HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-21-1997 CC Adopted Minutes REGULAR MEETING - October 21, 1997 A regular meeting of the Dublin City Council was held on Tuesday, October 21, 1997, in the Council Chambers of the Dublin Civic Center. The meeting was called to order at 7:03 p.m,, by Mayor Houston. ROLL CALL PRESENT: ABSENT: Councilmembers Barnes, Burton, Howard, Lockhart and Mayor Houston. None PLEDGE ,OF, ALLEGIANCE Mayor Houston led the Council, Staff and those present in the pledge of allegiance to the flag. INTRODUCTION OF NEW EMPLOYEES 7:04 p.m. 3.1 (700-10) Public Works Director Thompson introduced new Senior Civil Engineer, Kevin VanKatwyk. He comes to us with 12 years experience in the private sector. He will be overseeing all the private development review. Mr. VanKatwyk stated he previously lived here in Dublin for about 9 years and is now excited to work here. Parks & Community Services Director Ix>wart introduced Cindy Garcia, the new Office Assistant II who will be working at Shannon Community Center. She comes to us from a private computer firm in San Ramon and prior to that she worked in Recreation for the City of Union City. Ms. Garcia stated she was very excited to be here. She started Monday, and so far the two days have been great. ' 'cowCir ' ' ' CITY MINUTES VOLUME 16 REGULAR MEETING October 21, 1997 PAGE 408 RECOGNITION OF AWARDS FOR EXCELLENCE IN F,INANCIAL REPORTING 7:06 p.m. 5.2 (150-20) Mayor Houston advised that the City had received an Outstanding Financial Reporting Award for Fiscal Year 1995-96 and a Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting for its Comprehensive Annual Financial Report for FY ending June $0, 1996 from the Government Finance Officers Association of the United States and Canada. This is our 6th year to receive this award. Administrative Services Director/Assistant City Manager Rankin accepted the awards. EAST BAY REGIONAL PARK DISTRICT PRESENTATION OF 1997 PARK MASTER PLAN 7:07 p.m. 3.3 (9£0~80) EBRPD Director Jocelyn Combs requested an opportunity to present to the City Council, the District's 1997 Master Plan, along with a map of its parks and trails. Ms. Combs passed out literature to the Council. The Dublin Hills Open Space is now included in their map. They are pleased to be working with the City of Dublin and enjoy a very positive relationship. The Calaveras Trail will follow as much as possible the Calaveras Fault. Tassajara and Dougherty Trails have also been added to the map. Many additional parks and trails have been included. Callers may obtain copies of their map by calling 635~0125. Mayor Houston asked about the status of our part of the Iron Horse Trail. Ms Combs stated they would like to see the trail continue from the County Line all the way to BART. Right now the Zone 7 trail goes part of the way down Alamo Canal and then veers over at the Civic Center. Another trail that Dublin has made goes from the transportation corridor. Some ownership issues need to be resolved, as well as some right-of-way issues. Public Works Director Thompson stated with regard to the trail that starts at San Ramon, we are doing the design now and it should go to bid in the Spring. We did a small piece of the connection from Dougherty Road north a couple of years ago and we are still trying to get funding for the remaining segment. The Council thanked Ms. Combs for the information. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 16 REGULAR MEETING October 21, 1997 PAGE 409 CONSENT CALENDAR 7:15 p.m. On motion of Cm. Barnes, seconded by Cm. Lockhart and by unanimous vote, the Council took the following actions: Approved (4.1) Minutes of Regular Meeting of October 7, 1997; Awarded (4.2 820-35) the Purchase Order to St. Francis Electric for the Street Light Pole Painting; Awarded (4.3 350-20) bid and authorized Staff to issue a Purchase Order for a Konica 4345 Copier to AAA Business Machines ($10,321.64) and adopted RESOLUTION NO. 122 - 9'/ DECLARING SURPLUS PROPERTY (PHOTOCOPIER - RicoH FT 5540 ~ SHANNON COMMUNITY CENTER) Received (4.4 320-50) the City Treasurer's Investment Report for the 1st Quarter of 1997~98 showing the City's investment portfolio at $28,996,172.88 (market value), with funds invested at an average yield of 5.697%; Adopted (4.5 600~50) RESOLUTION NO. 123 -97 AUTHORIZING THE SUBMISSION OF PROGRAM SUPPLEMENT NO. 010 TO THE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION FOR PRELIMINARY ENGINEERING, DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION FUNDING FOR THE DOUGHERTY ROAD WIDENING PROJECT and authorized the Public Works Director to execute Program Supplement 010; Adopted (4.6 410-40) RESOLUTION NO. 124 - 97 APPROVING PARCEL MAP 71 Approved (4.7 300~40) the Warrant Register in the amount of $379,578.33. CITY COUNCIL MII~TE$ VOLUME 16 REGULAR MEETING October 21, 1997 PAGE 410 PROPOSED YOUTH ADVISORY COMMI1TEE This item was moved forward on the agenda. 7:16 p.m. 8.6 (950-80) Parks & Community Services Director Ix>wart presented the Staff Report and advised that the Parks & Community Services Commission is recommending the formation of a Youth Advisory Committee for the purpose of providing input on youth services and programming to the Parks & Community Services Commission, the City Council and to City Staff. Ms. Ix>wart discussed the Teen Task Force which was formed in June of 1995, as well as the composition of a proposed Committee. The Parks & Community Services Commission proposed 7 to 11 youth members (middle school to high school with no pre-determined number from any one grade or school) and 3 adult members (1 each from Dublin Police Services, Dublin Unified School District Representative, and one business or community member). Ms. Lowart discussed other aspects of the Committee such as method of appointment, term of office and removal, vacancies, meetings, general responsibilities of the Committee, and general responsibilities of the members In summary, Ms. Lowart stated Staff anticipated that the proposed Youth Advisory Committee would function much like the Senior Center Advisory Committee and the Heritage Center Advisory Committee. If approved by the City Council, Bylaws and Rules of Procedure would be brought back before the Council at a later date for adoption. No funds or Staff time is currently budgeted so Staff was recommending $10,000 for a person to work part time to get this going for a 6 month basis. In future years, it is possible that the budget could increase depending upon their plans. Wanjiku Kamau stated on behalf of those present they are really looking forward to this going on. A lot of people want to get involved. By having this more organized, there will be greater involvement. Cm. Lockhart asked if there are other programs that offer this same kind of format or something similar for students. Ms. Kamau stated there is basically no communication between students other than going around and saying vote for me. These people will have to write something and a committee will interview and will then be taken more seriously by students. Their decisions related to school are limited. This will get more of a range of people. cra, cov clI MI T s VOLU-ME 16 REGULAR MEETING October 21, 1997 PAGE 41 1 Cm. Lockhart asked if it would be helpful to get information to the schools about what the program is about. If we do this and invest time and money and we don't get a commitment from the students, it won't work. She asked about a formula to accomplish this. Ms. Kamau advised that Michelle Wierschem will be coming to speak to their leadership class. Once they get involved, she felt everybody else will follow. Cm. Burton asked about the areas where the youth committee will make a contribution. He talked about parks. Ms. Kamau stated they've talked about a ski trip and night basketball. Cm. Burton felt this is important to the adults, but it may not be as important to the kids. They need to have an objective. Without specific things, it may not keep their interest. The Council would like to know about their good ideas. Cm. Lockhart asked if we have any students participating on the parks or library task force. Ms. Lowart stated we have one on the parks task force and we will be soliciting input at the schools. Through a committee like this, this would be a good avenue to get input in the future. Cm. Lockhart stated she would hate to see a large group of students being represented by only a few students. Mayor Houston asked about the goal for timing. Ms. Lowart responded they want to bring potential appointments back in January with a few activities going on during this fiscal year. Mayor Houston felt this fiscal year could be an organization time and then plan for next year. In January, the school year will be more than half over. He doesn't want to rush into this, but do it right. Cm. Barnes thanked the students who started out in 1995. She felt this is the way we should go, with a formal structure. What's most important is if it's run by 13 students, there is 13 future leaders. We don't have time to sit by and wait. It's far too important to get things going. She wished we had something like this when her 5 children were teenagers. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 16 REGULAR MEETING October 21, 1997 PAGE 412 Cm. Burton asked what would be the reason they would join. Will Staff be able to explain in the promotion what specific we have in mind for them. What will they be doing? Ms. Ix>wart responded that teenagers would want to be involved in order to provide input and have a leadership opportunity and for many it is imperative to have this type of experience for college. Generally we would see them providing input on potential programs and services for young people. They would provide input on community service type programs also. The goals and objectives could potentially change from year to year. Employment is another area. They could have resume workshops and job training. Cm. Barnes felt since the seniors have their programs and the Heritage Center has theirs, this should be no different. Mayor Houston felt by nature that they are students starting something in the middle of the year. Will we have seniors involved in this the first year. After 6 months, they will not be associated with the activities any longer. We need to have a balance. Composition is very important, particularly in the first year. Cm. Barnes suggested changing the wording to urge for representation from every grade. Ms. Ix>watt stated the ['&CS Commission looked at several different compositions, Their decision was to leave it open with the hope that through the selection process, it would be balanced. We could look at a certain number from each class. The key with teens is to have some flexibility. Cm. Barnes felt the establishment time is a time of growing. Mayor Houston suggested 3 members from junior high school and 6 members from senior high school. What is the appropriate number? Cm. Lockhatt discussed the idea of electing them from districts to get participation, or in this case from each school. Mayor Houston stated he doesn't know how to solve the issues of public and private schools. Maybe under the adult members we should add an at-large person to represent the perspective of the private schools. This would provide a linkage. Two per class at senior high school and one from each class at junior high school would provide a broad base. cOuNcIL MINUTES VOLUME 16 REGULAR MEETING October 21, 1997 PAGE 4 ! ~S Ms. Lowart asked if they would consider if we don't get applications from each class, to say the Mayor can make appointments from other grades. Cm. Barnes felt we shouldn't let the program die just because we don't get a perfect balance. There should be flexibility but with broad representation. On motion of Cm. Barnes, seconded by Cm. Lockhart, and by unanimous vote, the Council approved formation of the Youth Advisory Committee with addition of an at~ large member representing private schools. STREET NAME FOR NEW STREET PARALLEL TO AND SOUTH OF DUBLIN BOULEVARD 7:$Z p.m. 7.1 ($20~60) Public Works Director Thompson advised that Staff has circulated the three names proposed by the City Council (Dublin Center Way, Dublin Commerce Way~ and St. Patrick Way) to other agencies as required by the Municipal Code and has received approval for all of them, with the caution that adding another street with a "Dublin" name could be confusing for emergency services. On motion of Cm. Lockhart, seconded by Cm. Barnes, and by unanimous vote, the Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 125- 97 APPBOVING NEW STREET NAME "SI. PATRICK WAY" FOR NEW STREET PARALLEL TO AND SOUTHERLY OF DUBLIN BOULEVARD MODIHCATIONS TO ZONING ORDINANCE ENFORCEMENT POLICY (POLITICAL SIGNS) 7:55 p.m. 7.2 (400~$0) City Manager Ambrose advised that at the October 7, 1997 City Council meeting, the Council directed Staff to research an issue related to location of political signs within G60 feet of landscaped interstate Freeways and to report back at this City Council meeting. Staff is still researching this issue and will report back at the next City Council meeting. " ' ' ' ' MIN~UTES ' ' ' ' CITY COUNCIL VOLUME 16 REGULAR MEETING October 21, 1997 PAGE 414 CROSSING GUARD FOR DUBLIN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL AT SHANNON AVENUE & VOMAC ROAD 7:54 p.m. $.I (590-50) Public Works Director Thompson presented the Staff Report and advised that this issue is for the Council to consider a request from the Dublin Elementary School Parent Faculty Club for a crossing guard and a request from a resident for all-way stop at Vomac Road and Landale Avenue associated with the reopening of Dublin Elementary School. Mr. Thompson advised that TJKM performed a warrant study for a crossing guard at Vomac Road and Shannon Avenue and revisited the warrant study for the two crossing guards at Nielsen School. It was expected that the pedestrian traffic had changed at Nielsen School due to the reconfiguration of the school boundary lines. Gordon Lum with TJKM discussed the survey findings. TJKM also performed an all-way stop warrant study at Landale Avenue and Vomac Road. This intersection meets the ali~way stop warrants and Staff was recommending that stop signs be installed on Landale Avenue. Vomac Road is presently stop controlled. Mr. Thompson advised that the cost of a crossing guard is approximately $8,100 per year and the costs for purchasing and installing 2 stop signs is estimated at $500. Cm. Burton asked about the speed at the intersections and commented there is a big difference showing in the report. Cm. Lockhart asked if the times used were right after school was out at the schools. Mr. Lum explained that they tried to bracket and capture all the pedestrians related to the schools. Michael Bischoff, 7609 Landale Avenue, stated he had an opportunity to attend meetings at Dublin Elementary School and the parents there feel it's important that they get a crossing guard for Dublin Elementary School and that they don't lose the one at San Ramon Road and Shannon Avenue, and that Nielsen doesn't lose their crossing guard at Silvergate and Amarillo. He thanked the Council in advance for approval of the all way stop on Landale Avenue as recommended by Staff. There is no crosswalk at the point where the trail meets at Landale/Donohue/Ironwood. This is of concern. They would like some yellow lines so the kids can get across there. Some of the late birds don't get out until 3:00 p.m., so some of the studies might be somewhat skewed. He appreciated the consideration for the safety of the kids and stated he hoped it would not take someone getting killed to get a crossing guard in place. CITY COUNCIL lVIINUTES VOLUME 16 REGULAR MEETING October 21, 1997 PAGE 415 Nancy Bastida, 8380 Rhoda Avenue, felt sure the children's safety is very important to the Council. They are very frustrated that Dublin Elementary School is the only school lacking protection for the children. A lot of kids don't walk because it isn't safe. Possibly the driving population around the school will take some getting used to. The walk through is very important and needs to have some stop signs and a yellow walk through sign put up. Leanna Smith, a Bloomington Way resident stated the two intersections where there are 3-way stops have similar statistics. We need to interject a more human aspect. The day of people having the right of way is gone. You need to consider what a child is feeling when they step into the intersection. Patty Bridoni, a Southwick Drive resident stated many children are not walking to school supervised. Many jaywalk because there is no place safe for them to cross. Many adults don't feel they can cross safely. Cm. Barnes asked if there are yellow crosswalks at Shannon & Vomac right now? Staff responded yes, there are stripes. Cm. Barnes stated she was aware of the walkway and there is no way for the kids to get across. Mayor Houston talked about areas where there are crosswalks and no stop signs. This is actually more dangerous. He asked about the new boundary for children going to Dublin Elementary. Most of the boundary is north. Michael Bischoff stated the boundary goes basically up Shannon takes a jog on Peppertree and then up to Juarez and shoots through Dolan Park and picks up Iglesia and Creekside is all Nielsen School. The walk through contains stop signs so a crosswalk there would be at a stop intersection. The stop sign is slightly east. Mayor Houston felt the only decision is whether the Silvergate/Amarillo crossing guard would be pulled over to Dublin Elementary. Otherwise, how will we pay for this? He talked about this at budget time last year. He felt this is something we should do. Whether or not we pay 100% is a different story. Maybe we should go back to the School District and try for 50-50 split. Cm. Barnes stated she would find it difficult to say to the parents there that we're not going to have one there. If we pay for it all for the other schools, we should pay for this one too. CITy COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 16 REGULAR MEETING October 21, 1997 PAGE 416 Mayor Houston stated he would look at it differently and look at the total budget. He would like to approve a crossing guard budget and then allocate where needed. Cm. Lockhart felt it would be tough to pull a crossing guard from Silvergate and Amarillo in the middle of the year; but if it becomes less necessary because of school boundary changes~ parents and the School District should look at this. We're having almost as many parents as students crossing them. We need to look at this realistically. Just because it has been there in the past doesn't mean it will always be there. We need to take into consideration how we are using tax dollars. She would not be in favor of pulling it out in the middle of the year, however. Cm. Burton stated he was not really impressed that we can make a survey based on Caltrans statistics and felt the City is taking the responsibility. We shouldn't measure children's safety just in numbers. On motion of Mayor Houston, seconded by Cm. Burton, and by unanimous vote, the Council agreed to fund an additional crossing guard for Dublin Elementary School subject to a 50-50 split arrangement ($4,000 each) with the School District for the balance of this Fiscal Year and then look at this again during the next budget year. City Staff was also directed to look at putting in a crosswalk near the walk through and the Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 126 - 97 APPROVING INSTALLATION OF STOP SIGNS ON LANDALE AVENUE AT TIlE INTERSECTION OF ¥OMAC ROAD MIMI'S CAFE SITE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW (A PART OF HACIENDA CROSSINGS) PA 97-029 8:24 p.m. 8.2 (410-30) Associate Planner Ram presented the Staff Report and advised that Mimi's Cafe is a par~ of Hacienda Crossings, located at the southeast corner of Hacienda Drive and Dublin Boulevard. This 6,500 square foot restaurant is proposed adjacent to Hacienda Drive in the 53 acre Hacienda Crossings site on a 47,116 square foot pad. Ms. Ram discussed the project site plan, floor plans, landscape plans, and building elevations. Mimi's Cafe has a country French cafe theme with a New Orleans influence. Their architecture reflects this with gable roofs, dormer windows, canvas awnings and shuttered multi-pane windows. Mimi's landscape architects are Stan Smith Associates of I una Hills, ~'-.c~.lifornia....,. ..... . ....... .. .. .. ....... CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 16 REGULAR MEETING October 21, ! 997 PAGE et ! 7 In summary, Ms. Ram stated the proposed SDR application is consistent with the City of Dublin General Plan, the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan and General Plan Amendment and Zoning Ordinance. The restaurant's design and theme will work with Hacienda Crossings to create a new entertainment and retail center for the City. It will be an excRing addition to the City of Dublin. Cm. Barnes laughingly asked about a taste test. Cm. Lo&hart asked if there is an opportunity for outdoor dining. Ms. Ram stated there are several areas with garden themes within the restaurant, but no actual outdoor dining. On motion of Cm. Burton, seconded by Cm. Howard, and by unanimous vote, the Council adopted RESOLiJTION NO. 127- 97 APPROVING PA 9?-029, MIMI'S CAFE SITE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW A PORTION OF THE HACIENDA CIIOSSlNG$ ENTERTAINMENT CENTER CLAIM JUMPER RESTAURANT SITE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW PA 97-02,8 (A PART OF HACIENDA CROSSINGS) 8:28 p.m. 8.3 (410-30) Associate Planner Ram presented the Staff Report and stated the Claim Jumper Restaurant is also a part of the Hacienda Crossings. The 12,348 square foot restaurant is proposed in the southeast corner of the 53 acre hacienda Crossings site on a 23,739 square foot pad. Ms. Ram discussed the site plan, elevations, landscaping, consistency with the General Plan, Eastern Dublin Specific Plan and Zoning Ordinance and advised that Claim Jumper's landscape architects are Rasmussen Design from Santa Margarita, California. Ms. Ram stated the Claim Jumper's recognizable theme is the 49er's gold rush and is carried out by use of colors, materials and architecture. River rock, batten siding and colors further enhance the gold rush theme. CITY COUNCm MINU T~S VOLUME 16 REGULAR MEETING October 21, 1997 PAGE 418 Ms. Ram stated a modification was being recommended to Condition #24 which relates to the pedestrian walkway. The new verbiage states, "A pedestrian wallc~ay shallbe provided along the north, and west boundaries of the Claim Juraper pad from the parla'ng area to the build~'ng entrance." There will be enhanced landscaping along I~580 rather than a walkway all around the site. In summary, Ms. Ram stated the restaurant's theme will enhance the Center and help establish a destination entertainment retail center for the City of Dublin. Cm. Burton questioned the exact locations of each restaurant. Staff explained that they are on opposite sides of the center. On motion of Cm. Lockhart, seconded by Cm. Howard, and by unanimous vote, the Council, with revised Condition #24, adopted RESOLUTION NO. 128 - 97 APPROVING PA 9?-028, CLAIM JUMPER RESlAURANI SiTE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW (A PORTION OF THE HACIENDA CIlOSSlN6S ENTERTAINMENT CENTER) DESIGNATION OF CITY COUNCIL 1997 AD-HOC AUDIT REVIEW COMMITTEE 8:34 p.m. 8.4 (110-30) Assistant City Manager Rankin advised that each year, the City Council designates an ad- hoc subcommittee to review with the external auditors, the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report. The final report is then prepared for presentation at a City Council meeting. It was pointed, out that Cm. Burton and Cm. Barnes did it last year. Following discussion, Mayor Houston and Cm. Lockhart agreed to be on the ad-hoc committee. On motion of Cm. Barnes, seconded by Cm. Howard, and by unanimous vote, the Council appointed Mayor Houston and Cm. Lockhart to meet with the City Auditors to review and discuss the report for the period ending June 30, 1997. cov Cm MINVTrS VOLUME 16 REGULAR MEETING October 21, 1997 PAGE 419 SHURGARD GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT & SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENT STUDY REQUEST PA 97-035 8:36 p.m. 8.5 (420-30) Community Development Director Peabody presented the Staff Report and advised that Shurgard is proposing to construct a self storage facility and a retail facility at 7360 San Ramon Road at the northwest comer of San Ramon Road and Amador Valley Boulevard. The 2.538 acre site was formerly occupied by the Workbench True Value Hardware Store. The cost for the study would be borne by the Applicant. Mayor Houston asked who owns the property fight behind the Hayward fishery. Mr. Peabody stated that site is not part of this property. Bruce Jordan representing Shurgard discussed their proposal. There are a lot of misconceptions about storage these days. They are the foremost storage company in the United States. They have assisted many cities in the preparation of self~storage in buffering between residential areas. They are mainly located out on the major boulevards to accommodate the local community. They came into the City in January and opened discussions with the Planning Department. They determined that market conditions here were fight. There is a significant demand. They are aware there is valuable frontage on San Ramon Road. The Calaveras Fault also cuts across the front of the property. Because of the restrictions, it is not feasible to put a conventional retail center on this site. A retail use on this site would mandate open isle and deliveries to the site creating problems for the residents to the rear. Storage facilities can take on almost any look to be compatible to the neighborhood where they are placed. They feel there is a strong benefit to the City as the people using self~storage is rapidly expanding. There is some discussion going on with Mr. Perkins who owns the parcel next door which would substantially expand the retail frontage on San Ramon Road. Shurgard goes the extra mile and they are very community minded. They want to work with the City to bring about a very successful project. Mike Perkins who owns the property next door stated his concern all along with any development in the area, is that it would look right and would have the kind of business worthwhile for the City of Dublin. He thinks one of the considerations should be whatever gets developed on this comer somehow includes Sleepshop Ltd. in blending it into one site. Sleepshop Ltd. is built slightly over the fault due to a grandfathering clause. His consideration from a business standpoint is that the comer be developed favorable to retail and that it has the kind of appearance that Dublin should have. It would need to somehow include his building into the construction process with whatever changes go on there. It should make sense visually as well as economically. , CITY OUNCIL MINUTES VOLUM~ 16 REGULAR MEETING October 21, 1997 PAGE 420 John Nichandros, owner of the property stated he has tried for several years to develop the property them. The depth has never lent itself to making a good retail development. There is a 499' depth to the property and only about 100' of frontage. Shurgard is a very good answer to this situation. Cm. Burton asked if anyone researched the easement that goes all the way through. Mr. Peabody stated he was aware that them is an easement there but he had not looked into it. Mr. Nichandros stated the easement is part of the property and he understands that Shurgard is not going to build over the easement. Right now it is blocked off by a block wall for the condominiums back there. It is granted for stormdrain or water. It doesn't go any place. Cm. Burton stated his point was it could be used as a loading area. Cm. Lockhart stated she wasn't clear how this would interface with Mr. Perkins' property. Mayor Houston felt a lot of this has to be an agreement between the 2 property oWners. We cannot hamstring one property to the other. This is not something the City can mandate. Cm. Burton felt there was a long history to this area and a long series of problems. He was involved in some of the church property. This is one of our main streets and we must do our best to maintain the retail area. There may be a way of circulating so it is not all one long shopping area. He is against having another storage area in one of our prime retail locations. It was a very good presentation and storage areas are important, but this is not the place to do it. Cm. Barnes stated she concurred with Cm. Burton. retail on the other side. It is prime retail property. storage. It is too close to Kildara. There is It is too downtown to be a public Cm. Howard agreed. Cm. Lockhart felt using the Petco building was not a good comparison. We now have homes back there and she is not in favor of adding public storage right next to homes. We don't know what will go into those storage units. The life of the center is very important and we need to keep something there to add to this center. There is now an CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 16 REGULAR METING October 21, 1997 PAGE 421 opportunity to enhance that particular center. She is not supportive of more public storage. On motion of Cm. Burton, seconded by Cm. Barnes, and by unanimous vote, the Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 129 - 97 DENYING THE INITIATION OF THE SHURGARD GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT AND SPE(~iFIC PLAN AMENDMENT STUDY REPORT ON PROPOSED CABLE TELEVISION PROGRAMMING PRIORITIES FOR PUBLIC EDUCATION GOVERNMENT (PEG) CHANNELS 9:05 p.m. 8.7 (1050210) Assistant City Manager Rankin advised that as a result of the system upgrade, Th-Valley Community Television (CTV) will have 3 channels to utilize in broadcasting Public Access, Education, and Government programs. The CTV Board of Directors has developed a preliminary description of how the current programming might be broadcast among the 3 different channels. In addition, Federal Law, as well as agreements with TCI~ allow TCI to lease time on the channel when it is not being used by the cities. Mr. Rankin discussed the types of programming currently carried on PEG Channel 30; PEG Channel Assignments on Upgraded System; CTV Proposed Priorities for each PEG Channel; and City Staff recommendation to use Channel 30 for Government Access Overflow. Cm. Burton asked on which rate tiers the new channels will be available. Mr. Rankin stated the PEG channels will be available on all tiers. Mayor Houston felt that since the cities have been providing financial support for a number of years, we should have the predominant say. Dublin Unified School District, parent groups, DSRSD will want to stake their claims, but they have not been paying for 15 years. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 16 REGULAR MEETING October 21, 1997 PAGE 422 Mr. Rankin stated they have discussed presenting some kind of a framework to work with the CTV Board and CTV Executive Director. He anticipated by the first of the year, they would have some guidelines set. Cm. Burton asked about TCI leasing time when it is not being used by the cities. Do they have priority over a city's change which could happen due to a holiday or meeting change, etc. Also, if they are leasing it, can somebody buy their time? Say DSRSD is willing to pay for time and they get a schedule. This becomes a commitment that could cause conflict. The main thing seems to be is there going to be a priority system established? Mr. Rankin stated yes, and it may change from year to year. Typically a public agency would not be buying time. Tom Baker, TCI General Manager stated the leased access is a federal requirement. They have to provide time to private businesses and they have a fee schedule. Last month, they had a maximum of 10 hours of leased access programming. They must have a certain amount of leased access available. Demand is low right now, so they don't have conflicts. Their rates are set by time of day. If the demand becomes great, he would have to provide a channel for private business to lease the space. They work with businesses when they know there are potential conflicts. Mr. Rankin stated the current agreement only addresses the shared arrangement on Channel 69. Cm. Burton stated he would request that Staff watch the leasing arrangement carefully. On motion of Cm. Burton, seconded by Cm. Howard, and by unanimous vote, the Council reviewed the proposed principles and confirmed the designation of the shared Channel which TCI may utilize for leased access when it is not used by the cities. EXPENDITURE PLAN DEVELOPMENT COMMITrEE'S PROJECT LIST FOR THE REAUTHORIZATION OF MEASURE B 9:21 p.m. 8.8 (1060-90) Public Works Director Thompson advised that the Alameda County Transportation Authority is making preparations to go to the ballot to extend the Measure B sales tax past 2002 to pay for additional regional transportation improvements. A letter has been prepared which expresses Dublin's wishes for projects to be included in the Tri~Valley CITY cOUNcIL MINUTES VOLUME 16 REGULAR MEETING October 21, 1997 PAGE 423 Staff felt the following three highway projects in the Th-Valley Area should be included in the Measure B Reauthorization's project list: 1) Widening of Eastbound 1-580 from Tassajara/Santa Rita to the 1-580/SR84 Interchange (east of the 1-580/Airway Boulevard Interchange). The cost estimate is $20 million. 2) The addition of a Southbound 1-680 HOV Lane in the Tri-Valley Area to the Sunol Grade, at an estimated cost of $15 million. 3) Improvements to SR84, including the 1-580/SR84 Interchange and widening/safety improvements between 1-680 and the City of Livermore at a funding level of $70 million. Mr. Thompson explained that all of the above projects are considered urgent in the Tri- Valley Area to mitigate present safety and traffic congestion problems. Cm. Burton asked how Pleasanton feels about dumping SR84 at Livermore's City Limits and bringing the bypass traffic through Pleasanton? Mr. Thompson stated he was aware that their Staff is not very happy about it, but did not think it had gone to the Council yet. It will take a lot of money to fix the whole thing. Mayor Houston stated what's here is not going to fix SR84. We need to address the Sunol Grade also. Mr. Thompson stated 1-580 eastbound is getting to be a real problem in the evening. On motion of Cm. Barnes, seconded by Cm. Lockhart, and by unanimous vote, the Council authorized the Mayor to sign and send the letter to the Cities of Livermore and Pleasanton, and Supervisors King and I-Iaggerty. OTHER BUSINESS 9:26 p.m. Upcoming Meeting Reminders (610-05) Mr. Ambrose reminded everyone of the next Library Task Force meeting, next Tuesday evening at the Civic Center. Also at the Civic Center, the City Park Task Force will meet on Thursday evening. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 16 REGULAR MEETING October 21, 1997 PAGE 424 Tri~Valley Transportation Commission Meeting (1060-40) Mr. Ambrose reported that he attended a TVTC meeting today with fellow City Managers to try to understand the positions of the communities a little better. It is clear that there are areas of concern in various communities, that are in some case legitimate. It will take a super effort on the part of all bodies to reach compromise. League of CA Cities Conference (140-20) Cm. Lockhart stated Cm.'s Barnes, Howard, and she attended the League of California Cities Conference in San Francisco. She shared some of the information with the City Manager and also got information on small cities. It was very valuable. Downtown Study Task Force (470-50) Cm. Lockhart reported that the Business Task Force selected Brent Jensen as Chair and the Vice Chair is Robert Enea. Both are large stakeholders in our community. A number of small business owners attended the meeting. It is progressing nicely. She was happy to see so many business people attending. League of CA Cities Conference (140~20), Cm. Barnes stated the League of California Cities Conference was the best one she has attended in a long time. She attended sessions on volunteerism. Stop Signs ~ York Drive & Amador Valley Boulevard (590-40) Cm. Barnes stated she and Cm. Lockhart worked on and talked about the new stop sign at York Drive and Amador Valley Boulevard. It appears there is a problem at 5:00 and 6:00 at night with cars backing up onto Village Parkway. There was road rage at that intersection. This may be a problem that wasn't foreseen. We may need to take another look at this intersection. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 16 REGULAR MEETING October 21, 1997 PAGE 425 Congestion Management Authority Meeting (1060-40) Cm. Burton stated he will be replaced by Cm. Barnes at the next CMA meeting. ADJOURNMENT 11.1 There being no further business to come before the Council, the meeting was adjourned at 9:$1 p.m. ATTEST: ~ci(~ c~ - c~ coy%m'Mm~s VOLUME 16 REGULAR MEETING October 21, 1997 PAGE 426