HomeMy WebLinkAboutReso 41-06 Telecommunications Services Support RESOLUTION NO. 41 - 06 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN . . . . . . . . . SUPPORTING THE LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES CALL FOR ACTION ON THE ADOPTION OF A TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES AND VITAL CITY INTERESTS RESOLUTION WHEREAS, technological advances in telecommunications services are outpacing the current state and federal regulatory framework for those services; and WHEREAS, the new telecommunications services will be vital to the businesses, households and the public safety oflocal communities; and WHEREAS, Congress and the California State legislature are beginning a serious debate on a new regulatory framework for telecommunications services in the 2006 legislative session; and WHEREAS, financial resources that cities receive under the current regulatory framework for telecommunications services are vital to support local public services such as public safety and transportation; and WHEREAS, the taxpayers have a financial interest to protect in the public's right-of-way; and WHEREAS, fair, level playing-field competition among telecommunications providers is important to delivering telecommunications services at the best price for our citizens, the consumers; and WHEREAS, telecommunications industry services to a local community such as Public Education and Government (PEG) channels, INET services to local schools and E911 and 911 public safety services to local citizens are important services to maintain. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Dublin, California does hereby adopt the following principles for Congress and the state legislature to consider in its debate over a new telecommunications regulatory framework (attached hereto as Exhibit A). PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 4th day of April, 2006, by the following vote' AYES' Councilmembers Hildenbrand, McCormick and Zika, and Mayor Pro Tern Oravetz NOES' None ABSENT Mayor Lockhart ABSTAIN None ~~~~ AT~ ~~I'" ~ Reso No. 41-0fi, Adopted 4/4!Ofi, hem 8.2 Pajl;e 1 of 1 '\. LEAGU E ",':':111'" OF CAI..II-UI"~IA ~::=-CITIES Policy Framework for Telecommunicationsl Reform INTRODUCTION The telecommul11cahons dcbate at both the federal and state levels pnlmises to be a key issue for cities in 2006. Thc primary goal for local government interests in the dcbate is to provide the best telecommunications scrviccs to all of the constituents in our communities. A key factor In achieving this level of servicc is to enable competItIOn among all telccommunications providers. Traditional franchising at the local level has served the valuable purposc of tailoring service to unique local conditions and needs and assuring responsiveness (If providers to consumers. The continued involvcmcnt of local govcrnmcnt in any new state or fedcral regulatory scheme by way of locally ncgotiatcd agrccmcnts is an essential component of telecommunications regulations, best servcs the needs of consumers, and is consIstent with the goal of providing conSLlmers greater chOIce in telecommunications options. Any new state or federal standards must conform to thc following principles: REVENUE PROTECTIONS . Protect the authority of local governments to collect revenues from telecommunications providers and cnsure that any future changes are revenue ncutral for local governments. . Regulator) tees and/or taxes should apply equitably to all telecommulllcations service proVIders. . A guarantee that all eXIsting and any new fees/taxes remain with local governments to supporllocal puhlic servIces and mitigate impacts on local rights- of-way . Oppose any state or federal legislation that would pre-empt or threaten local taxatIOn authority RIGHTS-OF-WAY . To protect the puhlic's investmcnt. thc control of public rights-of-way mLlst remain local. . Local governmcnt must retain full control over the time, place and manner for the LISe orthe puhlic right-of-way in providing telecommunications serviccs, including the appcarancc and acsthctics of cquipment placed within it. I For purposes ufthis framework.. "telecommunications" nleans the transmlssl(Jn of data, video and voice services to businesses and consumers Filla/-J-ehruary 27,2/106 EXHIBIT A ACCESS . All local community residents should be provided acecss to all available telecommumcatlOns services. . Telecommuillcations providers should be required to specify a reasonable tlmeframe for deployment ofte1ceommunications services that includes a clear plan for the sequencmg oflhe huild-out of these facihl1es WIthin the entire franehisc area. PUBLIC EDUCATION AND GOVERNMENT (PEG) SUPPORT . The resources reqUIred 01 new entrants should be used to meet PEG support requirements III a balanced manner in partnershIp with incumbent providers. . For cltles currently without PEG support rcvcnues, a minimum percentage of requlfed support needs to be determined. INSTITUTIONAL OR FIBER NETWORK CINET) . The authonty for interested communities to cstablish INET services and support for educational and local govemment facihl1es should re\l1alll at the loeallevcl. PUBLIC SAFETY SERVICES . The authority for E-911 and 911 services shOltld remain with local government, including any compensatlOn lor the use oflhe nght-of-v.ay All E-911 and 911 calls made by vOice over internet protocol shall be routed to local public safety answering points (PSAPsl; 1.e., local dIspatch centers. . All video providers must proVIde local emergency notification service. CUSTOMER SERVICE PROTECTION . State consumer protection laws should eontinu~ to apply as a minimum standard and should be enforced at the loeallcvcl. Local governments should rctain the authonty to assess penaltIes to lmprove customer serVlce OTHER ISSUES . EXlstlllg telecommumcations providcrs and new entrants shall adhere to local city poliCies on puhhc utility undcrgrounding. 2