HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 4.02 Cable Television AT&T Corp
File # []~~~-~~
Change of control of the cable television franchise from
Telecommunications, Inc. (TCI) to AT&T Corporation
(Report Prepared by: Sue Barnes, Management Assistant)
A. Letter, dated December 18, 1998, from TCI Government
Affairs Manager Rachelle Guillen, stating TCl's intention to
compensate the four cities up to $600 each for the joint
evaluation of the FCC 394 form
B. Letter, dated December 18, from TCI General Manager Tom
Baker, informing the City about the relocation of channels
69 and 70 to lower channel positions
C. Resolution authorizing change of control of the cable
television franchise from TCI, Inc. to AT&T Corporation
1. Note and file attached letters from TCl
2. Adopt attached Resolution
No financial impact to the City. TCI will compensate the City of
Dublin for the consultant's fee to evaluate the FCC 394 form.
In 1985, the City renewed a non-exclusive cable television franchise with Tele-Vue Systems, Inc. (dba
Viacom Cable). That cable franchise was later transferred to TCI in 1996, when TCl successfully
acquired all of Via com's cable operations nationwide.
TCl's Tri-Valley cable system serves the Cities of Dublin, Pleasanton, Livermore and San Ramon, with
identical channel lineups in the four cities. The four cities have worked jointly to develop franchise
agreements and cable TV ordinances, and those documents are identical in all four jurisdictions. The four
cities have also worked together to regulate rates in accordance with the 1992 Cable Act.
COPIES TO: Tom Baker, TCl General Manager
F: barnes/cab letv/tci/merger A GDASTMT
Earlier this year, TCI reached an agreement with AT&T, in which AT&T will acquire TCl's cable
operations, including the Tri-Valley System. Under the terms ofth~ agreement, AT&T will become the
parent company of TCI. TCI will continue to exist as a corporation and a wholly owned subsidiary of
AT&T. All stockholders ofTCI will exchange their shares ofTCI stock for shares of AT&T stock. The
City's cable television ordinance requires City approval for a change of control of the franchise, and TCI
and AT&T have formally requested City approval, following federal guidelines.
Federal Guidelines -- Federal Communications Commission (FCC) regulations issued pursuant to the
1992 Cable Act, and subsequently reaffirmed through the 1996 Telecommunications Act, require the
franchisee (TCI) to request approval for a change of control from the franchising authority (City). The
franchisee must file with the franchisor FCC Form 394, describing the transaction and providing
information regarding the new company (AT&T). The franchisor must act on the request by approving or
denying the change of control application within 120 days of receipt, or the application is deemed to be
approved, unless and extension is granted. TCI submitted Form 394 on September 14, 1998. The 120-
day review period expires January 11, 1998.
Assuming the new company does not request any changes in the franchise terms (and in this case AT&T
has not), the FCC regulations allow the franchising authority to deny a change of control application only
under the following conditions:
1. Qualifications-whether the new company (AT&T) is legally, financially and technically
qualified to operate the cable system.
2. Compliance-Whether the existing company (TCI) has been, and currently is, in compliance with
the requirements of the existing franchise.
3. Impact on Cable Subscribers-What impact the merger may have on cable subscribers and the
franchising municipality.
Each of these conditions is addressed below.
Summary of Consultant Findings - The Cities of Dublin, Pleasanton, Livermore and San Ramon have
contracted with Telecommunications Management Corporation (TMC), to review Form 394, as submitted
by TCI and AT&T. TCI will reimburse the Cities for the consultant's fees to review the form, as stated in
the letter enclosed as Attachment A.
TMC is well respected in the cable regulatory industry and has been retained on previous occasions by the
four cities to draft the existing franchise agreement, as well as conduct several rate reviews. TMC's final
report to the four cities includes an analysis on AT&T's qualifications to operate the system, TCl's
compliance with the existing franchise, and what impact the merger may have on cable subscribers. After
a careful review of the application (change of control request) and of TCl's compliance with the existing
franchise agreement, staff and the consultant have found no reason to deny the application under FCC
guidelines. The following is a summary ofTMC's findings:
1. Qualifications - TMC's review concludes that AT&T, the largest long-distance telephone .
services provider in the nation, clearly has the legal, financial and technical capability to operate
the system. With respect to legal qualifications, as long as AT&T is qualified to do business in
California, and is not subject to media cross-ownership prohibitions, no legal barrier exists to the
assumption of the existing franchise. AT&T currently satisfies these two requirements. With
respect to financial qualifications, AT&T's most recent financial statement, for the 1997 calendar
year, indicates annual total assets of$58.6 billion, an order of magnitude greater than those ofTCL
Given that their financial strength is greater than that of TCl' s, it is reasonable to conclude that
AT&T is financially qualified to operate the Tri-Valley System. And fmally, with respect to
technical qualification, AT&T has a proven history of providing telecommunication services to the
. public. With this background, it is clear that AT&T has the technical qualifications to operate
TCl's cable operations.
2. Compliance - TCI is currently in compliance with all existing franchise provisions. As part of the
1996 ViacomfTCI transfer request, the cities were seeking to resolve several outstanding franchise
compliance issues as part of the transfer process. The most important issue was Viacom's failure
to complete a system-wide infrastructure upgrade, and their unwillingness to provide additional
public, education and government (pEG) access channels to the cities. Through extensive
negotiations between TCI and City officials, TCI eventually committed themselves to a system-
wide upgrade in the Tri- Valley area. As part of the upgrade, TCI also agreed to give the cities two
additional channels (69 &70) for PEG access purposes. Both of these commitments have been
fulfilled by TCI, thus making the cable operator fully compliant with the terms and conditions of
the existing franchise.
3. Impact on Cable Subscribers - In the past, when cable systems have been sold, the sales almost
universally have been followed by increases in subscriber rates, by which the buyer has attempted
to recover as much of the purchase cost as rapidly as possible. However, with the passage of the
1992 Cable Act and the FCC rate regulations implementing the Act's policies, some limited
constraints have been placed on basic service rates. Unfortunately, the Telecommunications Act
of 1996 deregulates rates for all "upper tiers" of basic service by no later than March 31, 1999.
Consequently, in three months, AT&T will be free to charge what the market will bear for all
levels of service beyond the basic tier, without the City having any significant ability to influence
rates. The intent of the 1996 Telecommunications Act was to encourage competition, and if this
occurs, markef forces may limit the cable rates. Ifno meaningful competition occurs (which is
very likely in Dublin), substantial rate increases may well take place. However, these increases
could come whether or not TCI is acquired by AT&T.
Telephone Competition - If the AT&T merger is implemented, there may be significant competition in
some geographic areas (possibly Dublin) to the local telephone companies in terms of voice and data
services. This may result in rate reductions and, perhaps, better quality of service to the consumers. In
the area of video programming delivery (e.g. cable services), however, it is not expected that this
acquisition will affect TCI's near monopoly in the cable service industry. Therefore, unless and until new
competitors to TCI exist, cable service apparently will continue on a "status quo" basis.
. Relocation of PEG Channels - Since the establishment of channels 69 and 70, staff has discovered that
certain television sets (pre-1980 manufactured) limited channel capacity, and cannot receive channels 69
and 70. To address this situation, staffhas investigated the possibility of moving channels 69 and 70
downward on the channel spectrum. This would allow residents with older television sets the opportunity
to view these channels without the purchase of a converter box from TCL
To address this issue, staffhas suggested that TCI relocate channels 69 and 70 to channels 28 and 29.
This would effectively make the City's PEG channel line-up appear in a dedicated block of channels - 28,.
29, and 30. These discussions have been ongoing with TCI for the past two years, with little progress
being made in this area. Given the recent merger request, staff once again used this as an opportunity to
seek the relocation of channels 69 and 70. After some limited negotiations in this area, TCI has finally
agreed to relocate the channels, and to make these changes effective no later than June 30, 1999 (letter
enclosed as attachment B).
Under this new channel line-up, channel 30 would continue to be reserved predominantly for produced
government access shows (Video Newsletter, 580/680 News, etc.) Channel 28 would replace channel 70,
and would continue tofocus on other government access programs (e.g. City Council meetings, special
workshops, etc.), as well as overflow an/or repeat performances of programs carried on Channel 30, and
community service programs produced by TCL Channel 29 would replace channel 69, and would
continue to focus on educational programming and other public access programming, including shared
leased and religious access programming.
Staff recommends that the City Council receive the staff report; note and file the attached letters from TCI
(Attachments A & B); and approve the enclosed resolution (Attachment C).
12/18/98 FRl 14:23 ~~
December 18, 1998
Ellyn Axelrod
Assistant to the City Manager
City of Livermore
1052 S. Livermore Avenue
Livermore, CA 94550-4899
via facsimile
Dear Ellyn:
Per my discussion with you last week, TCl is willing to compensate each of the four Tri-
Valley cities, Livennore. Pleasanton, San Ramon and Dublin, up to $600.00 eac.h for the
joint evaluation ofthe FCC 394 form.
. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to call me at 408-919-3716.
Rachelle Guillen
Govcmment Affairs, Manager
cc: Nelson Fialho, City of Pleasant on
JeffEorio, City of San Ramon
Julie Carter, City ofDublin
Kathi Noe, TCl
Susie Evans> TCI
Tom Baker, TCl
South Bay Regional OfficCl
3450 Garrett Driv"
Santa Clara, CA P5' 154
(408) 919-37(\0
FAX (408) 98B-144"
Tel of California
An EqUlll Oppo,-tunhy , 'mployer
F.~ 510 484 8234
December l~, 1998
14I 009/009
Nelson Fiallio
, I
As~t to ~e City .lV!anager
City of Pleasanton
123 :Main street
Plcasanton. CA 514566
Dear N elsod:
Per our discUssion, TCI will relocate PEG cbanncl$ 69 and 70 in the Cities ofPlcasanton, Dublin,
Ljvennore. <ind San Ramon to channels 2& & 29 adjacent to channel 30 (crvrrcI3p). The Cities
acknov.-ledg~ that TO may be required to relocate these channels (as is currently thcic!ase with channels 3D,
69, and 70) 1?ecause offurure porcntiaI FCC "must ~ rights and retransmission consent requirements.
However, in~thc event that FCC requirements n~e~itate a change in the PEG cbani1~llineuPT Tel will
confer with ~e Cities beforehand and.disol!:!: :tlrermrh'e ch:mnel po~itions that TCI bOuld make ;lvailable
in their place. .,
Tel ~ill mo\re these channels during the nc^1: scl:lcdulcd channel change, but no lara ~ Jwu:: 30, 1999.
Once the PEb channels arc repositioned. ~ Citi~s agree to develop their own channe~ identity separate "
and apart froIn a cbannd number, similar to the viewership identity created by broadcasters and
p'COgtWnmert With the eo~tinucd changes in to::hnQlogj": convergence thcn;of, and pbtential broadcaster
digital must tarry rights, the Cities underst:"nd tbe potential for change e..rists, de..c.pite Tel's best: effortS to
maintain the~roposcd channel lineup_
Ptease call me if'yOU have any questions.
I .
Sincerely. !
Tom Bak~r I
Area Director
Tel Tri- Vall~'
Cc: Ell~~ Axelrod, City of Livermore
PaUl Rankin, City, of :Dublin
Jeff!Eono, C.i.~ o:f"San Ramon
RacheUe Guillen - Tel
Kadri Noe - TCl
Nelson Fialho
City ofPleasanton
Tel 01 Calltornia
2$S~ Nlssel'l Drive
Uvermore, CA 94550
FAX (926) ~S-36'S
Tn-Velley System O1l'Ic::e
A" COull/ ~OI'/Vfll7Y I!tn(>lcv,,'
A3Ii~nI~ !~J.. WO~ Wd9S:~a e661-~t-;;:t
WHEREAS, TCI Cablevision of Georgia, Inc. ("Franchisee") is duly authorized to operate and
maintain a cable communications system in Dublin, California (the "System") by City of Dublin
("Franchise Authority") pursuant to a franchise (the ~'Franchise") granted by the Franchise Authority; and
WHEREAS, pursuant to the Agreement and Plan of Restructuring and Merger among AT&T
Corp. ("AT&T"), a newly formed wholly owned subsidiary of AT&T ("Merger Sub") and Tele-
Communications, Inc., the parent of Franchisee ("TCI"), dated as of June 23, 1998 (the "Merger
Agreement"), Merger Sub will merge with and into TCI with TCI as the surviving corporation in the
merger, and as a result of the transactions contemplated by the Merger agreement, TCI will become a
wholly owned subsidiary of AT&T (the "Transactions") and
WHEREAS, Franchisee will continue to hold the Franchise after consummation ofthe
Transactions; and
WHEREAS, FCC Form 394 with respect to the Transactions has been filed with the Franchise
Authority, and
WHEREAS, the parties have requested consent by the Franchise Authority to the Transactions.
Section 1. The Franchise Authority hereby consents to and approves the Transactions to the extent
that such consent is required by the terms of the Franchise and applicable law.
Section 2. This Resolution shaH be deemed effective in accordance with applicable law.
PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 5th day of January, 1999.
City Clerk