HomeMy WebLinkAboutReso 49-06 Revised Fee Schedule
. ~ . ~ . ~ * * .
WHEREAS, at the November 16, 2004 meeting, the City Council awarded a contract to Public
Resource Management Group (PRM) to prepare a Cost Allocation Plan and a User Fee Study; and
WHEREAS, the purpose of the Cost Allocation Plan and Fee Study was to ensure that the City is
utilizing the overhead rates, and accurately accounting and charging for the true cost of providing City
services; and
WHEREAS, Staff has developed a fee schedule for Community Development, Engineering and
Police based upon this study (excluding impact fees and housing in lieu fees charged on new development);
WHEREAS, the fee revisions contained in this fee schedule will be effective July 1,2006; and
WHEREAS, the fees contained in this fee schedule shall be updated every year with the next fee
update to become effective in July 2007; and
WHEREAS, an independent study of the City's Cost Allocation Plan and Fee Study shall be
performed by an outside consultant once every three years, similar to what IS currently done for the City's
various development impact fees.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Dublin adopt the
revised fee schedule for Community Development, Engineering and Police, attached as E:lhibit A.
PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 18th day of April, 2006, by the following vote.
AYES' Councilmembers Hildenbrand, McCormick, Oravetz and Zika, and Mayor Lockhart
ATT(L l f! W
Deputy City Clerk
Reso No. 49~6, Adopted 4/18/06, Hem 6.2
Page 1 ofl
(Excluding Development Impact Fees and Housing
In Lieu Fees)
JULY 1,2006
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For More Tnfomla1101l Oil Ihe Rates and Fees Listcd bclow, Contact the 8uildlllg D,VISIOn al 833-6620
A. Building Permit Fees (See the City's "Permit and Impact Fee Schednles" for other fees due
at the time of building permit)
Deternnnation of the tolal valuation uscd for calculating the building pernnt fee due is based on
occupancy, typc of construction and estImated cost of serVIces, Ihel997 Uniform Building and Housing
Codes, 2000 UmfoTTI1 Plumbing and Mcchanical Codes (with 20ll! Cahfornia Amendments), and 2002
National E1ectncal Code (wilh 2004 California Amcndments)
1. For Smgle-Family Residences (Type V Wood Frame), the rate IS $115 OO/square foot of
living area and $35 OO/square fool of garage
11. For Multi-Family Residences (Type V - Wood Frame), the rate is $140 OO/square foot of
hving area and $61 13/square foot of garage
Ill. For Residential Addihons (Type V - Wood Frame), thc current rate is $80 OO/square fool
IV For All Other Projects
Total Valuation of Residence
$500,001 and up
Buildin Permit Fee
_.~--_._- .. .,... ,.,..
-'-"'-"'~'-~- -
$250 ___
$250 for lhe firsl $5,000 plus $30 for each $1,000 or
fraction thereoflo and including $10,000 ._..
$400 for the first $10,000 plus $20 for each $1,000
_~~f'r'l.~tl_on thereofto and including $50,000 .._"""__.
$1,200 fOT lhe first $50,000 plus $12 for each $1,000
or fraction thereoflo and including $100,000 __."...
$1,800 faT the /lrst $100,000 plus $10 for each
$1,000 or fraction thereof to l!!ld including $500,000
$5,800 for the first $500,000 plus $6 for each $1,000
or fraction thereof
*The determination of the valuation shall be made by the Building Official.
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For Demoli1HlIl pemllts alld removal of underground tanks the fec shall be 50% of the fee calculaled
hased Oil Ihe valuahon of Ihe work_
I'or reroofing other than single-family dwelhngs the fee shall he 50% of the fee calculated based on the
valuation of the work.
B. Other Building Division Fees
The provisions of Ihis part supersede the provisions of Part A for the specific work Illvolved III smgle-
family dwelhngs and appurtenalll accessory structures where there is no other construction work except
the item listed herein.
Service Name Fee Service
Explanation Codes
-..------..... ..-,..--
Motors $70 I
Rlectncal CirClllls $65 + $20 each 2
additional circuit
....... .-, ,".,._~_._--_.~_...
:E:J<:,,,tnc,!! Appliallces $60 3
."" ~_.".
Electrical Panels $90, plus $40 for 4
cach additional panel -- ---..--
Garhage Disposal $60 3
Plumhing Fixturc $60 3,4
Watcr Piping System $70 6
Gas Piping Systcm $60 6
Lawn Sprinkler System $80 7
Heater System $60 R
.--.... .-----
AIr Conditioning Systcm $60 R
Water Heater $50 8
---.,..-....,.... --.--..,..",
Ventilahon Fan $60 9
~............_- ,--""...'.-.._-
Fireplace Tllserl $60 10,11
Hot Tub I Spa Portablc $70 12
Rc-roofing $240 13
Special Tnvcstigations $124 14
1. For installation, rclocation or replacement of any motor (not an integral part of an
integral part of an clcctrical appliance, fan, heating appliance, coohllg appliance), generator,
heater, elcetrical furnace, wclding machine, transformer, and rectified (includes all necessary
circulls, outlets, fixtures, switches, controls).
2. For installation, alterahon or replacement of an electrical circuit (includes all necessary outlets,
switches, receptaclcs, and lighting fixtures).
3 For installation, relocatIOn or replacement of any eleclncal appliance which requires plUlllblllg
installation such as garbage disposal, dishwasher, etc., (includes all necessary circuits, outlets,
switches, receptacles, fixtures, water piping, and waste and vent piping).
4 For mslallahon, relocation or replacement of temporary power poles, power pedestals, subpancls
or servICe upgrades (includes all necessary ClrCUlls, outlets, switches, receptacles, fixtures).
G'\ConsultantsIPRM\fee handout.doe
5 For ll1stallalHlll, relocation or replaccmcnt of each plumbmg fixture or 1rap (includcs all
necessary water, dramage and vent pipmg).
6 For each lllslallalion or altcration of each water piping syslem, gas piping systcm, or refrigerant
piping syslem or porlion thcrcof whcrc fixtures or appliances are 1101 mstalled.
7 For any lawn sprinkler or irrigalion spnnkhng syMem.
8. For the lllslallal1on, relocation or replacement of each heatll1g, cooling or refrigcration appliance
(includes all necessary electrical circuits, outlcts, fixtures, switches, receplacles, gas piping
vents, water piping and duct work)_
(a) For thc installation, relocatIOn or replacemelll of each gas fircd water heater (includes all
necesRary water and gas piping and vents).
(b) For the lIlstallalHln, relocation or replaccmcnt of each electrical waleI' heater (includes all
necessary water pipillg, eleclrical circuits, outlcts, fixtures, receptacles, and Rwitches).
q For the installation, rclocation or replacement of venlilation fans cOllllected to a smgle ducl or
oullels, switches, receptaclcs, fixtures and duct work).
10 For tlle installation, relocalHlll or replacement of cach vent or factory-buill chimney
II For the inslallallOn of a solid burning fuel appliance (includes all necessary clectrical circuits,
outlets, fixtures, sWllches, receptaclcs, factory-built chimney).
12. For the installation, relocaholl or replacement of any sp3lhot tub; includes all necessary outlcts,
rcccptacles, gas piping (only for spas supported on a slab scc Part A for spas localed on
13 For reroofing a singlc-family dwelling.
14 Addit10llal fees may apply for correction of violations in any elecltical, plumbing, or mechanICal
installatIOn WhlCh iR required as thc rcsult of a code comphance survey, lockout inspection, or
other special investigatIon. This fee shall be in addition to the fees for any new installation made
as part of the correction.
Where Ihe proposed work is not covered by the items listed m this schedule, or where special
investIgahons, evaluatHlnR or inspcctions are requested or required, the fee shall be based upon Ihe
cstimated time for processing, checkmg and inspecting set forth in this schedule.
For moved huilding inspection fee:
$20 00 for each 100 square feet.
2. For code compliancc survcy:
$20 00 for each 100 square fcct or portion thereof.
G'\Consultanls\PRM\fce handout. doc
3 Reinspcction fce:
$12400 for each relllspeclHlIl. For lllulti-family huildings the fee is $124 00 pcr unit.
4 Fee Ii.lr additional plan checkin~1.nd for plan revisions:
Actual cosl rounded to thc ncarcst dollar
5 For scrvices where.there IS no specific fee:
Aclual cosl roullded to the ncarcst dollar Whcn scrviccs arc requested outside of regular
working hours there shall be a 4-hour llll1lUIlUm.
6 !t\;llliJ..l).t inspcctions:
Actual costs including meals, lodging, and transportatIOn % row1ded to the nearesl dollar
7 Plan storage fee:
$1000 (apphes to plans requircd to bc prcparcd by a professional engineer or architect).
8. Fccs to rcvicw gcologic reports required bv the AIClUisl-Priolo SpeCial Studies ZOlles Act:
Actual cost roundcd to the nearest dollar
C. Hourly and Overhead Rates
Positioll J.:I..!',!!!y."~~.!~_~
Community Development Director $186.26
Building Official $129.51
Senior Building Inspcctor $111.26
Senior Plan Checker $111.26
Contract Plan Reviewer $12409
Contract Building Inspector $112.13
Composite Hourly Ratc $123.52
Indirect Cost Rate 49.51%
D. Construction and Demolition Compliance Fees
Service Name Fee
Construction and Demolition Compliance
Fee -. Rcsidential Plan Check $104
Construction and Demohholl Comphallce
Fee - CommercIal Plan Check $630
G.\ConsultantsIPRM\fee handout.doc
For More Information on the Rates and Fees Listed belo"', Contact the Planning Division at 833-6610
A. Fees
-... .- .- -- ..-. _n.. TVDical DeDosit*
Service Name Fee
M~JC)~ 6!fle;;(h1~~_I!t lo PD (CC) .n
T&M $7,000-$20,000
Minor Amembnenllo PD (PC) $) ,92.0_ N/A
M\~?:r~me~~':':'.enllo PD (Admin) $512 N/A
COnd01l111llUIll ConversIOn T&M $15,000
. Amend Masler Sign Program T&M $5,000
CUP or SDR Time Exlension Rcqucst (PC) $646 N/A
-.-..". , ----
CUP or SDR Time ~'!:ten~ion R,~9..l!~~t (Admlll) $129 N1A
....--.... ,,,.,,,
Appea!:gen<'!:<'l~~lli:lh~_ $175 N/A
".,..n ._-,_.~".'..-_.
Appeal: ,=,pphca~t________ T&M N/A
-- _._~~ .
Mlljor_ Telllp.<:l~arx Use Penl11 I $200 -I- T&M Van es
Home Occupalion Revle", $65 N/A
Provide 300' radius Labels for Applicants as Requested______ $65 N/A
Documcnt Rcscarch & Prcparation T&M $100
Planning Rcvicw through Building Pennit Process T&M N/A
(Ncw Dcvelopmcnt Only) --...-..". .__.......n ...~-
CEQA Categorical/ Statutory Exempl10n for $259 N/A
New Dcvelopmcnt ~-,..
Initial Study and Ncgativc Deelaration T&M $25,0001'
Initial Study and Mitigatcd Ncgative Declaration T&M $25,000+
Initial Study and ElR T&M $50,000+
Gcncral Plan Amendmcnt T&M $10,0_99
Spccific Plan Amendment T&M ._._~JO,OOO
~."",'.'.- ~ ...
~tandard Rezoning T&M $10,000
Planned Development T&M $10,000
Annual Rcview of DA T&M $3,000.._
Tcntative Subdivision Map T&M .1'10,000
TentatiY<,.!'1ll:~~~~ap ..___..___.._._. T&M $10,000
~~,~~ -
Master S'g!} Program T&M $7,000
SIgn/Site Developmenl ReVIew $129 N/A
BannerlBalloon Pennil (Per sign /balloon) $25 N/A
-. ~~""".
Sitc Devclopmcnt Rcvicw $140+T&M Varies
Site Development Review Wa_iyl:'!:._._....._ $250 N/A
Non-ReSidential CUP: PC $1,000 N/A
Non-Residential CUP: lA $750 N/A
~--~.,_."., ._,..,_.._""","._.,,,,-~,,.,,----,.,,--,-,,,,.,,.,,,. --_.~-
Resldenl1al CUP. PC $1,939 N/A
,-_..,.."".~--'.'''~-~--'_._~ ..~,
Resldenl1al CUP. lA $1,939 N/A
Daycare Center CUP (15+ children) $500 N/A
Large Family Daycarc CUP (9-14 children) $100 N/A
,,_~LJg.MAnor_.b:1nend. J~dmi!.') $646 N/A
G:\ConsultantsIPRM\fee handoul.doc
Service Name Fee Tical De osit
Non-Residcntial Variancc _______________.___ $1,931) NI A
Residenlial Variance____________ $1,939 N/A
Minor Temporary Use Permit $200 N/A
Zonin Clearancc $50 NI A
*Notc: Dcposits will bc bascd on a City planner's initial estimate of hours necessary lo cllmplele lhe
proJed_ However, addlhllnal deposits may be required from thc developer at a later date. Anv remamll1g
funds from all a .Iicallt will be refullded after 1he com lction ofthc roO cct.
B. Hourly and Overhead Rates
Community Dcvclo
Planning Mana cr
Scnior Planner
Associate Plalmer
--...-..--.".,., ._-~,-_.__.__..._._.,-
ASSls1a1l1 Planller
Code Enlorcement Ofltcer
HourI Rate
Com osite Hourly Rate
Indirect Cost Rate
_...~,-~ ~~_..~,'-
G:\ConsultantsIPRM\fee handout.doc
For More Information on the Fees Listed below, Conlacllhe HOllsing Division at 833-6610
Service Name
_9wnershlP Umls
Renlal Developmenls
-- .
Refmancc Chargc
. Ownership Unit Fee: An Affordable Home OwnershlP Unit Fcc of $1,500 fcc is being
rccommcndcd for thc administration of the "for sale" InclusHlnary Units for thc sct timc pcriod (55
years) that the units arc undcr thc Resale Agreement restrictions_ ThIS fee will apply whcn any ofthc
following occur'
. The initIal purchase, mcluuing all income review, loan document review, City documellt
preparation, and coordmatlOll with olher enlities in thc buying process. The fee also
comprises the annual monitonng of each Inclusionary Unit.
· Any futurc loan that thc City may provide through a future Firsl Time Homebuycr Program
(coveting lhe same kind ofincomc vcrification, document preparatIon, elc.) and;
. Every tnne there IS a change III ownership for an individual property In all cases, the fee
will bc addcd to the expenses that are part of the home purchase, and will bc collccted at
escrow closing.
. Rental Development Fee: A $500 per unit fee for Developers of apartment complexes (with
Inclusionary Units) is rccommcndcd to be imposed at the issuance of building permits. Staff is
proposing this devcloper fcc for thc administration of the Inclusionary Units, for the 55-year pcriod
Ihal these units are restricted in rents.
. Refinance Charge Fee: A $200 Fee for subordinal1on of othcr document preparatIon, after
purchase, is also recommendeu. Refinancmg of an IncluSlOnary Unit rcquires the City to subordinate
the Resale Agreement or, in the case of a First Time Homehuyer Loan, the loan. This fee is bemg
rccommcndcd for thc Staff time involved in providing the subordination (sincc this task requires
contact with a Titlc Company/Escrow Officcr, coordination with the finn and/or the lendcr, and often
the homeowner)_ The fee would be colleded hy the escrow firm at escrow closll1g.
G:\ConsultantsIPRM\fee handout.doc
For InformatIOn on the Rates and Fees Listed below, Contact the Engmeering Division at 833-6630
A. I<'ees
Service Name Fee '.I'ype__,!( fee____
Grading pcrmit $10 00 Flal fee
Grading Plan Check (PC)/lnspection(Il1sp)
151-1,000 cubic yards (c.y) $0.20 - per"~l!!?~E vard Deposit"
Grading PCllnsp lk- 9,999 c.y $0 15 - per cuhIC yard Deposit"
Grading PC/lllsp 1 Ok - lOOk c. y $0.03 - pcr cubic yard Deposit" ---......
Grading PC/lnsp > LOOk c. y $0 0 I -l'"~!.~l!l"c yard Deposit"
Grading PCilnsp SFH $10000 Flat fee
Grading PC/h1Sl'. SubdlV1SlOIl T&M Dcposit"
.,.,..... "..--. __,no
Subdivision plan checking T&M Deposlt*
Subdivision lnsp <$50k 7% of construcl1oll cosls Deposit"
Suh Iosp $50-100k 6% 0 f construction costs Deposit"
Sub lnsp $100-200k 5% of construction costs Deposil"
Sub lnsp $ 200-350k 4.5% of construchon costs Deposit"
Sub lnsp $ 350-600k 4% of construchOll costs Deposit"
..Su~1!!~j)600K -tLmilh<:>ll 3.5% of construction costs Dcposit"
d~l!.~lnsp ,,:~!."_mi .1!_i.!".l1_ 3% of constmction costs Deposit"
Strcct monument $500.00 DeposIt"
~!!_~Le..~~avation up..to 50.Qlinear feet (I.f), $25.00 Flat fec
Slreet excaval10n 501-3k I f $005 Flat fee - per !.L
Street excavation >3k 1.[ $004 Flat fee - per 1. f.
.S:(lI1.~l!:':!.0i11!t~()n,:~e..te _si~e..walk, curb, gutter to 50 I.f. $25.00 Flat fee - per I. L
Constructing concrcte sidewalk, curb, guttcr > 50 I.f. $015 Flat fee - _p._~E,!.L
Constructing concrete driveway $2000 Flal fee
COllslructmg dralllllllet/manhole & connechons $20 00 Flat fee
Moving large objccts $25 00 Flal fee
Building moving permits $200 00 Flal fee
Paving (A.C) curb/gutter to 500_$,f. $20 00 Flat fee
Pavin!i.l~:fl~~~!?!~~l~r.,;>?OO s.f $0.04 Flat fee per s.f.~.
Building divIS10ll penml referral - residentwl $110.00 Flat fee
Building division permit rcfcrral - non rcsidcntial $220.00 Flat fee
ADA site compliance rcview $16500 Flat fec
" Notc: Deposits will be bascd on a City planner's initial cstimate of hours necessary to complete the
pro] eel. H~~",~e..!,_~j.ih(lllal depOSlts may be reqUlred from the developcr at a later date. Any
G.\ConsultantsIPRM\fee handout.doc
I rel11all1l_~~ fu~(ls~rom_a_n appfj-call-i wifChe-refu':;-ded aftcr thc complction of the pr?jec~,
B. Hourly aud Overhead Rates
Houri Rate
$135 'm
Com oSlle HourI Rate
Indirec1 Cost Ratc
G'\ConsultantsIPRM\fee handout.doc
For Information on the Fees Listed below, COlltacl Police Scrviccs at 833-6670
.-...- -.","-
e Name Fee
-.-. --
n_ ,... $30
Inspection -.- $25
r $100
-.".'.- - ~. $150
-...,. ~.~~~ $90
.- $75
-. -- $100
.. -'- $250
_.."~' $150
$125 "-.....-.--
.- $150
~-,... .'.~- $5
-_."'-"'- .~. $150
.,.-- .. $200
atlOn $2
uces tec~m ) .-.
j Pernlit $35
". -
$15 u_..___
w $25
~... '_"N
Livc Scan
Non Resident Child ~<lfely Seal
Taxicab Owner - ImtIal
Fortune Teller Pennit
Second Hand Goods/Junk Dcalc
Peddler Permit
Parade Pcmlit
Public Addrcss Sound Syst!"m
Dancc Pcrmit
Taxicab Owner
Taxicab 0 erator
Massa 'e Establishmenl- Inilial
Mas~ge Eslahhshment -- Ycarly
Massa e Estahlishmcnt -- Tech
Fin e rint Card
Visa Letter
Bin 0 Pernlits
Gun Dcalcr Pcrmit
Police Rc art/Ins cction Venfic
Rccords Sub ocna (Sub o~~p
1 Day Alcohol Bever~ge Contm
Misc. Non-Scheduled Pennit
Towed/Stored Vehicle Release
Fix It Ticket Sign Off
.-.-.,.,... .-
Parklll Cilahon -- Admin Revie
Rc osscsscd V chicle Release
G:\ConsultantsIPRM\fee handoul.doc