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File # D[Z][2]r75l-ld][7iJ
SUBJECT: Youth Advisory Committee Appointments
Report by: Diane Lowart, Parks & Community Services Director
ATTACHMENTS: Applications
RECOMMENDATION: n J JX;;onfinn Mayor's appointments to Youth Advisory Committee for
\ VV'~ the tenn of September 2004 through August 2005
DESCRIPTION: The tenn of office for the Youth Advisory Committee will expire in
August 2004. The openings for the upcoming tenn were advertised at the local middle and high schools,
on the City's website and press releases were sent to the Tri-Valley Herald, Valley Times and CTV.
As per the Bylaws and Rules of Procedure for the Youth Advisory Committee, the composition of the
Youth Advisory Committee is composed of a minimum of nine and a maximum of thirteen youth
members and two alternates. At least three must be from Middle School and six from High School.
Additionally, there are four non-voting adult members representing Dublin Police Services, Dublin
Unified School District, Dublin Chamber of Commerce, and the At-Large Community. The Mayor, with
the approval of the City Council appoints the youth members, the one at-large adult member and the two
alternates. The remaining three adult members are appointed by their representing agencylbody.
Eighteen applications were received for the youth member positions and two applications for the adult at-
large community member (applications attached). The Mayor recommends the appointment of the
following 13 youth representing both the Middle School age group and the High School age group as
shown below.
Justin Minor
Sienna Moodie
Teri Ugbah
Christina Highsmith
Matt Spring
Nene Ugbah
Houda Hamze
Chen-Chen Phang
Brianna Hart
Amit Pande
Brandon Key
Sarah Pan
Caroline Tietbohl
11 th
Wells Middle School
Wells Middle School
St. Raymond School
Dublin High School
Dublin High School
St. Raymond School
Dublin High School
Dublin High School
Dublin High School
Dublin High School
Dublin High School
Dublin High School
Dublin High School
The recommended youth alternates are Caitlin McLens and Brandon Chapin.
COPIES TO: Applicants/Parks & Community Services Commission
16b 9--- ITEM NO. JJ
\\Fileserverl \pcs\COUNCIL\Agenda Statements\2004\8-17 yac appointments. doc
The Mayor also recommends the appointment of Liana Smith and Michael Baker to the adult at-large
community members. Although the bylaws state the Mayor only appoints the one at-large adult
committee member, the Chamber of Commerce authorized the Mayor to select an adult representative on
the Chamber's behalf.
Staff recommends that the City Council confinn the Mayor's appointments to the Youth Advisory
Committee for the tenn of September 2004 through August 2005.
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City of Dublin
ApPLICATION 2004 - 2005
Thank you for expressing an interest in serving on the Youth
Advisory Committee.
The purpose of the Committee is to provide input on youth
services, assist with implementation and promotion of youth
activities and address issues that effect youth in the community.
The Youth Advisory Committee is made up of youth and adult
members appointed by the Mayor with the approval of the City
The term of office will be for twelve months with an opportunity
for re-appointment in August 2005. The twelve-month term
commences in September and terminates in August. The deadline
to submit an application is August 2, 2004 at 5:00pm. The Youth
Advisory Committee meets once a month; the first Thursday
evening at 7:30 p.m.
Name //,/J:k¿" DHÁ~/l
Address ~~?ð W~IØL-\J L/'t7C2-
City, St. ~U ~{~ c-A '7V.fC. g-
School (In 2003-2004 school year)
Grade (In 2004-2005 school year) V
Phone a:0'7 6/2 -6 ý¿ ?') '{2J.~rß~'072
Please answer the following questions on a separate sheet of paper.
1. How did you find out about the Youth Advisory Committee?
2. What do you know about the Youth Advisory Committee?
3. Why are you interested in serving on this Committee?
4. What skills do you possess that would make you a strong candidate for the Youth Advisory Committee?
5. If you could be involved in the planning for one event, what would it be? Please explain.
6. What activities are you currently involved in or will be involved in during the 2004-2005 school year?
7. How would the activities in question #6 effect your time commitment to the Youth Advisory Committee?
8. If you are not selected to the Youth Advisory Committee, would you be interested in serving on one of the
following committees:
o Publicity & Promotions 0 Special Event Planning 0 Teen Nights 0 Dub Town Jam
9. Please provide the name and phone number of three references.
"3 -n-G~
Please return application materials to: Youth Advisory Committee, 11600 Shannon Ave., Dub/in C4 94568 3, ¿...
If you have any questions please call 925-556-4500. A-t-~ me-t\""
Date: July 29,2004
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City of Dublin Youth Advisory Committee Application 2004 - 2005
1. While reviewing the summer activities for the City of Dublin I came upon the
2. There are monthly events throughout the community that are planned and
facilitated through the committee. The committee is made up of 13 members and
is an extension of the City's Recreation Department.
3. With my experiences involved in after school activities, City and County
functions, and 15 years of experiences working with children, I believe I would be
a positive addition to the committee. I believe it is important to support your local
community youth. I now live in Dublin and I have a ten-year-old son that is
involved in many after school activities and while participating and supporting
him, I have the opportunity to meet and influence others in a positive manner.
4. I have been an active participate in many City events throughout the past 15
years. I.e., Day on the Green (soccer), opening day events for youth athletics,
Clean the Bay, National Night Out, American Cancer Society fundraisers and
other civic functions. I have coached at the high school, local, state and national
levels and hold several state and national association licenses. My personnel
experiences and my continual education and training working with the youth
helps to keep me in touch.
5. "The Big Soak"- One weekend a year, in the summer months we could hold an
event that would cater to children 1 0 years and older. The event could be held at
one of our large parks here in Dublin. Every year a local artist could design a new
logo. Events could range from, bicycle and skate boarding demonstrations, rock
climbing, Frisbee golf and large kite flying demonstrations. Local vendors could
come out and sell/advertise there products. Police and fire could come out and
provide infonnation on hot lines, events, careers and cadet programs. Fire
Department could ("The Big Soak") soak us with their large water hoses every
hour throughout the day with the sirens going. This soke could be the backbone
of the event. Support groups and recreation staff could be available with
applications for summer programs and employment opportunities. Baseball and
soccer and games would be on going. SPCA, mentoring organization could be
present to outline their cause.
One of the days/evenings would be focused on the teen and the other for the
middle school aged.
This event could be possible with the support ofY AC and other interested and
motivated persons coming together for the purpose of supporting and showing
that Dublin cares about it's youth.
· .
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6. American Cancer Society and coaching recreational (UI0) soccer.
7. I don't believe there would be an impact.
8. Teen Nights, Special events Planning and Dub Town Jam.
9. References:
a. Henry Siu - 833-4507
b. Chris Foss - 833-6552
c. Dennis Jew - 833-6674
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City of Dublin
ApPLICATION 2004 - 2005
Thank you for expressing an interest in serving on the Youth
Advisory Committee.
The purpose of the Committee is to provide input on youth
services, assist with implementation and promotion of youth
activities and address issues that effect youth in the community.
The Youth Advisory Committee is made up of youth and adult
members appointed by the Mayor with the approval of the City
The term of office will be for twelve months with an opportunity
for re-appointment in August 2005. The twelve-month term
commences in September and terminates in August. The deadline
to submit an application is August 2, 2004 at 5:00pm. The Youth
Advisory Committee meets once a month; the first Thursday
evening at 7:30 p.m.
Name ör~ c..\-'AQ~<\
Address \\,-\C\,[ fJ: hJeI~<t~ Dr\ve...
City, St. û0b\Ù\ J Cf\
School (In 2003-2004 school year) Dù~·\f\.. \--\\~ ~
Grade (In 2004-2005 school year) \D
Phone '92.S-ßQ.3-C,4D0
Please answer the following questions on a separate sheet of paper.
1. How did you find out about the Youth Advisory Committee?
C()e..çve..è,. Of\ \~ +- te.\rf\
2. What do you know about the You~h Advisory Committee?
"I-\- ~~~J)(\ C\.G1" \ \I ; t ~ es ('<.X\ b'f t"N2.- fL\ ~ <:.0..ç: Qub\i r\ --Fa (? tUU1 $ .
3. WhX are you interested in serving on this Committee?
1" '< {JOö Ru.A. 16S.-\' +: CY'fL
4. What skills do you possess that would make you a stroog ç~ndida,t:e for the, Youth Advisory Com...!!.littee?
,"): hD..YL b~ -to '00'1 scö~ (Vo..t"lb(\(l\ J uf\\cr ~r ~1\S.tr-\.)(.-,-t,()r Cc.tvr-
c... Y\ð. . 1:- ,Ç.èl \ 1- h~ ~k c. b: \ ; ~ : v b~ be... '" q /Ul-k fAr.t (9 +- 14 Lø,-., I'\. f-f{;€-
5. If you could be involved in the planr.ting for one ev¡:mt, what would itoe? Please explain.
~~ \1-\e.. G({,V\. rt IS " I ~ ~ ~V) e...vef\k ~~ 'ookJ ~" t'~ f"~~
6. What activities are you currently lnvol,ved in Ç>[ will be involved in .du. ring the 2004-2005 school year? 1:'::-8
£:, 0 Y 6c.c)J+-1 ~~\ \ ç,,\\ cu.'\ p"tk.. T (:s k. ~ V' C-Jl. l~?-.::) Š
, N
7. H~~~d lí.activ~\ ç question #6 effect your time commitment to the Youth Advisory Committee?C<l N
8. If you are not selected to the Youth Advisory Committee, would you be interested in serving on one of t~ ~
f~ing committees: /"' ~
;0 Publicity & Promotions 0 Special Event Planning 0 Teen Nights ? Dub Town Jam ~
9. I?I~ase provide the name and phone number"of three references. ,..ac.a
Jlm t~t' ìl'\ Q2.5- '2CA -74't..ð \'.:lc.h ~l \ \ G... '\'15",ðöJ.-~I"S TOM KU2..r1lk ~-735- crµ )
Please return application materials to: Youth Advisory Committee, lJ.~:[JJ S;~;_. ..._" , Iv!::'., Dublin C4 94568
If you have any questions please call 925-556-4500. J 00 C/v¡'c fla 2..Ct-.
6i1() Ll-q
City of Dublin
ApPLICATION 2004 - 2005
Thank you for expressing an interest in serving on the Youth
Advisory Committee.
The purpose of the Committee is to provide input on youth
services, assist with implementation and promotion of youth
activities and address issues that effect youth in the community.
The Youth Advisory Committee is made up of youth and adult
members appointed by the Mayor with the approval of the City
The term of office will be for twelve months with an opportunity
for re-appointment in August 2005. The twelve-month term
commences in September and terminates in August. The deadline
to submit an application is August 2, 2004 at 5:00pm. The Youth
Advisory Committee meets once a month; the first Thursday
evening at 7:30 p.m.
Name ZAc..,,~ y Cl'-f-A-p A.J School (In 2003~2004 school year) Û UßU.I\J H16 f+
Address IlL( ~ L S Il V~\'Z.úA""it:' 0 ¡!,. t I/C Grade (In 2004-2005 school year) 9.
City,St. vuß L-\ J C~ Phone q'Zr- ð 31 - 44-03
Please answer the following questions on a separate sheet of paper.
1. How did you find out about the Youth Advisory Committee?
Mi {~,r..\ TIfë.YL W,It}~ ô,rJ Ttfts" C úM """.\, -rt(:-)E tA-r-f" ,-( e t1Jf--
2. What do you know about the Youth Advisory Committee? (N OvßL\rJ
(1 P<..A+.J) AJ.;() (L.Ufv) Olvp~~'WT t?Vt?V'TJ AIL ~t:~~
3. Why are you interested in serving on this Committee?
t-r IS ¡\- (fcúf) w~ 'Tj O€U(Y\ê"" (AlllðL-Vl:;:"'O
4. What skills do you possess that would make you a strong candidate for the Youth Advisory Committee?
"\ ~N¡"."'O I IV 'I ôJ,ti C.fY\.O.e~r (+tP ,tV ß 4'-1 S ( C! \..IT I, ¡U.J I) 'T A...rv>
OuT G 0 ltV'
5. If you could be involved in the planning for one event, what would it be? Please explain.
I tft. "L P £0 \,- A-rf ~ ~ ..t't ~ (T-€ CC/t-s f e'f... ~ C~ /to /N'-J z.r.....
(lL~ " t:¿N Jó...., £ 0 í1'lt\-y
6. What activities are you currently involved in or will be involved in during the 2004-2005 school year?
f~ð '1 5 ( 0 ,) l J
~ ~
7. How would the activities in question #6 effect your time commitment to the Youth Advisory committe~ N
~cf'" ^' A-LL ~ g
8. If you are not selected to the Youth Advisory Committee, would you be interested in serving on one of!!!! cr
following committees:
~ Publicity & Promotions 0 Special Event Planning 0 Teen Nights 0 Dub Town Ja~
9. please provide the name and phone number of three references. 2 '., ,... ~~ ct+NI,J
~\CH ~\:'\J,u./\.. q 21 t":?3 fb'r lOvv\ LiJ'lMl t.. 1\ 7s\ t)q~,.., I lfzr f3) qycß
Please return application materials to: Youth Advisory Committee, Lit.OO :-:.._...._.. .Ive.¡ Dub/in C4 94568
If you have any questions please call 925-556-4500. / DO C/..,;¡'c fla ÛL·
City of Dublin
ApPLICATION 2004 - 2005
Thank you for expressing an interest in serving on the Youth
Advisory Committee.
The purpose of the Committee is to provide input on youth
services, assist with implementation and promotion of youth
activities and address issues that effect youth in the community.
The Youth Advisory Committee is made up of youth and adult
members appointed by the Mayor with the approval of the City
The term of office will be for twelve months with an opportunity
for re-appolntmentin August 2005. The twelve-month term
commences in September and terminates in August. The Youth
-Advis~, CQfJ1mittee meet~~-'-ffiÐntn;the first ·Thursœ,.,-"",~"
evening at 7:30 p.m.
Name \-tbU1ø' \-\aM 1-€ School (In 2003-2004 school year) D d.,1 ìV'I H I~¡" StbJoo1
Address ï "J..Î"L. ßI.X{.-o,.... S~· Grade (In 2004-2005 school year) IO~
City, St. 'Ð 00\i V\ Ci\ Phone ~ S-S-G,-\C\'3
Pteä'Se~hswer the following questions on a separate sheet of paper.
1. How did you find out about the Youth Advisory Committee?
2. What do you know about the Youth Advisory Committee?
3. Why are you interested in serving on this Committee?
What skills do you P9ssess that would make you a strong candirjl!tefor the Youth Advisory Committee?
5. If you could be involved in the planning for one event, what would it be? Please explain.
6. What activities are you currently involved in or will be involved in during the 2004-2005 school year?
7. How would the activities in question #6 effect your time commitment to the Youth Advisory Committee?
:~.. If you are ,not selected to the Youth Advisory Committee, would you be interested in serving on one of the
:.!,._ following committees:
:' ~IiCity & Promotions if Special Event Planning 0 Teen Nights 0 Dub Town Jam
9. Ple'a~ provide the name and phone number of three references.
Please return application materials to: Youth Advisory Committee, 11600 Shannon Ave., Dublin C4 94568
If you have any questiore>ïJlease call 92s~5s6-4500.
. .
Houda Harnze
7272 Burton Street
Dublin, California 94568
(925) 556-1013
May 25, 2004
Responses to questions 1 through 9.
1. I found out about Y AC over the loudspeaker at school during announcements.
2. I know that the Youth Advisory Committee is a group consisting of teens and adults that help
and make programs to ensure the healthy development and happiness of teens and other
groups in Dublin. They put together dances, and other "fun days" which anybody can attend.
3. I am interested in being on the Y AC because I want to be involved in my community. I want
to be more aware of what is happening. I want to be a part of thinking up and organizing the
different events that occur.
4. I am committed to making sure things that should happen do happen. I love putting together
events and organizing them. It gives me a feeling of accomplishment and joy. When people
are happy with an event I was involved in, I feel like I have given somebody else a memory
they won't forget. I understand that putting things together and thinking of ideas is a hard
task that takes a lot of work. I am ready to make that commitment. I believe my earlier
experience of being in leadership in 8th and 9th grade has helped me to understand the
commitment that is required when one is involved in thinking up and organizing events. I can
help other committee members and/or apply my experience to help the community.
5. If! could be involved in one event, it would be "Day On The Glen." I think on that day and
families and mends get together to enjoy each other. I could be part of that by making sure
Day On The Glen is successful, just like every year has been.
6. During the 2004-2005 school year I plan to be involved in Interact. Interact is a club at
Dublin High School which helps raise money and to help out communities and people. I also
play volleyball and track - two sports that I love. I am also going to be involved in CSF, a
scholarship program. Academics are important, and I pIan to attend a top notch college.
7. My academic and extracurricular activities will not affect my commitment to Y AC because
these activities will occur earlier in the day, allowing me time to focus on Y AC.
8. Special event planning.
Ms. Elizabeth Neely
Ms. Nancy Karell
Ms. Louise Myers
833-3300 x 7046
828-6227 x 6130
828-6227 x 6020
City of Dublin
A P P L I CAT 1·0 N 2 0 0 4 - 2 0 0 5
Thank you for expressing an interest in serving on the Youth
Advisory Committee.
The purpose of the Committee is to provide input on youth
services, assist with implementation and promotion of youth
activities and address issues that effect youth in the community.
The Youth Advisory Committee is made up of youth and adult
members appointed by the Mayor with the approval of the City
The term of office will be for twelve months with an opportunity
for re-appolntment in August 2005. The twelve-month term
commences in September and terminates in August. The Youth
Advisory Committee meets once a month; the first Thursday
evening at 7:30 p.m.
Name ß[\o.X\ffi \\(\'i-'<:
Address ~ /1:1 r..l~&fu,<{\ LClY\Q
City, St. 'D. ~ '\'(\, C' A
School (In 2003-2004 school year) 'D...i:i.. \'(\ \\\<)'r\
Grade (In 2004-2005 school year) \ \"'W\
Phone t92Q) fu\-() \()\
Please answer the following questions on a separate sheet of paper.
1. How did you find out about the Youth Advisory Committee?
2. What do you know about the Youth Advisory Committee?
3. Why are you interested in serving on this Committee?
4. What skills do you possess that would make you a strong candidate for the Youth Advisory Committee?
5. If you could be involved in the planning for one event, what would it be? Please explain.
6. What activities are you currently involved in or will be involved in during the 2004-2005 school year?
7. How would the activities in question #6 effect your time commitment to the Youth Advisory Committee?
8. If you are not selected to the Youth Advisory Committee, would you be interested in serving on one of the
following committees:
o Publicity & Promotions 0 Special Event Planning 0 Teen Nights 0 Dub Town Jam
9. Please provide the name and phone number of three references.
Please return application materials to: Youth Advisory Committee, 11600 Shannon Ave., Dublin C4 94568
If you have any questions please call 925-556-4500.
1. How did you find out the Youth Advisory Committee?
I am in Student Leadership at Dublin High and there are students in
the class that are also in Y.A.C. We talk about the events that Y.A.C.
is putting on and we try to help promote them around campus. Plus
there are students that are not in Leadership that are in Y.A.C. I hear
students talking about it and I always thought it would be an
organization I would want to be involved with.
2. What do you know about the Youth Advisory Committee?
I don't know that much about Y.A.C., but I would love to find out
more. I know that Y.A.C. addresses issues in Dublin that effect teens,
which is something I would like to have a voice in. I also know that
Y.A.C. plans The Dub Town Jam and helps at the St. Patrick's Day
3. Why are you interested in serving on this Committee?
I am interested in serving on this committee because I like being
involved and having a voice in things that I have a passion about. I
feel I am someone who is organized, manages my time well and a
self-motivator. I like planning events, being put in charge and
working as a team. I have lived in Dublin all of my life and I would
like to get more involved with the community I grew up in.
4. What skills do you possess that would make you a strong candidate for the
Youth Advisory Committee?
I have been in student leadership for the last three years, at Wells and
Dublin High, and I really like it. I am very responsible, so if I get put
in charge of something or have to plan an event, it will get done to the
best of my ability. I think I have a lot of ideas that I could bring to the
committee. I love working in groups and I like meeting new people.
ro ~ ~1
5. If you could be involved in the planning for one event, what would it be?
Please explain.
I don't know all the events that Y.A.C. puts on so I can not say any
one event I would want to plan. I really would just like to get
involved with as many different events as I can. I am interested in
getting involved with as many different events as possible.
6. What activities are you currently involved in or will be involved in during
the 2004 - 2005 school year.
I am going to be in leadership again for 2004 - 2005 school year. I
am the Vice President for the Leo's Club next year. I also have been
accepted into A.V.I.D. but I don't think it will be taking up any time
outside of school. I take piano lessons once a week and I am in CSF,
SOS and the French Club. I also do a lot of community service
around the city and have kept up a 3.66 grade point average the last
two years at Dublin High.
7. How would the activities in question #6 effect your time commitment to
the Youth Advisory Committee?
The activities that I am going to be involved with next year will not
effect my time commitment to Y.A.C. because I manage my time very
well. I am very responsible with my school work, and always get it
8. If you are not selected to the Youth Advisory Committee, would you be
interested in serving on one of the following committees:
I might be interested in Publicity & Promotions, again I am not sure
everything that the Youth Advisory Committee is involved in, so
Special Events Planning might be interesting also.
9. Please provide the name and phone number of three references.
Tim Sbranti, Leadership Advisor
Robin Frauendorfer, family friend
Caroline Rubio, Counselor, Dublin High
833-3300 ext 7239
833-3300 ext 7022
City of Dublin
ApPLICATION 2004 - 2005
School (In 2003-2004 school year) ~e
Grade (In 2004-2005 school year) ~ t'<ì'9'(()6.e
Phone g G..
Thank you for expressing an interest in serving on the Youth
Advisory Committee.
The purpose of the Committee is to provide input on youth
services, assist with implementation and promotion of youth
activities and address issues that effect youth in the community.
The Youth Advisory Committee is made up of youth and adult
members appointed by the Mayor with the approval of the City
The term of office will be for twelve months with an opportunity
for re-appointment in August 2005. The twelve-month term
commences in September and terminates in August. The Youth
Advisory Committee meets once a month; the first Thursday
evening at 7:30 p.m.
Name Christina ....~ ,~m
Address-=rL\O pf\()æ \ìJ r
City, St.
,-¡,#:~f<"N' \':·~:,':'-{:'i,,/ , " . '. " ,.' , ,'-:' ,':';,:,<~, ~~~';:}t.;.,;, ~ , " ...~ I
Please answer thè following questions on a separate sheet of paper.
1. How did you find out about the Youth Advisory Committee?
2. What do you know about the Youth Advisory Committee?
3. Why are you interested in serving on this Committee?
: '~';~
4. What skills do you possess that would make you a strong candidate for the Youth Advisory Committee?
5. If you could be involved in the planning for one event, what would it be? Please explain.
6. What activities are you currently involved in or will be involved In during the 2004-2005 school year?
7. How would the activities in question #6 effect your time commitment to the Youth Advisory Committee?
8. If you are not selected to the Youth Advisory Committee, would you be interested in serving on one of the
following committees:
o Publicity & Promotions 0 Special Event Planning 0 Teen Nights 0 Dub Town Jam
9. Please provide the name and phone number of three references.
Please return application materials to: Youth Advisory Committee, 11600 Shannon Ave., Dublin CA 94568
If you have any questions please call 925-556-4500.
I~· tJ)·'i ~F?
Address: 7110 Prince Drive
City of Dublin
Youth Advisory Committee
Application 2004-2005
School:Wells Middle School(03-04)
Name: Christina Highsmith
Citv.St.: Dublin, California Phone: (925)828-4596
1)1 found out about the Youth Advisory Committee by reading the seasonal Dublin Activity Guide and
hearing announcements about it over the Wells Middle School intercom during the daily bulletin.
2)About the Youth Advisory Committee, I know that it's an 11-person group that gets together once
every month to discuss the issues that effect our community and help plan community activities and
upcoming events.
3)1 am interested in serving on this Committee because I feel that it would be a helpful way to get
involved with my community.l would also like to add this Committee onto my future college applications.
I am interested in serving on this Committe because it would be a chance to have my voice heard in my
community and be a part of city government.
4)The skills that I possess that would make me a strong candidate for the Youth Advisory Committee
are leadership skills and responsibility skills.ln the 200212003 school year, I was enrolled in Wells
Middle School's leadership class, where I had plenty of volunteer opportunities and worked with my
peers on school activity projects. Through my entire middle school courrier, I have maintained above
a GPA of 3.5 which is also Principal's Honor Roll. I am a very neat, responsible person that usually likes
to get the job done.
5)lf I could be involved in the planning of one event, it would probably be the Saint Patricks Day Parade.
At my school, the leadership class would help out with the Parade, and get involved. I liked helping
out with the parade. and I liked getting involved. I would help plan the Saint Patricks Day parade because
I would like to get more involved with it, since I had so much fun participating in it with the Wells
leadership class.
6)Currently I am not involved in any activities. However I hope to be involved in some after school
clubs and sports.
7)The activities in question #6 would not effect my time commitment to the Youth Advisory Committee
because usually after school programs end at around 5:30,which would give me plenty of time to be at the
meetings,at 7:30.
8)lf I am not selected to the Youth Advisory Committee,l would be interested in serving on Publicity
and Promotions.
9)Three names and phone numbers of three references:
\) CÜíIOCf) H-iqhsro'th -(C¡2~~-~g c;,
2) Lorttid J2\c'hõrd&J') - .~e:o)g-?2-LJ I ~ G
3) bVS\e Gc\(r\m- - lilt':?)~S~-55\~
City of Dublin
Yo U T HAD VI 5 0 Rye 0 M M I T TEE
A P P LIe A T ION 2 0 0 4 - ;2 ø 0 5
Thank you for expressing an interest in serving on the Youth
Advisory Committee.
The purpose of the Committee is to provide input on youth
services, assist with implementation and promotion of youth
activities and address issues that effect youth in the community.
The Youth Advisory Committee is made up of youth and adult
members appointed by the Mayor with the approval of the City
The term of office will be for twelve months with an opportunity
for re-appointment In August 2005. The twelVê.-montn tf:rm
commenœs in September and terminates in" August. The deadline
to submit an application is August 2, 2004 at 5:00pm. The Youth
Advisory Committee meets once a month; the first Thursclay
evening at 7:30 p.m.
Name ~nJt)y) I~~
Address~ f tJ1jhhin
City, st.j)V b .' í () J .' C A
Please answer the following questions on a separate sheet of paper.
1. How did you find out about the Youth Advisory Committee?
2. What do you know about the Youth Advisory Committee?
3. Why are you interested in serving on this Committee?
(In 2003-2004 schOol year) Ovh J jt? ~A ,.Xhr»1
(In 2004-2005 school year) Jè t1 í o-r
(~1S) &'33 -o'-/SF
4. What skills do you -Possess thëÍt would" make you eÎstrong câìïdidatefor the-Youth Adyisorycommittee?
5. If you could be involved In the planning for one event, what would it be? Please explain.
6. What activities are you currently Involved In or will be involved In during the 2004-2005 school year?
7. How would the activities in question #6 effect your time commitment to the Youth Advisory Committee?
8.. If you are not selected to the Youth Advisory Committee, would you be interested in serving on one of the
following committees:
~, 0 ~~plicity & Promotions 0 Special Event Planning 0 Teen Nights 0 Dub Town Jam
9. Ple~s~ provide the name and phone number of three references.
Pleä$e return application materials to: Youth AdvIsory Committee/ 11600 Shannon Ave./ Dublin C4 94568
If you have any questions please call 925-556-4500;
... .....
/1 ~ L{q
Brandon Key
1. I have heard a bit about the Youth Advisory Committee just in and around school
but have mainly found out most about it after receiving the application.
2. I know that the Y AC is a committee whose purpose "is to provide input on youth
services, assist with implementation and promotion of youth activities and address
issues that effect youth in the community." The Y AC is also made up of 13
middle and high school teens. After going to the Y AC site
lyID=403), I know many of the members that go to DHS like me and that they
were important in the planning of the Dub Town Jam and S1. Patrick's Day
3. Serving on the Y AC would be an incredible opportunity for me to help in the
planning of Dublin's youth events and really be able to respond to the needs and
wants of Dublin youth. I have also wanted to get my hands dirty in local politics
for quite a while and to really have more of a say in local planning. Working on
with the Y AC would really be a dream come true not only in the fact that it would
be a great experience in helping me achieve my goals in being an active
participant in government but also being able to do something more for my fellow
Dublin youth.
4. In the summer of 2003, I attended the GYLC (Global Young Leadership
Conference). The international conference comprised of several hundred students
from over 80 countries was held over a two week period in Washington, D.C. and
New York City. During the conference, we explored many of the issues affecting
our planet such as global warming, overpopulation, human rights, the death
penalty, and military conflict among many others. During the 2003~2004 school
year, I was treasurer of the Young Republican's Club at DHS. I am currently the
youth co~chair for the Religious Committee at Congregation Beth Emek in
5. I would love to be a part in the planning of the annual 81. Patrick's Day
celebrations. I believe it is Dublin's signature event and there's so much work
needed to ensure its success. That fact that there is so much involved in its
planning is what attracts me to be a part of its yearly success. For example, I
would like to get input from the peers at my school about what they would like to
see in the parade and surrounding celebrations and bring that input up in the
6. For the 2004-2005 school year, I will be on the DHS Cross Country team, remain
involved with DHS Drama, and continue to serve my duties as the youth religious
co~chair at my temple.
7. The Cross Country seasons ends in November but until then, practices are about
1-2 hours every weekday after school. There is a race about once every week,
which will take a bit more time after school. Even with cross country, DHS
'~ '-''.#
\5õQ ~
Drama, and as being the youth religious co-chair. none of these events should
interfere with the Thursday meetings at 7:30 PM in any way. If for some reason or
other my involvement with Y AC is obscured do to one of these earlier obligations,
I will try as hard as I can to keep the Y AC my top priority or otherwise let the
Y AC know of my absence well in advance of any Y AC meeting or event.
8. Ifnot selected to the Y AC. I would gladly be insterested in serving on any of the
mentioned committees: Publicity & Promotions, Special Event Planning, Teen
Nights. or Dub Town Jam.
9. Tyler Clafton - (209) 234~8415
Nick Spinelli - (925) 829~5737
Kaela Roster ~ (925) 829-3261
\4ø 15ò ~1
City of Dublin
A P P L I CAT ION 20 0 4 - 2 0 0 5
Thank you for expressing an interest in serving on the Youth
Advisory Committee.
The purpose of the Committee is to provide input on youth
services, assist with implementation and promotion of youth
activities and address issues that effect youth in the community.
The Youth Advisory Committee is made up of youth and adult
members appointed by the Mayor with the approval of the City
The term of office will be for twelve months with an opportunity
for re-appolntment in August 2005. The twelve-month term
commences in Septemb.gr~md terminªtes in AugU$t.Ttte ~;;,,~.
to submit an application is August 2, 2004 at 5:00pm. The Youth
Advisory Committee meets once a month; the first Thursday
evening at 7:30 p.m.
Name School (In 2003-2004 school year) 'ð I
Address Grade (In 2004-2005 school year) 1/
City, St. Phone ~s. UJ: 1? tt'
Please answer the following questions on a separate sheet of paper.
1. How did you find out about the Youth Advisory COmmittee?
2. What do you know about the Youth Advisory COmmittee?
3. Why are you interested in serving on this Committee?
_____4. W,bat sk!!t$.ßQ.¥Oypossessthat woyktmake you a strôrígqtOd.idatgJortf'¡ê YOl,JthAd'iÏSOry Cömmitteß?
5. If you could be Involved in the planning for one event, what would it be? Please explain.
6. What activities are you currently involved in or will be involved in during the 2004-2005 school year?
7. How would the activities in question #6 effect your time commitment to the Youth Advisory COmmittee?
8. . If you åre not selected tothe Youth Advisory COmmittee, would you be interested in serving on one of the
following committees:
o Publicity&' Promotions 0 Special Event Planning 0 Teen Nights 0 Dub Town Jam
9. Please provide the name and phone number of three references.
Please return application materials to: Youth Advisory Commlttee/ 11600 Shannon Ave., Dub/In C4 94568
If you have any questions please call 925-556-4500.
11 f; L.f4
Dublin Youth Aetvisoty Committee Applic~tion; 2004.-2005
1. How (Het you finet out ~bout the Youth AetViSOty Committee?
I w~s t~netomly f1ipping thtough The Cuk/c<¡bout ~net ~pplieet fot ~ spot on the
Youth Committee ~ ye~t <¡go. Othet th<¡n th<¡t, I nevet he<¡t4 of it befote. j think
The Guiete is the best w<¡y to ptomote this Commission.
2. wh~t 40 you know <\bout the Youth A4visoty Committee?
I w<¡s in the 2003-2004. Youth Aetvisory Committee. I know how things tun <¡nd
wh~t out go<¡ls <¡te. I know, fot this coming ye<¡t, thete's will be <¡ new Committee
coot4 i n<¡tot.
3. Why <¡te you inteteste4 in setving on this Committee?
I've serve4 on the committee befote ~n4 like4 how things tun. It's <¡ gtoUP th<¡t
<¡ctu<¡lIy gets things <¡ccomplishe4. 1'4 like to see this gtOUP imptove from the ye<¡t
befote, I' et <¡Iso like to see the go~ls we set this p<¡st Committee ye<¡t <¡4v~nce. Aftet
serving <¡ ye<¡t on the committee, it got me thinking <¡bout how lucky I <¡m to live
in such <¡ tesoutceful community. I've become very ptou4 of being p<¡rt of <¡ w<¡tm
~net loving city. Dublin gives us teen<¡gers <¡ te<¡son to t<¡ke <¡II of the opportunity it
offets us. I've gtown ~ new sense of city ptiete "net h<¡ve <¡ thitst to be p<¡rt of its
bt<¡in 4ep<¡rtment.
4.. wh<¡t skills eta you possess th<\t woulet m~ke you <\ shong c<\netiet<¡te fotthe Youth
Aetvisoty Committee?
)outn<¡lism h<¡s bte4 <¡II of its ioutn<¡¡sts to 40 things with theit own h<¡nets <¡nci
b<¡se everything on f<Jds <¡n4 the opinion of the public, Being one of them, I
le<¡tne4 to not be <¡ft~i4 of <¡sking question <¡n4 le<¡tne4 to un4erst<in4 wh~t high
school teen<¡gets <¡te intetesteci in, I'm not <¡ft<¡i4 of getting my h<¡ncis ciirty <¡nd <¡m
not <¡ft<¡íd of t~king tisks.
Being in Peet Mecii<¡tion helpeci me cievelop the skill of <¡ppe<isement ~net
te<¡mwotk, This ptogt<¡m ~Iso t4ught me how to listen to others well.
5. If you coul4 be involve4 in the pl<\nning fot one event, wh<\t woulet it bel ple<¡se
This p<¡st committee ye<¡t, I w<¡s p<¡rt of the Dub Town )<¡m subcommittee. This
ye<¡t, if I'm given the ch<¡nce, I woul4 ciefinitely join <¡II the othet ones. Howevet,
to choose one, 1'4 4efinitely choose the Youth Music<¡lshowc<¡se. I know <¡ few
l~ ~ l.f ''1
people in bands and they would love to play for this showcase. (They missed it this
past year because they had a gig for Channel6J ¡love music and planning a big
thing like this would definitely help me at schoo\. We're planning do hold a
"Battle of the Bandsl' for Junior state of America club (debate club). I a\so went to
the Youth Advisory Committee Conference, YAC Attack. ¡ went to the "Battle of
the Bandsl' seminar. That would help us plan the Youth Musical Showcase for Y AC.
6. What ;:¡ctivities are you currently involved in or will be involved in during the
2004-2005 school ye;:¡r?
Organization: Peer Mecliation (School Program)
Peer Mediation has opened up many intellectual and social skills for me. I'm not
aft<.1íd to share my opinions <wymore <.1nc.\ it <.1llowec.\ me to become a more mature
ac.\ult who can control his/her feelings. Mrs. Donna Willy, the ac.\visor, does a great job
in teach people control, thus enabling us to create an anti-violence community.
Organization: Making Electives Count for Career Achievement (MECCA)
MECCA has allows me, as a female, to see what jobs are avq¡l;:¡ble in the world
currently. It a\so permittec.\ me to meet other teenage girls of the Tri-Valley, who have
the same ambition as I c.\o. (Ambitions to give awareness to our community of what
opportunH:ies are out thereJ
Organiz;:¡tion: Californi;:¡ Schol;:¡rshiP Feeteration (CSF)
CSF is a perfect social club. It gives;:¡o opportunity to see what schools are in stored
for us high school stuc.\ents. This forces us to look ;:¡net plan for our futures, teaching
teenagers responsibility.
Organization: Women's Help Organization
I'm the Vice Presic.\ent of this clu b. We try to raise money for abused women outside
the us. Because this club is in its in~nt stages, we're still trying to get hold of other
organizations that are willing to help us out. So Ý.tr, we have Ple;:¡santon's Rot;:¡ry club
championing us.
Org;:¡niz;:¡tion: Debate club
I'm the club's Public Relations director. This dub circles around the hot debates of the
current world, hence the title of the club. As a siete thing, we're pl;:¡nning on going to
Organiz;:¡tion: Junior State of Americ;:¡:
l'1ób '+1
This is like debqte club except this club hqs no qmbitions of going to competition.
This club did plqn this big conttovetsiql bqke s<tle to rqise qWqreness to Affirmqtive
Action. It WqS bqnned beQuse the principql thought it WqS being rqcist, further
provi ng ou r poi nt.
Orgqnizqtion: Vnofficiql Book Club
I stqrted this club this Pqst school yeqr. It WqS not qble to Pqst qS qn officiql school club
becquse the meetings qre held off Qmpus. While drinking coffee qt Tully's is q big pqrl:
of this club, we explore qll genres of books once q month. All non-high school-ers
are welcomed too!
Clq55: )ourn¡¡lí5m
117f1¡ght is ¡¡ high-cl¡¡ss high school newspqper. This connects me to pleqsanton's medj.:.~
side. I ¡¡m use to interacting with high school students and taking polls. I have plenty
of resources. I don't think I could live without this class. This is wh¡¡t provoked me in
having ¡¡ lot of school spirit, in ¡¡ good way of coutse. We also work pretty closely with
Foothill's Leadership class.
I'm pl<lnning on joining Inter<lct club and Key club. Both are community
service oriented dubs. I'm ¡¡Iso planning on joining LitM<lg.
It's ¡¡ club th<lt m¡¡kes the school's unofficial m¡¡g¡¡zine. The magazine is made
up of a collection of student written works or pictures. It's also ¡¡ society-criticizing
m~gqzine that is quite conttoversi<lL
!'m also planning on joining ple¡¡s<lnton's Homework Buddy progr<lm. This is a
progr<lm th¡¡t ¡¡lIows high school students to work with elementary and middle school
I'm also pl¡¡nning on continuing my volunteer work <It the Ple<lsanton
Convalescent Home. This pl<lce is the most depressing place in the world. They tie the
senior citizens to wheelch<lits ¡¡nd m<lke them pl<lY Bingo. Some of the elderly just sit
ne<lr the window waiting for things to come their W<lY, I go there with my friends to
t<llk with them on Tuesd<lYs ¡¡tter school. I'd hate to be stuck in one place qlone for
the rest of my life.
7. How would the activities in question #6 effect your time commitment to the
Youth Advisory Committee?
Like I s<lid I<lst yeqr, I seriously am willing to bend all the ¡¡ctivities I do for this
committee. Dublin Y AC is my second priority qtter )ournqism. Journalism interviews
<Ire usuqlly just ;:.¡tter school. However, if my cI;:.¡ss goes to the four-d;:.¡y journ<llism
conference this ye<lr in Seqttle ¡¡nd if it h<lppens to be on the Htst week of the month, I
· .
might miss one Y AC meeting. But consi4eting most of the adivities I am in ate eithet
4uting lunch ot tight aftet school, thete isn't anything that will intetfete with Y.A.C.
8. If you ate not selede4 to the Youth A4visoty Committee, woul4 you be inteteste4
in setving on one of the following committees:
I wou/4 love to join anyone of following committees. If I ha4 to choose, I
think Special Event planning woul4 be my choice. I've altea4y been on the Dub Town
Jam subcommittee and woul4 like to try something new.
Si4e Message:
¡(I'm not given q position in Dublin's Youth A4visory Committee, I would
undetstqn4. I know I'm not currently in q Dublin School. I think if I WqS a Dublin High
School stu4ent, I woul4 be a bit mote helpful in the publicity pari: by putting up
postets. But if given the ch,wce, I'm willing to wotk assi4uously (ot the city.
62} ~ ~~
City of Dublin
ApPLICATION 2004 - 2005
Thank you for expressing an interest in serving on the Youth
Advisory Committee.
The purpose of the Committee is to provide input on youth
services, assist with implementation and promotion of youth
activities and address issues that effect youth in the community.
The Youth Advisory Committee is made up of youth and adult
members appointed by the Mayor with the approval of the City
The term of office will be for twelve months with an opportunity
for re-appointment in August 2005. The twelve-month term
commences in September and terminates in August. The Youth
Advisory -committee meets once a mon1li¡' the -firsCTI1Œrsdãy .
evening at 7:30 p.m.
Name C C\ l t \ \ n MCLe Yl S School (In 2003-2004 school year) t)U b\ \ \'1 \-t \ 9 .~
, Address (p 1'31 led CjC wOOd 1"'.e'r-rC{c e Grade (In 2004-2005 school year) . \ \-th
City, St. oub\\V\ I Co..\\+orn\G\...Rþone (q25 ') %"2.. ~- úQ:;r1
Please answer the- followlh9f(1f::1etifon~;¡(et'f"a separate' sheet Of~...~A!'?"'~'_b'
__"~_,'."~",,~ _ ...-2'___"~
1. How did you find out about the Youth Advisory Committee?
\=y\€. Y1ds (,.,U'oc Ct('e 0 n +-~ e ',eo(YI Md..4·{e .
2. What do you know about the Youth Advisory Committee?
HCl S ClCÂ1 \J l ~H~ ~ .ç 0 ~ 'rl 0 u+Y\ +0 ~ r-H. c q?C{ '\'< ,n t
3. Why are you interested In serving on this Committee?
::3: -+'h H'\)C. +- e..e (\ S b ho LA. \.ó h 4 \t-e .Çu n b'ð d 0 H1
+\'10.+ r-eqUl\-t. S,\-(Gl ~ c.itj t +eûfV1WCSrt:., '. .... ..' . '. .... . . '
4. What ~kills do you possess that would. make you a strong candtdå '.. "'¥:.oúth Advis6ry Committee?
J KnoW UJhtt+ A 10+ o.ç +e€,os. h~e +0 dò G4ind Wh4.\-, "d .çrorn
v__ob\ems ~~e-\')S a Y"€ -fCL.c-ed Wt4-h ev-eJ~G..'Y, A \sù 'I. j us+ MO\ eo']:. C.Cd'
s. If you could be involved in the planning for one event, what would It be? Please explain.W1Gtry\Qt\C:: S . \ Ðf' \-"g
,.ç 't. . c.-OU \d f'lan dn even-+ ~ l.,1.)O U 'd pró"~b\~ do Cl fa-u" ð Y'" fe<ö+\:" 4.. \V'\ V\.t.W
W \+hnòeS aod go.MtS aod hetll< I~' Ju.~\-.çoY' )::ld<& Ii í-eeos. ld-eCtS
6. What activities are you currently involved in or will be involved in during the 2004-2005 school year?-
"J:.. o..m on voH-€<¡jb4l\ -t baS~e+bQll.~··· dl.so 4V1\~ in \.-eader&Y)lp,
x: p\tL'j S OCL,€ V"Q n d ¿,. re-Ç ßo(.(er 9?-- ~ In T'\1~ -rn vcü l-ty c:u"-ec..,
7. How would the activities in question #6 effect your time commitment to the Youth Advisory Committee?
~6~~~~ ,1"0+ .e..ç.çec~- ~o roUL\J becAtASe t~O'\llJ Of)c....e,.
8. If you are not selected to the Youth'Advisory Com·rTlittee~ would you be interested in serving on one of the
following committees: ~
o Publicity & Promotions 0 Special Event Planning J!' Teen Nights 0 Dub Town Jam
9. Please provide the name and phone number of three references. Ruth ~\ \o<j<jt. ('(25") 82~'" 52Ö 5 )
~ a. yo k: W cu n UJ nqh+ (C{ 1..5 ') 5~ 8- 5Co \ L\ ) ICf1lvWtfätøeø4JCf 2.,::;\ 481 - S \ '2 ""l
Please return application materials to: Youth AdvísoryCommíttee-:.J.1600"Shã...ñn.ò-,j"""e.,-[fußlín C4 94568
If you have any questions please call 925-556-4500. r:t1\J\Ò &::k..ùard
· ..,-j'.
~ ~tJb t..t t:t
City of Dublin
ApPLICATION 2004 - 2005
Thank you for expressing an interest in serving on the Youth
Advisory Committee.
The purpose of the Committee is to provide input on youth
services, assist with implementation and promotion of youth
activities and address issues that effect youth in the community.
The Youth Advisory Committee is made up of youth and adult
members appointed by the Mayor with the approval of the City
The term of office will be for twelve months with an opportunity
for re-appointment in August 2005. The twelve-month term
commences in September and terminates in August. The deadline
to submit an application is August 2, 2004 at 5:00pm. The Youth
Advisory Committee meets once a month; the first Thursday
evening at 7:30 p.m.
Name 0cA5+,n MfV'JO r
Address g3 era ;V1l-< I berí ( / EJ '
City, St.~/J'ý) J é A
School (In 2003-2004 school year) í(jp-j 15
Grade (In 2004-2005 school year) ¡-+h
Phone è¿j 7 s -I LI r;, I
Please answer the following questions on a separate sheet of paper.
1. How did you find out about the Youth Advisory Committee?
2. What do you know about the Youth Advisory Committee?
3. Why are you interested in serving on this Committee?
4. What skills do you possess that would make you a strong candidate for the Youth Advisory Committee?
5. If you could be involved in the planning for one event, what would it be? Please explain.
6. What activities are you currently involved in or will be involved in during the 2004-2005 school year?
7. How would the activities in question #6 effect your time commitment to the Youth Advisory Committee?
8. If you are not selected to the Youth Advisory Committee, would you be interested in serving on one of the
following committees:
o Publicity & Promotions 0 Special Event Planning . Teen Nights 0 Dub Town Jam
9. Please provide the name and phone number of three references.
Please return application materials to: Youth Advisory Committee, 11600 Shannon Ave., Dublin C4 94568
If you have any questions please call 925-556-4500.
~ ."",""'..
~3 ~ Lt'1
City of Dublin Youth Advisory Committee Application 2004-2005
Name: Justin Minor
Address: 8390 Mulberry Place
City, St: Dublin, CA
School: Wells Middle School
Grade: ¡th
Phone: 925-875-1461
1. The advertisement in the newspaper that my grandma showed me.
2. The committee allows Dublin youth to give input on teen/youth activities.
3. . I am taking a Leadership class over the summer and would like to put that
experience to use.
4. I am active in Boy Scouts, youth sports (DLL, DUSL & Wells Wrestling
Team), I was a student ambassador to Australia last summer with the
People to People organization and I am completing a leadership course
this summer. I have perfect attendance at school.
5. The St. Patrick's Day Festival. I would try to establish more activities
geared for the youth of Dublin and their families.
6. I currently participate in Boy Scouts, Science Club, Baseball, Wrestling,
Soccer, GATE and youth activities at church.
7. It wouldn't be an issue. I have been doing all of the above this current
school year and still was able to stay on the Principals Honor Roll all year.
8. Teen Nights.
9. Jack and Gynithe LaSalle
Mary Lovill
Denette Bell
City of Dublin
ApPLICATION 2004 - 2005
Thank you for expressing an interest in serving on the Youth
Advisory Committee.
The purpose of the Committee is to provide input on youth
services, assist with implementation and promotion of youth
activities and address issues that effect youth in the community.
-<-=;;"-""'""+Ae-¥eøth4,dvisory COmmittee is.. made. ,,up of youth and adult
members appointed by the Mayor with the approval of the City
The term of office will be for twelve months with an opportunity
for re-appointment in August 2005. The twelve-month term
commences in September and terminates in August. The deadline
to submit an application is August 2, 2004 at 5:00pm. The Youth
Advisory Committee meets once a month; the first Thursday
evening at 7:30 p.m.
Name 0;t~·r~n('1 1t'?,d¡:4.
Address 6(f::-!;J /)'1Ô Ii') n ct,
City, St. Óu h~(\ ) C,1
~f ~ LflL
School (In 2003-2004 school year) ¿:- k lis
Grade (In 2004-2005 school year) ~ :--
Phone (q 95) S)- J- 3e[ 0 if
Please answer the following questions on a separate sheet of paper.
1. How did you find out about the Youth Advisory Committee?
2. What do you know about the Youth Advisory Committee?
3. Why are you interested in serving on this Committee?
t: \IJ' !
4. What skills do you possess that would make you a strong candidate for the Youth Advisory Committee?
5. If you could be involved in the planning for one event, what would it be? Please explain.
6. What activities are you currently involved in or will be involved in during the 2004-2005 school year?
7. How would the activities in question #6 effect your time commitment to the Youth Advisory Committee?
8. If you are not selected to the Youth Advisory Committee, would you be interested in servil)g on one of the
following committees: / 1-
o Publicity & Promotions 0 Special Event Planning <!) Teen Nights C¥ Dub Town Jam
9. Please provide the name and phone number of three references.
Please return application materials to: Youth Advisory Committee/ 11600 Shannon Ave., Dublin C4 94568
If you have any questions please call 925-556-4500.
,. L¥O/
2b ~ {
City of Dublin Youth Advisory Committee Application 2004-2005
1. I found out about Youth Advisory Committee through the Junior Leader Summer
Program, which I participate in.
2. I know that Y.A.C. hosted the Dub Town Jam, capture the flag at Shannon and
Kaboom. I've attended all three and enjoyed them very much.
3. I am interested in participating in Y.A.C. because I want to get more involved in
my community, I know the benefits of teamwork and I take pride in a well-done
4. I am an energetic team player and am eager to bring my ideas to the group.
5. I'd like to beÎ11Volve~ ~_pl~g th~}?ub Town JaJJ:1 because it is the largest
Y.A.C. sponsored event that I am aware of My friends and I really enjoyed
attending the event and it would be fun coming up with new ideas to make it even
6. I am currently involved in the Junior Leader Program and attend All 4 Dance
Camp at Nielsen. During the 04-05 school year, I will be an eighth grader at
Wells Middle School. I play clarinet in the Wells concert band and will be a
member of the marching band's Flag and Letter Team. One or two evenings per
week I will take ballet, jazz, and hip hop dance classes at Spotlights Arts
7. My &ctivities will not negatively effect my ability to remain committed to Y.A.c.
Most ofmy activities t&ke place during school hours and my dance classes will
only be held a maximum of two evenin.gs per week neither of which are
8. If! &ill not selected for the committee. I would be interested in serving on either
the Teen Nights committee or the Dub Town Jam committee.
9. My personal references are:
.:. Philip and Dawn Moodie (925) 551-8904 Parents
.:. Henry Siu (925) 556-4500 Recreation leader
.:. Heather Barrie (925) 323 -9214 Dance camp instructor
.t. ~
20 ~ 44
City of Dublin
ApPLICATION 2004 - 2005
Thank you for expressing an interest in serving on the Youth
Advisory Committee.
The purpose of the Committee is to provide input on youth
services, assist with implementation and promotion of youth
activities and address issues that effect youth in the community.
The Youth Advisory Committee is made up of youth and adult
members appointed by the Mayor with the approval of the City
The term of office will be for twelve months with an opportunity
for re-appointment in August 2005. The ,twelve-month term
commences in September and terminates in August. The deadline
to submit an application is August 2, 2004 at 5:00pm. The Youth
Advisory Committee meets once a month; the first Thursday
evening at 7:30 p.m.
Name S6( al1 Pan School (In 2003-2004 school year) DLtb\ìn Big h &~Ol)\
Address (;;/12. I Iff\'? aola( V cd ) eLl B J ~ Grade (In 2004-2005 school year) Se (Î " 6 ( ( I 2. th)
City,St. OLLbnn I Cal ~..fO(i1~C\ Phone rqzJ:?) 8-2xT-(ó4¿d
Please answer the following questions on a separate sheet of paper.
1. How did you find out about the Youth Advisory Committee?
2. What do you know about t~.e Youth Advisory Committee?
3. Why are you interested in serving on this Committee?
4. What skills do you possess that would make you a strong candidate for the Youth Advisory Committee?
5. If you could be involved in the planning for one event, what would it be? Please explain.
6. What activities are you currently involved in or will be involved in during the 2004-2005 school year?
7. How would the activities in question #6 effect your time commitment to the Youth Advisory Committee?
8. If you are not selected to the Youth Advisory Committee, would you be interested in serving on one of the
following committees:
-, 0 Publicity & Promotions 0 Special Event Planning 0 Teen Nights 0 Dub Town Jam
9. Please provide the name and phone number of three references.
Please return application materials to: Youth Advisory Committee, 11600 Shannon Ave., Dub/in C4 94568
If you have any questions please call 925-556-4500.
~1l'Q ¥1
Youth Advisory Committee Application 2004-2005
1. How did you find out about the Youth Advisory Committee?
I found out about the Youth Advisory Committee from a friend at Dublin High School.
2. What do you know about the Youth Advisory Committee?
I know that the Youth Advisory Committee meets on the first Thursday of every month and
organizes teen events such as the Youth Music Showcase, Dub Town Jam, and Capture the
3. Why are you interested in serving on this Committee?
I am interested in serving on this Committee because I believe that it takes teens to coordinate teen
events. As teens, we know what types of events our peers enjoy and with that, we can bring those
ideas to the monthly meetings in order to plan fun and exciting teen events.
4. What skills do you possess that would make you a strong candidate for the Youth Advisory
Some of the skills that I possess that would make me a strong candidate for the Youth Advisory
Committee are good communication skills, great listening skills, and skills for cooperation within
a group.
5. If you could be involved in the planning for one event, what would it be? Please explain.
If! could be involved in the planning for one event, I would help with the St. Patrick's Day
Celebration because I believe that it is important to celebrate our Dublin Heritage and take pride in
Dublin. Not only that, it's also a great way to give back to your community, who has given so
much just to raise teens like us.
6. What activities are you currently involved in or will be involved in during the 2004-2005 school
Some of the activities I will be involved during the 2004-2005 school year are: Scholars of Society
Club, American Sign Language Club, Interact Club, and the California Scholarship Federation
Club (CSF).
7. How would the activities in question #6 effect your time commitment to the Youth Advisory
The activities in question number six would not affect my time commitment to the Youth
Advisory Committee at all.
8. If you are not selected to the Youth Advisory Committee, would you be interested in serving on
one of the following committees:
Yes, defmitely. I would help with the "Special Event Planning".
9. Please provide the name and phone number of three references.
Jeffrey Pan 829-6421
Louisa Pan 829-6421
Henry Siu (925) 556-4500
á,«tt ~4
City 0 fD ubi ¡nO
2004 - 2005
Thank you for expressing an interest in serving on the Youth
Advisory Committee.
The purpose of the Committee is to provide input on youth
services, assist with implementation and promotion of youth
activities and address issues that effect youth in the community.
The Youth Advisory Committee Is madeupofyouthand adult
members appointed by the Mayor with 'the approvalaf theCfty;··
The term of office will be for twelve months with an opportunity
for re-appointment In August 2005. The twelve-month term
commences in September and terminates in August. The Youth
Advisory Committee meets once a month; the first Thursday
evening at 7:30 p.m.
School (In 2003-2004 school year) D v hI ~ 'Y1 It:; ~ S'c it
Grade (In 2004-2005 school year) -L1
Phone .0J-5) 5>6--06 t1
City, St.
Please answer the following questions on a separate sheet of paper. f I ho..v€.. a.. ~ (;) o...ffhe£ {þ,..-
1. How did you find out about the Youth Advisory Committee? 1-'h}.S'./-c/Je/1 1- G./V\ c ~' /JS' .
-11 <: . ~I../" ·Y'1t.J:>J0¡1Q( (0 It-I':;'.
1 f\C\.. µ M7 tJrst-f(ìOri-l¡,
2. What do you know about the Youth Advisory Committee?
3~ Why are·yôu·· interest#dlnservingon~sCommlttee?
4. What skills do you possess that would make you a strong candidate for the Youth Advisory Committee?
5. If you could be Involved in the planning for one event, what would it be? Please explain.
6. What activities are you currently involved in or will be involved in during the 2004·2005 school year?
7. How would the activities in question #6 effect your time commitment to the Youth Advisory Committee?
8. If you are not selected to the Youth Advisory Committee, would you be interested in serving on one of the
following committees: /
o Publicity & Promotions 0 Special Event Planning \Ø Teen Nights 0 Dub Town Jam
9. Please provide the name and phone number of three references.
Please return application materials to: Youth Advisory Committee, 11600 Shannon Ave., Dublin C4 94568
If you have any questions please call 925w556·4500.
~'1J ~4
Youth Advisory Committee Application
1. How did you fmd out about the Youth Advisory Committee?
1 served on the Y.A.C. last year, so I already knew about it.
2. What do you know about the Youth Advisory Committee?
I know that it is composed of eleven members that provide input on
youth activities. The members also volunteer and help set up youth and
teen events, such as the Dub Town Jam and Teen Nights.
3. Why are you interested in serving on this Committee?
I served on the Y.A.C. last year (2003-2004), and I would like to serve
again. I like volunteering and getting community service. I also like
staying infonned on what happens in the city.
4. What skills do you possess that would make you a strong candidate for
the Youth Advisory Committee?
I am responsible, and I show up when I am appointed for something. Last
year, I only missed one or two meetings due to sickness.
5. If you could be involved in the planning for one event, what would it be?
Please explain.
I would like to help in the planning of the Teen Nights (Capture the Flag,
etc.), because they seem to be very popular. I have not been to one, so I
am interested in seeing what they are like.
6. What activities are you involved in or will be involved in during the
2004-2005 school year?
I will be participating in cross-country and volleyball, as well as helping
out my school through the Interact Club. I also take private piano lessons
and am in the school's jazz band.
7. How would these activities in question #6 effect your time commitment
to the Youth Advisory Committee?
These activities shouldn't affect my time commitment, but if they do, I
will notify my coordinator and let him/her know.
8. If you are not selected to the Youth Advisory Committee, would you be
interested in serving on one of the following committees?
I have also applied for the Student Commissioner position. That is my
first priority. However, if I am not selected for Y.A.C, I would be
interested in serving on the "Teen Nights" subcommittee.
9. Please provide the name and phone number of three references.
1. Donald Hopkins (Friend)- (925) 803-1527
2. Diana Moran (Friend)- (925) 829-2040
3. Seema Pande (Mother)- (925) 899-3936
.." -"
City of Dublin
ApPLICATION 2004 - 2005
Thank you for expressing an interest in serving on the Youth
Advisory Committee.
The purpose of the Committee is to provide input on youth
services, assist with implementation and promotion of youth
activities and address issues that effect youth in the community.
The Youth Advisory Committee is made up of youth and adult
members appointed by the Mayor with the approval of the City
The term of office will be for twelve months with an opportunity
for re-appointmentin August 2005. The twelve-month term
commences in September and terminates in August. The Youth
Advisory Committee meets once a month; the first Thursday
evening at 7:30 p.m.
Name then-Chen PbooE School (In 2003-2004 school year) \)ub\in ~i9n School
Address ltil5 winterbrook Avenue Grade (In 2004-2005 school year) lO~ grade
City, St. [)u blìn) CA Phone (ttZS) 551- 3""
Please answer the following questions on a separate sheet of paper.
1. How did you find out about the Youth Advisory Committee?
2. What do you know about the Youth Advisory Committee?
3. Why are you interested in serving on this Committee?
4. What skills do you possess that would make you a strong candidate for the Youth Advisory Committee?
5. If you could be Involved in the planning for one event, what would it be? Please explain.
6. What activities are you currently involved in or will be involved in during the 2004-2005 school year?
7. How would the activities in question #6 effect your time commitment to the Youth Advisory Committee?
8. If you are not selected to the Youth Advisory Committee, would you be interested In serving on one of the
following committees:
o Publicity & Promotions 0 Special Event Planning 0 Teen Nights 0 Dub Town Jam
9. Please provide the name and phone number of three references.
Please return application materials to: Youth Advisory Committee, 11600 Shannon Ave., Dublin C4 94568
If you have any questions please call 925-556-4500.
~l'b 41
Citv of Dublin Youth Advisorv Committee Application 2004~2005
Name: Chen-Chen Phang
Address: 4815 Winterbrook Avenue
City, St.: Dublin, CA
School (2004~2005): Dublin High School
Grade (2004~2005): 10
Phone: (925) 551-3169
1. How did you find out about the Youth Advisory Committee?
I heard of the Youth Advisory Committee through my sister, who had served on it
before. Also, I have attended some of this committee's events in the past years, such
as Dub Town Jam.
2. What do you know about the Youth Advisory Committee?
The Youth Advisory Committee strives to implement safe and positive activities for
the youth of today. Teenagers of this committee devise and prepare events that will
create lasting memories and meaningful past times for their peers. Issues that affect
teens are also addressed and discussed.
3. Why are you interested in serving on this Committee?
I have enjoyed attending Y.A.C events with my :&iends and spending a fun afternoon
building pennanent memories together. Knowing this positive effect Y.A.C has
on Dublin's youth, I would be honored to be a part ofthe team that creates such
significant events for my peers. I believe that there is much Y.A.C can do for the
teenagers of Dublin.
4. What skills do you possess that would make you a strong candidate for the Youth
Advisory Committee?
From young, the value of being both diligent and responsible has been instilled in me.
I have also been keenly involved in leadership through school clubs and
extracurricular activities, both of which have taught me the importance of
dedication and detennination. Also, having a positive, cheerful attitude helps me
through obstacles.
5. If you could be involved in the planning for one even, what would it be? Please
Every year that I attend Dub Town Jam, I leave impressed at what I have seen,
children laughing with their parents and teenagers with their friends, all enjoying
themselves in one way or another. I feel that Dub Town Jam is an extremely
rewarding event, and it would be my pleasure to help plan for it.
3¿"" ~ t+C(
6. What activities are you cUITently involved in or will be involved in during the
2004-2005 school year.
I will be a part of the Dublin High School video bulletin team as well as a member of
various school clubs.
7. How would the activities in question #6 effect your time commitment to the
Youth Advisory Committee?
Most of these activities will take place before school or during lunch, so my time
after school is ttee to be devoted the Youth Advisory Committee.
8. If you are not selected to the Youth Advisory Committee, would you be
interested in serving on one of the following committees:
o yublicity & Promotions
"'Dub Town Jam
o Special Event Planning
o Teen Nights
9. Please provide the name and phone number of three references.
Larry Carpenter
Holly Cunningham
Abby Johnson
833-3300 Ext.7021
833-3300 Ext. 7033
833-3300 Ext. 7123
City of Dublin 3'71J 'fq
2004 - 2005
'Y 0 U T H
Thank you for expressing an interest in serving on the Youth
Advisory Committee.
The purpose of the Committee is to provide input on youth
services, assist with implementation and promotion of youth
activities and address issues that effect youth in the community.
The Youth Advisory Committee is made up of youth and adult
members appointed by the Mayor with the approval of the City
The term of office will be for twelve months with an opportunity
for re-appointment in August 2005. The twelve-month term
commences in September and terminates in August. The deadline
to submit an application is August 2, 2004 at 5:00pm. The Youth
Advisory Committee meets once a month; the first Thursday
evening at 7:30 p.m.
Name JO({ì\e_ - L \ \0 SC\'ì\\\<"'\lìeS-
School (In 2003-2004 school year) I) )(::\ \s rc\('{\\,--: Cj:Jü
Address \0 C\ '---\ L """l {"\ sO \\ (\\\0\\ . C\ , è\~ Grade (In 2004-2005 school year) ~fu
City, St. ~ h\ \ (\ \ C~, Phone lll2Jð~ (7{ 3~-()v) ?-,F~
Please answer the following questions on a separate sheet of paper.
1. How did you find out about the Youth Advisory Committee?
2. What do you know about the Youth Advisory Committee?
3. Why are you interested in serving on this Committee?
4. What skills do you possess that would make you a strong candidate for the Youth Advisory Committee?
5. If you could be involved in the planning for one event, what would it be? Please explain.
6. What activities are you currently involved in or will be involved in during the 2004-2005 school year?
7. How would the activities in question #6 effect your time commitment to the Youth Advisory Committee?
8. If you are not selected to the Youth Advisory Committee, would you be interested in serving on one of the
foll9wing committees: J /
~Publicity & Promotions '(j) Special Event Planning ISJ Teen Nights Q Dub Town Jam
9. Please provide the name and phone number of three references.
Please return application materials to: Youth Advisory Committee, 11600 Shannon Ave., Dub/in C4 94568
If you have any questions please call 925-556-4500.
-~'1 0/]41
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City of Dublin
ApPLICATION 2004 - 2005
3i ðb ~
Thank you for expressing an interest in serving on the Youth
Advisory Committee.
The purpose of the Committee is to provide input on youth
services, assist with implementation and promotion of youth
activities and address issues that effect youth in the community.
The Youth Advisory Committee is made up of youth and adult
members appointed by the Mayor with the approval of the City
The term of office will be for twelve months with an opportunity
for re-appointment in August 2005. The twelve-month term
commences in September and terminates in August. The Youth
Advisory Committee meets once a month; the first Thursday
evening at 7:30 p.m.
Name ð ~ ",j rYI.A--..:.fÞ- School (In 2003-2004 school year)
Address 1/ <¡ 7 c¡ f3)[}-OÌ"}'U..-'(J fríYl..--0y Grade (In 2004-2005 school year)
City, St: ])~v'... (ILL Phone ~P1-"7 -0 do..- '3~
1. How did you find out about the Youth Advisory Committee?
Please answer the following questions ona separate sheet of paper.
2. What do you know about the Youth Advisory Committee?
3. Why are you interested in serving on this Committee?
4. What skills do you possess that would make you a strong candidate for the Youth Advisory Committee?
5. If you could be involved in the planning for one event, what would it be? Please explain.
6. What activities are you currently involved in or will be involved in during the 2004-2005 school year?
7. How would the activities in question #6 effect your time commitment to the Youth Advisory Committee?
8. If you are not selected to the Youth Advisory Committee, would you be interested in serving on one of the
following committees:
o Publicity & Promotions 0 Special Event Planning 0 Teen Nights 0 Dub Town Jam
9. Please provide the name and phone number of three references.
Please return application materials to: Youth Advisory Committee, 11600 Shannon Ave., Dublin C4 94568
If you have any questions please call 925-556-4500.
3411J Lf4
Liana Smith
Community Adult Advisor
Youth Advisory Committee: Application Questions
1. How did you find out about the Youth Advisory Committee?
My daughter and son have been active in Y AC for the past 3 years. I was Adult Advisor for
the 03-04 term.
2. What do you know about the Youth Advisory Committee?
Y AC plans, organizes and executes activities for the youth of Dublin
3. Why are you interested in serving on this Committee?
I would like to continue being the Y AC advisor for the 04-05 term because it waS rewarding
to watch the members brainstorm ideas, implement them and see how successful they were.
4. What skills do you possess that would make you a strong candidate for the Youth
Advisory Committee?
I have worked with all the Dublin schools Parent groups (Elementary level through High
School) planning, organizing and running activities at the schools. I get along well with children
and am currently Dublin Elementary School's Librarian. I was the Adult advisor last year
5. If you could be involved in the planning for one event, what would it be? Please explain.
I enjoyed taking pictures for all the events and would be willing to continue doing it next year.
Dub Town Jam would be the event if I had only one to choose. It seems to be the event where
more decision making and planning by the members take place.
6. What activities are you currently involved in or will be involved in the 2004-2005 school
03-04 Y AC Adult Advisor, CSEA Treasurer and Dublin Elementary Parent Faculty Club
7. How would activities in #6 effect your time commitment to the Youth Advisory
The days and times for my current volunteer work would not conflict with the Y AC meetings
and the I should have no problem being able to help out and attend the events that the group
takes on.
8. If you are not selected to the Youth Advisory Committee, would you be interested in
serving on one of the followi~ommittees?
a. Publicity and Promotions (,!YSpecial Event Planning c. Teen Nights d. Dub Town Jam
Please provide the name, phone FlJmber and three references.
Tess Thomas 833-1204
Mike Williams 829-0863
Tim Sbranti 833-3300 x7168
.....~. '"'-I
City of Dublin
ApPLICATION 2004 - 2005
Thank you for expressing an interest in serving on the Youth
Advisory Committee.
The purpose of the Committee is to provide input on youth
services, assist with implementation and promotion of youth
activities and address issues that effect youth in the community.
The Youth Advisory Committee is made up of youth and adult
members appointed by the Mayor with the approval of the City
The term of office will be for twelve months with an opportunity
for re-appointment in August 2005. The twelve-month term
commences in September and terminates in August. The deadline
to submit an application is August 2, 2004 at 5:00pm. The Youth
Advisory Committee meets once a month; the first Thursday
evening at 7:30 p.m.
Address il M . ~
City, St. D-lb1-lJl;ca q4f>(Qg
School (In 2001-2004sdwo1 year)~ / ~~
Grade (In 2004~2005 school year) q+-n C1 rode
Phone (9~~)~-¡q-CòO/2-
Please answer the following questions on a separate sheet of paper.
1. How did you find out about the Youth Advisory Committee?
2. What do you know about the Youth Advisory Committee?
3. Why are you interested in serving on this Committee?
4. What skills do you possess that would make you a strong candidate for the Youth Advisory Committee?
5. If you could be involved in the planning for one event, what would it be? Please explain.
6. What activities are you currently involved in or will be involved in during the 2004~2005 school year?
7. How would the activities in question #6 effect your time commitment to the Youth Advisory Committee? II
8. If you are not selected to the Youth Advisory Committee, would you be interested in serving on one of th~ I
following committees: M :
o Publicity & Promotions 0 Special Event Planning 0 Teen Nights 0 Dub Town Jam U ,.
9. Please provide the name and phone number of three references. II
Please return application materials to: Youth Advisory Committee/ 11600 Shannon Ave./ Dublin C4 9456~
If you have any questions please call 925-556-4500.
4-\ ~ 44
City of Dublin Youth Advisory Committee Application
1. I found out about the Youth Advisory COmmittee from the newspaper. I was reading The
Valley limes and read an article about the Youth Advisory COmmittee and called the number.
Then they told me to go to the Shannon Center and get an application.
2. I don't know to much about the Youth Advisory COmmittee, but I'd love to learn more
and be a part of the community. I know that the Youth Advisory COmmittee is a very good way to
get involved and help the city plan events and reach out to Dublin's youth community.
3. I am very interested in serving on this COmmittee. I love to get involved and help make
the community a better place. It would be a great learning experience. I think I have a lot of
ideas and know the issues that effect kids in Dublin and the Trl-Valley. I have always been
interested In Dublin; I always want to know what's going on and care about how to make It
4. I know I have the right skills to serve the Youth Advisory COmmittee. I get good grades
and am a hard worker. I also am creative and have many ideas I'd like to share. I like to voice
my opinion and am good at delegating. I think my most important strength Is that I am a team
player and a good listener.
5. I'd like to be Involved in planning as many events as possible. I do not know all the
specific events id be planning, but id love to help with anything. For example I'd love to help plan
the teen nights and everything that would allow my to use all my skills that I possess.
6. I will be involved in a few activities during the 2004-2005 school year. I am hoping to be
in leadership at Dublin High School as an incoming freshmen. I will also be playing soccer for
Dublin. I attend CCD (church youth group) at St. Raymond's which meets once a week. I am
looking forward to being involved in as many programs as possible to expand my horizons and
find out what I want to do in life.
7. The activities would not effect my commitment to the Youth Advisory COmmittee at all.
The activities don't take away from my dedication to the Youth Advisory COmmittee; if anything
they allow me to be more in tune with Dublin's youth and find out what we need to do to make
Dublin more youth oriented.
8. If I am not selected to serve the Youth Advisory COmmittee I would be interested in
serving in any of the other committees. (Publicity & Promotions, Special Event Planning, Teen
Nights, and Dub Town Jam)
Claudia Ambrose
Neighbor/ Family Friend
Gail Paulsen
Close Family Friend
Patty Guadagni
C i t Y 0 f Dub I i n /j"'). ðQ <-1-1
2004 - 2005
Thank you for expressing an interest in serving on the Youth
Advisory Committee.
The purpose of the Committee is to provide input on youth
services, assist with implementation and promotion of youth
activities and address issues that effect youth in the community.
The Youth Advisory Committee is made up of youth and adult
members appointed by the Mayor with the approval of the City
The term of office will be for twelve months with an opportunity
for re-appointment in August 2005. The twelve-month term
commences in September and terminates in August. The deadline
to submit an application is August 2, 2004 at 5:00pm. The Youth
Advisory Committee meets once a month; the first Thursday
evening at 7:30 p.m.
Name (1_ (À,YQ Ll (\~ ~ e +-bo hi
Address <& () \ X ß~\ -t\;0...,'(\\¡) Or
City, St. Þ \J IQ \..\ '(\ I (.A q 4S \0 5<
School (In 200J-2004school year) D..JL?U ý\ t\\~ 1--\
Grade (In 2004-2005 school year) /2
Phone ( q 2 S) "X 2 q - q l 3 +
Please answer the following questions on a separate sheet of paper.
1. How did you find out about the Youth Advisory Committee?
2. What do you know about the Youth Advisory Committee?
3, Why are you interested in serving on this Committee?
4, What skills do you possess that would make you a strong candidate for the Youth Advisory Committee?
5. If you could be involved in the planning for one event, what would it be? Please explain.
6. What activities are you currently involved in or will be involved in during the 2004-2005 school year?
7. How would the activities in question #6 effect your time commitment to the Youth Advisory Committee? ~
8. If you are not selected to the Youth Advisory Committee, would you be interested in serving on one of tht
following committees:
o Publicity & Promotions 0 Special Event Planning 0 Teen Nights 0 Dub Town Jam ~
9. Please provide the name and phone number of three references.
Please return application materials to: Youth Advisory Committee, 11600 Shannon Ave., Dub/in C4 9456~
If you have any questions please call 925·556-4500.
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'-l~~ Lt!.,
City of Dublin
ApPLICATION 2004 - 2005
Thank you for expressing an interest in serving on the Youth
Advisory Committee.
The purpose of the Committee is to provide input on youth
services, assist with implementation and promotion of youth
activities and address issues that effect youth in the community.
The Youth Advisory Committee is made up of youth and adult
members appointed by the Mayor with the approval of the City
The term of office will be for twelve months with an opportunity
for re-appointment in August 2005. The twelve-month term
commences in September and terminates in August. The deadline
to submit an application is August 2, 2004 at 5:00pm. The Youth
Advisory Committee meets once a month; the first Thursday
evening at 7:30 p.m.
School (In 2003-2004 school year) ß-.~ ~
Grade (In 2004-2005 school year) q ~
Phone 1z,b r~U ./11:r5
City, St.
Please answer the following questions on a separate sheet of paper.
1. How did you find out about the Youth Advisory Committee?
2, What do you know about t~,,~ Youth Advisory Committee?
3. Why are you interested in serving on this Committee?
4. What skills do you possess that would make you a strong candidate for the Youth Advisory Committee?
5. If you could be involved in the planning for one event, what would it be? Please explain.
6. What activities are you currently involved in or will be involved in during the 2004-2005 school year?
7. How would the activities in question #6 effect your time commitment to the Youth Advisory Committee?
8. If you are not selected to the Youth Advisory Committee, would you be interested in serving on one of the
following committees:
'. 0 Publicity & Promotions 0 Special Event Planning 0 Teen Nights 0 Dub Town Jam
9. Please provide the name and phone number of three references.
Please return application materials to: Youth Advisory Committee, 11600 Shannon Ave., Dub/in C4 94S68
If you have any questions please call 925-556-4500.
'-fit; '1J t+C¡
City of Dublin
Youth Advisory Committee
Application 2004-2005
City, St.:
School (In 2003-2004 school year):
Grade (In 2003-2004 school year):
Nene Kumashe Ugbah
7412 Las Palmas Way
Dublin, CA
St. Raymond
(925) 828-7175
1. How did you find out about the Youth Advisory Committee?
It was my mother who first infonned me of the Youth Advisory Committee. She
spotted the flier in the Community Calendar and told my sister and I about the
Committee soon after.
2. What do you know about the Youth Advisory Committee?
In truth, I knew nothing of the Youth Advisory Committee before this time.
However, I've now come to learn that the Youth Advisory Committee or Y.A.c.
is an eleven-member committee éomprised(youth representatives from middle and
high school, along with adult advisors, that meets once a month on the first
Thursday evening. The Y.A.C is responsible for thinking up safe and positive
ideas on recreational planning and addressing issues that effect teenagers in the
City of Dublin.
3. Why are you interested in serving on this Committee?
I believe that becoming a part of this committee will help me acquire ideals that
may assist me during my first year of high school. Earning volunteer hours is
rather helpful as well.
4. What skills do you possess that would make you a strong candidate for the Youth
Advisory Committee?
During the fall of 2001, after the 9/11 incident, I organized a fundraiser to make
and sell "patriotic ribbon pins" that netted $2,000 for the World Trade Center
relief fund. I'm also an aspiring writer whose sizeable vocabulary may be of some
use to the Y.A.c.
41 ~+l
5. If you could be involved in the planning for one event, what would it be? Please
If I could be involved in the planning of Fun in the Sun, I'd be thrilled. I attended
Fun in the Sun until I was about eleven and enjoyed it immensely, though the
majority of activities have become outdated and are in need of major
6. What activities are you currently involved in or will be involved in during the
2004-2005 school year?
During the 2004-2005 school year, I will be involved in the sports soccer and
track and field. Upon passing my exam, I will be a Dublin soccer referee as well.
Some days I work at the BACQHC (Bay Area Consortium for Quality Health
Care, Inc.). I am also beginning to play the guitar.
7. How would the activities in question #6 effect your time commitment to the
Youth Advisory Committee?
All of these activities occur on the weekend, but if any were to change, since the
Y.A.c. only meets once a month, I'd skip these activities for the day in order to
participate in the Y.A.c.
8. If you are not selected to the Youth Advisory Committee, would you be interested
in serving one of these committees: Publicity & Promotions, Special Event
Planning, Teen Nights, or Dub Town Jam.
If I wasn't selected for the Y.A.C, I would definitely choose to be a part of the
Special Event Planning Committee.
9. Please provide the name and phone number of three references.
Dr. Gwen Rowe-Lee Sykes, Executive Director
Bay Area Consortium for Quality Health Care, Inc.
Mrs. Catherine Deehan
Mrs. Myra Mills
C i t Y 0 f Dub I in. 4< Ob 14-1
2004 - 2005
1: resè ~~"r*
Thank you for expressing an interest in serving on the Youth
Advisory Committee.
The purpose of the Committee is to provide input on youth
services, assist with implementation and promotion of youth
activities and address issues that effect youth in the community.
The Youth Advisory Committee is made up of youth and adult
members appointed by the Mayor with the approval of the City
The term of office will be for twelve months with an opportunity
for re-appointment in August 2005. The twelve-month term
commences in September and terminates in August. The Youth
Advisory Committee meets once a month; the first Thursday
evening at 7:30 p.m.
School (In 2003-2004 school year) 9\'. ~1'Ii 3rtll1f11
Name 1Qro \ij6)i1.
Address 14-'2. l..Oß ffi,\moS ~
City, St. ~)~~
Grade (In 2004-2005 school year) 8
Phone LC:"S)82S"':H~
Please answer the following questions on a separate sheetofpaper.
1. How did you find out about the Youth Advisory Committee?
2. What do you know about the Youth Advisory Committee?
3. Why are you interested in serving on this Committee?
4, What skills do you possess that would make you a strong candidate for the Youth Advisory Committee?
5. If you could be involved in the planning for one event, whát would it be? Please explain.
6. What activities are you currently involved in or will be involved in during the 2004-2005 school year?
7. How would the activities in question #6 effect your time commitment to the Youth Advisory Committee?
8. If you are not selected to the Youth Advisory Committee, would you be interested in serving on one of the
following committees:
o Publicity & Promotions 0 Special Event Planning 0 Teen Nights 0 Dub Town Jam
9. Please provide the name and phone number of three references.
Please return application materials to: Youth Advisory Committee, 11600 Shannon Ave., Dublin C4 94568
If you have any questions please call 925-556-4500.
, ".-'
l11 ðb '1 '"1
1. My mom saw the sign for the Y.A.C. in the community calendar.
2. I know that the Youth Advisory Committee is involved with the activities that Dublin
runs for teens.
3. After student council for the school year ended, I thought it would be so much fun to
be a part of that experience again.
4. I have good leadership skills because I was part of the student council as class
representative last year. I also know how to keep people safe since I was on the safety
5. I would like to be involved in the summer camps because 1 could think of cool
activities that the kids could do.
6. I play soccer, basketball, and I will probably start volleyball. I will be a Dublin
referee this year. I am still a member ofthe safety patrol. Hopefully, I will earn a spot
on the newspaper and yearbook committees.
7. Most of the activities will be during school. Sports are usually early in the afternoon.
If any would conflict with a YA.C. meeting, I would cancel that activity.
8. Special Event Planning
9. Diane Scott:462-2357
St. Raymond School: 828-4064,extension 223
Myra Mills: 600-1604