HomeMy WebLinkAboutReso 121-06 Classification Plan Amend RESOLUTION NO. 121 - 06 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN * * * * . . . ~ * AMENDING THE CLASSIFICATION PLAN WHEREAS, in accordance with the City's Personnel System Rules, tbe City Council adopted Resolution No, 30-84 and subsequent resolutions which comprise the Classification Plan; and WHEREAS, it is necessary to periodically add and/or modity job descriptions in the Classification Plan, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that Resolution No, 30-84 and subsequent resolutions shall be further amended to include the following revised job descriptions: Assistant Planner (Exhibit A) Community Development Director (Exhibit B) Community Safety Assistant (Exhibit C) Economic Development Director (Exhibit D) Engineering Technician IIII (Exhibit E) Finance Manager (Exhibit F) Recreation Coordinator (Exhibit G) Recreation Supervisor (Exhibit H) BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that these documents shall become a part of the official Classification Plan for the City of Dublin; and that the changes contained herein shall be effective July I, 2006 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 20th day of June, 2006, by the following vote: AYES Councilmembers Hildenbrand, McCormick, Oravetz and Zika, and Mayor Lockhart NOES None ABSENT None ABSTAIN None ATTEST ~ 'Y'- - City Cler Reso 121';)6, Adopled 6/20106, Item No_ 4_21 Page 1 of 1 Dale Adopted: Date Revised: 7/1 0119~9 6/20/2006 Title: Assistant Planner FLS<\.: Non-Exempt General Purpose: To perfurm rcsponsible plmmmg tasks and provide technical assistance to the Plannmg Departmcnt. The Assistant Planner may he assIgned to either current or advanced planmng divlHlons, Tlus pOSItIon may also perfoml dutIes wlthm the City's zomng enforcement prognun, The ASSIstant Planner will function as a mcmhcr of the City's planning team, Distinguishing Characteristics: Thls IS the entry level class ill the professlOna] Planner series, This class is distinguished from the Associate Plarmcr by the performance of the more routine tasks mld duties asslgJled to positIOn within the series, Since tlllS class IS typically used as a training class, employees may have only hmited or no diredly relat<;d work expenen[;e. Supervision Received and Exercised: Receives general supervislOlI frum assIgned professlOnal or mar1agement planning staff. May exerClse lechmcal anwor functIOn a] supeTVlslon over techmcal and ekncal personnel as appropnate_ Essential Duties and Responsibilities: The following duhes are normal for IhIS CbSslficatlOn, The omlSSlon of speCIfic statements of duties does not ex~lude thcm horn the posll1on 11' the work IS slmilar, related or ;i luglcal assiglllnent to thIS class, Provide public counter assIstance and respond to inquiries from applicants, the general public and other governmenlal agen"'es_ PE,'rformfield Investlgatlons and office tasks associated WIth enforcement uf 2oIllIlg, Slglllng and related mumclpal regulatlOns_ Review building plans for contormity to zoning and subdlVlsion ordinmlCes, EXHIBIT A Interpret and apply pertinent laws and regulatIons to planning proJects, Assist in the enforcement, and administration of zoning, and other related ordinances, AssJSt 1D revlewmg and analYZlng vanous planning applications and with the preparatlOn of variuus reports for policy declsions_ AssIst In ctmlpiJing and analyzmg stal1stlcal, economic and other data relating to plannmg and environmental matters, OrgaUlze and conduct research studIes, Assist in preparing elements and rcvislOns to the General Plan consistent wlth local nee;ds, Prepare and present oral and V\Tltkn reports and rccommendations, Attend mcetings of the Planning Commission, City Council anti other Cll1?,en boards or comnlltt.ees as reqUlTed_ Build and maintain posItive workmg relationships with co-workers, other Citv employccs and the public using prinCiples of good customer service, Pcrform other duties as aSSlgned_ Minimum Qualifications: Knowledee of: Theory, principles, pracl1ces and trends of city plmming, Rescarch methods as they apply to the collectIOn, tabulation and mmlysis of data affectmg city planning, Federal, state and local laws and regulations relating to municipal plallllmg, Z,Olllllg and subdivISIOn regulabons_ Stattstical analysis as applied to land use, ',mllng, general plan and transportation smdies_ Govemment orgam:',atJons, transportatIon, comnHllllcatJOns, public utihtv systems and landscape aTdntecture as they relare to city planmng, Ability To: Communicate effectJVel;- Estabhsh and rnamtain cooperative work mg relationships with those contacted in the course of work_ Prepare and present comprehenslVe but SUCClllet written and oral repolis_ Make effectIve presentations m public meetmgs, Compile mId analyze statJsl1cal, economic and related data pertaming to envlTonmental and plaJilllllg mattcrs, Interpret and apply laws and regulations. Physical Standards: The physical standards descrihed arc represelltative of thusc that must be met by employees to successfully perform the essential functlOus of this class. Reasonable accommodations may be made to enable 1lllhvHluals with disabilihes to perfonn the es~ential funcllOns, An employee is regulayly required to SIt for long periods of t111lC; talk or hear, in person, in meetmgs and by telephone; use hands and fingers to handle, feel or operate standard office equipment, and reach with hands and arms, The employee IS frcquently required to, bend and twIst to reach files, 'Walk and stand, and occaslOnally lift up to 20 pounds, While pcrfomJmg duties, the empluyec is regularly required to use written and oral communicatIon skills; read and interpret complex data, in1ormation and docmnents; analyze arId solve problems; Illtcract w1th City management, other govemmental offiCIals, contractors, vendors, ernplovees and the public, Training and ]:,xpcrience: "'ny comblllatiun eqUIValent to educatlOn and experience IS likely to provldc the required knowledge and ablhtles_ A typical wav 10 obtain the knowledge and abIlitIes would be- Education: EqUIvalent to a Bachdor's degree from an a"eredited "ollcge or ulllvcrslty with major course work in planmng, urban development, or a closely rdatcd field, A Master's degree in planlllng or closely related field 15 deSIrable and may be sllhstltuted for SIX months ofreqUlred cxperience Experknce: Une year of profeSSIOnal experience 111 the field of CltV or regIOnal ]'llannmg, preferably for a public agency Liccn''''; Certifkatc,; S.pecial Requirements: Possession or a valid Cahfor1lIa Class C Driver's L1e<:llSe and CcrtlfiC;;lt.e 01 Automubile Insurance for Personal Llabihty G~i-,"-~6fD~, {~~I~. ~~ ~,~~ Qif,j]<'O?-.~\>;' Dale Adopted: Date Revised: 7111/1995 6/20/2006 Title: Comrounit) Ocvelnpmcnt Director FLSA: Exempt General Purpose: To plan, organize, direct and review the activities and operatlOns of the Community Development Department including plarming, building Illspcetiun and zonmg and enVlronmental revIew services and programs; to coordinate assigned activities with other departments and outside agcncies, and to provide hIghly responsible and complex admllllstratlVe support to the City Manager. Distinguishing Characteristics: This is an ExecullVe Man agerttentID Gpartm ent Head class WJth fL~lI responsibility for the management of multiple function service delivery areas within the City The Communitv Development Director reports to and receives direction from the City Manager. Employees at this level reCeIVe admmistratlon direction from the City Manager in terms of goals. Department Head positions arc rovlE,wcd m tGrrn" of r<;sults_ PtOTSOns appolllled to thiS claSSlficatJon aTe At Will Employees servmg at the pleasure of the City Manager. Supervision Received and Exercised: Rc<;elves polley direcllou from the City Manager Exercises dIrect supervIsIOn OYGr assI!-,'TlE:d management, SUpervlsory, pmfesslOual, teehn",al mId administrative support personnel. Essential Dutics and Rcsponsibilitics: The followmg dullcs are normal ftlf this <;lassIllc,atlOn_ The 01l11SSlOn of specific stillemcnts 01 duties docs not cxc.ludc thelll irom thc pOSitlOl1 II' the work IS SImilar, related Ol' a logical assignment to this <:lass_ Develop. plan and implement departlllent goals and obje"'IYe~; re<;ommend and adlllllllster policies and procedures_ EXHIBIT B Coordmate department actlVJl1es with those of other departments and outsIde agc:ncies and organizations; pTtlVlde staff a",dance t.o tbe City Manager and Citv Council; prepare and present staff reports and other necessary correspondence_ Dlrcct, oversee and participate m the development of tbe department's work plan; assign work activities, PTOJects and programs; IUOl1ltor work flow; reVlew and evaluate work products, methods and procedures, Sup"rVlse and partlcipate in the development. and admmlst.ratlOn of the Community Development hudget; direct the forecast of additional funds ncct\ed for staffing, eqmpment, materials and supplies; monitor and approve expenditures; implement mid-year adjustments, Monitor developments related to plannmg, building, land use, grant and bond progr<i.nlS, code enforcement and rclatcd development mattcrs; evaluate their impact on City operations and recommend policy and procedural modifications. Develop and prepare modificatlOns for admlnlstratlOn of the City's General Plan; direct and supervise. administration and cnforccmcnt ofthG cnvironmental impact rev"!,,, process_ Select, train, motivate and evaluate personnel, pmvlde or coordinate staff training; conduct performance evaluations; impJcment dIscipline pro~cdurcs; maintam diseIphne and hlgb starldards necessary for the efficient and professional operatIon of the dcpartmcnt. ReprcsCllt the deparlnlent to outS1(le grOllps and orga1ll7.atlons; participate in outside COl1lmlllllt)' and professional groups and eommittcGs; provIde kclmical assIstance as neeessary Research and prepare technical and adrrnllistratlVe reports and studies; prepare wnttl',n conespondence as necessary Build and maintain positive working rclal10nshlps with co.worh,rs, other Cily employees and the Pllbhc uSlng principles of good eustomcr serVice, Perform related dul1es as aSSlb'lled_ Minimum Qualifications: Knowled!!e .(11'; PrmClples and pracl1ees of urban plmmmg, ~'Towlh and econorlllc development. PnncIples and prael1ces ofleadcrship, lTlotlval1ml. team hLLilding and conflict resolullon, Pertincnt locaL Stale and Federal bws, mles and regulatJollS, Orgamzational and management practices as applied to the aIlalysis and evaluation of programs, policIes and operational needs. Principles and practie<:s of organization, administration and persOlmel management Principles and praetl<:e~ ofblldget preparabon and admlnlstratlOn, Pnnciples of supervision, training and performance evaluatIon, Ahilit" To: Plarl, direct and control the adlUlnlstrat10n and operal1ons of the Community Development Department. Develop aDd Implement department pohcles and procedures_ Gain cooperatIOn through diseusSlOn and persuamoll_ Successfully develop, control and administer departmental hudgct and expcnditures_ Analvzc problems, Identify alternative soluhons, proJect consequences t,f proposed uct10ns and Implement recollllnendations in support of goals, Interpret and apply City arId d,;partment pohr;ws, pror;edurcs, rules and regulabons, Cummumcale C1earl) and concIsely, both orally and In wntmg, 5 upeTVlse, train and evaluate assigned personnel. Establish and mamtam effecbve workmg relahonshlps WIth those contacted in the course of w()rk. Physkal Standards: The phYolr;al standards desr;ribed are representatIVe of lhose that must be met by employees to successtillly perfonn the essentIal funct10ns 01 thIS class. Reasonahle ;lccommodatwlls mal bE made to enable individuals with disabilitics to pr;rlurrn the cssenbal fundHlUs_ An employee ]s regularly reqUIred to SIt for long penods of time; talk or hear, in person, III meelmg' and b,. telephone; use hands and fingers to handle, teel or operate standard office eqUIpment and reach WIth h,mds and anns, The employee IS frequently required to, bend and twISt to reach files. walk and stand. While performmg dutIes, the employee IS regularly reqUlred to use wTltkn ;lnd oral commulllcahon skills; read and mterpret complex data, informatlOn and ducument,,; analyze <uJd solve problems; lllteraet With City management, other governmental offiCials, cuntraetors, vendors, employees and the pLLbhc Training and Experience: Any combination equJvalent to education and expencncc is likely to provide the reqUlred knowledge and abilitIes, A typIcal way to obtam the knowledge and abiht",s would he: .Education: EqUlvalent to a Bachelor's degree fi'om an accredited college tJT umversity with maJor ,,,mrse work in public administTatlOn, Ltrban or reglUnal piarming or a related field, A Master's degree in busi11ess or public administration is highly deslrahle_ Expcl"ienee: Five years of supervIsory experience in development servlces/cummunity dcvclopllll:llt, Ifleluding three years of admlnlstrativc responsibility Liceuses; Certificates; Special Requirements: Possession of a valid California Class C Dnver's LICense and Certificate of Automobile Insurance for Personal Liability U~,,(~~f' Dli~<?, r~~I~~l ~-\-~-'" (0..lIl'O?~ ~ Date Adopted: Date RevIsed: 4/25/1994 6/20/2006 Title: Communi!) Safety Assistant FLSA: Non-Exempt General Purpose: Provide assistance in tile analysIS, development implementation and monitoring of crime prewntlOn and community safety programs and perform a vancly of admmlstrahve, technical and analytical duties related to promoting and supporlmg pru;,'rams and activities related to crim~ prevention and other community-based programs_ Distinguishing Characteristics: ThIS is a clvilian pOSItion m thc Dublin Police Services Department encompassing a wide range of duties involving supportive services and aosISlance to the Department. <\dministrative and technical duties range from simpk to complex, and include social and public safety ~crvices aSSlstance 1<> the general public Work mav be pcrfonn~d under dlrcct or mmimurn supervision, f>upervision Received and Exercised: Receives general supervision from aSSIl,'!1cd sworn or mm-sworn supervisory or managcmcnt personneL May exercise lechnical ~nd functional supervision over assigned pmi-time non.SWOrn pcrsonnel as apprur;:late- Essential Duties and Responsibilities: The following duties are nom1al for thIS das~lfi<,:~jJHlTl, Tlle omlSSHln of speC:lfic statements of dul1~, doc, nol cxcludc them Ii-om the position If the work IS similar, related or a logical a,C::Slgnment. to this class. Assist in developing, mainlaming and supporting the Neighborhood Watcll, serving as the haISon b"lwc~'Il thc l,'TOUpS, puh"e, City personnel and others to promote problem solving effOli~ 1"r the community Work WIth Ihe wmmullltv tu dccrease crime by deveh-,ping, implementing, and .coordinalmg a vancl\, of pohcl' commumty programs in the area of crltne prevention_ Assist with coordinating special community cvcnls, "ommuru!y pTOl,'TamS, tours uf the Police Department and demonstratwns and prcsmlallUns "rother units wIthm the department. Opl'rall' City', automaled ~all-oul system_ EXHlRJT C Coordinate and participate III tht, design, prepamtion, and distributIOn of community and businc,s hTlK,hurc" f1wrs and newsletters and related prub'l"am correspomknc". Make public presentations (c,g., Nelghborhood Watch meetlllgs, community safety programs, M":Tchant Alert program meetings, etc, I before various cItlzcn woups, committees, City Council, commissions, and staff. AI:lcnd ar,d participate in local and rcgional meetings regarding crime prcventlon (presentations and meetings may be scheduled In the day, evening and/or weekends)_ Ensure crime preventIOn files are maintained and organized_ Organize and conduct research studIes, Mamtain supplies and materials for the Crime PreventIun l1nit. ProvIde support in researching information un high-profile wanted suspects with outstanding warrants or missing persons for the apprehension or lucation of thesl' mdivlduals_ Research various prohlems and concerns from citizens and businesses; reVIeW and evaluate complaints and prepare accurate sl<ll1stieal and nanatlVc reports_ p'-uce" fingerprint cards for potenhal block captain applicants and III ~ards and furward to appropriate agendcs. Drive crime prevention van to vanouf.; events as nec<kd. Respond to puohe amI mterpret laws to citizens, Review plan checks for cnmc prcventirm through "nvlronmental design ISSlIes, r o"duct site security surveys and pruVlde intormation on securlty enhancement fur established bll~nnCSS[:s ;''l.nd n'::SldCJH..::es_ Prepare cnmf alerts [or ,h,"eminat,ofl to the Impadcd areas of the l'ommunity Develop prumutlOnal mat~TIals and related prob'l'am COI-respondenec slIch as fullow"up letters tu lTlm<..~ VldlnlS. Review all felony and misdemeanor entne repOlis and provide falIow-up WIth vlehms lor emne preve.ntion training. Operate computer and video equipment. Bl..l11d and mamtam pUSIt1Ve;: work1ng relationshr]J~ wit.h eo-workeni. other City ernrloyees and tJ1C puhh(: US111.g pnJw1ples of good cllstomer scrV1Ce, Perfuml re lared dutie, as assigned_ Minimum Qualit1cations: Knowledl!e of: Crime prevention tccbmql,les Ilsed In vanous neighborhood watch and community ,afety programs, Statistical analvsis tICchm'lues_ PI1Ilciples of assessing the nceds of the local community and "ommunity organizahons. Basic functions of the Police Department. Basic Gri1nt~ anu.lysls. Pmcedures residents and business owners can take to prevent crimes_ hlhhc relations skills, Method, and techniques for record keeping and g~'lleraJ office skills, rommumty event planmng. Pmper English, spellmg and gr~mmar Methods of providing S~"TVICCS and mformation_ Automated Jaw enforcement mfonnatlOn systemo and procedures, Ability To: Develop and"" assist in developing and coord mating crime prcvcnlHlfl programs to fit the citizens of the GOmmumty Make effective presentations at public mcctmgs_ Iostablish and mamtain cooperative working relatlOl1s}lips with those. conlaetcd ][1 the course of work mducl1ng working with the operatIng departnlents, ~OTI1l11umty leaders, co-work(....T1:I~ urgaTll7.atlons, businesses and cll1z;cns. MmnlalTJ records; prepare and present cUlnprehen:-;1ve but sucl~md wntleTl and ora] report.s, newsletters and public mformatHlfl pleces_ l,..ompik~ and ana])' t,e .;itallstical) economic and other data. Telating to :::rime preventIOn. Worl( ilexihle hours, lllduding "vmmgs and weekends_ Operate standard offie" co'lUlpment, inchldil1g a computer Org,ml:Z,(,~ and pr'loritize work asslb:rnnlents. Problem-solve 1:<) develop straTegies in response to community needs_ Safely op~'rak a mo1.or vdlTc1e_ Communicate clearly and ~mlc18ely, both orally and in writing, Follow oral and wntten mstrllctlOns. Operate video and computer equipment. Schedule various aetivlties_ Rema.in calm under emergency situations; work independently and use good JlIdgment Pass backgroulld ~heck to mclllde Department of Justice fingerprinting and rcfLTcncc checks. Physical Standards: The physical standards described are representative of those that mll"t be mct by employees to successfully perform the essentml functions of this class, Reasonable accommodations may be made to cnabk mdlV,dllals WiTh disabilitIes to perform the essential functions, An employee i, regularly n'qlllred 1.0, sit ~t desk and m mectings for long periods of time; talk or bear, III person, in meetings and by telephone; use hands and fingers 1.0 handle:, fed or operate standard office equipnl<'I1t; reach wlth hands and arms; lift and ca.Try equipment such as video equIpment weighing up to 10 pounds; see to read printed materials on a computer sen,~-n; hear and speak to communicate in person and over the telephone, Intermittently, twisT. to reach eqUIpment s\1JToundmg desk; walk to deliver business alert materials; bend and ,quat to p~'T'foml tile searches; perform simple grasping and fine manipulation; use tckpholl<' ~nd wrik or use a hyboard to CO\llmllnlO~te through wnUen means; op~"tate an automobile to attend vano"~ meetings and workshops; and work effectively and accurately in em~'Tgeney sitwHHlUS_ While pcrfo11mng dUlle" Ihe employee is regularly reqUITed to use written and oral communicutlOn skills; know laws, regulations' and codes; remember personnel TIlle" legal ~lld eo de requrrements; explain and interpret codes, pohcles and procedures; mkrad with City management, other govemmental "fj-icia]s, con1.t'actors, vendors, employees and the. public, Training and Ji,xpcrkncc: Anv combinatlon of C:XPCTIC:""" and tmining that would likelv provide. the required kTlowledge and abilities 15 qualifjin!,_ A typlcal Way 1.0 obUm the knowledge and ahilities would be. Education. Bachelor's degree trom all accredited college or university WIth major course work in Criminal Justice Administration or closely related field, EXllerienc:e: t lne year of experience with pro,,'1'ums involving crime prevcn1.ton or related adIvll1es; a Master s degree in Criminal Justice AdnllnlslmtlOll may he, suh<tituted for SIX months ofre.quired experience_ UR Education, A"ociate dq,'Tce with m"10r course work in Criminal Justice AdministratJUn or closely related field. EXIJerience: Three years uf experience with PTOb'TlIlIIS involvmg eri.me prevention or related activities. Some pnor peace officer experience desirable, Licenses; Certificates; Special Requirements: l'osse"lOn of a valid California Class C Driver's License and Certificate of Automobile Insurance for P~Tsonal Liability CompldlOn of POST Basic certificate desl1'able, Dale Adopted: Date Revised: 6/161l99R 6/20/2006 Title: Economic Development Dircetor FLSA: Exempt General Purpose: To plan, urgmlize, dlrecl and coordmatethe activities of the EconomlC Dcvelopment Dlvlslon withm the City Manager's Office including economic development and redevelopment activities; to coordinate economIc dcvelopll1ent and redevelopment activitles with other divisions and departments; and to proVJ<le hIghly complex staff assistance to the City Manager Distinguishing Cbarade.-istics: This IS a Department Head classification repurlmg directly to the City Managcr The ECUllonllC Development Director IS responsible for the planning, administration, and operatJOn of tile Economic Development Division wlthm the City Manager's Office, perJorms responsible and Imlovative admlIlIstrative managcmcnt in support of thc City's goals and obJecl1vcs, and 15 a partlclpt\ting memher or the Clty'S executlVe management team, A persun appomkd to the Economic Development 1 )Ireclor classification is an At-Will Employee_ Supervision Received and Exercised: Receives adlninistratlve tbrectiun from the City Managcr Exerc"es direct or ]11(hred supervision over management, supervisory, professHlIlal, techlll~a] and clencal personnel as apprupnJte. Essential Duties and Respnnsihilities: The lollowll1g dul1cs are nOllJlal rOT this classifieation_ TIle omlSSJOn uf specl fie statements of dul1es does not exclude them Ii-om the position If the work IS Similar, related or a lOgical a~slgnmellt to I.hlS class Develop and lTl1plemelll d,VlSllmal goals, obJectlves, pohcl<.:s aJld procedures, EXHIBIT D Plan, organize and direct eeunumic development and redevelopment activmes mduding development and implementation of strategies and programs to encourage husmc;ss retention and attTacl1 on. Direct, oversee and partlclpate m the developmmlt of the EconomIC Development DivJS10n work plan; assign work acllVltles, projects and programs; monitor work now; review and evaluate work products, methods and pJUcedures_ Prepare the Economic Development DlVlRllJn hudget; aSS18t III budget implc:mcntatioll, part:)cIpate m the forecast of ,1dditlOnal funds needed lor staffing, equipment, matenals and supplies; admInIster the approved budget. Develop and conduct eCOIlOmlC studies, needs assessment, research and financlal analyses; n;search and analyze bllsmess and community demogl'aphlCs; establish, compile and llpdale an economIc development database that includes a real e~tate lIlvenlol)', land c(JMs and lease rates, ar1d related records related to private sector bllSmeSS operatlOns_ Devclop and Implement techmques, strategies, programs and promotllmal matenals to stimulate commercial, industrial and relaled busmess actIVIty; develop financial incentives and resources thORlllgh coordinahon with Stat\; and Fcderal government, the business COnllll\1l1lty and othcr groups_ May recommend the appomtll1ent of personnel; proVIde or coordinate stalf training; conduct. perfOmlal:)ce evaluatlOns; Implement discipline procedures as required; maintain discipline and Ingh standards necessary for the effiCIent and professlOnal operatllJn of the EconomIc Development Dlvlslon. Build and maintain posll1ve workmg relatlonslnps with eo-wurkers, other employees arld the pub he using principles of good customer service, Represent the division and City Manager's Offic'e to outSIde agenCIes and orgam7.ahons: partiClpate in outside cOllll11unity and profeSSIOnal b'Toups and committees; proVIde technical aSSlstance as necessary Research and prepare teclmlc,Il and arlmllllstratlVe reports; prepare wntlen currespulldeIlce, Build and maintaltl positjve workmg relatlOnslllps wlth co-workers, other City employees mId the public llsmg principles of good customer servlce, Pcrfonn other dUlles as assigned, Minimum Qualifications: Knowled!.'e of: Principles and practices of economIC development and redevelopment including busmess recruitment and attracuon, real estate, land develupme;nt and related financlDg alternatives, Principles and praehGes of1eadership, mohvatlUn, tCaJn building and conflict resolution, Pertinent local, State and Federal rules, regulatIons and laws, Modem office proecdures and computer equipment. Pnnclples and practices of orgil11lzatlOnal arlalysis and management. Budgetmg proGcdurcs aJld teclmlques. Principles and practIces ofsupcrvision, trammg and personnel management. Ability tn: Orgamze and direct the EconomIC Developml-1lt Division operations. PerJurrn complex work related to economic development and redevelopment aetivities_ A.nalyze problems, identity altemallvc solutIOns, project consequences of proposed actIOns alJd implement recommendations in support of goals_ Gain cooperation through discussion and persuaSlon_ Interpret and apply City poliCies, procedures, rules and regulations as related to economic development and redevelopment. Prepare aJld administer a budget. Supervlse, tram and evaluate personnel, as appropnak. Establish and maintain effectlVe working relationships With those contacted in the course of work ("ommumcatc clearly and conclSely, both orally and III wntmg, Physical Standards: The physical standards described are representative of those that must be met by employees to successfully perform the essential functions of thIS elaRs. Reasonable aeeomlTlodations may be made to enable mdividuals with disabihtles hI perfoffil the esscntial functions, An employcc is regularly required to sil lor long pcnods of time; talk or hear, in person, in meetings and by telephone; use hands and fingers to h,mdle, feel or operate standard office equIpment, and reach with hands and aID1S_ The employee is frcquently required to, bend and twist to reach files, walk mld stand, and o<;caslOnalIy lift up to 20 pounds, Wllile perfomling dutIes, tile employee IS regularly required to use vmtten and oral commUllI<;atlOn skills; read and intcrprct cumplex data, information and documents; mlalyzc and solve problems; interact with City management, otllergoverrnnental officials, contractors, vendors, employees and the public, Training and Experienec: Any combination equivalent to edll<;ation and experience is likelv to provide the required knowledge allll abihtJes, A typ,<;al way to obtam the knowledge and abilitIes would be: Education: Equivalent to a Bachelor's delo'Tee from an accr<;ditcd college or university with major eourse work in busmess or public administration, economics, urban planning or a closely related field_ A Master's dcgree is deSIrable, ~:XJlericHcc: Four years of full tUlle professional experience III e<;onomlC or business developmCIlt involving pTllgnml development; business attraction, retentlOn and marketmg; real estate development; commercJaI pTllperty bTllkerage/management; financial analysis; and/or chamber ul commerce; experience as a business manager or owner" preferred, Licenses; Certificates; Special Requirements: Possession of a valid California Class C Dnvcr's License and Certificate of Automobile Insurance for Personal Llabihty K) 01' Dijg_ 'e~, (~lJfOV-{}Y Date Adopted: Date Revlsed_ 2115/20n(l 1J/2n;2006 Title: ongllleenng Technician TIlT FLSA: Non"Exempt Gencl"al f'urpose; To perfonn a ,"-ricty of responsible sub-professional engineenng work in the "-reaS of desIgn, construction, surveymg, traffic mld land development. Distinguishing Characteristics: Engineering Technician 1: The EngmLOcring 'I echmcwn I is an entry level technica.1 poslhun, This class IS distinguIshed from the Engineering Tedmician 11 by the perfurmance of the more routllle tasks m,d duties assigned to pflsitions wlthlll thIS series, Employees at this level are Tlot expected hi perform with the smne mdependencc of dnectlOn and judgment on matters related to cstabhshed proeedureH and guidelines as are positions allOLOated to Engineenng TcchmClan II. Since th,S class lS typlLOally used as a trallllllg class, employees may have only limited or TlO dlrLOetly related work experience, bmployees work under lmmedmtc supervlslOn while leamlllg Job tasks, Under general direction, the EngIllLOcring Technlclan I performs sub-profcsslonal eng1l1ccring wurk in the areas of desIgn, constructlOn, survc'ying, traffic and land developmc;m, Tlus posltion may he assIgned office or field dutIes WhICh encompass draftIng, public works constructIOn inspectIon, surveYlllg, matenals teslmg, traffic counts and mvcstigatJOns, plan checl'lllg and other related duties aE reqUlTtJd_ Engineering "(echnician 11 The Engmccnng T ec;hme.mn Jl is the full Joumey level e1iISS WIthin the Engmeenng Technician scries, ThIS class IS distuli'ulshed (j-OIll the Engineenng Tcchmc,an I hy thc assIgnment of the full range of dut,es assigned, E.mplovees at thIS level receIVe only occaslOIlal inslruction or aSslst"nee as ucw or unusual SItuations arise and tbey arc fully aware of the operating procedures ,md pohCles wIthm the work umt. I\'oltlOnR in this e1ass art flexiblv stalTGd and arc normally filled by advaIl"c;lTlcnt from tbe I level. In additlOll to the ahoy(: duties, the Engmeenng T eehrm'lan TI perfOlms advanced, techmcal oJfiGC work and, with general supCrviSICHl from the EXHIBIT E Senior Civil Engmeer and/or Associate Civil Engmeer, 1~ responsible for condllctmg field inspcetions of all Pllhhc works pr(JJects and resIdential, commercIal and mdllstrial development; assisting with traffic, engmeenng and similar studies for public works construction pH1Jects; .preparation of designs for traffic engllleenng projects; checking developm~llt plans; iSSUlllg permits; <;alculating pubbc works fees; and performing other assigned engmec;nng tasks, Essential Duties and Responsibilities: Engineering Technician I: DutieE may mclude, hut are not limited to, the followmg: Assists with COndLLctlllg preliminary studies of engmeering projects, lllcllldmg making calculations, gatherIng supporting data and allalvzing alternatives. Conducts traffic counts, survey' and mvestigations, prepares written reports, Performs drafting m <;onJunetion with work asslgnment~_ Assists with deSign work, including the preparatIon of preliminary drawlllgs, speclfi<;ations and <;(JSt esl1mates. Performs routine field mspc;etions and testing to momtor performance or confomllt)' with plans mld specifications, Checks records and plans tor alignments, grades, dramage and rclated structural charaderisties, ASSIsts contractors and the pubb<; m mtt,'1'jlrctlllg and complying WIth conHtruetlOn reqlllrements_ Utilizes personal computer (traffic signal, word processing and spreadsheet functIons) and oth<;r office equipment mcluding photocopier, calcu.lator and hluepnnter, Engineering Technician IT In additIOn to the above duties, the Enginc;<;ring T eChnlClan TJ dutIes may m<,lude, but are not ImJlted to, the followmg: Prepares engmeenng, deSIgns, plans, speclficatlllns and cost estimates for the wnstruetion, repair, or malllteWll1<;e of- ,anuus public works projects ll1volvmg streets, parks and TeGreation facihl1es, dramagc: stnletures, lraffic sIf,~Jals, street lights, traffic 8lgnmg and pavmg markIngs, lmgalloll systmI1s. Designs and drafts plans and specifications for landscapmg projects, playgrounds, parks, and recreal1nn f'acihtlc;s includmg 1m gallOn deslgl\ plan materials, selectIOn SIte layout and b'fading, plan transpl,mtmg details, aIld related projects. Reviews development plans lor ~onfom1ance WIth engmeenng reqUlremcnts, wnte~ property descriptIOns; cakulatGs development fees and mOTlllors trust accounts; updates Cil" maps; ancl evaluates applieatJOns and Issues cneroaclll11ent permIts, Conducts studlCs to delemline the need for traffic controls; prepares signmg and marking plans and traffic SIgnal desIgns; reviews constnlCtlon zone traffic control plans; reVIews traffic accldent reports and prepares eolhswn diagrams; meets with the public and other City department to recelVe requests and explam City pohcles and traffic engineenng procedures, Uses drafting techniques and procedures to draw complex engineering drawings; prepares graphs, charts, and exhibIts for presental1ull; prepared project desIgn, speclfications, and cost estimates for city proJects such as streets, sewers, storm drains, water lines, and traffic slgnals, Coordinates engineering and deSIgn efforts WIth contractors; lllspeets SItes, and checks deSIgns and plans for compliance with cxistlng codes and engineering and traffic safctv princIples; participated III reconstruction reVlew meetlllgs and coordinated proposed and eXlstmg grades and traverses; parl1dpates 1Il final proJect inspec,hons_ Operates blueprint machine anti various other office machmes; operates a personal computer to perform Computer Altled Draftmg (CAD), work processlJJg and spreadsheet functlOns; organizes and maintains files, records, and base maps; aSSIsts contractors and the public in mterpretlJJg and complymg with constmctlon requirements; prepares monthly progress pavment records; Issues stop work orders when necessary; checks cumpliance of corttraetors with regulal10ns govcrning wages anti payroll, and investigates arId resolves citizens complaints regarding construction work of City facilities; and enforces safety regulations_ The omisSlOn of speCIfic statements of dutIes tloes not exclude them from the position 1'1' the work is similar, related or a logIcal aSSIgnment to this class. Minimum Qualificatinns: Knowled2e of: Engilleering Technician I Surveymg teclullques, M atenals, methodR and eqUIpment used 1Il testmg of construction materials, Civil engineenng symhols, methods, practices, procedures and lllslruments uRed IJJ engineenng draflmg Engineerinf.: Technician 11: (In addition 10 abovl'1 PnneIplcs mld pradll'CS of engmeenng related to deslgn, cOllstmctlon, and mallltenance of street, slde\\-alks, dramage, and related publIc works prlljeets, CiVll englTll'ering t1eSlgIJ and draJilllg tecllllH-jues and procedures, Methods of conductll1g vanous surveys and stucl1 "S_ Mathematics mcluding survey teclmiques and pracl1ces utihzmg algebra, geometTY, and trigonometry City engineering policles, ord1Oanees, standards, and specificatlOns. Principles and practices of traffic engmc:ering, Local, state and federal laws pertaming to vehIcular traveL Modem office pracllces, procedures, metbotls and equipment. Customer ~erVIce skills, Ability To: Engineering Technicianl: Draft engmeering drawings and plan~_ Conduct minur field surveys Compile basic cngineering data_ Rcad, evaluate and mterpret complex constructlOn drawings, construction plans, constmetion st<lkmg survey controls, profiks, cross"sectlOns, topograph,,; 10<11'8, plats and related techmcal repolts, Assist with preparation of maps, layouls <lnd plans, ReVIew plans for conformance with City stannards and pohcles_ Use draHmg mstruments, varlOUS survey IIlstrurncnts, soils and materials testmg equipment, syrnhnls, traffic counters and related engl11~",rl11g "'LJlllprnent and make required matbematical computations, Operate personal computer and related office equipment. Fsbbhsh and mamtam effectlVL working relallOnshlps ,-"nth those Gontacted in the course or work. CommUlllcate effectIvely both orally and in WrItIng, engineering Technician IJ: (Tn additron to abihtles hsted above) Prepare designs for capItal Improvement projects followmg pre-detemllned ~tandards anti cntena. Analyze construction methods to detemllnc wnformanee with accepted standards and enforce correctIve actions when necessary Read, evaluate and interpret, and explalll complex construction drawmgs, specIucatJon, change orders, survey data aJld technical reports, Prepare and mamtam. requn-ed records and cone~pondence Interpret appropnate rules, regulal1ons, contracts, laws and OrdlllallCes. Draft and prepare legal property deseriptiuns, Assist 111 the lIlspection of public works projects for compliance with standards and specIficatIons_ Correctly read and mterpret field constructJon staklllg survey controls, construction plans, profiles, cross-sections, topographic maps, and plats, Utilize personal computers and computer software to perform calculatIOns ~uch a' traverses, dosures, profiles, grades, areas, vertical curves, and quantities_ Prepare clear and conCISe reports, Physical Standarll~: The physlcal standards dcs"ribed are representatlVe of those that must be met by employee~ [0 successfully perform the essenl1al funcl10ns of thIS class_ Reasonahle accommodationsmav he made to enable mdivlduals WIth dIsabihl1es to perform the essential functions, An employee IS reg~tlarly required to sit for long periods of time; intermittently stand, walk, bend, and tWIst to reach equipment around desk; drive a motor vehICle; move across rough tcrram and bndge scaffolding; climb into and out of sewer holes and trenche" up 25 fO(lt ladders, and several flight of stmrs; u~e draflmg mstrl!menlS, re,"] fine pnnt on blue prints and VDT's; converse m person, over the telephone, two-way radio, and anmnd the DOlse of' heavy construcllon eqUIpment, writc and use keyboard to commul1lcate; operate a caleulator; mlennlttently lift mld eany files alld maps welghmg up lo i( I pounds, Read and lllterprct eomplex data, mformatlOn and documents; analyze and solve problems; l1l1.eract with L'ity managemenl, other govemrnental offiCIals, contractors, vendors, employees and the public_ Education, Experience, and Training: Any eornbmal1on equlvJlent to education and experience IS likely tu prOVIde the n:quired knowledge and abihtles, A typical way to obtain the knowledge and ahilitles would be' EngineerinK Technician 1 Educati"n: High school graduation or equnalent, supplemented by technical course work in drafting or related engineenng subJects, Associate (AA or AS) degree desirable. Experience: Some experience In fi.eld survey and draftmg related to cTvil engmeenng work IS deSIrable Education and trammg m the use of personal computers is also highly deSlTable_ Engineering Technician IT Education: Completion of two-year college course leadmg to 'ill Associatc uf Arts degree with coursework m land surveying, engineenng deHlh'Tt, technical drafting, and civil or traffic engineermg, Experience: Two to three years experience in profeSSIOnal or sub-professional CIVil engineering work fhat lllcludcs civil engmeenng deSIgn, construction engineering/inspection, land survey, and/or traffic engmeenng, Traininl!: Anv recent training such ao, academic courses and cerllficahon programs, whIch arc rclcvant to this job elass1f'icatlUl1, Licenses; Certificates; Special Requirements: Possession of a ,,,11<1 Cahfornia Class C Driver's Llcen,e and Certificatc of Automobile Insurance for Personal 1 ,lability OfDli~ ('7 ::;Q;~"1%:P lIl.NI~ ~,~ 1Y ~ ~)~~) ~, ~~!! QiJ,jl'O?-'''A''" flate "dopled: Date Revised: 12/1411992 612012006 Title: Finance Manager FLSA: Exempt General Purpose; To plan, organize, direct and coordinate the activitIes of the Finance DivIsR1TI within thc Administrative Services Department mcluding paJToll, financial reporting, audit procedures, cash How maJlagement, purchasing, fixed asset inventory, busllless license and Deputy City Treasurer functlOns; t(l cotlrdinatc Finance DlVision activItIes with other diVlslOns and departments; and to provlde highly complex staff assistance to the Dm:dor of AdminIstrative Scrviees, Distinguishing Characteristics: The hnance Manager position is a managcmcnt pOSitIon re~ponsible for direcllng, supervlslllg arId partlclpatmg 111 the activities of the Finance DiVISlon and provides highly responsible and complex staff aSSIstance to thc Administratlvc Services Director Incumbents In thIS classification have a broad rar1gc of independence within policv and procedural limltatlUnS arid work under mimmal supervlSJon_ The Incumbent is accountable to the Admllllstrativc Services Director for the effective supervision uf personnel and the qualIty and efficlCney of servIces directed, 'While the general par'ameters of the joh are defmed, the enlploycc is expected to select and put into effect work procedures and practices which will lead to the effective and efficlent accomplishment of Department/DivisIOn goals_ Recommendal1oIls on the Improvement of Division activities are expected, Persons appo]11ted to thiS class1l1catlOn are At Will Employees serving at the pleasure of thc City Manager. Supervision Received and Exercisl,d: RGCelVeS administratIVe direchon from the Dlrector of AdmimstrallVe Services_ ExerCIses direct supervision over assigned supeTVlsory, professional, technical and clerical personneL EXHIB'lT F Essential Duties and ResptJnsibilities: The following dutIes are normal for this classifi~atJOn, The omisslOn of speclfi~ statements of duties does not exclude them from the pOSltlOn ]1' the work is similm-, related or a logical assignment to this class, Develop and Implement divls10nal goals, objectives, pohcles and procedures, Plan, organize and direct Finance Division actlVlt!es including municIpal accounting operations such as accounts pavable, accounts receIVahle, payroll, purchasmg, treasury disbursements and buslIless lIcense ISsuance and momtonng, DIrect, oversee and parllCipatc in the development of tbe Finance Division work plml, assign work aCtIVltleS, projects and programs; monitor work flow; reVlew and evaluate work products, methods and procedures, Prepare the Finance D,vls,on budget; assl~t m budget implementahon; participate in the forecast of addihonal funds needed for staffing, equipment, m<llenals and supplies; administer the approved budget; assist in preparation of the City's budget, mamtain budgetary control records and aSsl~t III recOlnmendmg and projecting aJillual expenditures, Per]orm as Dcputy City Treasurer, Idcntifymg and coordinating lllvestment opportunities llJ coniunetion with local and state laws and pohcles; participate in managlllg the City's investment prognllU, mcludmg finanCIal planning and development of management strategies to momtor short and long krm financial stabihty_ ASS1St with mteTllal control and auditmg functions; ensure prupc:r preparation ofrecords for various audits, and assIst llldependent auditors; dIrect and part]cipate III the prepar-ahon ufvarious financIal and statlSllcal reports, including mvestment reports for the City CounCIl and reqUired State and Federal reports, Recommend the <lppOlntment of division personnel, proVIde or coordinate starf training; conduct perfOllll<lnCe e, aluatlUns; implement disclphnc procedures as reqLLlred; rnamtain discipline and high standards nc:ccssary for the effiCIent and professIOnal opm'allon of the AdministratIve Services [lepartm~111. '\SSIst m revJ.ewmg various mumcJpal Hervice fees and rates mcluding garbage rates, insurance costs, and related cost issues; assIst. 11l llPcrational adml111stratllHl of risk management activities as ass]e,'l1ed_ BUild and mmntam posmve working relatIOnshIps WIth co-workers, other CilJ employees and the puhile llsmg pnnCIp1eS lIf good customer servlCe Represent the dlVislon and department to outside agencies and orgalllzatlOns; participate in outside comlllumty and professIonal groups and committees; provide technical assistance as necessary Research and prepare technical and administrative reports; prepare wntten corrcspondence" Perform .related duties as assigned_ Minimum Qualifications: Knowled!1e of; Pnnclples and practices of muui"lpal aecounbng, budgetmg, auditing, financmg, and investment actlvlbes_ Principles and prachees ofleadershJp, motivation, team building and con1lict rcsolutlon_ Pertment loeal, St~le ~nd Federal rules, regulations and laws. Modem offi"c procedures and computer equipment. Pnnclples and practIces of organizational analysis and managen1ent Budgehng pro~~dur"s and techUlques_ Principles ~lld pradIces uf supervision, tTaming and personnel mmlagemenL Abilitv To. lJrgaml-e and dir~et the Fmance D,V,SIOn operations of the AdmllllstratlVe Services Department. Perlarm wmplex work of the Department. Analyy,e problems, Jdentlfy alternative solutJOns, project consequences of proposed actions and nnplernent rccommendatlOns in support of goak (Jain eCloperal.lOn through diSCUSSion and p<xsuasion, Interpret and apply City and department policies, procedures, rules and regLdahons, Prepare and admll11ster multiple budgets, Supc-rvise. tram anrl evaluate personneL EstablIsh and ma1l1tain effectJVe workmg rclationshlPs with those CC\Dlacted in the course of work. CommUnicate clearly and concIsely, both orally and m writmg, Pby~ical Standards: The physical stmldards described are representatIVe of those that must be met hv employees to successfully perfollll the essentIal filllcl10ns of this class_ Reasonable accommodations may be made to enable mdivlduals wlth disabilities to perfollll the essenl1al functIons, An cmplovee IS regularly reqUIred 10 sit Jor long peDods of time; talk or hear, in person, in meetmgs and by telephone; uSe hands and fingers to handle, feel or uperate standard office eqUIpment; and reach wIlh hands and arms, The employee IS frequently reqmred to, bend and tw1Bl to reach files, walk and stand, and occasionally lift up 10 20 pounds While performing duties, the emplovee 1S regularly requIred to use written and oral commUlllcatlOn skills; read and interpret complex elata, lllformal1on and documents; analyze and solve problems; mteraet with City management, olher govcrmnental officials, contractors, vendors, employees and the public_ Training and ExpHience: Any combination equ"aknt to education and experience IS likely to provIde the required knowledge 'md abihl1es_ A typical way to ohtain the knowledge and ablbhes would he Education: Equivalent to a Bachelor's degree fi-om fUl accredited collegc or universlty with major course work in accouDtmg, business or pllbhL admmistrat1<1ll, or a related field_ EXllcrience: Four years of mcreasingly respoDsible expenence m rrtllIllcipal finanec or accollntmg, mcluding two yeaTS of supervisory responsibility Licenscs; Certificates; Spech.l Requirements: POSSeSSH1ll or a vabd Cahfolllm Class C Driver's License and Cerl1ficat~ of Automobile hlsurancc for Personal LIahihty -,-,oy Ot;--" ,"'- .--- y~<< (~~J -.QjifJ'O?'0" Date Adopted, 8/11/1986 Date ReVIsed: 6/20/2006 Title: Recreation Coordinator FLSA: Non-Exempt General Purpose: To assist in the development, organizatIOn, and scheduhng of daily operations of recrcation activities in the delivery of recreatIOn program areas mcluding preschool, playgroLLnd, parks, teens, sports, special events, serum citizens, leIsure ennchment, and aquatics, Distinguishing Characteristics: Employees assigned to this elassificatJon are rcsponsihle for plamling, coordinating and implementing commumty programs at the City's rccreation facihhes or are in charge of a city-wide program, The mcumbent is expected to perlonn routme and dlfficult staff work in recreation and take specIfic responsibihty for the assigned recreatIOn programs and overSee temporary and seasonal personnel. Supervision Received and Exercised: R<CCC:1VC:S administrative dlrechon from the Parks & Communitv ServIces Manager or general supervision from the Recrcatiun SupervISor May eXerC1SC technical and functJOnal supervISIon over part-time recreatIon staff, as ilppropnate Essential Dnties and Responsibilities: The lolluwing duties are nOTTllal lor this cbsSlficatlurL The OffilSSlOn of specific statements uf dutws does not exclude thc:m 1rom the positlOll if the work is SImilar, related or a lOgICal aSSI ~'llment to thIS class_ Conduct and oversc:c, and assist m planning and rlevelopmg rcereational program areas such as preschool, playground, parks, teens, sports, special event~, and senior clllZ.en ~lCtlV1LH:':S_ EXHIBIT G Plan, oversee, and conduct recreatIOnal acllvities appropriate to a vanety of locations such as playgrounds, parks, community centers, school sites, and spOlis facihtles. Sclwdulc usc uf recreation facilities and oversee relat"d maintenance; obtain supplies and eqmprnent relatcd to facility operation. Compose and prepare promotIOnal materials such as flyers, program brochures, newsletters and press releases. Oversee pari-lime recreatIon staff as assigned and reVIeW aetiviti"s of volunteers and mdependelll contractors_ Prepare informatIOn and reports related tu program budgets_ Maintain records and prepare written program plans and reports, May prOV)(le mll10T first a1d to recreation program palilClpants/spcctators and/or perform related first aid/emergency techniques. Build and mamtam posillve workmg relationships WIth co-worh;rs, other City employees and the pub he usmg pnnClples of good customer serVlce_ Perform other duties as assigned, Minimum Qualifications: Kllowled2e of: Techniques and methods related to the operatlOn of recreatIon programs and facilities, including needs requirements related to participant disabihties, BasIc supervisory and motivational techmqlles_ Basle recreiLllon program blldgetmg_ Perlmenl local, State and Federal laws, ordinances and rules_ bnghsh language usage, spellmg, puncluallul1, >md grmnmar Abilit~ to: ASSIst m the devGloprr",mt, organization, and schedulmg of daIly opGratlons of recreatlOn ;1cllvmes and taclhtles. Plan, organIze, and "onduet rcereation programs, mcludlIlg as r~lated to specIfic re.~rcallOll facil111es. Oversee, t.ram, and provlde Illpul to evulual10n of part-time staff; assess acttvitles of volunteers and independent contractors, Communicate concisely orally and III wntmg. Communicate in an effective lllmmer. Use a persollal computer, mcluding word processing, spreadsheet, database, and desktop pLIblishmg apphcatlOns, Establish and maintain cooperative working relatIonshIps WIlli those contacted III the course of work_ Attend d~y evenmg, and weekend meetmgs and events, Physical Standards: The phvs1cal standards described are representative of those thilt must be met by employees to successfully perform the essential functlolls or this class, Reasonable aCCt1l1lmotlatlOnH may be made to enable individnals WIth dlSilbihlles to perform the essential functIons. On a continuo LIS baSIS, know and understand all aspects of the Job; intermittently analyze work papers, repOlts and special projects; identifv and mterpret kclmical and numerical information, observe and report operational and teclmlcal policy and proeedur~s. On an mt~ml1ttent basis, sit at desk for long periods of time, stand, walk, and bend while conductmg/revlewmg recreatIOn programs; SlJUat, chmb, kneel and twist Illterrlllttently wben setting up various reereatlOn programs; perfonn sImple graspmg and fine mampulatlUn_ and hH ur curry welghl of 1 00 pounds ur \css, Training and Experience: Any combmatlOn eqUIValent to education and expenenee that IS likely to provide the reqUIred knowledge arId abililles lS qualifying, A typIcal way to obtam the knowledge and abilrlles WOl.Lld be- Edu('ation: EqUIvalent to an ASSOCIate's (A. ~_ or A, S,) degree from an aCCTethted college or university with major course work III recreation, leIsure activities or a closely related field, A Bachelor s deh'Tee IS deslrahle EXJJcrit'n(e: Two years of progressIVelv responsible plud experience III reCTeatl(lll progranlnling. Liceuses; Certificates; Special Requirements; Current certIfication in First I\ld and CPR is preferred, For AquatIC positions, eertificatJOn m Lifeguard Training, First AId, CPR and Water Safety Instrucbon is preferred. Posscssion ofa valid California Class C Driver's LIcense and a Certificate of Automotive Insurance for Personal LIability K)--0r5Z7h', ~~~'\ 111 ~h~ ~" ~~~~ 9!.yfC)'JY-"'-' Date Adopted: Date Revised: 712311984 612012006 Title: Recreation Supervisur FLSA: Exempt General Purpose: Undcr direction of the Parks and Community ServIces Dlrector [he RecreatIOn Supervisor IS responsible for management ofmulllclpal recreatIon pTllgrams and facilities, meludmg pJannmg, organizing and implementlllg a vanet} of recreatIOnal services, acl1vlt1es and programs_ Distinguishing Characteristics: The RecreatIOn SupervIsor IS consIdered a supervisory Icvd classificatIOn with rcsponsibility lor planning, courdinating and implementing a slgmficant portIOn of recreation programs offered by the City Positions m thIs class cnntrihute to the overall management of the Parks & Commumty ServIces Department hy partI~Ipatmg in the dcvdopment of pultelcs arId procedures, developing and implementing program goals and ohJectlves, whlie provHlmg conformance to overall departmental glJals and obJectives, and partlclpatmg III the development and Illcmitonng of budgets, Positions in this elass exercise considerable discrcl1un and indepcndencc in coordinating assigned segments of the Ot) 's recreatIOn pro granlS , The Recreation SUpervISor ,hffers fTllm the Recreahun Coonlmal.or m thaI. the RecreatIon SupervIsor IS responsible lor a large segment of the City's recreatIOn pro,,'Tams and has adn:nll1~tralTve responsibility fur aSSlgH~d progranlS, mc1udmg budget contrul and cvaluatmg the progress ufprograms, Supervision Reeeived aud Exercised: Rect:lvcs dLrcctlOn from the Parks and COIllIllLmity SCrvlCCS Director or Parks and Community S~rviecs Manager ExerCIse, direcT or indirect supervisIOn over supervlsol)', pmtesslOnal, teclmlcaJ ilTJd c1enr.at pp.rsonnel as appropriate, EXHIBIT R Essential Duties and Responsibilities: The followmg duties are normal for thIS classification. The omlSRllln of specific statcments of duties does not exclud<: thcm from the positlOo If the work is SImilar, related or a logical aSSIgnment to this class, Manages, develops, organizes and supervIseH the daily operation of mUnicIpal recreation programs ,md facilities in assIl;'Tled program area that may lIIclLlde: playgrounds, preschool, teens, adult/youth sports, specIal events, senior dtizens, leisure enncrmlent classes and aquatIcs; maintains records m connectIOn with the assigned program area. Recruits, trains, supervIse, and cvaluates program and clerical staff, volunteers, part-time staff and mdependent contractors, Develops and manages operatmg and capital expenditure hudgets and program revenuc budgets, Develops and manages contractulll servl<:e a!;'1'c<:ments Researches and prepal'Cs stafl reports, promotIOnal materials .including flyers, program brochures, newslettl':rs, press releases and related material, Schedules use of facilil1es and OVersees maintenance achvlties and obtains necessary supphes and eqlllpmmt related 10 facility operatIOn, Prepares prelimmary budget for Department Head review; recommends prugram pnorihes and staff needs; supervIses the culledion and accounting of lllomes; maintllins records and contracts m connecl1on with assigned program areas; monitors and controls expendItures of divislOn and maintams an mventory control system, 4pplics City and department poliCIes, procedures, rules and regulatlllns p<o'1'taining tn the work and to the work group- lIul1akE official disClplmaT)! actlllns as ncecssary; Idenl1 fics and/or resolves cumplaints as needed_ Meets with citizens, commumty groups and public and pnvate agenCIes to dISCllSS programs and chmfy pTOc~durcs mId identify needs; makes and receives phone calls, attends meetmgs and eonlCrcnecs and makes public presentatIOns, Idenllfies altematlvt;slor Improvmg servIces, cOllsldenng sueh factors as costlhenefit amI lllarketIl1g analysis, safety of personnel and effects un operations and level of s<:rVlce, recommends mId Implements llnprovL,mcnts as directed, EffectIvely coordmates activities with Department staff, other City staff, outside agencIes contracl(JrR, busmess representatives, commumty !;'TOUPS and other customers. Attends day, evening aJld weekend meetlllgs and events, Performs other duties as aS~lgned_ Minimum Qualifications: Knowledl1e of: Th" obJeetivcs, trends, techmljues and pnnciples of Recrcation Administration and progrmn development and management. Related marketmg, budgetary, orgamzatlOnal, staffing, supervisory principles alld teehmques essential to the operatIon of an effe"l1ve re"reation program, CLLstomer serVIce teelmiques Federal, state and local laws, regulatIOns and court decisions applicable to assigned areas "f respon~ibihty; Ability To; Effectively manage assigned operallOns and facilitics and supervise assigned personncL Keep informed of changes III mJ,)mmtlOl1, tcclmology, software and other equipment :md methods that have potential for improvmg departmenlal servIce delivery goals, IdentifY w~ys of acbIeving improvement and effiCiency m a fashlOll respon~ive to the needs ofthe City's CLlstomers_ Effectively communicate m wntlllg and verbally Estabhsh and maintain coopcrative and effective relatIOnshIPS wIth those contacted in the course of work. Physical Standards: The p\Jvslcal standard dcseribed are rcprcSel1t~tlve of t\Jose that musl he met by employees to successfully perform the essentIal fundllllls of thlS "lass_ Reasunable accolllmudations may be mane to enahle IIldlVlduals with disahilih~s to pertoml the ~sscntial functions, On a conllllues baSIS, know arId llnd~rstalld all aspects of the Job; mtelmiUentJv analyze work papers, reports and spccial proj cets; identify and mterpret teclllllcal and numerical mformatJon, ohserve and report operatIOnal and technIcal polley and procedures. An emplovee 1S regularly reqmred lo sit for long penods of time; talk or hear, 10 person, III meetmgs and by telephone; UHe hands and fingers to handle, feel or operate standard office eqUIpment; and reach with hands and arnlS_ The employee IS frequently rcquired to bend and twist to reach files; walk and stand; carry, push, pull or otherwisc move obJccts; and hfi or carry weight of 30 pounds or less. While periorrning dutIes, the employee 15 regularly rcquircd to use wnttcn and oral comnmnicatlOn sblls; read aIld interpret cornpkx data, infonnatlOn and documents; arlalyzc and solve problems; intcract WIth City management, other governmental officials, contractors, vendors, employees and the puhlic Training and Experience; i-\n'y combination equivalent to educatioll and expcrience IS likely tu provide the required knowledge and ahilities, A typical way to obtain the knowlcdgc and ahibtles would be: Education: Bachelor's degree from an accreditcd college or ulllversity majonng m RecreatIOn AdministratIon or m a closely related field, Experience: A minimum of three years of full-tIme profeSSIonal (pmd) expcrience m recreation prob'1'amming or adrnmistratioll, IlKlud10g one year of lead re'1"msihility and/or supervisory expenence, Licenses; Certificates; Special Requirements: First AId and CPR Certification preferred, For aqualrc5 pOSItIOns, Life Guard and Water Safety Instructor certifIcates are demahlc, Possessiun of a valid Cahfornm Class C Dnver's License and Cerllficate of Automobile Insurance for Personal Llability to he securcd prior to employrn~nt and maintamed eUlTent as a condil1un of continued City employment. (, ICTTYRECRdOBSPECSIRecreation SupervISor duc