HomeMy WebLinkAbout12-02-1997 CC Adopted MinutesREGULAR MEETING ~ December 2, 1997 .A regular meeting of the Dublin City Council was held on Tuesday, December 2, 1997, in the Council Chambers of the Dublin Civic Center. The meeting was called to order at 7:01 p.m., by Mayor Houston. ROLL CALL PRESENT: ABSENT: Councilmembers Barnes, Burton, Howard, Lockhart and Mayor Houston. None PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Mayor Houston led the Council, Staff and those, present in the pledge of allegiance to the' flag. CLOSED SESSION 7:02 p.m. I0.1 (640-30) The Council recessed to a Closed Session to conference with Legal Counsel ~ Pending Litigation ~ pursuant to Government code Section 54956.9 (a) - Silvergate Highlands Owners Association vs. City of Dublin ~ Alameda County Superior Court No. V~013836-3. CLOSED SESSION ACTION TAKEN Mayor Houston announced that no action was taken in closed session. At 7:39 p.m., the public meeting reconvened with all Councilmembers present. CITY'S NOMINATION TO ALAMEDA COUNTY HOUSING AUTHORITY HOUSING COMMISSION 7:39 p.m. $.1 (110~$0) Mayor Houston stated Vice Mayor Burton, who serves as the City's representative on this Board has a term which expires December $ I, 1997. He recommended that Mr. Burton be reappointed to a 4~year term ending December S 1, £001. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 16 REGULAR MEETING December 2, 1997 PAGE 464 Mayor Houston clarified that you don't have to be on the Council to serve. Ms. Keck advised that while the appointment is recommended by the Council, the person doesn't have to be a Councilmember. On motion of Cm. Barnes, seconded by Cm. Lockhart, and by unanimous vote, the Council confirmed Mayor Houston's reappointment of Dave Burton as the City of Dublin representative on the Alameda County Housing Authority Housing Commission to a 4~ year term beginning January 1, 1998 and ending on December $1,2001, and directed the City Clerk to submit the City's appointment to the Alameda County Board of Supervisors for final approval. DUBLIN PARTNERS IN EDUCATION PRESENTATIONS 7:41 p.m. 3.2 (515-10) Dublin Partners in Education (DPIE) is a community network of organizations, businesses and individuals dedicated to providing resources that improve and enrich the educational experience for all students in the Dublin Unified School District. Recognition was provided to "diamond level" donation members: Dillingham Construction, Julien Hansen ($3,200); Livermore Dublin Disposal, Desi Reno ($Z,500); Vatforms, Inc., Bob Trimble ($g,500); and Opus West Corporation, Bob O'Gorman ($Z,500). ISTEA Funding (I060~90) 7:46 p.m. Marco Milanese with Congresswoman Tauscher's Office reminded everyone that she has an office here at the Dublin Civic Center. He then gave an update on the ISTEA program, which provides funding for federal transportation projects. It is one of the biggest and most important bills that Congress is working on this year. Congresswoman Tauscher sits on the committee. A 6 month short term extension approved $5.5 billion of new monies; with $487 million to be received by California. CONSENT CALENDAR 7:49 p.m. On motion of Cm. Burton, seconded by Cm. Barnes, and by unanimous vote, the Council took the following actions: CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 16 REGULAR IVIEETING December 2, 1997 PAGE 465 Approved (4.1)Minutes of Regular Meeting of November 18, 1997; Awarded (4.2 350-20) purchase order for painting of the Dougherty Assessment District Fence to Quality Painting and Construction Co., ($19,300); Received (4.3 100-80) a bi-monthly update report of the 1997 Goals & Objectives Program; Approved (4.4 600-30) an amendment to the City Manager's Employment Agreement; Adopted (4.5 600-30) RESOLUTION NO. 143- 97 AWARDING CONTRACT 97-12, SAN RAMON ROAD LANDSCAPE REPAIR AND SILVERGATE DRIVE MEDIAN LANDSCAPING, PHASE II TO RMT LANDSCAPE CONTRACTORS, INC. ($117,347.25) Adopted (4.6 390~70) RESOLUTION NO. 144 - 97 AUTHORIZING EXAMINATION OF SALES AND USE TAX RECORDS AND CONSOLIDATING RESOLUTION NO.'S 27-82 AND 93-89 and directed Staff to forward a certified copy to the State Board of Equalization; Adopted (4.7 590~40) RESOLUTION NO. 145 -97 DESIGNATING WINEBERRY WAY AS A THROUGH STREET Received (4.8 330~50) the Preliminary Financial Report for the Month of October 1997; Approved (4.9 950-40) an agreement with GoodTimes Promotions, Inc., for the 15th Annual St. Patrick's Day Celebration and approved the Budget Change Form; Approved (4.10 300-40) the Warrant Register in the amount of $887,375.11. crrv COVNCm VOLUME 1~ REGULAR MEETING December 2, 1997 PAGE 466 PUBLIC HEARING DUBLIN RANCH AREA A PLANNED DEVELOPMENT REZONE ,PA ,,96-038 7:50 p.m. 6. I (450-30) Mayor Houston opened the public hearing. Associate, Planner Huston presented the Staff Report and advised that this is the second reading of a PD Ordinance, introduced at the November 18th City Council meeting. The Council has adopted a Negative Declaration, adopted findings and provisions for a land use and development plan to allow a Planned Development of up to 573 homes, an 18- hole golf course, and open space on a 352~acre site east of Tassajara Road. MS. Huston advised that the Staff Report and Agenda Statement for the November 18th City Council meeting is incorporated by reference at this heating and includes an in~ depth description of the project. Ms. Silver stated the introductory language needed to be revised. Section 1 should read pursuant to "Chapter 32 of Title 8 of the Dublin Ordinance Code (Ordinance No. I 1-94) is hereby amended in the following manner:" As a result of the newly redone Zoning Ordinance, this is now in Chapter 32 rather than Chapter 2. This is a technical clean up change. No public testimony was entered by any member of the public relative to this issue. Mayor Houston closed the public hearing. Cm. Burton stated he was pleased no one was present to complain. On motion of Cm. Burton, seconded by Cm. Barnes, and by unanimous vote, the Council waived the reading and adopted with the change ORDINANCE NO. 23 - 97 AMENDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE TO PERMIT THE REZONING OF 361.5 + ACRES OF PROPERTY LOCATED ON THE EAST SIDE OF TASSAJARA ROAD, NORTH OF 1-580 AND WEST OF THE FALLON ROAD CURRENT ALIGNMENT IN TIlE EASTERN DUBLIN SPECIFIC PLANNING AREA (PA 9§-038, DUBLIN RANCH AREA A) ...... CITY couNcIL ..... ' ..... MINUTES VOLUME 16 REGULAR MEETING December 2, 1997 PAGE 467 PUBLIC HEARING DUBLIN RANCH AREAS B~E PLANNED DEVELOPMENT REZONE PA 96-059 7:53 p.m. 6.2 (450-30) Mayor Houston opened the public hearing. Associate Planner Huston presented the Staff Report and advised that this is the second reading of a PD Ordinance, introduced at the November 18th City Council meeting. The Council has adopted a Negative Declaration, adopted findings and provisions for a land use and development plan to allow a PD of up to 1,875 units, parks and office and commercial development on a 453-acre site east of Tassajara Road. Included by reference was the Staff Report and Agenda Statement presented at the November 18th City Council meeting, including a thorough description of the project. Ms. Silver explained that again, the introductory sentence should be changed to read Chapter-32 of Title 8 (Ordinance No. 11-94) is hereby amended. No public testimony was entered by any member of the public relative to this issue. Mayor Houston closed the public hearing. On motion of Cm. Lockhart, seconded by Cm. Howard, and by unanimous vote, the Council waived the reading and adopted with the change ORDINANCE NO. 24 - 97 AMENDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE TO PERMIT THE REZONING OF 452,6 + ACRES OF PROPERTY LOCATED ON THE EAST SIDE OF TASSA, JARA ROAD, NORTH OF 1-580 AND WEST OF THE FALLON ROAD CURRENT ALIGNMENT IN THE EASTERN DUBLIN SPECIFIC PLANNING AREA (PA 96-039, DUBLIN RANCH AREAS B THROUGH E) SHELL SERVICE STATION SITE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW (A PART OF HACIENDA CROSSINGS) - PA 97- 053 7:56 p.m. 8.1 (410-30) Associate Planner Ram presented the Staff Report and advised that a Shell Service Station is proposed on a 37,100 _+ square feet parcel located north of the main entrance to the 5S-acre Hacienda Crossings Shopping Center adjacent to Hacienda Drive. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 16 REGULAR MEETING December 2, 1997 PAGE 468 Ms. Ram reviewed the proposal which consists of a 2,$00 sq. ft. foodmart, car wash and gas service area on a $7,09(; sq. ft. pad. The project site plan, floor plans, landscape plans and building elevations were displayed and discussed. Cm. Burton commented on Exhibit 1 which showed little things that look like telephone booths and he couldn't figure out what this was. Dan Kirk representing Shell stated this was a typical reach~in cooler and this was the doors. They are refrigeration units. Mr. Kirk who stated he will probably be the Engineer who builds the station, indicated he was present mainly to answer any questions. Mayor Houston stated he was glad to see the architecture will match the rest of the complex. Mr. Kirk stated they want to blend in and be a part of the community. Cm. Burton asked if this and the other one going in will be joint ventures or separately owned. Does Shell own the land and leases or what7 Mr. Kirk stated they will be a joint venture and 50% company operated. Shell owns the land and improvements 50%. They are very committed to the project. On motion of Cm. Burton, seconded by Cm. Lockhart, and by unanimous vote, the Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 146- 97 APPROVING PA 97-03:] SITE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW APPLICATION FOR SHELL GASOLINE STATION MASTER SIGN PROGRAM ~ SITE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW FOR THE HACIENDA CROSSINGS ENTERTAINMENT CENTER PA 97~00~ 8:04 p.m. 8.2 (410-$0) Associate Planner Ram presented the Staff Report and advised that a Master Sisn Frog-ram is proposed for the 5$~acre Hacienda Crossings Entertainment Center located at the southeast corner of Hacienda Drive and Dublin Boulevard. The theaters will seat approximately 4500. Several restaurants and a hotel. CITY COUNCIL MINuTEs VOLUME 16 REGULAR MEETING December 2, ~ 997 PAGE 469 Ms. Ram reviewed and discussed the Free Standing Signs, the Corner Monument Sign, and Wall Signs. She explained that the City Council's approval will work towards completing a new exciting entertainment retail center for the City. Cm. Burton felt this was beautiful work and stated he appreciated seeing all the graphics. He asked if the towers will be like a lighthouse and have some type of theme. It appeared that ali the pylons will have this same theme. On some of the signs they discussed painted metal and his reaction was this can show damage and be rusty and old in a short time. Plastic with reverse lighting can be attractive. Jim Mog from Arrow Signs explained that they will use a variety of painted metals. They are looking at aluminum because of durability. All the paint specs have a very long life on the finish. Interior structure of the pylons will be primarily steel. Acrylic polyurethane will be used. Walter Macintyre from Arrow Signs spoke and stated it is similar to a car finish and it does last. On the tenant signage they will use aM material. It does not fade and is guaranteed for 5 years against fading. Cm. Burton cautioned that in 5 years someone will have to climb up and replace some of the signs. He asked that they keep the letters a solid color, Five years is nothing. This is a big sign if it starts getting flakes it will be a big job to fix it. Mayor Houston felt there will always be ongoing maintenance. Hopefully, the product will outlive the guarantees. They must have some kind of ongoing maintenance. Bob O'Gorman stated he also wants a better guarantee and just the two signs will cost half a million dollars. Dublin's city name will be on one of the pylon signs. They have been very careful throughout this entire process. They've gotten lots of input. Cm. Burton asked about a theme and design. Mr. O'Gorman stated it has been a good ¢ months in terms of putting together the sign program. They've tried to pull various elements through the signage. Cm. Lockhart commented she was happy to see all the monument signs so uniform. She remembered some talk about a valet parking area around the entertainment center and asked if this is still being considered. Ms. Ram stated it could still be considered if it will make things flow more smoothly. She wasn't sure if this is something they still want to do. ' ' CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 16 ~ REGULAR MEETING December 2, 1997 PAG£ 470 Mr. O'Gorman stated Regal has studied it and it is an option. They are prepared to do this. It has been designed into the site plan. It will be an option. On motion of Cm. Barnes, seconded by Cm. Lockhart, and by unanimous vote, the Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 147 - 97 APPROVING PA 97-003, HACIENDA CROSSINGS MASTER SIGN PROGRAM SITE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW INITIATION OF A GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT STUDY FOR A VACANT 4 + ACRE SITE LOCATED ON DOUGHERTY ROAD DIRECTLY SOUTH OF THE ARROYO VISTA HOUSING PROJECT 8:28 p.m. 8.3 (420-30) Community Development Director Peabody presented the Staff Report and advised that this requested GPA is to change the current GP designation from medium density residential to medium-high density residential for a proposed 75 unit multi-family apartment project located on the vacant undeveloped 4 + acre parcel located directly south of the Arroyo Vista Housing Project west of Dougherty Road. The property is owned by the Dublin Housing Authority. The 75 unit apartment complex would be identical to the recently approved Shea Properties 209 unit project just to the south. The total 284 unit complex (both projects) would then provide 20% of the units affordable for very low, low and moderate income renters. This plan would be dependent on the applicant's ability to secure tax credit and other financing to supplement private funding. Any proposed rezoning and/or other entitlements would be subject to approval by the Dublin Housing Authority before preceding with the standard City of Dublin process. Cm. Burton asked if there was any problem with the Iron Horse Trail because of the high density. Mr. Peabody stated this is part of the issues that will have to be addressed as with any GPA and rezoning. We will have to see how it plays out as part of the process~ Appropriate environmental documentation will be prepared. On motion of Cm. Lockhart, seconded by Cm. Howard, and by unanimous vote, the Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 148 - 97 INITIATING A GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT STUDY FOR SHEA PROPERTIES Cri co cn MI T S VOLUME 16 REGULAR MEETING December 2, 1997 PAGE 471 INFORMATIONAL REPORT ON UTILITY RESTRUCTURING 8:32 p.m. 8.4 (1020-20) City Manager Ambrose presented the Staff Report and discussed the changes in the electric power industry which will take effect January 1, 1998, along with some of the scenarios that could be applied to the City. He stated Ginger Russell spent a number of hours attending workshops related to this issue. Because of potentially having to replace meters and incur other costs or changes, as well as the past experience with the gas core transport program, Mr. Ambrose felt it was prudent to take a wait~and~see attitude and continue to talk with potential suppliers as well as FG&E. Staff anticipates being approached by a number of suppliers and being able to carefully weigh the alternatives before making any further recommendations. At this point, Staff did not recommend changing electric suppliers on January 1 st, but rather waiting at least through an initial period to see if rates are reduced, if rates remain about the same, or if costs actually become higher. Cm. Burton asked with all these options, who has the crews when a major storm occurs and trees are knocked down. Mr. Ambrose stated PG&E still owns the system unless we condemn their system and take over and then we would be responsible. Others are buying the rights to transmit power over their lines. There are a lot of issues dealing with power exchange that have to be worked out. ABAG thought they might be able to save 3%. Cm. Lockhart felt there were expenses that offset the savings with all the options. Mayor Houston stated he did not see a lot of benefit unless you are a really big user. He was concerned how the individual homeowner would be impacted. Administrative Assistant Ginger Russell stated it will probably be similar to how the phone service operates. Different companies will probably approach homeowners and offer some type of service that will save them money if they're willing to sign a contract for a period of time. Once the initial time period is over, maybe the whole picture will change again and maybe even more potential for savings will be seen. Mayor Houston concurred that we stick with where we are right now. The Council received the informational report. cITY COUNCm mNUT S VOLUME 16 REGULAR MEETING December 2, ! 997 PAGE 472 SELECTION OF VICE MAYOR 8:48 p.m. 8.5 (610~20) In January of 1996, the Council adopted a policy whereby it would select a member of the City Council to serve in the position of Vice Mayor for a one~year period of time. Mayor Houston felt Mr. Burton, the current Vice Mayor, should continue. On motion of Mayor Houston, seconded by Cm. Lockhart, and by unanimous vote, the CounciI nominated Cm. Burton to continue to serve as Vice Mayor until the Council reorganizes following the November 1998 election. OTHER BUSINESS 8:50 p.m. CiW. Council/Dublin Unified School District Liaison Meeting (610-05) Mr. Ambrose advised that Staff is attempting to schedule a liaison meeting with the Dublin Unified School District for either December 16 or December 17 at 4:30 p.m. Mayor Houston stated he felt December 1 t5 would work best. They will get items to the City Manager for the agenda. Library Task Force Meeting (610-05) Mr. Ambrose advised of a correction to the December calendar. The Library Task Force meeting is changed to December 18th at 7:00 p.m. This conflicts with the East Bay Division meeting. Cm. Barnes stated she thought the East Bay Division normally doesn't have a December meeting. Dublin Pride Meeting (6I 0-05) Cm. Lockhart stated a Dublin Pride meeting is scheduled for December 9th and them might be information forthcoming from that for the agenda of the Council/Dublin Unified School District liaison meeting. ' '" ..... CiTYCOUNCIL'" ' MINUTES .... VOLUME 16 REGULAR MEETING December 2, 1997 PAGE 473 Council/Committee/Commission Workshop. Meeting (610~05) Cm. Lockhart stated the Council had discussed scheduling a workshop with DFA regarding art conceptions and since temporary signs seem to be another issue, she asked if a workshop could be scheduled with the Planning Commission and DFA at the same time. The meeting wouldn't have to be a single issue meeting, but these topics could be included. Mayor Houston felt we certainly could invite them. The formal meeting would be with the Planning Commission and we could invite the DFA. He clarified that a general study session could be held to discuss temporary signs. Mayor Houston then suggested having the Downtown Task Force discuss signage at one of their meetings. Let's try to set something up early next year. In the meantime, they could submit ideas such as temporary signs, public art and some constructive ideas for the agenda. Mr. Ambrose asked if they wanted to include the Parks & Community Services Commission also. Various issues could be discussed. This would be most productive. He asked about including the committees also. Cm. Barnes felt it would be a good idea to bring in everybody. Mayor Houston agreed they should include commissions and committees, but felt it is a good idea that the heads only of the various Boards will get the agenda together. State Legislation ((6¢0~40) Cm. Barnes called attention to the Legislative Bulletins from the League of CA Cities and stated she gets hers every Friday over the Internet. She would like the City to look at opposing both HR 1534 and SB 1256. This could come back at the next meeting. Basically, if we were to turn somebody down related to land use issues~ they don't have to stay and talk to us; they can go straight to federal court to talk about land use authority. We should write letters and get others to write letters. We need to become very aware of this. The Council requested that Staff bring back a brief report with letters. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 16 REGULAR MEETING December 2, 1997 PAGE 474 City Holiday Party/Employee Recognition Event (720~20) Cm. Burton reminded everyone of the City Christmas party/recognition event being held Friday evening at Shannon Center. Wheels Transportation Meeting (610-05) Mayor Houston stated he and Cm. Burton were at the Wheels meeting the other day and it was noted that Mary Gibbert has missed several meetings and they wanted to know if she has a transportation problem. He asked if someone would contact her to see if she wants to continue serving on this Board. Cm. Barnes asked if she was out of the hospital. She stated she would contact Mary. ADJOURNMENT 11.1 There being no further business to come before the Council, the meeting was adjourned at ~):02 p.m. ATTEST: xv ~ity CleYk CITY COUNCIl, MINUTES VOLUME 16 REGULAR MEETING December 2, ~ 997 PAGE 4 75