HomeMy WebLinkAbout02-27-1995 Adopted CC Minutes REGULAR MEETING - FEBRUARY 27, 1995
A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Dublin was held on Monday,
February 27, 1.995, in the Council Chambers of the Dublin Civic Center. The
meeting was called to order at 7:04 p.m., by Mayor Houston.
PRESENT: Councilmembers Barnes, Burton, Howard, Moffatt and Mayor Houston.
Mayor Houston led the Council, Staff and those present in the pledge of
allegiance to the flag.
Mayor HoustOn recommended that the City Council confirm the appointment
of Maxine Jennings to the Planning Commission to fill the unexpired term of
Ralph Rafanelli who recently resigned. Ms. Jennings' term would expire in
December, 1996.
On motion of Cm. Barnes, seconded by Cm. Howard, and by unanimous vote,
the Counci confirmed the appointment of Maxine Jennings to the Planning
Mayor Houston read and presented a proclamation to Robed Royston &
Laureen Baldovi, WorlcJ Championship Country Western Dancers. The Mayor
proclaimed February 27, 1995 as "Robert Royston & Laureen Baldovi Day" in the
City of Dublin.
February 27, 1995
PAGE 105
Mr. Royston stated they will try to defend their championship next year in
Nashville. No one has ever won 2 years in a row, so they will try to be the first.
Dublin Herita,qe Center ((910-10)
Tom McCormick, 71 70 Emerald Avenue stated he was present as President of
the DHPA and requested that the City begin a series of meetings with them to
discuss their respective roles as they relate to the Heritage Center. Lately, things
have digressed a little bit and they would like to get together to define the
roles. He distributed a letter which was mailed today along with a press release.
No copy was given to the City Clerk for inclusion in the record.
Mayor Houston pointed out that this discussion could be included with Item 4.6.
Request to Televise City Council Meetinqs on CTV 30 (1050-50)
Bruce Fiedler 6589 Hemlock Street stated he came to support a proposal that
Dublin begin to televise its City Council meetings. He noticed there were quite a
few people in the audience tonight, and felt they could be assisted by this
means. It will give people a chance to follow items of which they don't have a
burning interest. People may find out they do have a greater interest. It wil
provide a better education on the horrors and also the glories of the civic
process. Mailings tend to wind up on the bottom of bird cages. As an
associated item, Dublin could at least list highlights in the calendar section of
Cm. Howard pointed out that Channel 30 is now highlighting the agendas every
week, along with San Ramon's.
Mr. Fiedler stated he has followed a lot of Pleasanton's issues.
Cm. Burton felt this was worthwhile to follow up on and put on the agenda.
Mayor Houston stated during the Goals & Objectives this will be discussed. This
meeting is coming up soon.
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Mr. Fiedler stated another item relates to the time when the City Council wears
their Housing Authority hats. When people call him about quality Iow cost
housing he could include Arroyo Vista. For several years, he has driven by and
seen the deteriorating quality. He is in the field and knows this is not easy to
deal with. He advised people to wait even several years before considering
Arroyo Vista.
Cm. Burton advised that the Dublin Housing Authority is having a special
meeting at Arroyo Vista on March 1st. He could exchange his ideas with them
as the DHA at that time.
Mayor Houston stated his intent to move Item 8.1 (CDBG) to immediately follow
the Consent Calendar.
Cm. Howard objected as she had told someone on the telephone who inquired
that this item would be late on the agenda.
Mayor Houston stated he would appreciate it if next time she let him know.
There are people who will have to sit in the meeting a long time.
7:21 p.m.
On motion of Cm. Moffatt, seconded by Cm. Burton, and by unanimous vote,
the Council took the following actions:
Approved Minutes of Regular Meeting of February 13, 1995;
and authorized Staff to advertise Contract 95-02, Annual Sidewalk Safety Repair
(remove and replace) for bids (600-30);
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PAGE 107
Received an informational report related to Dental Benefits (720-40)
Received a Financial Report for the month of January, 1995 (330-50);
(Holiday Schedule)
Approved the Warrant Register in the amount of $1,778,757.65 (300-40).
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PAGE 108
Cm. Buflon requested that Item 4.6 dealing with the Heritage Center Director
position be pulled from the Consent Calendar for discussion.
He felt the job description does not adequately address how the DHPA will be
involved. He has a/ways felt that DHPA was going to be more of an operating
group. We should work with someone on staff to evaluate this. He would like
this to be deferred. Secondly, he requested on update related to the contract.
Cm. Budon mode a motion to defer consideration of this item. )-he motion was
seconded by Mayor Houston.
Cm. Barnes disagreed. A task force report was presented to the Porks &
Community Services Commission and then to the City Council. This item was in
the report and was included at/hot time. All these bases have been covered
and it received approval of the City Council.
Parks & Community Services Director Lowart advised that the City Council did
receive a repot? in April 1 ~4. there was a letter received from DHPA and on a
vote of I 1 to I they supported this and/nd/coted they were not in o pos/lion to
con/fact out at that time. She recently reviewed the lense agreement and
found that the agreement expired 4$.days of/er the City Council accepted the
?ask Fo/ce report. )'his is still somewhat in limbo.
Cm. Burton stated his point was the job description. We are hiring a part-time
person 20 hours a week. DHPA has the history, they have the ideas, and now
we ore throwing this into the hands of someone brand new cold turkey. We
should be using the resources we have to do some of this. He would like the job
description to be reviewed to see how DHPA will fit into it.
City Manager Ambrose stated what was being proposed was exactly in
accordance with the Council's previous policy issue was last time. He recoiled
that DHPA was go/hg to concentrate their efforts on h/story and research effod$.
)'he City will manage the Heritage Centerjust the same as the Senior Center. If
the City Council wants something different, Staff will certainly comply. )'his was
based on previous direction from the Council.
tom McCormick felt they were never involved with any discussion about the job
Cm. Barnes stated the President of DHPA was a member of the task force and
ne vet missed a meeting..
February 27, 1995
PAGE 109
Mr. McCormick stated that was 2 years ago. This job desc#ption is really quite
an effort for someone lo fill on a part-lime basis. They really don't speak to the
role of the DHPA or the task force or anything. This should not cause any
concern to de/ay this matter a few weeks to al/ow discuss/on between the City
and the DHPA Board.
Cm. Howard stated she wash 't c/ear if he wanted the City to cut back on the
responsibilities or add to them.
Mr. McCormick Tek it needed to be cut back and include more in it how the
person can be helped, it was read to him over the telephone today and he
was surprised as to the extent. Dukes and respon$/b///ffes are only part of it. Ail
they are asking for is a ///fie common courtesy.
Cm. Barnes pOinted out this is one of the reasons why they came up with the $
member Committee. The facilities belong to the 25,000 res/dents. They would
like to see everyone working together. The dul/es say to uff//ze a lot of
vo/~ln teer$.
Cm. Howard stated she thought we should hire the person first and then work
together on the program. ?his is the first Slap in doing this.
Mr. McCormick again slated the job descripffon doesn 'l magnify on the
re/affonsh/p. They've managed this building for 1 ~ years and no one came to
talk to them about a job description.
Ms. Lowart slated there was language ih the/ease that said the/ease would
expire w/thin 6 months. There was never any intent bu! that DHPA would assist
the City in providing their expertise. If the building is going to run by the City it is
important that the employee work for the City, but the committee could
provide assistance. This was sim#ar to what was done wilh the Senior Center.
Mr. McCormick staled he found out about this being on the agenda by
acc/dent, it's unusual for a commun#y group to be treated this way. Since they
eren t noticed, the agreemenl is techn/cc..//y st///in force. Give them a chance
to part/c/pate. He sees their roi/os he/ping the staff person.
Mayor Houston stated we have to rely on somebody. He felt this could go on
the next agenda to give them a chance to look a/some of the points. It's
actually very generic.
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PAGE ! 10
Mr. McCormick felt there were some things they Would like to see added.
Cm. Moffatt stated he was confused because a couple of ye(rs ago DI-IPA
indicated they wanted a pod-time person. These suggestions, the majority of
the DHPA board approved of. The longer we put it off, the more the building
will deteriorate. Who's wagging the tail?
Ms. lowad reported on the status of the construction contract. About 20 days
have been added. A Change Order will be coming to the next meeting. It
may be completed by June lst.
Maxine Jennings stated she was a member of the task force and she felt Ms.
Lowart had explained very well what happened. She was surprised to find this
coming from DHPA. they discussed this ad nauseum, ff was very specific as to
what the person was going to do. Any oversight was not intentional.
Cm. Buflon restated his earlier motion.
On motion of Cm. Burton, seconded by Mayor Houston, the request was that we
delay the hiring process on the Heritage Center Director until DHPA has had a
chance to discuss it with staff. It could be placed on the next agenda. This
motion was defeated by a majority vote of the remaining 3 members of the City
On motion of Cm. Barnes, seconded by Cm. Howard, and by majority vote, the
Council adopted
(Heritage Center Director- 700-20)
Mayor Houston and Cm. Burton voted against this motion.
Cm. Howard requested that Item 4.7 dealing with the sale of excess property be
pul/ed from the Consent Calendar for discussion. She requested more
information about where this property is located.
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Public Works Director Thompson explained the location. The part they wont to
buy is the landscaped area of the northwest corner of Dublin Boulevard and
San £amon Road. or the majority of the frontage area.
Cm. Howord feit this is the prettiest corner we have in town.
Mr. Ambrose advised the size of the properly PETCO wants to locate on is not
big enough for their building and parking. They are presentiy going to the
Planning Commission for consideration of their project.
Cm. Burton asked what wi//happen 1o lhe natural spflhgs. Are we keeping
access with benches and things or is this included in negotiations?
Mr. Thompson stated the Springs apartment development is between this and
the spring itself. The spring is actually on the other side of it.
Cm. Barnes ask what happens to the beautiful tree out there?
Mr. Thompson stated the tree at one time broke/n half and we lost several
major//mbs this last year. This tree/s mostiy bark.
Cm. Howard slated she has problems with tearing out landscaping to make a
parking Io L
Cm. Barnes stated she had the same problem.
Mayor Houston asked/f there were any p/an$ to accommodate the tree?
Mr. Thompson feff there might be some way they could do this through the Site
Development Review process. They won't buy it un/ess It gets approved. It's
kinda like the chicken and the egg.
Mayor Houston stated he would like to investigate looking at a plan to save this
tree. He suggested that the Council wait and see what the Planning
Commission comes up with. There might be a creative way to do it.
Mr. Ambrose stated the City Council certainly has the ability to ask for this item
to De brought to the City Council on appeal once the Planning Commission has
finished. The Council can defer it at this time.
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On motion of Cm. Moffatt, seconded by Cm. Howard, and by unanimous vote,
the Council agreed to table the issue of stating intention to sell City property on
San Ramon Road northerly of Dublin Boulevard (670-80) until after the Planning
Commission has considered the item.
Cm. Bu/~on requested that Item 4. lO be pul/ed from the Consent Calendar for
Cm. Burton expressed concern that we are buying 4 po/ice cars out of
Sacramento. He asked Shamrock Ford about this and the question came up
about the maintenance warranty. There are 2 kinds. Are we assured that we
have the premium care contract?
Chief Rose stated both of the dealers who submitted bids offer an extended
fleet coverage that Ford Motor Company offers. Staff talked to both dealers
and Downtown Ford Sales stated they offered both packages. Staff will
evaluate it before we take possession of the cars, and if necessary, we will
upgrade it.
Cm. Burton felt we didn't state very clearly in our bid proposol about the
maintenance warranties.
Mr. Ambrose stated we have never had a problem like this before.
Chief Rose stated we have been out to bid for cars 5 times. In the past, we 'ye
never had this type of warranty. Ford has anotherprogram that we were not
previously aw(re of.
On motion of Cm. Burton, seconded by Cm. Moffatt, and by unanimous vote,
the Council awarded the bid for 4 marked Police Patrol Vehicles to Downtown
Ford Sales of Sacramento ($91,506.40) and authorized Staff to proceed with the
issuance of a purchase order based upon the bid (350-20);
8:32 p.m.
Mayor Houston opened the public hearing.
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PAGE 113
Associate Planner Huston presented the Staff Report and advised that the
Hansen Ranch project is located west of Silvergate Drive, north of Hansen Drive,
and south of Winding Trail Lane. This request is for limited amendments to various
aspects of the Tentative Map which was originally approved in 1989 and the
Development Agreement which was approved in 1992.
Ms. Huston explained that the main issues for the City Council's review were: 1)
Minor revisions to the Tentative Map; 2) Design of Creek access road & hiking
trai; and 3) Annual review of the Development Agreement.
Ms. Huston then reviewed the Staff Report with regard to the main issues.
Ms. Huston stated the proposecJ Amendments to the approved subdivision Map
are, in general, relatively minor and were supported by Staff. The pad elevation
changes were considered somewhat more significant, but with the height
limitations suggested by Staff, the amendments were recommended for
a p prova I.
The project was reviewed by the Planning Commission at two meetings: on
January 17 and February 6. The Planning Commission concurred with Staff on
the Tentative Map issues, and recommended approval of the Tentative Map
revisions. However, after the Commission meeting, the applicant withdrew the
request for changes to pad elevations on lots 26-40. Thus, the proposal for
review tonight does not affect the pad elevations of the lots on the cul-de-sac
adjacent to Hansen Drive.
Ms. Huston stated Staff recommended that a sentence be inserted in the
Tentative Map Resolution to clarify that the pad elevation changes do not
affect lots 26 through 40, and recommended City Council approval of the
Tentative Map Amendments.
II. Creek Access Road, Access Trail and Martin Canyon Road cul-de-sac. The
applicant has requested that a Creek Access Road required for the
development be reduced in width from 12' to 8' and that it serve as a "Hiking
Trail". In conjunction with the narrower "Trail", a 12' wide "Access Road" is
proposed on the north side of the creek. The redesign of the Access Road is
due to the significant grading and retaining wails necessary for construction.
The applicant has stated that the amount of grading necessary for a 12' wide
road could be substantially reduced if the road width is reduced to 8', and it is
utilized as a "trai"
February 27, 1995
PAGE 114
In addition, the applicant is proposing that the Access Trail and Road be
constructed in two phases, concurrent with the project construction phases.
Also, the applicant requests that a previous requirement to construct an access
road beyond the northwest boundary of the site, to serve the open space area,
be eliminated.
The applicants are opposed to Staff's recommended condition of approval
requiring a cul-de-sac on Martin Canyon Road adjacent to the proposed
Access Road to be constructed on the north side of the creek.
Ms. Huston stated during the project review process, several concerns were
raised related to the proposed redesign, including: a) tree loss resulting from
construction of the road; b} the cost to the City for maintaining two creek
access roads; 3) the practical use of an 8' wide road for emergency and
maintenance vehicles; d) various potential problems with easement rights for
use of a road on the Nielsen property; e) the feasibility of obtaining State and
Federal agencies permission to construct a road along the narrow flat area
north of the creek (east of Martin Canyon Road); f) East Bay Regional Park
District recommePdations for access roads; and g) statements and letters from
several concerned residents adjacent to the project.
Ms. Huston displayed several slides of the project area.
Ms. Huston advised that Staff analyzed the proposed revisions and determined
that with several limitations and conditions of approval, the revisions would be
appropriate. One of these conditions would be the construction of a cul-de-sac
bulb at Martin Canyon Road, which currently ends in a dead-end. The bulb
would be needed because with the access road on the north side of the creek,
Martin Canyon Road would provide the primary access for creek maintenance
and emergency access to the creek. The applicant disagrees with the
condition requiring the cul-de-sac bulb.
At the Planning Commission meetings, Staff recommended that the proposed
access road amendments be conditionally approved. However, after
substantial public input and Commission deliberation, the Planning Commission
did not recommend approving a reduction of the creek access road on the
south side of the creek, nor did they recommend construction of an access
road on the north side of the creek. The Commission stated that the Access
road should be constructed as it was originally approved. The commission
deliberated the issue of the Martin Canyon Road cul-de-sac, and voted to not
February 27, 1995
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recommend its construction for two reasons: 1 The access road on the north
side of the creek was not being recommended, and 2) The previous Tentative
Map approval did not include a requirement for this cul-de-sac.
Ms. Huston explained that Staff's recommendation was to require the Martin
Canyon Road cul-de-sac, as well as all other conditions of approval contained
in Exhibits C and D, and approve the proposed amendments. This
recommendation is primarily based upon the improved access which it would
give the City for creek maintenance. Additionally, amendments to the
Development Agreement are being requested to allow the road to be
constructed in phases, and to eliminate a requirement for an extended access
road off the site. Staff recommended approval of these amendments also.
III. Development Agreement Annual Review. On February t6, 1995, the City
received a letter from Martha Buxton, representing California Pacific Homes,
Inc., requesting that the Development Agreement Annual Review required for
the project be conducted 'n conjunction with the City Council's review of other
project approvals. The letter notes that California Pacific Homes, Inc., has
complied with all of the terms and conditions of the agreement and is working
diligently to commence construction in April of 1995.
Ms. Huston stated Staff believes that the developer has demonstrated good
faith compliance with the provisions of the Development Agreement.
In conclusion, Ms. Huston stated Staff recommended that the City Council
adopt the Resolutions, waive the reading and introduce the .Ordinance, and
continue the public hearing to March ] 3, 1995.
Ms. Huston stated the original agreement was between the City and the Donald
Bren Company. A correction to the agreement should now state California
Pacific Homes.
Cm. Burton asked where the trail goes to.
Ms. Huston explained that the hiking trail would extend all the way to the
western end of the project and for the time being would end in some kind of
turn around.
Cm. Burton asked why the service road along the fence line doesn't go all the
way to Silvergate.
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PAGE 116
Ms. Huston stated the service road wasn't a part of the original approval. The
applicant doesn't want to lose any of the lots. The access is from Martin
Canyon Road. Another service road would connect from the end of the cul-
Mr. Thompson showed on the map where the access would be.
Cm. Moffatt asked if the creek has to be remolded.
Mr. Thompson stated a number of the bends will be relandscaped and boulders
wil be put in to slow the water down. Drop structures will be put in. If we take a
tree out we have to replace it with 4.
Cm. Burton commented that some of the banks are pretty steep.
Mr. Thompson stated tiered retaining walls would have to be put in in some
Marti Buxton representing California Pacific Homes stated they have been
working with Staff since last Fall to revise the plan in order to start construction.
They hope to start construction in mid-April. They still need to get approvals for
Phase II. The City will receive a very large park in-lieu fee with Phase II. She
discussed the 3 issues. This was approved in 1989. One of their main goals was
to cut down on the grading and to change the hiking trail from 12' to 8'. The
highest retaining wall would be 5' and they will use wood to keep with the
natural terrain of the hill. Lots 26 - 40 will stay the same pad elevations as
approved through the SDR process. Only 1 neighbor complained. As far as the
houses, they would need to come back to revise the plotting. They will be
submitting new plans sometime next week. With regard to the access road, Ms.
Buxton reviewed the history of how they workea very closely with Police, Fire
and Staff and addressed their concerns. There will be no tree loss as part of the
access road. They will be doing considerable improvements to the creek. In no
way does their subdivision contribute to flooding problems. The final issue
addressed was the Martin Canyon cul-de-sac. A handout was given to the
Council. No copy was given to the City Clerk for inclusion in the record.
On the Tentative Map section, there is no reference 'n the conditions of
approval that the access trail should now be 12' to 8' There should be a
condition stating the access trail be 8' wide. On their development agreement
annual review, this year it"s nice to say they now feel the market is there. They
February 27, 1995
PAGE 117
hope to be back shortly with Phase II. Soils Engineer and Engineer were present
to answer questions.
Mayor Houston stated the big west Dublin project was being contemplated in
1989 and he asked if the trail was going to hook up with that.
Ms. Buxton showed on the map where the Blaylock Gleason Fletcher project
was to have been. Hansen was always considered the trail head. This would
be the westerly end of their property line.
Cm. Moffatt asked about the pad elevations.
Ms. Buxton stated they would be downsized to one story only. The largest house
in 1992 was about the same as the smallest in 1989. They will not exceed a
height of 32 feet.
Cm. Howard questioned the statement about the Martin Canyon access trail
you said no trees would be removed?
Ms. Buxton stated that applied to an 8' road. However, there has to be loss of
trees due to improvements in the creek, no matter how wide you.. construct the
road. There will be no loss of trees on the flat area above the creek bank
behind the townhouses.
Diana Day, 11395 Rolling Hills Drive stated it seemed like since the 1800's that
they've been coming here. She was concerned with the 12' roads and filling in
the creek. They feel they're back at square one. Part of living on Rolling Hills
Drive the thing that makes it livable is seeing all the trees. Please don't be filling
in creeks. A chain saw and a pickup truck would be good enough.
Ms. Buxton stated none of the improvements have to do with building these
homes. It has to do with avoiding downstream flooding in accordance with
Zone 7 requirements. No matter what happens, Zone 7 requires this.
Tom Carr 11333 Rolling Hills Drive read a prepared letter. He is not a City
planner, but you don't need to be a rocket scientist to see there are things that
need to be changed. He expressed opposition as a property owner to the
proposed site. It will cause a decrease in value of his property in the future. His
homeowners' association has advised him that the potential exists for creating
landslides. He has been advised not to even do any landscaping to his
property. A changing of the flow of the creek will change the natural balance
February 27, 1995
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and increase the potential for slide activity and cause damage to the hillside
and damage his property. He asked that the City not grant the right-of-way.
His homeowners' association is in litigation with the builder because you can't
build on that property. It is still moving around. The cul-de-sac - where are they
going to park? It is a high-potential fire area back there. Who will manage the
trail for security? The 3 police officers we have do a great job, but what
happens when BART comes in?
Cm. Burton pointed out that the Nielsen access road is not part of this project.
Mr. Thompson stated with regard to the 12' road on the north side of the creek,
it would just be a matter of putting rock down where there is already rock there.
It will be on the Nielsen easement.
Mayor Houston brought up the question of where the trail will hook up to in the
future. He felt we need to relook at 1995 circumstances. Some of the policing
concerns need to be reviewed. Maybe we should set aside that property until it
can be used in the future. He sees this as a lot of problems and not much
Marjorie LaBar, 11707 Juarez Lane, stated you have a previously approved
project for the adjoining property. Gleason Blaylock & Fletcher has finally found
another developer to come forward on that project. She described where it is.
This property is likely to come on line. There has been discussion in the past of
having a regional trail and putting it up further. She may find herself in an
interesting position of agreeing with a developer. When they looked at this
proiect early on, the second access road was not an issue. With the
improvements, she questioned the need for more than an 8' wide access road.
We are trying to protect a natural resource for the community. Go back to the
original plans back in 1989 that show an 8' graveled trai that can connect to
the Gleason property. She requested that the Council leave a little piece of
country and some trees.
Ma,/or Houston commented for the trail to be successful, there has to be a
staging area. He asked where the staging area wil be.
Madorie LaBar said we need to have an area where people can walk and not
have to drive. The Hansen area was never meant to be major access.
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Mayor Houston statect it is natura human nature that you will go to the end of
the line and he sees this as a problem.
Sherry Hickox, Winding Trail Lane, was also concerned about this. Originally
there was to be an 8' trail on the south side of the creek. Then departments got
'nvolved and felt 8' was not adequate. The builder said they would put a 12'
road on the other side of the creek. Who will legitimately use tnese roads? The
road will be available to anyone. Right now it is main y used by the people up
'n the Silvergate area. People right now go down there and pick up litter. They
are not concerned about where it comes from, they keep it up. If hikers start
using it, it is opened up to problems. There are raccoons, deer and foxes out
there. Martin Canyon should be left as natural as possible. One road would be
the answer. This still leaves nature.
Gloria Kasdan, 11418 Winding Trail Lane was concerned about the newly
proposed road under her deck. Ms. Buxton said they visited all the neighbors
and that's really wonderful. She has asked everyone to come and see the
situatiOn from their decks. Most of her windows are facing south. She looks out
there all the time. She invited everyone over on Friday to see the view from her
Ms. Buxton stated Public Works feels strongly that they need this road.
Mr. Thompson stated concern that if the City takes over the creek area we
need some way to get a truck back there to keep the oxbows from eroding into
the residential area. This past winter you.would sink down about 6" in that area.
it won't be paved.
Mr. Ambrose stated it will also be gated off.
Robert Cranson 7669 Martin Canyon Road stated he lives right on the corner of
the proposed road. He is trying to look at this objectively. With the recent
droughts he has been concerned about fires. He looks at a road as a firebreak.
Decomposed grave does not look anything like dirt. Most of the slides shown
were taken from his front yard. There is a product called turf block. He bought
his house back in 1991 because of the meadow look. f you put in aggregate it
will look like a bomb went off. This stuff is a functional material. Security issues
were also of concern to him. In 1990 his home (prior to his buying it) was broken
into. He has requested signs and street lights. He discussed an incident where
someone from the Sheriff's Department told him they would not look for
February 27, 1995
PAGE 120
someone who potentially could start a fire because they didn't want to get
their shoes dirty. If it has to happen, do it right, f it is not done correctly,
everyone suffers.
Chris Meyer 11373 Rolling Hills Drive asked questioned about the road going to
the west. The bridge he understood was to be improved. He asked about a
huge oak tree. He hopes the nice big trees will be left alone. Animals live in it.
He moved in in April of last year and his mailbox was blown up just after school
was out. They find tons of trash down by the gate. He was concerned with the
security issues. There is al kinds of wildlife back there.
Mabel Raglin, Larkdale Avenue said she has always been opposed to anything
being built on the hills. People are worried about their ittle view. She has to
look up the hills and see their houses. Another thing that maybe people don't
know is there is an earthquake fault up there. People want to be up on the hills
or out in the country areas. Insurance premiums have gone sky high. Farmers
Insurance notified them that they are not selling anymore homeowners policies
ancJ they are going to increase the earthquake insurance by 175%. She asked
where all the little animals went when their houses were built. Go ahead and
enjoy what you've got.
Sean Hensley, 7649 Peppertree Road, advised that this area was a playground
when he was growing up. Mr. Nielsen never seemed to object, or at least he
never caught them. The 12' road, the Nielsens'have been going up and down
for many years. They didn't need any special roads for their vehicles. Why are
we going out of our way to give Public Works such a wide area to maneuver. If
he paid $280K to $350K for a home along the north side, he would want to
make sure there was minimal impact up there. There is an incredible refuge
near Gloria's place with a huge oak tree right along the path area. He
recommended that minimal impact, be done there. He has never had a lot of
sympathy for developers. He has always thought of them as Indian Givers. This
is such a lovely area. He would like to keep foot traffic to a minimum.
Karol Ruppenthal stated she has lived here since 1963. On Winding Trail Lane
she is right next to Gloria. She will also be home all day Friday and also
extended an invitation. A picture is worth a thousand words. There is no way a
12' road can go along there without disturbing a beautiful area. The road wii
not work.
February 27, 1995
PAGE 121
Al Jordan, who lives at 11428 stated he would provide the wine on Friday. He
pointed out an area where there is only 8~ width and there is no way to put in a
12' road. Their association has an 8' path that's adequate for emergency
Ms. Buxton clarified that the fence is not on the property line, so when someone
measures 8' it is actually 10 or 11'
Mr. Jordan stated according to the surveyor the fence is almost on the property
line. He supports just an 8' hiking trail on the south side.
Dan Morris 7439 Hansen Drive, stated he was satisfied that the elevation has
gone back to the original approvals. He was not aware that the change had
been made.
Tom Ford, Tina Place, stated Briarhill is immediately adjacent to this area. They
have 310 houses in Briarhill and there is no park in the area. This area will provide
some enhanced residual area for recreation. He heard very clearly that the
police and fire do not require an access road adjacent to the townhouses.
Apparently it is only Public Works and he could not understand why they would
neec~ to get any large vehicles through there. Preservation of the trees and the
natural area is a very strong priority. If you have to built the access road, let it
be absolutely minimal. There are other ways for Public Works to access the
area. t might possibly act as a fire break someday. This appears to be a quality
Roger Mahaney representing Valley Christian Center stated they have been
dealing with Bren and California Pacific Homes for many years. They are good
neighbors for VCC. They have worked out difficulties as they arose. They usually
take the more stringent way; the best way rather than the easy way out. He
believes that it will be engineered and done to the best of their ability and
exceed standards of any governmental agency.
Robert Nielsen 11637 Alegre Drive, stated he was the owner of property to the
north where the access road is under discussion, f the City feels they need the
access road it should connect to their road 'on the north corner. They were not
in agreement with this, however. There hasn't been any kind of a deal made to
allow this to go in. Evidently they feel they have the right-of-way and can do
this. He asked where the sewer line is going to be.
February 27, 1995
PAGE 122
Ms. Buxton stated this is in Phase I.
Mr. Thompson stated he understood ~hat a lot of changes will be done in Phase
II and the sewer was originally designed to go down the south side of the creek.
Mr. Nielsen stated it should be a fairly nice development. They can build some
nice homes.
Cleo Davidson 11315 Rolling Hills Drive stated she was impressed with everyone
in this room. This is about as civilized a meeting as she has seen. Her neighbors
came well prepared. We need to grow 'n Glendale. She will be very sorry to
see Mr. Nielsen's big trucks stop going in and out. Together we wil have a good
Susan Buelly 11116 Brittany Lane addressed the turn around issue. She sees a lot
of people parking at the end of the street and hiking. This area will be a lot
more public rather than just a gravel accessway.
Cm. Barnes asked if the area between lot 5 & 6 could be used. She is one who
would like to walk up 'n this area to the end.
Mr. Thompson addressed this. We can't get from there to the creek.
Mr. Ambrose stated the problem is we had some experience in 1983 with the
creeks that flooded some of the Silvertree Lane nomes. If we use this we want
to make sure our trucks don't get stuck in the mud. It's not going to be a road.
It will just be stabilized. We need to get some heavy equipment in there. It will
be gated off.
Mayor Houston stated the point is if you get into an emergency situation, you
need to get in there.
Ms. Kasdan stated she lived on Silvertree during those floods. This was a unique
situation. The people who lived at the end had built fences across the creek
and in effect, it was a series of little dams.
Mr. Ambrose stated there was also a ot of heavy debris.
Mr. Ford stated we just had one of the heaviest rainfalls ever. That streambed
had no problems. Public Works is making a great deal of essentially very little.
February 27, 1995
PAGE 123
Ms. Buxton stated the recent storms washed out a culvert which was previously
used to cross the creek. There are no plans to remove any trees for the 12' road
on fhe Nielsen property. The largest thing that would go through there would
be a fire truck. It has to be 12' wide.
Mayor Houston closed the public hearing.
Cm. Burton felt it was an interesting phenomena that this is all about the road
the City is requiring. There is soil type gravel, but this should not be the issue.
People can walk there now. If we have to have it, we should put it in There is a
potential for a lot of damage when trees fall and it starts the whole process.
There needs to be a way that the equipment won't sink in the mud. We will
keep it gated. It's interesting that this is the only major issue.
Mayor Houston stated he still had concerns about the trail. Once you put the
homes in and have a ot more traffic and a staging area for a trail, this will cause
a lot of problems. He doesn't see why this needs to be on Silvergate. It will
overrun the neighborhood.
Cm. Moffatt felt it was a choice between the road and the trail. If you go back
to the original plan, the trail would be 12' wide. The trail is important enough to
keep. He had no problem developing the 8' trail to the 12' trail. The material
looks natural. Whether it be a trail or a service road, people will walk up there
anyway, t will be a route of passage up the hill. He prefers the service road. If
we use the trail as a service road we don't have the problem on the north side.
Don't have a trail on the north side.
Cm. Burton asked if they can service the creek from the hiking trail on the south
side of the hill.
Mr. Thompson stated it is a lot closer on the north side if there is a problem.
Cm. Barnes stated the Planning Commission wanted the 8~
the trees. When you do a 12' road you don't just cut 12'.
May'or Houston asked if the trail has to go with this project?
originally because of
Mr. Thompson stated originally the trail was going to be 8' and the open space
area kept private and then there was talk about accessing it from Hansen u'p to
the ridgeline. It was then put in as 12' and the City would have to maintain it. If
February 27, 1995
PAGE 124
you go back to not having the trail you would have to modify the development
agreement and the conditions of approval.
Cm. Burton asked what if they asked the developer to put the money up for the
gravel but not do it and then if we had to do it later we could. This is very
subjective that we need a gravel road, but maybe this could be put off.
Cm. Barnes stated she felt there is a great value to the trail.
Cm. Howard commented when the development gets going we will see the
Mayor Houston stated the Ironhorse Trail can benefit everybody now. Land
could be set aside and it could be hooked up in the future up there. Resources
could benefit us now and when development occurs it could then be hooked
Cm. Barnes questioned if after they do Pnase I and Il they could then go back
and put in a trail?
Ms. Buxton said this could be done. The trail improvements on the south side are
approximately $170,000.
Mr. Ambrose stated originally there was an issue of who is going to be
responsible for the creek. We may need to look at putting the responsibility
back on the property owners.
Mayor Houston stated this was approved back in 1989 and things are different
Cm. Burton reminded that the City Council's responsibility is the health and
safety issue.
Mayor Houston stated he would go for an 8' trail and an 8' road.
Ms. Huston stated the applicant had requested added wording to Exhibit A to
state that the hiking trail to be reduced to 8' wide. Adding the condition
suggested by the applicant would be fine.
Mayor Houston made a motion to go with an 8' trail and an 8' service road with
no cul-de-sac and the added verbiage. This motion received no second.
February 27, 1995
On motion of Cm. Burton, seconded by Cm. Moffattr and by majority vote, the
Council agreed to require a 12' road and an 8' trail and have no cul-de-sac.
Mayor Houston was opposed to this motion.
On motion of Cm. Burton, seconded by Cm. Moffatt, and by unanimous vote,
the Council adopted
On motion of Cm. Burton, seconded by Cm. Barnes, and by unanimous vote,
the Council with the changes discussed, adopted
(Changes included: 1 ) adding a sentence on Page 3 Item 10 regarding the
hiking trail on the south side being 8' wide; 2) the elevation exception for lots 26-
40; 3) add reference to Exhibit A to eliminate cul-de-sac; and 4) note that
service road will be gated.)
Ms. Silver stated the ordinance needed slight modification to note the change
in name from the Donald Bren Company to California Pacific Homes.
On motion of Cm. Moffatt, seconded by Cm. Budon, and by unanimous vote,
the Council waived the reading and INTRODUCED an Ordinance approving
amendment to PA 91-099 Hansen Ranch Project Development Agreement.
February'27, 1995
PAGE 126
On motion of Cm. Moffatt, seconded by Cm. Barnes, and by unanimous vote,
the Council adopted
10:35 p.m.
The Mayor called for a short 3 minute recess.
10:39 p.m.
Mayor Houston reported that he had attended a meeting this morning and
found it interesting that there was no quorum present. He presented the
arguments that the City Council has had and it was his impression that Mr. Cart
from San Ramon was very amenable to most of Dublin's suggestions but Ms.
Greenberg from Danville stated no, they don't buy any of our recommenda-
tions. He brought up the issues of unanimous consent and the 6 month sunset to
make sure it has an ending date and changing the name to a committee vs. a
Council. Even Mr. Cart suggested using task force. It's hard to gauge exactly
what came out of that meeting. They met for quite sometime, but there was no
action because of a lack of quorum.
For benefit of the audience, Staff advised that the City Council was discussing
whether to reconsider its vote to not participate in the Association of Bay Area
Governments (ABAG) Comprehensive Subregional Planning Pilot Project. The
project is intended to 1) demonstrate coordinated, multi-jurisdictional local
planning and 2) produce a draft Subregional Strategy that is reasonably
consistent with ABAG regional land use goals.
Cm. Moffatt added that the sunset clause and name were fairly well agreed to
but when it got down to a vote, there was no consensus. He suggested
language referenced in the TVTC where 5 votes will be required for grant
February 27, 1995
PAGE 127
applications, expenditure of funds, adopting a budget, and dealing with rules of
procedure. It goes on to say a majority vote is needed for housekeeping type
items. Since Pleasanton and Livermore were not there, maybe we should get
hold of our County representative. Mary King is the alternate.
Mayor Houston felt policy statements should require unanimous consent. A
unanimous vote should be reauired for finalization of the complete program.
Cm. Burton stated he wanted to ask if the $55K wasn't there, would we still be
having a study?
Cm. Howard stated she had heard we're doing it because we have a grant.
Cm. Moffatt stated the study that is being done is coupled with the TVTC request
coming up. The money that is there is the cap that it will be.
Cm. Burton referenced a 2 page report from the City Manager about the
amount of Staff time spent monitoring all these types of things. This report will
take away from things we should be doing for the City. It sounds bad to resist
regional thinking, but it is aimed at us. They will tel us where to put our density,
our Iow income families, etc.
Cm. Moffatt felt Cm. Burton was missing what is really going on. We will have to
address growth management in the next 5 years. This is an opportunity to work
with other communities and to be at the table and to see how they feel about
the 126 different items.
Cm. Howard stated she felt we should be sitting at the table and we might be
able to change their minds.
Cm. Howard made a motion to approve the Staff recommendations and send
it back to them. If they don't like it they can turn us down. Staff's recommend-
ations included: 1) Voting (the City Council may want to request that the
adoption of the draft subregional strategy be by unanimous vote of
representatives of all the parties); 2) Effect of adoption of strategy (the City
Council may want to request that each public agency would voluntarily
determine what is appropriate in its community and may also want to request
that any public agency shall not be required to include the strategy's model
goals, objectives, and policy language in the agency's general plan or other
policy documents); 3) Name of the body preparing the draft subregional
February 27, 1995
PAGE 128
strategies (the City Council may want to request that the body be named the
"Tri-Valley Planning Committee. Such a name may better meet the purpose of
the MOU).
Cm. Barnes stated she always wanted to be at the table, She felt in the last
couple of weeks we had all 5 cities agreeing to this. She would like to go
ahead and get to the table. Let's send it off with these changes and let them
come back to us. She in no way is willing to give away the vote of the citizens
of Dublin.
The Council discussed the name change and the 3 recommendations of Staff.
Mr. Ambrose read #9 of the MOU. "Vote £equired. The seven Plonning
Committee members sholl hove equol voting privileges. Except os provided
be/ow, voting sholl be by mojority of those representotives present, with o
quorum of four members required. Adoption of the Drdlft fri-Volle y Subregionol
Plonning Strc~tegy sholl be by unonimous vote of representotives of oll pc~flies. "
It was felt that the sunset provision was pretty much addressed,
Mr. Ambrose stated the current wording is 90 days after the draft is approved as
referenced in Item # 13a
Marjorie LaBar asked the City Council to please stay at the table. Dublin is in a
very strategic position of a transportation hub with the BART station and the
crossroads of 580/680. There is always a hitch for ISTEA money. We have a very
important dealing card with the BART terminus.
Tom Ford stated the $55K is not enough for bribery money. We would probably
be better off participating. He is concerned that some of the consultants hired
slapped some figures on this and then they're used like gospel. He doesn't
believe some of the transportation numbers out there. We're in big trouble if
they base this on false numbers. We should be open and review the basis of the
Mayor Houston advised that the numbers were addressed this morning.
Cm. Moffatt stated MTC indicated we must use ABAG numbers. If we don' t,
they won't give us any money.
February.27, 1995
PAGE 129
Marie Cronin stated she attended the meeting this morning and also the Bay
Vision 2020 series of meetings for a year and a half. This morning Ms. Greenberg
indicated it could be carried on to legislation. She felt it would be advisable for
Dublin to participate. We really need to stick to the important parts that it be
unanimous and not give in on that. Livermore and Pleasanton and Alameda
County were not there this morning. She hopes we don't get snookered.
Cm. Moffatt stated there is also the Tri-Valley Business Counci out here, as well
as Zone 7, DSRSD, the school districts, etc.
Ms. Cronin stated there's 368,000 acres of private property involved here.
There's a awsuit against the MOU. Agriculture will have their shoulder to the
wheel. If ABAG comes along with another grant, an extended study could
Cm. Burton felt we had won the first round. We have a good position. The
others must respond to our recommendation. It may not fly if Ms. Greenberg
doesn't accede.
Cm. Howard stated they have said all along that everything we are asking for is
in the plan.
Mabel Raglin asked if Dublin doesn't go with this will we knock everybody else
out of their grant? Didn't we agree to it along with everyone else?
Cm. Howard responded the terms that were written down don't protect Dublin.
Ms. Raglin felt before we became a City we were a prosperous little village. She
wants somebody to get Dublin on the map. We fell off a long time ago.
On motion of Cm. Barnes, seconded by Cm. Howard, and by unanimous vote,
the Council agreed to reconsider the action taken at the last meeting.
Mr. Ambrose asked about the sunset clause.
Cm. Moffatt stated once everyone agrees to the draft then the clock starts
Cm. Barnes suggested saying 6 months after the adoption of the MOU.
February 27, 1995
PAGE 130
Ms. Silver pointed out the agreement now provides that 90 days after the
agreement is prepared. Item #13a would have to be revised to say 6 months
from the date that the MOU is effective.
Mayor Houston suggested striking this out and putting 6 months after the
adoption of the MOU by the last party.
On motion of Cm. Barnes, seconded by Cm. Howard, and by unanimous vote,
the Council adopted, with the clarifications discussed
11:17 p.m.
Public Works Director Thompson advised that the 5 Tri-Valley Cities and the
Counties of Alameda and Contra Costa have been working on a Tri-Valley
Transportation Plan/Action Plan for several years. This plan establishes major
roadway locations and widths for roadways common to more than one
jurisdiction, sets levels of service and recommends mitigation measures for those
roadway segments that will not meet the recommended level of service at year
Mr. Thompson explained that the Plan only applies to those Routes of Regional
Significance indicated in the Plan. Routes which would be under Dublin's
jurisdiction include: Dublin Boulevard, San Ramon Road, Dougherty Road and
Tassajara Road. The Plan contains a provision that states if Level of Service
violations cannot be satisfactorily resolved, a jurisdiction may modify the
Standard if other jurisdictions are not "physically impacted". Staff
recommended that the term "physically impacted" shall be understood to
mean physically backing traffic up into another jurisdiction from the intersection
not meeting the Standard.
February 27, 1995
PAGE 131
Mr. Thompson reviewed the background and purpose of the Plan, the
obligations that Dublin will accept by adoption of the Plan, discussed
advantages and disadvantages for Dublin to adopt the Plan, and also
discussed outstanding issues.
Mr. Thompson passed out a revised resolution. He stated Attorney Kit Faubion,
with the City Attorney's Office was also present to discuss this matter.
Cm. Moffatt asked about the growth management portion of this. He believed
that the previous motion and action would probably fulfill this and there would
be no need to spend this $5,000. CMA still owes TVTC $25,000. CMA is starting to
get involved with traffic impact fees and as a starting point, they will look at the
TVTC plan.
Mr. Thompson stated he thought they were accepting our model study.
Mr. Ambrose stated the TVTC is really not an entity, so the money is actually ours.
Cm. Moffatt pointed out it is $25,000 for all 4 entities. We need to bill CMA for
the money.
Mayor Houston asked about if we get into these levels of service commitments
and we want to get a new tenant in the downtown area and the traffic levels
go up, can they penalize us?
Mr. Thompson stated it covers all routes of regional significance even in the
downtown area. Pleasanton approved theirs with the understanding that they
have level D everywhere except in the downtown area.
Mayor Houston referenced concerns on Page 237 Paragraph 5, and also Page
119 item 5. He wanted to add that we looked at these evels for arterial
systems, not just freeways ana then refer back to Chapter 10 Page 237. On
Page 121 under Dublin it says "some". He would like to see reference to Page
232. This lust makes one clarify the other. Page 197 under recommended
actions item 2, we should add "consider" before put in place. Page 232 in
middle of paragraph encJ should say if there are projected TSO violations same
verbiage as process for solving violation.
Ms. Faubion suggested we pull out reduced land use density.
February.27, 1995
PAGE 132
Mayor Houston felt we need to be rea careful about the proportionate term.
Ms. Faubion clarified that it could be left as something to work with in using the
growth management ordinance.
Mayor Houston felt this plan stands on its own and the growth management will
be dealt with in the future.
Cm. Moffatt discussed Page 232 and pointed out these are projected
assumptions in the year 2010.
Mayor Houston felt on Page 235 first paragraph last line - this shouldn't even be
in there. This is not their charge. The implication does not belong in there. It
doesn't add anything to the document. Remove it. Paragraph 3 on Page 235
last sentence "amendment process". We should delete amendment and refer
to Page 237 paragraph 5. We've already spelled out a process. On Page 237
growth management tools 4th paragraph second sentence should be stricken.
This does not express the philosophy of the TVTC. This.just makes everything tie
up. It focuses heavi y on Page 237.
Cm. Burton referenced Page 13 of the executive summary, second sentence.
He is nervous that the TVTC will always be there. Are we going to keep paying
for this?
Mr. Ambrose stated CMA doesn't review arterials.
Cm. Burton referenced Page 14 fees and funding. It doesn't say if TVTC is
making this decision. Page 156 traffic patterns Appendix B1 shows Danville and
San Ramon has net number of homes and then Dublin pays and Livermore
pays. This means we have 2 cities making the decision for us.
Mayor Houston stated if they think this document is tough, wait until the fee
document comes down.
Ms. Faubion pointed out this is preliminary and subject to further change.
Cm. Burton stated he hoped we don't have metering because we are at the
end of the line. With metering, we will never get on the freeway.
Cm. Moffatt stated he felt the opposite; without metering we will never get on.
February 27, 1995
PAGE 133
Cm. Burton felt the 3rd paragraph on Page 131 should be taken out. The first
sentence is okay. Remove down to and including "percentages for each
Mr. Thompson stated this was a change because Dublin will come on line in the
future. This says that other people have to take their share of reduction. It says
' may implement".
Mr. Ambrose asked if this language gives us any better foothold.
Ms. Faubion suggested rewording to state the concern. This paragraph is
identical to the one on Page 232. State one of the goals of this plan should be
to ensure that basically to eliminate a race. Make it a positive statement. Any
land use decisions should consider this.
Mayor Houston stated in addition to that paragraph add "if there are violations''
(paragraph 5 Page 237j.
Cm. Burton stated their 700 units and our 13000 are not even related. We should
also put in language about the tol road somewhere. Page 133 was
Cm. Moffatt pointed out that Highway 84 is really not in our planning area.
Cm. Burton felt it's not necessarily going to be 84, but it will im~0act our area. We
can suggest an idea.
Cm. Moffatt discussed the concept and possibility of applying a fee to
registration. When you smog your car they note the mileage and then the next
time you are charged according to how many miles you drove.
Mayor Houston summarized that we're not changing the spirit of anything, but
just making the document make sense.
Cm. Moffatt felt they should write up the changes and submit them to the TVTC.
Otherwise it will take another month.
Mr. Ambrose stated the Council could make changes and take the draft
resolution to the TVTC.
February 27, 1995
PAGE 134
The Council discussed whether this item should come back at the next City
Council meeting.
Ms. Faubion stated they could adopt it with changes. The only language
changes deal with "proportional".
Cm. Moffatt felt we should bill CMA and go back to the TVTC and suggest that
growth management be in conjunction with the Tri-Valley Planning Committee.
On motion of Cm. Burton, seconded by Cm. Moffatt, and by unanimous vote,
the Council approved an additiona appropriation of $10,000 for a Regional
Traffic Impact Fee study, approved $5,000 for a Growth Management study,
authorized an additional appropriation from unallocated reserves and adopted
7:53 p.m. (This item was taken out of order)
Associate Planner Huston presented the Staff Report and advised that a total of
$99,552 is allocated for the City of Dublin's CDBG Program Year 1995-96 funds.
Staff proposes to submit application for this amount to be spent on 1 ) $19,292 -
Housing Rehabilitation, 2) $73,660 - Jurisdiction Improvement Projects, and 3)
$6,600 - General Administration.
Cm. Moffatt asked about the Mape Park handicap playground. Once it's 'n
compliance with ADA regulations, how many do we have to have?
Ms. Lowart stated it was staff's understanding that the guidelines at this time are
somewhat in flux. We have been given advise that we should look at identifying
a playground in each area of the city. Ideally it would be best to upgrade the
play areas in al of our parks.
Cm. Moffatt asked if there is a time limit involved?
February 27, 1995
PAGE 135
Ms. Lowart responded that the clock is ticking and it should have been done
yesterday. We are probabl~/getting close to the 5 year time span; we are
about half way into that time period. We would need to take out the play
equipment that's there now and replace it with new equipment similar to what
we have at Kolb Park.
Cm. Moffatt asked since we have $47,000 available, if we could use just a part
of this money?
Ms. Lowart stated the majority of the funding is for the purchase of the
equipment. The design amount is pretty minor. She felt it would be best to
proceed with the project as a whole.
Mayor Houston stated items number 1 2 and 3 would come out of the genera
fund. These were Mape Park Handicapped Playground, the Heritage Center
Renovation and the Storefront Improvement Program.
Mr. Ambrose stated historically on the handicap ramps, we have iust waited.
We've done a lot of the streets.
Mayor Houston asked if $50,000 would finish the curb cut project?
Mr. Thompson stated we have roughly about 200 curb ramps to do and they run
about $800 each.
Cm. Barnes felt it should be noted we do have one handicap park. How much
did this cost the City? Nothing. It did not cost the City a penny. A ot of people
hours were spent there. The Lions Club put a lot of work into this project at the
K~aleidoscope Center in Kolb Park.
Liz Schmitt spoke on behalf of the Tri-Valley Haven. Last year was the first time
they ever requested funds. They have raised almost $619,000. The shelter must
be kept confidential and they now provide the service in awkward places.
They serviced 1,920 last year, 380 of which were Dublin residents. The statistics
come out to about 2 Dublin citizens a day. Once the building is complete they
will not continue to come back and ask for more for the building. They
appreciate very much what has been given.
February 27, 1995
PAGE 136
Klm Locke Program Director at Kaleidoscope Activity'Center thanked the
Council for the $10,000 they used Past year for mortgage buy down. They have
provided services for about 14 years now. They feel Dublin is an ideal setting for
families. The 580/680 corridor is very convenient. They are requesting $20,000.
Cm. Moffatt asked when their mortgage was due.
Ms. Locke stated they would like to pay it off in December ] 995 so they can use
more money for programs.
Joan McHugh spoke in favor of using funds for Mape Park. They bought their
home a few years ago because of its proximity to this park. They hoped the
renovation would occur while their daughter was still young enough to enjoy it.
She is also head of their Neighborhood Watch Program. They now have a light
and an opportunity to make a real improvement to the park so all families can
enjoy this lovely setting; especially those that are disabled. In talking with her
neighbors they came up_with severa suggestions for improving Mape Park,
including among a list of other things, removing the sand, putting in a water
fountain, and adding a disabled toilet facility. The neighborhood is willing to
assist in a design to assist all of Dublin.
Cm. Howard asked when the Mape Park renovation was scheduled?
Mayor Houston stated it depends on when the General Fund dollars are
Ms. Lowart stated it is contingent on the Donlon Canyon development coming
in. She thought it was the last year of the 5-Year CIP.
Cm. Moffatt felt all of these were worthy projects. Mape Park is in the CIP in the
near future. He stated his interest in the Dublin storefront improvements.
Residential handicap ramps are also very important. He would also like to give
the Tri-Valley Haven some money. His suggestions were: $10,000 to Dublin
Storefront, $20,000 to Handicap Access Ramps, $10,000 to Kaleidoscope, and
$7,500 to Tri-Valley Haven.
Cm. Moffatt asked for information on the storefront program.
February 27, 1995
PAGE ! 37
Economic Development Manager Reuel stated part of the Economic
Development program is to make funding available for these activities. One of
the objectives of the Business Task Force was to help in the development of
improving certain retail center locations. We are trying to have a funding
mechanism to work through a private/public funding to improve these facilities.
It's a shame we are not an entitlement city so we get more funding. There are
ways we can use this, even though it won't work in every situation.
Cm. Burton asked if we can use this money to waive fees or leverage it with their
Mr. Reuel stated this money can be used as a revolving loan fund. The money
comes back and can be reused. There are a number of different ways to put
the program together. At this time, it's a very small amount. The money has to
be marketed to the businesses and what requirements they wil have for using
these funds.
Cm. Barnes asked for clarification that only grant funds can be used for the Tri-
Valley Haven.
Ms. Schmitt felt perhaps ethically it would not be the best to use Dublin money
for a facility in Livermore.
Mayor Houston stated we can do whatever we want.
Cm. Barnes indicated she liked Cm. Moffatt's list. He suggested giving $10,000
to Dublin Storefront, $20,000 to handicap access ramps, $10,000 to
Kaleidoscope, and $7,500 to Tri-Valley Haven. This totals $47,500.
Mayor Houston stated he was very happy Staff is looking at storefront
improvements. This is a great program which should continue. He wasn't sure
how much impact $10K would have on the storefront program. We should not
fool ourselves that we are doing grand things with this amount of money. We
should do something for the ~<ids and he felt Mape Park should be renovated.
The handicap ramps are an ADA item so it can come out of the General Fund.
Cm. Barnes felt the park is so important, but we have had a park done and
given to the City. t took them 2 years to raise the funds to do it. This is another
February 27, 1995
PAGE 138
Mayor Houston stated he respected the fact that the Lions Club did this. All the
service organizations contribute. He felt the ADA requirement is important.
Cm. Burton felt they needed to look at whether to spread it out or concentrate
Mayor Houston stated asked about the monies for the handicap park. Will this
amount pay for it?
Ms. Lowart stated it could pay for installation of the play structure. Any play
equipment that is installed today has to be accessible to everyone.
On motion of Cm. Moffatt, secor~ded by Cm. Howard, and by unanimous vote,
the Council agreed to fund: $27,802 for Handicap Ramps, $10,000 to Tri-Valley
Haven and $10,000 to Kaleidoscope. Mayor Houston felt the money for
storefront improvements could be addressed at the Goals & Objectives
meeting. The Council directed Staff to submit the application for $99,552 in
CDBG funding for the 1995-96 Program Year.
12:09 a.m.
Miscellaneous Reminders (610-05)
Mr. Ambrose advised that he was awaiting the return of the G&O reports by the
Mr. Ambrose advised that Pleasanton wants to set up another liaison committee
Mr. Ambrose advised that a DSRSD liaison meeting was set for March 2, 1995.
Cm. Moffatt passed out copies of Robert's Rules to the Council.
Mayor Houston questioned the procedures on confirming appointees and
stated he wanted to make sure the same rules existed for the Planning
Commission and the Parks & Community Services Commission level.
February 27, 1995
PAGE 139
Mr. Ambrose pointed out that those bodies are governed by bylaws.
Mayor Houston stated whatever appointments they make they should be
bound by the same rules as the City Council and if this requires a change in the
bylaws, then they should be changed.
There being no further business to come before the Council, the meeting was
adjourned at 12:1 2 a.m.
~. ~J'City C~rk
February 27, 1995
PAGE 140