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Braddock and Logan Properties at Fallon Village . October 2005
Biological Mitigation
1. Background
The 2002 SEIR states that prior to submitting a Stage 2 development plan, the developer
should submit a report to the City describing how it will comply with certain of these
mitigation measures. Braddock & Logan, the applicant for the Stage 2 PD approval
under consideration in the 2005 DSElR, previously submitted a written report describing
how they would comply with the mitigation measures. This report updates the previous
report by reflecting new and/or revised mitigation measures from the 2005 Fallon Village
Draft SEIR. Specific biological mitigation measures for the Braddock & Logan-Fallon
Village project can be summarized as follows:
II. Summary of Relevant Mitigation Measures
The following 2002 SEIR and 2005 SEIR mitigation measures would apply to species
and habitats found on the Braddock & Logan properties:
Special-Status Plant Species: If present as determined by surveys, avoid to the
extent feasible. Mitigate unavoidable impacts at 1: 1 ratio on an individual basis
(and no less than 0.5: 1 acreage ratio on the basis of occupied habitat) by either
permanently preserving land containing the species in question, or by
permanently preserving land suitable for the species and seeding such land with
seeds collected on site or within the Tri- Valley area. (SM-BIO-2 through SM-
BIO-4 of2002 SEIR, SSM-BIO-l of2005 DSEIR)
San Joaquin Kit Foxes: Although the San Joaquin kit fox is not expected to occur
in the Project area, preconstruction surveys and precautionary construction
measures to avoid impacts to individuals will be implemented. (SM-BIO-9 and
SM-BIO-IO of 2002 SEIR)
Nesting Raptors: If work cannot be performed outside the breeding season,
conduct preconstruction surveys and, if a nest is detected, maintain a disturbance-
!Tee buffer of at least 200 feet around the nest while it is active. (SM-BIO-20
through SM-BIO-26 of2002 SElR)
Golden Eagles: Within the territory of the pair of Golden Eagles nesting
northwest of the site, homesites shall be located in valley bottoms adjacent to
existing or planned residential development, agricultural uses shall be limited to
grazing, and rodent control shall be prohibited. (SM-BlO-27 of2002 SEIR)
Burrowing Owls: Conduct a breeding-season survey prior to construction to
determine whether (and how many) owls breed on the site. Conduct
Page I . Biologic,,1 Mitigation
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Braddock and Logan Properties at Fallon Village . October 2005
preconstruction surveys for owls in and within 500 feet of impact areas. If owls
are present during the nonbreeding season, relocate the owls to avoid impacts. If
owls are present during the breeding season, maintain a disturbance-free buffer of
at least 250 feet around active nests. Mitigate for the loss of burrows found to be
occupied during the breeding-season surveys, or the preconstruction surveys, by
preserving and managing at least 6.5 acres/pair or unpaired owl, and enhancing or
creating burrows at a 2: 1 ratio, either on-site or on suitable off-site lands. (SM-
BlO-28 through SM-BIO-37 of2002 SElR, SSM-BIO-2 through SSM-BIO-5 of
2005 DSEIR)
Special-Status Passerines: If work cannot be performed outside the breeding
season, conduct preconstruction surveys for nests of special-status passerines and,
if a nest is detected, maintain a disturbance- free buffer (the radius to be
determined by a qualified biologist) around the nest while it is active. (SM-BIO-
38 through SM-BIO-42 of 2002 SElR)
Special-Status Bats: Pre-demolition surveys will be conducted prior to removal
of trees or structures that provide potential bat roosting habitat. If a bat roost is
found, the roosting season of the colony shall be determined, and removal of the
roost site shall be conducted when the colony is using an alternate roost. (SM-
BIO-43 through SM-BIO-45 of2002 SEIR)
Botanicallv Sensitive Habitats: Avoid and minimize impacts to waters of the
United States to the extent feasible. Mitigate the fill ofwetIands, intermittent
streams and other waters at a 2: I acreage ratio, and mitigate loss of riparian
habitat at a 3: 1 acreage ratio, through creation, restoration or enhancement within
the Project area if feasible. Otherwise, mitigate at these ratios at an offsite
location. (SM-BIO-5 through SM-BlO-7 of2002 SEIR, SSM-BIO-l of2005
California Red-legged Frog: To the extent feasible, avoid development of areas
identified as suitable red-legged frog aquatic and dispersal habitat. Implement
construction-related avoidance and protection measures. Mitigate unavoidable
impacts to red-legged frog essential aquatic habitat and associated upland habitat
within 100 m of essential aquatic habitat at a 3: 1 acreage ratio. Mitigate
unavoidable impacts to red-legged frog dispersal habitat by preservation at a 1.5: I
ratio; this latter mitigation requirement may be reduced up to 50% if additional
essential aquatic habitat is provided. (SM-BIO-ll through SM-BIO-15 of2002
SEIR, SM-BIO-2 of2005 DSEIR)
Special-Status Invertebrates: If vernal pool habitats are occupied by special status
invertebrates as determined by surveys, mitigate any loss of such habitat through
preservation (at a 2: I acreage ratio if buying credits from an approved mitigation
bank, or at a 3: I acreage ratio on-site or off-site) and creation (at a I: I acreage
ratio if buying credits from an approved mitigation bank, or at a 2: I acreage ratio
on-site or oft~site). (SM-BIO-16 and SM-BIO-17 of2002 SEIR).
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Page 2 . Biological Mitigation
Braddock and Logan Properties at Fallon Village . October 2005
California Tiger Salamander: If avoidance is not feasible, mitigate loss of aquatic
habitat by creating or enlarging suitable breeding ponds at a 2: I acreage ratio, and
mitigate loss of upland habitat by preserving occupied upland habitat at a I: 1
acreage ratio, either on-site or off-site. The latter mitigation requirement may be
reduced up to 50% if additional aquatic breeding habitat is provided. (SM-BIO-
18 and SM-BIO-19 of2002 SEIR, SSM-BIO-3 and SSM-BIO-4 of2005 DSEIR)
Western Pond Turtles: Conduct preconstruction surveys for work performed
within suitable western pond turtle habitat, and relocate individuals detected
within impact areas. (SM-BIO-15 of2002 SEIR, applied to western pond turtles
as well as California red-legged /Togs)
III. Impact Summary and Mitigation Requirements for Braddock & Logan properties
As required by the 2002 SElR, the City of Dublin developed a Resource Management
Plan (RMP) for the entire East Dublin Properties area. In the process of developing the
RMP, the City considered the biological suitability, and the development feasibility, ofa
variety of on-site avoidance alternatives. The RMP then set forth a recommended
approach to biological resource avoidance and mitigation. Braddock & Logan's land
plan for its two parcels is consistent with the RMP. The resulting unavoidable impacts,
and the consequent mitigation obligations pursuant to the mitigation measures described
above, are as follows:
Biolol!ical Resource ImDact Mitigation Requirement
Special-status plant species Three populations of San To the extent feasible, seed
Joaquin spearscale shall be collected and
comprising approximately subsequently distributed in
785 individuals suitable soils within the
Conservation Area on-site,
or at an off-site location.
Burrowing Owl Breeding-season and pre- Impacted owl burrows will
construction surveys will be mitigated through
be conducted prior to enhancement or creation of
construction to determine burrows at a 2: 1 ratio, and
the number of impacted owl habitat will be
pairs/individuals impacted preserved at a ratio of 6.5 ac
by development per pair (or unpaired
individual) impacted, either
in on-site preservation areas
or suitable off-site lands.
Botanically sensitive habitats Approximately 4,600 Mitigation for impacts will
linear feet of unvegetated be provided at an off-site
waters (i.e., intermittent location.
streams) and 0.56 acres of
waters of the U.S.
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Page 3 . Biological Mitigation
Braddock and Logan Properties at Fallon Village . October 2005
California red-legged frog Approximately 0.69 acres Mitigation will be provided
of "associated upland at an off-site location in the
habitat" and 187 ac form of breeding pond
dispersal habitat creation/enhancement and
of such pond(s), associated
upland habitat, and
foraging/dispersal habitat.
Unimpacted and
temporarily impacted
potential breeding, foraging,
and dispersal habitat on-site
will be preserved and
managed for use by CRLF
and CTS.
Special status invertebrates None detected during None required
focused surveys
California tiger salamander Approximately 231 ac Mitigation will be provided
aestivation habitat at an off-site location in the
form of breeding pond
creation/enhancement and
of such pond(s) and
adjacent aestivation habitat.
The main breeding pond
on-site, and unimpacted and
temporarily impacted
aestivation habitat on-site,
will be preserved and
managed for use by CRLF
and CTS.
In addition to the impacts and mitigation measures outlined in the table above, several
other potential impacts mayor may not occur, depending on whether certain special-
status species are present in or near impact areas during construction. Preconstruction or
pre-demolition surveys and other impact avoidance measures will be implemented, as
necessary, for the San Joaquin kit fox, Burrowing Owl, other nesting raptors, nesting
special-status passerines, special-status bats, and western pond turtles, as outlined above
under "Summary of Relevant Mitigation Measures". Activities within the open
space/rural residential-agriculture areas in the northern portions of the Bankhead and
Mandeville parcels will conform to the restrictions imposed for the protection of habitat
for the nesting pair of Golden Eagles located off-site to the northwest.
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Page 4 . Biological Mitigation
Braddock and Logan Properties at Fallon Village . October 2005
IV. Plan for Mitigation of Biological Impacts
A. On-Site
Consistent with the RMP, the upper portions of the Bankhead and Mandeville properties
will be set aside as part of the Conservation Area, including the broad Conservation
Corridor along both sides of Drainage C I. These areas support some of the best
biological resources on site that shall be preserved and enhanced by changes in land use
B. Off-site
As described above, it is not feasible to avoid all impacts. Consequently, consistent with
the SEIR, such unavoidable impacts will be mitigated off-site.
Braddock & Logan has evaluated at least five specific off-site properties for potential use
as mitigation for the impacts described above. It is now focusing on one particular
property with very high biological resource values which would more than satisfy the
mitigation requirements detailed above. Braddock & Logan is currently in discussions
with the owner of that property.
V. Supplemental Development-level Impacts.
With the implementation of the above mitigation measures the Project will be consistent
with the requirements of the Program level mitigation measures of this 2005 SEIR and
there will be no additional supplemental development-level impacts to biological
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Page 5 . Hiological Mitigation