HomeMy WebLinkAbout7.1 MonumentDesignDowntwnCTTY CLERK File# 400-30 & 600-30 AGEN DA STATEMENT CTTY COUNCIL MEETTNG DATE: April 2, 2002 SUBJECT: Downtown Streetscape Implementation Plan for the Downtown Specific Plans - Reconsideration of Monument Design Prepared by: janet Harbin, Senior Planner ATTACHMENTS: 1. 2. RECOMMENDATION: 2. 3. 4. Approved Monument Design with Signage Agenda report and minutes of March 5, 2002 City Council meeting Receive presentation by Singer Fukushima Evans, Consultants; Reaffirm the Approval of the Monument Design as approved on March 5, 2002; or, Instruct Consultant to modify design of approved monument for reconsideration; or Direct Staff to solicit applications for selection of review committee/task force members or reconvene the Village Parkway Task Force. FINANCIAL IMPACT: An Estimated Cost Summary for the monument and related improvements was submitted to the City Council at the meeting of March 5, 2002 for review. The funding for the monument is included in Capital Improvement Program Project #94060. BACKGROUND: In November 1999, the City Council directed staff to prepare three Specific Plans for various portions of the downtown area of Dublin to guide the development and revitalization of the West Dublin BART, Downtown Core and Village Parkway areas. The Specific Plans were adopted by the City Council on December 19, 2000. As a part of the implementation of the three downtown Specific Plans adopted bY the City Council on December 19, 2000, streetscape improvements are necessary in the West Dublin BART, Downtown Core and Village Parkway Specific Plan areas to provide continuity and unifying elements to establish a positive image in the downtown area. Prior to construction of these improvements, the basic designs for the streetscapes, plazas, monuments, gateways, and street furnishings associated with the downtown planning area were to be determined, cost estimates obtained, and a phasing plan with priorities developed based on direction from the City Council. COPIES TO: In-House Distribution Adjacent Property Owner Singer Fukushima Evans g:\Downtown Streetscape Impr\CC-srDwntwnStProgMonumt04-02-02 ITEM NO. The City's consultant for this project, Dave Evans of Singer Fukushima Evans, presented this information to the City Council at its meeting on May 1, 2001. The City CoUncil determined that the initial priorities for improvement of the streetscape in the downtown area should be focused on establishing a gateway monument at the northwest comer of Village Parkway and Dublin Boulevard which is an entryway to the downtown, a gateway arch at St. Patrick way and Amador Plaza Road, and intersection improvements at Village Parkway and Lewis Avenue. Additionally, the locations for the gateway features were selected based on those suggested by the Downtown Specific Plans adopted in December 2000, and also on the volume of traffic at critical intersections in the downtown area. At the May 1,2001 meeting, the City Council reviewed and approVed the preliminary conceptual design for the first gateway monument to be constructed on City property at Village Parkway and Dublin Boulevard and the gateway arch, and directed staff to finalize the design and cost estimate for the gateway monument and arch with the related improvements. City Council Action on March 5, 2002 On March 5, 2002, the City's consultant for the implementation plan for the streetscape improvement project, Dave Evans of Singer Fukushima Evans, presented the final design of the first monument to be constructed at the intersection of Dublin Boulevard and Village Parkway to the City CoUncil. At that time, the City CoUncil approved the design of the monument (Attachment 1) and instructed the consultant to proceed with preparation of the construction bid documents. Following the March 5~ meeting, some Council members received input from the public on the design of the monument and requested that Staff bring the item back for reconsideration at the April 2nd meeting. RECONSIDERATION OF MONUMENT DESIGN On March 5, 2002, the City Council approved the monument design presented by the consultant, consisting of a 25-foot high linear structure constructed of tan masonry with a 5-foot lighted cupola (see Attachment 2 for additional information). Attached to the monument would be a semi-circular aluminum sign to state "Downtown Dublin" on a green background. The lettering on the sign would be accentuated with neon lighting. Issues that Council members have mentioned as concerns since approval of the monument design are: Adding the sign lettering or sign copy to the monument face Continuing the aluminum signage completely around the monument structure Possible reduction of the massing and bulk of the monument structure Reducing the overall height of the monument The consultant, Dave Evans, will make a brief presentation at the City Council meeting and will be available for input and questions on the monument design. Additionally, Greg Tung of Freedman, Tung and Bottomley, and a representative of the Arrow Sign Company, both of who contributed to the design of the monument and signage will be available at the meeting for the discussion. There are several options available to the City Council with regard to the design of the monument, including the following: 1. Reaffirm the monument design approved at the March 5, 2002 meeting. 2. The CoUncil may determine that it is appropriate to give the consultant specific direction on the modification of the monument design, and direct Staff to return at a later date with the revised design for consideration and approval. 3. The City Council can appoint a committee or task force to assist in the development of final monument design. If this option is chosen, the Council should direct Staffto solicit 2 applications for committee members. Possible members for the committee might be from the Cultural Arts Committee, a downtown business owner, a member of the Chamber of Commerce, a City Council member, a Planning Commissioner, and members of the public with a background in art or architecture. The Council may chose instead to have the Village Parkway Task Force, which assisted in the development of the Village Parkway Specific Plan, to reconvene to discuss and recommend a monument design. SUMMARY OF PROGRESS ON OTHER PHASE I TASKS As part of the Downtown Streetscape Implementation Plan, the Council directed the consultant to develop a preliminary design for secondary gateway monuments, prepare an assessment and evaluation of impacts to trees along Village Parkway related to a sidewalk widening project, and evaluate the feasibility of a pedestrian bridge crossing on Dublin Boulevard at Golden Gate Drive. Staff has made the following progress on implementing the other Phase I tasks as follows: Site Surveys: Site surveys have been completed for the three site areas to be improved as part of the first phase of the Downtown Streetscape Implementation project. The survey work was completed for the gateway monument location at Dublin Boulevard and Village Parkway, the Lewis Avenue and Village Parkway intersection improvements, and the St. Patrick Way and Amador Plaza Road area where the future arched gateway is proposed. Geotechnical Analysis: The geotechnical analysis for the foundation design of the monument and the arched gateway feature is underway and will be soon completed. The geotechnical engineer has completed the field borings, laboratory analysis and preliminary geotechnical report. Arched Gateway Design: The design development for the arched gateway at St. Patrick Way and Amador Plaza Road and the secondary markers for various location in the downtown area have not yet begun. Because the structural support for the metal arch spanning the roadway is derived from two identical monuments located on either side of St. Patrick Way at Amador Plaza Road, the consultant must first receive direction on the final design of the gateway monument to complete the necessary engineering studies related to the design of the gateway arch. Additionally, the design of the secondary markers is based on the design of the gateway monument design. The Staff will bring the final designs back to the Council for review and approval in a few months once the monument design is finalized. Lewis Avenue/Village Parkway Intersection Improvements: Development of the conceptual design for the intersection improvements at Lewis Avenue and Village Parkway is underway. The consultant and Staff have met to review the preliminary design concept and revisions are being made. The design will be submitted to the City Council for review and approval prior to preparation of the construction bid documents. Village Parkway Tree Survey: The arborist has completed his field investigation and tagged the trees for the preparation of the final assessment and survey. Staff has reviewed the preliminary assessment prepared by the arborist. A summation of the arborist's findings related to future streetscaPe improvement planning will be completed and presented ara future City Council meeting. Pedestrian Bridge Feasibility Analysis: The pedestrian bridge feasibility analysis is underway for the intersection of Dublin Boulevard and Golden Gate Drive. The engineer and consultant have met to review the existing conditions and discuss the feasibility of constructing the pedestrian bridge. Once the engineer completes his analysis and report, his findings and recommendations will be conveyed to the City Council at a future meeting. 3 Financial Considerations of the Proposed Monument and Improvements: The cost of the monument and Phase I of the project would be funded by monies allocated in the 2001-2002 Capital Improvement Program Budget for the Downtown Streetscape Implementation Plan, CIP #94060. Phase II of the project, the associated ground plane, pavement, landscape, walls and relocations, would be proposed to be funded in the budget for Fiscal Year 2002-2003 as a part of the Capital Improvement Program. The City Council reviewed the project budget at the meeting on March 5, 2002 in conjunction with consideration of the monument. In summation, work is progressing on the other tasks authorized for Completion during Phase I of the implementation plan. The City Council will be updated on the status of this work at critical points in the development process. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the City Council receive the presentation by Singer Fukushima Evans, and select one of the following options: 1. Reaffirm the approval of the Monument Design as approved on March 5, 2002; or, 2. Instruct the Consultant to modify the design of the monument per the discussion at the meeting; or, 3. Direct Staff to solicit applications for selection of review committee/task force members or reconvene the Village Parkway Task Force. Approved Monument Design with Signage ATTACHMENT C 1' T"Y CLERK AGENDA STATEMENT '~:?O~. ~O. CITY couNCI*L MEE~'NG DATE: .March 5, 2002 SUBJECT: ATTAINTS: Downtown Streetscape Implementation Plan for the Downtown Speeifi~ PI~ - MOnument Design Prdpar~d byt Janet Harbin, Senior' t~tanner 1, Exi~g Conditions at Village Parkway and Dublin Boulevard : (Topogr:aphiCal Survey)' 2. Site plan.f6t' ImProvements at. Village.Parkway aud DUbrm' B~eVard 3. Prel~m'in'ary ConCeptual Designs (May 2001) 4. Gateway, Marker and StreetseapePriorities (May 2001) 5. Proposed Monument Design with Signage '6. Simulation of Pr0posed Monument on Site 7. Monument and Improvements Cost Estimate 8. Lette~ or' Support for Improvements from Jason Goldblatt, owner of McDonald's RECOMMENDATION: 1. 2. 4. Receive presentati°n by Singer FUkushi~a Evans, Consultants Ap~OVe Proposed'Monument Design' ~t consultant to :prepare.'¢onstruc~on bid d0cumen~s for first monument Direct Staff to request bids following preparation of bid-level documents FINANCIAL IMPACT: An Estimated Cost Summary for the.monUmem and related improvements is shown in,~ttaehment 7..The ~di~g .for. the monument is included in Capital Improvement Program Project ~94060. BACKGROUND:' ' · In November. 1999, the' City: C-oun~il .directed ~aff to prepare three Specific. Ptans for various.- portions of the do'town area of Dublin tO guide the development and revitalization of the ..West Dublin BAR:T, DoWntown.Core and Village Parkway areas. The Specific Pl~u.~ were adopted by the C~W Council on December 19, 2000. Adjacent property Owner Singer Fukushim Evans ITEM NO. ATTACHMENTZ A,S.;'~i~ Of'.~e ~p!e.'.~entgtion of the Specific Plans, streetscape improvements are necessary in th~? Du~i~B~T~iD0~.wn Core md,Village Parkway Specific Plan Mas t6 provide 'continuitY and .~g e!~g.~.s...tp emlcHsh a. positive image in the downtown area. Each 'Specific Plan contains guide~es ~d'.qon..C..epts for the design of the streetScape improvements addressed within the Plan. Prior to ¢0~eti0n o~f-~ese-improvements~. ~e:?.b.~ des~. ~0r ~e. s~..eetscapes, plazas, monuments, gateways, and strem ~shin_gs ~'s~ei.ated ~th th~ d0Wntom pl~nni~..n.g .ar..ea ~ere m be detem'fined, cost estimates obtained, and a Phasing plan with priorities devei~ped based on direction from the City Council. The CitY's cons~tant £Or t~s projecL Dave Ev~:.of E~ger P~tua Evans, presented ~s ~O~on to ~e Ci~ C0~eH at ~¢~..mee~g ~n May !,-200:!~ ~¢ Ci~ Co,cji de~e~.~ed ~t ~e ~fi~ priorities for ~provement of~¢ s~ee~cape ~ ~e d0mt0~ ~¢a shoed be foC~ed on establishing a gmeway, monme~t m.~e no~we~ ¢~mer of. Vi~g¢ P~ay ~d ~b~ Bo~ev~d ~hch.is: ~ on--ay to ~e do~to~ a ggeway ~eh at .St. P-a~ick. ~ay '~d ~or PI~ RoM, ~d ~mrsecfion ~pro~emenB at Village ~/~ay.,~d De~s..A~nue (see ~mehment 4, Gateway, M~ker ~d S~eemcape Priorities). Ad~fio~ty, ~e loc~om for ~e gateway fe'a~es w~e selected b~ed on ~ose mggemed by ~e Domm~ Speeifie..~l~ adopted ~'De~emb:~2000, ~d ~so on ~e volvo of rome at cfidc~ ~t~secfio~ ~ ~e do~to~ ~ea~ At the May 1,2001 meeting, the City CoUncil approved'.the preliminary conceptual design for the first gateway monument, to be constructed on CiW...proper~ at. ¥illage parkway and Dublin Boulevard and the gmeway arch~ {see A~tachment. 3 for Prei~ Conceptual .Design of Monument), and directed staffto finalize the design and cost estimate for the gateway monument and arch with the related improvements. Additio~ly,' the Council' directed the consultant m develop a prelimi~ .ary design for.seconda~ g.ateway~. monuments, prepare an assesgment: md:evaluatiOn of impacts on trees along Village Parkway related to a sidewalk ~dening projeet~ and evaluate.the fe~ibi!ity of apedestrian bridge crossing on Dublin Boulevard at Golden Gate Drive. PROJECT PROGRESS Gateway iM'onument: The co.nstmctiOn of a gateway monument at the intersection ofVillage P.ark,aray and DUblin Boul.ev~d is part of'the first phase of developing a ~ed and congruent Physical landscape that emblishes a positive ffnage in the Dubl~ domtown ama: The: tim,al design for the proposed monument with possible signage (Attachment 5).and a detait~d cost estimate for both the monument scheduled for fiscal year 2001.-'2002 and a later phase covering possible future improvements o:fthe monument and associated improvements (Attachment 7) have been prepared by the consulmt for' the.City Council's review at this time. The City CoUncil is being asked to approve the design for Phase I only (the monument i~Se~..The eon~ant ~make a presentation on the 'deSign~.ofthe monUmeht and :re:lated furore '~p~ov~ents at the city Council'meeting, ~. clu'd~g a video ~at ~fill illustrate how the new monument';~ll appear on.the site. Following Council's approval of the final design 'and cost estimate df the monument itself, 'the consultant will prepare construction, bid documents and, issue a.request for bids on the project. After bids are received, the Staff~! b~g the bid proposals back to the Gouncil for reviewand selection of a contractor for the constructioii of the monument, ~-.: Gateway ArCh and Streetscape Features: The consultant is in the process of preparing the final design of ~e, g~t~way arch feature for the intersection of St. Patrick Way and Amador PI~-~.-~ Road, directly across ~..om the 1,680 off-r~r~p. Because the ~ SUpport for the metal arch' spanning the roadway is derived from ~wvo identical monuments located on either side of St. patrick Way at Amador Plaza Road, the consular must first receive direction on the final, design of the gateway.monument to complete the necessary engineering studies reIated to the design of the gateway arch. The Smffwill bring the final design, baekto the. Council for review and approval in a few months. ........ of ~l~in the desi' of the i~terseCti°n '.~...provements ~ddffionalty~ the co.rant ~s also m the.proce.ss ~.:.~ for. VHiage, P~ay ~d Lewis A,.'vent~e~. ~ep~g ~e arbon~ assessmem'oz me trees mong v~,ag~ . me :peae = riag . %ibmty studz, fo.r. the intmection improvmen and the sm~es will' ~0 ]~e subm/tted to. the Co,ell. in a few months for- review. ~onument Design (PhaSe I) The consUltant has developed the final design of the first downtown monument to be located at Village parlc~vay and Dublin BoUlevard based on the prel~arY concepts presented to the City Council in May 200'i. The proposed. monUment is sho~ in Attachment 5 with attaChed, signage wh/ch reads, "Downtown Dublin;" The signage is constructed of aluminum forming a semi-circle ~th a green background. The letters on the sign will be illuminated with thin white neon lighting for visibiIity at night. The'monument woUld stud appropriately 25 feet.high with a five-foot white.lighted cupola. The light may be changed To a colored light as an accent for ho!iday~, if the' City so desires, .]the monument is to be constructed of tan colo~d masonry s~r to ttiat of the ci0'ck toWer in.the Civic Center on .Civic-PI~ proving continuity in.materials used for eXisting and new feamre~ .in the CitFs 0~e~l streetScape. Future Improvements around the Monument (PhaSe II) To .accent the monument, the consultant has included in the site plan design decorative concrete paving, a iow seat wall, shrubs, some small trees and other Iandscaping to~e area between the property owned' bY McDonald's and the sidewalk and surrounding the monument .(see Attachment 2, Site Plan for Improvements at Village Parkway and Dublin Boulevard). Most of these items could be constructed with the second phase of development which woUld be proposed to be funded in the' 2002-2003 fiscal year Capital Improvement Program. For design consistency, the planned improvements would, also include four new boUlevard-style Streetlights selected previously by the City Council (May 2001), and represent the initial installation, of this type of lighting in the downtown streetscape. The existing physical conditions at this location are shown in the Topographical Survey in Attachment 1. Along with the Phase II installation of the improvements related to the monument, one of two traffic signalsat the intersection · will require relocation approximately 15 to 20 feet to the north to allow full visibility of the monument at the intersection. A simUlation of the monument and Improvements at its ultimate development· at the intersection of village ParkwaY and DUblin BoUlevard is shown in Attachment 6. The consUltant's presentation will contain additional viewpoints of the monument and intersection, and further illustrate how the entry feature and associated improvements will appear following installation. Staffhas met with the franchise owner, of the McDonald's located at Village Parkway and Dublin Boulevard to discuss the City's plans for the monument and improvements at this intersection and adjacent to the restaurant property. The owner has submitted a letter of support to the City (see Attachment 8) for the planned improvements. Fine,iai' C~iisiderations of the Proposed Momtment and. Improvements Attachment 7, Monument and Improvemefits Cost E~te',. outlines the estimated costs to complete the monment amd improvemems. Preliminary cost e~ates were presented to the City Council in April 200,.:2 Wi~'~ C'~C~ dC~i~ ~ork~ The~.pret~i:~ cost e~a~ fo/-' the'monument, was e's~ed at appr0~i~'a~e!y $'~5'~000. Wf~ ~er r0~.m~t of:the: struc~ design of'th~' monument;, the..~o~t is $i9 i';~g5!.40'.. The cost 6f the monme~/~ ~¢6~d'b~~ ~ded bY monies '~/~cated in the 200.1 ImRrovem".eat Program Budget fo~./he D~tO~ $~e~tse'ape fmpl~., en~on. PI~ CIP.#9~0~¢. P~e II of/he project, the associated gro~d plane~ pavement, landScape, wails and relocations, would be proposed to be funded in the'budget for Fiscal Year 2002-2003 as a pan ofthe.~pital Improvement Program. The' CiV. presently, o~ ~e. pZOPe~ where the monument is proposed to be located, and no further'land acq~tion is necessary for the project. RECOMMENDATION: Staff i!eco~ends' /hat t~e City Council receive~ the presenmti0n by S~ger F~shima Evans; approve the proposed. MC~aumem DeS~ign.as.,slxown in A~ents 2 and.~; insmct the Co~.~tant to. Pr~are' construction bid deemS/itS for ~e ~.st monument, and direet'Sta~to request'bids On the piSje'~t ' following preParation ofbid-ieV~l documeiits. ' :" g:~Downtown St~iemcap~ Impr~CC-~rDWntwnS~ProgMonumtl 4