HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 3.1 Youth Advisory Comm Appt ,.J. CITY CLERK File # O[]][ZIaH31[Q] . AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: January 6,1998 SUBJECT: Youth Advisory Committee Appointments Report by: Diane Lowart, Parks & Community Services Director EXIflBITS ATTACHED: Applications RECOMMENDATION: ,~~onfirm appointments to Youth Advisory Committee FINANCIAL STATEMENT' None DESCRIPTION At the October 21, 1997 meeting of the Dublin City Council, the Council approved the formation of the Youth Advisory Committee. The composition of the Youth Advisory Committee as approved by thc Council is shown below. . I I Youth Members: 3 - Middle School (I representative from each grade) 8 - High School (2 representatives from each grade) . 4 Adult Members: . I - Dublin Police Services I - Dublin Unified School District Representative I - Business Representative I - Community Member Openings on the Youth Advisory Committee were publicized at Wells Middle School, St. Raymond Catholic School, Valley Christian Junior and Senior High Schools, Dublin High School and Valley High School. The Committee was also noticed in the Winter Activity Guide of the Parks and Community Services Department, in the local newspapers, and correspondence regarding adult representation on the Committee was sent to Dublin Police Services, the Dublin Chamber of Commerce and the Dublin Unified School District. Twenty applications were received for the eleven youth member positions and one application was receivcd for the adult community member position (applications attached). As is done with the student representative to the Parks and Community Services Commission, a subcommittee of the Commission reviewed the applications and conducted interviews with the potential applicants. Thc recommendations of the subcommittee were then ratified by the full Commission at their regular meeting of December 15, 1 Q97 Thc rccommended appointments to the Youth Advisory Committee are shown un the following page. 4It------------------------------------------------------------------- COPIES TO: Parks & Community Services Commission Applicants ITEM NO. 7..1 ~y o G:ly.clagndstmtlcc 16ccapnt.doc Approved Applications Revised Recommended '" Grade Composition Received Composition Appointment School 6th I 1 I Kelly Rubert Wells Middle School 7th 1 0 0 No Appointment . 8th I 2 2 Louis Arcuri Wells Middle School KatWeen Ross St. Raymond School 9th 2 1 1 Chris Pedersen Dublin High School 10th 2 1 I Jupjeet Kaur Dublin High School 11th 2 8 3 Elizabeth Chapman Dublin High School TomeI Cooper Dublin High School Anu Gill Dublin High School 12th 2 7 3 Tianne Brown Dublin High School Sasha Garren Dublin High School - Amanda Yniguez Valley High School TOTAL 11 20 II It should be noted that the recommendations do not fully represent the composition that was approved by the City Council. This is because there were insufficient applications from grade 7, 9 and 10. The Commission felt that it would be important to fill the vacancies with qualified older teens, one additional 11 th and 12th grader. The Commission recognizes the need for strong leadership for the first Youth Advisory Committee and it is their belief that interest in the Committee will grow once there is an established track record of achievements by the Committee. With regard to the adult members (or advisors) to the Youth Advisory Committee, Dublin Police Services has appointed Chief Gary Thuman and Dublin Unified School District has appointed Superintendent John Sugiyama. The Dublin Chamber of Commerce has not yet responded regarding a representative from the business community. One application was received from Karen Seals for member-at-large and the Commission would recommend her appointment as well. . Therefore, it is the recommendation of Staff that the City Council take action on the Commission's recommendations and make formal appointments to the Youth Advisory Committee for the term of January through August, 1998. . e e e ,-..::' 'n ;~! 'I<re1 ,,' --> k' )~1 :':1 ~'~ ~'l In/lt'!'' , n.f!t \~~ ,-j;, ~ " 'h;,. ," ;I If" .---",. \ : 1\\ Q, b""r I i I(J(} p, Current Grodo-LL [r;?;~~ p~ono~16) ;7.I'i -5!-f.) City nf Dublln-fOO Civic PIBzoIP.O. Bex 2340, Dublin, CA 94568 833.6645 Dear Appllc.ant: Youth Advisory Committee Appl I A ... ....;,:.-- Thank you for expressing an Interest In serving on the Youth Advisory Committee. ~--~~--W--N___..__...W.. Th& purpDse of the Committee Is to provide Input on youth servIces, address Issuss that effect youth In ths community and assist with Implementation and promotion of youth actIvities. The Youth Advisory Committee Is made up of eleven members appointed by the Mayor with the approval of the City Council. T~. Initial Iorm of offlc. will be for elg~t mont~, wlt~ an opportunity far .....ppolntm.nt In S.ptomber. The elg~t month tenn commences In January and tenninates In August. The Committee meets once a monthi meeting times and days are yet to be detennlned. Plei!s8 taklt a few minutes to complete the following questIons. ,;.i 1. J Why are you Interested In serv}ng on the Youth Advisory Committee? 'I - S - 2. ., , \~I;!~ "" ,'~-1 ~ ,:: 3. 4. 5. 1/l/ (tv t ,i , ,J,oTrf; Ii*,jj,,,.'r/e>- ~.M'fl!41,1, j urlr, \ (/ How would you be a:bls to assist wIth the Implementation ilnt!jrornotlon of teen events? W -', A,J _ "'"cd ' -Ii I '/1./ ,I ------7 .!, ct---t '.' " , 'I' f, ':' ~ /l -I-: 1 1.t. I C 6, What school and/or extra curricular activities a.re you Involved In? jJm! :/i'i", /li/l)J" -,~,' 'II II i ".J ."' {../J.: JJrl,fr~-l~ -; " Ij}. (. 'It ('~~JI ,IX I r f..p,! 1..':'1 ~ Name I', ,.. \ ~ --') SO~QQI I, )i' ll,- I 'A (: .1: '1)" ( I , I 1!1VY11J1i),' k - 'It:.t:: Add,.s, f :J ) APPLICATION DEADLINE: December 1, 1997 (5:00 p.m.) ApplloBtians may b. ,ubmltted In p.ISon el the Pork, and Community Servlc:es Department Office on the 2nd floor of the Dublin Civic: Canter or may be mailed to the Dublin Civic Center. 100 CivIc Plazi!, Dublin, CalifornIa, 94568, Attention MlchellB W1srschem, Recrea.tion Coordinator. For questions on the application process, plea:se call 833-6645. ,.1;, " 1\ 0\.1, ., r' ., i! ., , ~ J-- ",. 1! ?:, ..;;, ..\, ., " -/ UV ~ 1,.. ~ \ ~ r':;: ~~ .,: I', :~1 " r~'i ~'I , !~ " I'll ~-i r,l .:~ " ::j I 1 City of Dublln-1oo Civic Plaza/P.O. Box 2340, Dublin, CA 94566 633-6645 DEe lb' 1997 ~ The purpose of the Committee is to provide Input on youth services, address IssuBSi'"'thet-. t i community and assist with Impl&mentatlon and promotion of youth actlvltles. The Youth Advisory ~Comn"'Thl'fls: ~ made up of BIBvAn members appointed by the Mayor with the approva.l of the City Council. Youth Advisory Committee AppH, Daa, Applicant: I n I . Thank you for expressing an Intsre:st in 5ervlng on the Youth Advisory Committee. The Initial term of office will be for eight months with an opportunity for re-appointment In September. The eight month tenn commences In January and termlnat8s In Augusl The Committee mOBis: once a month: meeting times and days are yet to be dBtennlnBd. Please take a few minutes to complete the following questions. 1. Why are yau Inhm~sted In $srvlng on the Youth Advisory Committee? I tx"J ,file', ,-tv!r-\+ lift I' YI 1-\ t'WI tl'1I:" 1J00Ard IHI'II ~;~p t:;f (Y1~ ~") ~~I~~\~~thI OI1;:~~/ft""\~:!)(~of-m~ nr,I\-1Y\~ lAm"> 1-n.tl+ T U)ihh -tv S ,V" rYl'f il1@lfr ffi'\. 2. What 1& the most important contribution you can make as Youth Advl&ory Committee Representative? "f},t lYlinr i~por-t(j(\+ rhl"rl-ribIAh'rrn -h1tl+ T ",,1'1 mal"t ~~ ~r;~~rj~~~~, ~rclt';n fcD7" ()~~;J1_:~~~, :~~r::n r~(J cnrnl1l"tlff, "'.'i"m +0 Yl~, (1"\O~I'r\n-\-i\JttJ, 3. Haw do you think youth In Dublin can be served better? '/l1VJh in t>..mlln ~DlUrt \:)f ,J->1"l\1rrl ht\ yytltdvlrf\-I- l {\(\c\ tx-,rrv-'-n~ (\ 11ft) C (,ll\ rm,r\. ('<"'.Y\ Y\\ A- S"' C\...... "e t-'l-(\.\(\ nl~h+, Wh~IIBBuBs ars teens in Dublin cancBrned about? v>f'mr (.\\')1-"\ ,....p.- "rWYl"/""'\ hi i n,)-!- t:b m IAr,h I,Un'fTC', ,Alf' , d. Thr rlll:J (), e 4. NQf 11t.t 111'Of!- ill::llj..LlJhfr""r hl...b-"~ Q/!:I::. tl:t. 10. bW2 lib GlfK"r-. --a L-t lA)"6\III/ "hi', n,'(>f'. in h\J, "0 I) '1""C'Uo.:tim rl;l'f, t-W \.AO [J" htl\)\"", lY'"rt r\lA\:>O ~tI+- ,,1l::n:', {h[lor, ,I') ktCf'lhj u') If) m N\\-d ilhd \J In,,+- Id'-. 11'la, S. Haw would you be able to ilssist with the Implementation and promotion of teen events? lD~r~~Ul~:~Th O-hl;~(J ~II ::;I~~J r~7"~ +:7;;~ ~~'lO I, fl,ltJrl:- wlm "Plu,") h<.j /)1/" 1<'-""4 ~\f,(~ Qh01 ',orNrr.(:':> C-l.l'lu C1j{\~~ ~J:t1 \ 1~ f1~\Wil 3:}iro)iQ_ 6. What school and/or extra curricular aetlvltJee are yeu InVDlvGd In? J \(111\ if' !h'l'U\\I('(J 'A,t-f+1hl ffilJ ,~rho(Jl'6 T(/A.CJ: d r-if'lrJ , l !('c....", ('<<"~\ ~.7\1..l:::> '- '(VAIle' n. 5:,','0 1M- Qln\J<X P-, t WeN:', ~(,-,<- -.s:. ,>-:>0""- ,,--,<- r'>V"\ .."...,..,A, \ u,"'n"l"Mo h("'(), ~ ,-'"1::""",,\ 0.('.--'.\'::>. . Name\" \ (\\(....."'.c .~\nDV"\ Addro..IOO, l'r-inrc: Dr \\f!", SChOOIDI..l'o\\(\ ~"~YfurrontGradO 1.;1. PhoneCSIO 'W":l,-~ e APPLICATION DEADLINE.: Oetoember 1, 1997 (5:00 p.m.) Applications may be submitted In person at the- P.ark~ and Community S8rvlc~s Department Office 011 the 2nd floor of thB Dublin Civic Center or may be mailed to the Dublin CIvic Centert 100 Civic Plaza, Dublin. California, 945881 Attention Mir;::hellct WlBrsc:hem, Recrea.tion CoordInator. For questions on the application process, please call 833-6645. CIty of Dublin-100 CiviC Plaza/P.O. aox 23401 Dublin. CA 9456B 833~(j645 Youth Advisory Committee App . Dear Applicant: . Thank you for expre$Gilng an Interest In $Elrvlng on the Youth Advisory Committee. The purpOSE! of thB Committee Is to provide Input on youth servlt:es, address Issue;"'that-e-ff;cty~';uihi~-t~ community and a5slst with Implementation and promotion of youth activitIes. The Youth Advisory Committee Is made up of eleven members appointed by the Mayor with the approval of the City COLlncll. The Initial tcmn of offlCB will be for eight months with an opportunity for ra-appointment In September. Tho eight month tt:!orm commenCeS In January and terminates in August. The committee meel5 once a month: meeting times and daY$ arB yet to be determined. Please take a few minutes to complete the following questions. 1. Why ilre you IntBrested In 5ervlng on the Youth Advisory Committee? I l.JotAir/.. lib. Ii) Ntvf IA b1/Y'^-1r1 1D kiD ~y/.pJ' rhAdm-li r'Xaff,IJ 'fhl'lr- ('DnrPn'l! Il/,A r'vCftiJ (tho,^, +hlr-f;:r 1D AD If'. Ilhcf fUll/Ole( 7l1~h/tI.-, 2. What Is the mos.t Important contribution you can make as Youth Advisory Committee Representative? " 'Y rev'fy, h/i1.--nIJvt' 3. How do you think youth In Dublin can ba served better? 4. !tif' uS {\.... e 5. How would you bu able to assist with the Implementation and promotion of teen events? 0.. r f< fYif/J^-hpF nO 'fI,e~H-J ,Le/dC~'{/'/f ('ia/I, I '2J,11 hr L<IJ/ldl -Iv ijo <1M f;kC'- ~11e, -n' [f& -;-/ol~ f (J vf.ll H tin l{ "fA NfJ J / h "fl ill-- 1:'r1~ r[<n~f'}uJ II ["vI'Jt>n, e 6, What school andlor extra curricular activities are you Involved in? I f< /1-- fJrf(ldIJ,-f 06 fhf' NU .!r/,o,'--frtff f'~IA.f1C/11 J-huU/1-f- ;01'!:;K~ir~ ,":x;t~~:E;~r;,~ ;;;6~'~';!;t~ Name f I 'jflhdh (,lcftpf'YLAf'..-- Schonl ,Ok hI, rr ~ P Current Grade 1/ Address It 01 q (, rfl f r)/J.Jq Phon. Id ?- / it in APPL.ICATION DEADL.INE: De~embJ111997 (5:00 p.rn) Applications may bQ submitted In person at the Parks and Community SBrvlces Department Offlco on the 2nd floor of the Dublin Civic CQntur or may be mailed to the Dublin Civic Center, 100 Civic Plaza, OubllnJ California, 945681 Attention Mlchella Wlerst::hem, Recreation Coordinator. For questions on the application process, ploase call 833-SS:45~ City of Dublln.lOO Civic Plaza/P.O. Box 2340, Dublin. CA 94568 833-6645 .Youth Advisory Committee APP/i~[[~ D.ar Applicant: I ~~~-2 :; '19~7 '~II Thank you for expre55lng an Interest in 5E!rvlng on the Youth Advisory Committee. I, C" -r;::;-"'=l"J...."..,.........::;,J\1 _ l' _po ILll U l.-.l~ The purposE! of th9 Committee Is to provide input on youth 5ervlcBs, address Issuos thaf"iffec;f"y-oufti1ii-th.;;nu community and assist with implementation and promotion of youth activIties. The Youth Advisory Committee Is made up of oleven members appointed by tltB Mayor with the approval of the City Council. e The Initial term of offlcD will be for eight months with an opportunity for re-appolntment in September. The eight month term commenCeS in January and tgrmlnates In August The CommlttaB meet5 once a month; meeting times and days ill e YBt to bit determined. Please take a few minutes to complete the fnllowlng qUBstion~. 1. Why are you interested irl serving on the Youth AdvIsory Comtnlttce7 (.~ (~ , c. ~ t+O' c r\j ~ I. 2. What Is the most important contribution you can make a~ YOLJth-Advisory Committee Representative? 3. How do you think youth In Dublin can be 5erv~d better? e 4. What Issues are te9ns In Dublin concBrncd about? 5. How would you be able to assist with the Implementation and promotion of teen Qvents7 6. What school and/or ox:tra curricular activities are you involved In? Nam:701-(F.1 (/(') 0 Pi:: ~ School Current Grade e AddresS phone APPLICATION DEADL.INE: December 1, 1997 (5:00 p_M.) Applications may be liiubmltted in pE!t1ion at thE! Parks and Community Services Department Office on the 2nd floor of the Dublin Civic Center or may be mailed to thl:i Dublin Civic Center. 100 Civic Pla%a, Dublin, California, 94568, Attention Michelle Wlerschem, Recreation Coordina.tor. For queationfi on the application procQSS, please call 833-6645~ e I Why are you interested in serving in the Youth Advisory Committee'! I belicve I can makc a difference I n:cognize that activities are lackll1g and 'vol.lid likc to participate 111 orgalllzlng programs that scrve thc multIple Interests of ! Juhlin's Y\)lLtll~. ~" '''hat is the most important contribution you can make as Youth Advisory ,o"'or lInittee Representative? My most important contributions include my Ideas, my dedication and conl1l1itmcnt, and my drIVC to accomplish goals. J. How do you think youth in Dublin can be served bcttcr? Activitics and organized events need to be increascd in order to provide an alternative to Idle tunc which may lead to alcohol and substance abuse. 4. What issues are tCl,ns in Dublin concerned about? e TIllS IS a vague question. Kids are concerned about AIDS awarencss, Alcohol and drug addiction and premarital sex. However, kids alsu have individual cultural issues uf conccrn. 5. How would you be able to assist with the implementation aud promotion of teen evcllts? I plan to dcdicate as much time as I can to the planncd evcnts. Additionally I have ready access to computers and multimcdia for any advertIsing and promotional m.:cds. 6. What school and/O!" extra curricular activities are you involved in? I am currcntly the JWlior e1ass preSident, in lead"rship, and play on the varsity basketball team. In ,pnng I plan to participate in my tlmd year ofv!\rsity track and field. Name TomeI Cooper School Duhlin High School Currellt Grade II e Address 11412 Rothschild PI Phonc 829-2253 CIty of Dublln-fDD Clvlo Plaza/P.O. Box 2340, Dublin. CA 94568 833-664S , """",,,;::'lIth Advisory Committee APP/;fi DEe 1 19971 Thank you for expressing an Interest In serving on the Youth Advisory Committee. UtJl:JVDU U L..:;~\j p_~.__m._ .____~____.._~~ The purpose of the Committee Is to provide Input on youth services, address Issues that effect youth In the community and assist with Implementaticm and promotion of youth activities. The Youth Advisory Committee is made up of eleven membel'$ appointed by the Mayor with the approval of the City Council. The Initial term of offlo. will b. for eight months with an oppnrtunlty for ,.-appointment in Soptomber. The eight month tenn commences In January and terminates In August. Tho Committee meets Once a monthj meeting times and dlillYs are yet to be determined. Please take a few minutes to ccnnplete the following questions. 1. 2. J. 4. e l::',j . 5. 8. J f 'J . \, y\ Ot ~ School Va I R\) \\-\~ 0.1 \J0 ~~~C) Current Grade \ \ PhonL9Vl>rXr ,. )'-Iv~~ , APPLICATION DEADLINE: December ,1997 (5:00 p.m.) Applications may be submitted In person at the Park!:;: and Community Services Department Office on the 2nd floor of the Dublin Civic. Center or may be mailed to the Dublin Civic Center, 1CC Civic Plaza, Dublin, Callfornlaj 94568, Attention Michelle Wierac.hem, Recreation Coordinator. For questions on the a.pplication proce~e;, please call B33~6645. e e . City of Dublln.jOO Civic Plaza/P.O. Box 2340, Dublin, CA 94566 633.6645 Youth Advisory Committee Ap . D9ar Applicant: Thank you for ex.presslng an Interest In serving on the Youth Advisory committee. ___._____a_____________. The purpo58 of the CDmmittee Is to provide Input on youth s.ervices, address Issues that effect youth In the community and a5slst with Implementation and promotion of youth activities. The Youth Advisory Committee Is made up of eleven members appointed by the Mayor with the approval of the City CouncIl. The Initial tenn of offic.e will be for eight months with an opportunity for re-appolntment In September. The eight month tenn commenceS In January and tennlnates in AugLlst. The Committee meets once a monthj meeting times and days arB yot to be detennined. PIBilS8 take a few minutes to eomplote the following questlon&. 1. Why are YOLllnterested In serving on the Youth Advl.sory Committee? S ~d I,K____ --tD ,"" Q, 11lJ<W\K --/"hJI k.f h r In I7Vr rl9--fY'JV\/A___^_A-1--L--' J..-,.f CD n--t >'Y10Y~ In'v/)I'vf'd ,,",,..f.-t. ~ . .J -A ttG.-t1vI11,(-' OU"'-- n/aV\ W~ (\0',-;1 --fo ;\0< Q Y'YlOV-<' f'rrlS#Lfc-hHL Idl:.J -1n (hAfJ/-R.J;,^-I (YV...r '/-1nJJ IV' ~ IAldPkRl'..,dC.1 2. What is the most Important contribution you can make as Youth Advisory Committee Representative? &.rl'-X~ rY':J /p()(dpr,,!u...,--, l)1A()11-h~r, ~ ('OlIV ~ ,.,n,,--h'/~h de Bi:cCfi:. ...i..Q_li2!J -to ()l.A.,. rA'Yr---rlJ. ~. f1.Jp-<?+11 II!) :r t:an !u-e.-p L-U,',.f--1L., -h\ y m / /"i,] r?\ 100,-::<-'/ nf')jnf'l ('11.Lh-fbr IAhrJPr IF. 3. How do you think youth In Dublin can be served better? ~ rY\or-<> I'rr_,d- Q--O,nry lY\ctl'vlnl'<r7lf II~ I'Y' A1.~-'?:i.f: +hccf W!1/Lf-.r --fU ~ a ,.-he:. MrA11 r. ~fl~_..iiJG- ,n '-t"--J! +1'1 I n:J' ./-e eM '" 00--h dn . 4. What IS5ues are tel:,ms In Dublin concerned about? 1/ l), 0# ,--- nv- n 0+ ----H, (f ('n~+~ Lull! . <)u U:", orf I M. ~M,# -In --f1u. APPds a /1"" t.< ,,? 0d-~ (yfr /),1>- L--e..Pns. A1+hI!Ufj-r-- (U-P rai"'"V\(r;t- .D1(t1,~ D\lf'V:Jlxd'J~ ~d- tL>f ('alA yv"cxJ=- "" cf(--PAr.e.nrt- How wDuld you be able to assist with the ImplBmBntatlon and promotion of llu~n events? 5. WI---/-+..-- fYlCA.-){)V f"-_h/lc-ily; 11fU.-. Slfril"- ,-<c-f1-(V5 I VI ~ ('y"jr'; P. ,/;7) vd 6.f-- rYl(j) 1.J-1..... ( no fL.Jo rIC(n,-" I _. r ' J' n 1-'\ 1"'--1 (').., C III A Y S-E' h;J- -/11.1. ri ru './ ( J a. n,rH.ll.-<. VI 0: n-...e I"- off / n ~ <; r y., mTl \ .I:::b...Lu -fl' t\ ) / 6. What school and/or extra curricular aetlvltles are you Involvetlln? e -, t'l"", ---f-N r.(nYI,R ~,.~\"I()lV.!r O.f- o-ur ,<::;r,h 601 flr-1lve 1-ea..CL1.. r I Y\ /'"l-'L.<.-i I pari p y- ,[., , '"""' I ~ u -+--u. K-e ""A. daJ\CL (''''0<;';( (J/"\.rt. 1I-Pv:J tnVDlvA--f Iv... <;" .p Y\ I 0 v- aC---h " I fu P I tl._J'L.IU. 1\ "it . Nam. <;0. S ka ('7~'U'j Sohool1A.l5L1 No H1btl Addre.."1,;;),\'+ TIn"'-- flaC.<- l>L-tblih , CY'r- cr'-lS-LY ~ e./ass J(J(,( r Current Grade 12.- Phon,{nO ) e ~8'"""'f8J It;> APPLICATION DEADLINE: Decembsr 1, 1997 (5:00 p.m.) Applications may be submitted In porson at the Pilrks. and Community Services Department Offlee on the 2nd floor of the Dublin Civic Center or may be mailed to' the Dublin Civic Contor, 100 Civic Plaza, Dublin, Callfornla, 945681 Attention Michelle Wlerschemt RBcr9ation Coordinator. For qUEls:tlons on tho application process, plelilse call 833-6645. City of Dubl/n~100 Civic Plaza/P.O. Box 2340, Dublin, CA 94568 833-6845 ." Youth, J.dvisory Committee Application Dear Applicant: ~ Thank you for expressing an interest In serving on the Youth Advisory committe .f\ !I! The purpose of the Committee is to provide input on youth services. addressLk'S In the community and assist with Implementation and promotion of youth activities. The ~-outh -AdvhrnryCl:M1li\Itte& Is made up of eleven members appointed by the Mayor with the approval of thB City Council. The Initial tBrm of office: will be for eight months with an opportunity for re-appolntment In SBptomber The eight month teRn commeneB$ In January and terminates In August. The CommitteD meets once a month; meeting UmBs and days are yet to be detennlned. Please take a few minutes to complete the following questions. 1. Why are you Interested In serving on the Youth Advi5lory Commlttlte? 2. What Is the most Important contribution you can make as Youth Advisory CommlttBB Representative? 3. How do you think youth In Dublin ean be $erved better? 4. What Issues are teens In Dublin concerned abDut? 5. How would you be able to assist with the Implementation and promotion of teen events? 6. What school a.nd/or extra curricular ac:tlvltlBs are you Involved In? Nam.lh/fl (JILL School Current GradB Address Phone APPLICATION DEADLINE: Oec:.:.mbBr 1,1997 (5:00 p.m.) Applir;::ationa may bB submlttod In person at thl;l Pilrks and Community Services Department Office on the 2nd floor of the Dublin Civic. CentBr or may be mailed to lhB Dublin Civic CBntBf, 100 Civic Plaza, Dublin, California, 94568, Attention Michelle Wlersehem, Recreation Coordinator. For questions on the appllutlon process, please call 833-8645. e . . e YOUTH ADVISORY COMMITTEE APPLICA nON NAME: Anu Gill ~CHOOL: Dublin High School C1JRRENT GRADE: 11 ADDRESS: 7617 Cantcrbury Lane PHONE: (510)8298936 . i\fier receivlllg thc Youth Advisory Committee Application in the mail, I grew very excited that thc City of Dublin was finally devising a committee to enteliain the youth that attend the Jr High and High Schools in the !lrea. I h!lve been looking lozward to the lornntion of Ihis committee for stweral weeks now, and I attended several meeting~ to persuade Ihe City Council to approve the creation of this committce, I fed that I can be a great asset to this comminee, WIth many ideas. This has been somethillg I've wanted Slllce my n'eshman year in high school and now has come my chance t) serve on it, Most of all I "ant to have fun. I only go lor somethmg if I want it ['ad, [know that there are other teens and pre~teens out there who also want a spot on ;.he Youth Advisory Comnllttee, and I believe for me to get a spot on the Youth Advisory Cummittee I must have what It takes and want it more than anyone else out there.9 2 The mm:t impurtant contributIOn that I can make as a Yuuth Advisory Committee Representative is 1 feell have what it takes to be a member of tills committee. I am friends with many diffcf"nt groups of people, I hear everyone out, and listen to everyone's opimons. I have an open ear, and I feel I would do a great joh in listening to ALL the youth ofDuhlin, to see what they want to see done, T feel I alll a leader, and a followcr, depending on the sItuation (one person cannot take charge all the time) 1 am fnendly, and open-minded. I can work with others, and face challenges. 1 have el",rgy, motivatIon. a sense of humor, confidence, and persistency @ 3 T heliev. that the Youth in Dublin call he better served, by the City of Dublin deVising activities for them 10 participate Ill. Ifrlle Yuuth in Dublin are kept busy and off the streets, thcy are happy, parents are happy, the City Council is happy, and the Cops arc happy It's a bIg cycle, cveryone will be happy The Youth uf Dublin need activities thallhey can participatc in out vf school. Many teens and pre-teens become bored of going t,1 schoo! dance aHer school dance. Naturally, they need a change, They want to meet different people, hang out at different places, and most of all - HAVE FUN! By plannmg dances, soccer games, fuotball games, p"O! parties, and much, much more, the Youth of Dublin can be better served. THE POSSIBILITIES ARE ENDLESS!@ 4 I feel the Issues that teens Ul Dublin are c\lncerned about is ,here Image The appcal of looklllg "like a mudel" is obsessed by many pre-teen and teen girls and guys. Many teens and pre-teens go to parties, held by peers when parents are out of town, and are afraid to say no, when offered a beer Many teens and pre-teens fear guing to parties and being offered a "sIlloke", and give into peer pressurc, Many teen, and pre-teens can't go out at all, because there parents want to know where they arc, and don't want e them "Cl1lising" from cIty to city Many tecns and pre-teens don't have friends that they ean hang out with. so they go no where. And many teens and pre-teens have a low se1t~esteem, enabling themselves to get out much. By providing pre-teens and teens With a safe, fun, atmosphere, 1 feel teens would feel very comfOliable. By organizing events parents will know thaI there kids arc off the streets and being supervised. By prOViding a positive atmosphere for students I feel that the activities put on by the Y uuth Advisory Committee will be a great success for the whole City 5 I feel that I would be able to assist with the implel11entation and promotion of teen events because I will go where ever I need to go 10 get what I need [0 get done. Being the Renaissance Coordinatur for Dublin I-li:3h School I have spoken to many members of the community and business', I know who they are and T know where to go. T am a member of the Leadership Class at DHS so 1 will be able to convey messages through them. T can put up sign myself, and reach out to all the students I can so that they know what's going on. I will try my hardest to get thlllgs accomplished and take them where they need to go @ 6 The other activites that 1 am involved with are ASB Vice President-DHS LeadershIp Class Member Employed at Fitness 2000 CSF Mock Trial VaTSlty Soccer \ arsity Tra<: Renaissance Coordinatoor Candy Striper at Pleasanton Ljospital Peer Tutor e e By keepmg myself active throughout my high school career T have learned to buget my time, I feell would not have any connicting schdules if considered to serve on Y AC 1 hope I am given thc oppOliumty to come before you and present the views of my peers. . City of Dublin-too CMo Plaza/P.O. 80x 2340, Dublin, CA 94S66 633-6645 e Youth Advisory Committee App . Dear Applicant: ~ . OEe if.!! 1997 ~ Thank you for expres51lng an Interest In sBrvlng on the Youth Advll!iiQry Committee. The purpose of the Committee Is to provld9 Input on youth Ij,ervlces, address issues.~t.ffitt-effect"y[nilirrn~tl;; communIty and assIst with implementation and promotion of youth activities. The Youth Advisory Commlttfl9 is mad. up nf elovon members a)>polntod by tho Mayor with the opproval of tho City Counoll. The Initial tenn of office will be fer sight months with an opportunity for fll-appolntment In SeplAmbBr. The eight month term comrmtnces In January and terminates In August. The Committee mBets once a monthj meeting times and llays are yet to be dctennined. Please taka a few minutes to complete the following questions. 1. Why are you Interested In serving on the Youth Advisory CDmmittee? f1d:f.ii~ri'li~~~Z7;~~f;!#~~;va, /tiflifeS/6-1 rr' ~. J 21r1Cj 2. What Is the most Important contribution you can make as Youth Advisory Committee Representative? (. / run {./y~"tr d-vJE_ Cl11 Ll,1p(] J:: -1. b:1'iP fA ,'DU[)!P, lirl6{ )rin] '-i!llrtJ'r'iI-I:rr we ,wid d (! , 3. How do you think youth In Dublin can be served better? e 4. i1,;;' :1,~; . ,f'I ~J'" ~j / S"ek II.{S.t- 'v /---0;\1 -II!_" / 'J'"'fh 171/11 ,,-, 5. How would you be able to assist with the implementation and promotion of teen Bvents? 6. What 3cl1oo1 and/or 9xtra curricular actlvltlos are you involved In? _ \- n ,d'i "--/fY'--!- " ,,-;")("1)( (-0"\1,-11) d ond J- ,,)0/ /( d:7'1P ,- e School 7'v lb II) i-l7( JA" Current Grad. !! , J Addre..i67, 'i ftrVT')_J ,f n llill~ (if q/I')C-/' Phnne ("5 I ()) 1'i(1jf/;f}zSM J deJa (,-3 ~ '5' APPLICATION DEADLINE: December 1,1997 (5:00 p.m.) Applloatlons may be .ubmitted In poroon at tho Park. and Community Services Department Office on the 2nd floor of the Dublin Civic Center or may be mailed to the Dublin Civic Center, 100 Civic Plaza, Dublin, CalIfornia, 94568, AttentIon MIc.hBlle W1er'Schem, Recreation Coordinator. For questions on the application proee$$t please call 833-6645: Nome,. ffrJl Fe ft7f I City of DuOllIl.100 Civic Plata/P.O. Box 2340, Dublin, CA 94568 833-6645 Youth Advisory Committee Appli . Dea, Applicant: e Thank you for expressing an Interast in serving on the Youth Advisory Committee. The purpose of thB Committee 1$ to provldo Input on youth servic.e~. address issue~tmat-effect-youth--1A-tnCl- community and aSliilst with Implementation and promotion of youth activities. The Youtl1 Advisory Committee 1$ made up of eleven members appointed by the Mayor with the approval of the City Council. Tho Initial tenn of olllco will be fo, eight month. with an opportunity fo' 'e-appolntment In Sept.mbo,. The eight month term commences In January and termlnatos in AUgU5t. The Committee meets onCB a month: meeting times and days ar8 yet to be determined. PleasB take a few minutes to complete the followIng Questions. 1. Why arB you interested In serving on the Youth Advisory CommltteB7 ~!~~fJ..I'/ r.'7k,u..-"J~',,-( 1,"1 ,"i~.I7I)I...?? "....,,-\1,: \...l(}~li"l,.-, AA\H)i'lI.j ('fJ/)rl."'V'l/'.f{PC? \n~rn~i"f' 0 (AJi.?..,i- ..;....., Vl~Ue f}(.j'"f,I,!-ri-n -h... ,It) Pl" fJJJ:..,t'.;'~,.,.I... .-'V7 r"J//r"'-,....J.... 'If, " \J;llU'1!. dr.\../'j,I'/'"1 \0'"'I'~'[,1.",(r..i- ~flJ/,fl,"'\.....11 ~,k -1\,..,e,)p " ;t\':a'^3,'r' r.-./l'\->>li.......'~ ofT:> .....lrr , J <J I t':L10IA....f'C., 11 UU.V.ll/l.l '" 9_ j....~r'--\ ..,..., ..'1"1,,:.(';" a r.tA. ~."iJ" 2. What is the most Important contribution you ~an make as Youth Advisory Committee Representative? -n" ,1-1tY\JL ,."1.,/)0/(-4,.,' f r (:,1-1 , \...",1-1J .7 1..., \'\I'J/lfi...Tr. "1'1' .or/,.\"q. S';- / .... t. (.. ,'\", '111,.,"11,.1 'rl.lj ,.-(/lr','1.........\<.. 1"T"f' n:j t, f PI",. o LVidl' a.d"f. .,f -1'.'1...,"'........',cr:f.-u ..1ti,""'i ~:htJ '''''''''1 r...... "') #.-1"5 "hl ll..lL .-1(" ,.,- .;L---L;.. L,..,~ .h" -a/..th' "Hlj \"-'~~"...,i ni~'>~ ,'''-' _L f"11 J).,.''}J fi!7.1..I- :j'~L"il ' 3. H'lW rJo you think youth In Dublin can be sArved better? ~)',~')ll,\ r".t)I(.(J(,/ l'1t-i""':?'1 110./11":., .Fn,... /.Albt)d~l'" rJI1r j...1.lt'1t"/Al ~.:J:Af},.[..,'l-,....., .Lif. It:t./l "",fT,) mt1j'~.p ll1...-JA'1' \'.\1,~1..,1i':-1. ~ v-\F."!(l.Y"f->{')~'..J.1 ~~.~~ \,v':>""Jt'"..li..-..-.J.U , I J J .L....!h II ~laA.)(' r.IJJ.I..~.\l'lA t A..n"d"\f., /~r Hwirl'/), V7,'ltr~ .1"-- (Iii :'r'H,.lt'~ r '.......9 Li,,"/-\" W 1 ' J ....lk tl1.l 'I: ./1,1..1 f'If) ~f'k-, v-J')I!/A \r'1Ir7..-1n'p~11l ,..,...\.....'\ <'Y/1/--.r' !AH'rhtl/1 f-'j ""+-I--Ir""l"j l~ \-rou.,.\::tl,P What Issues lire teens In Dublin concerned about? e 4. ,'(,',,' J1. ISfu 1/\ ;,kd.....,',,~'~ ~( ....-n", (p,., ..r,.,"'/ t? !""'Jt~"..I'" ...::I..." A Into., o::;.~ v , ( 1,,).4.-1 +- -tr., .~..li("~t..I1 ;/.In.u1 ArA-,v',-,-j ....1...L I/1Y.("""'~:;, J ...:!..L.. ".'.{..1 1\,"') '/1""=3' o:i p<"'[.A f\.1r-. J~lh,.,.,,) ;J~f< ,-:lf0"1' .,t- ......,..-f.P.y'lJ...~'" ,J/AA.-tI ../Jr. I 5. How would you bA able to assist with the ImplemBntatlon and promotion of teen events? T J..)(')IJ'/...-;( .~"l n ,r/"\:< ~/.l./}1 " r" ~'f, t .l\o.....v...i, 'r.:- .J"''' e1(..~1" 1: :JPl ..:f.( ~-[.-( ,'.,.f1:I'.1,Jt~ .1"'...."....--J A t'\o".f) ..\..f.d.... ,.(L HJ"~.....'~ r " ...l.l.l..J VI' ...(':lJ./AA 5J V\A <"\,.-{ ill 'ItVl ,....,.., i i- .j (.I "e , ,jfJA n t...,rl..., 1'7......1....;:,.. u'>.I'T.....f......u.It-I"n J .t, fI^'I-hl.t1.'1.'j \/'"1'7rr1./"',,'..'f1f .11--1..'1..(1.. 111t"/".I'.>I.....A 6. What school and/or extra curricular activities are you Involved In? .:.I::......rJ/'/'j \r)A.I\.,.t"e.-f Irk, II "",;.I'.'l.'1n....n,. 'f.-J,,..,..nl/\ .., Ai;!-/~AI 'r ,.,t.....t1(' hik. fJ.ufy l5:DuH,,,- "111 'S'Jj'.t;'r ' N.mo~ 7-"""1,, ?,A ,y],:IN\ '<-''l<Z~ f I ~ Addrel!iil$i~' )'1 c-{, I Ilr"/pll SOhOOI-J) (A b{ 1/1 f,,,, ,./ '-/ic, 7(") ( {-It!J I,.., Current G,ad. I ( Phon. (,..,;) '[,6'l-02-0j> e APPLICATION DEADLINE: Docember 1, 1997 (5:00 p_m.) Applications may be submitted In person at the Parks and Community ServlceG Department Office on the 2nd floor of the Dublin Civic CentBr or may be mailed to the Dublin Civic Center, 100 ell/Ie Plaza, Dublin, California, 94568, AttBntion Michelle Wlerschem, Recreation Coordinator. For questions on the application process, please call 83:3-6845: City of Dublin-fOO CMc Plaza/P.O, Box 2340, Dublin, CA 94568 833-6645 Youth Advisory Committee Ap e Dear Applicant: Thank you for expr9sslng an interest In serving on the Youth Advisory Committee. ~--~-----~~------------ ThA purpose of the Committee Is to provide Input on youth seNlces, address Issues that effect youth in the community and assist with Implementation and promotion of youth activities. Thl!l Youth Advisory Committee is made up of eleven members appointed by the Mayor with the approval of the City Council. The Initial tenn of office will be for 81ght months with an opportunity for re-appotntment In September. The eight month term commences In January and tennlnates In August. The Committee meBls once a month; meeting times and days are yet to b& detenn(ned. Please take a few minutes to complete the followIng questions. 1. Why are you Interested In serving on the Youth Advisory Committee? I,,, ,,,ie~'rf1-fl'IJo (M'I"'Ve Q/IIPI "I'~re"ll.~rtl'll)H.I, , , 2. What Is the m(ls~; Important contrIbution you can make as Youth Advisory Committee Representative? ! ~ ~ I' ii" I '.' I',' ;p :r:'n~ "1 +t1 y~ C J. r I) (I ~ it'll}('" n~' ! ,,"/ n ) ('I? ~ I :.. VIlli ,i'rr /l'>1~" , 3. How do you think youth in Dublin can be GElNed better? Tf'fM I,'mll bl(1(f~ /'I; ~-", '[I I J1iT/I" 1'.h"rR"N"1 0,'1/' A1VC f'V/1 !'or 0' , ;.I " , v ' I 'nr~ ,",; jl')f~ ',-,nl, I,. ,,' 1(10 ' f, \,,';1(,3 ,/k!'I/lM -ir]~ ',;- !I:,~'/ -i fI,! lIl:"e j{'r Ilf lrM'II1 bi'1I'r; . '" 4. What issues are teens [n Dublin concerned about? T~(nJ l!r~ rmlCl''(?f'fd "Fbtd frDVlllJf iI,p-ll'm) .10 ,-ID t HJmpwhff~ tll!}b, 5. How would you be able to assist with the implementation and promotion ofteen events.? I COUlrl po,r nil I rl' "'I ~ ), Nil "II ' I (,"'''iV) .~ . 6. What school amI/or extra curricular activities are you Involved In? I/TM/(1"IW1i t. 1'1' N} I . I . Nam. Rorhrlfe JI mf'nFi! School I "I ,~r 1 It> PI/f.IJI/\ HJ'J' .1(f!.t.;urrentGrade I Phone ..I?-fl' f)q 1V Addr.:tss 112 '.0 flol/,n'-' If, II:' ,'r APPLICATION DEADLINE: DecGmber 1, 1997 (5:00 p.m.) Applications may be submItted In person at the p43rks and Community Services Department Offie.e on thA 2nd floor of the Dublin Civic Center Of may bB mailed to the Dublin Civic Center, 100 Civic Plaza, Dublin, California, 94568, Attention Michelle Wlerschem, Recreation Coordinator. For questions on tho application process, please call 833-6645. City af Dublin-l00 Civic Plaza/P.O. Box 2340, Dublin, CA 94568 833-6645 DEe - 5 1997 ~ e Dear Applicant: Thank yau far expre..lng an Intare.t In .e",lng on the Youth Advl.ory Commltt... The purpos8 of the CommltteB is to provide Input on youth s9rvlc.es, address I_~&__n__t..____~_ 10 the community and ....I.t with Implementation and promotion of youth actlvltle.. Th. Youth Advl.ory Commltt.. I. mad. up af eleven membero appalnted by the Mayar with the approval af the City Council. Th. Initial term af omc. will be for .Ight month. with an apportunlty for re-appointmentln September. Th. .Ight month term commences In January and tennlnates In August. The Committee musts onC8 II monthj meeting tlm.. and day. ar. y.t to bo dotormln.d. Please takll a few minutes to complete the fOllowing questions. 1. Why oro you Intoro.t.d In ..rvlng on tho Youth Advl.ory Commlttoo? ,- n",,^- ~/Y\.l:.^",;ff11l /,'" ~~ ."-<' #"U1.- ~f)-U.tn ~ (Ihr\~ bo-~~,,-- j ~ tJ.u.A u'O &<""^- ~ tv ~ ,fu l-.oMAQ aJ'iR .~ CAne;, --vy\ &<.-lA ~ b"-t,~ .k'l: ~~ J.JJ> 0J\cI IILU-'L I_\-~ fJ--U.A (~~ "It> +h.. 0.KL. (I 2. What ia the most Important contribution you ca.n miilke as Youth Advi:iory Commlttelt Representative? 'I (a.^ hJL Lr-('Mf;J!.,^ii.d .0\"\. ~ P41fllM~ ttwJ _u\ a~ ,o"i ~.0 fSI-1\. l/f\. (1 uJ., c..l" l:j , 3. How do you think youth In Dublin can be served better? ~~ vV\O-'V -J.IU- p--<--~h.t-<- (n-I"\~it -M'-^vu..<:"---. A,{lf Lb-\"'-Jv(\, o~. o';v/- 4., " ' 1-/0.0 IUd(t,.J..d f' J!.. rA/\fL r '" tV,\ " , e 4. What Issues are teens In Dublin concerned about? "TAL 120 11 J. J;"', 1l0b :~ I.U\Q (tJ.fl..O:.-'JV) d .l"P-I, 11.."-101;..>1<1 1~Y\ ~,(ft41A'?1 a.h~:t aa..~ , ~ ()1'\d~ M"\~<- 5. How would you be able to assist with the Implementation and promotion of teen events? 1., M' f) D/YYI- #vi- ...!,oP-P-ru<'k cb.M- ~'" ~ -lit; A~Ib-???D-lO C~fo dill- ~1M1d t.L-u.H, (O....,A~.r1.1A {~(.tV!- JM"""~ fu u:~ 6. What school and/or extra curricular activities are you Involved in? .~^ -^<,},/M.Q ~O'ffV\ -H-vz. ~ 1:" -1ft... -'>8-pR~ r~ ~~'~r~~/~~I~J~Q~ i~ ~ ~ 1M --\-ho. (I'\.u.U",~ ~"'~ rr,. .n. Nome f'p,jf'ot ~ Addre.. 1\,,1 ]',ctJPr\ 'l.'r,lJ<? SChoOl "\)" hQ~(\. ~ ,~ Current "'<ad. 10 Phon.(5Io~ ?;)~" :,Ioq(o e APPLICATION DEADLINE: DBcember 1* 1997 (5:00 p.m.) Applications may be submitted In person ilt the Parks and Community Services Department Office on the 2nd floor of the Dublin Civic Center or may be mailed to the Dublin Clvio Center, 100 Civic Plaza, Dublin, California, 94S68, Attontlon Michello WierGchem. Recreation Coordinator. For questions on the application proces_, plealie ca1l833.6545~ City of Oublin.100 Civic Plaza/P.O. Bor 2340, Dublin, CA 94568 833.6645 Youth Advisory Committee App Dea.f Applicant: . Thank you for expressing an Interest in serving on the Youth Advisory Committee. , ------~--~-~~~P~.~-~-..~ The PUrpOSD of ths Committee is to provide Input on youth ~ervlceG, address Issues that effect youth In the community and assist with ImplBmBntatlon and promotion of youth activities. ThEIl Youth Advisory Committee Is made up of eleven membo'" appointed by the Mayor with tho approval of the City council. The InitIal tunn of office will be for eight months with an opportunity for fe-appolntment In September. The eight month term commences In January and terminates In August. The Commlttoe meets once a monthj meeting tlmeG and days are yet to be detennlnsd. please take .. f&w minutes to complete the following question!>. 1. Why are you Intereoted In oervlng on the Youth Advloory Commlttae? r- '!h.wl:' _L ;'?N~;/ hi> . f!/YI/ Al'f '4// . /.I:""n: , /d-"a.4. ~'"Ih/ ('?I-771fl11;{;l'JJ (' . ..L h7' i,,\&!/P;-17-/, J #/l/J.7;,,<p . Y . /' / 2. What 1$ the most Important contribution YOlJ can make as Youth Aclvlsory Committee RepreSBntatlve? I}I, I ",1-. d/i! ,..l,.-Jt. ~f hI'" , " /}1/ /; ,.;1,; '}/I-" '. iI 'I: I{Jf",.....t:./.'l .>, ",::7[/ .,~~ !J~ /r: ~"'~" 6 /11-<'# h'" ;1 tH'/", ~ t "/ / I ,/ ~, , J. Hew do you think youth In: Dublin can be served better? .T fir. erR I~ /4.<6/1. hacl "1'"; " ~':- ";-;"f~ !r.~.b. /}//,," Ir;J/7'r- ? i'- . I' ; r A .I'n ' 'j,.,'./ ~T' // L2:L- II ,v.. . ",,, (hi l_l. 1'.7 J!.LL'. ,-1 ,'~~ ,r.;. /' J~. I"I" / !.. .~'.......... ,'~) I,,,~,' ./ ., (' . ...!; "J i'~ /_',) 'A i ,'. 4. What Issues are t&8nS In Dublin concerned about? 7Fr,'~ ,,"7 /2.1' '~.;. r-t (~, .. I "/ ,.I ....l fft, ~ ~ -:r~1 .4:#t-"/,t.n //...4.1/, FJ/lll,,") ,~h.l/ a A1 '~f f. 7l-11JI /lJ , I .I" ,. ?/. , , r;1I1'~'!, 71 ,..!-.. I7' I r ?,J,(,"V /"1 5. Hew would you bB able to assist with the Implementation and promotion of teen events? .:r--- Ir,u,i" ,'J,';o..-! ,,"11/'0.-, \ ~o 0' "1;J ,.-:. ! - J~'/ ,c' "" ! ~?.vl!t? 7- l""Knl.~f~ ../,/tJ..l1 !~- ~l" b{/tJ-( ~~! ,:-., J f;?: }11"/ " l./ l'j;1 "JI "In o:~. - . . 6. What school and/or extra. curricular activities are you Involved In? , 11/1" ;",(!,:~,If..t ,'J 'l I}'!,t"", .......", :'I'!,""~,', A~:". :2""- t._ ..c ", . ,. , c - t \ ) ,1:-- I't/ -r- ~. ,.\ 'I.). .~: ~)' I !-/ """, 1"/:. it' -I~ V e Itf ,. f</f'\ I - i JI~" Name ,-/7/'':' "" c~~."t~".,f , ... I,,) Address ;C,')i I. ....-~'7.J} )' .....:.~" I......i. "':f'":r j:;>Y" School \I \ I : ~ \.' / Current Grade 1;;< ..{,~ . Phone I')(:,~'.)- ');"~.J.'.'9 APPL.lCATION DEADLINE: Decamber 1,1991 (S:OO p.m.) Appllcetlon. may be .ubmltted In person ot the Park. and Community Services D~partment Office on the 2nd floor of thlt Dublin Civic Center or may be> mailed to the Dublin Civic Center, 100 Civic Plaza, Dublin, California, 94568, Attention Michelle Wlerse;hem, Recreation Coordinator. For qU8stlons on the applIcation process, please call 833~6645. City of Dubiin.100 Civic Plaza/P.O. (30)( 2340, DUblin, CA 94558 833-8845 Youth Advisory Committee Appli . DEe 1 1997~ I " I i',; 'o;-r,,-,,-,,\.1 ,[.J I _:::_-~~-~" U L::; :/ The purpo$Q of tho Committee is to provide input on youth sBrvlcQs, address Issues. that effect youih"jj,-t.h;"'u community and aaslst with Implernentatlon and promotion of youth activities. ThA Youth Advisory Committee is made up of Qlsysn members appointed by the Mayor with the i!pproval of the City Council. Oear Applicant: Thank you for expressing an lnterast In serving on the Youth Aclvi!5lory Committee. The- initial term Dr office will be for eight months with an opportunity for re-appolnbnent In September. The eight month term commenCEls In January and terminates In AugLlst. The Commltt9B meets once a month; meeting times and days are yet to b~ determined. Phtiilse taka a taw minutes to complete the following questlon5. 1, Why are you Interested In sBrvlng on the Youth Advisory Committee? -\'vJC)\)\~ \,V,P, '\c:=:>, IV",,,,,, ",0,1\](.) \\"\(?Ln- -A, c, r.l,- " \, ., ",. ", '.' r ,II ;0.., \'.\ t(rq 1-\-\' ,,\: <\\'\:" ~n v , \ ,.-(', 2. What is the most Important contribution you can make as. Youth Advisory Committee Representative? \\;'", ("lc\: (\l" '\ \ '\ C-I ~:''--Q ",",.':1,;--\), Pl "\-_':" ,-..i .\ '\Y'I1i v 3. How do you think youth In Dublin Qan be served better? ,,(\(-- N "-<C; 'fle yv\ ,,_, '(i?, . e .) ~ -'-.:{~ <,.L , \1'\.\ ~ C. , "\ ~ _. \ ('n::-,~ ~.J c.... , ' 4. What issues are teens In Dublin eoneernad about? \1'.;..-1"(, " ,,'Qr,\)c., \---.'~ 'f,' h -3 c;" p,}, D"1..,. t ~ 1.\.. V. n C ,. .P \ .(/ -\\,..Q'j r~_\e_ C .,-", c 4\r-q C ")'I'r e\t X\ Q,\ - '. 5. How would you be able to a$liiii~t with the Implementation and promotion of teen events? I !O\) \ ~_ I;" \\F\, ,.....\c-:,"} '- c' "'I\\'~ ,,""0;-., (\A\/~' -\\ ~..l , '" (', V 'I \VVA.\; \ C:V\ \y-, , . II'. , (')\"\.. V-.'\,'~ C r;..t~.~,~I,)~ '--' ),,( '\ . ~ oJ n.-I...~.IC/' \. 6. What school and/or extra curricular ac.tlvltles are you Involvad In? -\ ' '- t e "".If \' '"l 'o"'r:),-k, C "t r ,( V \0-... f , ,:""" Vc^ \\ "~ "T-\"jy." N..'..,\v,:-\- ,'(.""';r:- , 2. Nam.C_1-- '\ is \ A'A f::;-I" "- Add..... ,\0(;) :::'~A\'\ Rc,fI'\C>i' ~6 Schonl \/c'\\"1D \-\,~h Current Grade \.\ Phon. -;;-),q- 4-77;n e APPLICATION DEADLINE: December 1, 1997 (5:00 p.m.) Applications may ba submItted In parson ilt the Parks and Community $9rvle&s Department Office on tho 2nd floor of the Dublin Civic::: Center or may ba mi!llled to the Dublin Civic Center. 100 Civic Plaza, Dublin, California, 94568, Attention Michelle Wlerschem, Rec:reatlon Coordinator. For questions. on the appllc'ltlon proeaEis, pl&:ils8 call 833-6645. City of Dublln.100 Civic PI.za/P.O. Box 2340, Dublin, CA 94555 533.5545 e Youth Advisory Committee App~lI[[~ Do.. Applicant: \ ~\ DE c 1 1997:~! Thank YOLl for expressing an interest In sarvlng on the Youth Advisory Committee. LJO[5vL...::lU U D~ .~~-----~~.---~-----_.-~ The purpose of the CommitteD Is to provid~ Input on youth services I address Issue51 that effect youth in the community and assist with Implementation and promotion of youth activitlE!!5i. The Youth Advisory Committee Is made up of eleven members appointed by the Mayor with the approval of the City Council. Thlt Initial tenn of office will be for eight months with an opportunity for rs~appolntment In September. The eight month term eommsnces in January and tgnnlnates In August. The Committee meets onCB a month; meeting tlmes and daY5 are yet to b8 determined. PhtB5e take it few minutes to complete the following qUe!$tion&. 1. Why are you Interested in serving on the Youth Advisory CommIttee? 0, b" ~ ",\) '\1::,,-1" O\\wrl, \N\CJ\k'O::lH"Y'~ \'K'rol\f\.i).r'N"i",Q ~'ll\\N\\( ,-1..1.0 ~1~~~~~i2~~~~~ 2. What hi the rno&t Important contribution you can make as Youth Advisory Commltt88 Representative? ~~~~~f:5:~i'?~~~~~~~~,,,,,, 3. How do you think youth In Dublin can be servod better? e 4. ~~{0~~g~~?N~~~~~~~' ~~~:~~~~~~0 ~~OOr\ \M\ \W ~::I?rl 1m. 5. How would you be ablo to assist with the Implementation and promotion of tean 4:wents? ...,Q (\\'0r\ l'Yf\ 1- ':f\() C)C' 'ANoO ~ <V\ ~,..., ..& IUJ'I. \"\ ~ \I () ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~1~~[\~=~\~. 6. What &chool and/or extra curric.ulitr activities are you Involved In? e ;~~~ ~ ~;~"~~~~\\~J~~ ~~~~t'~ ~~~~;~ I:\\l'0 UY)'0' ~\\\..O 'rn ,..p 'N)Q\:\ ef) \l""""'<rod,., ~t:!"\ IhAOO "-)/0- l.\.o (" t.vrn~"\) Namo\"iE:.~Q(\ ~\'\f' \J\0rf'(j SChoOI\jr'lM'i ~'%'" C:Vt<<Mrl.ntGr.do \j Addre..(,.,Q()1 \h~"(. C"l\ I.\,"'~,l""\ ,(1 1'1 Cl.U"'IoR Phone 'P,']Q-"4'<'-.:::Jrl APPLICATION DEADLINE: Dtlcember 1! 1997 (5:00 p.m.) Applications may be liubrnltted In person at the parks and Community Servict;!lii Department Office on the 2nd floor of thB Dublin Civie Canter or ma.y be mailed to the Dublin CIvic Center, 1DO Civic Plaza, Dublin, California, 9458.8, Attention Michelle Wlersehem, Recreation Coordinator. For qUBstions on the appliQatlon process, please call 833&6645. 0.., Applicant: City of Dublln.l00 Civic Plaza/P.O. Box 2340, Dublin, CA 94568 833-6645 Youth Advisory Committee Appf" ,. " .' ,...",.. ,- ..' .' .' .- ..' Thank you for expressing an Interest In serving on the Youth Advisory Committee. The purpose or the Committee Is to provide Input on youth sorvless, addreslij: issues that effect youth in the community and 8:islst with implementation and promotion of youth actlvltles. The Youth Advisory Committee is mad. up of eleven mombers appointed by ths Mayor with the approval of the City Council. The initial term of office wlll be for eight months with an opportunity for re-appolntment In September. ThB eight month tAnn c:ommances In January and mnnlnates In August. The Committee meets once B month; meeting times and days are yet to be determined. Please take a few minutes to complete the following questions. 1. Why are you Inter8stod In serving on the Youth Advisory Committee? ,,0 Ii lOuM . btJ f)t{f'I:t-ePll 1D (,1 MJA k<' 11 }~11 1!O{MlJ 1 iPOA'] ~~~{.~;i~:~~~~~~~~*~~f~Eo~~~S~?t!. ~UU bUllVnhvlOl .Git ~U'YlMA1hi-iJ ~{'I!.M. Whall. tho mcl.t Important contribution you can make as YoulhAdVl.ory Comm tlee Rep'e.enlatlve? ~~~~~~~$;fJ;'~=~~~~~~ 2. 3. How do you think youth In Dublin ca.n bB liBNBd better? 4. 5. HO<X~Y~ Bb~Wlth the Implementation and promotion oftBen events? P J A 0 'L{ J.p R4'\,w" 'f'...; ,} ~ J J /vi. 6. Wh1fsCkOol an'd'1Or Bxtra cu.+h?~etfvltiGG are YOl.llnvolved In? ~Ffi@~,~~~~~~~~~, Name1{CCY}..A J1. IV-A-p-,"I-fl:+t.-.. 'J School \'iJP-'f JI\)-/j-tqH- Current G'a~e IQ Ad~'a.. --p, 12- llm/l.../f-a.. ~ blJ~L III ,. e44-at/51()~ Phona 9-2. S?~ APPL.ICATION OEJ,DL.INE: Dec.ember 1,1997 (5:00 p.m.) Appllc:.a.tlons may ba $lIbmittad in person at the Park~ and Community St!rvlces Department Offico on the 2nd floor of the Dublin Civic:. Canter Or may be mailed to the Dublin Civic Centar, 100 Civic Piau, Dublin, California, 94568. Attention Michelle Wierschum, Recreation Coordinator. For questions on the application process, please c.aIl833-6645. . . e . e . . . e 4.T 5. ~ . 'I 6.; Ii' I'~ I .~ i.' 'I.lr:;~:. ~j(;f , . f~' ~,l ".1'. ,. Name J. Addret:s City of Dliblln-tOO CivI~ Plaza/P.D. Box "-340, Dliblln. CA 94558 833-5545 Youth Advisory Committee Application " HECEIVED Dear Applicant: DEe 111997 ' Thilnk yo~ fer expressing an Intorest In serving en the Youth Advisory Committee. ..~ !,'i, CITY OF DUBLIN The purpo.~G of the Committee- Is to provide Input on yq~th services, addres$ Issues that effect youth in the . community and aG$I~t with Implem~ntation and promotion of youth ilcUvltles. The Youth AdvlGory Committee iEi mad. up .ohleven members appointed by the Mayor with lheapproval oflhe City Council. '1~" t' 1 The Initial tenn of office will be for eight months with an opportunity for re~appofntment In September. The eight month tenn commences In Januar( and terminates in August. The Committee malts once a rnonthi meeting tlmeG andJ~ays are yet fo be determined. \, Please take "a few mInutss to complrltEt (he following Questions. \ '\\, , 1. Why are-you Jnterested In scrvJng on the Youth Advisory Committee? !" ; "'[; iJ/nI .'",fc'A,Ab-J' "/lif'u.~ Jj,. tfrola .(~:;~~ (~-:'] r;A:w ~:=4;~(I':~ ,.r"I' . " 1"1" What I. the most Important contrlbutl~n you can make ilS Youth A~_YlsDry ...Commlt1:?&, RepresBntatlve? "1 1\' f' 1.- -,~ ,'c,' J " ' ,:.' .')v-.,., ~ +r-M111' J~WroJ.IA ,../ -A'A~ IIIVAk~ ,;$;-4 EA :M~~Af) 2;:;;;;),,,,, ,,,.1 " HO\'!' do, you ,think youth In Dublin can be ,=ArvAd bBtter? I ~'. ;"\J~", ," "', ' , "'f. 'ct' ik.J '" ~. Ii.. ,v" .J AJ $.t~, ~. Q..o fr1;,N</J '1L ' '!i ~5~,,:~jf':;"~ What Iss\!;.\-a~'ln D~in oo~med about? l41lo ~ ~~~ -~ +,.~~~ Mt'"~'<~,,~" tJ: tAlt~~~ ' . - t - . rJ.~ft I... ~-") J 2. 3. "iJ ; i,~ ",-.J, o.~ -() 'P'w --/ I -/)., ./ ~j,- &Il<.~,,;p How would you bA a~~ assls~with"Ine Imp ementatfon\\nd pforflotlon of teen even '" What sc.hool and/or extra curricular acotivltles are you lnvolvad In? -;.. W"'- L~^ !'Hl w ';" '9,.,.;"',.,,; ,A,."J iJ..wo.o c1 ~~ {MtI/h\ .'" h ~~(bJ:D",~ ~, n~ (pnd eJo~ (1\(~PeJe(tc~:ol 0"\,(,,, H:gh "b 0 q 6 M O,V~ IA ;t" ", C . T f .rJ:~11", ,( ",' ~%,4, . , Current Grada ~ Phoni:)11 <f;~q -"37'11 ". ApPLICATION DEADLINE: D.c.mb.r 1,1997 (5:00 p.m.) ApplloaUon. may b. submlttsd In person at the Parks I and Community Services DepartmBnt Office on the 2mi floor of the Dublin Civic Center or may be maIled to the Dublin Civic Center, 100 Civic. Pina, Dublin, CalifornIa; 94568, Attention Michelle Wierschem, Rec.reation Coordinator. For questions on the application process, please call 833-$645. City of Dublln.100 Civic Plaza/p.O. Box 2340, Dublin, CA 94588 833-8845 . , Youth Advisory Committee Appli De.ar Applloant: " ", ", ;..:.;..... ,.;". The purpose of the Committee Is to provide input on youth services, address Issues tha 4tte~t" youth in thE! cl)tT1rilunlty and assist with implementation and promotion of youth 3ctivitie!ii. The Youth Advis.ory Committee is made up of eleven members appointed by the Mayor with the approval of the City Council. e Thanl{ you for expressing an Interest in serving on the Youth Advisory Committee. The Initial ternl of office will be for eight months with an opportunity for re-appolntment in September. The eight month term commences In January and terminates In August. The Committee meets once a month; meeting times and days arl!l yet to be determined. pleaso take a few minutes to complete the following questions. 1. Why are you Int9rested in servIng on the Youth Advisory Committee? -/ , VY' 1 2. What 15 the mO$t Important contribution you can mako as Youth Advisory Committee Representatlvlt? t- b' Q Hew do you think youth In Dubii'n can be served botter? ~l ~';~t~~ ~" ~i":F~ .'-VI ~-i~~ ~I /' t_ ~;I() C~ C, . c:.e_n S ) . 3. 4. What issues are teens In Dublin concerned about? -J-Sf5~e~j :1.?/-/ ,t:!}S (~f~;:~;ZIt~ (]J:!:+r~7::J~~ n~bl1~ 70 ~d o~f ~~t.Z~u:~ -h) ho--n ,::; 0 u--+ . 5. Hew would you be able to assist with the implementation and promotion of teen events? I iA)Cu\d \"If' OcbiE'_ -\-C, Cl:,",\---,J--IA) ;-1---hthe. IVVlri<".htftilil- :~+'~I~vk rt~f~~~t,VI\--' ::2..ni-~d~r~~ ~ ~i}, ;;:;~I~-I- ~lL Fj~ -r 1!f~~s ,:: V~ w~re~ ~y- 6. What schoel and/or extra curricular activities are you involved In? h"ol "am. /{ 0 flJ!fY:/7 '11m <; School <5 i Current G'a~. Ff Address 7- 5"~":J Amr[ rYr)v Va l/cd ,7?/u1 zJ.2 Phon(-:-"'t") 5":;: ;: [~ - \ I q J ..$lo'r'if '2- L!oQ0 APPLlCA T~EA.'1I1,.:nk./~ece~~ ~ ~7 (5:00 p.m.) Applicatione may be SUbmltte~ In person.:n t.he Parks and Community Sl!rvlces Department Offlca on the 2nd floor of the Dublin Civic Centor or may be mailed to the Dublin Civic Centerl 100 Civic Plaza, Dublin, California, 9456B, Attention Mlc::helle Wlerschem, Recreation Coordinator. For queatlons on th& a.ppllcatlon process, pleasE! call 833~6645. . . . . City of Dublln-fDD Clvlo Plaza/P.O. Box 2340, Dublin, CIl 94568 833.8845 Youth Advisory Committee Ap' L., ~",~. i ~~-~~ - ~ Thank you for e~;reSSln9 an In~~raslln serving on the Youth Advi.ory commltteej m DE C ~ The purpose of the Committee is to provide Input on youth servIces, address Ut om H_~___e~u __n__n the community and assist with Implementation .and promotion of youth activities. The Youth Advisory Committee 15 mad. up of eleven memb8~ appointed by the- Mayor with the approval of the City Council. ~'~'l ,t.; ,j The Initial term of office will. be for eight month. with an opportunity for re.appolntment In Septemb.r. The eight month tenn commences In'January and terminates In AUgU5t. The .Committee meets once a month; meotlng times and dlllYs are yet to be~dmrmlned. :J .;,;, ' "". ',Ill, '.~"'.. ~,,, ~" "~~. :{...~i.a; ;l!lr;'; :/ -':'_ Please,take 2. f@'!I,mInut's~to.-completl:!! th8 following que~tton~. '....~......... ...-- 1. 1'",i 1.:~.jY .re you i~o'ra.. '~~d~~~ sirv.-. In~,o.n the You~ Advisory CO;';'~lttoo7 '/" . ""') '," . (' . ; iJ';;' 171'1 . " .f" ' -. n . t),> / 1"01 ,; , ~;~~ l~. / (1.:.:.., . l'i"., \~I'1 'i'~' ~ ~ . "r .:" <;'. /., ,'"'1...rr \' ( :'r~ ,\ l."7'?1 ltl ~1. ,/ I ~,~ ~/~,~"~~~ (} ~ ,.F . '...,.-\- I ',j, :t ,.: ~ '',In \.:. ,,, 2. What Is th. most Important e.ontrlbutlon you ean make as Youth Advisory Committee Representative? -"-'!J" ;-,j~il( ;:(!.-+-' t ;,; ""1 ' J ' " ...... "")..v,,',.( ,~. , ,,' _."' ,. ") /: rv t: . [ '. r-( I &1.1/V'1 -nej;;>:" ~e..' l+";:r:'~ d (J/-(..L:l~~, Ir \. 1.-'_' yyno ~J ~ ,. . , ."-4 I';. 3. How do you think youth In Dublin can be served better? ffi ~,/< Vt.fU/'l J j"'ctM"f ~O/h/l' - 'fli}~..J.~~~~:!ittft= 4. Wha.t IssulIIIs are teens in Dublin eo~cBrned about? i:: ~f;!~>~ ,~':;Jj;~lN~1;:fJ!:!~~ rrnJ~&/ " '.P::i' , '-:. ~',:, ., 't';- i:, .:: t~ ..,.,'" r;, '\!, }~, s. ..,.,.: '1' '<'~ .. . ~ . I ~.. How would. you be able ,to a~Gj5t with thB Implementation and promotion of t88n events.? ~~~'rt_~A>'~C fl::' !j./~~~~I~~t' :tAt I/Yl'Lf'1V1 f-^ ." -," . ..,.;.. , - . .- )'.. \:r. : ~' 1-( !.ji: ~ ~"., .I~' !j~ ," ,. r: '!. ; ~J . > , '1- i 6.'1, oJ 't;: 'J;' '," ,- .,- ,'.;t. ., :;..~ ~r' e: I , Nama 1~- Address -, ;>'~h -:? jl//J"o/7;t 1-_."> .'1J" Ie 411<", SOhool V,) de 7' /J11~t~ Current Grade h l'h..'../ I". (11- v14G6?? Phono i?J.'l!--2/(>I , , . , APPLICATION DEADLINE: December 1, 1997 (S:OO p.m.) Applioetlons may bo submitted In person 'at th. Parks and Community Sorvl""o Department Office on the 2nd ~oor of the Dublin Civic Center or may be mailed to the Dublin Civic Center, 100 Civic Plaza, Dublin, California, 94568, Atlimtlon Michelle Wler.schem, Recreation Coordinator. For queatlons: on the application process, please call833~6646. City of Dublin-IOO Civic PlazBlP.O. l3ax Z340, Dublin, CA 94568 833-6645 Youth Advisory Committee Appli e Dear Applicant: Thank you for expressing an Interest In sorvIng on the Youth Advi50ry Committee. ~~w~n~~~.~~~___~~_~_~~_~ The purpose of the Committee i~ to provide Input on youth services, address issues that effect youth In the community and assist wIth Implementation and promotion or youth activities. The Youth Advisory Committee is made up of eleven membors appointed by the Mayor with the approval of the City Council. The Initial tenn of office will be for eight months with an opportunity for re-appolntment in September. ThE! eight month tenn commenceS. In January and terminates In August. The Committee meets once a monthj meeting times and days afe yet to bo determined. Pleaso taka a fow minute. to complete the following question.. 1. Why are YOU. Interes. ted I]"'ing an the Youth Advisory Commlllee? /;f ;;/,;;:1,,_ ~:;t~:~rl;IJCri~~ tf ;;-;~/;1: cVu 2. What Is thilt most impDrtant contribution you can make as Youth Advisory Committee Representative? l-I};~~"~~)~~ '1!uf(r-'rAk 0u1-7 (V7 / c4 ~ rJ - {~(! - 3. How do you think youth in Dublin can be $erv~d batter? e 4. What Issues are teens In Dublin concerned about? {!~ ~;};7I1::,/~~~i r ~:~~Ao;:rrd;-~tK:: :?-~~~~ ~ 5. How would you be itble to assist with the Implementation and promotion of teen events? ;1- r:::;i;! ~ ftJpAodi. ~ Pet: CliO> f'~b- /C<#t41CYu r 6. What 5:chool and/or extra curricular activities are you Involved In? _~"L~ISf- ~5~1- ~ Name M/rAi/P(' - loy/f')r Addr... ~ryJ? {!Pmt1..J/.;o ''''''m'Q( r{-- Schonl I/O..!! f" .\ / I Current Grado J 7 bfO-'- ~ Phon. <c".<S'-()'Z . e APPLICATION DEADLINE: December 1, 1997 (5:00 p.m.) ApplIcatIons may be ~ubmitted in person at the Parks and Community Services Department Office on the 2nd floor of tho Dublin Civic Center or may be mailed to the Dublin Civic. Center, 100 Civic Pla%IiI, Dublin. California. 9456B, Attention Michelle Wlerschem, Recreation Coordinator. For questions on the application process, please call 833-&845. , " City of Dublln.100 Clvla PIa<aJP_O. Be X 2340, Dublin, CA 94568 833.6645 Youth Advisory Committee Application. . Dear Applicant: Thanl{ you for expressing an Interest in serving on the Youth Advisory Committee. The purpose of the Commltt~e Is to provide input on youth &Qrvice~, address Issues that effect youth In the community and assist with Implementation and promotion of youth aetlvltlBS. The Youth AdvIsory Committee is mado up of olovon membe". appointed by tho Mayor with the approval of the City Council. The Initial term of office will be for eight months with an opportunity for re~a~polntm~J in ~~~Et~u~~~'~! month term commences in January and tBrrnlnates In AuguSt. The Committee mei~r:o ifl.ja~l.M! tl times and days are yet to be determined. ~ 11 , fC t' m7 li\\ Ploa.. t.ke a few mlnuto. to complete the following "uO"!loo.. ~ B~ 1. Why are you Interested In serving on the Youth A.dvlsDry Committee? ~..___....~__.._..._-..__~ ~ ~ ~~o tk Th. c.Cif\+-s;: ~, ~.~ 3:C .}-. "'II') . f"'t~c:1' 'p...L -l- ~ e SfU~"J . ,S',,-I-I-, 0<;' ""bl.'n +" '~'-'-'j t\,... nC ~.t-", hin I .\ "^:JP' 0 rlf"l(\\' -+n ~.,:>\> J...\I"IOnr1 (7n'+i1, +;'~1I.......6 C\ It'''"\ +h&l . (,,"r\...-YI""-"111r"1, +-:.y 2. What Is the most Important contribution you ciiln make as Youth Advisery Committee Representative? ~ I~~:"; ~o~~~ "~ ;;tl.~ ~r-~ r~' ~:~ r~~. ,~ ,"" - ''0h r a" fir" -,.. nln'~ ~ b""f-,~: +:,-, i"~~ ~~ :rN~i, ~'~: ~~ ~~~ ('("')(',01, I" I,~,O, Jh \ ;. /1 ~~(J" - (.JCIlf"'J~ doL..4.,}i'"\ t-h\~ roo {;\.t1~ ~U\-t ~(. How do you think youth in Dublin can be &eNQd bettor? 3. . "ThQ..u c- CIIi ho, J 1"\"'\ P('\{"~ n~ Cl c,S,)~ In\/C"ll....tOr-l ~o(""',rorl j-,p +~"'r h"j +1-.0 <:.ocv">,~" ^ '+:5 1-. ~ j 1(') J F j h~.^T^J --f!"D r.."....cl p,-.,...r-., I"'-('"':::r~ -\--Q,D",..,...... +/-,,,,oV} 4--0~r>+J,..,p,-. -kl 4. What issues: are teens In Dublin com:erned iilbout? Tpf-}"'..... \...... GII,j-.",,""'I r,r'Q. r.....,....,,,.orr'lP("{ ('I hCll+ hnr.. ~ 3P-+- l'll!+- ('~ h"hl,~"'1) h("l..J ('1("'" wh,-,-\.. t'nJ/tj.jo:v., -hI 'J..... i-n, .,h......-\-r ~~drlJr>it) ~:;:,~;;K{)~:~~", 0~,,1 "d~~,<- +km ~"'On3 5. How would you be able to assist with the Implementation and pl'Dmotlon of teen events? I c.on ("Idv"p~-t-\~a I'"'r-\~I ~'N~ f'H..."'....",.......+rn/'J Ir'l 4--f...n t"I~r~i~ r.-..r.ac- (Inri \m.G...--~("'.......d.!;.. rJ4- r'VI'j (:;r/l""'" ~ tAl"-I"-,.../ ()C rYIf'"'lrl+h, ('-.j .+..... 10["("',1 ()-Jor-ll^r.nh <"nr"l +lll~ m 9n\,,(l r.1f"'Ji( CI-f-.'J r'rllIAt' .""1 (;()r I ()(,'c1 \ \Y'{'"'rY1 p...J-..', "'~oi'1d {)Q...f"""m/~,."/:,,\ ..., , 6. What liiehool ilnd/or extra curricular activities are you Involved'ln? \'1('("', r-..ru-...r\ O'rl~+-c.'r- nt; '""Y'1{~ f>('h.......""f\ I1tJJd"'rn.rnas.- rh.......".,} 'JOr.,-l.l"1o...b, nC>G,(" 0 n"""::;I-=:+r"1I'"'l1--... -+-r.)(\rht'J~f"~""-<::"l~+-(""..........f-..., rl"" r{'>,'l'Vl("'y"J'1r""1'"j ~~ 't"""..r\ c..n.. r/:;; hJi"~,...v..{.....-r rl ,re? n"",.-I Cr'lf-<Jr""{ '-!l-. or'" e Name AM'-,,,"',, y.'~')""7 Sohool Vn 11(, '.!J CurronlGrade 12. Ad,lr... 7:>,:>,") 1',,,,.\(;,,,,,,'1 t''''] Phonefi"Z)?-(o")&' I APPLICATION DEADLINE: December 1.1997 (5:00 p.m.) Applications may bEt submItted In person at the Parks and Community S9rvlces Department Office on the 2nd floor of the Dublin CIY'Ic: Center or may be mailed to tho Dublin Civic Center! 100 Civic Plaza, Dublin, Ca.llfornla. 94568, Attention Michelle WIsrsch8m, Recreation Coordinator. Fer quelj;tions on the application proce~5Ii, please call 833~664fi. C/tyof Dub/ln-l00 Civic PlazalP O. Box 2340, Dublin. CA 94568 833-664S Youth Advisory Committee Application . . Dear Applicant: Thank you for expressing an Interest In serving as an Adult Represontatlve on the Youth Advisory Committee. e The purpose of the Committee Is to provide Input on youth services, address Issues that effect youth In the community and assi&t with Implementation and promotion of youth activities. The Youth Advisory Committee Is mad& up of eleven $tud8nt membBI'S appointed by ttl9 Mayor with the approval of the City Council, along with foLir adult rspresentatlves. (Dublin PollcB Services, Dublin Unlfled School District Representative, Business Representatlve, and one Community Representative) The Initial tenn of office- will be for eight months with an opportunity for re-appolntment In September. The eight month term commenCes: In January and tBrrnlnates in August. The Commltt9B meets once a month; meeting times and days ant yet to be dBtonnined. " Please take a few minutes to complete the following questions. 1. Why are you interested In serving as an adult representaUv8 on the Youth Advisory Committee? ., "l"'r\o. '" ,,-I-'" .'0C'Ck'" C-'..\' 0('''''' A\~,~~,\c. /S;'"~:,,:-+ ;,:-:,1,-\ )')'- nJ<" -l-H "",o,,,....k ''-''. 2. What Is the most Important contribution you l:an make as one of the adult Youth Advisory Committee Reprasentativelj.? ~ ~ r~ :: ~P~'~ Jr'loJ\\i \ It+l,r\~ r\ ( "C~:.'A.\ (A~~-" ~~,+L, l...o ('" i?~"r"\t"'t 1- 3. How do you think youth In Dublin can be fiB-rved better? u?art c....,,+h ~0lW\''''''' {g, pb.", tl ocA \.-.. prtt'V\f-s . 4. What do you feel your role would be as an adult representative on the Youth Advls.ory Committee? +C'J ~"'~,~~ \V"e \m..",-\<'''- -+--V-."'W\ &,,'" wV, ~h"'rl'Y1,"n+ ~ C!L....v~ "€c.\1{"- .+-0 11/"\ pb.y\,", In~ hC "ei; -1--l'PM he.~v--- -lA 4'" IIV'\. +0 5. How would you be ablB to assist with the ImplBmontation "rid promotion of tEl$n events? ~ \0-J\'\ tA ,....AA -Pr ."",,,,:15' heJrl i..., U Cr ) ( )<:,~ ~ AJr l.r:... I~<::.r-r In-'WCI~ .' =r o.,J,(V hE=' n.. r ,y.,J.p'I1..J.p...o r-- Cl,.'-\- 0. / ( ;'""'.,,, A ()~6 vn~ -f'Y~l~-1'Fl f-o i I'\~ QfL''l......'-r_1 +jf"\\/\ 'I 6. ArB you currently Qr have you been involved with teen activities? If yes, please dcuj;crlbB. :~~:,," 2S 'i~-'e,~ ~ ~~:~': \"....\A....(b,i"ll'".....c- ' l ,-<.~-t~ " .^~ ("1, 4-L........ '--u '~ :: <"0-1--4 _ (..n ~,..,. ,_-t.... Nam. ~V<eV\ S=J') Addr... 7C>tix-- pr-: J1N' Occupation ,-Ievyvo. , vvo;r<'.\"". <Uk' fA:C . Phon. x-,.2,3 O~ I 0r APPLICATION DEADLINE: December 5,1997 (5:00 p.m.) Appli~atlons may be $ubmlttsd In person at the Parks and Community Services Department Office on the 2nd fleer of the Dublin Civic Center or may be mailed to the Dublin Civic Center, 100 Civic Plaza, Dublin, California, 94568. Attention Michelle Wlerschom, Recreation Coordinator. For questions on the application process, please call 833-6645.