HomeMy WebLinkAbout3.3 2003 CitizenOfTheYear CITY CLERK File # ?-Il 11'/",Il · AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: February 17, 2004 SUBJECT: 2003 Citizen of the Year Nominations Report Prepared by Kay Keck, City Clerk .ATTACHMENTS: Nomination Forms Submitted RECOMMENDATION:/~ Present Certificates of Recognition to Nominees FINANCIAL STATEMENT: None DESCRIPTION: Each year, the City 0fDublin recognizes a citizen who has made a significant contribution toward enhancing the quality of life for residents of Dublin during the past year. Mayor Lockhart and Councilmember McCormick currently serve as the Citizen & Organization of the Year Committee. Once nominations have been made, the Committee arranges for the judging to be done by individuals or organizations outside the City of Dublin. The winning citizen will be announced at the City's "Spotlight on VOlunteers'' event being held on Thursday, February 26, 2004 at the Dublin Radisson Hotel. In addition, the winner's name will be engraved on the perpetual plaque, which hangs just inside the Council Chambers,. The citizens nominated this year include: Catherine Brown, Dave Burton and Kathleen (Kelly) Knabe. The nominees were invited to attend this City Council meeting and invitations have been extended for them to attend the Volunteer Recognition event on Febmary 26th. Staff recommends that the Mayor present each nominee with a Certificate of Recognition for being nominated as Dublin's 2003 Citizen of the Year. ' CopIEs TO: Nominees ITEM NO. __~ forms/agdastmt.doc ~ ~\ 20~03 CITIZEN OF THE YEAR NOMINATION NOMINEE MUST RESIDE IN DUBLIN DOES ~O:E :OW O: T~S NO:iTION? . : :~ ' ~O ~ ~FE~ TO T~.ESTd~S~:~.C~:~ ~:sted on reverse) ~D W~ YOU FEEL THIS ~E~ON IS DESER (Attach additional sheet ff necess~) .Pvvv.~~ ~.u~: C:~ c'.:_~-~ ~"",., - ' -IMPORTANT= ~.O~ER TO BE CONS~E~D, T~S NO~A~ON FO~ ~ST 8E ~CE~ED._~..T~ OFFICE OF T~ CI~ ~AGE~ D~L~ C~C CEN~ 100 C~C PLEA, 01/22t2~04 12:45 925@284247 DUBL~.~C O~ G ~ ' ~ 2003 CITIZEN OF THE Y~R HOM!~TiO~ uus P~SE ~FER TO ~ EST~~D C~ ~d on revise) ~D DE~E ~ SFEC~IC CO~~O~ ~E BY ~ ~DU~ ~D ~ YOU FEEL ~S pE~ON ~ DESER~G OF ~ ~RZ SP~ ~C~ON u .... ..... ~ ~',:' ' ..../ '" : '~"' , / : t ~ o~a~ T0 a~ co~s~a~, ~S ~o~anos ~o~ ~ST ~a ~C~:~ ~ o~HcE o~ ~ c~ ~AO~ D~L~ c~wC ~L ~ ~ C~C H0 LAiR ~ ~0 ~.m.~ danu~ 22~ ~. CITIZEN OF THE YEAR NOMINATION PHO~ ~ER: .~ ....... , ................................................ Do~s No~ ~ow oF ms ~o~~?~~ PLEASE ~FER TO .THE ESr~L~S~EO. C~~ flisted 0n reverse) ~D W~ YOU FEEL T~S PE~ON IS DESERV~G OF T~S (Attach additional sheet ~ O~ER TO BE CONS~E~D, T~S NO!~ATION FO~ ~ST BE ~CE~ED~ T~ OFFICE OF T~ CITY ~AGE~ D~L~ C~IC CEN~ 100 C~IC PLEA, NO LAiR T~ 3:00 p.m.~ Jan~a~ 22) 2004, Citizen of the Year Nomination David Burton I am nominating David Burton for Citizen of The Year for his leadership in restoring the Old Murray School Bell Tower located on Dpnl0~n~.Way- Dave has many accomplishments to his credit, including the formation of the original government for the City of Dublin in 1982. Last year, Dave fulfilled a drem~pf.~.~many in the community by forming the campaign to restore the bell tower on the historic Murray School. He organized a parmership with Rotary, the Dublin Chamber_ of :C°mmerce' the City, past students of the school and interested citizens of the valley to raise the mopey for the project. Historic preservation is often put on the back burner.because ofmonetary constraints. Dave devised a fundraising program that required the community to come up with a portion ofthe~°iieY~i ihe' C'i~3~-~ed to fund the remaining costs. This created an ownership of the project by the community and demonstrated the pride we feel for our heritage DUring the dedication ceremony of the bell tower, many of the former stu~!~rt[scame.t~ ...... ring the bell that used to call them to class. This experience was exciting for all of us to watch and to know that the bell tower, as an example of our past, will be appreciated by generations to come. Respectfully submitted, Linda Jeffery Sailors CITIZEN OF THE YEAR NOMINATION NOMINEE MUST RESIDE IN DUBLIN .... DOES NO~E ~OW OF TmS, NP~T[9~? ............ .~..~S ~ NO PLEASE ~FER TO THE ESTABLISHED C~~ ~istedon reverse) AND DESC~BE THE ~~~'~ON5'~DE BY T~S ~D~IDUAL ~D W~ YOU FEEL ~S PE~ON IS DESERV~G OF THIS VERY SPEC~L ~COGN~ION (Att~h ~ditional sheet ~necess~) Dave Burton has put his heart and soul into this ci~. I nominate Dave for Citizen of the Year for many reasons, but in particular, a special project he completed in 2003. He had a dream of restoring the historic Murray Sehoolhouseby replacing the bell that once topped the building. This was no small undertaking. It took thousands of dollars, lots of volunteers and a man determined to preserve, a piece of Dublin history. To me, the small historic park where the~ old_s.g.~oJ~o~~i~, along side old St. Raymond's church and. th~ PiOneer eemete~ is, by far, D~blin~s most v~l~able asset. It eau neverbe~.~p~aeed and sho~ld be prese~ed for the generafiona to come. ~or Dave to p~t the care and effort ~to.that pr~]eet sh~ws the true spirit of whatit a O~bl~n e~fizem ~ ~ive ne~t do~ t.~9_t~.~..~[d~.~.Efay Schoolhouse and "eve~ time ~ hear the bell Hug, ~ think of a gentler time and I think of Dave Bueton. ....................... ' OFFICE OF T~ CITY ~A~ D~L~ C~C CEN~R, 100 2003 CITIZEN OF THE YEAR NOMINATION NOMINEE MUST RESIDE IN DUBLIN Dav'id C. Burton ..~ NUMBER: 925-829-4390 NOMINATOR: tlancy Feel ey 925-828-6_200 PL~SE ~FER TO THE ESTABLISHED C~TE~ ~isted on reverse) AND D~CmBE THE SPECWlC C ONTmB~IONS ~DE BY THIS INDWlDg~L ~D w~ YOU r~ ,~$' 7~' ~C -7.'~ (Attach a~itio~l sheet ~nece, s~) SEE ATTACHHENT. ~ O~ER TO BE CONS~E~D, ~S NOM~ATION FO~ ~ST BE ~CENED.~ T~ OFFICE OF T~ CI~ ~AQ~R, D~L~ C~C CEN~R, 100 C~C PLEA, NO LAiR T~ 3:00 p.m., Janua~ 22, 2004. Dave Button's accomplishments and contributions to the Dublin community span over a period of thirty years, from the time'Dave &.~Be~_~9~.n_mad~ ~ ~ ........... Dave was one. of the key individuals instmrrt~.e..n~!.~.~Dub!~ ~.~ing a city, serving on the first elected City Council and again in later years serving a total of eight years on the Council as a C0uncilmember and.~j~q~. ~M. ~_ayor. Dave has always been an active advocate of business in Dublin. A member of the Chambe3 for.gy~r~5 years, Dave sei~ the Board of Directm fo~[ m~-~.~'~an~l~'~ ¢~/}~i~-3~ii~b~f~e~Cli'~be}-'~~''1~97'9'.] D~ve~'i attends and supports all Chamber sponsored functions anO~yQ!~ ~ur!~ ~.~e~r~s~~n .... ._. ..... needed. In 2003 the citizens of Dublin were witne~ ng and dedication of the Bell Tower at the Old Murray S ho;i Dort!;;h way, today utilized as ~iiiii~S~?~ii~,~_ldren residents and visitors alike to visit and~!e~..arn~.m,~re ~bg. ut~.t~e~tpry of Dublin. The Bell Tower project may not have happened without the tireless efforts of Day.e B~.~B. Fh~o. started the fundr~s ~er~.~dri~.ye~tp~,.r.~ai~je en~9ugh monies to rebuild the Bell Tower, The original Bell Tower on the old Murray School House was destroyed years earlier in moving the building. Dave contacted all loqg!.s~..0rganizations, residents, news media as well as the Ch .amberof Commerce m~ ~.~!jcj[~rsupport and efforts in raising monies to preserve a part of Dublin's history. Due to Dave's motivati~R~.and~esir. ~to~9~.~e:~ projects through to the end result, everyone in Dublin can enjoy the ringing of the Bell ToWer for.mag~.y years to come. CITIZEN OF THE YEAR NOMiNATiON NOMINEE MUST RESIDE IN DUBLIN PHO~ ~ER: 1, ~9 - ....................................................................... ~Oh~ATOR: ~ < DOES NO~E ~O~.~OF ~8.~P~~0~? '~S ~ NO ~E~SE ~F~n rO rHE ~STA~7~HED.C~~ ~isted on reverse ~[ , ~ (Attach additional sheet ~ne~ess~) , ,..~.-.~'x_~<~()%-"~:..i'vx.'JP~¥m . -~ < ,, , ~ ~-::,~ ~p(- ' - ' '"' ' .~.-- OFFICE OF T~ CITY ~AGE~' D~L~ CI~C C~R, I00 C~IC PL~,