HomeMy WebLinkAbout02-27-1996 CC Adopted MinutesREGULAR MEETING ~ February 27, 1996 A regular meeting of the Dublin City Council was held on Tuesday, February 27, 1996, in the Council Chambers of the Dublin Civic Center. The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m., by Mayor Houston, ROLL CALL PRESENT: ABSENT: Councilmembers Barnes, Burton, Howard, Moffatt and Mayor Houston. None PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Mayor Houston led the Council, Staff and those present in the pledge of allegiance to the flag. INTRODUCTION OF NEW EMPLOYEE 7:01 p.m. 3.1 (700~10) Assistant to the City Manager Texeira introduced Dean A. Johnson, the City's new part time Community Safety Assistant, who started with the City on February 12. Dean will be coordinating the City's disaster preparedness program. He has a range of experience in the areas of municipal government and public safety. He worked as a Code Enforcement Officer with the City of Ceres, for the Stanislaus County Sheriffs Department and the West Chicago Police Department. Dean stated it is good to be here, and mentioned that he had prepared a report on the Consent Calendar already. St. Patrick's Day Parade - Policy on Alcohol (950-40) Debbie White, 6766 Onyx Place, asked questions about a no alcohol policy for the St. Patrick's Day parade. She has coordinated the Girl Scouts being in the parade for the last 2 years. She has spoken with Bill Burnham who she understands is responsible for the parade, and also with his wife. She did not feel that alcohol belongs in our parade. Her daughter is really uncomfortable when the Clampers come by. She read a letter from her 7th grade daughter stating she felt the Clampers set a very bad example. They make fools of themselves. Ms. White stated they carry a keg and have cups that they fill during the parade. To sensitive young kids, this is not appropriate. Mayor Houston asked if we have a no alcohol policy on public streets now. Cm. Barnes stated other groups had also brought this up and asked what we could do about it. Mayor Houston felt there should be no alcohol in the parade. Ms. Silver advised that it could be made a condition of the parade permit. Chief Rose stated this isn't specifically spelled out in the permit. He stated this has come up in the past and it was his understanding that the people who offer the permits were going to monitor it. The Police have never enforced this law, but stated he would take direction from the City Council. Mayor Houston felt we should let all groups know that alcohol isn't allowed in and during the parade. He felt the Clampers are a good group and they do a lot of good things. Chief Rose suggested that he be directed to draft a letter and let Bill Burnham know about the discussion. Ms. Silver referenced DMC Section 5.92.010; the ordinance is in. place. This section deals with drinking on public streets and drinking in parking lots. Chief Rose stated he was aware that we have the ordinance, but it has not been enforced at the parade. Mayor Houston felt a letter should be sent as soon as possible. Cm. Moffatt stated he would talk to the Lions Club also. Mayor Houston stated he is a member of the Clampers and they have a lot of fun. Cm. Howard stated she did not feel a lot of them are drunk, but that this is just part of their act. Karen Sevilla, 7754 Topaz Circle thanked the City Council for the funds given them for the PEP program. She stated she also was very concerned about the Clampers. The idea of them pretending to be drunk is even worse and certainly not a good example for the children. She requested that the City go further and ask them to not have the pretense of being drunk. CITY' COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 15 RE(IUL~R MEETINgl Febx--x~a~'-~' 2,7, 1996 PAGE 9'7 Dawn Gallup, 8375 Davona Drive, stated she is a PEP instructor. She also would like the adults to set an example for the children. Alcohol is not something to have fun with. Adults should be responsible for their actions. City Subsidized Childcare (330-20) Ms. Gallup stated she was actually present to discuss childcare funding through the City. Resources for Family Development (RFD) has approached the City in the past to request funds to educate and train providers in the area. Livermore and Pleasanton presently fund RFD to help boost the profession of family childcare. Dublin does not participate in this program. People in Dublin in this profession will not be recognized because the City doesn't support or back this program. She volunteered to get more information for the City Council. She also heard about a neon sign going up on the hill to boost us, and stated she opposed this. Mayor Houston explained the context in which this comment was made. It was not serious. The City Council was discussing ways of promoting Dublin and this comment was a joke. The newspaper article was misleading. She stated she was excited about the possibility of the fire districts coming together. Mayor Houston commented that last fiscal year the group, RFD did not apply for funding. They have to keep applying. She should send the City a letter and then the City Council will consider the request at budget time. The letter should be directed to the City Manager. Boy Scout Troop 549 (130-40) Mayor Houston recognized Boy Scouts Troop 549 which was present in the audience. Chuck Athey is their leader. Cm. Burton stated he was going to give them some City background, before he learned that both Mr. Reuel's and Mr. Ambrose's sons were in the group. The City Council welcomed the Scouts to the meeting. CITY' COUNCIL MINLrI*F~ VOLUME 15 IPcEgiULAR BIEETIN(i Febx'**u.q 2"7, 1996 PAGE 98 CONSENT CALENDAR 7:18 p.m. On motion of Cm. Moffatt, seconded by Cm. Barnes, and by unanimous vote, the Council took the following actions: Approved (4.1) Minutes of Joint City Council/Planning Commission Study Session of February 6, and Regular Meeting of February 13, 1996; Adopted (4.2 360-50) RESOLUTION NO. 24 - 96 DIRECTING PREPARATION OF ANNUAL REPORT FOR CITYWIDE STREET LIGHTING MAINTENANCE ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 83-1 Adopted (4.3 360-20) RESOLUTION NO. 25 - 96 DIRECTING PREPARATION OF ANNUAL REPORT FOR LANDSCAPING & LIGHTING MAINTENANCE ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 83-2 (TRACT 4719) Adopted (4.4 360-20) RESOLUTION NO. 26 - 96 DIRECTING PREPARATION OF ANNUAL REPORT FOR LANDSCAPING & LIGHTING MAINTENANCE ASSESSMENT DISTRICT $6-1 (TRACT 5511) AdOpted (4.5 520-30) RESOLUTION NO. 27 - 96 REVISING MULTI-HAZARD FUNCTIONAL PLAN (STANDBY OFFICERS) Accepted (4.6 150-70) Gifts of $600 from Markstein Enterprises and Community First National Bank to be used for the St. Patrick's Day celebration; directed Staff to prepare formal acknowledgments to the donors; and approved the Budget Change Form; Approved (4.7 350-20) the Budget Change Form for the purchase of a refrigerator at the Dublin Senior Center; Received (4.8 330-50) the Financial Report for the month of January, 1996; CIT~ COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 15 RE~iULAR MEETIN(I Febx-uax-~ 27, 1996 Authorized (4.9 600~30) Staff to advertise Contract 96-02, 1995-96 Annual Street Repair and Overlay Project for bids; Approved (4.10 300-40) the Warrant Register in the amount of $467,409.19. PUBLIC HEARING PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO TITLE 9 (SUBDIVISIONS) OF DUBLIN MUNICIPAL CODE 7:19 p.m. 6.1 (410-50) Mayor Houston opened the public hearing. Public Works Director Thompson presented the Staff Report and discussed various amendments to the City's Subdivision Ordinance. ~ The changes would include the latest state laws and would ease the submittal requirements for Vesting Tentative Maps. The ordinance was introduced at the February 13, 1996 City Council meeting and there was no public comment at that public hearing. Mr. Thompson stated the attorney for the Dublin Unified School District requested additional time to review the subject ordinance changes, and has therefore asked that this item be continued until the next Council meeting. Mr. Ambrose felt as a courtesy to Dublin Unified School District, the City Council could consider continuing the item. Mayor Houston referenced a letter from Thurbon &.Youngblood,.the Livermore School District Attorneys, which had been faxed to City offices this afternoon. The City Council had not had a chance to review their comments. No testimony was given by any member of the public relative to this issue. On motion of Cm. Burton, seconded by Cm. Howard, and by unanimous vote, the Council continued this item to the March 12, 1996 City Council meeting. PUBLIC HEARING AMENDMENT TO CITY OF DUBLIN CONFLICT OF INTEREST CODE 7:22 p.m. 6.2 (640-40) Mayor Houston opened the public hearing. City Attorney Silver stated at the February 13, 1996, City Council meeting, the Council introduced an ordinance amending Section 2.24.020 of the DMC in order to designate the new position of Community Development Director to the list of employees required CITY' COUNCIL MINUTES ¥OLUME 15 RE6ULAR MEETIN6 Febx*-'o.q 'g~'7, 1996 PAGE 100 to complete annual Statements of Economic Interest. The statements must be completed and disclosure made in accordance with Categories 3 and 4. No testimony was given by any member of the public relative to this issue. Mayor Houston closed the public hearing. On motion of Cm. Burton, seconded by Cm. Moffatt, and by unanimous vote, the Council waived the reading and adopted ORDINANCE NO. 3 - 96 AMENDING SECTION 2.24.020 OF THE DUBLIN MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO THE CITVS CONFLICT OF INTEREST CODE REVISION TO EASTERN DUBLIN TRAFFIC IMPACT FEE/AREA OF BENEFIT FEE 7:23 p.m. 6.3 (390-20) Mayor Houston opened the public hearing. Public Works Director Thompson advised that on January 23, 1996, the City Council opened and continued a public hearing to consider proposed revisions to the City's existing Traffic Impact Fee for Eastern Dublin. Prior to that meeting, Staff received requests from property owners to have the opportunity to discuss the revisions in more detail. Mr. Thompson stated Staff has revised the method of valuing right-of-way and is scheduling a meeting with the property owners to discuss the revisions before the matter is brought back to the City Council. Cm. Moffatt asked if there would be any alternatives for subsidized housing or the concept of a tax transfer fee, etc., that might be used to help people building new houses deal with such large fees. Mr. Ambrose stated they would be looking at this when they get into the inclusionary housing ordinance. This is where they would look at these types of issues. Cm. Moffatt stated he was interested in the TVTC regional fees. Mr. Thompson stated on this particular fee if a developer has a major street near his property, he is going to get credit for that. There will be credit offsets in this. CITY' COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 15 RE(iULAR MF..ETIN{i Febx-uav 2'2', 1996 PAGE 101 Cm. Moffatt stated he was interested in having some kind of a policy. Mr. Ambrose advised that we have certain obligations in accordance with our agreements with Pleasanton and BART. We have to come up with a mechanism to fairly assess everyone. The fees might be spread over a length of time. Ms. Silver stated assessments are also covered under the Right to Vote legislation. If it qualifies for the ballot, we will need to look at what infrastructure can be financed through an assessment district. No testimony was given by any member of the public relative to this issue. On motion of Cm. Burton, seconded by Cm. Barnes, and by unanimous vote, the Council continued the item to the March 26, 1996 City Council meeting. PARKING OF OVERSIZE VEHICLES 7:29 p.m. 7.1 (570-20) Public Works Director Thompson presented the Staff Report and stated as a result of discussions regarding parking issues on Donlon Way, the City Council requested that Staff look into oversize vehicle parking in general throughout the City. At the present time, the City has the following oversize vehicle restrictions: 1) Two-hour parking for commercially licensed vehicles over 10,000 lbs. gross weight; and 2) Commercially licensed vehicles over 6,000 lbs. gross weight are prohibited fromusing residential streets except when making deliveries. These restrictions are Citywide and signs to this effect are posted at City entrances. There is an additional restriction on some commercial streets which entirely prohibits parking of vehicles over 20' in length, where large trucks tend to cause visibility problems or the street is too narrow for truck parking. An alternative to the over 20' in length restriction is the over 6' high restriction, which is used near intersections where tall vehicles cause a sight distance problem, but cars do not. Mr. Thompson stated there are presently no Citywide restrictions against on-street parking of campers, motor homes, trailers, or other vehicles that are not commercially licensed, except for the California Vehicle Code regulations and the Dublin Municipal Code regulations that would also affect passenger cars. There are zoning regulations that affect parking of vehicles on private property, including requirements that the vehicles be currently licensed and parked on an all-weather surface. The City Council recently adopted a no trailers parking restriction on Donlon Way. Mr. Thompson reviewed the 5 allowed types of regulations discussed in the Staff Report which could be enacted by ordinance or resolution. CITY' COUNCIL MINUTES ~OLUME 15 RI!~ULAR MEETIN(i Februam~t-.'~ 2"'d's 1996 l::Ss.,cls/~l.~E 102 If the City Council wishes to pursue certain restrictions, it would be appropriate to direct Staff as to the type of vehicles that should be restricted and the extent of restriction desired. Staff would then prepare a draft ordinance or resolution for consideration at a future meeting. Mr. Thompson summarized that you can't park a tractor trailer for more than 2 hours in the City. There is a 6,000 lbs. gross weight, and you can't use City streets as a through route. You can't go through the town; you have to be delivering goods. Cm. Burton asked if there has been a problem other than the ones discussed last year on Donlon Way. Cm. Barnes stated this issue was one of the first issues she dealt with when she was on the Planning Commission. Cm. Burton stated he just wished to thank Staff for the Staff Report. He didn't want to revisit the RV and anti-ugly problems that occurred a few years ago. On motion of Cm. Burton, seconded by Cm. Barnes, and by unanimous vote, the Council thanked Staff and accepted the report with no action. BART STATION NAME 7:34 p.m. 8.1 (1060-30) Economic Development Manager Reuel advised that construction: of the BART DPX project began in the Fall of 1991 and is expected to be completed later this year. The official station name is East Dublin/Pleasanton. The issue of changing the name was raised in 19~$, when several members of the Pleasanton community expressed an interest in changing it to include 'Hacienda' in the name. BART Director Sherman Lewis stated he would present an alternative station name to the BART Board for consideration if the Tri-Valley Cities would cooperatively decide to change and select the name. Staff did not recommend the inclusion of other Tri~Valley Cities in the potential renaming process of the station. Mr. Reuel stated in considering the name, BART riders should be kept in mind in order to ensure that the BART system is easy to use. The station name becomes important to establish this identity. Mayor Houston stated he had asked that this item be put on the agenda. The item got pulled from the Tri-Valley Council agenda. He felt what we need to decide is whether we want to use Dublin or East Dublin. We should send a letter to each BART Board member and to the Mayor of Pleasanton. CIT~ COUNCIL MINUTES ~/OLUME 15 RE6UL~R MEETiN6 Febx~ua~t'l~r 2V, 1996 PaGE 103 Cm. Burton stated he went to the BART conference that was put on by WHEELS. Mr. Snyder indicated verY strongly that there was a specific reason for the name. Mr. Ambrose stated he was probably referencing the settlement agreement that we had with BART. This related to the original EIR that we had on the project. We challenged their EIR and as a result, they picked an alternative to build 2 stations. He wasn't certain that the agreement has any impact on our rights to name the station. Mayor Houston felt that even though we now hear a lot about East Dublin because of future development, at some point in time, Dublin will be Dublin, and the east will be dropped. With the prospect that there won't be a west station for a long time, he felt we should just drop the east right now. He wasn't sure of a need to meet with Pleasanton on this. A letter to everyone would make sense. Mr. Reuel stated he thought Pleasanton wants the station to be named Dublin/ Pleasanton, but he wasn't sure. Mayor Houston felt common sense would prevail. Cm. Moffatt asked what happens if they want it to be named Dublin/Hacienda. Cm. Barnes relayed a situation of someone on the Peninsula looking at a map. They would be looking for a particular city. People don't live in Hacienda, so this Wouldn't be as clear to people out of the immediate area. On motion of Cm. Burton, seconded by Cm. Barnes, and by unanimous vote, the Council directed that letters be sent to BART Directors and the Mayors of Pleasanton and Livermore stating Dublin's preference that the station be named just Dublin/ Pleasanton and remove the word east. REQUEST FOR AUTHORIZATION AND SUPPORT TO PROCEED WITH EVALUATING CONSOLIDATION AND THE POTENTIAL OPPORTUNITIES FOR THE SHARING OF FIRE DEPARTMENT RESOURCES WITHIN THE VALLEY 7:46 p.m. 8.2 (540-70) City Manager Ambrose advised that at the FebruarY 13, 1996, City Council meeting, the Council directed Staff to study the various fire/emergency response deliverY options available to the City of Dublin in the event that the Dougherty Regional Fire Authority Joint Exercise of Powers Agreement is terminated in the future. DRFA Chief Diekman presented the Staff Report and discussed past studies that have been done. The Fire Chiefs in December of 1995, outlined five options for the City Managers to consider. These options were: CITY' COUNCIL MINUTE8 ~OLUME 15 RE{iUI~tR MEI!TINfl Febx~ua~ 27, 1996 PAGE 104 1) Do nothing further, probably for the balance of this decade. See what growth patterns, economic and political changes occur in the Valley. Perhaps in the future a more compelling economic argument will surface for functional consolidation. 2) Do not pursue formal consolidation in 1996, but insist on close joint operations between the agencies. This would include a continuation of the monthly staff meetings and driving for the standardization of operations wherever possible. Small economies of scale through contracting would be encouraged in areas such as facilities, equipment, data systems and training programs. 3) Formally approve the goal of full, permanent, consolidation at the mid~ management level. In early 1996, obtain the City Council's support and input on a management structure. One suggestion would be to appoint a steering committee to design the permanent structure. This committee could be composed of one elected official from each agency, the Fire Chiefs and the City Managers. During this negotiation phase in early 1996, relevant items from option #2 would continue to be pursued. The transition and final structure could be ready for implementation by the third quarter of 1996. This would allow the joint team to make the best use of whatever retirements occur from that point forward. 4) Formally approve the goal of full, permanent consolidation of all fire management services as discussed in option #3. In this particular instance, the plan would move more quickly to a single Fire Chief allowing the cooperative effort to stabilize more quickly than in option #3. 5) Formally approve a complete consolidation of all fire service activity areas. This oPtion would receive all of the benefits of options #3 and #4, but may be more complicated by labor group interests. Cm. Moffatt added that the VCSD was involved in a study in the late 70's or early 80's. Chief Diekman stated yes, consultants were brought in to look for opportunities. Some actions out of the studies came into being; i.e., training and recruitments. Cm. Moffatt stated he had hoped to get involved with something like this for years. Cm. Burton stated he realized there were different options. He asked if fireworks would still be a city to city option. Would Dublin's right to sell them be taken out of our hands. Chief Diekman stated he didn't think so, but some of the things are political decisions. The agency would have to work under the rules of the city it serves. Mayor Houston asked how the evaluations will change if Dublin is on its own. C1'!¥ COUNCIL MINUTE5 VOLUME 15 RI~(~UL,,qIt ~IEETIN~i Feb~ua~ 27, 1996 PAGE 105 Chief Diekman stated as they have worked through the processes, they treat each City individually and do not take it baCk to the Fire Authority BOard, recognizing there may be some differences on the part of the DP, FA Board. They do recommend that San Ramon be included. Mr. Ambrose stated this alternative assumes that we will bring DRFA in tact into this. This would have to be one of the alternatives considered. Mayor Houston felt both options need to be explored. Mr. Ambrose clarified that one JPA can't join another JPA. DP, FA would have to be disbanded and another JPA formed. The City Council should consider if the concepts indicated in the Staff Report are what they want to move forward with and study. The political comfort level is what needs to be considered when the City Council sees the report, and how it would work. Look at combinations in 3 or in 3 and 4. We could look at downsizing mid-management within the 3 departments. There's a window of opportunity with some retirements now. Cm. Burton stated option #3 was his preference, because he felt option #4 would be moving too fast. Mr. Ambrose stated the committee will look at various options. If we pursue any consolidation at this time, consolidating, management at this time is the most feasible. This would be upper and mid-managemenL We would achieve savings by attrition. Cm. Burton stated he didn't want to see it move too fast, because it then gets into a political arena. Mayor Houston stated it should be clarified that the City of San Ramon is included in this. In summary, Staffs recommendation was that the City Council approve the City of Dublin's participation in a committee consisting of the Mayors and City Managers from the Cities of Dublin, Livermore, Pleasanton and San Ramon, and the Fire Chiefs from DRFA, Livermore and Pleasanton. The committee would be formed to research, design and propose a governance and cost allocation structure for the joint delivery of Fire Services in the Valley. This committee would make its findings available to each City Council. The committee should be encouraged to report back within 60 days or less. This would provide for sufficient time for the City Manager and the DP, FA Fire Chief to formulate a complete set of recommendations, including the consolidation option, to the City Council for consideration should San Ramon indicate its desire to dissolve DRFA by June 30, 1996. CITY' COUNCIL MINUTES I/OLUME 15 REgUlaR MEETIN~I Febx'~,~fm,.x'-]r 27, 1996 PAGE 106 On motion of Cm. Moffatt, seconded by Cm. Barnes, and by unanimous vote, the Council approved the formation of a committee consisting of the Mayors and City Managers from the Cities of Dublin, Livermore and Pleasanton and the Fire Chiefs from the Cities of Livermore, Pleasanton and DRFA to research, design and propose a governance and cost allocation structure for the consolidated delivery of Fire Service options. OTHER BUSINESS 8:03 p.m. Livermore School District (515-20) Mr. Ambrose referenced the letter from the Livermore School District to tour their facilities. He asked if Staff should write a letter accepting the invitation or indicating our position regarding the jurisdictional issue. Mayor Houston felt we could send a letter stating they went ahead and passed a fee without consideration from the City of Dublin. We could say we want to continue working with them regarding how they will provide the service. Cm. Moffatt stated he would like to see how many schools they are going to build, and what they are going to do with the money. Mayor Houston indicated he didn't see the back up data to what went into their fee. We want to know how the children will be served, Mr. Ambrose stated Staff would draft a letter. Cm. BUrton clarified that the quality of their schools isn't the issue. go to Dublin schools. That's the issue. Dublin kids should ABAG Grant Money (140-10) Mr. Ambrose referenced a letter from ABAG indicating more planning money is available to assist the tri,valley in implementing the sub-regional plan. This might be on the Tri-Valley Council agenda this Thursday night in Livermore. Mayor Houston felt because of recent votes in Livermore, we should concentrate on TVTC issues. The transportation issue has to be number one. The 1-580/I-680 project is at the top of the list and apparently Livermore won't support this unless we help them fund Highway 84. Cm. Burton stated he didn't see any useful purpose in having another study. CITY' COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 15 RE~IUI,d~R MEETIN(i Febx-,~lam~,'~r "~-"7, 1996 PAGE 10~/ Cm. Moffatt clarified that it would be how to implement the findings of the study.. Mr. Ambrose stated Staff would call Gary Benger to get more insight into what they are proposing. Recognition for Citizen & Organization of the Year (610-50) Cm. Howard asked the City Council about how they wished to handle presenting the awards to the Citizen and Organization of the Year. Last years' event worked out very well. The winners would also be invited to the Chamber of Commerce luncheon being held the week following St. Patrick's Day. The City Council agreed that a reception with cake and coffee should be held at ¢:00 p.m., or just prior to the March 12 City Council meeting for all the nominees. The winners would then be announced and recognized at the City Council meeting. Tri-Valley Council Meeting (140-80) Cm. Barnes reported that she had lunch with several elected ladies today. People were upset that the Tri~Valley Council has taken a year to meet since the last time. In speaking with Millie Greenberg in Danville she asked if Dublin would take their turn and switch with them in May as their new Civic Center won't be ready then. The meeting would be on May 30. Mr. Ambrose stated Ms. Keck, who would be responsible for coordinating all the arrangements, would be out of town from May 19 to about June 3 or 4. Cm. Moffatt felt we should agree that we will host the next one, but find a later date. We could work toward the first week of June. City Subsidized Childcare (330-20) Cm. Barnes stated she would like to get more information on the childcare issue. This issue came up during the time she was campaigning. Cm. Moffatt stated the decision of the City Council in the past was that childcare is a money-making situation, and the Council would have a hard time donating to this because it is a private enterprise. The City didn't want to get into subsidizing private money-making enterprises. CITY' COUNCIL MINUTE~ ~OLUME 15 I~[~ULa~R MF.J~TIN~ Feb~a~-~ 2~, 1996 I~K~ 10~ St. Patrick's Day Parade ~ Alcohol Policy (950~40) Karen Seville asked if Markstein Enterprises is the beer company which donated $600 to the St. Patrick's Day celebration. This was Item 4.6 on the Consent Calendar. The fact that the Clampers won't be drinking beer means nothing if Markstein will be plastering beer ads all over the advertising for the parade. The parade is for kids and she would not like to see beer advertisements in the event. She would be happy to go around and try to collect $600 from other sources. Mayor Houston stated this was a closed issue and couldn't be discussed further at this time. The City Council had already taken action on the Consent Calendar. Cm. Barnes requested that this issue be placed on a future agenda. We may not be able to accomplish anything this year, but we need to deal with it. There should be a clear policy about alcohol. We aren't practicing what we are preaching. Mayor Houston requested that Staff put this on a future agenda when they can. The City Council could then discuss the issue of advertising alcoholic beverages at the St. Patrick's Day parade and celebration. ADJOURNMENT 11.1 There being no further business to come before the Council, the meeting was adjourned at 8:19 P.m. ' L (~ci~ C~erk CITY' COUNCIL MINUTES ¥OLUM~: 15 RE6OIJtR l~'bx"t~.x'~Jy 2'7, '1996 l:~.~/~--~-~S~ 'nO9