HomeMy WebLinkAboutReso 128-06 ADA Transition Plan 2006 Update RESOLUTION NO. 128 - 06 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN * * * * * * * * * ADOPTING AN AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT (ADA) TRANSITION PLAN 2006 UPDATE WHEREAS, the Federal government enacted the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA) to prevent discrimination of the physically and mentally disabled relating to employment and access to public facilities; and WHEREAS, Title II of the ADA requires that municipalities adopt a Transition Plan that documents barriers to accessibility, proposed structural modifications to remove those barriers, and a schedule to complete the modifications; and WHEREAS, the City Council approved Resolution No 28-93 on February 2, 1993, adopting an ADA Transition Plan in conformance with Title II requirements; and WHEREAS, the City of Dublin has increased the number of facilities and other infrastructure since 1993 that are not included under the 1993 Transition Plan; and WHEREAS, ADA design standards have been modified by the Federal government since the adoption of the 1993 Transition Plan, and WHEREAS, the City of Dublin remains committed to the ADA and the elimination of barriers to public facilities: and WHEREAS, Staff has prepared an update to the 1993 Transition Plan that reflects current City infrastructure and ADA design standards, referred to as the "2006 ADA Transition Plan Update", attached hereto as Exhibit A. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Dublin hereby approves the 2006 Americans with Disabilities (ADA) Transition Plan Update. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 20th day of June, 2006, by the following vote. A YES Councilmembers Hildenbrand, McCormick, Oravetz and Zika, and Mayor Lockhart NOES. None ABSENT None ABSTAIN None A1n3 ~ m.ll.. - Clt Clerk Reso 128-{l6 Adopted 6.20-{l6, Item No. 8.2 Page 1 of 1 EXHIBIT "A" ADA Transition Plan 2006 Update I. Background The Americans with DisabilitIes Act (ADA) was signed into law on July 26, 1990 The law, in summary, prevents discrimination against physically or mentally disabled individuals with regards to employment or acecss to public facilities. Title I dcals with discrimination in the workplace. Title II deals with discnmmahon m access to public facilities. Title II requires that local agencies prepare and adopt a transition plan that identifies barriers to accessibility and methods to remove those barriers. Title 11 also rcquires that an agency develop a grievance procedure whereby individuals may rcport and request corrcction of improvements which are in non-complianco, and designate a staff person to serve as ADA coordinator for the agency The City of Dublin, in rcsponsc to thc law, adoptcd three resolutions on February 22, 1993. Resolution No. 27-93 adoptcd a Titlc I Compliance Plan (Plan). Rcsolution No. 28-93 adopted a Title II Transition Plan. Resolution No. 29-93 adopted a complamt procedure. The 1993 TranSition Plan was limited to the existing city facilities at the time. These included the Civic Center, Shannon Center, Dublin Swim Center, Senior Center, and the Corporation Yard. The Plan noted that most facilities were in general conformance with ADA requirements, with the exception of minor changes to the phone systcm and a number of significant upgradcs to thc swim ccntcr. A capital improvement project was completed at the swim center later in 1993, addrcssing the needed ADA upgrades. II. Need for Updated Transition Plan A 2006 Update to the 1993 Translhon Plan has been prepared for a numher ofreasons. The existlllg plan has not been reviewed or updated since 1993 and is now 13 years old. The 1993 plan included only facilities in existence at that time; the 1993 Plan did not include an assessment ofth.e public right-of-way, parks, or trails, nor docs it include buildings constructcd since 1993 In additlOn, ADA design standards have changed since 1993 and many lmprovements assessed to be III confonnance m1993 may not meet the current requirements. Finally, the 1993 Plan does not include a schedule or funding plan for addressing any non- compliant improvemcnts not covered in the 19<,13 plan. The 2006 Update will include the following: I) An updated inventory of public facilities and improvements subject to ADA 2) An assessment of the updated mventory against current ADA standards 3) A list of non-compliant features and the improvements needed to achieve compliance 4) A cost estimate of the improvements 5) PnoritJzation of the Improvements 6) Identification of a funding sourcc and funding plan to comp1etcthe improvements. 7) A schedule for completIOn ofthe lmprovements. R) Standard Plans Update 10f7 The 2006 Update does not cause the City to be in comphance wIth current ADA standards. Compliance will he achieved over a pcriod of many years through the implementation of the improvements ldentified in the update. Thc U.S. Access Board, which develops ADA deslgn standards and coordinates implcmentation wIth govennnent agencies, has developed a draft set of accessibility guidelines for the pubhc right-of-way that were recently released for public review and comment. Although the guidelines are not yet m effect, it is likely that some version of these gUldelmes will ultimately be adopted by law as the design standard for new or altered Improvements to the public right-of-way The draft gUidelines will bc utilizcd as the standard for the 2006 Update. Design guidelines have been amended numerous times since the adoption ofthe Act in 1990, and as noted above new guidelmes continue to be developed. It is likely that standards will change again dunng the implementation phase of the 2006 Update. Ongoing updates will likely be needed to keep the City's TranSltlOn Plan in conformance with current standards. III. Proposed 2006 Transition Plan Update As noted above, the 2006 transition Plan Update consists of (1) an updatcd inventory of facilil1es for which the City is responsihle, (2) an assessment of the facilities with regards to current ADA standards, (3) a list of improvements needed to bring thc improvements into compliance, (4) a cost estimate (Jf the Improvements, (5) prioritization of the unprovements, (6) a funding plan for completing the improvcmcnts, and (7) a schedule for completing thc improvements. In addition, the City will rcvise its standard design plans to adhcrc to current ADA reqLurements, so that future improvements will be in ADA conformancc. The schedule for completing the work will bc as follows: Task Com lete Inventory Pcrfoml Assessmcnt and Public Outreach Develo List of Necded 1m rovements Develop Cost Estimate for Improvem!?nts Com. lete ~rioritization ofImprovements .. Develo Funding Plan for Completion ofImprovements Dcvelo SC.~~ct.ule for Completion ofImprovements. Com lete Revlslons to Standard Drawin s Implementation of Improvements Date Com lete Jul 2006 - March 2007 A ri12007 - June 2007 July 2007 .- Au ust 2_007 S tcmber 2007 - October 2007 October 2007 Novemher 2007 December 2007 - Janua 2008 Com lete July 2008 through June 2038 or as needed The mventory is complete; the standard plans updatc will bc complete by the end of Fiscal Year 2005-2006. The remaining components will bc completed dunng the 2006-2007 and 2007-2008 Fiscal Years. Implementation of improvements will not begin until thc sccond halfofFiscal Year 2007-2008. Each element IS described in greater detail bclow. 2 on A. Inventory Public Works staff, in conjunction with the Parks and Community Services Department, has identified those facilities that arc the responsibility o[the City of Dublin and should be included within the 2006 lIpdatc. Facilitics are grouped into [our categorics: Buildings, Parks, Trails, and Strcets. Staff has also identified the year of ctmstruction and/or the most recent upgrade to the facility, and determined if assessment ofthe facility IS needed, Facilities are listed helow' Buildin Civic Center ~.\br!!!X _E.ohce DepartmCl}t Semor Center Fire Station 16 Fire Station 17 Fire Station 18 Renta e Center Swim Center Corporation Yard Shannon Center Year Built 1988 2002 1988 2005 1993 2002 2003 N/A -'~'-_.'-~'''.'.~--,. 1972 1986 N/A Park Alamo Creek Park Bra Commolls Dolan Park Dou erty Hills en S Dublin SPS!.I!~_9round Emerald Glell Park Vear Built 1987, 1990 2004 1987,1988 1984 1976 1999,2003, 2005 Ilj87 1905 1989 1986 2000 1996 Kolb Park Ma c Memorial Park Shannon Park Stagecoach Park Ted Fairfield Park M.~i~_C.~nyon Open Space Last U rade 2005 None 2005 N/A 2006 N/A "'--",'~.'~. N/A ~.~,,~_. 2002 1993, 2000 NIA 1989 I"ast U rade NIA N/A 2005 N/A 2005 NlA 2003 1996 2005 NlA N/A N/A Assessment Re uired Yes Yes exterior onl Yes No Yes Yes extenor onl Yes ex tenor on] ) Yes Yes Yes No Building to be re laced Assessment Re uired Yes No ~--_., ~ Yes Yes Yes ~~--,~~-,.,.- Yes (Phases I and II Only) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes The current five-year Capital Improvement Program allocates funds to upgrade playground eqUipment and access ill all City parks by 2008. The park assessment will therefore exclude play cquipmcnt 30f7 Trail Iron Horse Trail Alamo Canal Trail Alamo Creek Trail TassaJara Creek Trail Year Built 1998 2001,2002 2003 1998, 2000, 2001,2004 1996 2000 Dublin Boulevard Trail Dubhn Ranch Phase I Stream Corridor Trail ~_. Streets Last UPl!radc N/A N/A NlA N/A Assessment Yes Ycs Yes Yes N/A N/A YCS Yes The City of Dublin has approximately 80 miles ofpubhc right-of-way, including sidcwalks, roadslde trails, and intersections. The individual facilities are too numcrous to be listed here. The City's GIS systcm identifics thosc streets that have been accepted as public nght-of-way; the street inventory WaS last updated m Novemher 2005 and will he l~pdated again in early 2006. Thc GIS can he considered an accurate inventory ofpuhlic nght-of-way for which the City is responsible. B. Assessment The asscssmcnt of buildings and parks will bc completed during the 2006-07 Fiscal Year. It will includc the interior of the huilding (barriers, path of travel, access to phones or drinking fountains, and restrooms) as well as the extenor (path (]ftravel from the building to the parking lot and adjom1l1g street). Puhhc Works and Parksl Community Services staff will narrow the scope ofthe assessment to the extent possihle through review of cxisting construction do~uments, and will conduct portions of the assessment. As the assessment will require speclalized architectural knowledge not held by City staff, it is anticipated that the assessment will also require the assistance of a consultant. The assessment will bcgin in early Fiscal YeaT 2006-2007, nine months is allowed to hirc a consultant and complete the assessment. The City's five-year Capital Improvement Program for 2004-2009 includes funds to upgrade play equlpment to meet ADA standards Within City parks. Play equipment is therefore within comphance or wIll be brought into compliance by 2008. The assessment of parks will exclude play equipmcnt and will be limited to other facilitics. The assessment oftrails and streets will be conducted by Public Works staff, who havc thc techmcal knowledge to evaluate confomlance of these facilities with ADA standards. The assessment will include the curb ramps at each intersection, thc assessment will evaluate the nccd for detection warnings (truncated domes) and! or the need to reconstruct the ramp. The path of travel between each intersection will also be assessed. This would include obstructions sud1 as signs or street furniturc, gaps or brokcn areas in the sidcwalk, the sidewalk grade, and the cross. sl(Jpe grades at dnveways or other crossmgs where the cross-slope exceeds the ADA maximum of 2%. Traffic signals will be evaluatcd as to accessibility of pedestrian pushbmtons and audible p",destnan crossmg deVIces. The assessment would begmm J line 2006, with the field work in the public right-of-way completed by September and the results compiled by early 2007. 40f7 The assessment will include a review of existing complaints from the commull1ty regardmg ADA compliance, and contact by staff of the concerned parties to hetter discuss the problem and potential solutions. Thc assessment will also include a public outreach component, through notices on the City's Web site and in the City newsletter In addition, the Duhlm Ull1fied School District, local churches, and othcr parties that generate pedestrian traffic will be polled as to any known problems or complamts. Upon completion of the Updatc, a public commcnt period will be allowed so that interested parties can review the proposed actions pnor to the Update being approved by thc City Council. C. Needed Improvements Improvements for buildings or parks would he h~ted hy site and the nature of the needed Improvements. Improvements for trails and streets would he li~ted by intersection (specific as to each comer) or hy locatIOn 011 the path of travel between each mtersecbon. The type tJflmprovement would bc noted (install detectable warning, reconstruct ramp, reconSlnlct dnveway, remove ohstruction, relocate pedestrian pushbutton). The types of improvements would be grouped into a selected number of categories in order to accommodatc cost estimates. The intcnt of the assessment is to idcntify the location of problem areas and identify conections in sufficlent delail to develop a budget-level cost estimate for the Citywide Transition Plan. The plan would not develop specific designs for the corrective work. As part of the future implementation of the upgradcs, more detailed evaluation and design will be required pnor t(J any constmction work. Development ofthe lmprovement list will be completed by mid-2007 D. Cost Estimate Cost eshmates will be developed for each huildmg or park site, and for each trail. Cost estimates will he of adequate detail to incorporate needed upgrades mto the CapItal Improvement Program. Cost estimates for the public right-of-way will focus on groups of improvements needed, hstmg the number of curb ramps needmg reconstruction, traffic signals nceding modification, etc. Since the street Improvements will he pnonl1zed over a penod of years, tbe intent is to develop a phased Implementation plan for incorporatIOn mto the Capital Improvement Program. In a given year, the scope of the work that can be completed will be balance agam~t the fUnd~ a'ai1ahlc in that year. The cost estimate will be completed by mid-Z007 E. Prioritization Improvements within huildmg~ or parks will be given thc highest priority for completion. These facilities are used by the general pubhc and expemhture of funds will provide benefit to a greater number of people. Further, these facilities can bc reached by automobile and lack of cOI:nphant facilil1es m the adJoming pubhc nght-of-v"ay would not he a deterrent to use by individuals with dISabilities. 5 01'7 The next level of priority will be improvements withm the puhhc nght-of-way Higher priority will be given to routes that provide access to schools, parks, or other puhlic facilities (for cxample, the Senior Center), commercial areas within walking distance of residential areas and/or are expected to attract pcdestrian traffic, and high-density or senior resIdential arcas. Routes to proposed projects such as the West Dublin BART Station which are antIcipated to attract pedestnan traffic will also be given priority, as in some cases the BART StatJOn may provide the only accessible mode oftransportation for persons who cannot otherwise use an automohile. The BART Station will also encourage residents to live withm walking distance of the station makmg lt lmperative that barriers to the station bc climinated. The next level ofprionty will be to smgle-family residential arcas, as pedestrian traffic is less concentrated on these streets. However, areas of known travel by citizens with disabilities would have greater priority over other neighborhoods. The priontlzatlOn will be completed hy late 2007 F. Funding Plan The total amount of flmding required to implement necded upgrades cannot be determined until the cost estimate is completed in mid-2007. The Transition Plan Update sets an 11lItlaltarget of $20,000 per year to Implement the improvements listed in thc updatc. This funding should make it possible to complete a reasonahle set OflllJprOvements withm a given year. For exanlple, $20,000 will allow upgrade of approximately 10 curb ramps, adeq,L3te to eliminatc any barriers around a school or park. Sources of fundlllg for the improvemcnts include the General Fund, Gas Tax, and grants. The current (2005-06 Fiscal Year) budget includes $9,765 in Conununity Development Block Grant Funds (CDBG) to be used for reconstruction of approximately four curb ramps. The upcommg (2006-07 Fiscal Year) budget includes an additional $17,581 in CDBG funds. It is reasonable to assume that some level of CDBG funds or other grants will remain available III future years. The General Fund and! or Gas Tax would be used to make up the shortfall between the annual target fimding and available grant funds. Additional sources of funding mclude the City's Capital Improvement Program and private development. Capital Improvement prOjects will he designed accordmg to current ADA standards and will correct any eXlstmg deficiencies wlthm the hm1tS oflhe project. In many cases (for example, a strect widening> correction of a problem will result m no mcremental cost to the rIP proJect, as the problem area would have bccn rcmoved. As noted under the Assessment diSCUSSIOn, the existmg five-year capltallmprovemcnt program mdudes $540,036 III funding to upgrade park play equipmcnt to mect ADA standards. The $20,000 annual target would exclude these flmds. G. Schedule Thc schcdule for completing the improvements noted in the transition plan update is depcndent on the total cost of the improvcmcnts and thc funds available each ycar for the upgrades. Pending completIOn of the cost esl1mate in early 2007, the plall will set an initial target of thirty years for bon -- completion of all items listed in the plan. This time period is consistent with the time frame set hy other agencies and found acceptable by ADA advocacy groups. Since it is also likely that ADA design standards wi II change over the thirty year Jmplementation period, this time framc will allow the City to adjust to the changing standards and prevent a majority of improvements from falling out of compliance within a short time of completIOn. Smce the plan sets a target funding of $20,000 per year, the thirty year implementa\1on penod would allow completion of$600,000 in improvements. Once the actual cost of the improvements has been determllled, It will be necessary to re-examine either the 3lmual allocation or thc implementation period. Following completion of the asscssmcnt, cost estimate, and prioritization phases ofthe Transition Plan in 2007, a 2008 Transition Plan Update will be prepared that Illcludes the actual 1mprovement list and a reconmlended armual target funding and implementation period. The 200R Update should be completed by early 2008, allowing implemcntation to begin that year Accordingly, the 2007-2008 Fiscal Year Budget will include funds to implement pnonties set for thc first ycar. H. Standard Plans Update The update of the City standard pl31ls is currently underway The update is scheduled for completIOn in June, 2006. The updatc will include new sidewalk and driveway standards that confoffil to current ADA guidclincs. The rcviscd plans will he utiln;ed III the design of all future City and private development proJects. The City has been utilizing the draft plans since early 2005 IV. Implementation Cost Pubhc Works staff will continue to take the lead in completing the remaining portions of the work. Completion of the assessment and development of the scope of improvements/ cost estimate for buildings and parks will rcquirc coordination with Parks and Community ServIce staff and the assistance of an outside architectural consultant. Further, staff proposes to utilize student mtems over the summer of 20116 to complete tlle assessment of facilities within the public nght-of-way In addition, timc will spcnt by the City's GIS coordinator in asslstmg With data collection and map preparation. The intemal City cost is eShmated at $12,000 Tbe buildings/parks assessment will reqUIre lllspectlOn of approximately 20 facilities. The cost ofretaullng a bUilding inspectIOn consultant to complete the inspections is estimated at $15,000. The total cost for consultants, interns, and staff GIS assIstance 1$ a total of $27,000 Allowing for an additIOnal 10% contlllgency lllcreases the cost to $30,000 This will be thc amount budgeted in the 2006-2007 Fiscal Year for outside serV1ces. The renlallllllg costs associated WIth Public Works staff1s mcluded in the salary costs for staff. 7 of?