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Fallon Village . October 2005
Project Description
The Project is a Stage I Planned Development Amendment for Fallon Village, previously
known as the Eastern Dublin Properties (EDPO) project. The Project Area is located
within the City of Dublin and is bordered by Fallon Road and Dublin Ranch to the west,
the City's Sphere of Influence/City limit boundaries to the east and north, and 1-580 to
the south. The Project Area consists of approximately 1,134 acres. It is comprised of
eleven landowners: Fallon Enterprises, Jordan Trust (two parcels), Chen, Braddock &
Logan, Croak (two parcels), EBJ Partners L.P., Pleasanton Ranch Investments, Anderson
Second Family Limited Partnership, Righetti Partners, Branaugh, and Monte Vista. All
properties are within the Eastern Dublin General Plan Amendment area. The Jordan
Trust, Chen, EBJ Partners L.P., Pleasanton Ranch Investments, Anderson Second Family
Limited Partnership, Righetti Partners, Branaugh, and Monte Vista also are within the
Eastern Dublin Specific Plan area. The Project also proposes an approximately fifteen-
acre lot line adjustment between the Fallon Enterprises parcel and property owned by the
Lin family on the eastern portion of the Dublin Ranch golf course to allow more sensitive
and efficient grading in that area. Concurrent with this Stage I Planned Development
Amendment is a proposal to amend the Dublin General Plan, as well as to expand and
amend the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan for the same I, I 34-acre area.
Existing Site Conditions and Uses
The lands between the rreeway and the parallel foreground hills are relatively flat. Lands
immediately north of the foreground hills are generally flat to gently rolling. The
remaining lands in the mid and upper portions of the Project Area are gentle to steeply
rolling hills, with slopes exceeding 30% in some places. The lowest elevation of the
Project Area is at approximately 350 feet above sea level, while the highest elevation is at
approximately 910 feet. A few drainages flow in a north to south orientation, transecting
the Project Area along its length. A small number of trees exist beyond those planted
around homesteads and scattered in the drainages. Non-native grasses or dry farmed
croplands cover the majority of the area. A few stock ponds are present throughout the
The Project Area has predominantly been used for dry land farming and cattle grazing. A
few rural homesteads and outbuildings are scattered among the various properties within
the Project Area. In addition, there are a horse ranch, excavation and landscape
corporation yards, horse boarding and training, trucking/delivery/storage facilities, and an
abandoned quarry pit. Current land uses surrounding the project are: a major
transportation corridor (1-580 with a future BART line planned) to the south; and rural
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Fallon Village . October 2005
residential and grazing lands to the north and east. To the west is the Dublin Ranch
planned community that is undergoing phased development. Existing uses in Dublin
Ranch near the Project include low, medium and high density residential, a golf course,
parks, and a fire station.
Future land uses or land uses currently under development surrounding the project
include: approved PD development plans for Dublin Ranch Areas A, B, C, E, F, G and H
located directly adjacent to the Project Area to the west. Land uses for these areas of
Dublin Ranch are similar to those proposed for the Project Area and include low density
residential, medium density residential, medium high density residential, high density
residential, general commercial, campus office, community park, elementary school,
junior high school, rural residential/agriculture and open space.
Unincorporated land designated Agriculture as part of the Alameda County General Plan
is located to the north and east. These lands are currently not slated for development.
Finally, no future land uses lie to the south as the 1-580 rreeway is immediately adjacent
to the Project Area.
Proposed Land Use and Development Concept
The Development Plan for this project proposes 3,108 units and up to 2,503,175 square
feet of various retail, service, industrial, and office uses. This proposal is 582 units and
1,081,725 square feet greater than the 2002 Stage I PD, and 1,024,662 square feet greater
than the 1993 General Plan. These differences are due to the conversion of the residential
uses in the Airport Protection Area to industrial, office and commercial uses and the
reallocation of approximately 600 units within the APA to areas beyond the Airport
Protection Area in the Project Area.
The project is designed to provide for and enhance a village center, identified as the
Fallon Village Center to serve as a social and commercial hub to the hillside residential
neighborhoods surrounding the center. The village center is located at the major internal
intersection of the project and includes mixed use, medium high density residential,
medium density residential, semi-public uses, a neighborhood square, a community park,
and open space. The village center is sited between the open space that traverses the site
and the open space knolls in the southern portion of the site. The village center is
conveniently accessible both by automobile, due to its location near the intersection of
Croak Road and Central Parkway, and by pedestrian traffic through use of trails within
the open space system and other pedestrian systems.
Residential densities proposed for each property will fall within the ranges permitted by
each residential category as specified in the EDSP and general plan. The proposed
residential densities allow a wide range ofresidential unit types. Single family residential
(0.9-6.0 du/ac) would permit lots from approximately 2,500 square feet up to one unit per
1.1 acres, medium density residential (6.1-14.0 du/ac) is typical of small lot detached
products (z-Iot, zipper, small lot, clusters) or attached products such as town homes,
medium-high densities (14.1 - 25.0 du/ac) allow for townhomes, apartments or
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Fallon Village . October 2005
condominiums, and rural residential is typified by one unit per 100 acres or per existing
parcel ofrecord.
The Development Plan allows for a potential of 2,503,175 square feet of commercial and
industrial uses. The proposed floor area ratios (FAR) for commercial and office uses are
based upon the EDSP/GP midpoint FARs of 0.25 (General Commercial), 0.30 (Mixed
Use), and 0.28 (General Commercial/Campus Office and Industrial Park/Campus Office).
The FAR range for these uses is 0.20 to 0.60 FAR for General Commercial, 0.20 to 0.80
FAR for General Commercial/Campus Office, 0.25 to 0.80 FAR for Industrial
Park/Campus Office, and 0.30 to 1.0 FAR for Mixed Use.
The supplemental DEIR for this project application is evaluating an alternative land plan
that maintains the currently designated Industrial lands located south of Dublin Blvd.
While this application proposes to redesignate such lands on the Chen, Anderson,
Righetti, Monte Vista and Branaugh properties to General Commercial/Campus Office
and Industrial Park/Campus Office, this alternative will analyze the impacts associated
with Industrial uses if they were to be maintained within the context of the Eastern
Dublin Specific Plan.
Because this application entails a general plan amendment, City policy requires provision
of Semi-Public designations on properties containing residential lands per the City's
Semi-public Facilities Policy document. The approval of 1,078 potential residential units
requires that the Project provide a total of 8.6 acres of Semi-public. To fulfill the
requirements of the Semi-public Facilities Policy, 2.1 net acres are designated as Semi-
public on the Braddock and Logan-controlled Fallon Enterprises property, 2.5 net acres
on the Chen property within the Village Center, 2.0 net acres on the Jordan property
within the Village Center and 2.0 acres on the Croak property. The final locations of the
Semi-public sites will be determined at the time ofPD-2 approval.
The Project will provide approximately 18 acres of community parkland, almost 32 acres
of neighborhood parks and squares, and reserve over 20 acres for schools (or as otherwise
determined by the Dublin Unified School District [DUSD]). One applicant, Braddock &
Logan, has a school mitigation agreement in place with DUSD. Amongst other
obligations, this agreement requires Braddock & Logan to construct an elementary school
and associated day care facility either on-site or off-site, as requested by DUSD, plus
dedicate land for one elementary school. The underlying land use designation of the
elementary schools are to be Low Density Residential for the school site depicted on the
Fallon Enterprises property and Medium Density Residential for the school site located
on the Jordan property.
A significant community and biological feature of the plan is the protected open space
system determined by the Resource Management Plan (RMP). The RMP analyzed the
biological resources of the entire project area and proposes measures for protecting and
managing those resources in conjunction with the development of the properties. The
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Fallon Village . October 2005
RMP has been accepted by the City and calls for a combination of on-site avoidance and
enhancement of biological resources and off-site mitigation for those resources that it
would be impractical to preserve or manage in the Project Area.
In order to retain certain biological resources on-site, the RMP includes a central open
space corridor running rrom the southwest boundary of the Jordan property to the
northwest comer of the Braddock & Logan parcel, which would preserve an existing
drainage and associated habitat with minimal disturbance. The corridor will be an
average of 400 feet wide, with a minimum width of 150 feet and a maximum width of
600 feet, with an approximate area of 97 acres. Because of the RMP's findings and
recommendations, two narrow drainages shown in the current General and Specific Plans
will be removed as part of the proposed project plan because they are of lesser habitat
value and the desire to emphasize the importance of the eastern drainage (the central
corridor in the proposed project plan). An approximately 46-acre area encompassing a
stock pond at the northeast boundary of the Fallon Enterprises parcel is also proposed by
the RMP for avoidance of special status species. Together these preservation areas total
approximately 140 acres and exceed the area designated as Stream Corridor Open Space
in the General Plan by about 115 acres. Trails linking- residential areas throughout the
site are planned to run along the open space corridor. A conservation easement will be
placed over the rural residential/agriculture and open space designated lands located in
the northern and eastern hillside areas of the Project Area to preserve these undeveloped
lands in perpetuity.
Current Visually Sensitive Ridgelands (VSR)- Limited Development lands as identified
in the East Dublin Specific Plan obscure a portion of the primary ridgeline located along
the northern and eastern areas of Fallon Village when viewed from 1-580. Any
development in these Visually Sensitive Ridgelines- Limited Development areas will
continue to obscure the primary ridgeline. While some topographical features do not
currently obscure the ridgeline some development anticipated by the East Dublin Specific
Plan, may obscure views. Additionally, proposed foreground development along the
freeway will further obstruct some views of the primary ridgeline.
Development and grading of these Visually Sensitive Ridgeland areas is permitted as
long as the proposed project adheres to and reflects the City's interpretation of the
policies and criteria of the East Dublin Specific Plan, including Policies 6-29 and 6-30, as
it has been applied to other development projects within the Specific Plan area. As
recommended by the EDSP Action Program 6S, density transfers of units may be
implemented to relocate units rrom the VSR area to other portions of the Project area to
aid in preserving the landforms of the VSR area.
In some cases, Visually Sensitive Ridgeland- Limited Development areas cross property
lines. Where possible, such adjoining properties should work together on a grading plan.
If this is not possible, initial developers/builders should contemplate grading continuity
offsite and later developers/builders shall match and continue the shape of the land form
in a smooth transition.
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Fallon Village . October 2005
Some grading of the hillside slopes around and above the development will be noticeable
after grading. However, the disturbed areas will be graded to transition smoothly and
conform to existing slopes and will be hydroseeded with native grasses to quickly
vegetate the hillsides so no long-term visual impacts will occur. No homes or roads will
be built above the 770' elevation, the City of Dublin's Urban Development Cap, thus
preserving views to the ridgelines of the hills to the north of the project. In addition, by
not grading within a minimum of 50' of the primary ridgeline, views rrom the north and
east (Doolan Canyon and Livermore) are obstructed by the existing hills, so there are no
visual changes created by the Project from these directions.
Stage 2 Development Plans will be evaluated for conformance with the visually sensitive
ridgelands policies contained in the East Dublin Specific Plan and policies contained in
the Eastern Dublin Scenic Corridor Policies and Standards document, while taking into
consideration the integration of the City's minimum standards for street and utility
design, as well as in conjunction with site development review, tentative map, and
grading plans.
Three site profiles, extending from 1-580 to the primary ridgeline, have been generated to
illustrate view sightlines to the project and to existing landforms beyond, with possible
proposed grading for future developments in the foreground. Refer to Appendix A for
The proposed project is generally consistent with the type, location and size of the land
use designations assigned to the properties by the City's General Plan and Eastern Dublin
Specific Plan (both revised November 2002). The following is a comparison of the
project's existing and proposed land use development summaries. The summaries
illustrate the permitted units and square footage allowed by the General Plan and East
Dublin Specific Plan and the proposed Project. Please note that these units and square
footages represent the maximum number of units and square footage permitted for this
P:\19!49\oft1ce\Submittals\Stage I PD\PDI-ProjDescrrevÎsedOCTOBER200S.doc Page 5 . Stage I Development Plan Amendment
October 2005
Fallon Vi1Iage
",,,ul"'u;:,eu t"1AN", REVISED October 2005
Bl'lddock & LogIn C.... Firat AmerlC8n TltI. Chen Anderson Second Family Ltd Pnp RIghettlPartnet'8 Bran.ugh EBJ Partn.rs, LP MonttVilta Fallon Entøprleee Pl....nton Rllnch Invrnta TOTAL'
Land u~{:¡ GrossAc. u"""" Gro!lSAc """'" GrossAc. """'" GmS.~Ar. u""""' GrossAc UnllWr GrouAC UrrllsN GrossAc. unllslsf Gro.<,!>c Ufllf8IM GtmsAc. Un/tM¡f GrD&'IAc U_, GlOSsAe Unl1slSr GrossAc. """'"
Low DeMIty FlMldentlll 55.5 211 115.<4 ... 46,0 '" i 184.7 ." 403.5 1739
Mtdlum Deftllty Reeldentl.¡ 10.4 "" 23.4 '" '.0 70 ,.. i .. ,., " .01 801
Medium High Den.Jty Rnldentllll 19,8 ." '.0 130 I 23.6 '"
.... UN" {5.4} .. i (6.4ì ..
MIJledUu" .., 83,635 I ... 83,635
0.3-1.0 FAR (O.30 FAR ng,-)
Rural R"'dentlalfAgrh:ulture .U 0.0 19.4 00 I 53.9 0.' 142.9 ,
GlIUII'II Commercial 721 785,169 72.1 785,169
0.2..0.8 FAR (0.25 FAR '\'tINge) I
Gener.1 Commlrcl.lfC:iimpul Offtci ---. --...- -- .-- ---.- --'-- -- -- ...-... ---- ---.-.- ---.- "~_._--- ---._- f- -- -.,-- .--.- ~--_. ....- - .... ------ .--...- --- ~ 1--...- ___ ----- --. --- ------ ----- .-..--
0.2-0.11 FAR(0.2I1FAR.~) 165 225.641 ".2 417,131 18.5 I 225,641 1.1 13,416 " 4.879 72.7 886,708
InduMrill P.rll:lc.nptll Office 21.5 I 262.231 '" 312.002 " 113.430 61.3 7047.6&4
leml.publlc- ,., 2.0 ,., ,., "
EIem.ntlry SchOOl " 10,0 10.6 211
Community Pirie 11.1 " I 18.3
tMJghborhood P.rk 11.5 ,.. i .., 23.8
Neighborhood Iq~ '.7 I ,., '.0
Open Splc. 33.9 .., 60.5 '" '.1 I ".1 211.2
T"" 189.$ 211 188.5 '" 188,7 10" 1040.t 130 50.' TO .... ! " ".2 97 1.1 . .., . 328.7 ." ... . 1134.4 3108
8U38 1,010,810 417,131 i 487,872 372,(102 13,416 113,430 ',8T9 2,503,170
Dublin Speoiflo Plan/General Plan.
PD and existing East
·Aoreages include area to the Center line of all major streets and approximately 15 acre lot line adjustment, accounting for acreage difference with approved 2002 Stage
Notes: 1. Mixed Use aores are separa1ed Into residential and oommerolal components for the table calculations (duplicate acres aho'Nn in parentheses).
2. ....Residential and Commercia! uses are subject to the FAR.
3 Underlying use of elementary sohool on Fallon Enterprises is low Density Residential. Underlying use of elementary sohool on Jordan Trust is Medium Density Residential
4. "·2.0 net acres of Semi-publio are designated on Jordan, 2.0 net acres on Croak and 2.5 net acres on Chen. 2.1 net acres are required on Fallon Enterprises; 2.8 gross aores
~sAc. Unitsls!
433.5 1734
Pl....nton Ranch Invmts
Gms$ Ac. Unhtsr
Fallon Enwrprla..
GrossAc. !:l!J!!§fØ
157.9 632
Grn.9sA£c Units/sf
EBJ Partn.l'I, J.P
~sAc. UJJ_il~
reflects Stage 2 PO Plan
GrossAc MIl..!!!:!!!
9.0 36
RlgMtti Partnors
GrossAc Unils/sf
8.6 I 35
16.0 I
s.c-ond Family Ltc! Ptnp
Gross A£"
Firat Am.rlcan Till.
GrossAc. jJnitsis'
88.: 353
Glt).SsAc. Unitslsf
111.8 -4413
Braddock & Logan
GrossAc. ~f
51.6 206
low o.n.1tyR..'ïd;ñiiãï"
MMlum o.n.1ty Rftkf.nll.1
(Ru...1 ReslønlllllAgrlcultuNJ
MHlu," High o.n.lty RftIdHtlal
(Gene.... Commercllll
N.lghbomoCld Comm.rcilll
0.30 FAR
0.28 FAR
Futu... 8tudy A....
Junior HIgh School
Community Perk
N. bol'hood Park
Nt bÐrhoCld8qua...
Development Plan Amendment
Page 6
Fallon Village . October 2005
Project Access and Circulation
Primary access to and through the Project Area will be rrom Fallon Road, Dublin
Boulevard and Central Parkway. Collector streets located throughout the Project will
provide secondary access and ensure through circulation. Fallon Road will remain in a
similar alignment to its current location. Central Parkway is designed at this time to
extend easterly rrom Fallon Road until it turns in a southerly direction, following the
existing course of Croak Road until it terminates at Dublin Boulevard. The alignment of
the Central Parkway-Croak Road intersection may be modified at a future date. The
Upper Loop Road will provide access to the northern residential neighborhoods.
Proposed street sections are comparable to those already approved or built in other areas
of the Specific Plan and General Plan, with minor modifications having been made in
some instances. Each street in the Project Area will be designed with safety,
convenience, and visual quality in mind and; at the same time, they will address
pedestrians' and bicyclists' needs.
In accordance with the policies of the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan and General Plan,
numerous multi-use trails will be provided to permit pedestrian and bicycle access
through the Project Area and connect to future regional trails.
Utility Services
The Dublin San Ramon Services District (DSRSD) will provide water, wastewater and
recycled water service to the Project Area. These services are planned in accordance
with the DSRSD Eastern Dublin Facilities Master Plan (and/or subsequent revisions) that
includes the proposed project area. At the present time it is anticipated that water storage
reservoirs and pumping stations built or to be built by others will provide water service
for the Project Area through buildout. Mains will be located in all streets. The Master
Infrastructure Map is based on the most current study provided by DSRSD with slight
modifications to reflect revised internal roadway configurations, and differs only slightly
from what was shown in the Specific Plan's conceptual backbone and facilities system
plans. Final locations and sizing of these facilities will be in accordance with the
standards and recommendations ofDSRSD.
Sewer service for the Project Area will require connection to DSRSD's existing sewer
system and sewer treatment will occur at DSRSD's treatment plant. Gravity sewer mains
will be extended easterly in Dublin Boulevard to the project site at Fallon Road. Final
sizing and location of sewer facilities will be determined in conjunction with DSRSD.
Force mains may also be utilized, if necessary.
When available from the DSRSD wastewater treatment plant, recycled water will be
provided for irrigation of large landscaped areas, thereby reducing potable water use.
Final location and sizing ofrecycled water facilities will be per the updated Master Water
Facilities Plan prepared by DSRSD. Recycled water distribution mains will be
constructed to serve landscaped areas within the project site as required.
The storm drain system for the Project Area will consist of major backbone facilities and
local facilities. The backbone facilities will generally consist of larger diameter pipes
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Page 7 . Stage 1 Development Plan Amendmcnt
Fallon Village . October 2005
networked throughout the site. These larger collector pipes will connect to open channels
or box culverts that will direct the flows toward the existing G-3 box culvert located in
Dublin Ranch Area H just west of Fallon Road, along the north side of the freeway, an
Alameda County Flood Control District Zone 7 facility. Local facilities will generally
consist of smaller diameter pipes connecting individual sites or areas to the collector
system. The actual sizes and locations of proposed storm drain facilities will be
determined with each individual project's improvement plans. The Project Area is within
the Zone 7 Drainage Study Area, hence its expected flows are anticipated and planned for
by Zone 7 and the project's facilities will be sized appropriately.
The Project modifies the type and location of proposed land uses within the Fallon
Village boundaries. To determine if there are any substantive changes to the timing and
amount of storm water runoff, a hydrology study of the proposed land use map is being
prepared and will be compared to the hydrology of the General and Specific Plan land
use maps for the same area as determined by the Dublin Ranch Drainage Master Plan.
It is expected that the results of this analysis will indicate that the overall hydrologic
characteristics of the proposed land uses are very similar to those in the General and
Specific Plans approved in May of 1993. Therefore, the mitigation measures identified in
the Environmental Impact Report (certified 1993) and the subsequent 1993 Eastern
Dublin Specific Plan (approved by City Council Resolution 51-93, May 4, 1993,
amended August 22, 1994) should be adequate for the Project. However, hydrology will
be one of the subjects studied in the environmental document being prepared for the
Project. It will reflect the results of this analysis and indicate whether revised mitigation
measures are needed.
A strategy for maintaining the quality of storm water runoff for the Project Area once
development occurs will be determined in conjunction with the Regional Water Quality
Control Board. In accordance with the Board's policies a series of best management
practices (BMPs) will be designed to prevent the introduction of pollutants associated
with development into downstream watercourses. With respect to this project, the
primary focus will be to direct "first flush" runoff, typically containing the highest
pollutant load, into surface treatment facilities where feasible and where not feasible to
divert runoff from out of the underground pipe system into localized treatment facilities
located throughout each property at strategic locations, prior to entering the G-3 drainage
facility described previously.
Proposed Phasing Approach
The Project Area will be developed in at least two phases. The first phase will include
the approximately 488 acres generally located in the northern one third of the Project
Area which is owned or controlled by Braddock & Logan. One neighborhood park and
one neighborhood square will be part of this phase. As noted earlier, one elementary
school may be part of this phase depending on the timing schedule and direction of
school construction as determined by DUSD. Ultimately there will be an elementary
school in the area but its construction may not coincide with the first phase of
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Fallon Village . October 2005
The second, and possibly additional, phases will include the remainder of the Project
Area. There are nine separate property owners in this phase area and none of them have
submitted plans for the development of their properties beyond the conceptual level as
shown in this Stage 1 PD application. It is conceivable some of these owners could
submit more precise plans (Stage 2 PD) in conjunction with or soon after Braddock &
Logan. However, others may take years to determine exactly how they wish to proceed
with the development of their lands.
Timing for the project's phasing will depend upon market demand. All necessary
roadways, site grading, and utility backbone improvements are expected to occur in a
timely manner with each development phase.
Inclusionary Zoning Ordinance
Dublin's Inc1usionary Zoning Ordinance requires 12.5% of all housing to be affordable to
those of very low, low, and moderate incomes. This can be accomplished by
constructing the units, paying an in-lieu fee, dedicating land, rehabilitating existing units
or any combination thereof provided that no more than 5% can be satisfied by the
payment of in-lieu fees. Each property owner will identify his/her preferred method for
meeting this standard at the time of Stage 2 PD consideration.
In addition, the City has a density bonus ordinance (Chapter 8.52 of the Zoning
Ordinance), which could be implemented to increase densities to provide affordable
housing upon attaining the ordinance's requirements and a second unit ordinance
(Chapter 8.80 of the Zoning Ordinance) that permits second units on residential
properties for the purposes of increasing the affordable housing stock of the City to meet
the requirements of the Housing Element.
Hazardous Waste Analysis
A series of Phase I Environmental Site Assessments have been conducted on the
properties within the Project Area. Based on these Assessments, no registered hazardous
waste or substance sites are known to exist on the Project Area. Seven registered leaking
underground storage tanks (LUSTs) were identified within a one-half mile of the Project
Area. Based on the Phase I evaluations, the consultant's opinions are that these off-site
LUST facilities do not represent an environmental concern to the Project Area. Copies of
these reports have been submitted to the City.
The Phase I investigations indicated some possible contaminants in limited locations on
some of the properties. Limited Phase II analyses were recommended for certain
locations to determine the extent of the potential contamination and to identity the
contaminants. Results received to date indicate that contaminated areas are minor and
contaminants are typical of residential uses, working ranches, and landscaping, trucking,
and excavating uses present on the site (such as paints, pesticides, organicides, etc.).
Other recommendations include surveying for asbestos and lead based paint, and
performing a limited subsurface investigation to better assess whether impacts to soil and
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shallow ground water have resulted from the former gas station on in the vicinity of the
EBJ Partners and Pleasanton Ranch Investment properties.
The conclusion of the Phase II studies that have been conducted is that there is no
evidence of subsurface impacts. The studies also recommend that the various
contaminants and any underground storage tanks be removed prior to demolition and pre-
grading activities, that on-site wells be capped, and existing septic systems and associated
leach fields be pumped out and removed.
Benefits and Costs of the Project upon the City
This project would allow the construction of up to 3,108 dwelling units and
approximately 2.5 million square feet of commercial, light industrial, and office uses for
the City of Dublin. In addition, numerous neighborhood parks and squares, public/semi-
public, community park, open space, and multi-use trails will be constructed for the use
and pleasure of future residents, visitors, and employees.
These new residents will strengthen the market for adjacent commercial uses projected to
occur in accordance with the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan and Dublin General Plan.
This, in turn, will substantially increase sales and property taxes for the City of Dublin.
Project proponents would pay for all project related capital facility costs as development
proceeds. As is typical of development requirements in Dublin, property-owners/project
proponents would dedicate land required for roads, schools, and parks; construct roads
and schools, improve school and park lands; and contribute funds as required through the
City's Traffic Impact Fee program, school fees, and park in-lieu fees as required. Along
with this, normal expenditures for City services (fire, police, recreation, general
administration, etc.) would be compensated by the development through required fees
and property tax revenues. It is anticipated that property tax revenues, along with
increased local sales tax attributable to the Project, will cover the public service costs.
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Findings Statement
Will the proposal be harmonious and compatible with existing and future development in
the surrounding area?
Development of the Project Area will be harmonious and compatible with existing and
future development in the surrounding area. The policies and goals of the Eastern Dublin
Specific Plan and General Plan will ensure that this project will be compatible both in
terms of land use and physical design with adjacent development. Proposed land uses
will follow the intent of and be consistent with those uses provided for by the City of
Dublin Zoning Ordinance and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan.
Is the site physically suitable for the type and intensity of the zoning district being
The Project Area is physically suitable for the type of residential and commercial
development proposed. The terrain is generally flat or gently rolling and few trees exist
in the area. Retail, service, industrial and office type development is proposed primarily
for areas closest to the freeway where the land is most level. Such uses are not as
sensitive to the noise generated by traffic on the rreeway. Development in areas with
steeper slopes are limited to low density residential, while in areas above 770 feet in
elevation, development is limited to rural residential/agricultural land uses. Open space
is maintained in areas of special topographical, biological and aesthetic significance such
as along ridgelines and major drainages. Higher density residential land uses tend to be
located in less steep areas.
This project's proposed land use plan is consistent with that indicated in the General Plan
and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan as proposed to be amended as part of this application.
The project will mitigate impacts on the environment, including wildlife and its habitat.
All applicable local, state and federal regulations concerning the protection of these
elements will be adhered to.
Will the proposal adversely affect the health or safety of persons residing or working in
the vicinity, or be detrimental to the public health, safety and welfare?
The project will not adversely affect the health or safety of persons residing or working in
the vicinity, or be detrimental to the public health, safety and welfare for numerous
reasons. No uses that produce noxious odors, hazardous materials, or excessive noise are
permitted. Any landslide areas that may potentially impact development would be
avoided, stabilized or removed as required to allow for safe development. According to
the Flood Insurance Rate Map, panel 115 of 325 (community-panel number 060001-
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Fallon Village . October 2005
0115C) for Alameda County, California, dated revised September 17, 1997, no portions
of the Project Area are within the 100-year flood plain.
Some areas of the project site are located within the Airport Protection Area (AP A) and
the Airport Referral Area of the Livermore Municipal Airport. The Airport Land Use
Commission (ALUC) has indicated that residential uses are not considered appropriate
uses within the APA. The proposed land use plan reflects the ALUC recommendations
by designating the area within the APA as General Commercial, General
Commercial/Campus Office and Industrial Park/Campus Office. The Semi-public uses
are north of the APA boundary.
Retail, service, industrial and office type development is proposed primarily for areas
closest to the freeway where the land is most level. Such uses are not as sensitive to the
noise generated by traffic on the freeway. Residential land uses, schools, and parks are
located away from the rreeway and often are sheltered rrom the freeway or major streets
by hills.
All traffic impacts of the Project that might affect the public, health, safety or welfare
will be analyzed and mitigated for.
Is the proposal consistent with all elements of the General Plan and any applicable
Specific Plans of the City of Dublin?
As noted previously, the Project is consistent with the elements, goals and policies of the
General Plan and the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan. While most land uses and major
circulation routes follow those laid out by the Dublin General Plan and Eastern Dublin
Specific Plan (as amended November 2002), some minor adjustments have been made to
ensure that the proposed plan is functional, better relates to existing terrain and potential
environmental constraints, and is consistent with the policies of the Airport Protection
Area. See the concurrent GPA/SPA application for further discussion of consistency.
How does this project satisfY the purpose and intent of a "Planned Development"?
This project satisfies the purpose and intent of a "Planned Development" by establishing
a zoning district wherein:
· Thirteen parcels, under eleven separate ownerships, are being planned as a single
GPA/SPA/Stage I PD application. This permits the continuing cohesive planning
and design of the Eastern Dublin area of the City, and allows for a truly
coordinated project in terms of land use, roadways, infrastructure, development
phasing, and impact mitigation.
. A comprehensive planning process permits and encourages flexibility and
diversification of land uses, circulation, and design throughout the Project Area.
Because of this, an enhanced physical environment and more desirable use of the
land is possible than would otherwise be possible under a single zoning district or
combination of zoning districts.
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Page 12 . Stage I Development Plan Amendment
Fallon Village . October 2005
· The project is internally consistent through the provIsIOn of residential,
commercial, open space and recreation, and educational land uses which reflect
the intent and policies of the General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan.
· Efficient and creative land planning has been implemented and utilized to
preserve open space and sensitive areas while allowing development consistent
with the City's goals for the area.
· Special amenities such as natural open space, local trails and neighborhood and
community parks are incorporated into the project to help create and sustain a
livable community.
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