HomeMy WebLinkAboutReso 129-06 I-580 HOV Co-op Agmt
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WHEREAS, the 1-580 Smart Corridor system enables the Cities of Dublin, Livermore and
Pleasanton to monitor local traffic flows and manage traffic incidents in a coordinated manner in the Tri~
Valley area; and
WHEREAS, on February 21, 2006, the City Council adopted Resolution 20-06 approving a
Memorandum of Understanding (MOD) for 1-580 Intelligent Transportation System Management/Traffic
Operations System (lTS/TOS) with Alameda County, Caltrans, Livermore-Amador Valley Transit
Authority (LAVTA), Alameda County Congestion Management Agency (CMA), the Bay Area
Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTe), and the Cities of Livermore and Pleasanton, in order to
improve traffic flow along highly congested corridors in Alameda County including 1-80, 1-580 and 1-880;
WHEREAS, adoption of Resolution 20-06 also included approving the Project Charter for "Phase
I" 1-580 High Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) Lane Project concerning the design components of the interim
HOV lane on eastbound 1-580 from Hacienda Drive to east of GreenvilIe Road, representing a multi-
jurisdictional approach to intelligent traffic solutions in the Tri- Valley area in a manner consistent with the
overall objective of the MOU for 1-580 ITS/TOS to work cooperatively toward improving the
management and operations of the 1-580 corridor; and
WHEREAS, the interim HOV lane wiII be installed in the median area of 1-580 with the
understanding that the right-of-way for a future BART extension in the 1-580 median will be preserved
with the next phase of the fuII HOV lane improvements along 1-580; and
WHEREAS, the "Phase 1" HOV Lane Project will be implemented in two separate phases, Phase
IA and Phase lB, and
WHEREAS, the CMA will cover the full cost of the "Phase 1" HOV Lane Project through
multiple sources including Federal, State and regional funds; and
WHEREAS, Phase I A will consist of installing advanced traffic management and monitoring
devices on 1-580 and adjacent local streets for the purpose of improving management of traffic operations
and incidents in this corridor during the construction period of the interim eastbound 1-580 HOV lane; and
WHEREAS, construction of the Phase IA project is expected to start in fall 2006 and end by
spring 2007, and
Reso 129-00, Adopted 6120/06, Item No. 8.3
Pap;e I of2
WHEREAS, Phase 1B will consist of the actual installation of the interim eastbound 1-580 HOV
lane from Hacienda Drive to east ofGreenville Road; and
WHEREAS, construction of the Phase 1B project is expected to start in summer 2007 and end by
2009; and
WHEREAS, the CMA desires to enter into a Cooperative Agreement with other participating
agencies to define implementation responsibilities for the Phase IA project within each jurisdiction,
including project design, construction and administration; and
WHEREAS, the proposed 1-580 HOV Transportation Management Plan and Intelligent
Transportation System/Traffic Operations System (TMP & ITSITOS) Cooperative Agreement for Design,
Construction and Administration specifies that the CMA will be responsible for the full funding, design,
construction and administration of the Phase 1 A project; and
WHEREAS, under the said Cooperative Agreement, the City of Dublin will facilitate design
review and construction of the Phase I A project, including timely issuance of all necessary encroachment
permits and timely City inspection of improvements within Dublin, as requested by the CMA
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Dublin does
hereby approve the 1-580 HOV Transportation Management Plan and Intelligent Transportation
SystemlTraffic Operations System (TMP & ITS/TOS) Cooperative Agreement for Design, Construction
and Administration.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Manager IS authorized to execute the said
Cooperative Agreement, hereto attached as Exhibit "A".
PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 20th day of June, 2006, by the following vote:
A YES Councilmembers Hildenbrand, McCormick, Oravetz and Zika, and Mayor Lockhart
NOES. None
ATlES~l",- ~___
Cit erk
Reso 129"()6, Adopted 6/20/06, Item No. 8.3
Pap;e 2 of2
THIS COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT ("Agreement") is entered into on
--..J'L~.-:}:Q.~, 2006, by and betwccn the ALAMEDA COUNTY CONGESTION
MANAGEMENT AGENCY ("CMA") and thc CITY OF DUBLIN, a municipal corporation
ofthe State of California ("CITY").
A. CMA and CITY, 1U cooperallon With other agencies, cities and county, and the
State of California, Department of Transportation ("Caltrans") contemplate the mstallallon and
implementation of SMART Corridor componcnts including a Traffic Operations Systems (TOS)
and lntclligcnt Transportation Systems (ITS) Project ("PROJECT") within the 1-580 Corridor;
C CMA and CITY desire to specify the terms and conditions under which the
PROJECT is to be advertised, bid, administered, constructed, and implemented.
I To provide all necessary conceptualization, planning, design, engineering, contract
administration, procurement, construction supervision, systems integration and testmg,
operation and maintcnance (through 2009), and administration scrviccs for the PROJECT
2, To apply for necessary encroachment and other penmts for the required work within CITY's
jurisdiction or rights-of-way, in accordance with such CITY's standard permit procedures.
3 To apply for necessary encroachment permits for PROJECT work within Caltrans' rights-of-
way, in accordance with standard pernIit procedures.
4 To pay all required fees in connection with the PROJECT, including but not limited to utility
connectIOn fees, commumcalion mstallation fees, and all other fees associated with the
permitting and installation of the equipment in the PROJECT However, CMA shall not be
ohhgated to pay any pemlit, illspectlOn or SImilar fees to CITY
5 To adverlise, hId, award, contract and admmlster the procurement of the PROJECT
components and construction of the PROJECT
G:\/-58(J Smart CorridorlI-580 110 V Llm~' - TMP ITSIr'Dop Agreement Duhlin.doc
E".xl-)lb,+ A
6. To pay one hundred percent (100%) of the PROJECT construction, component procuremcnt,
bidding, operatIOn and maintenance (through 2009), and advertising costs.
7 To provide project procurement, management and construction administration serviccs for
the PROJECT on bchalf of the eITY
8. To construct the PROJECT in accordance WIth plans and specifications approved by the
CITY, to the satisfaction of, and snbject to the reasonable approval of CITY, and Cal1rans, If
9 To provide for the integral10n and implemcntation of the PROJECT
10. To, upon completion of PROJECT, fUrnISh CITY a complete sct of full-sized reproducible
Record Drawings, and elcctronic copies as requcsted.
II To retain or cause to be retained for audit by State of CalI fomi a or other govemmcnt anditors
for a penod oflhree (3) years from date of final approval, all rccords and accounts relating to
construction of PROJECT
12. To, upon completion of all work under this Agreement, transfer to CITY ownership to all
PROJECT materials, eqmpment and appurtcnances located within the jurisdiction of CITY
Title will automahcally be vested in CITY and no further agreement will bc ncccssary to
transfer ownership to CITY upon acqmSll1on, construction, and installation of such facilities.
1 In order to minimize delays in the PROJECT schedule, and subject to CMA provldmg
adequate lead time, to promptly review and approve the plans and specifical1ons, permi!
applications, and requcsts for information.
1. To issue, upon submission of complete applications and at no cost, all necessary
encroachment and othcr pcrmits reqUIred for work within thc CITY's Junsdlction or rights-
3 To provide, upon seventy-two (72) hours advance nobce and at no cost, all neccssary
inspection serVlces for improvements completed WIthin the CITY's jurisdiction or rights"of-
way, and all necessary review, commentary, and approval of submittals to minimize delays 111
the PROJECT schedulc.
4 To provide, upon reasonable nohce and at no cost, storage space or facilIties as may be
reasonably necessary to facilitate the installation of PROJECT components or construction of
the PROJECT within the CITY's jurisdiction or nghts-of-way
G: J-580 Smllrt (.'orrinorl/-580 HOV Lrme TMP ITS'ICU()[1 Agreement_IJublin.d{JC
5 To provide, at no cost, a designated representative to coordinate the CITY's partlclpalion ill
the PROJECT and all construction or installalion work to be performed within the CITY's
jurisdiction or rights-of-way
6. Beginning on January I, 2010, CITY will be responsible for any and all costs associated with
operation and maintenance of PROJECT elements wlthm CITY.
All obligations ofCMA undcr the terms of this Agreement are subject to the limits ofthc
grant funds or such other funds received by the CMA specifically for the design,
procurement, constructIon and implementation of the PROJECT Subject to such fundmg
conditions and limitations, the parties agree that CMA's services under this Agreement
are intended to encompass all aspects of development and delivery of the PROJECT
2. Construction by CMA of any lmpruvements rcfcrred to herein which lie within CITY's
jurisdiction or rights-uf-way, shall not be commcnccd until.
a. Plans and specifications involving such work have bcen rcviewed and approved
by signature of CITY's Engineer, or deSignated representative;
b. All required pcrmits arc issucd by CITY authonzmg such work within CITY's
jurisdiction or nghtR-of-way
3 CITY shall issue all aforesmd permlls to CMA, or its designated contractors, agents, and
representatives, at no cost, tbrough CITY's Department of Public Works, or other
appropriate departments. The CMA's permit application(s) will bc accompanied hy five
(5) sets of construction plans, five (5) sets of specIfications, proof of insurancc, and proof
tbat payment and performance surety bonds covering construcl1on nf PROJECT have
heen issued to CMA's contractor(s). FoIlowing CITY's issuance of such permits CMA
reserves the right to make changes to the construction plans and specifications, in
consultatIOn WIth CITY, provided that such revisions do not matenally mcrease the scope
of work or substantmlly change the naturc of the work to be performed under the pem1ils.
4 Receipt by CMA of the necessary approvals and pcrmits shall constitute CMA's
authonzation from CITY to proceed with work to he performed by CMA or its
deSignated contractors, agents, and reprcsentativcs under this Agreement wlthm the
CITY's jurisdiction or rights-of-way, or which affects the CITY's facilities. However,
CMA's authonzatlOn to proceed with said work shall be contmgent upon CMA's
compliancc with all provisions set forth in this Agreement and said permits.
Cr'.'\/-58() Smart LorridorlJ~j8o IJOV Lam.' - TMP ITSICoop Ag/"l'emenl_Dt4blin..doc
5 Except as provided by law, CMA may advertise for bids to procure PROJECT
components or constmct the PROJECT prior to the issuance of any applicable permits,
but shall not commence conslructlon until after the issuance of applicable permits by
CITY CMA may administer the procurement of the PROJECT componcnts in one, or
multiple phascs, and jointly, or separately from the construction of the PROJECT
6. In thc construchon of said work, CMA will furnish a designated representative to perform
the functions of a ReSIdent Engmeer, and CITY may, at no cost to CMA, funllsh a
representative, if it so desires, to ensure conformance of work to CITY's standards.
7 Prior to award of the construction contract for PROJECT, CITY may terminate this
Agreement by prior written notice, provided that CITY pays CMA for all PROJECT
related costs incurred by CMA resulting from CITY's participation in this Agreement
prior to tcrmination.
8. If any facility Installed, used or maintained by a privatc or public utility conflIcts WIth the
PROJECT construction, or violates a CITY's encroachment policy, CITY shall require,
or work in coopcration with, the owner(s) of such facility to protect, relocate or remove
such facilities in accordancc with the CnY's polIcIes and procedures for such facilitics
locatcd within the limits of the CITY's jurisdiction. CMA will initiate ami coordinate all
contacts WIth utilities regarding such relocations but will not bc responsible for any cost
associated with the required protection, relocation or removal. Any relocatcd or new
facilities shall be identified on tlle Record Drawmgs to be prepared undcr this Agreement.
') Nothing in thc provisions of this Agreement is intended to create dutIes or obligations to
or rights in third parties, or affect thc legal liability of either party to the Agreement by
imposing any standard of carc with respect to the improvement or mamtenance of State
highways greater than the standard of care imposed by law
10. NeIther CITY, nor its officers and employees, shall be responsible for any damage or
lIability occurring by any act or omission by CMA under or in connection with any work,
authority or jurisdiction delegated to CMA wlder th,S Agreement. It is understood and
agreed that, pursuant to Government Codc Section 895 4, CMA shall fully defend,
indemnify and save harmless the CITY, and its officers and employees from all claIms,
suits or actions of every name, kind and descnptlOn brought for or on account of injury
(as defined in Government Code Section 810 8) occurring by reason of any act or
omission by CMA under or in conncction with any work, authority or jurisdiction
dclegated to CMA under tl115 Agreement.
11. Neither CMA, nor its officers and employees, shall be responsihle for any damage or
liability occurring by reason of act or omission by CITY under or III cOlmectlOn with any
work, authority or jurisdiction delegated to CMA under this Agreement. It is understood
and agrced that, pursuant to Government Code Section 8954, CITY shall fully defend,
indemnify and save hanllless the CMA, and its officcrs and employees from all claIms,
SUItS or actions of cvcry name, kind and description brought for or on account 0 f injury
(as defined III Government Code Section 810.8) occurring by rcason of act or omISSIOn
G.'IJ-580 Smart CorrufurlI-J80 IloV Lam.' - TMP lTS'iCoopAgreemenl Dublin,due
by CITY undcr or in conncction with any work, authority or jurisdiction delegated to
CITY under this Agreement.
12. CITY acknowledges and agrccs that part, or all, of the PROJECT conceptualization,
planning, design, cngincering, contract administration, procurement, construction,
constructwn superviSion, systems mtegration and testing, and administrativc support
scrvices may be perfomled hy CMA's designated contractors, agents, and
13 All contractors selected by CMA to perform construcbon of the PROJECT shall include
CITY as an additional insured on all insurance policies related to the performance of
work on the PROJECT within thc CITY's jurisdiction or rights-of-way
L4 CITY hereby grants CMA and its authorized contractors, agcnts and representatives the
non-exclusive right to enter upon CITY's JunsdiclIoll and nghts-of-way, subject to the
terms and conditions of this Agreement and applicahle permits, for the purpose of
perfornling CMA's obligations under this Agreement.
G:V-580 Smart Corridarl/-jfj(} lfOV LanE! - TMP ITS\Coup Agrf:~~men,-DlIblin.duc
DelilllS Fay, Executive Director
Approved as to form and legality'
Wendel, Rosen, Black & Dean, LLP
Legal Counsel to CMA
a California municipal corporation
Richard Amhrose, City Manager
Approved as to form and legality
Fawn Holman, City Clerk
Elizaheth Silver, City Attorncy
C.'\I-58() Smart Corridor\!..580 HOV I_ml(~ - I'M? n:'..;\CO{)P .4grl?t'!1t1e1lt_JJuhlin.dnc