HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-26-1983 Adopted CC MinutesREGULAR MEETING - SEPTEMBER 26, 1983
A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Dublin was held on
Monday, September 26, 1983 in the multipurpose room of Frederiksen
Intermediate School. The meeting was called to order at 7:35 p.m. by Mayor
Peter Snyder.
PRESENT: Councilmembers Hegarty, Jeffery, Moffatt and Mayor Snyder.
Councilmember Burton was absent.
The Mayor led the Council, Staff and those present in the pledge of
allegiance to the flag.
On motion of Cm. Jeffery, seconded by Cm. Moffatt, and by unanimous vote,
(Cm. Burton absent), the Council approved minutes of the Regular Meeting of
July 25, 1983 and Adjourned Regular Meeting of August 2, 1983; Warrant
Register in the amount of $165,810.15; waived the $60 parade permit fee for
Dublin High School's Homecoming Parade on Friday, October 14, 1983.
Staff removed budget transfer approvals and discussion of addendum to Street
Sweeping Services Contract to end of meeting for discussion.
Mr. Tom McCormick, Emerald Avenue and President of the Dublin Historical
Association invited the City Council, Staff and members of the audience to
attend the festivities related to the second Founder's Week celebration in
Dublin on October 1-9, 1983.
Cm. Moffatt suggested that a Proclamation be prepared. Mr. McCormick
indicated that he had already asked, and that a Proclamation will be prepared
and dated October 1, 1983.
Regular Meeting September 26, 1983
Ms. Cathy Waterson addressed tke Council with questions related to
maintenance of light fixtures and weeds on City streets in the medians and
along the boulevards. The City Manager explained that a Contractor had just
completed some weeding in the medians throughout the business district, and
some of the other major thoroughfares. With respect to street lights, Mr.
Ambrose explained that the City handles those on a complaint basis. They
should all be maintained and any lights that are out should be reported to
Mr. Larry Tong presented the Staff report, explaining that Oakmont Memorial
Park, the applicant, is applying for a Conditional Use Permit to allow a
mortuary at 7400 San Ramon Road. The site is in an area designated for
Retail Commercial /Shopper Goods use by the San Ramon Road Specific Plan.
The mortuary would serve 100 families and conduct 60 funeral services during
the first year of operation. All funeral processions would travel south on
San Ramon Road to 1-580 and then go to the appropriate cemetery.
On September 6, 1983, the Planning Commission reviewed the application. The
Planning Commission, by a 4 to 1 vote, approved the application with the
following adjustments to the draft conditions of apprOval: parking to be
provided for 20 cars rather than 50 cars; allow for a performance bond or
letter of credit; permit to terminate in 5 years rather than 2 years.
On September 8, 1983, Councilmember Jeffery appealed the Planning Commission
decision. The two permitted uses in Area #3 of the San Ramon Road Specific
Plan are: 1) retail commercial/shopper goods; and 2) certain types of eating
and drinking establishments. The basic issues were: 1) land use (Is the
proposed mortuary use a "retail commercial/shopper goods" use?); 2) traffic
and parking; 3) effective time period.
Staff recommended that the City Council uphold the appeal and deny the
application due to the nonconformance to the San Ramon Road Specific Plan and
because of potential traffic and parking problems on the site.
Cm. Jeffery stated her basic concern was that she felt there was a conflict
with what the Planning Commission allowed as opposed to what the Specific
Plan allowed.
Cm. Moffatt asked the Planning Director where he obtained the information
that a mortuary was 'personal service use'. Cm. Moffatt indicated most of
the cities he had contacted considered it a 'general use'. Mr. Tong
indicated that mortuaries with which Staff is familiar, are typically handled
on a personal services basis rather than on a general retail operation
service basis. Most zoning ordinances with which Staff is aware, deals with
mortuaries as a specific type of personal service. Cm. Moffatt felt concern
in that Dublin seems to be the only City in the area that has determined that
a mortuary is a personal service use.
Regular Meeting September 26, 1983
Mayor Snyder opened the public hearing.
Mr. Frank Haswell, Executive Vice President of Oakmont Memorial Park
addressed the Council. Mr. Haswell introduced his father, Mr. Vance Haswell
who is the President of the Corporation and Mr. Dick Reed with a Civil
Engineering Firm in Lafayette, and Senior Pastor Ward Tanneberg of Valley
Christian Center.
Mr. Haswell felt that since they had already had the opportunity to meet
with, discuss and work with the Planning Commission concerning this
application, and since they have had an opportunity to thoroughly review all
the necessary documentation that has been presented, and since their findings
were 4-1 in favor of this application, they stood ready to respond to any
questions. Mr. Haswell indicated there was absolutely no opposition at the
public hearing for their application. The citizens of the community and the
adjacent property owners were not against this application.
Dr. Ward Tanneberg, 7254 Hansen Drive, addressed the Council stating he is
the Senior Pastor at Valley Christian Center, the organization presently
owning the subject site known as 7400 San Ramon Road. For more than 16
years, this location has served as a place of assembly for purposes of
religious gatherings, for people from Dublin and its surrounding communities.
Since 1970, it has also housed portions of Valley Christian Center's
Christian Schools. Offices were located there for several years and at one
time or another, it has accommodated the Small World PreSchool all the way up
through the 6th grade classes of Christian Center School. Presently, it
serves only the preschool and portions of the church ministries' activities
through the week and on Sundays.
Dr. Tanneberg st~,ted he wished to speak against the appeal and in favor of
the already adopted Planning Commission resolution. Dr. Tanneberg stated
Staff has determined that the single question that would determine whether
this land use is appropriate is "Is the proposed mortuary use a retail/
commercial shopper goods use?" Dr. Tanneberg respectfully sl~bmitted to the
members of the Council, that this is not, nor has it ever been the question.
It is not generally considered to be an appropriate personal service use
designation, that of a mortuary, in that the only personal service that is
rendered is the preparation of the body for internment. There is an estimate
of over $200,000 taxable dollars per year in commercial taxable retail
business revenue. Dr. Tanneberg indicated that early on, both Valley
Christian Center and Oakmont Memorial Park participated cooperatively in the
public meetings held with regard to the San Ramon Road Specific Plan. He
indicated they missed the first two meetings as the notices were not received
in time. The mortuary conditional use permit, however has not been kept
secret. His organization entered into an agreement of sale before the
moratorium and specific plan study and they were informed by Staff that it
would be appropriate to continue the application parallel to the specific
plan study. They have remained in contact with the Planning Staff from that
time forward. On June 20, 1983, Dr. Tanneberg personally addressed the
Plannir~g Commission and reaffirmed their desire to have a funeral home
located on the site at 7400 San Ramon Road, and publicly disclosed that a
conditional use permit applJcation had been in process for some period of
Regular Meeting September 26, 1983
time. In August, a sizeable article (with a picture) appeared in the Tri-
Valley Herald. They believe that the funeral home use is consistent with the
San Ramon Road Specific Plan adopted by the City Council.
According to generally accepted interpretations of zoning rules, regulations
and definitions of terms, a funeral home would normally fall into the
category of a community and/or a public assembly facility. It is not, as has
been suggested, a personal service use. Dr. Tanneberg pointed out that a
funeral home requires a conditional use permit of this nature regardless of
where it is located. Dr. Tanneberg indicated they had contacted the Alameda
County Zoning Department, whose rules and regulations Dublin adopted upon
incorporation and their response was "No to personal services, and yes to
public assembly designation". The City of Pleasanton's Planning Department
response was "No to personal services, and yes to public assembly
designation". The City of Livermore's response was "No to personal services,
and yes to public assembly". Based on normal practice plus the rules which
Dublin adopted, the interpretation should be that they indeed conform to the
Specific Plan.
The parking and traffic issues were discussed. These issues were studied,
defined and agreed upon in developing the resolution to grant the conditional
use permit. The Environmental Impact Report indicated a Negative Declaration
with respect to both traffic and other safety considerations.
Dr. Tanneberg summarized by saying that 1) since the present use of Valley
Christian Center has been legally established prior to the effective date of
the San Ramon Road Specific Plan adoption, and 2) since the present use does
currently allow for the conducting of funeral services on the premises~ and
3) since the Staff's environmental impact report re traffic and public safety
was returned with a negative declaration, and 4) since the proposed use of
the property designated as 7400 San Ramon Road would be strikingly similar to
its presently approved usage, and 5) since it qualifies in the adopted San
Ramon Road Specific Plan regarding area 3 for consideration of a conditional
use permit as a community or public assembly facility, if a funeral home is
considered to be similarly designated in Dublin as it is in Alameda County
and our sister cities of Pleasanton and Livermore, and 6) since there is
strong community and regional support for such a facility to be located in
its already approved use site~ he respectfully urged the City Council to deny
the motion to appeal and to grant the conditional use permit.
Cm. Moffatt asked for clarification with respect to the amount of taxable
dollars by the mortuary. Mr. Haswell indicated they had a Contra Costa
County Tax I.D. ~ and they would be applying for an Alameda County #. Mr.
Haswell indicated that over 50% of the monies taken in was taxable. Cm.
Moffatt felt thi's qualified as a retail establishment.
Cm. Jeffery questioned the proposed use of the land behind the church. Mr.
Haswell indicated they have no current plans for this land, and that the
existing buildings would be removed as soon as Valley Christian Center
completes their transition of facilities onto their new site upon the hill.
Regular Meeting September 26, 1983
Cm. Jeffery questioned if applicsnt had worked out any type of parking
arrangements or agreements with neighboring businesses. Mr. Haswell advised
that they had discussed this with the So Unique Paint Firm, adjacent to their
property and they are working with them related to parking but they were more
concerned with the businesses using their parking than vice versa.
Ms. Cathy Waterson spoke against the proposed use, expressing concerns
related to traffic. Ms. Waterson stated the school causes tremendous traffic
congestion, with a large number of illegal left turns being made from San
Ramon Road into the facility. Ms. Waterson stated she is very active in'the
community and this was the first she had heard about this proposed mortuary.
Newspaper articles were shown to Ms:. Waterson. She stated she had not seen
any notices posted on telephone poles, as is the practice of Alameda County.
Mr. Harry Demmel spoke in favor of ~he proposed use, stating that in Modesto
and in Stanislas County, this is considered a commercial rather than a
personal use. He felt traffic barriers could be erected which would prohibit
any illegal turns from being made.
Mr. Tony Verduzco addressed the Council on behalf of the Dublin Chamber of
Commerce and read a letter from the Chamber supporting Valley Christian
Center's proposed request to locate a funeral home and mortuary on their
property~ They felt this use ~vould cause improved landscaping and the
removal of the portable classrooms located toward the rear of the p~operty.
Mr~ Lee North, Allegheny Drive, stated he was not against the proposed
project, but ex~:~'essed concern regarding the fact that there will only be 20
parking spaces. He objected to the use of the term community facility.
Ms~ Jenny Murray addressed the Council statiDg that her husband had died 6
weeks ago, and she had to go outside of Dub]in to find a funerak home. She
felt going o~t of ones own community to seek services of this type added to
an already traumatic experience~ She felt a funeral home would generate muck
less traffic than the preschool currently does.
Mr~ Bob Watts, Maple Drive, felt police services could be utilized to control
or direct any i~ordinate amount of traffic generated by a funeral. He also
s~a%ed that due to the fact that there are proposed changes that will someday
occur to San Ramo~, Road insofar as widening, this will also help to take care
of any additional traffic.
Mr. Ken ~4oore, Betlen Drive, stated he felt the use at 7400 San Ramon Road to
be consistent with previous uses as stated. He felt it places and undue
burden on the church to say to them "if you se~l yo~r property, you must sell
it to someone who is going to use it as a retail/commercial estaklishment".
He felt ther~ was ~ot a lot of market for churches to be turned into stores.
The use planned for the property is consistent with what it has been used for
in the past.
Mr. Jim Hjerpe, W~odren Court, spoke against the proposed project. He
questioned why the church didn't locate a fur~eral home on their new site
instead of the San R~mon Road site.
Regular Meeting September 26, 1983
The City Manager read from the Alameda County Code ~hicD defines community
facility. "A community facility is defined to include church, school,
nursery school, outdoor recreation facility or public utility building."
The Planning Director stated Staff had calculated the parking requirements
for the mortuary and daycare use under the existing adopted zoning ordinance,
and that ordinance would require approximately 60 parking spaces for the
combined uses. If the Council is contemplating a reduction in this number of
required spaces, a variance should be processed.
Cm. Moffatt asked that if the proposed mortuary went in, and the existing
daycare center would go out, what effect would this have on the required
parking space. Mr. Tong indicated the applicant has stated they would
continue to utilize the daycare center for a certain amount of time, and hope
to terminate this use as soon as the situation is right.
Dr. Tanneberg indicated that the traffic flow with the preschool is really a
stop and go operation. The issue is not permanent parking in that people do
not stop and seek a parking space, but rather, come in and for a moment are
stopped while the child is being escorted inside, then moves on. Parking is
relatively light,~ even though traffic is considerably heavier now than it
will be, should the Council grant the conditional use permit to the mortuary.
Mayor Snyder closed the public hearing.
Cm. Jeffery felt the real issue which needed to be decided upon was the
definition of what a mortuary is and whether or not, if, with the Planning
Commission's approval, that definition was redefined. She felt the mortuary
was not the issue, and agreed that Dublin could use a mortuary. What is at
issue is that the Council has just spent all summer discussing the specific
plan and what would be included in that. The document that was produced is
specific to a certain degree. One of the prohibited uses is personal
Cm. Moffatt felt the mortuary is indeed a retail/commercial as they do have a
retail sales license and because over 50% of their income is derived from
retail sales. As such, he felt this use was within the specific plan allowed
On motion of Cm. Moffatt, seconded by Cm. Jeffery and by unanimous vote (Cm.
Burton absent), the Council adopted:
Mayor Snyder felt key to this issue was a ~etermination of what constitutes
shopper services and further felt that the key is the amount of business that
is done on a sales tax base. If Mr. Haswell's figures are correct, the
retail sales taxes that they collect are more than 50% of what the
establishment does. Mayor Snyder felt the traffic concerns were not
Regular Meeting September 26, 1983
substantial in that as part of the San Ramon Road corridor redevelopment,
they would be mitigated in the future.
Cm. Hegarty indicated what worried him was whether the Council is setting a
precedent to destroy the specific plan which was just adopted. He found it
very difficult to deal with the question of whether a mortuary was considered
retail or personal use. He concurred with Cm. Jeffery that it was a personal
Cm. Moffatt made motion which was seconded by Mayor Snyder to deny the appeal
and declare that this particular use is within the concept of the San Ramon
Road Specific Plan. Voting no on this motion were Cm. Jeffery and Cm.
Hegarty. (Cm. Burton absent). The City Attorney explained that since the
Council took no action, the Planning Commission ruling was upheld.
Cm. Jeffery made motion which was seconded by Cm. Hegartyt to have the
Council accept and uphold the appeal. Voting no on this motion were Mayor
Snyder and Cm. Moffatt. (Cm. Burton absent). The City Attorney explained
that, again, the Planning Commission ruling is upheld.
Cm. Jeffery made motion which was seconded by Cm. Hegarty, and passed by
majority vote that the Council sit down in the future and redefine the
Specific Plan permitted uses. Cm. Moffatt voted no on this motion. (Cm.
Burton absent). Mayor Snyder questioned whether it would not be normal to
have questions of this nature arise.
A short recess was called The meeting reconvened at 9:10 p.m. with all
Councilmembers present except Cm. Burton.
Mayor Snyder announced that consideration of San Ramon Road Specific Plan -
Area 5, which was scheduled at a later time on the agenda, was being moved
up. Cm. Hegar'ty had requested this change as it was felt that it makes more
sense to deal with 'the item of Dublin Green when everything is in place
insofar as zoning.
Mr. Martin Locus asked that this issue be put baCk in order, or be deferred
to a later date. Mr. Locus was under the impression that the Barratt
proposal was a part of this item. Mayor Snyder explained that although this
discussion and the decision certainly pertains to Barratt's property,
tonight's decision was related only to the question of zoning.
Tong presented Staff report.
Regular Meeting September 26, 1983
Mr. Joe Head, representing Barratt indicated they had reduced the proposed
density for the Barratt project from 112 to 88 total units. The average
square footage would be 1,000 to 1,200 and the price range would be
approximately $99,000 to $130,000.
Mr. Peter Baldo, Silvertree Lane, indicated that the Silvertree Homeowners'
Association was 100% in favor of the project.
Mr. Fisk, Woodren Court, felt the density issue should be adhered to, once
Mr. Jim Hjerpe, Woodren Court, indicated he was also satisfied with the
project and that the property could be rezOned residential. He further felt
the density of the project, at 12 dwelling units per acre, would be a good
density to strive for on the Dublin Green project to be heard later in this
Mr. Martin Locus, Betlen Drive, reported that the Dublin Village Homeowners'
Association felt an ammicable arrangement had been worked out with the
Ms. Cathy Waterson, representing the Silvergate Homeowners' Association,
indicated her association felt an excellent compromise had been reached.
Mayor Snyder congratulated Mr. Head and members of the community who were
adament in their support for their feelings related to this issue, and stood
their ground and made sure things were done in a fashion that they desired.
He felt it was a great attribute to the community of Dublin that the people
have been shown that their desires will be listened to and heard, and be met
in the future.
On motion of Cm. Hegarty, seconded by Cm. Jeffery, and by unanimous vote,
(Cm. Burton absent) Area 5 of the San Ramon Road Specific Plan is rezoned
multi-family residential (8-15 Dwelling Units per gross Acre).
The applicant, Calmet, Inc., initially applied for, received approval for,
and appealed an application for a 145 unit condominium project. Nearby
residents also appealed the approval. The City Council then granted the
applicant's request to temporarily suspend the appeal to allow consideration
of the present application, prepared by Morgan Howell.
The application is for a Planned Development rezoning to allow a 269 unit
apartment complex in 31 two story buildings, .with two reCreation/pool
facilities, and related parking, laundry facilities, and landscaped open
space, in a 13.4 acre site. The application proposes 20 dwelling units per
Regular Meeting
September 26, 1983
Mr. Tong explained that the issues were 1) land use and density, 2) traffic
and circulation, 'and 3) design.
Mayor Snyder declared the public hearing open.
Mr. Fred Howell, an H & H partner and developer of the project addressed the
Council and relayed the basic proposal.
Cm. Hegarty felt the question of public vs private road was still unresolved.
Concensus of the Council was that the road would be public.
Cm. Moffatt questioned whether the project would have handicap accessibility
and if they would have 20% HUD units.
Mr. Martin Locus, Betlen Drive, representing the Ponderosa Homeowners'
Association, felt the developer had not come forward in good faith to work
out areas of major concern to residents.
Mr. Jim Hjerpe felt this developer should follow the lead of Barratt and work
with the people. He felt the City Council should listen to the people
screaming about density.
Ms. Darlene Dillingham-Green indicated she was opposed to this project.
Mr. Paul Lopez, a real estate broker working in Dublin spoke in favor of the
project and on behalf of those renters who weren't represented at the
Mr. Ben Green was opposed to the project and voiced concerns related to
Ms. Lorrie Petty was opposed to the project and felt the City should be
concerned with quality rather than quantity.
Ms. Cathy Waterson was opposed to the project.
Mr. Mike Gallagher, Amanda Street, spoke in favor of the project.
Mr. Ivan Albert, a Dublin business owner, spoke in favor of the project and
felt that the demand for this type of housing is here now.
Mr. Kent Supprezio, Castle Court, felt the single story apartments were okay,
but questioned the location of the project.
Mr. Martin Locus felt the Council should consider what's best for the City.
He felt the land should be kept for major employers to locate in the area.
He questioned all the publicity related to the low number of rentals
available in that he sees "For Rent" signs displayed at The Springs at least
twice a week.
Mayor Snyder closed the public hearing.
Regular Meeting September 26, 1983
Cm. Hegarty felt the issue should be sent back to the Planning Commission for
review and developer should work with residents.
Cm. Moffatt felt there was a real need for apartments in Dublin. He further
urged the developer to get together with the people to resolve the issues..
On motion of Cm. Hegarty, seconded by Cm. Jeffery, and by unanimous vote (Cm.
Burton absent), the City Council referred the development back to the
Planning Commission for further consideration. It was the position of the
City Council that the density of the project was too high and that the
developer should work out an agreement with the adjacent property owners
before 'coming back to either the Planning Commission or the City Council.
At its May 2, 1983 meeting, the Planning Commission initiated a street name
change study from San Ramon Road to Foothill Road. The name change would
apply to San Ramon Road from 1-580 to Alcosta Boulevard. A total of about 20
parcels would be affected, including the Springs Apartments (176 units), the
shopping center at San Ramon Road and A!costa Boulevard, and the Workbench
and other uses in the San Ramon Road Specific Plan area.
The Planr~ing Commission expressed an interest in utilizing the Foothill Road
address because of potential advertising benefits associated with Stoneridge
Shopping Center~ which is also located on Foothill Road.
The Dublin San Ramon Services District Fire Department has expressed concern
about the duplication of the name~ Foothill Road, in both Dublin and
Pleasanton, and .potential confusion in responding to an emergency call. The
Fire Department would not be cpposed to a North Foothill Road street name.
Mayor Snyder opened the public hearing.
Mr. A1 Young, Superintendent of Dublin/Pleasanton Postal System expressed no
objections to alternative name, but not Foothill Road.
Mr. Jim Hjerpe felt the name should remain as is due to unnecessary costs
Ms. Cathy Waterson was opposed to the name change on the basis of unnecessary
costs and she did not understand why some people felt San Ramon Road was
inappropriate. She stated Walnut Creek was still Walnut Creek even though it
has a San Ramon Valley Boulevard running through'it; Danville is still
Danville even though it has a San Ramon Valley Boulevard running through it,
etc. There is no reason why Dublin should delete the name of San Ramon from
its street.
Regular Meeting September 26, 1983
On motion of Cm. Hegar~', seconded by Cm. Jeffery, and by unanimous vote (Cm.
Burton absent), the Council denied the name change.
At its April 11, 1983 meeting, the City council initiated a street name
change study from Vomac Road to West Vomac Road. The name change would apply
to the area along Vomac Road, west of San Ramon Road. A total of 48 single
family dwelling units would be affected by the proposed name change.
The street on the west side of San Ramon Road has numbers ranging from 12000
down; while streets on the east side have numbers ranging from 8371 down.
The Dublin San Ramon Services Districts Fire Department, has indicated its
support for the proposed street name change. The subdivider at the end of
Vomac Road has also indicated support for the proposed street name change.
Staff received no other comments from other agencies or residents.
Mayor Snyder opened the public hearing.
Mr. Joe Chamblis, a resident of'Vomac Road was opposed to the name change and
didn't understand how anyone could get confused looking for a house number.
Mr. A1 Young, Postal Superintendent spoke in favor of the name change to
clarify what was felt to be a typographical error on the part of the County
prior to Dublin's incorporation.
Mayor Snyder closed the public hearing.
The Council discussed the possibility of even minor confusion that could
delay an emergency service to the area.
On motion of Cm. Moffatt, seconded by Cm. Hegarty, and by unanimous vote (Cm.
Burton absent), the Council approved the name change.
A petition was submitted to the City Council on August 8, 1983 by Elizabeth
Schmitt on behalf of the residents of the neighborhood off Wineberry Way
requesting stop signs facing the Village Parkway traffic at Wineberry Way. A
traffic study was conducted by the City Traffic Engineer.
Regular Meeting September 26, 1983
On motion of Cm. Jeffery, seconded by Cm. Hegarty, and by unanimous vote (Cm.
Burton absent), the Council 1)denied the request for stop signs on Village
Parkway @ Wineberry Way; 2) approved the addition of a yellow school
crosswalk across Village Parkway on the north side of the intersection
(Davona Drive); 3) directed Staff to request the City of San Ramon, Contra
Costa County to monitor the intersection of Village Parkway and Kimball
Avenue for possible traffic control at that intersection.
Through the process of studying San Ramon Road, some non-traffic related
signs were identified and it was suggested that a policy be established for
the installation and maintenance of these signs.
On motion of Cm. Jeffery, seconded by Cm. Hegarty, and by unanimous vote (Cm.
Burton absent), the Council adopted
The City has been contacted by the Cities of Pleasanton and San Ramon and the
DSRSD with respect to conducting a joing meeting to discuss a change of
organization for the DSRSD. The Cities of San Ramon and Pleasanton have
appointed representatives from their respective Council's to discuss the
future of DSRSD. Pleasanton representatives will be Ken Mercer and Bob
Butler. San Ramon's representatives will be Rick Harmon, Wayne Bennett, and
alternate Diane Schinnerer. The Dublin San Ramon Services District has
indicated its desire to meet at a committee level~ but has not yet appointed
Three possible dates were selected for meeting, and Staff was directed to
coordinate with the other agencies to determine meeting date.
Council consensus was that Dublin's representatives will be Peter Snyder and
Linda Jefferyt with Paul Moffatt serving as altenate.
The Dublin Rotary Club is holding their annual Arts & Crafts Festival on
October 9, 1983 and is requesting the use of and approval for their
installation of a banner noticing this festival. The banner would be mounted
on a City-owned chain link fence parallel to San Ramon Road near the Shannon
Regular Meeting September 26, 1983
On motion of Cm. Hegarty, seconded by Cm. Moffatt, and by unanimous vote (Cm.
Burton absent), the Council approved the request and waived permit and
inspection fees.
Each year, as part of the Annual League of California Cities Conference, the
members of the League consider a number of resolutions that impact loyal
government. Staff presented information on several resolutions which have
been presented for consideration at the annual conference.
The new dues schedule was discussed and it was reported that this now
requires a 2/3 vote.
DKS and DeLeuw, Cather, the Consultants who are presently conducting the
Pleasanton/Dublin Transit Study have completed the Task 4 report which
identifies the operational and management alternatives in providing local
transit to the Cities of Pleasanton and Dublin.
The City Manager gave a brief overview of the report and Cm. Jeffery gave
report to the Council with respect to the Policy Committee's action at its
last meeting.
Cm. Jeffery indicated it was felt that a JPA seemed to be the most logical
way to proceed.
Discussion was held with respect to narrowing down the alternatives suggested
in the report.
The Pleasanton Planning Department has forwarded the Draft Environmental
imPact Report (EIR) for the Amendment to the Growth Management Element and
Hacienda Business Park, Pleasanton, for review and comment. The document is
detailed and complex. The project involves 1) revisions to the text of the
Pleasanton Growth Management Element and 2) approval of the Hacienda Business
On September 19, 1983 the Planning Commission reviewed the Draft EIR and
recommended the following comments regarding the Draft EIR: 1) identify
housing additions that will balance job additions; 2) identify transportation
mitigations that will avoid misuse of Dublin's street system by commuters
attempting to avoid freeway interchange congestion.
Regular Meeting September 26, 1983
On motion of Cm. Jeffery, seconded by Cm. Hegarty, and by unanimous vote (Cm.
Burton absent) the Council agreed that the suggestions made by the Planning
Commission be forwarded to the City of Pleasanton.
The City Manager explained that basically this is a housekeeping item.
The City presently accounts for expenditures and revenues on a modified
accrual basis. This means that the City incurs expense in any fiscal year
based on the criteria of delivery of goods or provision of service within
that fiscal year, even if the billing is not received until after the close
of the fiscal year. This makes it difficult to anticipate some budget
modifications until all of the accrued expenses have been accounted for.
During the process of closing the 1982-83 books, Staff identified several
accounts that will exceed the previously approved budget for fiscal year
On motion of Cm. Hegarty, seconded by Cm. Jeffery, and by unanimous vote (Cm.
Burton absent) the Council approved the budget modification transfers as
The City Manager explained that this was an addendum to the City's existing
agreement, and as a routine matter the Council needed to approve the addendum
in accordance with their previous direction to Staff to negotiate the
contract addendum.
On motion of Cm. Hegarty, seconded by Cm. Moffatt, and by unanimous vote (Cm.
Burton absent)~ the Council approved the addendum.
Political. Signs
Cm. Jeffery felt it appropriate for the Council to review the rules related
to the placement of campaign signs, i.e. what is and isn't permitted.
The City Manager indicated Staff had reviewed the ordinance and reported
that, as the Council indicated last year, the COunty ordinance will be
enforced with regard to those signs that are illegally placed in the public
right-of-way. It was clarified that signs may be placed on private property
Regular Meeting September 26, 1983
General Plan Working Paper #2
The City Manager indicated the need for the Council to establish a date for a
meeting to consider the General Plan Working Paper #2, in order to keep on
schedule. Council consensus was to set date of October 20, 1983 for this
At 12:56 a.m.~ the Council recessed to closed session.
There being no further business to come before the Council, at 1:25 a.m. the
meeting was adjourned.
City Clerk~ -
Regular~Meeting September 26, 1983