HomeMy WebLinkAboutReso 025-00 I-580/FoothillRESOLUTION NO. 25 - 2000
WHEREAS, the Cities of Dublin and Pleasanton desire to modify the 1-580 / Foothill Road / San
Ramon Road Interchange; and
WHEREAS, the modification would equally enhance traffic flow in and around the interchange for
both Cities; and
WHEREAS, the modifications woUld have an impact on the 1-580 Freeway which is under the
jurisdiction and control of the State of California, California Department of Transportation (Caltrans); and
WHEREAS, before modification can occur, Caltrans requires a Project Study Report to be
prepared; and
WHEREAS, itis equally beneficial to the Cities of Dublin and Pleasanton and is mutually agreed
that equal participation in the cost of the Project Study Report is appropriate.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Dublin does hereby
approve the Reimbursement Agreement as to content and form, which is attached hereto as "Exhibit A."
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Manager is authorized and directed to execute the
Reimbursement Agreement.
PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 15th day of February 2000.
Councilmembers Howard, McCormick, Vice Mayor Lockhart and Mayor
NOES: None
AB SENT: Councilmember Zika
ATTE~ :ler~
K2/G/2-15-00/reso-pton-agmt-580.doc (Item 4.12)
gSrniscproj\dbw-vpw to sierraXreso reimbursement agreement
THIS AGREEMENT is made this .. ---day of ,2000, ,,by and between CITY OF
PLEASANTON, a municipal corporation (hereinafter referred to as "P~asanton ) and CITY OF DUBLIN,
a municipal corporation (hereinafter referred to as "Dublin").
WHEREAS, Pleasanton and Dublin have mutual interest in performing physical modifications to the
1-580 Freeway, Foothill Road/San Ramon Road interchange; and
WHEREAS, said physical modifications will impact the 1-580 Freeway which is under the control and
jurisdiction of the State of California, Department of Transportation (hereafter Caltrans"); and
WHEREAS, Caltrans requires a Project Study Report (hereafter "PSR") to be performed for any
proposed physical modifications to its facilities; and
WHEREAS, Dublin has solicited and obtained a Scope of Work and Fee Proposal from HQE, Inc.
dated January 19, 2000 for the required PSR, attached hereto and made a part of this agreement.
NOW, THEREFORE, for the mutual consideration provided herein, the sufficiency of which is hereby
acknowledged, the parties hereto agree as follows:
Project. Pleasanton and Dublin will equally share in and contribute to the cost of the preparation
of the PSR (hereafter "the Project") as outlined in the Scope of Work and Fee Proposal from
HQE, Inc.
2. Dublin Responsibilities. Dublin shall be responsible for the following:
1. Enter into an agreement with HQE, Inc. to perform the work for the Project.
2. Administration of the HQE, Inc. contract, including review of monthly progress reports and
processing payment to HQE, Inc.
3. Submit monthly progress payment reports for completed work to Pleasanton Director of
Public Works for processing of payments to HQE, Inc.
4. Provide City staff to attend and participate in meetings as outlined in the Scope of Work from
HQE, Inc.
3. Pleasanton Responsibility. Pleasanton shall be responsible for the following:
1. Transfer all funding for the Project that will be provided by Pleasanton to Dublin within thirty
(30) days of request.
2. Provide City staff to attend and participate in meetings as outlined in the Scope of Work from
HQE, Inc.
Term and Terminatio~-~. ~This Agreement shall become effectiw,-~'n the first date indicated above
and shall terminate upon the acceptance by all parties of the work described herein.
Indemnification. Neither Dublin, nor any officer or employee thereof, shall be responsible for any
damage or liability occurring by reason of anything done or omitted by Pleasanton under or in
connection with any work, authority or jurisdiction not delegated to or performed by Dublin under
this agreement or otherwise. Pursuant to Government Code §895.4, Pleasanton shall fully
indemnify and hold Dublin harmless from any liability imposed for injury (as defined by
Government Code §810.8) occurring by reason of anything done or omitted to be done by
Pleasanton under or in connection with any work described herein. Neither Pleasanton, nor any
officer or employee thereof, shall be responsible for any damage or liability occurring by reason
of anything done or omitted by Dublin under or in connection with any work, authority or
jurisdiction not delegated to or performed by Pleasanton under this agreement or otherwise.
Pursuant to Government Code §895.4, Dublin shall fully indemnify and hold Pleasanton harmless
from any liability imposed for injury (as defined by Government Code §810.8) occurring by
reason of anything done or omitted to be done by Dublin under or in connection with any work
described herein.
Independent Capacity. The parties are acting in an independent capacity in the performance of
their respective functions under this agreement, and no officer, agent or employee of either party
is to be considered the officer, agent or employee of the other.
7. Modification. This agreement shall be modified only by written agreement of the parties.
THIS AGREEMENT is executed as of the date and year first stated above.
Deborah Acosta, City Manager
Richard C. Ambr(::;
Peggy Ezidro, City Clerk
ay K~;;ity Clerl¥-
Michael Roush, City Attorney
Elizabeth Silver, City Attorney
g:miscproject\l-580 Foothill - San Ramon PSR\pleas-dub_psr_agreement
City of Dublin
'San Ramon Road/I-580 Interchange Modifications
Project Study Report- Scope of Work
The existing San Ramon Road/I-580 Interchange is a four quadrant cloverleaf (Caltrans Type L-
10) interchange providing free flow characteristics for all movements. It is limited in it's
capacity, however, due to the short weaving distances between loop ramps. It also limits the
available weaving distance for the 1-580 westbound to San Ramon Road northbound movement
due to its close proximity to the Dublin Boulevard/San Ramon Road Intersection, causing
potential safety issues.
In order to address these issues, the City of Dublin proposes to modify the interchange by
realigning the westbound and eastbound diagonal off-ramps to a tee intersection with San Ramon
Road/Foothill Boulevard.
Major features of the proposed project include:
· Reali~mmaent of the westbound 1-580 off ramp terminus to a tee intersection at San
Ramon Road and installation of a new sigual;
· Realig'nment of the eastbound 1-580 off ramp terminus to a tee intersection at Foothill
Road (San Ramon Road) and installation of a new sisal;
· Potential removal of westbound 1-580 to southbound San Ramon Road loop ramp;
· Potential removal of eastbound 1-580 to northbound San Ramon Road loop ramp.
The Scope of Work for this effort will require preparation of a Project Study Report (PSR) in
accordance with Caltrans' standards.
The detailed Scope of Work will include the following tasks:
Task 1- Preliminary Data Preparation/Collection
a. Site Visits
The project team will conduct site visits as necessary to identify and understand
existing field conditions. Assumes two site visits.
b. Prepare/submit Encroachment Permit Application for field work
An encroachment permit application will be prepared for the City's sig-nature to obtain
right of entry for site visits.
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San Ramon Road~I-580 Interchange
Project Study Report Scope of Work
Ci0, of Dublin
HO_E, Inc.
c. Traffic Data/Forecasts (Existing and 2025 traffic volumes)
This task includes collecting existing traffic data from Caltrans and the Cities of
Dublin/Pleasanton, and projecting peak hour traffic volumes for the desig-n year 2025
using the Tri-Valley model developed by others.
AM and PM peak two-hour per/od traffic counts will be performed at the following
· 1-580/Foothill/San Ramon Interchange- all 8 ramps plus through movements on
Sam Ramon Road/Foothill Boulevard
· Sam Ramon Road/Dublin Boulevard intersection
· Foothill Boulevard/Canyon Road intersection
The traffic forecasting methodology will. be confirmed with Caltrans prior to use of the
forecasts for the traffic operations analysis. The most current version of the Tri-
Valley EMME/2 Transportation Model that is consistent with a current version of
A_BAG Projections land use will be obtained, checked for accuracy, and adjusted as
necessary. The model will be applied to generate 2025 traffic forecasts for the
freeway mainline, ramps, and adjacent intersections. The model results will be
adjusted based on observed traffic counts using a procedure approved by Caltrans.
d. Aerial Photos
Obtain aerial photographs of the interchange for use in preparing the conceptual
geometry for two alternatives.
Collect all available information
Includes construction record drawings ("as-builts"), bridge plans, geotechnical
information, utility information, Right of Way Record Maps, Hard Copy maps,
Floodplain Data, etc.
Task 2- Project Management
a. Administration
Includes monthly Invoicing, Pro~ess Reports and Contract Compliance.
b. Schedule/Budget Control
Prepare initial PSR schedule and budget and monitor them as necessary to continually
reflect project status. Update Schedule only if impacts become significant.
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San Ramon Road/I-580 Interchange
Project Study Report Scope of Work
CiO' of Dublin
HO_Z, Inc.
Agency Coordination
Coordinate with the City of Dublin,
Companies as necessary.
Caltrans, City of Pleasanton
and Utility
d. Subconsultant Coordination
Manage and monitor all subconsultant services for contract compliance and prepare
Subconsultant A~eements.
Task 3 - Meetings
a. Kick-off.Meeting with Caltrans/City of Dublin/City of Pleasanton
Key project team members will attend this introductory meeting to discuss overall
project goals, schedules, and requirements. HQE shall prepare meeting minutes for
distribution to all attendees.
PDT Team Meetings
Monthly meetings will be held to discuss project pro~ess and resolve outstanding
.issues. HQE will prepare meeting minutes for each meeting for distribution to
attendees and pertinent team members. Assumes 8 meetings:
c. Technical Coordination meetings
Meetings will be held as necessary to discuss technical issues such as geometry,
environmental concerns, traffic projections, etc. Assumes a total of six (6) meetings.
Meetings with Cities of Dublin and Pleasanton
Assumes four (4) meetings to provide project' status updates and present outstanding
issues, if any.
Task 4- Draft PSR
Prepare preliminary horizontal geometry
Graphical layouts of the proposed project will be prepared on aerial photos to show
the baseline features of the project. The geometry will be used to assess
environmental impacts, impacts to utilities, and confirm that the proposed project lies
within existing fight of way. It is assumed that there will be only two Project
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San Ramon Road/I-580 Interchange
Project Stud), Report Scope of Work
CiO' of Dublin
HO_E, Inc.
b. Draft Construction Cost Estimates
Prepare PSR level cost estimates according to Caltrans standards.
c. R/ght of Way Data Sheets
Prepare fight of way data sheets in accordance with Caltrans standards. Utility
relocation information is included in the data sheets.
d. Environmental Analysis
The environmental processing for the proposed project is designed to fulfill
requirements specified in CEQA, the CEQA Guidelines, N-EPA and other applicable
regulations. The appropriate environmental document for this undertaking is assumed
to be a Categorical Exemption (CE) under CEQA and a Categorical Exclusion
(CATX) under N-EPA. The CE/CATX will not be prepared until the Project
Report/Environmental Document Phase of the project. No formal public meetings are
anticipated at this time.
· PAR staff anticipates attendance at one initial project initiation meeting.
Additional meetings can be attended on a time-and-materials basis.
PAR will conduct a preliminary environmental assessment consisting of a
windshield reconnaissance and record searches.
Documentation will consist of a memorandum including the findings of the record
searches, results of the windshield surveys, a listing of the required technical
studies and a recommendation of the anticipated environmental document. Lvpe
required should the PSR advance to a formal project.
Since it is anticipated that a CE/CATX will be prepared, the report will not address
mitigation costs. If the Preliminary Environmental Assessment concludes that a
more lengthy and formal environmental process is required, the scope may require
adjustment to include a discussion of mitigation costs and timelines.
PAR will rely on information contained in the City of Dublin's General Plan and
any updates and will request a records search of the archaeological information
maintained at the Northwest Information Center of the California Historical
Resources Information System. Other repositories of data sensitive species
(Califomia Natural Diversity Data Base) and other resource areas will be contacted
as appropriate.
PAR will conduct record searches and windshield surveys for the disciplines listed
below. Additional analyses needed to provide detailed information regarding
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San Ramon Road/I-580 Interchange
Project Study Report Scope of Work
CiO, of Dublin
HQE, Ina.
wetlands, biological resources, cultural resources, noise, visual and socioeconomic
conditions are not included in this PSR scope.
Biological Resources
Record searches of the California Natural Diversity Data Base (CNDDB) will be
assessed for plant and animal species of special concern that might occur in the
project area and a preliminary assessment as to whether habitat exists in the project
area. This work does not include full protocol surveys, a wetlands delineation or
detailed surveys of wildlife or vegetation mapping.
An assessment of the potential for noise impacts will be based on identification of
· potentially sensitive receptors during the windshield survey. No modeling analysis
will be provided.
A brief assessment of potential for impacts to scenic resources will be made based
on a windshield survey of the site.and surrounding land uses.
Land Use/Socioeconomic Issues
A brief assessment of potential for land use and socioeconomic impacts will be
made based on a windshield survey of the site and surrounding land uses and on
information contained in the City's General Plan.
Cultural Resources
PAR will request a record search be conducted at the California Historical
Resources Information System, Northwest Information Center maintained by
Sonoma State Urfiversity, Rohnert Park. The examination of records at this
institution will provide data on known site locations within or adjacent to the
project. A windshield survey of the area will be conducted to identify the potential
for or presence of historic buildings or obvious prehistoric and historical features
or sites along the existing fight of way.
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San Ramon Road/I-580 Interchange
Project Study Report Scope of Work
Ci~_' of Dublin
HQE, Inc.
Other disciplines, including air quality, will be addressed based on documentation
available in the City of Dublin General Plan and General Plan EIR or other
recently prepared studies for the area.
e. Accident Data Review
Obtain the most recent TASAS output from Caltrans to quantify accidents per million
vehicle kilometer and compare those to statewide averages for similar facilities.
Traffic Operations Analysis
Perform traffic operations analysis for the No Build and one Project Alternative
(preferred Alternative) for existing and desig-n year 2025 conditions. The analysis
includes intersection levels of service, ramp junction analysis and queuing analysis for
intersections and ramp metering operations at on-ramps. Information will be provided
in Draft, Final Draft, and Final Traffic Operations Analysis Report.
Design Exception Fact Sheets
Prepare fact sheets for approval by Caltrans for all non-standard design features. It is
anticipated that three fact sheets will be required (Mandatory, Advisory and Ramp
Metefing/HOV By-pass).
Initial Site Assessment (ISA)
Includes: site visit to review existing conditions, record evaluation of Federal, State
and County environmental databases to search for hazardous substance releases in the
vicinity of the project site; review of historical aerial photo~aphs to evaluate previous
land uses; review of Record DraWings to develop a preliminary assessment of
anticipated geotechnical conditions and investigations requirements; and a letter-report
summarizing the results of the site visit and records review activities.
i. Draft MOU
Coordinate the preparation of the Draft Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) and
between Caltrans and the City of Dublin.
QA/QC of Draft PSR prior to submittal
Perform internal quality control check of Draft PSR to assure that all elements of the
report have been adequately and properly addressed.
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San Ramon Road~I-580 Interchange
Project Study Report Scope of Work
Cio' of Dublin
HQE, Inc.
Task 5- Final Draft PSR
a. Prepare Response to Comments received from Cities/Caltrans
b. Identify/Resolve Outstanding issues, if any
c. Incorporate Comments as appropriate
d. Submit Final Draft PSR
Task 6- Final PSR
a. Incorporate any remaining comments
b. Submit Final PSR for approval & sigxaamre
· R/gght of way acquisition is not required for the proposed modifications.
· No impacts to Dublin Creek or the Cemetery on the north side ofi-580.
· CTC Action is not required.
· Revised Freeway Agreement is not required (i.e. no change in access points).
· Potholing of existing utilities is not required (no high risk facilities).
· Processing time of 9 months.
· Traffic Data includes only existing and design year (2025) analysis.
· No exceptions to Caltrans Lon~tudinal Encroachment permit policy are required
· All agreements will be coordinated only; actual preparation is by Agencies.
· Appropriate Environmental Documentation is Categorical Exemption/Exclusion.
· Traffic model will come from Dowling; will use only one model (Th-Valley or Dublin).
· No metric mapping will be required at this stage; aerial photographs will be used for
geometric exhibits.
Proposed Project Team
CCS Planning & Engineering, Inc.
PAR Environmental Services, Inc.
The Mark Group, Inc.
Traffic Data/Forecasts & Traffic Operations Analysis
Initial Site Assessment (ISA) - Geotechnical
c:\city of Dublin~sanramonscopepsr.doc P age 7 of 7 01 / 19/00
San Ramon Road/I-580 Interchange
Project Study Report
Engineering Services Fee Estimate
~ Task Number/ Project Project Design CADD/ I OfficeI Total
Description Manager Engineer Engineer Designer[ [Admin Hours
$ 120.00 $ 100.00 $ 66.00 $ 65.00 $ 50.001
Task 1- Preliminary. Data Preparation/Collection
a. Site Visits 2 6t 61 2 0 16
b. Encroachment Permit Appticati on 1:01 0 0! 1 2
c. Traffic Data/Forecasts CCS Planning & En~neering - $12,160 0
d. Aerial Photos 0[ 2 4 0t 01 6
te. Collect all available information .01 8 1601 4 28
Task I Total 3 16 26 2 5 52
Task 2 - Pro,iect Management
a. Administration 91 6 ~ 0 0 18 33
b. Schedule/Budget Control 24 12 01 01' 0 36
c. Agency Coordination 24: 12 4 01 0 40
d. Subconsultant Coordination 24 15 1201 01 51
Task 2 Total 81 45 16 01 18 160
Task 3 - Meetings '
ia. Kick-offMeeting 3 5 3 0 11 12
lb. PDT Team Meetings [ 1~6t 24 0 0 81 48
c. Technical Coordination meetingsI 1 12 18 0 6t 48
d. Meetings with City. I~t 16 0i 01 41 28
Task 3 TotalI 39 57 21 01 19, 136
Task 4 - Draft PSR
a. Conceptual Geometry/Draft Report 41 40 80 30t 0 154
b. Draft Constmcfion Cost Estimates 31 16 32 01 0 51
c. Right of Way D_~_t_~ Sheets21 4 8 0t 0 14
d. Environmental Documentation PAR - $5,000 0
e. Accident Data Review 01 4[ 81 0[ 0[ 12
f. Traffic Operations Analysis CCS Planning & En~neer/ng - $16,740 [ 0
o Desi,.mn Exception Fact Sheets, if required 2[ 4[ ' 8[ 4t 41 22
Ih. Initial Site Assessment (ISA) The Mark Group - $3,500 [ 0
i. QA/QC of Draft PSRI 42[ 01 0: 0 6
Task 4 Total 17 72 136 34 4 263
Task 5 - Final Draft PSR
a. Prepare Response to Comments [ 3 8 12 0 3 ! 26
b. Identify/Resolve Outstanding issues, if any 2 4 0 0 01 6
c. Incorporate Comments as appropriate 2 12t 24 8 0 46
d. Submit Final Draft PSR/PR 1 3 3 0[ 0[ 7
Task 5 Total[ 81 27 398[ 3 85'
Task 6- Final PSR
a. Incorporate any remaining comments 2! 6 12 4 2 26
b. Submit Final PSR/PR for approval & si=~nature 11 2 3 0 0 6
Task 6 Total 3! 8 15 4 2 32
TOTAL HQE HOURS 1511 225 253 48 51 728
TOTAL HQE COST $ 18320 15 22,500 ,$ 16,698 $ 3,120 .$ 2,550 $ 62,988_
CiD' of Dublin
San Ramon Road/I-580 Interchange Modifications
Project Study Report
Fee Estimate Summary
High Quality En~neering - Prime Consultant
CCS Planning & Engineering- Traffic
PAR Environmental - Environmental
The Mark Group, Inc. - Geotechnical
$ 66,188
$ 28,900
$ 5,000
$ 3,500
$ 103,588
Estimated Direct Costs
Ma/l/Delivery Charges
Total Direct Costs
$ 2,700
$ 500
$ 3,200
Note: Reproduction Costs assume the following number of.PSR copies for each submittal:
City of Dublin 5
City of Pleasanton 5
-Project Team 7
~ , ,
Total Copies 27
All Direct Costs will be billed at actual cost.
- ,
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