HomeMy WebLinkAbout11-14-1995 Adopted CC MinutesREGULAR MEETING ~ November 14, 1995 A regular meeting of the Dublin City Council was held on Tuesday, November 14, 1995, in the Council Chambers of the Dublin Civic Center. The meeting was called to order at 7:02 p.m., by Mayor Houston. ROLL CALL PRESENT: Councilmembers Barnes, Howard, Moffatt and Mayor Houston. ABSENT: Councilmember Burton PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Mayor Houston led the Council, Staff and those present in the pledge of allegiance to the flag. CLOSED SESSION lo.I (640-30) At 7:02 p.m., the Mayor announced that the City Council would recess to a closed session to confer With Legal Counsel ~ anticipated litigation ~ initiation of litigation pursuant to subdivision (c) of Government Code Section 54956.9 ~ one potential case. REPORT OF CLOSED SESSION ACTION Mayor Houston announced that no action was taken. PUBLIC MEETING RECONVENED At 7:21 p.m., the Mayor reconvened the public meeting with all Councilmembers present (Cm. Burton absent). PROCLAMATION 7:22 p.m. 3.1 (610-50) Mayor Houston read and presented a proclamation recognizing Shelley Kahn for her outstanding artwork and wishing her continued success. November I4, 1995 was proclaimed Shelley Kahn Day in the City of Dublin. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 14 REGULAR MEETING November 14, 1995 PAGE 510 Shelley stated she loves art and she hopes to become a children's book author and illustrator. The City Council requested that Shelley's artwork be displayed at the Civic Center. Staff was directed to work with the DUblin Fine Arts Foundation to get it displayed.. INTRODUCTION OF NEW EMPLOYEE 7:25 p.m. 3.2 (700-10) City Manager Ambrose introduced Alameda County SherifFs Department Captain Rich Bond, who will be filling in as Police Chief until Chief Rose is able to return from his surgery. Captain Bond is a 25 year veteran of the SherifFs Department. Flood Control (550-10) Janine McCune, 7750 Crossridge Road, stated last winter's excessive rainfall caused mud damage to the exterior of their home. She presented a petition signed by homeowners on Crossridge Road requesting the City to take immediate action to avert future problems. They requested the City immediately take the following steps: 1) Make the necessary corrections to the hill on the west side so it is in accordance with the 1985 Uniform Building Code, Chapter 70; and 2) Make the necessary corrections to eliminate the possibility of another landslide and to eliminate the possibility of homes deteriorating in value. She stated the homeowners don't want to hire an engineer. 'She questioned whether this hill was compacted in accordance with the City's regulations. There are 37 properties located below the v-ditch. There are excessive cracks, weeds, etc., in the v-ditch. They ask that the City make corrections to ensure their safety and the value of their properties. Public Works Director ThOmpson explained that the slope was cut and therefore no compaction needed. The City Council requested that Staff look into this and report back. Air Raid Warning Siren (520~10) Tom Ford, 7262 Tina Place, stated there is a physical item, an old air raid siren in the Briarhill area that he wished to address. There is fairly good potential for toxic spills because of the close proximity of major freeways. We have prisons in the City and with fire and other alerts, he is interested in knowing if this could be used to perhaps get CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 14 REGULAR MEETING November 14, 1995 PAGE 511 people to tune in to their radios. He has been unable to determine who owns and is responsible for this. This could alert people to the possibility of a potential hazard. Right now, it is disabled. He would appreciate some follow up to determine if it could be used in the future. It's located on Silvergate Drive at Dublin Boulevard, up on the slope. Mr. Thompson stated he thought it was owned by the County. Paul Rankin said the County installed it and abandoned it about 5 years ago. Staff was requested to report back on this item. CONSENT CALENDAR 7:35 p.m. On motion of Cm. Moffatt, seconded by Cm. Barnes, and by unanimous vote (Cm. Burton absent), the Council took the following actions: Approved (4.1) Minutes of Regular Meeting of October 24, 1995; Approved (4.3 600-30) the City's continued participation in the NORCAL Employment Relations Training Consortium and authorized the City Manager to execute the agreement; Adopted (4.4 560-90) RESOLUTION NO. 132 - 95 SUPPORTING THE AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY'S GREAT AMERICAN SMOKEOUI Received (4.5 320-30) the City Treasurer's Investment Report as of October 31, 1995, showing an investment portfolio of $20,808,647.50, with funds invested at an average annual yield of 5.859%; Awarded (4.7 350-20) the bid for 5 marked Police Patrol Vehicles to Shamrock Ford of Dublin, including tax, delivery and extended warranty service $116,882.15, and authorized Staff to prepare the necessary Purchase Order; Authorized (4.8 600-30) the Mayor to sign contracts with Kaleidoscope Activity Center and Tri-Valley Haven for Women, Inc., for administering CDBG fund expenditures and authorized an additional $10,000 appropriation from CDBG program revenues to the CDBG account; CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 14 REGULAR MEETING November 14, 1995 PAGE 512 Accepted (4.9 600-30) improvements under Contract 94-07, Heritage Center Renovation; approved Budget Change Form; and authorized $21,815.90 final payment to Skyline Construction; Adopted (4.10 350-40) RESOLUTION NO. 133 - 95 DECLARING SURPLUS PROPERTY (3 Cars & Miscellaneous Items) Approved (4.11 300-40) Warrant Register in the amount of $957,924.42; Adopted (4.12 550-10) RESOLUIION NO. 134 - 95 DESIGNATING THE CITY MANAGER AS AGENT TO EXECUTE OFFICE OF EMERGENCY SERVICES APPLICATION RESOLUTION NO. 135 - 95 AUTHORIZING THE SUBMISSION OF PROGRAM SUPPLEMENT NO. 007, REVISION 1, TO THE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION FOR CONSTRUCTION FUNDING FOR THE DUBLIN BOULEVARD WIDENING PROJECT Cm. Howard requested that the gift item be pulled f~om the Consent Calendar and that the item be read for the record. Mayor Houston read the gifts. On motion of Cm. Howard, seconded by Cm. Barnes, and by unanimous vote (Cm. Burton absent), the Council accepted (4.2 150-70) gifts from: 1) Air handball game from Linda Zatkulak; 2) $73 from Valley Christian School for touring the Heritage Center; 3) $182 from Chris Pedersen and John Westerlund for the Valley High School Community Gym; and 4) $200 from Secure Horizons for the Dublin Senior Center. The City Council directed Staff to prepare formal acknowledgments to the donors and approved the Budget Change Form. Cm. Howard requested that the Item 4. 6 be pulled from the Consent Calendar and stated she did not have enough information about this. A few years ago, it was discussed that there would be no out of state travel. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 14 REGULAR MEETING November 14, 1995 PAGE 513 Mayor Houston stated this does not require any out of state travel and if it were necessary, he would pay for it himself. Future mayors could decide for themselves. He felt we could get a lot of benefit from joining these types of organizations. We get good information and it helps the City from time to time. He did not feel he would be going over budget with travel or any other conference expenses. Cm. Moffatt stated he felt it is important to have as much interface with other cities as possible. Cm. Barnes stated she felt we should not close doors when it comes to these types of organizations. On motion of Cm. Howard, seconded by Cm. Moffatt, and by unanimous vote (Cm. Burton absent), the Council approved (4.6 140-05) the Mayor's request to join the United States Conference of Mayors at a cost of $470 and directed Staff to process the appropriate budget transaction and membership application forms. MEMORANDUM FROM PLANNING COMMISSION REGARDING PLANNING COMMISSION TRAINING 7:41 p.m. 5.1 (420-40) Planning Director Tong presented the Staff Report and discussed a Memo from the Planning Commission dated October 17, 1995. The Planning Commission is requesting a joint team building session with the City Council as a way of improving communications. The Planning Commission has 2 topics for discussion with the City Council: 1) a request that, should the City Council hear a revised proposal significantly different than that heard by the Planning Commission, the City Council consider referring the item back to the Planning Commission for review and comment; and 2) a confirmation that the City Council wants the Planning Commission to consider alternatives to a proposal in order to make the proposal acceptable to the community. Mr. Tong stated this type of a workshop may require the services of a professional facilitator which would result in additional training expenses. Mr. Tong advised that George Zika, Planning Commission Chairperson is out of state on business. Cm. MOffatt asked if they want a joint City Council meeting or what. Mayor Houston felt that certainly the first item goes on a situation by situation basis. The Planning Commission's input all along the way is important. With regard to the second item, we always look for a win/win situation. He did not know whether a weekend session would be something the City Council would want to do. Maybe if there is some kind of a Planning Commission session they could attend, they should look into it. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 14 REGULAR MEETING November 14, 1995 PAGE 514 Cm. Moffatt asked if there were any workShops through the League of California Cities that they could attend. Cm. Barnes stated as the only one having been on a Commission, she is aware that 3 of the 5 Commissioners attended the League conference this year. George has attended many times in the past. All commissioners suffer from isolation from the City Council. She stated she doesn't see anything being served by this lack of communication. She felt there should be a joint session at least once a year. The City Council should have a session with all the various commissioners. Cm. Moffatt asked the City Attorney if there was a conflict of interest with the City Council attending Planning Commission meetings. Mr. Ambrose stated he thought Cm. Barnes was coming more from a point of expectations. Ms. Silver stated there is no problem discussing the roles and procedures, but there could be problems if the City Council start attending Planning Commission meetings, because items could potentially be appealed to the City Council. Cm. Barnes stated there still needs to be some communication tool. Letters seem so cold and impersonal. This should not be limited to just the Planning Commission, but include all the Commissioners. Mayor Houston said he has spoken to people he has appointed from time to time. Rather. than having a weekend session, he proposed that they schedule some time before a City Council meeting similar to what they do as the Dublin Housing Authority.. Cm. Howard requested that the meeting be informal. Mayor Houston discusSed noticing requirements. Mayor Houston suggested and the City Council concurred that Staff get back to the Planning Commission to pick a date and see what can be worked out. They could meet about 5 p.m., prior to a City Council or Planning Commission meeting. It should be scheduled after the first of the year. PUBLIC HEARING - ADOPTION OF CODES BY REFERENCE: 1994 EDITION OF THE UNIFORM BUILDING CODE, UNIFORM PLUMBING CODE, AND UNIFORM MECHANICAL CODE, AND THE 1995 NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE 7:53 p.m. 6.1 (440~10) Mayor Houston opened the public hearing. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 14 REGULAR MEETING November 14, 1995 PAGE 515 Building Official Petersen stated in order to adopt updated codes, State Law requires that a public hearing be property noticed. Staff noticed the public hearing anticipating that the code update would be complete for this City Council meeting; however, Staff has been unable to complete all the necessary reports in time to present an Ordinance to the City Council for introduction at this meeting as originally anticipated. Staff has been coordinating with the Dougherty Regional Fire Authority to incorporate their amendments regarding automatic fire-sprinkler systems. Staff therefore recommended that the public hearing be continued to the City Council meeting of December 12, 1995. Cm. Moffatt asked if this is a state requirement that we put these in place or at the discretion of the City Council. Mr. Petersen stated the State has adopted them and if we do nothing the codes go into effect without modification on January 1, 199¢. We are modifying them for our particular city. cm. Moffatt asked if contractors look at these and comment on them. Mr. Petersen stated on a day-to-day basis, people give feedback and they incorporate the comments. Mayor Houston continued the public hearing to December 12, 1995. PUBLIC HEARING - UNDERGROUND UTILITY DISTRICT 95-1 DUBLIN BOULEVARD FROM 1-680 TO 6007 WEST OF CLARK AVENUE 7:56 p.m. 6.2 (1020-30) MayOr Houston opened the public hearing. Public Works Director Thompson presented the Staff Report and stated this proposed Ordinance would establish Underground Utility District 95-1. The cost of undergrounding is paid by CPUC Rule 20A funds. The Street Light Assessment District will incur an expense associated with installing 2 street lights to replace lights that are currently installed on wood poles. A separate Capital Improvement Project for the street lights, as well as the cost of including street lighting conduit in the joint trench will be presented to the City Council for approval at a later date. There will be no cost to adjacent private property owners, as the private services are already underground. Cm. Moffatt asked if there had been any protests. Mr. Thompson stated no written protests had been received. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 14 REGULAR MEETING November 14, 1995 PAGE 516 No testimony was entered by any member of the public relative to this issue. Mayor Houston closed the public hearing. On motion of Cm. Moffatt~ seconded by Cm. Howard, and by unanimous vote (Cm. Burton absent), the Council waived the reading and INTRODUCED an Ordinance establishing Underground Utility District 95-1 on Dublin Boulevard from I-¢80 to west of Clark Avenue with no protests received. PUBLIC HEARING PARKING RESTRICTIONS ON DONLON WAY 7:58 p.m. 6.3 (570-20) Mayor Houston opened the public hearing. Public Works Director Thompson stated at the October 24, 1995, City Council meeting, the Council reviewed a proposal for a two-hour parking restriction on Donlon Way. After hearing testimony, the City Council directed Staff to research the possibility of prohibiting parking of certain types of vehicles on specific streets. Alternate proposals to be considered include prohibiting trailers from parking on Donlon Way north of Dublin Boulevard and a three-hour parking restriction on Donlon Way south of Dublin Boulevard. Mr. Thompson stated Staff had prepared 3 Resolutions, depending upon which action the City Council wished to take. Resolution # 1 would prohibit parking of trailers on Donlon Way north of Dublin Boulevard. Resolution #2 would establish 3-hour parking on Donlon Way south of Dublin Boulevard and No Parking Zones at driveways. Resolution #3 would establish 2~hour parking on Donlon Way both north and south of Dublin Boulevard and No Parking Zones at driveways. The cost of installing signage for the combination of Resolutions gl and #2 OR g I and #3 would be approximately $800. The cost for Resolution #2 alone would be approximately $250. Mr. Thompson advised that it appeared from observation and from comments received that the office complexes on Donlon Way north of Dublin Boulevard have sufficient on- site parking, and that the Heritage Park office complex and the Dublin Christian Church south of Dublin Boulevard tend to need some on-street parking. The Springs Apartments complex has 17¢ covered, assigned spaces (one space per apartment) and an additional 17¢ open spaces which are available for tenants or guests on a first-come, first served basis. The Springs does not allow parking of boats within the complex. The Kildara Townhouse complex has two spaces per unit, one of which is in the garage, and an additional 2¢ spaces for guests. The CC&R's for Kildara prohibit parking of boats, recreational vehicles, or commercial utility vehicles within the complex. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 14 REGULAR MEETING November 14, 1995 PAGE 517 Rolando Dela~Cruz, 7272 Cronin Circle, stated after hearing Mr. Thompson speak, he questioned if the issue was no longer 2~hour parking, but parking of boats and oversize vehicles. Initially when this proposal was presented, the business community wanted to use parking on Donlon as overflow parking for their customers. At any given time, there are more than 100 parking spaces vacant around the buildings. The issue is not overflow. One of the insurance company representatives that spoke said she was resentful of the boats and large vehicles. This seems to be the real issue. Tom Ford stated he felt this was a symptom of a much larger problem in the valley. The Briarhill area has had some problems with people parking vehicles in front of their houses. The Police Department seems to be very busy and they say when the City hires an additional code enforcement person, they will deal with this. Most of the homeowner associations in the area have restrictions in their CC&R's which prohibit RV's and large vehicles. He suggested that the City look at a prohibition from parking trailers throughout the entire City. These things should be parked behind fences to prohibit spot blight. Rather than deal with just Donlon Way, he requested that the City Council consider the entire City and try to consider eliminating trailer parking on all City streets. Manuel A. Minhoto, office building at 7080 Donlon Way, questioned if boats would be covered because they are on trailers. If someone took a boat off some type of towing mechanism, could this be a problem. Mayor Houston felt it would be unlikely that someone could move a boat every 72 hours if it weren't on a trailer. Mr. Thompson stated it ceases to be a vehicle if it loses its wheels; it then becomes an illegal Structure in the street. Cm. Barnes stated this is not a game they can play. Mr. Minhoto asked how the south end of Donlon Way is being considered for $~hour parking and not the north end. Cm. Moffatt read the 3 options for consideration by the City Council. He stated these were just suggestions made by Staff and the City Council could consider other options. Mr. Minhoto stated it was bothersome to him that both north and south would not be treated the same. There are no red zones around the driveways leading into the commercial lots. There is also a fire hydrant that is not marked with a red zone. Hopefully these will be included in the final solution. When asked what he would like to see done, Mr. Minhoto replied that what is ideal for them and what is reasonable may not be the same thing. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 14 REGULAR MEETING November 14, 1995 PAGE 518 cm. Moffatt clarified they are mainly concerned about the safety aspects and having red zones around the driveways and around the fire hydrant and not having large trucks and/or trailers park there for any large amount of time. Mr. Minhoto said their main concern is boats, trailers and the professional look that they feel the street should have. Mayor Houston stated he felt it was their own tenants parking in the areas near the driveways and by the fire Plug; not people from The Springs or Kildara. Mayor Houston closed the public hearing. Cm. Moffatt stated he would like to see this commercial area prohibit trailers and large RV's and large trucks from parking along Donlon Way and to not exclude pick up trucks with campers. Mr. Thompson discussed height and length; 7' high and 20' long. cm. Moffatt stated he would like to establish a 3~hour parking zone or even 8~hour zones on both north and south, and prohibit RV's and boats and large vehicles. Cm, Howard said she preferred the 3~hour limit between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. Driving up and down there is a hazard. Resolution #1 could apply on both sides of Dublin Boulevard.. :Mayor Houston asked for consideration that on the residential side this be left alone. Make the west side only have the limited time parking. This would provide for some give and take and solve a lot of the problems. They could park a regular size vehicle there, but no boats or RV's. This could potentially solve 95% of the problem. On motion of Cm. Barnes, seconded by Mayor Houston, and by unanimous vote (Cm. Burton absent), the City Council prohibited parking of trailers and oversize vehicles on the entire length of Donlon Way and established 3~hour parking from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday on the western side of the entire length of Donlon Way where there is parking now and maintaining existing no parking areas and allow unrestricted parking of cars on the eastern side of Donlon Way on the north side with appropriate red zones. Also appropriate signs should be placed in accordance with the Vehicle Code. Staff asked for clarification. All of the west side of Donlon Way shall have $~hour parking between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday through Friday. On the entire stretch of Donlon Way, there shall be no trailers and no boats. Staff should go back and identify those areas that need to be marked red and repaint those where needed. On the east side where there is parking now, it will remain for cars only. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 14 REGULAR MEETING November 14, 1995 PAGE 519 The Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 136 - 95 PROHIBITING PARKING OF TRAILERS ON DONLON WAY and RESOLUTION NO. 137 - 95 ESTABLISHING THREE-HOUR PARKING ZONES AND NO PARKING ZONES ON DONLON WAY Cm. Moffatt asked if this will be enforced on a complaint basis. Mayor Houston stated if the Police Department sees a violation and marks itl they can do their job. If someone complains, the Police should be able to do their job as they see fit. Cm. Howard requested and the Council concurred that an agenda item be brought back to the City Council to consider trailer and RV parking restrictions in the entire City. REQUEST BY AMERICAN LUNG ASSOCIATION TO SUPPORT PROPOSED FDA REGULATIONS REGARDING CIGARETTE SALES AND ADVERTISING 8:30 p.m. 8.1 (660-50) Administrative Assistant Honse presented the Staff Report and stated adoption of this Resolution will express the City Council's support for proposed FDA regulations related to tobacco sales and advertising practices which are thought by the FDA to be especially effective towards minors. While the City of Dublin does have a Smoking Pollution Control Ordinance, the FDA plan is much broader. The City does not, and probably cannot, effectively regulate advertising and marketing. Cm. Moffatt asked if this will prevent people from having vending machines in their businesses. Mr. Honse stated vending machines are outlawed in the City completely. cm. Howard questioned the use of black and white advertising. Mr. Honse discussed the type of advertising most directed towards children. A recent survey showed that children have a higher recognition of Joe Camel than Mickey Mouse. On motion of Cm. Moffatt, seconded by Cm. Barnes, and by unanimous vote (Cm. Burton absent), the Council adopted CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 14 REGULAR MEETING November 14, 1995 PAGE 520 RESOLUTION NO. 138 - 95 SUPPORTING THE PLAN TO REDUCE SMOKING AMONG CHILDREN THROUGH REGULATION OF TOBACCO PRODUCTS and directed Staff to forward a copy of the Resolution to the appropriate agencies. Cm. Barnes clarified that there is not to be a single cigarette vending machine in the City. AGREEMENT WITH ST. MICHAEL INVESTMENTS REGARDING PARALLEL ROAD LAND ACQUISITION 8:35 p.m. 8.2 (600~30) City Manager Ambrose presented the Staff Report and stated this agreement would allow the City to take title to a portion of the right-of-way for the future road parallel to and south of Dublin Boulevard, and in so doing, will allow the City to fulfill an implementation requirement needed to obtain BART mitigation fees. The City will incur minimal closing costs associated with this transaction and once closing costs are know, Staff will request approval of a budget adjustment. The costs will be paid from fees collected for construction of the parallel road. The acquisition of this property prior to December 31, 1995 will allow the City to capture BART mitigation fees estimated at $273,000. Cm. Howard asked if this will be a 2~lane road. Public Works Director Thompson said the hook ramps will be 4 lane but the parallel road will be 2~lane. Cm. Howard asked if the hook ramps would be right behind the theaters. Mr. Thompson stated they are looking at putting it on fill, so it would go right through the theater. Mr. Ambrose stated if the theater is taken as a result of the hook ramps, the property owner could come back and build some other type of structure and there would be no additional traffic impact fee. On motion of Cm. Moffatt, seconded by Cm. Barnes, and by unanimous vote (Cm. Burton absent), the Council adopted CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 14 REGULAR MEETING November 14, 1995 PAGE 521 RESOLUTION NO. 139 - 95 APPROVING AGREEMENT WITH ST. MICHAEL INVESTMENTS REGARDING PARAI I EL ROAD LAND ACQUISITION OTHER BUSINESS 8:42 p.m. Tri-Valley Council Meeting Canceled (140~80) Mr, Ambrose advised that the Tri-Valley Council meeting scheduled for November 30, 1995 has been canceled. Livermore will try to reschedule it sometime in January. Proclamations for Outgoing San Ramon Councilmembers (610-50) Mr. Ambrose advised the City Council that Mary Lou Oliver's event is on December 3. His understanding is there is no opportunity to present a retirement proclamation to Greg Carr as he will not be at the DRFA meeting next week. Cm. Howard suggested that Staff send Greg's proclamation to the City of San Ramon and she and Cm. Barnes will attend Mary Lou's event and present the proclamation on behalf of the City. Procedure for Selection of Vice Mayor 610-20) Cm. Barnes asked for information on how we handle the selection of our Vice Mayor. How often do we select7 She requested that we look at rotating our Vice Mayor position every year in the future. The Council requested that Staff put this issue on the agenda for the first meeting in January. RV Parking Regulations (570-20) Cm. Moffatt commented that when the City Council puts the issue of no parking of trailers in the entire City of Dublin, they should be ready for a fight. RV owners are very sensitive about this. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 14 REGULAR MEETING November 14, 1995 PAGE 522 congestion Management Authority Meeting (1060-10) Cm. Moffatt announced that the CMA meeting will be held over at the Wheels office in Livermore on Thursday at 2:30 p.m. The folks will come out from CMA to have their meeting and to go through and see what congestion is like in the Tri-Valley area. ArroYo Vista Clean-Up Program (580-40) Cm. Moffatt mentioned that the Police Department had a clean up work day at Arroyo Vista recently and people picked up debris, old tin cans, furniture and filled 2 great big bins which Waste Management donated. We should thank A1 Chavarria, Rose Macias and Randy Skarphol. Michelle Brown from the Public Works Department was also there. Police personnel were the lead people. After it was all cleaned up, they had a barbecue and it was excellent. Before the day was over there were 50 or 60 people helping. Cable TV (1050-10) Cm. Moffatt stated Darla Stevens with CTV 30 asked if the City would be having anything on the agenda about the Cable: TV situation. Mr. Ambrose stated at the next City COuncil meeting, Staff will have an item addressing the transfer of ownership and also her item. Mayor Houston asked if the Board had given any direction to the cities regarding what we should be entitled to from this new company. steve Honse stated we can actually challenge this on 2 grounds only, and TCI has made it PrettY clear that they will not negotiate. Mr. Rankin stated he was not aware of whether Staff had gotten a copy of Ms. Steven's letter. Mr. Honse clarified that he had spoken With Ms. Stevens who indicated she had met with the Board and this is their position. Mayor Houston whether or not they are fulfilling to the letter the requirements of the franchise. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 14 REGULAR MEETING November 14, 1995 PAGE 523 Mr. Rankin advised that we had a consultant go through their application and Staff has been communicating with the consultant regarding our issues. Library Services (940~ 1 O) Mayor Houston reported that he recently attended an ABAG meeting and one session dealt with libraries. In the city of Ripon they contract with San Joaquin County. There is one person there to check out books on Saturdays. A system does exist in the State. Also, in Chula Vista they have a program where the city library is actually on the school grounds and they work jointly. Local cities are interested in what we can do with libraries. ADJOURNMENT 11.1 There being no further business to come before the Council, the meeting was adjourned at 8:54 p.m. ATI'EST: Mayor CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 14 REGULAR MEETING November 14, 1995 PAGE 524