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11-17-1998 CC Adopted Minutes
REGULAR MEETING - November 17, 1998 A regular meeting of the Dublin City Council was held on Tuesday, November 17, 1998, in the Council Chambers of the Dublin Civic Center. The meeting was called to order at 7:03 p.m., by Mayor Houston. ROLL CALL PRESENT: Councilmembers Barnes, Burton, Howard, Lockhart and Mayor Houston. ABSENT: None. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Mayor Houston led the Council, Staff and those present in the pledge of allegiance to the flag. INTRODUCTION OF NEW EMPLOYEES 7:04 p.m. 3.1 (700-10) Eddie Peabody, Community Development Director, introduced Wendy Jespersen, Office Assistant in the Building Department. Wendy has worked in public service for over eleven years and has recently moved to Dublin. Richard Ambrose, City Manager, introduced Julie Carter, Assistant to the City Manager. Julie came to the City from the City of Lawndale where she worked for five years. Julie also worked for the Cities of Tustin and Concord, and the Town of Danville. She has much exPerience with cable television, garbage franchise, and personnel. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 1 7 REGULAR MEETING November 17, 1998 PAGE 504 Dublin Voters Initiative (420-10) Tom Benigno, 6546 Cottonwood Circle, Dublin wanted to go on record "that I made an issue of outside panel involvement and didn't get a chance to speak." SPECIAL RECOGNITION TO TRI-VALLEY HERALD 7:10 p.m. 3.2 (950-40) The Tri-Valley Herald was presented with a framed copy of the Summer Concerts Schedule in recognition for their sponsorship of the 1998 Summer Concerts at the Civic. CLOSED SESSION 7:12 p.m. 10.1 (640-30) The Council recessed to a closed session to consult with Legal Counsel - Anticipated Litigation- Initiation of litigation pursuant to subdivision © of Government Code Section 54956.9 - one potential case. 10.2 (640-30) Public Employee Performance Evaluation pursuant to Government Code Section 54957, Title: City Manager. REPORT ON CLOSED SESSION ACTION 7:25 p.m. Mayor Houston announced that no action was taken. The public meeting reconvened with all Councilmembers present. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 1 7 REGULAR MEETING November 17, 1998 PAGE 505 CONSENT CALENDAR 7:26 p.m. On motion of Cm. Burton, seconded by Cm. Barnes, and by unanimous vote, the Council took the following actions: Approved (4.2 600-30) Settlement Agreement with Rafanelli & Nahas, et al, concerning slope failure above Crossridge Road, and authorized the Mayor to execute; Authorized {4.3 600-30) Staff to advertise Contract 98-15, Fire Station Exhaust System for bids; Received (4.4 320-30) Report related to adoption of Annual Investment Policy; Accepted (4.5 330-50) & fried the Preliminary Financial Report for the month of October 1998; Approved (4.6 300-40) the Warrant Register in the amount of $341,268.58. Cm. Lockhart putled the Minutes of Regular Meeting of November 3, 1998for a correction. She indicated Item 4. 6 on page 494 should read "Cm. Lockhart stated the costs incurred bid the Citid to renegotiate the cable franchise negotiations will be repaid bid TCI. ~ On motion of Cm. Lockhart, seconded by Cm. Barnes, and by unanimous vote, the Council approved (4.1) Minutes of Regular Meeting of November 3, 1998 with the correction. PUBLIC HEARING CASTERSON PROPERTY DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT 7:28 p.m. 6.1 (600-60) Mayor Houston opened the public hearing. C[TY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUI'4E 17 REGULAR MEETING November 17, 't ~)~)8 PAGE 506 Eddie Peabody, Community Development Director, presented the Staff Report. The City Council approved a Planned Development of small-lot single-family homes, which will be developed by Mission Peak Homes Inc and will be known as Unit 1 of the Tassajara Meadows project. The Development Agreement was considered by the Planning Commission on October 13, 1998 where they recommended the City Council adopt the agreement without any changes. The City Council reviewed the Agreement at its November 3, 1998 meeting. This is the second reading of the Ordinance approving the Development Agreement for the Casterson Property Residential Development. No public testimony was entered by any member of the public relative to this issue. Mayor Houston closed the public hearing. On motion of Cm. Burton, seconded by Cm. Lockhart, and by unanimous vote, the Council waived the reading and adopted OI~DINANCE NO. 19 - 98 APPROVING THE DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT FOR PA 97-040, CASTERSON PROPERTY RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT PUBLIC HEARING SCHAEFER RANCH DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT 7:29 p.m. 6.2 (600-60) Mayor Houston opened the public hearing. Senior Planner Dennis Carrington presented the Staff Report. On July 9, 1996, the City Council approved an amendment to the Dublin General Plan to apply the Estate Residential, Single Family Residential, Retail Office, Public/Semi Public, and Open Space land use designations to the Schaefer Ranch project. The City Council also adopted a Planned Development Rezone to permit up to 474 single family residences, a small commercial area and two parks for the Schaefer Ranch project. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 1 7 REGULAR MEETING November 17, 1 ?98 PAGE 507 On January 6, 1998 the City Council approved the annexation of the Schaefer Ranch project. A public hearing on the Schaefer Ranch Development Agreement was held before the Planning Commission on November 10, 1998 where the Planning Commission unanimously recommended approval of the Development Agreement to the City Council. The Development Agreement between the City of Dublin and Schaefer Heights Associates sets forth the rights and obligations of the City and the Developer and covers a period of eight years from the date the agreement becomes effective. The improvements and fee requirements include: 1) Having the Developer widen Dublin Boulevard to four lanes from Hansen Drive to Silvergate Drive by September 30, 1999 if the developer can obtain a grading permit prior to May 1, 1999 or no later than September 30, 2000. 2) Construction vehicles for the project will use existing Dublin Boulevard only under certain conditions. The Developer will pay the City $1,000 for each violation of this provision. 3) The Developer will pay the City $231,061 plus interest for the project's fair share of the costs of the widening of Dublin Boulevard from Donlan Drive to San Ramon Road. 4) The Developer will reserve a .65 acre site for a future fire station. 5) The City will quitclaim 6.31 acres at the western terminus of Dublin Boulevard to the Developer for $55,800. Cm. Lockhart asked in regard to the widening of Dublin Boulevard from Hansen Drive to Silvergate Drive, why they would not get a grading permit? Would it be because of the weather? Mr. Carrington responded the weather, financing, or possibly the Corp of Engineers. Cm. Lockhart asked about the fire station site and whether a fire station would be built within the next ten years? Mr. Ambrose indicated that the PD required a fire station site be reserved because of the distance from the Donahue Fire Station, and in the event there was more development approved beyond Schaefer Ranch. CiTY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 1 7 REGULAR MEETING November 17, 19~)8 PAGE 508 Cm. Lockhart asked if a fire station was not needed for the current Schaefer Ranch project? Mr. Ambrose indicated that was correct, but if there was further development, a fire station would be needed. This would hold a place for the fire station for the next ten years. No testimony was entered by any member of the public relative to this issue. Mayor Houston closed the public hearing. On motion of Cm. Burton, seconded by Cm. Barnes, and by unanimous vote, the Council waived the reading, INTRODUCED the Ordinance approving the Development Agreement, and continued the public hearing to December 1, 1998. PILOT WEEKDAY SPECIAL CLEAN-UP SCHEDULE 7:35 p.m. 8.1 (810-60) Paul Rankin, Assistant City Manager, presented the Staff Report. The City of Dublin has a franchise agreement with Waste Management of Alameda County for the collection, transportation, recycling, processing, and disposal of solid waste. Part of the basic service includes three special clean-ups which the. City has to approve. Prior to 1998, the three special clean-ups were scheduled for a Saturday pick-up in March, June, and September. During 1998, a pilot program was approved whereby the pick-ups were on weekdays (the same day as residents' regular garbage service). A provision of the pilot program was that Council would review this program at the end of one year. Livermore Dublin Disposal (LDD) would like to continue with the weekday schedule. Even though LDD sent out postcards, some residents were unsure of their assigned date, but LDD responded quickly to complaints. Total tonnage CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 1 7 REGULAR MEETING November ! 7, ~998 PAGE 509 was lower in 1998, but this may be due to increased efforts aimed at reuse and recycling. LDD has tentatively scheduled weekday pick-ups for 1999: March 15 through April 2; dune 14 through duly 2; and September 13 through October 1. Annette Holck, Livermore Dublin Disposal Division Manager, indicated she was glad the City had changed to this program. It was easier to manage. They would work with 8taft to use door hangers or stickers distributed a week before the scheduled pick-up. She admitted there was some confusion with the first pick-up, but by the last pick-up they had received only one call. LDD is meeting with Dublin schools to set up a program for recycling mixed waste paper. Cm. Burton asked about the wood being collected. What type of wood? Ms. Holck responded branches and wood. Cm. Burton asked if the trucks come on the regular day, do they collect everything together? Ms. Holck indicated they used one pass trucks for the recyclables, then a rear loader for wood and garbage. They use the same drivers who know the area. Cm. Barnes stated she was not totally happy with the process. She sees the need for hangers or sticky tags. She heard more than 18 complaints. There was confusion in her neighborhood about when the pick-up was. Also, her neighborhood is not getting everything picked-up on one day. They come back the next day for the recyclables which get wet in the rain. On motion of Cm. Barnes, seconded by Cm. Burton, and by unanimous vote, the Council received the report, approved a weekday schedule for the special clean-ups and directed Staff to monitor the effectiveness of efforts by LDD to announce the program dates. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME t 7 REGULAR MEETING November 17, 19~)8 PAGE 510 ALL ABOARD MINI STORAGE GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT STUDY REQU~ 7:44 p.m. 8.2 420-30 Dennis Carrington, Senior Planner, presented the Staff Report. All Aboard Mini Storage has proposed an 85,699 square foot self-storage facility on 4.21 acres owned by Union Pacific Railroad Company. The City Council initiated a General Plan Amendment Study on May 5, 1998 to analyze General Plan land use alternatives for the railroad property and two other properties (one owned by Edwin and Irene Omernick and the other by Edwin and Judith Wright. The current land use on the Omernick property is a truss manufacturing company. The Wright property is used for automobile repair, paint sales, equipment rental, shutter sales, and a marble bullnosing company. The Union Pacific property is currently vacant, but was used for railroad purposes between 1915 and 1980. Shyam Taggarsi of Archstone Properties has the Omernick property under contract and proposes to build a residential development similar to the Villas project on that site. Cm. Burton asked if the Council was approving a Planned Development tonight? Mr. Carrington responded no, the Council was to look at land use options for the property. Mayor Houston asked for a description of the process. Mr. Carrington indicated if the Council included the residential in the study, it would go back to the Planning Commission and then return to the City Council. Mayor Houston asked what was the timing? Mr. Carrington responded that the study would go to the Planning Commission in January and to the Council in February. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 1 7 REGULAR MEETING November 1 7, 1998 PAGE 511 Cm. Lockhart did not think this was an appropriate site for high density residential and she could not support this request. Mayor Houston felt just the opposite because the Council has already approved the same type use across the street. Cm. Lockhart indicated the project across the street had residential by residential but this site would have residential surrounded by light industrial. Mayor Houston felt it was a good use especially being close to the Iron Horse Trail and BART. He felt it was a good option that should be looked at and considered. Cm. Burton indicated all the Council was doing was including this use as part of the study. Cm. Howard stated she agreed with Cm. Lockhart that it was not a good use for residential, but she would like to include it in the study to see where it goes. Cm. Barnes opposed this use at this site. It would be lots of units and not alot of parking. She was not in favor of residential use at this site. On motion of Mayor Houston, seconded by Cm. Burton, and by majority vote (Cm. Lockhart & Cm. Barnes voted NO), the Council directed Staff to include residential use as part of the alternative land use study. FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM PURCHASE AWARD 7:50 p.m. 8.3 (350-20) Paul Rankin, Assistant City Manager, presented the Staff Report. The City's current accounting system will not be able to handle dates into the Year 2000 and beyond. So on April 21, 1998, the City Council authorized Request for Proposals (RFP) for a new Financial Management System. RFPs were sent to 14 companies in April. Six companies responded to the RFP. Each CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 1 7 REGULAR MEETING November 17, 1998 PAGE 512 of the proposed systems was evaluated in terms of first year cost to implement the system, on-going maintenance costs, ease of use/functional operation; a_nd references. The City has approximately $43,900 available in the Internal Service Fund (ISF), as well as $65,000 from FY 1998-99 General Fund. Business Records Corporation (BRC) has presented the City with favorable pricing for the Financial System software as an upgrade to the current system. The proposed Agreement with BRC provides a solution utilizing an IBM AS 400 and BRC software written in an advanced programming language. The proposed software has options to allow users to view data in a "windows-format" which is typically easier for Department Staff who do not use the system on a daffy basis. The BRC System also provides 1) report writing capabilities allowing users to create special reports in PC format with the ability to download these reports into Excel to perform additional analysis; 2) more comprehensive reports for Capital Improvement Projects and developer deposit accounts which can span over multiple fiscal years; 3) an improved cash receipt process; 4) more detailed information on specific payments made to vendors and transactions posted to a specific account number in the general ledger; 5) more ability to provide query only access; 6) predesigned reports included on the new system; and 7) much faster processors. The General Ledger module to be installed is already Year 2000 Compliant. BRC will have the Year 2000 Compliant version of Paymate available by July 1, 1999. Initially it will be possible to operate the old software on the new AS 400. Installation of the AS/400 will be~n in January 1999 and be completed by June 1999. Cm. Lockhart asked if this was the system the Council discussed several months ago and agreed to be used as a tester? Mr. Rankin responded no, that was the building permitting system. On motion of Cm. Burton, seconded by Cm. Barnes, and by unanimous vote, the Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 157 - 98 AWARDING PURCHASE OF FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM TO BUSINESS RECORDS CORPORATION (BRC) CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 1 7 REGULAR MEETING November ! 7, 1998 PAGE 51 3 directed Staff to proceed with implementation. DUBLIN SWIM CENTER DECK REPLACEMENT 7:58 p.m. 8.4 (600-30) Diane Lowart, Parks & Community Services Director, presented the Staff Report. At its July 12, 1998 meeting, the Dublin City Council approved an architectural services agreement with Arch Pac, Inc. to prepare the final design and construction documents for the Dublin Swim Center Deck Replacement project. The City has received a Measure D Grant to purchase and install picnic tables, benches, and trash receptacles made from recycled products. The balance of the project will be financed from the General Fund. City Staff, the architect and a representative from the Alameda County Health Department met to review the scope of the project. Several changes to the scope of the project developed out of this meeting. The wading pool needs to be isolated from the main pool and have its own filter and sanitation system. The walkwvay between the two pools needs to be widened. It is also recommended that the fiberglass pool shell be replaced with plaster and ceramic tile which will have a longer life, age more gracefully, and be repaired without draining the pool. The next phase of the Dublin Swim Center Deck Replacement Project provides for the purchase and installation of two drop-slides for the pool. Due to safety concerns, the Health Department will not allow the type of slides proposed. Three different slides have been identified that could be accommodated on the site and meet the Health Department's criteria. Single Loop (60 feet) $55,770; Double Loop (90 feet) $92,356; or Triple Loop (150 feet) $125,686, Of the three slide options, the triple-loop slide would give a longer ride, provide the most thrill for the rider, and be the largest water slide in the Tri-Valley. But the Parks & Community Services Commission on reviewing the three types of slides recommends the Double Loop Slide. Staff anticipates that the slide will generate additional revenue for the pool. Installing the necessary piping and CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 1 7 REGULAR MEETING November 17, ! 998 PAGE 5 ~ 4 infrastructure for the slide as part of the current deck project would be more cost effective and minimize the amount of damage done to the deck and pool plaster when the slide is installed next year. Cm. Howard asked if using a plain ramp rather than stairs had been thought about? Ms. Lowart responded that both had been looked at but the stairs were easier to modify and create less damage to the pool structure. Cm. Lockhart asked if mats were used on the slides? Ms. Lowart indicated no, the water acted as a propellant. The Parks & Community Services Commission thought the senior population might like the slide. Mayor Houston asked about the stability of a triple loop slide given the problem of the slide in Concord? Ms. Lowart responded the problem in Concord was not a design issue but a control issue. The City would have a guard at the bottom of the slide and one at the top of the slide directing each person one at a time. Mayor Houston asked if a guard would be needed for the single loop? Ms. Lowart indicated they may use a guard since safety would be the utmost concern. Cm. Barnes stated she liked the double loop but could they do something about the color. She thought it was ugly. Mr. Ambrose stated the high dive was not being replaced and would not be used much longer due to deterioration. He wanted to make sure the Council understood the high dive was being eliminated. Ms. Ix)wart indicated the slide would be in the shallow area and the tube would go all the way into the water. CITY COUNCIL I'41NUTES VOLUI'4E ! 7 REGULAR FLEETING November 17, 1998 PAGE 515 On motion of Cm. Barnes, seconded by Cm. Lockhart, and by unanimous vote, the Council chose the double loop slide and author/zed Staff to advertise Contract 98-16 for bids. CAPITAL PROJECT MANAGEMENT SERVICES 8:10 p.m. 8.5 (700-10) Richard Ambrose, City Manager, presented the Staff Report. At its September 1, 1998 meeting, the City Council approved the recommendations of the Library Task Force which included proceeding with the planning and development of a new central library at the Dublin Civic Center site. After reviewing the major parks, recreation and municipal facilities which are to be constructed in the next five years, there are too many projects planned for existing Department Heads to continue to function as project managers and still manage their respective departments effectively. There is an adequate number of projects to justify a full-time in-house position to manage these projects and future projects. An in-house position would be more effective than a contract project management position due to the nature of the decisions to be made and the contacts necessary with community groups and development community. The job classification and salary range for the position could be presented at the Council's December 15, 1998 meeting and the recruitment could be completed by March 1, 1999. In the interim, one of the City's Senior Planners will work on the Library Project Planning and facilitate the development of the first phase of Emerald Glen Park haft-time until the project management position is filled. It will also be necessary to increase the City's current contract planner's hours by approximately 300 hours until March 1, 1999 at a cost of $22,500. Cm. Burton indicated there were eighteen projects listed, but he was concerned about the money for the interim services. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 1 7 REGULAR MEETING November ! 7, 1 9?8 PAGE 516 Cm. Lockhart asked if it was more cost effective to have a Staff member do the work? Mr. Ambrose indicated it would go beyond the half time mentioned. The Emerald Park Project was complex with hazardous materials testing and negotiations with East Bay Regional Parks District. On motion of Cm. Burton, seconded by Cm. Lockhart, and by unanimous vote, the Council approved the concept of an in-house position to address the City's Public Facility Project Management needs, directed Staff to develop a job classification and salary range and other associated costs for the position and report to the Council on December 15, 1998 and approved the Budget Change Form for additional contract planning services. OTHER BUSINESS Downtown Task Force Meeting (470-50) Mr. Ambrose indicated the Downtown Task Force meeting would be held tomorrow at 8:00 a.m. Dublin Voters' Initiative (420-10) Cm. Lockhart requested that the Dublin Voters' Initiative Report be placed on the upcoming December 1st City Council meeting. She complimented Staff in helping the Committee understand the information they had to sort through. Dublin Housing Authority Agendas (430-90) Cm. Barnes requested that the Dublin Housing Authority Agendas be put on the City website. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 1 7 REGULAR MEETING November 1 7, 1998 PAGE 51 7 Comments from Cm. Burton (610-05) Cm. Burton stated it has been a pleasure to serve on the City Council. He congratulated the winners and indicated he was happy to have had the experience of being a Councilmember for ten years. He has seen the community grow. Iron Horse Trail Update (930-30) Mayor Houston requested an update on the Iron Horse Trail. Lee Thompson, Public Works Director, indicated the bids were opened last week. They were over budget but under the estimate. Mayor Houston asked if there would be pavement by this spring. Mr. Thompson responded it would be started in the next two to three weeks. Mape Bridge Update (295-30) Mayor Houston requested an update on the Mape Park Bridge project. Mr. Thompson indicated it should have started about a week ago, but he had not had a chance to look at the site. Mr. Ambrose stated the bridge should be delivered by December 1st. Mayor Houston was concerned about the weather holding up the project. Dublin Unified School District (610-05) Mayor Houston requested Staff set up a Dublin Unified School District Liaison meeting. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 1 7 REGULAR MEETING November 1 7, ! 998 PAGE 51 8 Mr. Ambrose asked what items he would like to have on the agenda. Mayor Houston indicated joint projects, Dublin Elementary, and the gym dedication. A basketball game between the City Council and the School District was discussed. Ms. Lowart indicated Staff would be bringing an agenda statement to the Council on December 15t~. Construction will be done by the end of November. The target date for opening the gym is January 4t~. Camp Parks Housing (430-80) Mayor Houston indicated he had met with Colonel Black who indicated there will be a change of personnel. There may also be a change on the time line for the housing project. Mr. Ambrose stated he had a surprise visit from an officer on the command staff regarding the Army Reserve's interest in starting up the Housing Study. November 30th Meeting (610-05) Mayor Houston requested that the November 30tn City Council meeting be televised. Thanks to Cm Barnes 8; Cm. Burton 1610-05) Mayor Houston wanted to thank Cm. Barnes and Cm. Burton for their service to the Dublin community for the last twenty to thirty years. He knew they would continue to be active in the community. Their service on the Council has been excellent. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME ~ 7 REGULAR MEETING November 1 7, 1 9?8 PAGE 51 9 ADJOURNMENT 11.1 There bein§ no further business to come before the Council, the meetin§ was adjourned at 8:28 p.m. Minutes prepared by Sandie Hart, Secretary {J~Iayor CiTY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUI'4E 1 7 REGULAR ~4EETING November PAGE 520