HomeMy WebLinkAbout8.2 Dougherty Hills Park Naming e CITY OF DUBLIN AGENDA STATEMENT It o Q2_0-{p 0 MEETING DATE: December 14, 1987 SUBJECT Park Names - East Dougherty Hills Park Dougherty Hills Park - EXHIBITS ATTACHED Park & Recreation Commission Agenda Statements A) November 11, 1987 Meeting ~ B) December 8, 1987 Meeting RECOMMENDATION .. Determine a name for the eight acre park site presently known as East Dougherty Hills Park FINANCIAL STATEMENT None DESCRIPTION Construction on Phase I of East Doughert y Hills Park, the eigh t acr e park located on Doughert y Road between Wildwood Road and Alamo Creek Drive, is tentatively sched ul ed to be gi n wi thi n the next month. As you recall, the Real Es ta te De velo pmen t Firm 0 f Raf anelli and Nahas is constructing the Phase I improvements in order to satisfy their park dedication requirements for the Villages at Alamo Creek. At the November 11, 1987 meeting of the Dublin Park and Recreation Commission, the Commission considered names for the eight acre East Dougherty Hills Park (Exhibit A). The Commission was in favor of renaming the park Dougherty Hills Park, however the Recreation Director pointed out that the ninety acre ridgeline park is presently referred to as Dougherty Hills Park. It was suggested that the Commission give further consideration for a name for the eight acre park, and if it is the consensus to rename the park Dougherty Hills Park, then the Commission will need to consider a new name for the ninety acre park. The Commission reconsidered names for the eight acre East Dougherty Hills Park at their meeting of December 8, 1987 (Exhibit B). They came up with two names for consideration by the Council as follows: Creekside Park Willow Creek Park The Commission also considered Dougherty Hills Park. The names acre site are as follows: names for the ninety acre that they chose for the ninety Dougherty Hills Park Bray Park (in honor of our Sister City) It is Staff's recommendation that the Council consider those park names recommended by the Park and Recreation Commission or, in the even t tha t these names are not accepta ble, choose other names. COPIES TO: ITEr-! NO. B. L EXHIBIT A e e CITY OF DUBLIN PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION AGENDA STATEMENT MEETING DATE: November 11, 1987 SUBJECT East Dougherty Hills Park EXHIBITS ATTACHED 'S RECOMMENDATION \J'\\.: FINANCIAL STATEMENT A) Park Name Suggestions Determine a Name for the Park None DESCRIPTION Construction on East Dougherty Hills - Phase I, is tentatively scheduled to begin in the next month. Therefore it is necessary for the Commission to determine a name for the park. Currently the site is referred to as East Dougherty Hills Park. This name was selected as the park is located on the East side of the Dougherty Hills. Exhibit A is the list of park names that was compiled by the Commission at the time we were deliberating on a name for Stagecoach Park. Staff has identified the following guidelines for the Commission to consider when determining a park name: 1. Geographic Location a. Major Street b. Water Bodies c. Hills/Ridgelines d. Subdivision Name 2. Landscaping a. Indigeneous Trees or Plantings b. Topography 3. Historic Significance 4. Name of People - Living or Deceased 5. Traditionally Known As.... It is staffs recommendation that the Commission determine a name for East Dougherty Hills Park. If the Commission is in favor of changing the park's name, it is recommended that the Commission determine three suggestions for the City Council to consider. ----------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM NO.6. 2 , l-.maGor Her i tage Amador Lakes p.J.l1J.dor Valley Corr~unity Action Communi ty k....ard Community Price Dry Cre'2k Dublin Cr'2ek. Dublin Gree!1 Dublin Heritage Dublin Hills Dublin History Dublin M'2mory Dublin Na t'.lre Dublin Pride Dublin ShaGO'.v Dublin Shamrock. Dublin Victory Dublin Vie','" Echo Hill Echo To? E~d of the Raintcw Fu~~...:=~ af Dut:l':":1 Gecd Times Green Acres E2.==;:Y ;'.c=e (s) E~~E=~" Ec llcl'.." E2.==;:Y '1"';-""", - -.."..-- Ee:-.:.tase Ee:ri~age Ec::c Eill To? L-::,"e Oak e e E:<HIBIT A PARK NAME SUGGESTIONS Lone Tree Memory of Dublin Ne'...; Dublin Old Times Pioneer Pot of Gold Price-a-Dublin Rainbow V-ie',v Rolling Hills ShaGes of Dublin Shaces of Green Shacows or Dublin ShaGY Hill Shamrock Shamrock ~.cre (s) Shamrock Heritage Shamrock Hills Songbird Hill Stagecoach Stagecoac;b Road S;:. Pat=ick's SUrll":" Ac=e (s) Si...:::::v C:=eek SL:~~Y E3..l1s' St:::::'.J Vie~,,; V, -................, -~-"""'-- '. i'iee P'2(;?le-. White Clc~c 2i11 i-iiI d:.lo....;er i-iincv Acre! s) Winey Hills " , .CITY OF DUBLIN PA.AND RECREATION COMMISSION~ AGENDA STATEMENT ... MEETING DATE: December 8, 1987 SUBJECT . . Park Names -East Dougherty Hills Park Dougherty Hills Park \ , EXHIBITS ATTACHED . . None RECOMMENDATION ~. : Determine Park Names for Council Review for East Dougherty Hills Park and Dougherty Hills Park FINANCIAL STATEMENT : None DESCRIPTION At the November 11, 1987 meeting of the Dublin Park and Recreation Commission the Commission considered names for the eight (8) acre East Dougherty Hills Park. The Commission was in favor of renaming the park Dougherty Hills Park, however the Recreation Director pointed out that the ninety (90) acre ridgeline park is presently rej:erred to as Dougherty 'Hills Park. It was suggested that the Commission give further consideration for a name for the eight acre park, and if it is the consensus to rename the park Dougherty Hills Park, then the Commission will need to consider a new n~me for the 90 acre park. Since that time, staff has researched the area adjacent to the eight acre park s~te and has come up with the following information for Commission consideration. Street names bordering the site - Dougherty Road (E) Alamo Creek Drive (N) Shady Creek Road (W) Wildwood Road (5) Creek bisecting the park - Alamo Creek Ridgeline or hills on the West side of the park - Dougherty Hills Topography of site - generally flat with some existing oak and willow trees along the creek The 90 acre park site is located along the Dougherty Hills ridgeline and represents one of the last areas of open space in the City. There is very little vegetation, other than native grasses, and very few trees. The views from the site to the surrounding areas are spectacular. With regards to the ~ight acre park site, it is staffs recommendation that the Commission determine three names for the City Council to select from. If one of the choices is Dougherty Hills Park, then it will be necessary for the Commission to select three additional names for the 90 acre site for Council consideration. One name that the Commission might consider for the eight acre . park is Bray Park in honor of Bray, Ireland, our Sister City. Naming a park after our Sister City would honor the City of Bray and further strengthen the bond between the two Cities. ----------------------------------------------------------------- COPIES TO: ITEM NO. S--:...:2..- ;.... 'C" '."