HomeMy WebLinkAboutReso 76-06 Emerald Glen Picnic Area Fee * * * . * * * * * RESOLUTION NO. 76 - 06 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN ESTABLISHING FACILITY USE POLICY AND RENTAL FEE SCHEDULE FOR USE OF THE EMERALD GLEN PARK GROUP PICNIC AREA WHEREAS, the City of Dublin completed construction of Phase 1Il of Emerald Glen Park; and WHEREAS, the Phase III included the construction of a Group Picnic Area; and WHEREAS, the Group Picnic Area was designed to serve as a focal point for hosting picnics and events for the community; and WHEREAS, the City does not currently have any picnic areas that can be reserved III advance, and WHEREAS, it is necessary to have established Facility Use Policies and Rental Fees for use of City parks and facilities; and WHEREAS, the Facility Use Policy and Rental Fee Schedule for the Emerald Glen Park Group Picnic Area have been created to reflect the new facility; and WHEREAS, the Facility Use Policy proposed by Staff has been reviewed by the Parks and Community Services Commission, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Dublin does hereby adopt the Facility Use Policy and Rental Fees contained in Exhibit A. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 16th day of May, 2006, by the following vote: AYES NOES ABSENT Council members Hildenbrand, McCormick, Oravetz and Zika, and Mayor Lockhart None None ABSTAIN None d~~M-j- ayor ATIEST ~~H~ City Clerk Reso No. 76-06, Adopted 5/16/06, item 6 4 Page 1 of I ..5oF5 EXHIBIT A - Emerald Glen Park Group Picnic Area Use Policy and Fee Schedule The City of Dublin has several Picnic Areas available for use by the community Use of must picnic areas does not require a res~rvation and is on a first come, first servccd hasis. The large Group Picnic Area at Emerald Glen Park must be res~rved in advance. The Picnic Area Use Policy estanlishes rules, regulations, procedures and fees governing use of the Emerald Glcn Group Picnic Area. Classification of Users Group 1. City of Duhlin Group 2. Puh!ic Agencies (Agencies servinll; the City nf Dublin including Alameda County, Dunlin. San Ramon Services District, Dublin unifkd School District, ctc.) Group 1 Dublin ChamherolCommcrce Group 4 Dub!in.~bMed Cklrhabk ,wd Social Wd/:?re Org.1lIizations, Homeowner A8sociation.. and Sports League., (Organi;,:ed non.profit groups with cunent )01(c)(3\ or .50l(L)(4) IRS sta~US, who,,, membership is open to the public and whnse primary purpose is to ,crve thto Dublin cummunity The organi;,:ation', membership must be at least 51% Dublin resident,. Group) Individuals or Other Group.. (Groups who do not me~t the crit"ria listed ahove andJor activities such as picnics, family reunions, awards caemonies, birthday parties, etc.) a) Resident (Individuals must reside or own property within Dublin City limits; Groups must havto memhership made up ot at least ~1% Dublin residents) b) Non~Resident Grnup 6. Commerdal U.es (Companies, grnups, ur individuals whosc events have the primary pUlpnse of generating a profit such as athletic event' and tournam~nts, promotional eve.nts, etc. ) a) Resident (Company facility must be located in tne Dublin City Limits <lnd flave current City 01 Dublin Business License. If there is no cnmpanv facility, person responsihle for <,vent mu,r r"side or uwn property within the Dl.1hlin City Limits \ b) N"n.~Residem Priority of User Groups -". " ".. Groups 1, 2, Group .J, Group 4 and Gruup 5 (Residnu) - Reservations a"cepted Dne-year in advance o[ the requested rental date. (TrollP 5 (N(Jl1.R.esident) and (Troup 6 Reservations accepted three 'months in advance of the request"d rental date. Hours of Rental Use 1. Th~ City's Picnic Areas are available [or re';tal fmm 8;00 A.M until dusk. 2. The Pimk Area must be deaned and vacated by dusk. How to Make a Reservation Pk7se note thin the City requires tht, "PJ;]kmt. nor "llother party. to cumplete all tt";11lsact;uns "lld provide the illSU1"'nCe required for the rental. 1. To make a reservation, a Picnic Ar~a Use Applicatiun and S100 security deposit must bee submitted for appro,al. ,l"ppro,,,] takes three to fiVE b\lsiness-d"ys; notification of applicltinn status will be mailed. 2. Applications must be submitted .in person at the Parks and Community Services Department Annex Office at the Dublin Public Linrary, 200 Civic. Pla;,:a. Applications are accepted [rom RDD A.M. to 4.30 P.M, Mnnday through Friday e.wept on nty holidays. 3. In order to receive a resident rate, the applkant (i.e. the person responslhle [or the activity, payment nf lees and provjsjon of insurance) must Ii"" nr own property within the Oublin nty Limits. Identification confirming residence address will be reqllirc'd (valid California driver', license or cunent utility nul). 4 Groups who are applying as a Group 4 classification must have a "Charitable and Social Welfare Organi;,:ation Verification Form" on file, or suhmit a completed form and the group's Bylaws and I.KS. Tax Exemption Letter. Groups claiming Duhlin n:..,jdency must provide a current membcrsnip roster (51% of membership must nwn property or reside in Dublin). 5. Applications submitted less than five (5) business days prior tn the requested r~.ntal dale. will not: be accepted. Payment Schedule 1- At rhe r;~~ rhe ~pplication i, sL1b;";'tted, a~$lOO security deposil is requircd. 2. Final payment ()f rental fees must. be madc'. nn later than 30..davs prinr to th" schedukd rental date. Pkase call the Parks and Communit.y Servicee, Ocpamnent Anneex Office at. 556..4500 to ,chedule an appnintmcnt. Payments not received hy this deildline m,lY result in c.1lIct.l/,'tion of the renml ilnd forfeiture of t.he securitv deposh and One- hill/of the rent.v kes p.1..id or paYilbJe. 3. The sc'.curity tkpnsit will he rdunded within 30.. days of t.be rem"l date providing there arc'. no violations of the U,ee Policy, cxce"iw cleaning n:quirt'd, or dama!l;cs to rh" facility 4 Paym"nts may be made by check, VISA, MasterCard, moneey order or c"h. Please make checks or muney orders payable to thee City of Dublin. Cancellations, Changes and Refunds ~Cancellation roque'st.s must"bee mack in writing hy rht. arplicant.. Refunds will be bandled '" follow", a! If the requee.st is rec.<.:ived tWO months nr morc prior to the reental darc'. the sc'.curity deeposit. will be tdunded, less a $25.00 processing ke. Refunds will be mailed to the applicant within 3D days of receipt. nf the written cancellation request. n) If the requc'st is received between twn months and'O..days . prior to the rental tbte the applicant will forfeit t.he security deposit unless another user rebo"J<s the date. If it is renooked the depnsit will he rdunded le,s " $2500 proceessing fee.. c) if the request is receiv~d less than 30-days rrior to function the applicant will forfeit th" ,eecurity depnsit and nne. half nf the r~ntal fees paid (or payable). 2. Re,,,rvation fccs will not be rcfunded for events which are cancelled dLlc to rain. Notification of cancellatiun must be: communicated tn the Parks and Community Serviccs Department on the day uf the ",served use ny 1O;()0 A.M. Notification can b~ made by calling 925 '556A5DO and leaving a message. Events cancelled due to rain mal' be rcscheduled for a future use to uccm wit.hin one yeear of thee cance1kd date of u,e. failure to caned a reservcd use by the stated time or failure to rcscheduk a cancelled use within one 'year will resulr in forfeiture of the rcntal feees paid. Penn its may Dot be transferred, assigned nr sLlbkt... OccilsionalIy it may bt: necessilry to reschedule, relocate or mncd a request previou.<lv approved. If tile PiCl)k' Area becomes Ull.1vaifuhle due to extenuating circumstance.., the City reserve.< the right to ~'ancel the F,7cility l i<e Permit_ In this .<ituiltio/l, the group or individu<ll will be given ilS much udwnce notice a~po.<.<jbk 3 4 General Rental Information if tJ r 5" 1. Rental permits will nnly bee iss-;'led to adults. A responsi]..,le adult from thc group must su pcrvise the picnic. area for rroper use during rml.al hours. Groups cnmpost,d nf nlinOIS must bc supervised by two (2) adults for each twenty (20) minom at all t.imes while they arc using the picnic area. 2. Park faciliti~s nther than the rcserved picnic areas are open to the general public. 3. To usc the soccer fields, ,.ricket field or 1,111 diamnnds, you must obtain a Spurts Field Use Pennit from the Parks and Community Scrvices Department .Annex office at the Dublin Public Library, 200 Civic Plaza. "Dlt' sports fields art' el"scd from necembcr 15 through March l. 4 The bocce nan ~ourts adiacent to the picnic area aree not included in the rental, and are availahle nn a first 'cume, first . served basis only 'i The consumption, serving and/or selling of alcoholic beverages is not permitted in thc park. Glass containers, inelLlding bottles, are not permitted. 6. Barbecues arc provid~d in picnic areaS. No porta]..,]e narbe<.Cues are al1nwed in the park Coals and "hees arc NOT to he dumped in trash receptacles. 7 Campfires/bonfires are nnt permitted in toe park. 8. Thc use of generators i, prohibiteed. Ekctrical out.lets are available in tI,e picnic area, 9 Dunk tanks, animal rides and pdting zons are not permitted in the park. III Bringing additional equipment (such ," tables, chairs, tents, stages, NC.) to augment tne amenities nf the Croup Picnic Area musr be approwd bv thee. Parks and Community Services Dirc,ctor. lJ. Vehides needing acc~ss to the picnic area vi" the path to drnp,off or pick 'up supplics and equipment must obtain a Vehide Access Permit prior to the cvent. Vehicles must be H~moved from the purk arca immcdiately following deliveries. 12. Dogs are to ne restrained by a substantial leash not to exceecd six ket in kngth. Persnns wit.h dogs mLlst dispose uf waste immediately 13 SMOKING IS PROlnmTED within 25 feet of any children's playground area. 14 it is prnhihited to past.e, tack, glue or post any sign, placard, advertisement or inscription, or to ered any si!l;n in the park. 15 Selling, vending, or peddling itcms is prohibired. 16. Use. of amplification equipment. is not allowed without written approval from the Parks and Community Savices Director. 17 Parking is permittcd in painted parking stalls only Vehidcs parked illegally will bc cited. 18. Stor"ge is not available for events. 19 l'se of the picnic: area shall ne in accordance with all current "pplicable ordinances, rcgulaUnns and laws. 20. Requests for exception to the Picnic Area Usee Policy must be submitted in writing en the Oty Manager, nr his dcsignee, no iatcr than 45..d"ys prior In the d"te of "'ee. rcquest.cd. Inflatable Jump Houses and other Equipment A;; not~d in the Gmnal Rcntal Information, sett{i'lg"';:;p- additional equipment in the t~mup Picnic "'rea must be approvcd by the Parks and Community Services Dircct.or Fnr inflatable jump houses, the vendor providing the equipment must haw an "pplication and liability insurance nn file with the City of Dublin. If thee jump house is owned by the rental "pplicant, then the applicant must provide the certificate of liability insurance. It the rental appficant has a c.omp,my providing equipment such a> tents, ~annpics or stages, then the vc.ndnr must havc an application and liability insurance on iile with thc Cit)- Fnr specific insurance r"quircments, please refer to the next ,eerion. Insurance Requirements For rcntals with entertainment (stiCE';;, " band or nJ), an ll1fiatabk Jump house, or nthcr additional equipment, the vendor pr.ovidi~lg the eq.uipment shall provide the City of Dublm wlth a valid Certlhcate of Liability Insurance written through carriers acccptable to the City nf Dublin. Such certihcate shall rrovide nndily lnl ury and Property Damage liability protection in thee. amount of ~1,OIJO,OOO per occurrence. The applicant must hc specified as the in"lfed. The Ccrtificate shall n,unc the City nf Dllnlin as an "additional insurt:d"in conformance. with the hnld hannless agreement a> outlined on the Application and mmt specify that the applicant's insurance shall be primary to IIny i]ISUTilnCe carried by th,: Citv. Thc certificate shall be properly ~xecutccl with the ongll1al slgnatlm' of the authnrizing Jl\SllranCe agent. An Additionallnsurcd Endorsement must ,,,:company the Certificate (no exceptions). Thc' Cettific"te is due at the time final payment is made.. \t l.~ndors sllould cOlltact their insurancl.' pruvider ta chc.-cJ(. if Lheir policy m<lY be extended to cover the rent.:'ll Tn the event tku coverage is not mr..lilablc, the City has eve.Jlt insurance avajJable [orpu/'chase. Security Deposit _.,,_..____;::; of S A $100.00 Security Deposit is due when the application is submitted. The Security Deposit is refundable provided there are no violations l1f thc' Facility Use P()]ky and/or cxcessive cleaning or dam"gc', rn the picni~ arc.a. Rental Fees '(:;ri;iip 2: Publi,. Agencies," ,--- Group 3: Dublin Gnamber of Commerce, and Group 4' Duh/in Charimble, Social IVdfRre ,wd Sport League Orgmuzlltions Arc,a '" ~seat.s 'i6) $19.00 peer day Area B (scats 48) $16.00 per day Area ( (seats 96) $32.00 per day "'II Arcas (seats 200) ~67.00 per day U,e for Purpusc,s of Fundraising: "'rea A (seats 56) $42.00 perday Area n (seats 48) ~36.00 pc'rd"y Area C (seats 96) $72.00 per day "'II Are~s ('.eats 200) $150.00 per day A fundrmser 1S II renml at whicb admission is grRllted ior payment of a designated amount, II don"tiou of an umount left to the di.cretion of the guest, Or u I'<'l1tlll at wblCh funds "re collected through auctions, raffle/door prize uctivity, or other melln.. design.ued to generate monies to offset custs or to henefit .. community or clmrimhle agency of cause. Group 5lndividllals/Other Groups - Resident Area'" (seats 56) $56.00 per day Area B (seats 48) $48.00 per day Area C (seats 96) $96.00 per day All Areas (seats 2(0) $200.00 pcr dav Group 5lndividuu/s/Other Group.. - Non-Resident Area A (seats 56) 56700 per day Area n (seats 48) ~58.00 per day Area C (scals (6) $115.00 per day All Areas (seats 200) $24000 per day Group 6 Commerd,,! U.es - Resident Area A (seats 56) $7') 00 per day Arc,a B (scats 48) $64.00 perday Area C (seats ',16) $128 00 per day All Areas (sears 200) $26700 per day Group 6 Commerd,,! LC.es - Non. Residt'l1t Area A (seats 56) $9000 per day Arca n (seats 48) ~77 00 pcr day Area C (seats ',16) $15300 per day All Areas (seats 200) $320.00 per day The City ofDllbli/1 ",crve.I ,he right to dmy tho "" "fCity Pic'/1ic Area.1 to any person nr group if such Zge- is de-and w be corltrarv W the: best inwTst oj the Citv rile facili,v, and/or Dublin ",idm!>. Applicants shollld thoroLl~hlv review the Emerald ,;1," Group Pictl;c 4.re-a US~ Polie).' lu bc:comc familiar with all re-l1taJ {res, policin a.nd procedure-so Be sure to hrin~ VOllr li'pOIOWY! Groul' Picnic Area L~'-,'c Permit with VOll un t.lz.e d.'lv of vow' event to con.firm th;:i.t VOlt ILsery,j/d tb.e desif?lJated picnic area.