HomeMy WebLinkAbout7.3 DublinBlvdWideningCITY CLERK File # 1:1660-ads AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: October 19, 2004 SUBJECT: Approval of Final Estimate — Contract No. 01-10, Dublin Boulevard Widening — Village Parkway to Sierra Court Report Prepared by: Melissa Morton, Public Works Director ATTACHMENTS: 1) Budget Summary 2) Budget Change Forms for FY 2003-2004 and FY 2004-2005 3) Project Final Estimate RECOMMENDATION: 1) Approve Budget Change for FY 2003-2004 in the amount of $431,240 for the additional work; and 2) Approve Extension of the Dublin Boulevard Widening Project through Fiscal Year 2004-2005; and 3) Approve Budget Change for FY 2004-2005 in the amount of $159,481 for the additional work and $485,443 for budget transfer from FY 2004-2005 to FY 2003-2004; and 4) Approve Final Estimate for Contract No. 01-10, Dublin Boulevard Widening - Village Parkway to Sierra Court FINANCIAL STATEMENT: In order to adequately fund this project, it is necessary to effect budget changes. Attachment 1 describes in detail the budget change required in Fiscal Year 2003-2004 and the additional funds needed to extend the project through Fiscal Year 2004-2005. The proposed budget changes are as follows: Budget Change (FY 2003-2004): $ 431,240 Budget Change (FY 2004-2005): $ 159,481 Total Budget Changes: $ 590,721 The FY 2003-2004 and 2004-2005 budget changes also reflect a change in timing for the receipt of the reimbursement for utility relocation costs. Funds were received in the amount of $485,443 from the utility companies in FY 2003-2004 rather than FY 2004- 2005 as expected. --------------------------------------------------------------- COPIES TO: Granite Construction 8C---**' TT3 ITEM NO. GAMlSCPR0Adbw-vpw sierraTrojecAagst_approv final estimate Revl.doc al Attachment 3 describes in detail the Final Estimate for the Dublin Boulevard Widening Project. After deducting liquidated damages in the amount of $113,250, the final payment is $3,920,457. This final payment includes a claim payment of $34,460 and a withheld amount of $85,125 for as-built drawings not yet submitted to the City. The City's Traffic Impact Fees (TIP) will be used to fund the budget changes. The total TIP allocation for this project is $1,432,062. The latest TIP update shows a total cost of $1,138,400, resulting in a deficit of $293,662. TIP reserves will be used to fund this difference until the next update of the TIP program, at which time the project funding will be revised. DESCRIPTION: On May 18, 2004, the City Council accepted the Dublin Boulevard Widening improvements under Contract No. 01-10, and directed Staff to send a proposed Final Estimate to Granite Construction for the total amount payable to the Contractor. A Proposed Final Estimate was subsequently sent to the Contractor and on June 22, 2004, the Contractor agreed to the total of the Proposed Final Estimate, but with several exceptions and claims. The Contractor has since been paid the total of the Proposed Final Estimate, excluding two withheld items. These two items include liquidated damages and the cost to prepare as-built drawings, which have not been completely prepared and submitted to the City by the Contractor. Staff completed its analysis of the Contractor's exceptions and claims, and on September 17, 2004, sent a letter to the Contractor agreeing to the amounts for thirteen claim items totaling $34,460, subject to City Council approval (see Attachment 3, Exhibit C). All other amounts and items have been rejected. The Project Final Estimate Summary (Attachment 3) indicates a construction cost overrun of $481,634, which includes adjustments to contract bid items ($177,454), additional change orders ($269,720) and the claim payment of $34,460. This cost overrun was primarily due to the following reasons: 1) A significant amount of asphalt was used in the project to reconstruct three driveways and to repair potholes and cracks that developed during construction of the street; 2) The portion of Alamo Canal Trail within the project limits was repaired and paved with asphalt, including installation of asphalt dikes, retaining walls, rock slope protection and fences to comply with Zone 7 and East Bay Regional Parks District requirements; 3) Installation of two retaining walls, bollards and railing along the north side of Dublin Boulevard to protect properties and pedestrians; 4) Repair of damaged landscaping fronting the businesses along Dublin Boulevard; 5) Installation of a storm water separation system required by the Regional Water Quality Control Board; 6) Storm drainage modifications; and 7) Additional project survey staking. The FY 2003-2004 and 2004-2005 budget changes also reflect a change in timing for the receipt of the reimbursement for utility relocation costs. Funds were received in the amount of $485,443 from the utility companies in FY 2003-2004 rather than FY 2004-2005 as expected. In addition, Staff and the City's consultant spent extra hours on inspection, construction management and materials testing due to the added change orders. A budget change for FY 2003-0004 in the amount of $431,240 is necessary to fund a portion of the costs of the seven listed items and extra hours. Page 2 'Œb"3 No funds were budgeted in Fiscal Year 2004-2005 for payment of the claim as the Contractor's exceptions and claims to the Final Estimate had not been anticipated at the time the budget was being prepared. Additional Staff and consultant time are also needed to respond to the claims filed by the Contractor. A budget change in the amount of $159,481 is therefore necessary to pay for these additional charges, including the withheld amount for the as-built drawings. Staff recommends that the City Council approve: 1) a budget change for FY 2003-2004 in the amount of $431,240; 2) the extension of the Dublin Boulevard Widening Project, CIP#96920, through Fiscal Year 2004-2005; 3) a Budget Change for FY 2004-2005 in the amount of $159,481 and $485,443 for budget transfer from FY 2004-2005 to FY 2003-2004; and 4) the Project Final Estimate for Contract 01-10, Dublin Boulevard Widening - Village Parkway to Sierra Court. Page3 ~~ \oo\~ DUBLIN BOULEVARD WIDENING PROJECT CIP 96920 & 96080 BUDGET SUMMARY PRIOR YEAR BUDGET BUDGET FUND ACTUAL FY 03/04 FY 04-05 TOTAL Gas Tax (206) $ 421,635 $ 421,635 STIP (219) $ 2,457,923 $ 627,353 $ 3,085,276 TIF (300) $ 344,185 $ 629,466 $ - $ 973,651 CMA TIP (228) $ 400,000 $ 400,000 Gen. Fund (001): Street $ 142,845 $ 142,845 Utility Work $ 123,541 $ 328,704 $ 452,245 TOTAL $ 3,890,129 $ 1,585,523 $ - $ 5,4 75,652 ESTIMATED COST BY FUND PRIOR YEAR EST. ACTUAL PROP. BUDGET FUND ACTUAL FY 03/04 FY 04-05 TOTAL Gas Tax (206) $ 421,635 $ 421,635 STIP (219) $ 2,457,923 $ 642,077 $ 3,100,000 TIF (300) $ 344,185 $ 928,396 $ 159,481 $ 1,432,062 CMA TIP (228) $ 400,000 $ 400,000 Gen. Fund (001) Street $ 142,845 $ 30,600 $ 173,445 Utility Work $ 123,541 $ 415,690 $ 539,231 TOTAL $ 3,890,129 $ 2,016,763 $ 159,481 $ 6,066,373 ESTIMATED COST BY TASK THRU FY 03-04 PRIOR YEAR BUDGET EST. ACTUAL TASK ACTUAL FY 03/04 FY 03-04 TOTAL Salary $ 108,963 $ 41,630 $ 87,070 $ 196,033 Contract Services: Street $ 1 ,192,726 $ 109,428 $ 146,671 $ 1,339,397 Utility Work $ 29,990 $ - $ 110 $ 30,100 RiQht of Way $ 513,687 $ - $ ~ $ 513,687 Construction: Granite Contract: Street $ 1,941,228 $ 1,089,032 $ 1,350,513 $ 3,291,741 Utility Work $ 93,551 $ 328,704 $ 415,580 $ 509,131 Misc. Construction $ 16,729 $ 16,729 $ 16,729 Miscellaneous $ 9,984 $ - $ 90 $ 10,074 TOTAL $ 3,890,129 $ 1,585,523 $ 2,016,763 $ 5,906,892 /,3 \O\\q\ oq I AlTACHMENT ",. ..... .- -"-_.,,~ . ~._--- dC~\~ BUDGET CHANGE BUDGET CHANGE TASK FY 03-04 FY 04-05 Salary $ 45,440 $ 8,400 Contract Services: Street $ 37,243 $ 31,500 Utility Work $ 110 $ - Riç¡ht of Way $ - $ - Construction: Street $ 261,481 Utility Work $ 86,876 Claim Payment $ 34,456 As-Built Drawings $ 85,125 Miscellaneous $ 90 $ - TOTAL $ 431,240 $ 159,481 BUDGET CHANGE FOR FY 03-04 $ 431,240 BUDGET CHANGE FOR FY 04-05 $ 159,481 CITY OF DUBLIN BUDGET CHANGE FORM FISCAL YEAR 03-04 3./)' \-,2 0,\....-' ,~ CHANGE FORM # New Appropriations (City Council Approval Required): Budget Transfers: _x~ From Unappropriated Reserves Name: From Budgeted Contingent Reserve (1080-799.000) Within Same Department Activity Between Departments (City Council Approval Required) Other iNGRä~sÊ,BUliEt:~G(3ijíi~œ )··,iI,m:QuÑl Name: Dublin Boulevard Widening fróm Village Parkway to Sierra Court (FY 03-04) $298,930 From New Revenues Account #: Name: Account #: 300-96920-750-050 Name: General Fund Reimbursement General $485,443 Account #: Name: Account #: 001-570-005 Name: STIP Fund Grant Revenue for Dublin Boulevard Widening Project $14,724 Account #: Account #: 219-96920-750-050 Name: Dublin Boulevard Widening - DSRSD Reimbursable $30,600 Account #: 001-96920-750-050 Name: Dublin Boulevard Underground Utilities ~ Rule 20A Reimbursable $86,986 Account#: 00] -96080-750-050 Fin Mgr/ASD: 'S"- ~ "'---^- Date: \ 0 \ \"t. \~ Signature REASON FOR BUDGET CHANGE ENTRY: This budget change will increase the project budget for Fiscal Year 03-04 to fund project cost overrun due to a significant amount of change orders encountered during construction because of differing site conditions. Also staff and consultant spent extra hours on the project including inspection, construction management and materials testing due to the added change orders. $117,586 of the budget change will be reimbursed by DSRSD and utility companies involved in the utility undergrounding proj ect. City Manager: Date: Signature As Approved at the City Council Meeting on: Date: Mayor: Date: Signature Posted By: Date: Signature ATTACHMENT ._- æ. -".,~~*~ forms\hudgcJlI1g CITY OF DUBLIN BUDGET CHANGE FORM FISCAL YEAR 04-05 Lf 0b r~ CHANGE FORM # New Appropriations (City Council Approval Required): Budget Transfers: 9IEctìfiEASE;tiDñ(jÌiÙr'i~ê(júÑm Namc: General Fund - Rcimbursement General AM QUMIIi $485,443 From Budgeted Contingent Reserve (1080.799.000) Within Same Department Activity Between Departments (City Council Approval Required) Other y,llJNCREASÉ BÛÐølm)I~GêlûÑffil ..... _X_ From Unappropriated Reserves From New Revenues ,,',' Name: Dublin Boulevard Widening from Village $8,400 Parkway to Sierra Court (FY 04-05) Account #: 001-570-005 Account #: 300-96920-701-00 I Name: Dublin Boulevard Widening from Village Parkway to Sierra Court (FY 04-05) $31,500 Name: Account #: Name: Account #: 300-96920-740-000 Name; Dublin Boulevard Widening from Village Parkway to Sierra Court (FY 04-05) $119,585 Account #: Account #: 300-96920-750-050 Fin Mgr/ASD: ~~ ~ Date: \ö \ \.1.. \ oL{ Signature REASON FOR BUDGET CHANGE ENTRY: This budget change will extend the Dublin Boulevard Widening project through FY 04-05 with a total budget of$159,481. City Manager: Date: Signature As Approved at the City Council Meeting on: Date: Mayor: Date: Signature Posted By: Date: Signature formslhudgchng - -:;.. 8 Ct,,\ ~ --) PROJECT FINAL ESTIMATE SUMMARY Approved Amount Adjustments To Date Requiring Council Final Amount A roval $ 3,063,859.00 $ 177 ,454.10 $ 3,241,313.10 $ 757,934.13 488,213.86 $ $ 3,552,072.86 $ 269,720.27 $ 34,459.99 $ 481,634.36 $ $ $ $ $ $ 34,459.99 TOTAL $ 4,033,707 Liquidated Damages (113,250) FINAL PAYMENT 3,920,457 WITHHELD ITEMS «as of 9/22/04) Liquidated Damages (151 days @$750/day) As-Built Drawings (to be released upon submittal) TOTAL Withheld Items 113,250 85,125 198,375 CONSTRUCTION BUDGET ADJUSTMENT see attachment 1 $ 3,452,515 $ 261,481 $ 86,876 $ 34,460 $ 85,125 $ 3,920,457 ATTACHMENT 3. . ___,._____.___._._ ..._..._______._____. n_ -~~-"- LD Db\~ '#. ~ ~ ~ '#. '#. '#. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ '#. '#. '#. 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C'\I M '<t I,() <0 Z Z CI CI CI CI CI CI E :J en en en en ~ ~ a:J r:r: r:r: r:r: r:r: Æ :J en en en en en en c CI CI CI CI CI CI \ \ Oìr-'Y:" 1_·' EXHIBIT B Dublin Boulevard Widening STPL 5432 (006) Contract Change Order Summary last Update: May 19, 2004 current date: September 22, 2004 CCO Item Description ~CO Final Payment Comments 1 Business Siqns (3) $ 932.93 2 Stream Diversion Mitigation 21,178.47 3 RSP placement at bridqe slopes 126,358.75 4 Additional column rebar 3,826.00 5 Additional Pac Bell utility openinq form 2,015.00 6 Additional rebar per RFI 28 3,473.00 7 Repair DSRSD Water Service 1,268.18 Requires approval 8 Repair DSRSD Sanitary Sewer 12,042.94 Requires approval 9 P.C.C. slab under west end 16,561.15 Requires approval 10 Relocate Pac Bell vault and pad 3,117.64 11 Buried manhole cover at JT x-ing 1,260.00 12 Relocate tranformer/pad at Athen's 6,480.00 13 Provide additional traffic control siqns 2,904.00 14 Installation of animal fence 1,063.67 15 Replace exist. curb and gutter at AAA 1,225.00 16 Relcoate Fire hydrant at Sta. 11 +80 2,617.43 17 4" Recycled conflict with storm mh 1,628.00 18 Pacific Bell ductbank conflict at SD SYS3 2,453.54 19 Additional deck rebar per RFI 33-35 10,329.03 20 Provide temp. signal power at Sierra 1,602.94 21 Additional PG&E hanqer installation 11,145.84 22 Adiust exist. inlet at Sta. 8+90 1,937.00 23 Install yard inlet/pipe at City Hall 15,536.00 24 Install City traffic boxes at bridge 754.00 25 Additional PacBell utility hanqer material 11,245.84 26 Additional PG&E hanger material cost 11,245.84 27 Locate Pac Bell conduits at StormCep 2,451.76 Requires approval 28 Asphalt crack sealing 8,516.97 29 Additional pavement fabric 14,842.00 30 Adjust ovehead MAS sign 1,343.91 31 Remobilize drill riq/set piles for south 3,528.69 32 Bridae/decking surface repairs 31,753.95 33 Provide Utility Manlift for Hanqers 2,769.00 34 Zone 7 timber laaaing walls 13,362.55 35 Relcoate Abutment 1 blockouts (sw) 3,560.00 36 Various structural/column modifications 17,851.15 37 Additional traffic signal/conduit modifications 11,646.11 38 Premium OT labor for PG&E delays 15,529.22 39 Additional p.c.c.,pavement and Zone 7 repairs 16,773.16 Final CCO Summary 10-5-04 1 \2o-h\) '--' EXHIBIT B CCO Item Description CCO Final Paymen Comments 40 NorthDublin Blvd. retaining wall/driveway 23,870.49 41 R&R exist. Enterprise driveway 14,952.87 42 Install SonoTubes for path retaininQ wall 8,651.39 43 Burge Property landscaping/wall 30,000.00 Requires approval 44 Zone 7/pathway RSP and slope 59,704.51 Requires approval 45 Zone 7 asphalt swale and inlet adjust 4,610.85 Requires approval 46 Sidewalk repairs for PGE pole removals 5,827.19 Requires approval 47 Relocate ex. 6" backflow preventor Athens 15,335.05 48 Median repair adjacent Big-O Tires/waterproof 8,411.26 Requires approval 49a Stormceptor 37,000.00 Requires approval 49b Stormceptor potholing 2,382.50 Requires approval 50 Additonal p.C.c., rebar,driveway improvements 9,384.11 51 Repair exist. DSRSD valve at Clark/Dublin 2,286.03 52 Additional loop array and SIC conductors 6,955.24 Requires approval 53 Modify ex. Highway directional sign ADA 2,155.89 54 Conform grinding for pavement overlav 11,713.82 55 Misc. improvements at Enterprise/sloDe 14,057.58 56 Storm System No.2 modifications (a) 13,000.00 Requires approval 57a Abandon exist. Water service at DSRSD 1,410.58 Requires approval 57b Zone 7 A.C. pavement repair (south of bridge) 10,934.31 Requires approval 57c Zone 7 pathway asphalt overrun 4,526.00 Requires approval 57d Zone 7 pedestrian fencing 1,787.50 Requires approval 58 Landscaping repairs and replacements 12,546.43 Requires approval 59a Relocate pedestrian pusbutton (Clark) 2,215.00 Requires approval 59b ADA handrailing northside 7,788.00 Requires approval 59c Regrade he ramp for ADA compliance 795.00 Requires approval 59d Regrade sidewalk at Sta. 8+60 257.00 Requires approval 5ge Install bollards at detector/check valves 2,400.00 Requires approval 59f 8" transite storm sewer repair at DSRSD 8,864.24 Requires approval 59g Terminate 2" water service at City Hall 4,990.36 Requires approval 59h Additional Project Survey Staking 7,255.00 Requires approval 591 Miscellaneous additional p.c.c. items 2,895.27 Requires approval 59j Additional resetting of interlocking pavers 840.00 Requires approval CHANGE ORDERS APPROVED TO DATE $ CHANGE ORDERS REQUIRING APPROVAL (In Bold) $ TOTAL $ 488,213.86 269,720.27 757,934.13 Final CCO Summary 1 0-5~04 2 13~\-~ CLAIM PAYMENT SUMMARY 1 Bid Item No. 92-Chain Link Fence $ 1,350.00 2 CCO# 57d - Zone 7 pedestrian fence 89.38 3 Extra Work Bill #1: 2" irrigation conduit 3,200.00 4 Extra Work Bill #3: Abandon water service at 1,410.58 DSRSD 5 Extra Work Bill #6: Remove concrete waste on 2,235.00 Dublin 6 Extra Work Bill #7: Grade and pave NFL driveway 3,193.68 7 Unsubmitted Extra Work Bill #1: Install 6 1,750.00 additional trees at City Hall 8 Unsubmitted Extra Work Bill #4: Remove & 656.37 Replace sidewalk at Civic Center 9 Bid Item # 34 Adjustment - Adjust manholes to 3,523.54 grade 10 Claim #3: Gas main conflict 6,055.19 11 Claim #5: Gas conflict at Athen's 1,390.95 12 Claim #7: Re-adiust water meters 7,000.00 13 Claim #9: Fire hydrant utility conflict 2,605.30 TOTAL $ 34,459.99 REFERENCE: Granite Construction's June 22, 2004 letter concerning exceptions and claims to City of Dublin's Proposed Final Estimate EXHIBIT C