan Amendment and Specific Plan,
the City Council adopted mitigation measures, mitigation findings, a statement of overriding
considerations and a mitigation monitoring program. All adopted mitigation measures continue to apply
to projects in Eastern Dublin, as applicable, including the Fallon Village project; and
WHEREAS, in connection with an annexation and prezoning request for the project area in 2002,
the City certified a Supplemental EIR that is available for review in the planning department and is
incorporated herein by reference. In connection with the 2002 project approval, the City Council adopted
supplemental mitigation measures, mitigation findings, a statement of overriding considerations and a
mitigation monitoring program. All adopted supplemental mitigation measures continue to apply to the
project area; and
WHEREAS, consistent with CEQA and the CEQA Guidelines, the City prepared a 2005
Supplement to the 1993 and 2002 EIRs for the Fallon Village project. The 2005 Supplemental ErR
contains Draft and Final Supplemental EIR documents and was presented to the Planning Commission for
review prior to its recommendation on the project; and
WHEREAS, the Planning Commission and City Council conducted a joint meeting on April 5,
2005 to provide direction to staff for the project description. The Planning Commission conducted a
study session on October 25, 2005 at which time staff and the project applicants introduced the project
and 2005 Draft Supplemental EIR to the Planning Commission. Staff reports dated April 5,2005 and
October 25, 2005 for these meetings are incorporated herein by reference; and
WHEREAS, staff prepared an errata sheet to identifY revisions to ensure consistent text
descriptions throughout the amendments, to update acreage and other land use designation data
particularly with respect to residential and semi-public designations, and to make other clarifying
revisions or corrections as needed; and
WHEREAS, on November 8, 2005, the Planning Commission held a duly noticed public hearing
on the project, including the proposed general and specific plan amendments, at which time all interested
parties had the opportunity to be heard. The Planning Commission considered a staff report dated
November 8, 2005 and incorporated herein by reference, the errata sheet, the 2005 Supplemental ErR, and
all written and oral testimony; and
WHEREAS, following the public hearing, the Planning Commission adopted Resolution 05-~
recommending that the Council certify the 2005 Supplemental EIR and make all appropriate findings,
which resolution is incorporated herein by reference.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the foregoing recitals are true and correct and made a
part ofthis resolution.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Dublin Planning Commission recommends that the City
Council approve the amendments to the General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan in Sections A, B,
C and D below (which include the errata reviewed by the Planning Commission) based on the following
I. The General Plan amendments are in the public interest and the General Plan as so amended
will remain internally consistent.
2. Consistent with Government Code section 65302.2, the City used the DSRSD urban water
management plan as a source document for the Fallon Village General Plan amendments.
3. The Eastern Dublin Specific Plan amendments are in the public interest, are consistent with the
General Plan as amended, and the Specific Plan as so amended will remain internally consistent.
Section A. General Plan maps and figures. Amend the Land Use Map and other figures in the General
Plan as shown in attached Exhibit A, which is incorporated herein by reference.
Section B. General Plan text. Amend the text ofthe General Plan as follows.
Page 10:
1.8.1 Land Use Classifications
Eastern Extended Planning Area
Below the Campus Office designation, add:
General Commercial/Campus Office (.20-.80 Floor Area Ratio).
Combined land use district.
Industrial Park/Campus Office (.25-.80 Floor Area ratio)
Combined land use district
Mixed Use (FAR 0.30 to 1.00)
This designation provides for the combination of medium to medium high density residential housing and
at least one non-residential use, such as office or retail. Office or retail uses could include uses such as
stores, restaurants, business and professional offices, and entertainment facilities. The floor area ratio is
for the combined commercial and residential uses.
Page 14: Figure 1-1 a
Amend City boundary; modifY alignment of Central Parkway; modify land use designations. (See Exhibit
A of this resolution.)
Page 15: Figure 1-2
Correct City boundary. (See Exhibit A ofthis resolution.)
Page 15 (sic) 16: Figure 1-4
Amend City limits; modify and add alignments of backbone streets. (See Exhibit A ofthis resolution.)
Page 17: Chapter 2 Land Use and Circulation: Land Use Element
Amend Table 2.1 as shown:
TABLE 2.1"
Classification Acres Intensiiv Units Factor Yield
RESIDENTIAL Du's/acre On's Persons/du Population
High Density 69.9 35 2,447 2.0 4,894
Medium-High Density 129.0 20 2,646 2.0 5,292
Medinm-Density 512.7 10 5,127 2.0 10,254
Single Family 933.7 4 3,855 3.2 12,336
Mixed Use**** 96 2.0 192
Rural Residential 713.7 .01 8 3.2 25
TOTAL 2,359.0 14,179 32,993
Floor Area Square Feet Square
COMMERCIAL Acres Ratio (millions) Feet/ Jobs
(Gross) Employee
General Commercial 347.9 .35/.25 4.228 510 8,290
General Commercial/Campus 72.7 .28 .887 385 2,303
Mixed Use **** 6.4 .3/1.0 .083 490 171
Neighborhood Commercial 57.5 .35/.30 .819 490 1,671
Campus Office 189.36 .75/.35 3.052 260 11,739
Industrial Park/Campus 61.3 .28 .747 425 1,759
Industrial Park 53.4 .25 .487 590 825
TOTAL: 788.6 9.816 26,758
City Park 56.3 I parks
Community Park 97.0 2 parks
Neighborhood Park 47.1 8 parks
Neighborhood Square 15.5 5 parks
Regional Park 11.7 1 park
TOTAL: 227.6 18 parks
Public/Semi-Pnhlic 102.9 .25 1.120 590 1,899
Semi-Public 11.2 .25 5
Elementary School 63.2 5 schools
Junior High School 25.2 1 school
High School 0 o school
School Subtotal 88.4 6 schools
TOTAL: 202.5
- Campus Office (including 38.3
ancillary retail)
- High-Densitv Residential 31.5
- Park 12.2
- Public/Semi-Public (Transit- 8.7
~ Related)
Updated: 2006
'Table 2.1 appears as Table "2A" in the Eastern Dublin GP A. It was relabeled herein for formatting purposes.
uNumbers represent a mid-range considered reasonable given the pennitted density range.
***The Sq Ft/Employees figure utilized for General Commercial/Campus Office is the average of the figure used for General Commercial and
Campus Office uses.
****For the purpose of this table, Mixed Use acreage only will be considered Commercial. not residential, to avoid duplication in tabulation of
overall total acres.
***** The Sq FtlEmployees figure utilized for Industrial Park/Campus Office is the average of the figure used for Industrial Park and Campus
Office uses.
****** The locations of the Semi-public sites on the Jordan, Croak and Chen properties of Fallon Village will be detcnnined at the time of
PD-2 approval. The site on Jordan will be 2.0 net acres within the Village Center; the site on Croak, 2.0 net acres; and the site on Chen, 2.5
net acres. For the purposes of this table, 2.0 acres of Medium High Density Residential land on Jordan was changed to Semi-public, 2.0 acres
of Single Family Residential land on Croak was changed to Semi-public and 2.5 acres of Medium High Density residentiailand on Chen was
changed to Semi-public. These assumptions may change at the time ofPD-2 approval.
Page 10: Section 2.2.6
Add the following three designations:
General Commercial/Campus Office (FAR 0.20 to 0.80).
Combined land use district.
Industrial Park/Campus Office (FAR 0.25-0.80).
Combined land use district
Mixed Use (FAR 0.30 to 1.00).
This designation provides for the combination of medium to medium high density residential housing and
at least one non-residential use, such as office or retail. Office or retail uses could include uses such as
stores, restaurants, business and professional offices, and entertainment facilities.
Page 34: Section 3.3
Add a sentence to the end of Note H of Guiding Policies-Eastern Extended Planning Area, as follows:
Per the 2006 Fallon Village amendment, in order to preserve biological resources, trails in Fallon Village
will not be placed along ridgelines and in stream corridors.
Add sentence to the end of Note J Guiding Policies-Eastern Extended Planning Area, as follows:
Per the 2006 Fallon Village amendment, in order to preserve biological resources, no land dedication for
trails along designated stream corridors outside the open space corridor, shall be required for projects in
Fallon Village.
Add sentence to the end of Note K Guiding Policies-Eastern Extended Planning Area, as follows:
Per the 2006 Fallon Village amendment, in order to preserve biological resources, no land dedication for
ridgeIine trails shall be required for projects in Fallon Village.
Page 39: Section 4.4
Add the following to the end ofthe first paragraph.
As of 2005, the Dublin San Ramon Services District has recently completed a sewage treatment plant
expansion to treat up to 17.0 mgd, with a planned future expansion to 20.8 mgd as treatment for buildout
flows. Disposal of treated wastewater is provided by the LA VWMA (the agency that replaced TW A)
export pipeline expansion project completed in the Summer of 2005. The project improved a 16-mile
export pipeline that discharges treated sewage to the East Bay Dischargers Authority and on to the Bay.
Pages 54.56.58: Figures 5-1b, 5-2b, 5-3b
Modify alignment of Central Parkway, and add various notes. (See Exhibit A ofthis resolution.)
Section C. Eastern Dublin Specific Plan maps and figures. Amend the Land Use Map and other figures
in the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan as shown in attached Exhibit B, which in incorporated herein by
Section D. Eastern Dublin Specific Plan text. Amend the text of the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan as
ModifY the text as follows:
1.1 Preface
The Eastern Dublin Specific Plan represents a five-year effort to develop a planning framework for the
future growth and development of approximately 3,300 acres in the largely unincorporated area that lies
east of Camp Parks. Since 1993, approval of subseauent amendments, such as the addition of the Dublin
Transit Center and portions of Fallon Village, have increased the size ofthe Specific Plan area. The Plan,
which has been developed. . . . . .
Page 3: 1.3 Background and Planning Process (second paragraph)
Modify the text as follows:
. . . . .the area to the east. The 2005 Fallon Village amendment extended the Specific Plan area easterly so
that it is now co-terminous with most ofthe Eastern Dublin General Plan area boundary.
2.1 Location (second paragraph)
ModifY the text as follows:
The planning area originally consisted of approximately 3,300 acres. By 2006, it had expanded to include
the Dublin Transit Center and portions of Fallon Village. The aerial photograph. . . . .
Page 7: Ownership Patterns
ModifY the text to read as follows:
Ownership patterns in the planning area are shown in Figure 2.4. There are 49 recorded parcels in the
planning area which are owned by 33 different landowners. Since 1993, approval of subsequent
amendments, such as the addition of the Dublin Transit Center and portions of Fallon Village, as well as
subdivision of land have increased the number of parcels and landowners. Landowners' names and size
of holdings are listed in Figure 2.4. Ownership holdings range in size from 0.4 acre to 1,251 acres. The
acreage of two small properties, the EBJ Properties (1.1 acres) and Pleasanton Ranch Investment parcels
(0.4 acres), was included on maps and in tables with the Chen property prior to 2006. Figure 2.4
illustrates only the original parcels prior to their being subdivided.
Pages 12-13: Figures 2.2 and 2.3
The EBJ Properties and Pleasanton Ranch Investment parcels are added to the map rather than being
included in the Chen property. The Dublin Transit Center and the Fallon Village properties of Fallon
Enterprises, Braddock and Logan and Croak are also added. (See Exhibit B of this resolution.)
Page 14: Figure 2.4
Ownership patterns updated as shown in Exhibit B of this resolution.
Modify the text as follows:
.. .for approximately 3,300 acres located.. . Alameda County. Since 1993. approval of subsequent
amendments. such as the addition of the Dublin Transit Center and portions of Fallon Village. has
increased the size of the Specific Plan area.
Page 16: 3.3.2 LAND USE GOALS AND POLICIES (third paragraph)
ModifY the text as follows:
. . . . . . Approximately 800 acres are designated for employment-generating uses, ranging from relatively
land extensive (i.e. low intensity) uses such as light industry to mixed-use commercial districts and higher
intensity office uses near the BART station. This acreage has expanded through the Dublin Transit
Center amendment and the Fallon Village amendment that changed land use designations ITom Future
Study Area to General Commercial/Campus Office and Industrial/Campus Office for portions of Fallon
Village. ...
Page 17: 3.3.3 Commercial (first paragraph)
ModifY text as follows:
The Specific Plan establishes three classifications for Commercial land uses: General Commercial (GC),
Neighborhood Commercial (NC), and Campus Office (CO). Through the Fallon Village amendment in
2006. the Mixed Use eMU) and General Commercial/ Campus Office designations used in the General
Plan Primary Planning Area were established in the Specific Plan area. At buildout, the Specific Plan
originally accommodated approximately 10.8 million square feet of new commercial space. Since 1993.
subsequent amendments, such as the addition of the Dublin Transit Center and portions of Fallon Village
to the planning area. have increased the total commercial square footage.
Page 17: Between Commercial and Public and Semi-Public Facilities sections
Add new Commercial/Industrial section as follows:
An Industrial Park/Campus Office classification was established through the 2006 Fallon Village
amendment. This classification includes a mix of office and light industrial uses with limited retail uses
also permitted. Heavy industrial uses are not permitted. Specific uses shall be identified through the PD
zoning process for properties with this designation.
Page 17: Public and Semi-Public Facilities
ModifY first sentence to read as follows:
The Public and Semi-Public Facilities land use category has three classifications: Public/Semi-Public
(P/SP), Semi-Public, and Schools.
Page 18: Parks and Open Space (continued)
Add the following new sentence to end of paragraph.
The 2006 Fallon Village amendment increased the open space acreage.
Page 20: 3.5.1 Open Space
Add the following new sentence to end of paragraph.
Additional Parks and Open Space and Rural Residential/Agriculture lands were designated as part of the
2006 Fallon Village amendment.
Page 22: 3.7.1 Schools
ModifY the text to read as follows:
Nine new schools (6 elementary; 2 intermediate; I senior high) are provided by the Specific Plan.
Updated Dublin Unified School District studies indicate that the student population would be less than
was projected in 1993. The Demographic Study and Facilities Plan (2004) stated that fewer schools
would be necessary to serve the planning area in 2005. Most of the planning area originally lay outside
the Dublin Unified School District. Questions regarding which jurisdiction should serve the planning area
should be resolved through cooperative efforts of the Dublin Unified and Livermore Joint Unified school
districts. As of2005, all lands within the General Plan area have been transferred from the Livermore
Joint Unified School District to the Dublin Unified School District.
Page 22: 3.7.3 Fire Protection
ModifY the text as follows:
Fire protection services were originally provided by the Dougherty Regional Fire Authority (DRF A).
Since . the City of Dublin has contracted with the Alameda County Fire Department for fire
protection. not the DRF A. Maintenance of service. . . . .
Page 23: 3.8.2 Waste Water
Add a new second paragraph as follows:
As of 2005, the Dublin San Ramon Services District has recently completed a sewage treatment plant
expansion to treat up to 17.0 mgd, with a planned future expansion to 20.8 mgd as treatment for buildout
flows. Disposal of treated wastewater is provided by the LA VWMA (the agency that replaced TW A)
export pipeline expansion project completed in the Summer of 2005. The project improved a 16-mile
export pipeline that discharges treated sewage to the East Bay Dischargers Authority and on to the Bay.
Page 30: Table 4.1
Amend Table 4.1 to read as shown below:
General Commercial 356.8acres .25,.35 FAR 4.122 MSF
General CommerciaVCampus Office 72.7 acres .28 FAR .887 MSF
Industrial Park/Campus Office 61.3 acres .28 FAR .747 MSF
Neighborhood Commercial 61.4acres .30,.35 FAR .871 MSF
Mixed Use 6.4 acres .30-1.0 FAR .083 MSF
Campus Office 192.66 acres .35,.75 FAR 3.730 MSF
Industrial Park o acres .25FAR OMSF
Subtotal 751.3 acres 10.44 MSF
High Density 68.2 acres 35 du/ac 2,387 du
Medium High Density 141.1 acres 20 du/ac 2,888 du
Mixed Use* 6.4 acres* 15 du/ac 96 du
Medium Density 465.8 acres 10 du/ac 4,658 du
Single Family 872.6 acres 4 du/ac 3,615 du
Rural ResidentiaV Agric. 553.7 acres .0 I du/ac 4 du
Subtotal 2,101.4 acres 13,648 du
Public/Semi-Public" 98.2 acres* .24 FAR 1.027 MSF
Semi-Public 9.3 acres .25 FAR
Subtotal 107.5 acres 1.027 MSF
Elementary School 66.5 acres 5 schools
Junior High School 21.3 acres I schools
Subtotal 87.7
City Park 56.3 acres I park
Community Park 97.0 acres 3 parks
Neighborhood Park 49.0acres 7 parks
Neighborhood Square 15.6 acres 5 parks
Subtotal 217.9acres 14 parks
Open Space 607.5 acres
TOTAL LAND AREA 3,873 acres
Updated: 2006
" The 6.4 acres is the same acreage as lisled in the CommerciaVlndustrial cells. The 6.4 acres under Residential is not included
in the sum of Residential uses in this table. 83,635 square feet of commercial and 96 units are anticipated on the mixed use
sites (total). The FAR for Mixed Use goyerns both commercial and residential uses.
Page 33: 4.4.1 Location and Diversity
At the end ofthe first paragraph add the following sentence:
Due to subsequent amendments since the Specific Plan was adopted in 1993, the number and types of
residential units may have changed.
Page 41: Table 4.2
Amend Table 4.2 to read as shown below:
Land Use Designation Development Sq FtJEmplovees Persons/d.u. Population
Industrial Park/Campus .747 MSF 425 1,759
General Commercial/ .887 MSF 385 2,303
Campus Office*
General Commercial 4.122 MSF 510 8,082
Neighborhood Commercial .885 MSF 490 1,806
Mixed Use** .083 MSF 490 171
Campus Office 3.730 MSF 260 14,346
Industrial Park OMSF 590 0
Public/Semi-public 1.027 MSF 590 1,740
Semi-public 590
TOTAL: 12,376 MSF 32,751
High Density 2,387 2.0 4,774
Medium High Density*** 2,888 2.0 5,776
Medium Density 4,658 2.0 9,316
Single Family 3,615 3.2 11 ,568
Mixed Use 96 2.0 192
Rural Residential/ Agric. 4 3.2 13
TOTAL: 13,648 31,639
Updated: 2006
*The Sq Ft/Employees figure utilized for General Commercial/Campus Office is the average of the figure used for General Commercial and
Campus Office uses and the figure utilized for Industrial Park/Campus Office is the average of the figure used for Industrial Park and
Campus Office uses.
**Mixed Use land use classification added in 2006 Fallon Village amendment
***Includes Mixed Use units (6.4 acres and 96 du) in within Fallon Village Center. 83,635 square feet of commercial and 96 units are
anticipated on the mixed use sites (total). The FAR for Mixed Use is the maximum area for all development (i.e., total of residential and
commercial) on designated sites.
PLANNED Dwelling Jobs Employed Balance< Ratio' .
AREA Units Residentsl
Existinr City of 7,100 12,210 12,000 -210 1.02: 1.0
Eastern Dublin 12,496 29,424 20,244 -9,180 1.47: 1.0
Specific Plan Area
Total 19,596 41,634 32,244 -9,390 1.30: 1.05
Updated: 2006
I Projections assume a ratio of 1.62 employed residents per household based on ABAG's Proiections '90.
2 The "balance" refers to the number of employed residents in relation to the number of jobs (i.e., a positive number means
there re more employed residents than jobs).
3 Ratio of jobs to employed residents.
4 Taken from ABAG's Proiections '90.
S With the addition of commercial space with the Fallon Village Project, the jobs housing balance would be 1.38: 1.
Page 45: 4.8.2 Commercial (continued)
Add the following categories after Campus Office and before Industrial Park:
General Commercial/Campus Office (GC/CO) (.20-.80 Floor Area Ratio). Provides flexibility in
permitting a range of regional and community-serving retail and office uses. Mixed use projects
incorporating retail, service and office uses are encouraged.
Industrial Park/Campus Office (IP/CO) (.25-.80 Floor Area Ratio). Provides for office, limited
retail/service commercial and light industrial uses that do not generate nuisances related to emissions,
noise or odors. Heavy industrial uses are prohibited. Uses such as banks, restaurants and gas stations are
permitted. No residential uses are permitted in this designation.
Mixed Use (MU) (.30-1.0 Floor Area Ratio). Provides for the combination of medium to medium high
density residential housing and at least one non-residential use, such as office or retail. Office or retail
uses could include uses such as stores, restaurants, business and professional offices, and entertainment
facilities. The floor area ratio is for the combined commercial and residential uses.
Page 46: 4.8.3 Public and Semi-Public Facilities
Add the following category between Public/Semi-Public and School:
Semi-Public (SP) (Maximum of .50 Floor Area Ratio). Provides for quasi-public uses, such as child care
centers, youth centers, senior centers, special needs program facilities, religious institutions, clubhouses,
community centers, community theatres, hospitals, and other facilities that provide cultural, educational or
other similar services and benefit the community. A Semi-Public facility may be used for more than one
such use.
Page 47: 4.8.4 Parks and Open Space (continued)
Add as second paragraph under Community Park:
An approximately 60-acre Sports Park will be located immediately northwest of the Fallon Road/Central
Parkway intersection. It will be devoted mainly to active sports facilities such as baseball and soccer
fields and tennis and basketball courts. A recreation center and gymnasium is also planned for this park.
It is intended to be a park that will serve the entire City of Dublin.
Page 51: 4.9.4 Fallon Gateway
ModifY LOCATION paragraph to read as follows:
This subarea is located at the Fallon Road interchange with 1-580, and occupies the areas east and west of
Fallon Road between Dublin Boulevard and the freeway, and extending north to the Airport Protection
Area boundary. The subarea also extends north to include the northeast and northwest quadrants of the
intersection of Fallon Road and Dublin Boulevard (see Figure 4.2). In 2006, the Fallon Village
amendment expanded the Fallon Gateway Subarea to the west and north to encompass the entire Chen
property (as the Dublin Blvd. alignment had shifted north) except for the areas designated as Community
Park and Medium High Density Residential. Also, the EBJ Partners, Pleasanton Ranch Investments
parcels and the areas of the Anderson, Righetti and Branaugh properties within the Livermore Airport
Protection Area (formerly the Industrial subarea) were added to the Fallon Gateway Subarea.
Page 52: Table 4.7
The following table replaces Table 4.7 in the Specific Plan:
Table 4.7
Designation Acres Densitv Development Potential
General Commercial 121.2 .25 FAR 1,319,868
General CommerciallCamDus Office 72.7 .28 FAR 886,708
CamDus Office 39.4 .35 FAR 600,692
Industrial ParklCamDus Office 61.3 .28 FAR 747,664
TOTAL 294.6 3,554,932
]In 2006, the Fallon Village amendment expanded the Fallon Gateway Subarea to the west and north to encompass the entire
Chen property (as the Dublin Blvd. alignment had shifted north) except for the areas designated as Community Park and
Medium High Density Residential. Additionally, the EBJ Partners and Pleasanton Ranch Investmenls parcels and the areas of
the Anderson, Righetti and Branaugh properties within the Livermore Airport Protection Area (formerly the Industrial subarea)
were added to the Fallon Gateway Subarea. See Figure 4.2.
Page 52: 4.9.5 Village Centers
Add a new second paragraph under LOCATION to read as follows:
The Fallon Village Center is located at the intersection of Fallon Road and the transit spine. In 2006, the
Fallon Village amendment changed the location of the Village Center due to habitat conservation
concerns. The approximately 94-acre Village Center is centered on Central Parkway, east of Fallon Road,
near the intersection of the realigned Central Parkway and Croak Road. The area extends north and east
to encompass the Medium Density Residential lands on the Croak and Jordan properties.
Page 53: Table 4.9
The following table replaces Table 4.9 in the Specific Plan:
Table 4.9
Designation Acres Density Development Potential
Mixed Use 6.4 .30 FAR 83,635 sf
Commercial Subtotal 6.4 83,635 sf
Mixed Use- Residential Unitsl 15 du/ac 96du
Medium Density Res. 33.8 10 du/ac 338 du
Medium High Res. 23.8 20 du/ac 542 du
Residential Subtotal 64.1 976 du
Neighborhood Square 2.7
Community Park 18.3
Open Space 3.6
Parks/Open Space Subtotal 24.6 1 community park
1 nei2hborhood square
Semi-public 4.5
TOTAL 93.1 83,635 sf commercial
1,000 du
1 community park
1 nei2hborhood square
Updated: 2006
1 Within the 6.4 acres of Mixed Use designation, there is a potential for 96 dwelling units. The area is
subject to a 1.0 FAR maximum. Within this maximum, the commercial use is subject to a 0.3 FAR. Any
remaining floor area can be used towards up to 96 residential units.
Note: The prior Junior High School land use designation has been changed to Medium High Density
Page 54: 4.9.5 Village Centers (continued)
LAND USE CONCEPT (second full paragraph)
ModifY the first sentence to read as follows:
The focus of each Village Center is a 6-12 acre commercial area that will accommodate a mix of retail
and service uses.
Pages 54-55: 4.9.6 Foothill Residential
LAND USE CONCEPT (first paragraph)
Uses in the Foothill Residential Subarea will be predominantly residential. Housing in the subarea is
predominantly single family in the lower density ranges. Through the 2006 Fallon Village amendment.
medium density residential uses will also be permitted. Other uses in the subarea include schools (a high
school, junior high school and an elementary school) and parks (a community park and four neighborhood
parks). Amendments and subdivisions since 1993 have changed the number of community and
neighborhood parks and neighborhood squares. The Dublin Unified School District determined in its
2004 Demographic Study and Facilities Plan that fewer schools would be
necessary to serve the planning area after 2004, so the number of schools in the Subarea has been reduced.
Page 56: Table 4.10
The following table (with notes) replaces Table 4.10 in the Specific Plan:
TABLE 4.10
Designation Acres Density DEVELOPMENT
Medium Density Residential 252.4 10dulac 2,365 du
Single Family Residential 795.2 4 dulac 3,441 du
Rural Residential 553.7 .Oldulac 4du
Residential Subtotal 1,601.3 5,810 du
Open Space 467.3 -- --
Community Park 32.0 --
Neighborhood Park 46.8 -- 8 parks
Neighborhood Square 5.3 -- I square
Park/Open Space Subtotal 551.4 -- 9 parks
Elementary School 22.7 -- 3 schools
Junior High School 6.8 -- I school
High School 55.3 I school
School Subtotal 84.8 -- 5 schools
Public/Semi- Public 4.8 0.24 FAR
-- 5,810 du
Total 2,247.6 9 parks
4 schools
Updated: 2006
Note: The following changes and additions affected the acreages and development potential and are the reason that figures from the original
version of the Plan are changed:
Per its 2004 Demographic Study and Facilities Plan, the Dublin Unified School District determined that the projected student population for
the District would be serviced by Dublin High School and Valley Continuation High School, thus eliminating the need for a high school in
the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan area. The High School use has been eliminated from this chart. .
The Braddock and Logan, Croak, and Fallon Enterprises parcels were added to the subarea in the 2006 Fallon Village amendment.
Pages 58-59: 4.9.8 Industrial Park
Delete entire section, including Table 4.12.
Pages 61-62: Figures 4.1 and 4.2
See Exhibit B ofthis resolution.
Page 69: 5.2.3 (fourth paragraph)
ModifY the text as follows:
The Plan calls for a third major east-west corridor, Central Parkway, situated between the Dublin
Boulevard and Gleason Road extensions. It will provide two through lanes in each direction.
Amendments since 1993 have provided for a reduced number oflanes for and a realignment of Central
Parkwav so that the street provides two through lanes west of Fallon Road and provides one through lane
in each direction east of Fallon Road. Central Parkway will extend across the width of the planning area.
The minimum right-of-way shall be 106 feet west of Fallon Road; the right-of-wav shall be 88 feet east of
Fallon Road per the 2006 Fallon Village amendments. It is also....
Page 75: Program SA (continued) Residential Streets, Local Residential
Right-of-way: 46' or 56' with seDarated sidewalks
Page 76: Program SA (continued) Cul-de-sacs
Right-of-way: 46' or 56' with seDarated sidewalks
Pages 86. 88. 90: Figures 5-1b, 5-2b, and 5-3b
See Exhibit B of this resolution.
Page 94: 6.2.3 Ownership and Maintenance
Add fourth bulleted item after second paragraph:
. A Geologic Hazard Abatement District (GHAD) could be established to be responsible for
Page 96: 6.3 Natural Resource Protection (second paragraph)
The largest concentration of open space, roughly 600 acres in the original Specific Plan, is located in the
northeast portion of the planning area and is designated primarily for agriculture and limited rural
residential land uses. This area of open space has been increased through the 2006 Fallon Village
amendment. This area...
Page 101: 6.3.2 Biological Resources (continued), Rare and Endangered Species (first paragraph)
No rare or endangered species have been identified in the planning area. Since the completion of the
initial Specific Plan. further biological studies have indicated the presence of two special-status plants.
Congdon's tarplant (Centromadia parrvi ssP. Conzdonii) and the San Joaauin spearscale (Atriplex
ioaQuiniana) within the planning area. A number of special status wildlife species. . . habitat for the
federally endangered San Joaquin kit fox. To date, however, no definitive confirmation of kit fox
presence in the planning area has been found. Since the initial 1993 Specific Plan. the red-legged frOg has
been listed as a threatened species. Another threatened species. the California Tiger Salamander. has also
been found within the area of the Specific Plan.
Pages 113. 114. 115: Figures 6.1, 6.2, 6.3
See Exhibit B of this resolution.
Page 136: 7.2 Village Centers
Add a new fourth paragraph as follows:
In 2005, the City Council approved a Village Policy Statement. The Policy Statement states that villages
should have the following characteristics:
I. A Village location should be compatible with the local environment including surrounding land
usage and topography. It should respect constraints, roadways and environmental conditions;
2. A Village should have a mixture of housing types, densities, and affordability and should support
a range of age and income groups;
3. Activity nodes (commercial areas, community facilities and public/private facilities) should be
easily accessible;
4. Trails, pedestrian walkways and street linkages should be established to bring the parts and
elements of the Village together;
5. Street and Pedestrian linkages should link to transportation spines and including buses and tfansit
6. The Village should have a strong "edge" defining the boundaries. This could include major
streets, architectural Of landscape areas;
7. Village size should reflect development that promotes pedestrian walkability, permits a sufficient
mixture of residential and public/private uses and convenient commercial areas;
8. Specific identity should be fostered for the Village areas (special signage, unique design elements,
public plazas, etc.).
Page 136: 7.2.1 Overall Village Center Design Guides
Revise second bullet under FORM as follows:
Site Village Centers immediately adjacent to the intersection of two major streets, at least...
Page 136: 7.2.1 Overall Village Center Design Guides
Revise first paragraph under BUILDING SITING as follows:
....an image and identity along fast-moving streets,...
. Permit commercial buildings at the edges of the Village Center to be freestanding structures
fronting on the maior street for good visibility from passing vehicular traffic.
. Setback: 0' on the "main street" in Fallon Village Center.
Page 141: Figure 7.29
Add the following note to figure:
Per 2006 Fallon Village amendment, the location and layout of Fallon Village Center has been modified.
Please refer to the next page for the modified plan.
Figure 7.29 Fallon Village Concept Plan - Modified
Neighborhood Square
Focus of Village Center
Diagonal Parking Edges
Neighborhood square
Medium High Density Residential
and Semi-Public Uses
Page 142: 7.2.3 Fallon Village
ModifY the title of the section and the first paragraph as follows:
7.2.3 Fallon Village Center
Fallon Village is-was originally sited at the base of the foothills at the intersection of Central Parkway and
Fallon Parkway. Per a subsequent amendment in 2006. land uses, use locations. roads and neighborhood
layout were changed for Fallon Village Center. - Fallon Village Center became concentrated around
Central Parkway between Croak and Fallon Roads. The neighborhood commercial area was redesignated
to Mixed Use and moved to the vicinity ofthe Central Parkway and Croak Road T-intersection.
Originall y. neighborhood streets were laid out in a pattern of concentric rings intersected by radial streets.
Per a subsequent amendment the street pattern was changed to a grid pattern. The grid pattern was chosen
to provide easy and convenient pedestrian access while preserving biological resources in the open space
corridor suggested by the Resource Management Plan accepted by the City. Thc gateway should be
located in the vicinity of the Croak Road-Central parkway intersection. The valley where the
neighborhood commercial district was located originally is to be protected as open space. The village
center will be accessed by most residents via Croak Road. Pedestrian and bicycle trails to the village
center will be placed along the open space corridor. It is separated from the Town Center and partially
hidden by a string of hills preserved as open space. Following are specific guidelines for Fallon Village
development. Per a subsequent amendment in 2006. some of these guidelines are obsolete. Refer to this
paragraph for the current design. An illustration of a deyelopment concept for Fallon Village is shown in
Figure 7.29. and uDdated in Figure 7.29 - Modified.
Page 142: 7.2.3 Fallon Village
Modify first and second bullets under OPEN SPACE AND PUBLIC FACILITIES to read as follows:
· Maintain the drainage swale flowing into the village commercial center from the valley to the
northeast by incorporating it into an open space corridor bordering the special entry street. The
village commercial center was moved to the east, as the open space corridor has been expanded
through the 2006 Fallon Village amendment.
· Site buildings on the junior high school site to avoid grading ofthe string of hills in the open space
preserve to the south. Site buildings in the village neighborhood south of Main Street so that they
are not visible from areas south of the open space preserve which fronts 1-580. Through the 2006
Fallon Village amendment, the Junior High School was eliminated and buildings south of Central
Parkway should be sited so that they are not visible from areas south of the open space preserve on
the knolls south of Fallon Village Center.
Page 143: 7.3 Foothill Residential (continued)
ModifY the first and second bullets under FORM, as follows:
· Generally,..., to the extent practicable.
· Maintain the existing pattern of natural drainages as shown on Figures 4.1 and 6.2. Through the
2006 Fallon Village amendment the drainages in Fallon Village were modified. Instead of
preserving two narrow corridors through the site. the main drainage through the site was preserved
in a wider corridor.
Page 143: 7.3 Foothill Residential (continued)
Add a third bullet under BUILDING SITING as follows:
· Refer to Stage I and Stage 2 Development Plans for Fallon Village projects for modified criteria.
Page 143: 7.3 Foothill Residential (continued)
~dd a fourth bullet under SETBACKS as follows:
· Refer to Stage I and Stage 2 Development Plans for Fallon Village projects for modified criteria.
Page 144: 7.3 Foothill Residential (continued)
Modify third bullet and add fourth bullet under OPEN SPACE AND PUBLIC FACILITIES as follows:
· A void lining open space corridors with private yard fences. Use walls or fences less than 4 feet
high, slopes, berms, and vegetation masses to separate public open space from private yards. The
2006 Fallon Village amendments increased the width of some ofthe original open space corridors.
Due to this increased width, the visual effects of private yard fences would be diminished and such
fences may be erected along wider open space corridors.
· Open/view fencing or open/view fence/wall combinations are permitted per the 2006 Fallon
Village amendment.
Page 145: Figures 7.32, 7.33
ModifY caption for Figure 7.32 to read as follows:
Where feasible. use stepped, split level buildings to conform to steep slopes.
ModifY caption for Figure 7.33 to read as follows:
Set back buildings 25' from the edge of drainage corridors except in Fallon Village.
Modify the first street name to read Fallon Road
ModifY the third bullet under Fallon Road as follows:
· 10' landscaped setback outside ROW
Page 155: CENTRAL PARKWAY (continued)
Add the following new section after the WEST OF TOWN CENTER section:
· Two lane Class II collector (88' wide Right-of-way)
· Eight foot parallel parking lane
· Ten foot landscape setback outside of right-of-way
ModifY bullets as follows:
· 16' sidewalk...
· .. .regularly spaced street wells with grates. Small planting areas in lieu of or in addition to grates
are permitted in Fallon Village per a 2006 Fallon Village amendment.
· On-street parallel parking (8 feet) both sides of street. Diagonal parking is encouraged in Fallon
Village per 2006 Fallon Village amendment.
ModifY bullets as follows:
· 16' from curbline to right-of-way line includes 6' sidewalk and 10' planting.
· 10' landscape easement outside right-of-way
ModifY bullets as follows:
· One-way loop around neighborhood squares in Town Center. except in Fallon Village Center.
where the street shall be a two-way loop per 2006 amendment.
· 62' curb-to-curb which allows two-way travel and diagonal parking on both sides
· 8' sidewalk and 4' planter strip between curbline and ROW line on building side of street
· 15'... trees. The additional landscape setback is not necessary in the Fallon Village Center per
2006 amendment. Street trees will be placed. regularly-spaced. in the right-of-way.
Pages 162-163: Figures 7.46,7.47,7.48
Revise Street Sections of Village Shopping Street to reflect parallel parking, Residential Street to match
Hillside Residential Collector and add Central Parkway, east of Fallon Road.
Page 166: In Fallon Village
Delete IN FALLON VILLAGE heading and replace with IN TASSAJARA VILLAGE heading.
Remove "In Tassajara Village: Same as above except" text and add "14' median planted informally with
canopy trees" bullet to new IN TASSAJARA VILLAGE section as sixth bullet.
Page 172: Figure 7.55
Replace Figure 7.55 Village Special Entry Street: Fallon Village with new Figure 7.55 as follows:
I 8' I 8' I
Main Street: Fallon Village
Page 174: 8.1 Schools (first paragraph)
ModifY first paragraph to read as follows:
The planning area currently is within the jurisdiction of two school districts. The area east ofTassajara
Road is within the jurisdiction ofthe Livermore Joint Unified School District, while the area west of
Tassajara Road is served by the Dublin Unified School District. While Livermore's School District is
legally obliged to serve the planning area, it is uncertain at this time which school district(s) will serve the
new development in eastern Dublin. There is strong sentiment. . . . . more responsive to community
concerns. School service to the planning area will need to be negotiated by the two school districts. As
of2005, all lands within the City's General Plan area have been transferred from the Livermore Joint
Unified School District to the Dublin Unified School District.
8.1.1 School Sites
ModifY the third sentence of only paragraph:
. . . . . . . . The Dublin School District would be able to accommodate a substantial number of high school
students at Dublin High School. All of eastern Dublin's high school students would be accommodated by
the Dublin School District per the School District Facilities Master Plan. Based on these factors, the plan
identifies locations for six new elementary schools, two junior high schools and one high school (It has
been assumed in these projections that Dublin High School would accommodate a portion of the students
generated by development of Eastern Dublin). Per the 2004 Facilities Master Plan, there will be five new
elementary schools, one iunior high school and no high school in the planning area. A number...
Pages 176-177: 8.3 Fire Protection (first paragraph)
Modify the text as follows:
At the present time, fire protection services. . . . . . closest fire station to the planning area. The
Dougherty Regional Fire Authority originally provided fire protection. Fire protection is provided to the
planning area by the Alameda County Fire Department which contracts with Dublin to provide this
service for the entire City. Two permanent fire stations (one on Madigan A venue north of Gleason and
the other on Fallon Road at Bent Tree Drive, both completed in 2003) have been constructed in eastern
Dublin within the last two years and the entire planning area is now adeQuately covered for fire protection
Page 178: 8.3.2 Wildland Fire Hazard (continued)
Add a new second paragraph after the first paragraph and before Policy 8-6:
The City of Dublin now contracts with the Alameda County Fire Department for fire protection, not the
Page 188: 9.2 Wastewater (continued)
Add the following sentence to last paragraph in section:
TW A has been dissolved and LA VWMA has assumed TW A's former responsibilities.
Page 191: New Section 9.2.5
Add new section before section 9.3 as follows:
9.2.5 Updated Wastewater Treatment and Disposal
As of 2005, the Dublin San Ramon Services District has recently completed a sewage treatment plant
expansion to treat up to 17.0 mgd, with a planned future expansion to 20.8 mgd as treatment for buildout
flows. Disposal of treated wastewater is provided by the LA VWMA (the agency that replaced TW A)
export pipeline expansion project completed in the Summer of2005. The project improved a 16-mile
export pipeline that discharges treated sewage to the East Bay Dischargers Authority and on to the Bay.
Page 202, et seq.: CHAPTER 10: FINANCING
Add "(now LA VWMA)" after each mention of"TW A" throughout the entire chapter.
Modify text to read as follows:
This is another type of special assessment district used primarily for maintenance.. ..For slide prone sub-
areas within eastern Dublin, Geologic Hazards Abatement Districts may be another useful financing tool.
Per the 2006 Fallon Village amendment, Fallon Village Geologic Hazard Abatement Districts may also
maintain slide areas, as well as water quality basins and other long-term geologic and hydrologic projects.
Page 227: 11.3.3 Analysis of Financing Techniques
Add the following text to the third bullet:
Water quality basins and other geologic and hydrologic hazards and facilities may also be maintained by a
Page A2-1: Between General Commercial and Neighborhood Commercial, add the following:
General Commercial/Campus Office
Anticipated uses include, but are not limited to:
· retail uses, including major community serving uses (e.g., supermarkets, drug stores, hardware
stores, apparel stores, etc.) and regionally-oriented retail uses (e.g., high volume retail uses such as
discount centers, promotional centers, home improvement centers, furniture outlets, auto malls,
· professional and administrative offices;
· hotels;
· service uses;
· restaurants and other eating and drinking establishments;
· administrative headquarters; and
· research and development.
Mixed Use
Anticipated uses include, but are not limited to:
· neighborhood serving commercial uses (both retail and office);
· entertainment and cultural facilities;
· restaurants and bars;
· high density housing.
Industrial/Campus Office
Anticipated uses include, but are not limited to:
· light industrial uses that do not generate nuisances related to emissions, noise or odors;
· professional and administrative offices;
· administrative headquarters;
· research and development; and
· ancillary uses (restaurants, gas stations, convenience shopping, copying services, branch banks,
Page A2-2. Between Public/Semi Public and Parks and Open Space add the following:
Anticipated uses include, but are not limited to:
· semi-public uses (e.g., churches, theaters, community centers, hospitals, etc.).
A3 1 A3 4 M d'f A
d' 3 L d U S
b PI
S b
ages - to - o I Y Ipen IX an se ummary ~y anntne: u areas as
Planning Subarea Area Density Square Feet Units
Land Use Category
Fallon Gateway
General Commercial 121.2 .25 FAR 1,319,868
General Commercial/Campus 72.7 .28 FAR 886,708
Industrial Park/Campus Office 61.3 .28 FAR 747,664
Campus Office 39.4 .35 FAR 600,692
TOTAL 294.6 3,554,932
Fallon Villaae Center
Mixed Use 6.4 15 dulac, 83,635 96
.30 FAR
Medium High Density 23.8 20 542
Medium Density 33.8 10 338
Semi-Public* 4.5
Neighborhood Square 2.7
Community Park 18.3
Open Space 3.6
TOTAL 93.1 83,635 976
. The locations 01 the Semi-public sites on the Jordan. Croak and Chen properties of Fallon Village will be determined at the
time 01 PD-2 approval. The site on Jordan will be 2.0 net acres within the Fallon Village Center subarea; the site on Croak in the
Fallon Village Center subarea, 2.0 net acres; and the site on Chen, 2.5 net acres. For the purposes 01 this table, 2.0 acres of
Medium High Density Residential land on Jordan was changed to Semi-public, 2.0 acres 01 Single Family Residential land on
Croak (in the Foothill Residential Subarea) was changed to Semi-public and 2.5 acres of Medium High Density residential land
on Chen was changed to Semi-public. These assumptions may change at the time 01 PD-2 approval.
Foothill Residential
Medium Density 252.4 10 du/ac 2,365 du
Single Family Residential 795.2 4 du/ac 3,441 du
Rural Residential 553.7 .0 I dulac 4du
Residential Subtotal 1,601.3 5,810 du
Open Space 472.6 -- --
Community Park 32.0 --
Neighborhood Park 46.8 --
Neighborhood Square 5.3 --
Park/Open Space 556.7 --
Elementary School 22.7 --
Junior High School 6.8 --
High School 55.3
School Subtotal 84.8 --
Semi-Public* 4.8 0.24 FAR
Total 2247.6 -- 5,810 du
* The locations of the Semi-public sites on the Jordan, Croak and Chen properties of Fallon Village will be detennined at the time of PD-2
approval. The site on Jordan will be 2.0 net acres within the Fallon Village Center subarea; the site on Croak, 2.0 net acres; and the site on
Chen, 2.5 net acres within the Fallon Village Center subarea. For the purposes of this table, 2.0 acres of Medium High Density Residential land
on Jordan was changed to Semi-public, 2.0 acres of Single Family Residential land on Croak (in the Foothill Residential Subarea) was changed
to Semi-public and 2.5 acres of Medium High Density residential land on Chen was changed to Semi-public. These assumptions may change at
the time ofPD-2 approval.
Note: Delete Industrial Park table here and remove from Grand Total below.
I 3,997.8 I
Updated: 2006
Pages A 4-1 to A 4-7: Appendix 4
Add the following text before the Land Use Summary tables:
Ownership ofland has changed since the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan was completed. Additionally,
properties have been added to the Planning area and also properties were not included in the original
tables. The following changes are made to the land use tables of Appendix 4:
Modify the Land Use Summary tables to change TMI to Chen, and to change
Campbell to Monte Vista
ModifY the following tables to reflect changes in ownership and land use:
Acres Density Sq.Ft. Units
General Commercial 49.1 .25 534,699
Neighborhood Commercial 2.8 .3 36,590
Campus Office 39.4 .35 600,692
High Density Residential 7.0 35 245
Medium High Density Residential 19.9 20 398
Medium Densitv Residential 201.9 10 2,019
Single Family Residential 297.0 4 1,188
Rural Residential 170.5 .01 I
Community Park 101.5
Neighborhood Park 16.8
Neighborhood Square 4.3
Open Space 271.6
Elementary School 33.6
High School 20.6
Total 1236.0 1,171,988 3,851
Owner/Land Use Catel!orv Acres I Density Sq.Ft. Units I
Owner/Land Use Catel!orv Acres Density Sa.Ft. Units
Mixed Use 6.4 15/.3 FAR 83,635 96
Medium High Densitv Residential 23.8 20 542
Medium Density Residential 23.4 10 234
Single Family Residential 48.0 4 192
Elementarv School 10.0
Neighborhood Park 5.8
Neighborhood Sauare 2.7
Community Park 11.1
Semi-Public* 2.0
Open Space 60.5
TOTAL 189.7 83,635 1064
Owner/Land Use Category Acres Density Sq.Ft. Units
#21 CHEN
Medium High Density Residential 4.0 20 130
General Commercial 72.1 .25 FAR 785,169
General Commercial/Campus Office 18.5 .28 FAR 225,641
Semi-Public* 2.5
Community Park 7.2
Open Space 35.8
TOTAL 140.1 1,010,810 130
Owner/Land Use Category Acres Density Sq.Ft. Units
Medium Density Residential 7.0 10 70
General Commercial/Campus Office 34.2 .28 FAR 417,131
Open Space 9.1
TOTAL 50.3 417,131 70
Owner/Land Use CategorY Acres Density Sa.Ft. Units
Medium Density Residential 9.6 10 96
General Commercial/Campus Office 18.5 .28 FAR 225,641
Industrial Park/Campus Office 21.5 .28 FAR 262,231
TOTAL 49.6 487,872 96
Owner/Land Use Category Acres Density Sq.Ft. Units
Medium Density Residential 9.7 10 97
Industrial Park/Campus Office 30.5 .28 FAR 372,002
TOTAL 40.2 372,002 97
Owner/Land Use Category Acres Densitv Sa.Ft. Units
Industrial Park/Campus Office 9.3 .28 FAR 113,430
TOTAL 9.3 113,430
Add the following properties to Appendix 4 Table:
Owner/Land Use Category Acres Density Sa.Ft. Units
Single Family Residential 184.7 4 867
Rural Residential/Agricultural 53.9
Public/Semi-Public 2.8
Elementary School 10.6
Neighborhood Park 6.3
Neighborhood Square 5.3
Open Space 65.1
TOTAL 328.7 867
Owner/Land Use Category Acres Density Sq.Ft. Units
Single Family Residential 55.5 4 211
Rural Residentiall Agricultural 69.6 0
Elementary School .5
Open Space 33.9
TOTAL 159.5 211
Owner/Land Use Category Acres Density Sq.Ft. Units
Medium Density Residential 10.4 10 104
Single Family Residential 115.4 4 469
Rural Residential/Agricultural 19.4
Neighborhood Park 11.5
Semi-public* 2.0
Open Space 6.8
TOTAL 165.5 573
I Owner/Land Use Category
I Acres I Density
General Commercial/Campus Office 1.1 .28 FAR 13,416
TOTAL 1.1 13,416
Owner/Land Use Categorv Acres Density Sa.Ft. Units
General Commercial/Campus Office 0.4 .28 FAR 4,879
TOTAL 0.4 4,879
I 3,942.6
. The locations of the Semi-public sites on the Jordan, Croak and Chen properties of Fallon Village will be determined at the
time 01 PD-2 approval. The site on Jordan will be 2.0 net acres within the Fallon Village Center subarea; the site on Croak. 2.0
net acres; and the site on Chen, 2.5 net acres within the Fallon Village Center subarea. For the purposes 01 this table, 2.0 acres
of Medium High Density Residential land on Jordan was changed to Semi-public, 2.0 acres of Single Family Residential land on
Croak (in the Foothill Residential Subarea) was changed to Semi-public and 2.5 acres of Medium High Density residential land
on Chen was changed to Semi-public. These assumptions may change at the time of PD-2 approval.
Acreages and uses have changed since the original Specific Plan was approved via several amendments.
The Fallon Enterprises, Croak and Braddock and Logan properties in Fallon Village were added to the
planning area. Other amendments modified land use and intensities.
The square footages, acreages and unit counts shown in this table represent the maximum development of
the properties. The City does not guarantee that the listed maximums will be permitted at the time of
project approval.
Pages A5-1 to A5-8: Appendix 5
The following changes are made to Appendix 5 to match modifications elsewhere in the Specific Plan:
Policy 4-12 (p. A5-4.)
Add to Note:
This restriction does not apply to the Fallon Gateway subarea east of Fallon Road.
Program SA (page A5-8 et seq.)
Maximum length of cul-de-sac streets: 600 feet, serving no more than 25 dwelling units. Per the 2006
Fallon Village amendment, maximum cul-de-sac length: 900 feet, serving no more than 25 units.
PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED this 8th day of November, 2005 by the following vote:
Chair Schaub, Commissioners Wehrenberg, Biddle, King and Fasulkey
Planning Commission Chair
velopment Director
G:\PA#\2004\04-040 EDPO Specific Plan Amendment\PC\Resolutions\PC GPA_SPA Resolution.DOC
Rev. 791394/111005