HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 13-96 Amend Muni Code ORDINANCE NO, 13 - 96 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN AMENDING CHAPTER 7.24 OFTHE DUBLIN'MUNICIPAL CODE The City Council of the City of Dublin does ordain as follows: SECTION 1 Section Z 24. 050 of the DUblin MuniciPal Code is amended to read: SectiOn 7.24.050 Definitions, Unless Specifically defined below, words or them the meaning they have sed in this chapter shall be interpreted so as to give give'this Ordinance Rs most reasonable apPlication: proVision of of the Floodplain AdministratOr's interpretation of any for. a variance.. "Base: percent change of being equaled or exceeded in any "Basement"means any area ofthe building having its floOr subgrade (below ground level) on all sides. not limited to buildings or °ther structures. operations or storage of equiPment . estate, including but grading, paving exCavation, or drilling "FlOOd" or "flooding" means a partial or Complete inundation defined in this definitiOn. "FloOd Boundary and Floodway Map (FBFM)" means the official map on Which the Federal Emergency Management Agency or Federal Insurance Administration has delineated both the areas of ilO°d hazards and. the flood~ay~ hazards and the: risk premium zones applicable t° the Community. water from any source. "FloodPlain regUlations in prevention' and reduction. adjustments to water and s~tary facilities, provided by the Federal InSurance loUndary and FlOodWay Map, and the eing inUndated by water ordinanCe, and local >se offlood damage or estate or improved real property; ooa y. the water surface port facilkies manufacturing lities. ground surface prior to . , f ~ 0 a ,'Lowest floor" means the lOwest flOor of the lowest enclosed area, including basement (see '"Basement'' definition). requirements, i s usable solely for a basement area, is. not provided' it conforms to applicable non-elevation design but not.limited to: a: the'Wet floodproOfing standard in Section 7.24.180.C.3. Co d. the .90. 2. FOr.~ basements. (see areas. 80.B. ,'Manufactured home" means :~ permanent Chassis and is designed for Use one or more sections, which is built on a permanent fOUndation when connected to the required utilities. F floodPlain management purposes, the.term manufactured ho e does ot include a "r~ereational Vehicle . ~ Manufactured o e arcels) of land divided the National elevations shown on a this structures. d" whiCh will be the term used ,r this state or SUbdivi n, or agent of etc. lo quarters complianCe:With state its non- affected tse regard to the re or other. ,'Riverine', meanS relating to, 'formed by, or resembling a river, including tributaries, stream, brOok, flood-related erosion other proposed, new development, of construction, .repair, home on .a foundation 3 piles, the above ground, as Well nor does it include nor .doeS it ts of building. liquid storage tank, that is L structure, the B. For to. Occur when the commences, Whether or not however, include either: · conditionS;' or Places 'orca State variance" means a construction in pe~ts the eleVation SECTION 2 · Section 7.24. 060 of the DUblin MuniciPal read: General provisions for flOod contrOl are set outin Sections 7.24.070 thrOugh 7,24. 120. SECTION 3 . Section 7.24.080 of the Dublin MunicipaI Code is amended to read: ~ Section 7.24.080 Basis.for establishingthe areas of special floOd hazard. The areas (FIA) of the the Federal Insurance study in a sciemific and engineering report entitled Flood Insurance Study (FIS) dated August 18, I983, with aCComPanying FlOod (FIRM) and all subsequent amendments and/or reViSions, ~re hereby ad~)pted l~y I to be a part of this ordinance. This FIS and attendant mapping is the minimum area ordinance and may be supplemented by studies f°r other ~as'~hich allOw ' t of this ordinance and which are recommended to the lin by the Floodplain .~ study and FIRM are on file at 100 Civic Plaza, SECTION 4 ~$ection 7.24.120 of the Dublin Municipal Code is amended to read: SectiOn 7.24.120 ' Warning and :diSclaimer of liabili~. administrative decision nitrOe can 'and will occur on chapter does not free :ity, any officer or or the Federal ' or any SECTION 5 Section 7.24.140 of the Dublin Municipal Code is amended to read: ~ Section 7.24.140 Establishment of development permit. of s. made on forms egins within , area and the lOcation of the A.' propOsed elevation in relation to mean sea level, of the lowest floor, including basement, of all structures; B. PropOsed elevation in J floodproof; if required in SeCtion' mean sea level to which any non-reSidential structure will be C. All aPpropriate certifications listed in-SeCtion 7.24~160 D of this chapter. · D. Description ofthe extent to which any.watercoUrse Will be altered or relocated as a result of proposed development. ' SECTION 6 Section 7.24.160 of the Dublin Municipal COde is amended to read: The dutieS and.respOnsibilities of the floodPlain administrator Shall includei but .not be limited to: A. Permit Review. 1. Revi, have determine that the permit i requiremems of this ordinance ~ been obtained; base the C. Whenever a waterCOurse isto be altered or relocated: ~f been provided in revieW, and reasonablY utilize source, to .such .D. Obtain and maintain . available as needed evations), .speCial: : areas of boundary .and F.' Take'aCtion to remedy viOlations: of this:ordinance as sPecified in Section 7.24.090 herein. SECTION 7 ProVisiOns for flOod hazard reduction are set out in Section' 7.24.180 thrOugh T24.220 SECTION 8 SectiOn 7.24.180 of theDublin Municipal Code is amended to read: SeCtion 7.24.180 Standards:'Of construCtion. In all areaS of special flood hazards the folloMng standards are required: A. Anchoring. 2~ All Section 7.24.210. . utility 2: Ail methods and, and/or ed with electrical, heating, eS that are designed onents dUring C. ElevatiOn and FloodproOfing. ~ lowest floor, ,,sidential structures may t of the structure the 2. Nonresidential facilities: a. elevated in and sanitary ~odlevel, the structure,is water-tight with Co ads and 3. All new flOor areas below the lowest ~sSional engineer or archtect or meet Pe~tthe ManufactUred in Section 7.24.210. The be that they Section 7.24.200 Ail preliminarY subdivision proposals shall idemifY the riood hazard area and the elevation of . . . . >ads. If the ,d by a C. Ail subdMsion proposals shall be consistent With the need to ~nimize floOd damage. D. eleCtrical E. Ail subdivisiOnS shall redUCe exposure to flood hazards. SECTION 10 Section 7,24.211 ,ead: Flood' Insurance 1. Be on' additions, or no¸ readY for highway on 7i24.130 and the elevation and anchOring requirements SECTION 11 Section 7.24.220 FloOdways. of floodwaters which and other ~ occurrenCe of shall SECTION 12 'Section 7.24.230 of the Dublin MuniciPal Code is deleted Section 7,24.250 Variance procedure. SECTION 13 SeCtion 7.24.240 Appeal board. A. The City CoUncil shall hear and decide apPeals'and requests for variances from, the requirements of this ordinance. B.. T administratiOn of thi:s ordinance. an error in any enforcement or ordinance, and: all technical evaluations, all 1. The danger 2: The 3 5. The 6. The availability erosion damage; . 10 exp 11. of~ . of others; proposed facility to the community; to floOding or vehicles as sewer, gas, including and water D. GenerallY, variances may be issued for new construction and substantial improvements to be erected 'one, half(I the base 7.24. the technical, variance increases. further.the purpose juStification for their is~, chapter. to the granting es as it deems necessary to will maintain a record of all varianCe aCtions SECTION 14 Section 7.24.250 of the Dublin Municipal Code is amended to read: Section 7,24.250 · Conditions for variances. A. storatiOn of structures listed Ihe section. B. Variances Shall not be issued Within any designated floodwaY if any increase in flood levels during the base flood discharge would result: C. Variances shall only consideration of the flood hazard, t° 10 \ D. Variances shall only be issued upon: applicant; 3. A determinatiOn that resUlt in exceptional hardship to the height, tse fraud on or develoPment necessary for the c°nduct sUbi additional threats be pc Alameda and shall be recorded in 'land. D are satiSfied and that the structure or other during:the base flood and create no written notice that the structure will ~ of SECTION 15 36933 of the the date of at least three AYES: . NOES: ABSENT: CoUncilmembers Barnes, Burton, Howard, Moffatt and Mayor Houston None None ABST~: 'None ATTES Mayor. K2/6-2 5-96/ordflood doc 11