HomeMy WebLinkAbout04-09-1984REGULAR MEETING - APRIL 9, 1984 A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Dublin was held on Monday, April 9, 1984 in the meeting room of the Dublin Library. The meeting was called to order at 7:40 p.m. by Mayor Peter Snyder. ROLL CALL PRESENT: Councilmember.s Drena, Hegarty, Jeffery, Moffatt and Mayor Snyder. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The Mayor led the Council, Staff and those present in the pledge of alleg- iance to the flag. CONSENT CALENDAR On motion of Cm. Hegarty, seconded by Cm. Moffatt, and by unanimous Vote, the following were approved: Minutes of Adjourned Regular Meeting of December 6, 1983 and Regular Meeting of March 26, 1984; Warrant Register in the amount of $109,528.24; and authorized the Mayor to execute a revised agreement for legal services. PAPER BINS Mr. Charles Germeyer addressed the Council and questioned why his group had been targeted for the removal of their paper collection bin from the Handyman parking lot, when others around town had been allowed to stay, and in fact, new ones had been added at schools. City Manager Ambrose explained that enforcement occurs on a complaint basis only and further, that the City has no jurisdiction with regard to school district property. Cm. Hegarty indicated that at a recent Council meeting, someone was present who was working on some type of a recycling center that would be run by the various non-profit organizations in Dublin, and whereby they would all share the profits. A member of the audience indicated that a representative would be in touch with the City Council in the near future to give a presentation with regard to establishing this type of a recycling center. CM-3- 78 APRIL 9, 1984 ENCOURAGEMENT FOR RESIDENTS TO BE TRAINED IN CPR Mr. John Bauer, an Orinda resident, and a challenger to Bill Baker for state assembly, relayed a recent experience he had had with regard to the need to perform CPR on a heart attack victim. He urged all people to obtain this very valuable type of training POLICE SERVICES VOLUNTEERS - SPECIAL PRESENTATION Mayor Snyder read and presented resolutions honoring Nancy Barr, Ann Brydon, and Miles Ferris as Captain of Reserve Platoon 1, fo'r their volunteer efforts on behalf of the City. of Dublin. On motion of Cm. Moffatt, seconded by Cm. Hegarty, and by unanimous vote, the Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 35-84 HONORING NANCY BARR FOR HER VOLUNTEER SERVICE TO THE DUBLIN POLICE SERVICES RESOLUTION NO. 36-84 HONORING ANN BRYDON FOR HER VOLUNTEER SERVICE TO THE DUBLIN POLICE SERVICES RESOLUTION NO. 37-84 HONORING ALAMEDA COUNTY SHERIFF's DEPARTMENT RESERVE PLATOON 1 ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR ABATEMENT OF ZONING VIOLATIONS - PUBLIC HEARING Section 8-106.3 of the Alameda County Zoning Ordinance, as adopted by the City of Dublin provides that the District Attorney, on order of the Board of Supervisors shall institute proceedings for abatement of violations of the zoning ordinance. Section 8-106.3 is amended to substitute City Attorney and City Council for District Attorney and Board of Supervisors. Section 8-106.4 through 8-106.8 add provisions which allow recovering all costs of abatement from property owner. These provisions are authorized by Section 38773 of the Government Code, which authorizes the legislative body to abate any nuisance and by ordinance make the expense of abatement a lien against the property, and a personal obligation against the property owner. The City Attorney explained the reasons for adoption of this ordinance. CM-3- 79 · REGULAR MEETING APRIL 9, 1984 Cm. Jeffery questioned if the fees would be recovered through taxes. Legal fees were discussed in the event that a property owner does not pay. Mayor Snyder opened the public hearing. Mrs. Corallo questioned if there was a problem in this regard. -City Attorney Nave explained that there was no problem, but the potential exists. John Alexander questioned if it would be possible for a property owner to· pay their property taxes and not pay a lien. The City Attorney explained that it would be dependent upon the county. Mayor Snyder closed the public hearing. On motion of Cm. Jeffery, seconded by Cm. Hegarty, and by unanimous vote, the Council waived the reading and introduced an ordinance amending Article 9 of Part I of Chapter 2 of Title 8 and relating to Zoning Enforcement. ENCROACHMENT PERMIT REQUEST FROM THE VALLEY ARTISTS The Valley Artists Association has requested the installation of a banner along the fence fronting the Shanno'n Center on San Ramon Road between April 14 - 29, 1984. The Association appears to be a non-profit public service organization inasmuch as it is open to any Dublin resident and does contribute to public service projects in the area. This Art Show, although the paintings are for sale, does serve as a forum for local artists to show their talents and for area residents to view local art. Further, this organization provides City Hall with paintings on a rotational basis at no cost to the City. The policy does call for the events to be located within the City limits, however, this event is to be held at DSRSD's "White House" on Alcosta Boulevard. The policy allows the Council to waive any guideline due to extenuating circumstances. During discussion, it was clarified that the "White House" does actually belong to Dublin residents. On motion of Cm. Jeffery, seconded by Cm. Hegarty, and by unanimous vote, the Council approved the request for encroachment permit. CM-3-80 REGULAR MEETING APRIL 9, 1984 TRAFFIC SIGNAL SAN RAMON ROAD/ALCOSTA BOULEVARD AS part of the City's Five Year Capital Improvement Program, the City Council designated the construction of a traffic signal at the intersection of San Ramon Road and Alcosta Boulevard for Fiscal Year 1984-85. As initially proposed, the funding for this project would be shared by the City of Dublin and the CitY of San Ramon on a 25%/75% basis, respectively. This proposed funding split was based on the fact that the City of Dublin only has one of the four legs of the intersection within its City limits. Staff reported that it had recently met with San Ramon City Staff to discuss the desirability of proceeding rapidly with the construction of the traffic signal. San Ramon Staff indicated that the ability of San Ramon to participate in this project would be based on a 50%,/50% sharing of the cost. It was agreed at that meeting that both City's would equally benefit by having a traffic signal located at that intersection. In the future, this signal would be interconnected with the two proposed state traffic signals at the off-ramps of 1-680 and Alcosta Boulevard, as well as the traffic signal at the intersection of Alcosta Boulevard and Davona Drive. Discussion was held regarding the equity of Dublin paying 50% as opposed to 25%. On motion of Cm. Jeffery, seconded by Cm. Hegarty, and by unanimous vote, the Council determined that it would not be willing to share installation costs on a 50%/50% basis, but rather that it would initially pay for 50% provided that arrangements could be made for the City of San Ramon to reimburse Dublin 25% at such time that the property at the northwest corner of San Ramon Road and Alcosta Boulevard was developed. Further, Council did not feel it would be equitable for the City of Dublin to bear any more than 25% of the cost of maintenance and operation of this signal in the future. TRANSPORTATION DEVELOPMENT ACT ALLOCATION 1984-85 The City has been notified by the Metropolitian Transportation Commission that $8,892.00 in Transportational Act (TDA) Article 4.5 funds will be available to the City for Fiscal Year 1984-85. This is an increase of approximately $600.00 over Fiscal Year 1983-84. The City presently uses its allocation of Transportation Development Act Funds for providing Paratransit services to the elderly and transportation handicapped within the City. CM-3-81 APRIL 9, 1984 Staff has met with the representatives for the San Ramon Community Center which provides paratransit services to the City at this time. The Community Center has indicated that it would notify the City of Dublin as to the direct subsidy that would be required for providing paratransit services to the City during the third week of April. As soon as that information is received, staff will present a review of the Paratransit Program to the City Council. On motion of Cm. Moffatt, seconded by Cm. Drena, and by unanimous vote, the Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 38-84 AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF A CLAIM WITH THE METROPOLITAN TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION FOR ALLOCATION OF TRANSPORTATION DEVELOPMENT ACT FUNDS FOR FISCAL YEAR 1984-85 OTHER BUSINESS Surplus School District Property City Manager Ambrose indicated that the School District has indicated an interest in expressing a position to the City Council with regard to surplus property. Revenue & Taxation Committee Meetinq Cm. Jeffery reported that she had recently attended a Revenue & Taxation Cominittee Meeting and AB 2468 (Marks) and SB 1300 (Cortese), long range financial bills were discussed. Cm. Jeffery requested that letters of support be sent to the Assembly Ways & Means Committee and the Senate Financial Committees. Cm. Jeffery also suggested sending a letter of support re SB 575 (Foran), the deep pocket bill. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Council, the Regular portion of the meeting was adjourned at 8:40 p.m., and the General Plan Hearing continued. ATTEST: City ClUe r k CM-3- 82 REGULAR MEETING APRIL 9, 1984 See Page CM-3-186 Continuation of General Plan Hearing April 9, 1984 Trafficways 5.1 B Changed the wording "between Amador Valley Boulevard and Dublin BouleVard" to "at Amador Valley Boulevard or in the vicinity". 5.1.E Revised the policy to read "Develop a Plan Line for a Dublin Boulevard extension from Dougherty Road to Parks RFTA boundary". Transit 5.2.A Revised the policy to read "Support a coinpact, multi-story downtown BART station and a second station located along 1-580 with the rail line extended to at least the eastern limit of the City of Pleasanton". 5.2.B Changed the wording "are too young or too old to drive" to "do not drive". Southern Pacific Railroad Riqht of Way Transportation Corridor 5.3.B Added a policy "consider potential for recreational use in conjunction with transportation use". B_i. cycle Routes 5.4.B Changed the wording regarding Amador Valley Boulevard from "Existing bike lane west of Amador Valley Boulevard; add striped lane east of Amador Valley Boulevard: to "Existing bike lane west of Village Parkway; review need for striped lane east of Village Parkway~'. Truck Routes 5.5.B Changed the wording "San Ramon Road, DUblin Boulevard, and Dougherty Road" to "I-580 and 1-680". ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, Mayor Snyder continued the hearing at 12:00 midnight. , , , , ~~Mayo~ Continued General Plan Hearing CM-3-188 April 9, 1984 Mayor Snyder opened the public hearing. Harry Demmel requested clarification regarding the City Housing Goals. Planning Director Tong explained the potential for code enforcement and rehabilitation activities. Mr. Demmel also spoke in favor of possible land write downs and uniform housing code compliance. Bill Beerman indicated he would not want the City locked into State or Federal housing programs. John Corallo suggested that the free enterprise system would provide for City housing needs. Mayor Snyder closed the public hearing. On motion of Cm. Jeffery, seconded by Cm. Hegarty, and by unanimous vote, the Council approved the preliminary housing element policies as amended. Chris Kinzel of TJKM, General Plan Traffic Consultants, discussed the potential for developing an additional access to 1-680 in the vicinity of Amador Valley Boulevard. Mr. Kinzel also indicated the results of current discussions with CalTrans. Planning Director Tong and John Blayney, General Plan Consultant, briefly reviewed the remaining preliminary circulation element policies. The Council made comments on various circulation policies. Mayor Snyder opened the public hearing. John Alexander questioned the truck route designations, especially on Dublin Boulevard. Mr. Corallo indicated he would like to open up lines of communication with the City regarding the extension of Dublin Boulevard. Mr. Beerman said he would like to see consideration given to enlarging Scarlett Court. Mr. Corallo expressed concern regarding the line shown on the draft map regarding the Dublin Boulevard extension. Georgean Vonheeder suggested that the Council take the Dublin Boulevard extension line off the map. Mayor Snyder closed the public hearing. On motion of Cm. Jeffery, seconded by Cm. Hegarty, and by unanimous vote, the Council approved the preliminary circulation element policies with the following amendments: CM-3-187 Continued General Plan Hearing April 9, 1984 CONTINUED GENERAL PLAN HEARING - APRIL 9, 1984 A continued General Plan Hearing of the City Council of the City of Dublin was held on Monday, APril 9, 1984 in the meeting room of the Dublin Library. The meeting was reconvened at 8:40 p.m. by Mayor Peter Snyder. GENERAL PLAN HEARING Planning Director Tong gave a brief explanation of the draft policies and options for the Primary Planning Area. The City Council proceeded to discuss the policies and options and made revisions to the following policies: Housinq Availability 2.1.1.A Changed the word "Provide" to "Encourage" 2.1.1.B Added the wording "and where the higher density would be compatible with the existing residential development nearby." ~eighborhood Diversity 2.1.2.B Changed the wording "20 percent of" to "some of the". Residential Compatibility 2.1.3.C Revised the policy to read "Require all developments over 6.0 dwelling units per gross residential acre to go through a Planned Development rezoning process." City Housinq Goals 6.3.A Changed the word "Provide" to "Encourage". Summary of Housing Program Strateqies 6.4.A Added the wording "and where the higher density would be compatible with the existing residential development nearby". 6.4.B Added the wording "including any State tmandated bonus". 6.4.J Inserted a policy regarding rental housing which was included in Volume 2 Housing Element Technical Supplement but inadvertently left out of Volume 1. Plan Policies. The policy read "Monitor availability of rental housing. If deemed necessary, consider enactment of condominium conversion ordinance". 6.4.J to 6.4.M Renumbered to reflect insertion of rental housing policy. CM-3-186 Continued General Plan Hearing April 9, 1984