HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 6.2 Enea Plza Planned Dev Rezoning !:.u~. '.;. ( ( AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: February 25, 1985 SUBJECT: EXHIBITS ATTACHED: / I , RECOMME~DAT~:n~ '\~ 2. if / PUBLIC HEARING PA 84-040 Enea Plaza Planned Development Rezoning Application Al - Revised Conceptual Site and Landscape Plan B - Draft Resolution adopting Negative Declaration C1 - Draft Resolution approving and establishing Findings and General provisions for Planned Develo?ment Rezoning with Development Plans for entire site C2 - Draft Resolution approving and establishing Findings and General Provisions for Planned Develo~~2r.t Rezoning with Develop~ent Plans fer each phase D - Draft Resolution requiring Development Plans to be processed concurrently with Planned Development Rezoning E - Draft Ordinance Arr.ending Zoning Ordinance BACKGROUND ATTACHMENT: 1 - Negative Declaration 2 - January 21, 1985 Planning Commission Supplemental Staff Report without attachments 3 - January 7, 1985 Planning Commission Staff Report with Attachment 4 4 - Planned Development Rezoning Submittal Requirements 5 - Ordinance No. 81-26 regarding 1464th Zoning Unit Open public hearing anG hear Staff presentation Take testimony from applicant and the public ----------------------------------------------------------------- / ITEM NO. o . ;(.J COPIES TO: John & Sal Ene2 Ron Findletor. Jerry Lemm ( " V " 3. 4. 5. 6. ( Question Staff, applicant and the public Close public hearing and deliberate Adopt Resolution regarding Negative Declaration Adopt Resolution (Exhibit C-l, C-2 or D) regarding Planned Development Rezoning (See Description) 7. If Resolution approving application is adopted, waive reading and introduce Ordinance Amending Zoning Ordinance FINrlNCIAL STATEMENT: None DESCRIPTION: John and Sal Enea, property owners, and Ron Findleton, their architect, are requesting the City to rezone approximately 16 net acres of property at Amador Plaza Road and Dublin Boulevard from PO/C-O (Planned Development/Administrative Offices) District to PO/C-1 (Planned Development/Retail Business) . District. They are requesting the rezoning to allow future consideration and development of a hotel, restaurant, two five- story office. buildings, an addition to the existing theater, shops and offices. Under the existing zoning which was approved April, 1981, . the use of the property (Administrative Office) uses and to: by Alameda County in is limited to C-O "a racquetball club, gymnasium, restaurant, and other cornmercial uses allow'eo by the C-l (Retail Business) District where such uses are determined throush Zoning Approval to be of similar intensity to a~d cOffi?atible with C-O uses, with all uses subject to C-O District regulations." Since the a?plicant wants the zoning to allow a wide ran~e of (-1 commercial uses, a hotel, and t"vO five sto~y office builc.i!";,gs which are not allowed under the existing PO zoning, they have filed the PD rezoning application. There are three primary issues related to the application: processing of Development Plans, Environmental Considerations and Design considerations. 1. Processing of Development Plans: The typical PD application processed by the City includes specific land uses and a complete set of Development Plans including "an" overall Site Plan, preliminary landscaping plans, and preliminary architectural plans. In this case, the applicants Ihave not submitted the materials typically required of PO applications. The applicants say they are not ready to prepare the Development Plans for the Site because the site is relatively large, they do not have specific tenants, and the existing market is uncertain. I , As a matter of policy, the point the Development Plans identified three (3) options City Council should decide at what need to be processed. Staff has to address this issue: a. The City Council could require the Development Plans to be processed concurrently with the PO application (Exhibit D). With this requirement, the application would be denied without prejudice to allow the applicants to resubmit their application with Development Plans. Tnis policy would provide the most assurance of coorcination-and a superior quality product throughout the site. b. Th(~City Council could require the Development Plans (' for the entire site to be processed as a Conditional Use Permit after the PO is approved (Exhibit C-l). This policy -2- , , ,. I~ ( ( would provide that the land uses would be pre-approved with the PO application, and that the subsequent Development Plans would coordinate the development of the entire site. _ c. The city Council could require the Development Plans to be processed for each separate. phase (Exhibit C-2). This policy would provide that the land uses would be pre- approved and coordination between separate phases would need to be addressed when each phase is processed. Staff finds that, although workable, the first option quality and coordination. any of the three options would be offers the City the most assurance of 2. Environmental Considerations: Because of the conceptual nature of the plans submitted with the PO applicationl additional environmental review will be required when the Development Plans are prepared and processed. In particular, the following items will need further study: Traffic impacts on Dublin Boulevard Effect'of future highway improvements at the 1-580/1-680 interchange Noise impacts on hotel occupants Visual impacts of the five-story structures Fire service impacts of the five story structures 'As part of the PD application, the applicants propose a reduction in the number of parking spaces required by the movie theaters. Instead of the 480 spaces typically required, the applicants propose 408 stalls with temporary provision of 50 stalls on an adjacent parcel. The City Traffic Engineer has revie',."ed t~e proposal end recommends approval. 3. Design Considerations: A primary benefit quality design, architecture, and of a Planned Development is typically supe=ior with better site design, landscaping, signing than conventional zoning would produce. Since the applicants have not submitted information in sufficient detail to permit a complete analysis, the City will not know if there will be a superior quality cesign until the Development Plans are processed. J The application background, analysis and issues are discussed in detail in the attached Staff Reports (Background Attachments 2 and]) . On January 2l, 1985, the Pla~ning Commission recommended that tr.e PO application be approved with Development Plans required for each separate phase (Exhibit C-2). On February 14, 1983, the applicants told Staff that they would process a detailed Site Development Review application for the theater additions under the existing Planned Development District zoning regulations. The applica:1ts said they plan to construct the theater additions as soon as possible. Staff finds that the best course of action to follow would be to 1) allow the applicant to process the theater additions under the existing PO and 2) process the Development Plans for the overall sjte concurrently with the net,'; PO application. ~rhe City would be p=ovided with architectural drawings and more complete site plans and landscaping plans for revie..... and approval. The development of the entire site would be coordinated. The Ci~y would see what the overall development would look like. -]- ( ( I, The process has typically resulted in a superior quality product (such as the Festival Enterprises PO and the Barratt/Higgins PO). The process avoids the piecemeal development approach used prior to incorporation. It also avoids the situation where a PD is granted .allowing certain uses without the benefit of Development Plans to. show what the project will look like. Staff recommends that the City Council take the following actions: l) Adopt the resolution adopting the Negative Declaration (Exhibit B) 2) Adopt a resolution requiring Development Plans to be processed concurrently with the PD application and denying the application without prejudice. Should the City Council decide to approve the application, Staff would recommend that the City Council take the following actions: 1) Adopt the resolution adopting the Negative Declaration (Exhibit B) 2a} Adopt the resolution approving the application and requiring Development Plans for the entire site after the approval (Exhibit C-l) OR 2b) Adopt the resolution approving the application and requiring Development Plans for each separate phase after the approval (Exhibit C-2). 3) Waive the reading and introduce the Ordinance &~ending the Zoning Ordinance (Exhibit E). ( ( RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN ------------------------------------------------------------------ ADOPTING A NEGATIVE DECLARATION FOR PA 84-040, ENEA PLAZA PLANNED DEVELOPMENT REZONING WHEREAS, Ron Findleton, representing John & Sal Enea filed an application requesting the City rezone approximately 22 acres generally located on the east and west sides of Amador Plaza Road, south of Dublin Boulevard, more specifically described as parcels A, B, C, D, and E, of Parcel Map #2922, APN's 94l-lS0Q-38, 39, 40, 41, and 42; and WHEREAS, the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), together with the State Guidelines and City environmental regulations, require that certain projects be reviewed for environmental impact and that environmental documents be prepared; and WHEREAS, a draft Negative Declaration has been prepared for this application: and WHEREAS, public notice of the Negative Declaration was given in all respects as required by law; and WHEREAS, the Planning Co~~ission did review and consider the draft Negative Declaration at a Public Hearing en January 2l, 1985; and WHEREAS, the City Cou~cil did revie~ and consider said d=aft Negative Declaration a~ a public hearing on Feb=~ary 25, 1985j NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE Dublin City Council finds as follows: l. That the project, PA 84-040 Enea Plaza Planned Development Rezoning application, will not have any significant environmental impact; and 2. That the Negative Declaration has been prepared and processed in accordance with State and local environmental laws and guideline regulations; and 3. That the Negative Declaration is complete and adequate. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT the Dublin City Council hereby adopts the Negative Declaration for PA 84~040 Enea Plaza Planned Development Rezoning 2p9lication. I PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 25th day of Feb ::-uary, 1985. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Mayor ATTEST: Clty Clerk ?OVllxn 11 t A (lc'; =1," lJ 1.L "' D DP 83-20 ( ( RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN ------------------------------------------------------------------ APPROVING AND ESTABLISHING FINDINGS AND GENERAL PROVISIONS FOR A PLANNED DEVELOPMENT REZONING WITH DEVELOPMENT PLANS FOR ENTIRE SITE CONCERNING PA 84-040, ENEA PLAZA PLANNED DEVELOPMENT REZONING WHEREAS, Ron Findleton, representing John & Sal Enea filed an application requesting the City rezone approximately 22 acres generally located on the east and west sides of Amador Plaza Road, south of Dublin Boulevard, more specifically described as parcels A, Bf C, D, and E, of Parcel Map #2922, APN's 941-lS0Q-38, 39- 40, 41, and 42; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did hold a public hearing on January 7, and 2l, 1985, and recommended approval and establishment of Findings and General Provisions with Development Plans for each phase; and WHEREAS, the City Council did hold a public hearing on said application on February 25, 1985; and WHEREAS, proper notice of said public hearing was given in all respects as required by law; and WHEREAS, the Staff re~ort was submitted recc~~enc~:.g that the application be denied without p=ejucice; and WHEREAS, the City Cou~cil did hear a~d consic~= all said re?orts, recomme~dations a~d testimony herein abeve set=ort~; a:1d WHEREAS, the City Council finds that the proposed rezoning is consistent with the General Pla~; and WHEREAS, the City Council finds that the rezoning will not have a significant environmental impact; and WHEREAS, the rezoning is a?propriate for the subject property in terms of being compatible to existing land uses and it will not overburden public services; and WHEREAS, the rezoning will not have a substantial adverse affect on health or safety or be substantially detrimental to the public welfare or be injurious to property or public .improvement; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE Dublin City Council does hereby approve the Pla~ned Development RezoninG request subject to the following conditions and general ~ provisions: I I 1) The Planned Development shall con:orm to the Revised Conceptual Site and Landscape Plans labeled E~hibit "A-l" en file in the Dublin Planning De?artmen~. 2) Development Plans for the entire site of the project shall be subject to Conditional Use Permit approval prior ~o or concurrent with Site Development Revie~ approval for individual building sites. The Development Plans will include the overall site plan, preliminary landsca~e plans, preliminary architectural plans, and other standard Planned Development submittal requirements. ,/ EXH1BH C-1 / DP 83-20 ( 3) Each building site shall be subject to Site Development Review approval. The Site Development Review shall be consistent with the approved Development Plans, but may make minor modifications to the pad locations, circulation system, architectural design, landscaping plan, floor area, and other related design items if it is in the best interest of the City to do so. 4) The Planned Development will allow the specific land uses and development designated on the approved Development Plans. The uses and development will generally be the uses allowed in the C-O and C-l Districts. 5) Height limits shall be controlled by the approved Development plans and shall not exceed a maximum of 75 feet. 6) Any changes or modifications of these plans shall be processed according to Section 8-31.18 of the Dublin Zoning Ordinance. 7) If substantial construction in accordance with the PO is not com~enced within a two year period, the PO shall be subject to Planning Commission review and possible modification as provided for in Section 8-3l.2(b) of the Dublin Zoning Ordinance. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 25th cay c: February, 1985. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Mayor ATTEST: Clty Clerk / DP 83-20 / I ( RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION Of THE CITY COU~CIL Of THE CITY OF DUBLIN ------------------------------------------------------------------ APPROVING AND ESTABLISHING FINDINGS AND GENERAL PROVISIONS FOR A PLANNED DEVELOPMENT REZONING WITH DEVELOPMENT PLANS FOR EliCH PHIISE CONCERNING PA 84-040, ENEII PLAZA PLANNED DEVELOPMENT REZONING WHEREAS, Ron Findleton, representing John & Sal Enea filed an application requesting the City rezone approximately 22 acres generally located on the east and west sides of Amador Plaza Road, south of Dublin Boulevard, more specifically described as parcels A, B, C, 0, and E, of Parcel Map #2922, APN's 94l-1S0Q-38, 39- 40, 41, and 42; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did hold a public hearing on January 7, and 21, 1985, and recommended approval and establishment of Findings and General Provisions with Development Plans for each phase; and WHEREAS, the City Council did hold a public hearing cn said application on February 25, 1985; and WHEREAS, proper notice of said public hearing was given in all respects as required by law; and WHEREAS, the Staff report was submitted recor.~endins t~a~ the a~?lic3tion be denied without prejudice; and WHEREAS, the City COGncil diG he~Y and consider all said re~orts, reco~menGatio~s and testimony herein above se~fo~t~; a:1G WHEREAS, the City Council finds that the proposed rezoning is consistent with the General Plan; and WHEREAS, the City Council finds that the rezoning will not have a significant environmental impact; and WHEREAS, the rezoning is appropriate for the subject property in terms of being compatible to existing land uses and it will not overburden public services; and WHEREAS, the rezoning will not have a substantial adverse affect on health or safety or be substantially detrime~tal to the public welfare or be injurious to property or public improvement; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE Dublin City Council does hereby approve the Planned Development Rezoning request subject to the following conditions and general provisions: 1 ) The Planned Development shall conform to the Conceptual Site and Landscape Plans labeled file in the Dublin Planning Department. Revised Exhibit "A-I" on 2) Development Plans for each phase of the project shall be subject to Conditional Use Per~it approval prior to or concurrent with Site Develop~ent Review approval for individual building sites within that phase. The Development Plans will include the overall site plan, rV'lF'rr C \kj\rljDJ - J DP 83-20 ( ( preliminary landscape plans, preliminary architectural plans, and other standard planned Development submittal rquiremcnts." 3) Each building site shall be subject to Site Development Review approval. The Site Development Review shall be consistent with the approved Development Plans, but may makQ minor modifications -to the pad locations, circulation system, architectural design, landscaping plan, floor area, and other related design items if it is in the best interest of the city to do so. 4) The planned Development will allow the specific land uses and development designated on the approved Development Plans. The uses and developmen.t will generally be the uses allowed in the C-O and C-l Districts. 5) Height limits shall be controlled by the approved Development Plans and shall not exceed a maximum of 75 feet. 6) Any changes or modifications of these plans shall be processed according to Section 8-31.l8 of the Dublin Zoning Ordinance. 7) If substantial construction in accorcance with the PD is not commenced within a two year period, the PO shall be subject to Plan~ing Commission revie~ anc possible modification as provided for in Section 8-3l.2(b) of the Dublin Zoning Ordinance. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 25th day of February, 1985. AYES: NOES: ABSE~T: Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk / DP 83-20 ( RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN ----------------------------------------------------------------- REQUIRING DEVELOPMENT PLANS BE SUBMITTED AND PROCESSED CONCURRENTLY WITH THE PLANNED DEVELOPMENT REZONING CONCERNING PA 84-040 ENEA PLAZA PLANNED DEVELOPMENT REZONING WHEREAS, Ron Findleton, representing John and Sal Enea filed an application requesting the City rezone approximatley 22 acres generally located on the east and west sides of Amador Plaza Roac, south of Dublin Boulevard, more specifically described as parcels A, B, C, D, and E, of Parcel Map #2922, APN's 941-l500-38, 39, 40, 41, and 42; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did hold a public hearing on January 7, and 25, 1985 and recommended approval and establish~ent of Findings and General Provisions with Develc~~ent Plans for-each phase; and WHE:rtEAS, said application on the City Council did hold a public February 25, 1985; and hearir,s 00 WHEREAS, proper notice of said public heari~s was given in all respects as required by law; and WHEREAS, t~at the Development a~plicatior.; and the Staff Pla"s be Report was s~~~itteG re~omme~c:~s p~ocessed ccr.curre~tly w~c~ sa~c WEERE.'\S, the Cit:! Ccu:1c:-l d:..c. r.ea::- a:1d ccnsice::- all sa.ic. repo.::-cs, rec;cm>ner.c2ticns a~d testi".cr.y he.::-ei:--, above setfo::-th; and WEEREAS, the City Council finds that the proposec rezoning will be consiste:1t with the Gene.::-al Plan; and WHEREAS, the City Council finds t~at the rezoning will not have a significant environme~tal im?2ct; and WHEREAS, the rezoning is ap;?ropriate for the subject pro;?erty in ter~s of being compatible to existing land uses and it will not overburd~n public services; and WHEREAS, the rezoning will not have a substantial adverse affect cn health or safety or be substantially detrimental to the public welfare or be injurious to property 0= J public improvement; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED tnat the Dublin City Council does hereby find t~at: l) Develo~ment Plans, includir.g an overall site plan, preliminary landsc~pe p12~3, preli~i~aYy architectu~al plar.s, and other standard Planned Development sub~it~al requirements, have typically been pyocessed with Pla~~ed Develop~ent Rezonings approved by the City 0: Dubli~; 2) By processir.g Development Plans at the time of t~e land use approvals, t~e City is assuyed of coordinated develoFment and a superior quality product thr~ushout the site BE IT FURTHER RESO~VED that the Dublin City Council does here':J:;; / I / EXB]BH D ( ( 1) adopt and maintain the requirement that Development Plans be processed concurrently with Planned Development Rezoning applications; 2} Request the applicant to process said Development Plans with said planned Development Rezoning application; 3) Deny the present application without prejudice to allo~ the applicant to resubmit their application with Development Plans. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 25th day of February, 1985. AYES: NOES, ABSE)lT: Mayor ATTEST: City Cle:::-k / ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF TIlE CITY OF DUBLIN AHENDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE TO PERMIT THE REZONING OF REAL PROPERTY LOCATED ON THE EAST AND WEST SIDES OF AMADOR PLAZA ROAD SOUTH OF DUBLIN BOULEVARD WITHIN THE CITY OF DUBLIN The City council of the City of Dublin does ordain as follows: Section 1 Chapter 2 of Title 8 of the Dublin Ordinance Code is hereby amended in the following manner: Approximately 21.83 acres generally located on the east and west side of Amador Plaza Road, south of Dublin Boulevard, more specifically described as parcels A, B, C, D, & E of parcel m~? 2922, designated Assessor Parcel Numbers 941-1500-38, 39, 40, 41, and 42 and are hereby rezoned to a PI~nned Development District (PojC-l). The Enea Plaza Planned Development Rezoning, is shown and described on Exhibit "A-I" (plans) and Exhibit "C- " {Findings and General provisions}, on file with the Dublin Planning Department, and are hereby adopted as the regulations for the use, improvement, and maintenance of the prope=ty within this District. A map 0: the a=ea is as follows: .- . L--; ~. ~~",:,..y --/\::,/ \-~ 1\JIf--~i ~. ~r\;:<~';\':'\\\):~'" P; ~ __ 1___ _ Ie. - ,\\\./ -- ) '~"- '" \ L- r '. . . 0 c.;.",",'," /.i J ~':"-'-~-",.C.'; .>t3 ,(,;.,;.:...\fj II 'ffb~~~:~ ~~~~::.:..'''\:. ..... Sl j-' t' ~~ . \... ~ . " .Y ,,~:~ S\ .';. '~:' ..... '."r .'. ~,,~'.-',",<S\\ . ~~ I_~S .C' ." - :.::;~ :.~;:~r:1~~\\\ '~I ~...~...,\" ..'~"~(' ?D.j'";...~ '11'" ''''j ii. 'Ui. - _____.n....... ..-. ....,.. Section 2 This ordinance shall take effect and be enforced 30 days from and after its passage. Before the expiration of (l5) ~ays after its passage, it shall be publis ed once, with the names or the Councilmembers voting for and aga nst the same, in the Tri- Valley Herald, a newspaper published n Alameda County and available in the City of Dublin. / / ~~:P'B1T ", 11 j E PASSED AND ADOPTED BY the City Council of the City of Dublin, on this 25th day of February, 1985, by the following votes: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Hayor ATTEST: City Clerk / / CITY OF DUBLIN P.O. Box 2340 ( I j) �829-1000 Dublin, CA 94568 NEGATIVE DECLARATION FOR: PA 84-040, Enea Plaza Planned Development Rezoning (Pursuant to Public Resources Code Section 21000, et seq) LOCATION: Property is located on the east and west sides of Amador Plaza Road, south of Dublin Boulevard, Parcels A, B, C and E, of Parcel Map 2922 • APPLICANT: Ron Findleton 1200 Brown Avenue Lafayette, California 94549 OWNER: John & Sal Enea 7450 Dublin Boulevard Dublin, California 94568 DESCRIPTION: A Planned Development Rezoning from PD/C-0 (Administrative Office) to PD/C-1 (Retail Business District) . The purpose of the rezoning is to allow the future development of a 130 room hotel, 300 seat restaurant, two, five-story office buildings, an addition to the existing theater, 30,500 sq. ft. of shops and 16, 000 sq. ft. of offices, Dublin Boulevard at Amador Plaza Road. INITIAL STUDY: The Initial Study is attached which indicates the proposed project will not have a significant impact on the environment. MITIGATION MEASURES: None Required PREPARATION: This Negative Declaration was prepared by the City of Dublin Planning Staff (415) 829-4916 . SIGNATURE: ✓ ktiA JJ:TO DATE: Laurence L. Tong, Plan,O ng Director LLT/TD/j ATTACIIM!Nf--i i ."'-~. (- ,~ " CITY OF PllSLlI'{ \ ,\ .. ~T\'\1~MOf\.jj'J1ENTAL . ASSESSM (f\J'.:;:J(:ln~ to ~ublic ~~:o.,u~c~s Code 5~cticn 21000.d se-::..). IN(ER\H .~ ;'.' .' .' . Ba:;ed on the proiect inforr;idion submi~~e::l in Section 1 -Gene'ral. Dato~: the Planning Stcff Vlill u:;e_SecHon 3, !nitio.l S.tudy, to d::terr.1in~ wh~ther o' Nes~tiYe DeclGr~tion or en En~ironr.;~ntcl l~pcct'R~po;t i:; required. '--'. ;:. . ::'-;~_::,:~":\-',),',"{':~':;:'j':._" .~ .,,' .. ..-~,:, . .... ..;-" ..,. -' :' "".'. 'i(liTIY};'C;VZo':\;i!,'V;lff;;trz!~~f~~~.'o~i!~~\~~~~fS"~2,~~~. ~O ,~': ENVIRONMENTAL S"CITIN.G .:. 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(1) Does prciec~ the Fote:1tjc! to cesrc'ce tn~ 'I" ft' --. ,,-'- I. ,,' 11 . ._~_~. ,~.~~'~St!~. n'/ e _.:.,e ~n'llr::.r.~e~" st::::;:;=~,lC ._y ~ecuce ~ ::,-t,:the hcSitc~ cr C: fi:~ c:- wildlire scec:es,-.'ccu::e ,'-.C' :)':-:.' fish 'c'r .';ilc((fe-'F~-?t.:let~~n to-'cre? be lew. ~elf- .::. ~5u's'~ining-I';:;~ls;'threorer. to eli:njnc~e a plc:1t. . ,I' . .: ~_::--.... ,_,.".. ." ,.': '.- .-. -" "':." . .. - -. -.' - ' ; ~ .: . :-:-.:':-.'or en l:7'.cl ,_c:::r.:r.:unllj, recuce tne nur.:::::er er re:~rJC~ -. -l~:;;rt~~{~\",%{!)~~;~~,ii<~ ~~J~~:~'C;r:. ~~{e.~s ~~.~2. pi ;.c: t,c)~~:,,?t~'~i' '_:-'t::i-"::~'~'-'~';:-~'-:';~ "/'- or e I Lr.: lnc te .1r-r'.p.::rrc:'1; e^~:l1? I es 'of tne me i cr per ices . 'f. ~~tKj~~11~lu~~1,~~~g~{;*i;~~~ij~";~:r~;~it!~:~~;~Ji~E:j~&:~9l5~~~~Ii~ :!:/\,-::~".~:.,~-'-":',:::'(2) :<pces the prolect h~'1e. tne 'potentlal. 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"NO,::: Where 0 p,ciec~ i, ".,;,ed in re'FG"'. to en 1r.;;,oI Steer '" ~h-,' F-"e:~.~! e',<",o, effcc~:; a~e rnit~scrcd to c Foin~ where no 5is;;-:ific::r.: env;rc:1r.,en~c! eff~c::; wC'.Jc C-::C".;.;", c rev;,ed Init;oIS:u.Jj'H,11 be prepo,ed e;::" c Nc,c,ive Decimation will be r~1c:rec '''.eG'' oi _~ c::-:: / CITY OF DUBLIN PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA STATEMENT/STAFF REPORT Meeting Date : January 21, 1985 TO: Planning Commission - FROM: Planning Staff SUBJECT: Supplemental Staff Report PA 84-040 Enea Plaza Planned Development Rezoning (continued from January 7 , 1985 Planning Commission Meeting) ANALYSIS Background On January 7 , 1985, the Planning Commission continued the application so that Staff could prepare revised conditions of approval . The issue areas raised at the Planning Commission Meeting were: - The need for additional review and approval of development plans : A general site plan, preliminary landscape plans, and preliminary architectural plans Concern with the proposed five ( 5) story/70 foot building height Planned Development Rezoning The typical Planned Development Rezoning application processed by the City provides a superior quality project with the zoning based on: 1 - Specific land uses 2 - A set of development plans, including a. an overall site plan b . preliminary landscaping plans c . preliminary architectural plans A Site Development Review application is either processed concurrently or after the PD Rezoning application. The Site Development Review typically includes : - a detailed site plan final landscape plans - final architectural plans - a sign program A PD Rezoning allows an applicant flexibility from conventional zoning regulations, allowing the zoning regulations to be tailored to the specific land use, site plan, landscaping, architecture, and signing of the proposal . In exchange, the City typically benefits from a superior quality product with better site design, landscaping, architecture, and signing than conventional zoning would produce. Projects which the City has reviewed and approved as Planned Development Rezoning applications include the Dublin Town and Country retail project and the Automation Electronics Corporation office project. / ITEM NO. 7 GI c2 ATTACIMeriT Conventional Zoning Conventional zoning does not provide the assurance of quality that a Planned Development Rezoning provides. Conventional zoning, such as a straight C-1 Retail Commercial District, typical regulates: - permitted uses - conditional uses - building setbacks - building height signing maximums A Site Development Review application is then processed when the future land use is identified. Often, the future land uses are unknown and the Site Development Review for the speculative or "spec" building is processed based on contemplated uses . Present Application As shown in the Conceptual Site Plan, the applicants ' initially indicated they would like approval for the following land uses : - a theater addition - general retail shops - a hotel • - a restaurant - additional offices - two 5 story/70 foot buildings The applicants applied for the PD Rezoning because the existing PD, approved by Alameda County without development plans, allows administrative offices and only those retail uses that are found to be compatible with administrative office uses. All other development regulations (such as setbacks, height, and signing) of the Administrative Office District apply. The general retail shops , hotel, and five story buildings are not permitted under the existing PD zoning. While the applicants have indicated which land uses they would like, they have also indicated that they are not prepared to submit the typical development plans because: - the site is relatively large (22+ acres) - the applicants do not have specific tenants for the hotel, restaurant, or office buildings given the existing market for hotels and offices (large supply and unknown demand) , the applicants are not ready to prepare development plans for the entire site Potential Solutions 1. At the January 7, 1985, Planning Commission Meeting, the Planning Commission suggested an additional condition that the development plans for the entire site be reviewed and approved prior to processing separate Site Development Reviews for individual building sites . This policy would provide the City with assurance that the to be prepared development plans would be coordinated with the land uses to reflect a superior quality project throughout the site. 2 . A second potential solution is that the development plans for each of the four phases be reviewed and approved separately, but prior to any Site Development Review processed for that phase . This policy would provide some assurance that the individual phases would themselves have superior quality. The coordination between phases would need to be addressed when each phase is processed. -2- ( ( 3. A third potential solution is that the development plans for the entire site be processed together with the land use proposals. This policy would provide the city with the development plans at the time of the land use approvals to assure coordination and a superior quality product throughout the site. Following the January 7, 1985, Planning Commission Meeting, the Staff and applicants met on January ll, 1985, to discuss the potential solutions. The applicants stated they are not prepa~ed to process the development plans for the entire site (Potential solutions #1 and #3). They said they would be willing to separately process development plans for individual phases (Potential Solution #2). The Planning Commission should consider which of the 3 potential solutions to follow as a matter of policy. Staff finds that any of the three policies would be workable, however, if development plans are not required together with the land use proposals (Potential solution #3), the development plans should be subject to Conditional Use Permit approval. To address the concern regarding the proposed height, Staff 5ugsests that any building between 35 feet and 70 feet tall be subject to Conditional Use Permit approval. Staff also suggests that the entire area including the existing offices be covered by the PD Rezoning, since the offices would be permitted by the proposed rezoning and would keep the area within a single zoning district. RECmi!:vlSNDATION FOR(,l)..T: 1) Open public hearing a~d hear Staff prese~tatio~ 2) Take testimony from applicant and t~e public 3) Question staff, applicant and the public 4) Close public hearing and deliberate 5) Adopt Resolutions regarding the Negative Declaration a~d Rezoning, or direct Staff to make revisions and continue hearing ACTION: Staff recommends that the Planning Commission determine as a matter of policy which potential solution should be follO'.ved. Under Potential Solution #1, Staff recommends that the Planning Com:nission adopt: ) / 1. A resolution recommending adoption of the Negative Declaration (Exhibit B) 2. A resolution recommending conditional approval of the Planned Development Rezoning application (Exhibit C-ll Under Potential Solution #2, Staff recommends that the Planning Com~ission adopt: 1. A resolution recommending adoption of the Negative Declaration (Exhibit B) 2. A resolution recommending conditional approval of the Planned Development Rezoning application (Exhibit C-21 Under potential Solution ~3, Commission adopt: /' Staff recommends that the Plannin~ /' / ( , r '. A resolution recommending that a complete set of development plans be submitted and processed with the Planned Development Rezoning application. ATTACHMENTS Exhibit uA-l" Revised Conceptual Site and Landscape Plan Exhibit "B" Draft Resolution Recommending adoption of the Negative Declaration Exhibit ~C-I" Draft Resolution Recommending Conditional Approval of the Planned Development Rezoning Application Exhibit "C-2" Draft Resolution Recommending Conditional Approval of the Planned Development Rezoning Application Exhibit "0" Draft Resolution Recommending that Development Plans be submitted and processed with the Planned Development Rezoning Application Attachment 1 Draft Ordinance Attachment 2 Negative Declaration Attachment 3 January 7, 1985 Planning Commission Staff Report without attachments COPIES Applicant City Engineer Building Inspection Department ) I I (( -,- ., ',,' . Q,. .' ( . ,,' ...., :(' 0.... . .' . .' CITY OF DUBLIN PLANNING- cm'U.tISSION AGEND.l\ STATE;lENT/STAFF REPORT ? Meeting Date: January 7, 19SY TO: Planning Commission Planning Staff:p ~ FRO:.!: SUBJECT: PA 84-040 Enea Plaza Planned Development Rezonins GENER.~L Ii'lFORH:\TION PROJECT: A Planned Development Rezoning to allow future consideration and develonment of a hotel, "restaurant, two five- story office buildings, ~ddition to the existing theater, shops and offices, Dublin Boulevard at &~ador Plaza Road. APPLICANT: Ron Findleton 1200 Brown Avenue Lafayette, CA 94549 P?.O?E:::tTY Ol"li.lL::?.: John ar.G. Sal Enea 7450 Dublin Boulevard Dublin, CA 94563 LOCATION: The property is located on the east and west side of ~~ado~ Plaza Road, south of Dublin Boulevard. p.SSESSO? P.;....~C=:L r.;U~.!EE=<.: 9~1-15aO-38-39-40 & 42 E:CISTI:.;G Zm;jE.iG 10.:10 L.c..:.jD US:::: The site is p:::esently zoneS. PO, c-() (Ac~inis~rative Office) also allowinS a racs~e~bcll cl~01 c'/m~asium, restaurant a~~ other C-1 uses that are ee~e=~i~e~ . t; be compatible wit~ c-o uses. The site presently cc~~a:~s fOGr office buildings and an indoor movie theater. S:';?,ROU~-rDING L;..~m USE A~;D ZONING: North - Sha8rock Chrysler Ford - C-2 South - 1-5S0 West - Crown Chevrolet East - I-68G ZO~JING HISTORY: 7/29/63 A Conditional Use Per~it was issued for a drive-in theater. ) Ccn~itional Use Permits were approvec for an indoor theater. / 5/1/67 anc - 4/1/70 5/3/79 - A po.rcel Ma; was a?~roved to sub~ivide the p:-cDert'l. 10/22/30 - A Site D~velc~l~ent Review was a?oroved bv AIJ~e~~ ccun~y to co~st=uct six office b~il~~ngs-a~ t~e end of &~Jcor Pla=a Road; only four were constructed. 4/2/31 - T~e site WJS re=oned from C-2 to a Planned Oe'lclor.:ment C-Q (Ac.ministrative Office) allc'dine: a rJcqctball club, 9ymn~sium, res~aurant and othe; C-1 uses th~t are compatible with c-o uses. (-8/23/34 - T;;.c ~??l~co.:".:: submitted a';;ite Dcvclo~r.lcnt R2'/ie'.-1 u~?llca:lo~ to const=uc~/a.one-3torl retail buildir.S, a t~o-sto~y r~~ail an~ o::ic~ / ----------------------. uJ',t" PH.,""",~+ lj 0+ 'hils Fe. .:5i..4 a T71 t'U\Ji\:l1'-....3 ,.~.. ,. ---... .'_~~--:-.'.4>_'" ~:.:- ."-~ ..... ..,. .--.. -- . . ':: '.'~"'" ~ ...~ .' ., ( \ ( \ .;.... -, <.i.'.:;. building, and. .nn addition to the c:<isting thC.:ltc:.:-. ,~) This a??lication \'Ias fOUild to be incol;l.?letc and no.. furth~r action .has been taken on the applic.:ltion.;~" A?PLICADLE REGULilTIONS: Section 8-3l.0 Planned DQvclopmcnt Districts Intent, states in part, that the intent of tile Planned Development is to create an attractive, efficient .nnd safe environment. Section 8-3l.2 Change in zoning District Resuired, states i~ part, that a Planned Dcvclop~ent is subject to review by the Planning Com~ission if construction has not ta~en place within a two yea~ period froo the date the Planned Development is approved. Section 8-31.18 ~linor.~~difications of Land Use In Develo?~ent Plans states, in part, that minor changes to the approved master plan may be approved by the Planning Co~missicn upon the securing of a Conditional Use Permit. ( Et'IVI?,O~l:'lE::NT,"\L RE:VIE\l: A Draft t!egative Declaration has been prepared for this application. NOTIFIC.;TIOt,!: Public Notice of the January 7, 1935, hec.:-ir:g \'.'2.5 pu~li5hed in the Tri-Valley Herald, Nailed to 2cjc.ce~t property C\Jne=s, a~~ pcs~ed in public buil2inss P.:>r.:;::' YS IS: R8~ Fincleto~, r=?=es2r:~i~g Jch~ & Sal E~ea, is r=~u2st~~S t~~~ t~~ City r7~cr:e ~~?=o~i~atly 16.3 :cres 1cc2~ec c~ t~e e~st ar:c we5~ s~ces c: kaacor Plaza Roac fr~~ c. Plc.~~e~ Develo~~er:~ wi~~ c-o restricticr:s to 2. PJ/C-l w~ic~ per=~t~ bct~ office a~c retail uses. Future ~evelc;~e~t on t~e Si~2 w~ulc be gover~ec by.t~e Pla~ned.Develo?~e~t 2~d s~zse~~e~~ S~te Develc~8e~t Rev~e~ 2~~llc~tlcns. T~e area to be rezoned cce~ not include ihe entire site; rat~er, it cnlv includes parcels ]>., B, C, & E of Parcel Hap 2922, (see D~a:i: Ordinance). T~e bala~ce of t~e site, parcel D, that presently contains four office beildings, would re~ain pole-a. The pro~csec t~o office buildings on t~is parcel will conform to the e:cisting Planned Develop~e~t, t~erefore t~ere is no neec to chanse the zoning on this portion of t~e site. I , Uneer the existins zonins, the 2colicants are restrict~~ to C-O uses anc C-O cev81op8ent limitations. Since thE applicants want to provide for comme~cial uses, a hotel a~c restaurant, anc t~o, five-s~ory office building, all of v;1:ich are not per::'litte.2 unc02r the existing zoning, 2:1 a??lic~tion for a PO rezoning has been filec. T~e PD is a conce?tu21 plan t~at represents t~e sche~2t:c c~ild-out of t~e site. P=ior to const~ucting a~y c: t~2 i:7:~r-oveme:1ts, t~~ a;.;;lica:-,ts \,;ill r.2.ve to file for, a:;c receive ao~roval c~, a Sit2 Ocvelo~men~ Re~iew. T~c co~dition~~of t~~ Sit~ Devclo~l~ent'Revie~ m2Y revis3 t~e c?nc~p~~~l p=c~csal, vi?~ respect to ~eig~t, p2.d lcc~tio~s, c~rc~latlon SY3~~::'l, urc~~tectur~l ceslgn, lancsca?e~ lecations and ot~er site pl~n cetails. ( In crevious P13:1~c~ Ccv~lo~~c:1ts, the Pl~n:1inG Co~~;ssio" 2:12- Cit', Cou~cil have r'~',ie...led and a;}D:,:-o'/CC c;tail~~ " ar::::1.itcctu:':-.Jl, l3.:-.dsc~2ing .:J.nc site pians in conju;;tion \....i..t!l the. re:oni:1S. Tr:e sco2~ ar.ci r.:asnitucc of t~is Pl.J.....nec. Cc~2le~:~cnt is s~ch t!lat no detailed site, architectural 0= l.J.""'.c:j:6.J:/ing plan.:; h.:l''''~ ~_2:1 t:J=c~urcd. This PD rclat2s ;r;c=e ..-:.,,,.... .... -- . . '.. t \. .( '\ to a conceptu.:ll propos,)l (height & bulk) il~ use issue (retail, and hotel) as o2posed to a detailed cev~lo?m~nt project. If the Planned Development is approved by the City, the applicilnts will file Site Development Review applications with Staff on each ph~se of the planned dcvelo~rnent. It is at this time that detailed architectural, landscaping and site plans will be prepared, evaluated and eventually approved. Tile intent of the Planned Development. is to allow the dcvelooment of the site for both retail and office uses and to all~\i flexibility in parking and height restrictions. Furthermore, tile Planned Development will Bvoid the piece- meal and incremental development of the site with no relationshi~ to a ma~ter development proposal. In the subrai ttal of the Planned Developr.',ent r'ezoning request, the applicant prcposed a reduction in the number of parking spaces re~uireG for ihe movie theater. Unccr the e:<isting parking require~ents, the movie theater requires one s;:)ace for each 4 seats. ~';ith the t,.;Q sho~"rooi:'L c.cc.ition to th~ theater, the total nUDoer of seats \vould be 1,921. 1,921 civieec by 4 woule equal 480 spaces required. The aprlicant is proposing to prcvice 403 stalls with a tesporary provision of 50 stalls on an adjacent parcel which the ap?lica~ts own. This recuction is basec on relating parking requiYe~en~s tc actual use, or bo:c office receipts. The City Traffic E:1gineer has re.~.rie';iec Llis proposal anc. has recc::t.-:-.e:1c.ec t:-...c: rec.uction l:;e a::::Jroi;ec. I,[ere c.etailec. info.!';aatic:l or:: t:-:"is reeuction is c;;tainec i:l Attachwent 4. T~le Fire De9a=t~ent ~c~ec. that at the prese:1t tl=e they co no~ h~ve the.a~?a=atus tv pyctect a f~v:~stor~ c?fice bUlldlng. Flre Depart=ent pe=so~nel lnClcate~ t~at fees pale by the 2?plic2nt 2:1C ot~er eevelope=~ will be utilize~ to purchase additional equippent. The Fire De?a=t~ent is not objecting to 2 conceptual approval at this ti~e. The Traffic Engineer has also reviewed whether fut~re Highway i~prove~ents in the vicinity of the 1-530/1-630 intersection would inpact the proposec cevelop~e~t. At t~:s time, Cal Trans does not have detailed plans prepared fo~ this intersection. Hm1ever, they cid indicate th2.~ at a worst case, appro:,imately 20' of right-of-way would be neeced along the east property line. This issue will have to be resolved at the Site Develop~ent Review stage which may be several years a~ay. ) A~other issue relates to potential noise impacts on the pro?os..:S!d eevelopment. No c.ctailed analysis- was cene a~ t:tis ti"..e cue to the cor.ce[?tu2.1 natur:.:: of the project. It is li~ely in the future, however, t~~t noise studi~s will nce~ to be perfor~~c. These s~udies can be acco~?lis~e~ as pa.~~ of th2 requi~ed envircn~ental review at the Site Develc~cen~ R~.;ie','l st2.{je. Tile final issue concer~s modificaticns to the Plan~ed Dcvelo~Dcnt. The zoning ordinanc2 allo~;s minor mcdific,)tions to t~c planned dcvelormcnt to be precessed b'/ a Conc!itioncJ.l Use Pe:.-:::it. Ob',/iou5lv, SOi':1C inteY::;ret..)~ion - Hill ncec to be ma.c~ as to what con~titutes a mi;c~ modification. The decision will have to be made basecl on a given set of facts wilen a Site DGvelo?~cnt Review is filed. In most cascs, a Site Oevelo~mcnt Rcvic\I will bG con~idcre~ <J. minor r..ot2ific.Jtion a:lc a Ccr:citional.Use Per;';1i: i::~::I i: i':. rc~ult~ i~ a g=C3::C= b~ilcing p.]d ~ ",~g:.'\~'i.:;';~~~}f':'f%~~~~J'~~~'%i(;;;>.~lJN~t~;~:;Jtf:t:~~!.~'~'i~f!;:/1S1;~:1; ...."...;.', ;",.:.>:, ./.... .......:.. ',.-:,.',' -."- ,..." :".~ r.' ., '" . are~~.~or.,~eight th.J.n shown on the con~eptual plan. Reductions "in building pad areas,' or height will not .ty'plc'ally"be 'consideredas' a modification to the planned ':'.developmcnt, vand no 'Conditional Use Permit will be required a~ long "as' the intent of thePlanncd.Oevclopment is m3intained. . :~7~?~~~in~,7}~~,~~~,--:'~~:'l;? ..~. ~:' >- RECOi'-t:--mND.i\TIOlI FOR~.I(\T : 1) Open public hearing and hear staff presentation 2) Take testimony fro~ applicant and the public 3) Question staff, applicant and the public 4) Close publi(hearing and deliberate 5) Adopt Resolutions regarding the "Negative "Declaration and Rezoning, or direct Staff to make revisions and continue .hearing ACTION: Staff reccmwencs that the Planninc Com~ission aco~t t~o Resolutions, one Resolution, Exhibit "A", which recor.lraencs that the city Council 2.c.opt a Negative Declaration on this c..:Jolication, anc. the secone. Resolution, Exhibit "Bn, whic:--, re~or.,mends that the city Council a?~L'::.ove the Planned Development Rezoning request. ]l..TTACE~.r::~rTS 4) Attac:-t;,;",ent 1 5) Attach~,ent 2 6 ) Attachment 3 7) Attach;nent 4 Conceptual Site plan Draft Resolution Recc~~encing t~e Acc?tion of a Negative Declaraticn D=aft Resolution Recc~~encing T~at t~e plannec Developr.le~t Rezoning A~plicaticn be Jl..,::;::rovec Draft O=dinance .Plannec. Development Rezoning booklet Negative Declaration Me~o from City Traffic Enginee= dated 12/27/84 1) E:<!1ibit 11;"." 2) Ex~it:it "B" 3 ) Exhibit "C" COPIES TO Applicant City Engineer . Building Departwent ) (' .'-..' ., ^.:.........- '.:-~'./'. . ~.~-- ",,-'- -".-......-.--.........-.. .~'::.::-:i~:;J'f:::;~:}:::;~.~':.~~~5;~~:L~~~;,!':,:~::~:i;?~i<~~~~~~i~~~lJi1~:~~~~~f~~~~~:~~~1 '.-".:. . . .' . . - - .. ,. ,-" .." .... __.. ..~,_..._.~...... _, . . ,..,.......","-. \_ 1 ..' .;,~...:...::-::......:./......_:~~..;~'..........:..:....',....:...:....:.:..>...:.........~._.:::._..._..~....:.~:...'.. ...'.'..~:...._.<..:~.;~..~.."~.;..,.~.'~_;.;~.~~ii{~."".,~~..,........:.~~_.~.:_'~_,>._:_0~.~7;:'....-;:..::._.:;,:.~..........~.:_~;-....:;..._~.Pt...-.....C.__. ~~.~i.~~~~~i;~:j:.:\\~~::+:':'~~~.;':~~~.~-f:::;~+.t.;<:~.~~;:;::~:'~:?:~:.,~:~::~,~: .. -~. . - _ ~_ . - _ - .. . -. . . .. . . . . . ~~ 453; Chabot Driv~,SlJile 21-1 Plea~anlon Ca. 9-1566 (-115)453-0611 MEMORANDUM , DATE. December 27 , 1984 TO: Laurence L. Tong, Planning Director, City of Dublin FROM: Chris D. Kinzel SUBJECT: Enea Plaza Phase I Developme:1t This memorandum is to finalize our recoliLiilendation on the parking requirement for the Dublin Cinema located at the southeast cor:1er of Dub1in Boulevard and Amador P1aza Road. During our meeting on December 7,1934 with City Staff, Sal Enea, the applicant, and Ron Findleton, the architect, it was agreed upon that the future peak occupancy of the theater could be assumed to be 57.7 percent. This percentage was selected based on a review of the existing theater ticket sales reports covering the past year of operations. The planned future capacity of the theater is 1,921 seats, and a 57.7 percent occupancy would represent 1,108 occupied seats during the peak sho'.ings. By adopting the 2.B seats sold/cars parked ratio and the 15 percent overlap factor determined in our analysis, the number of parking spaces needed for the theater would be 455. 1,108/2.8 = 396 (with a 2.8 seats sold/cars parked ratiol 396 X 1.15 = 455 (with 15~ overlap consideration) Therefore, the proposed 408-stall parking plan would not be sufficient to serve the future theater parking demand during peak times. Hm,,'ever. the developer has agreeded to provide 50 temporary parking stalls on his land adjacent to the project site. In the future, other Enea Plaza office projects will bring parking spaces available to handle the evening and weekend peak demands from the theater, Parking requirements for the office and retail uses on the theater site will be determined when a definite site plan is submitted. It is believed that at least two-thirds of the office and retail parking spaces would be available for theater patrons during peak periOd showings in the evening and on weekends, rhm cc; Tom Deluca 15716 / ATTACHMENT Lj CF \ /7/2>S Pc. S1'PR- !',eRRT .. ~ ., ( Planning Dcpurtmcnt 6500 Dublin Blvd. Suite D Dublin CA 94568 ./ (415) 829-4916 Eff.: 1/84 PLANNED DEVELOPMENT REZONING SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS The follmving information shall be provided to t.he Planning Department in order to apply for a Planned Development (PO) Rezoning. All the submittal information that is listed belot~ shall be presented along with the Planning Application form, related fees, and any other information required by the Planni~g Department before the application can be accepted as complete. Size Limit: Plan~ should be not larger than 30"x 42" trimmed. ( packets with each packet containing one copy should not be larger than 9" x 11" in size. Please fold all plans into of each plan. The packets i , Scale: The scale used on submittal plans shall generally be at a -1/8 "::: l' 0 II for the architectural plans, l"_ 20' for site plans I and 1"::: 40' for engineering plans. Include a north arrow, the scale and a bar scale on all plans. Site Development Revie'.,,: Approval of a Planned Development Rezoning w'ill also be subject to a detailed Site Development Review which must be in conformance with the Site plan, preliminary landscaping plan, a~c preliminary building elevations. SUE~lITT)..L REQUIREL-lE:-lTS BY NUH3ER: No. or Co?ies 01- D 2. Planning Application For~ - completed and signed (1 ) Processing Deposit - (as determined by the Planning Department. The final amount is based on processing ti~e spent by Staff.) The check should be made payable to the City of Dublin. 03. D 4. Environment Assessment For~ - Section 1 (1 ) (10 ) Location Map - Indicate the subject parcel(s) and adjacent streets. D 5. Title Report - A preliminary title report, prepared no more than three months prior to filing the application. (1 ) o 6. Written Statement - Describe the project in detail and state what the reasons are for the rezoning including the benefits and costs that the rezoning will have for the City. Explain any differences between proposed project and existing City policies, guidelines, and standards. o 7. Hailing Labels - (1 ) I , A. t-!ap: Provide a reproduced County Assessor's pa:-cel (l) map showing the project pat:"cel(s} to be re=cned (outlined in red) and a 300 ft. bou~d~ry drawn from the perimeter of the project area at:"e dra~n in a blue line. From this m~p, prepare a list and labels for all pat:"cels that lie within the blue line as described below. B. List: Name and address of all legal Q'.oJners of (1) prop~rty within 300 feet of subJect property. C. Lo.bels: Prepare com?lcte yts of typed mCliling lo.cels. (2) /~ (cent. A TT ACHMENT~ l ,'"\ ( No. of Copies o 8. o 9. Site photographs - (polaroid is accePt~~e) Clearly show the views of and from the project, including neighboring development. Include a key map indicating where the pictures were taken from and in what direction they were taken. Label the pictures accordingly. It is often desirable to take a series of overlapping photographs which when taped together show a panoramic view. Site Plans - Site plans of the project shall be fully dimensioned and accurately drawn. The plans shall contain the following basic. information unless the Planning Department determines that additional information is necessary to properly evaluate the project. Use as many sheets as necessary. You may combine information so long as the plans are easy to read. ( In most cases, the site plan must be prepared and signed by a licensed civil engineer, surveyor, architect, landscape architect, or building designer whose name, address and phone number must appear on the plan. The boundary and topographlc survey information (showing the existing topography) must be prepared by a 1ice~sed civil engineer or land surveyor whose name, seal, and signature must appear on the sheet of plan indicating the boundary and topographic survey. (10 ) Site plans shall include the following information: a) Legal Ecunda:::-ies - Boundary lines, easese!1ts (with 5;""'"" and type called out), right-of-ways, trails, paths, utilit'; poles and the like. b) To?ogra?hy - Topogra;hy of the land with I-foot cc~tour lines fer land with a slope of 5% or less, a~d 2-foot contours for 1a~d ever 5%. This contour interval mav be increased for land with over 20% sloDe. Shew fa~lts, flood zones, and slice areas. . c) Grading - Preliminary grading plan clearly showing existing and proposed contours carried a minimum of 50' beyond the project boundaries. Show direction and path of existing proposed drainage channels or facilities. Indicate building pad and finished elevations, retaining walls (with height and materials specified). d) Streets and Lots - Proposed street layouts and lot design, off-street parking, and loading areas. This should include proposed circulation of vehicles, goods, pedestrians and bicycles. Dimension all parking, roads, and maneuvering areas. e) Public Areas - Areas proposed to be dedicated or reserved for parKs, trails, schools, public or quasi-peblic building-s, and other such uses. f) L2nd Use - Land uses pro~;osed. She.... the ty,;.e, a:7\CL::it and location. Show also adjacent land use, includi~S their general location and the height of existing structures and trees within 50'+ of the pro~erty lines. g) Trecs - Spccies, common name, size, condition, location,' and cripline of existing trees of over' l2" in c ircumfercnce, 24" above grade. Any trees proposed to be removed sh~ll be so indic~ted alang wi th tr1C rC.:i~~on w'hl' they arc proposcl~ to be r2mO'Jec. (cor.t. ) \ ( h) .. No. of Copies Buildings - All exi~ng and proposed buildings and structures. Include their outside dimensions, height (from ground to top of roof), lccation and use. DQlineate each residential unit or commercial shop, and indicate unit type and size. Show trash enclosures, storage buildings and the like. Indicate setbacKs and distance between buildings. i) Features - Building appurtenances and features, including balconies, decks, stairs, roof lines shown. j) Phasing - Potential phasing limits .of project should be indicated and a statement provided that sets forth the manner and phasing of the installation and maintenance of pa~king, lighting, landscaping, private grounds, streets, utilities and open space. c=J lO. Preliminary Landscape Plan(- A preliminary landscape plan (IO) shall be submitted showing major landscape structures such as fences,walls, walks, pools, and trellises with dimensions, paving material cesignations, and a proposed planting plan. The preliminary 1ancscape plan should indicate the general plant pallet that is proposed including a description of the type of plants, their rate of growth, size in 3-5 years, mature size, and container size at time of planting. Include both common and botanical names. Show the location of paths, fences and street furniture. c=J ll. Preliml~ary Building Eleva~ions - (10 ) A. Elevations: Show all elevations with materials, colors, and d~mensions s?ecified. The purpose of suc~ drawings is to indicate with reasonable clarity t~e height, bulk and general appearance of proposed buildings and structures. B. Lights: Show the general location, height, size and ~ype of exterior lights. C. Features: Indicate the locations of identification signs and features, mailboxes, storage spaces, air conditioning units, transformers, utility meters, and other items that affect the exterior appearance and use of the proposed project and adjacent property. c=J 12. Transparency - An 8 1/2"x 11" clear transparency (l ) reduction of all plans for overhead projection. c=J / 13 . Reduction- An 8-l/2"x 11" black and white reduction (l ) of each plan. 0 14. Aerial photograph (1 ) / . .... . ~ .~r:i~?'~~rli~~';:~-;~':f~.~~Ei ;;:,;'';-''~'::'-:l'~~i':r~';'''~: ';-'Y';",". ';"","<~~~~~';..;.;~~=_~_~r;;~'~~ ':~.'- ;.~ :--. --1 l . r :o?~V'1:, l O?o::\.\~CE NO. _~:1L- ( .. '.: .~6~":;'>,,: : lf~:'J . _, ,'\" ,~'\~ .,- "'U'.' ') ,.-,",.,- ....' .'. .,' """) P.~ O\.L,~.:\:\CE i\.,l:..:.l,Oh'lG Cd.." n:~{ ..,Q:;:W.U.f-. ~'. '.,~'...: C..,. Of TH~ Al.!..:.IED.\ COUNTY o:umr""tU:c~)QLVED . ..":~"""/ r..[L.-\l[~G TO '1.0\-;[;~C:' /-'-" . 1981 APR -3 P:1 I: 29 ' "". The: Vo:~rd or SI_T~~r'J;3'J:'$ of th~ Co:nty of td:llil-:'A"[cAI';)E~g\,...: 9f.(>1.!fG:'r~i.:~. d.') ()::d'~~l.L\ _ ,,1 c." C\;Url i'f rL.I\firil,( . o::Pt,:m,tfIT ['..::; fotl,)':Js: SECTrOI'{ .1. Cr;[l.ptC.' 2 of Title S Q~ t~~ /....1.:~.:-:l2GJ County O.'dil~:1:l':C CO(l:.:~ 1$ f~~rc'o] ~r:-:er,c!~cl\r~ th~ foaCl\'Ii:"1; m':'l..ilil2:r: one pQ.;cel co~t2.ining appr0xi!!!2.tely 23 .l~9 2.cre~ located at 7fT')\} Dublin Boulev2.rd] south side} 2.croSS fro'.!. Ac:2..t.o;:: Pl3.z2. . R02.dJ lJub1inJ bearing Cou~ty Assessor-Is de:sig,n2.tion.: rr;:'.~ 941J Block 1500} PD.rce1 14-10} as shm.;n on the rr..ap latl211ed IExhi.bit Ii} 1464th Zoning Unitll on file ...;ith the Alaa:eda County Planning CO~"TI.iss.ion 2.t--399 Elmhurs t S tree t, Ha)......;ard) Californi2.. i.s hereby rezoned I -I . '- fr~~ t~~ (-2 (Gener~l (oQLercial) District to ~ p~ (?la~ned Develop~c~t) D'istdc: <:!lOHing C-O uses s;J.bject tll ti)2 pravisiCJ7'.s of t.h<:lt dist'r:ct, an<:': a racquecb3.11 cl~b, gy'TInasit.::J, rE-:st.:'l.'-.lrant, and athc;: c'::H;.::e.:-cicl uses al1o~ed by he C-l (aetail Busin~ss) Dist~ict ~he=e such cses a~e d2=e=~i~ed throuzi1 Zon n6 Ap[Hoval to be of siC!'.il2r inte~dty to 2.:1C cc::-.pc;:iblC'. \,ith (-0 113~S> t..,' ::r. all 'us:?;s su~ject to C~O Distri('"t rCbulatio:13~ A r::.:lO of tto.02 Uni~ is 2.$ follm;s-:' ) f\-l~'l .u~~oc~\<=a""-\--':=-~-'-~~_i \1, ' ,e;:,;O\J :;:0 I '\ t: l~ .: i.~.;~ .~.' \ ~\.......-I~ 1\ J M : 1l::J i~O\~ \.-\~'7 C il f1 I, . (,-I f"""Lc,;, ~~1 It,j'::' l'~c~ :: ~-T C'J. --~ ? \\ ;; l-\[~~L"'\~' J \~~-~LZ1;,c\ ~~ \ ~ '. 'i I 'A ~ ?: \ :1 'i..,::: .~ \\" j" il l[:... iP ! C \ ,----\\ \ 'i.I' Ii C-L----. \ , E- .~ .... ~ ~ \\ ,. !i" ,-l S \ \ ~ B \ 11 (J'~ il----~----\i----~\ \ \11 ~\ ~___ U Jl \, R I I: =~~ It\ \.,.\ " _.n ff\ \ \1'" I ) ~::_ ~ D / [{ \L='\ ~- ' ;, c.?, .-V// \ il , "', ,'" 0(.- "."../1G<S'.TY " ~ ILJY7y>- I ./r-..........., \ :1 i...'J_ _.....~ ..".-.u<n>.......",<>-~"""'-u,.....,~...~\>oL....J1~ 146;t;, ZG.'11:1G C~jIT l"'c---'~=-:'--i ClJ 01 LlS1 55()' DECE1-:9:::;; 1900 (' (' ;\1T.\ ""\1"'\''1- 5 A Al..j~Jl1.i:[1l -- ~ -,-i-:';-:-":.-'::',:-' - ~/' ~:,::,_:'::c ,=-c:c: ,: ',: {c ____'____L -,' .....' ," -.- ' . . .. '.., \ .:: . .. ~. .' . ..-.-- ------ - -- ---------...-..:..--- , . r ; I,'" .-, '_'1 SECT[O~i J[ '." This Ordin~Jice sh:.llt take effect and be in force thirtj (30) d.3Ys [rom and after- the , . -. date of its p:!:'isage' and before the c~piration of fifteen ([5) d:J.Ys after its passage it sholl be published once with t]i'~ n.:\mes of the members voti:l.g for and ag.1inst the S-:1me in TilE INTER-CITY EXPRESS 1 a newspopcr p~lbtish(:d in the s.1id Coun ty of Al:.lmcda. ADOPTED by L~c BOJ.rd o~ S!J[.lerviso,s of the County of Atam2d.1, State of Californi.1, on A:)ril 2 , 19~, by th~ follo\'J:ng called vote: AYES: Su;?ervisor:i Cooper, Excell, George, S.:mtana and Chairman Bart - 5 NOES: SUgervisors - Nor:.e EXCUSED:, S~pervisors - Nc"e JOS EPH P. BC'KT Chc.irmi.1n of the Board of Su~erviscrs of the COti:lty of Alamed2., St.:!.te: of. California ATT~ST: WILLIAi\l i\IEHRfNEIN, Clerk of the B0d~d of Su;;er'/ise.;-s of t;;e CCU:1ty of AI2!T.edD., St2.te of CaEtor:l!.:l B" , 1.J'lT.T T :\?'-! l'f::-~:~~,'1=''' '>J I r / (' REVI: j 1 f IG ,l�0 th Bound �. 68� Sou -- H W �( r ! ° �6'ANK - 1 S C A E n t �AN{O _ a 7' C o �\ . I _ Ems` 7 g DUMPSTER /_ IL e g s A c C To Channel m Ur 8. • / \ ..\ � / �� Nom• _ .._ ___ I\ Z i ' _ 7i 0 1' Z o / _ 130 O - 1'j v�/ a addit' n / ROOM H Q R _F- -� E I Three `Story / .o N _ - I p 3. 11 REE °� - I" O x LS H SE T@� - _ a tL Cr N __ ___ ► O -- _ _ - _ &0 so o ! s — ' O N I _ I � . t ,I 274.58' QO at k I7 e — Q; Restaurent - - -- mlo to r On i o / m 1 �,, ,�• ° : / I „ IS v .' '++- - - j: W 0 zo' LL 72 ro Q3 rl 'E ! j \ m NI {J3 _ _ - . _ 0 - ' a 'N \ R F. m Iv - •� i �� / - - E , i future. � -. - i' ; m - -- - _ _ office �• - - _ s .p F \ J' n { - _ 5 STORY / m i L r c ,tK - ��.s: - - -� - -- Office ® - i� _... - __ .._. ___ - - - -- 3 -- - - STORY - - _ �� %' -- Lrl_— - 5 Y� A •E FOUR_ � p 1- office � � � ) � \� m I , i�0 1 D. ' s4 p _ _�__.._. -- Via. -- 15 tl, - og to 64.5 2 s to b.5 Io 25 -- - 2 I __ Uj 1 I IG.- 25 �o - - -`� -- --''- - - -_35- � '- -- __ _ -- - -*- - -- -- r-�__, c�5 .� X ', - I _` fY-J i - -- - - -- -- Q z W 35 �" -- ' - Z _ m o : 1 LL _- - ,.•� I I. � I I I I I� i I i � I I I I � I i ,. I I I I I I � - -- -_.__ -- _ ___ _. i I_ a N Cc _ r '� ���� _, i PHASE'iTWO iI — -- _ -- _. - — - - -- -- x - _ 03 GO LU 0 3 I I II I I = to .rM - - _._ _ .. _ r `LO' 14x7 l7� ID 1�4:.�? -�_ 24•� _ _ — – lid -, __.._ ..___._ _ -. __ -gr _ - _ _- _ . - -- _ . _ - - -- - --- - - -- 9.l _ i _._ 25 2 _- 2 �_ _ 25 -- --313 - -__25' . r_ -. -.3 .__- •- Z5'- _, -..._: 3}9 ._:.,_25_.,_._ "$ 25• -r �,•. f- _ -- - 1 -. -..- - -._ 1_ - .__ __ _ I �' - I6.5f • -- r - 5 -� �� - -� t- t m - -- - - - t _ > • I 209504 sq.ft. SHOPS. - " -- - ___ cn DUM STERS I l — !. - -.. -- _ 5 S•78. - - -- .. -.- -- -- - -- - -- - -- 4ti4.5 - -- N -- - -- - -- = -- Property Of Crlown Chevrolet_ - - -- -- -- _ - _ _ - _ -- - c ^ O N QI Q ml lOi Q � C 2 0 S 1 -' T, E P' L �4 : N S ..T A T I S T 1 C S s Ph s.e Area of Lo+ Bld'g.Fool Prin4 Porking Area LandscopeArea Compac4 544.9x19 .'p e m or k s L i Ex s4in q•F4. . "301,Go9 7G-G-88 )72.875 52.046 8 485 5ix T•wo 5 or•y 04iicebu lding5 T �• g 0�./ A PLANNEDDEVELOPo�° ENEA PLAZA I! LL p.� /e IOO7e 25.•4% 57 3°le 1,7 - °70 Four Are Colnpleied Leas 224 x459 46,450 137.203 40:80 36 365 TAeolre Add. }ion IvT� �F H DATE I' one — -- - - -- 16,0o0sq- ' Fl- Re4okl NOTE Phase three and four are conceptual only. S�A.EJI W 100 %b 20.6% 9 P 9 FEB 7 rF,�v o` DRAWN S > °fie 7 3000 Sa_ Fl. Office o.,e 5 •1c,P Bid' F 3 d : "jwo 5q'F} 1'�O�O 24.504 44.37(n' 16, T40 11 S8 OneSior C -I Stio 5 Ons S�or 1 �• LL _ �o . 10070'. 25 %' sago 1,7i �jlD G - s SgF4 -. ,150 020 34.892 73.255 41,903 216 Three 54org 130,Roorn Ho4el d;id m eeT- SO.o0o5q:F1.3005ea4Res { auren4 1.56ry s" % !90 2 320 o .., 70 `. 43ia 54 F4 792,:508 20.009 522.475 t3010Z5 72 267 Two Five5iory'50,o0aSq•F4•fach ' Four tOO�o 11;6% 7170 - 17.470 Office budding5 7o'Max.Nelghi �e _,93020$', 194.5837 554,185 781.520 127 14A1 T64ol 1575 parking5paces of b ocxo""m FORM NO, IODS /; 21.83-ACYCS 20 /0 :: `��j'O