HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.4 DubVilgeHistoricArea CITY CLERK File # nBJ[[][Q]-~[Q] AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: January 18, 2005 PUBLIC HEARING: PA 02-074 Adoption of a Historic Overlay Zoning District Ordinance and Design Guidelines for the Dublin VlIIage Historic Area. The Project includes approval of the Dublin Village Historic Area Design Guidelines and the following amendments to Title 8 of the Dublin Municipal Code: Creation of Zoning Ordinance Chapter 8.62, Historic Overlay Zoning District Site Development Review; Amendment to Chapter 8.104, Site Development Review; and an amendment to the Zoning Map to add an overlay zoning designation to the Historic Area. Report Prepared by: Kristi Bascom. Senior Planner SUBJECT: ATTACHMENTS: 1. 2. RECOMMENDATION: J t ~ 4. 5. FINANCIAL STATEMENT: 3. Map of original Development Moratorium area Map of Proposed Historic Overlay Zoning District area and Zoning Map Amendment Planning Commission Resolution recommending City Council approval of the Dublin Village Historic Area Design Guidelines and the following amendments to Title 8 of the Dublin Municipal Code: Creation of Zoning Ordinance Chapter 8.62, Historic Overlay Zoning District Site Development; Amendment to Chapter 8.104, Site Development Review; and an amendment to the Zoning Map to add an overlay zoning designation to the Historic Area (without attachments) Resolution approving the Dublin Village Historic Area Design Guidelines (with the Design Guidelines attached as Exhibit A) Ordinance adopting a new Chapter 8.62 of the Dublin Municipal Code to create provisions for Historic Overlay Zoning District Sitc Development Review, amending Chapter 8.104 of the Dublin Municipal Code relating to Site Development Review, and amending the Zoning Map to create a new Historic Overlay Zoning District 4. 5. 6. Opcn public hearing. Receive Staff presentation. Take testimony from the public. Close the public hearing and deliberate. Adopt Resolution (Attachment 4) approving thc Dublin Village Historic Area Design Guidelines. Waive the reading and introduce the Ordinance (Attachment 5) to amend Title 8 of the Dublin Municipal Code. None. COPIES TO: Consultant In-House Distribution 0.Ll- \Y l~~ G:\PA#\2002\02-074 Historical Study\Ovetlay Zoning\CC Staff Report oGs and Zoning.DOC ITEM NO. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Background For several years, the City Council has been considering how to take a more proactive approach to building the historic Dublin Village settlement area around Donlon Way into a cohesive district to better highlight Dublin's historic resources. In 2001, thc City Council authorized Staff to prepare a Specific Plan for the arca, and work has been done over the paM two years to achieve this goal. In January 2004, the City Council adopted a one-year development moratorium in the Historic Dublin Village settlement area around Donlon Way, Dublin Boulevard, and San Ramon Road to prevent construction that could negatively impact the ongoing historical area planning work (See Map of Original Development Moratorium area, Attachment I). The intent of the moratorium was to give the City time to prepare and adopt a Specific Plan with design guidelines to protect and preserve the historical resources in the area and further enhance the area with historically-compatible development. While work on the Specific Plan and design guidelines commenced, the City Council also concurrently moved forward with another goal for Fiscal Year 2004/2005, which was to commission a land appraisal for the Dublin Square Shopping Center at 11759 Dublin Boulevard, comprising 4.22 acres in thc heart of the proposed Specific Plan area. The Dublin Square property was one of the six sites identified as a potential location for future parks in Dublin in order to corree! the City's anticipated 5.3-acrc parkland deficit as detailed in the Parks and Recreation Master Plan. The results of the Dublin Square appraisal and enviromuental site assessment will allow the City Council to determine the feasibility of acquiring the site for park purposes. If the City Council determines that it is desirable to dcsignate the site for a park, a programming study and General Plan Amendment Study would follow. Since the appraisal and environmental site assessment have not been finalized, Staff recommends deferring completion of the Specific Plan until it is elcar whether the Dublin Square property would bc designatcd for public or private uses. Since the development moratorium expires on January 21, 2005 and the Specific Plan would not be adopted before that time, Staff recommends that design guidelines component of the Specific Plan be adopted so that any development proposed for the area would be reviewed for compatibility with the historic resources as intended by the City Council. Staff is also recommending that the boundary for the Dublin Village Historic Area and Overlay Zoning District be revised from thc original moratorium area boundary (See Attachment I) to inelude only those properties located west of San Ramon Road (Sec Attachment 2). After further study and analysis of the original boundary area and as the design guidelines were refined to a greater lcvel, Staff and the Design Guidelines consultants agreed that the area should include only those properties with the closest physical connection to the City's most relevant historic resources, and to include those properties east of San Ramon Road with limited historical significance would dilutc the integrity of the district. The Heritage and Cultural Arts Commission unanimously approved a recommendation to change the boundary area as well. ANALYSIS: This project is divided into 2 main components: the Design Guidelines and the three associated Zoning Ordinance amendments to implement the Design Guidelines. All actions are explained in more dctail below. Dublin Village Historic Area Design Guideline.~ Staff has been working with RBF Consultants since August 2004 to craft guidelines for the Dublin Village Historic Area. The intent of the Design Guidelines is to ensure that future development in the area recaptures elements of the historic character and image that once defined Dublin Village. The Design Guidelines are presented in Exhibit A of Attachment 3 to this Staff Report. Page 2 of 4 RBF Consulting began the process of developing the Design Guidelines by preparing an eXlstmg conditions and opportunities/constraints analysis for the area and consulting with the Heritage and Cultural Arts Commission at a study session in September 2004 to review the Commission's vision for the future of the area. RBF then prepared a draft version of the guidelines that contained the following components: Chapter 1: Chapter 2: Chapter 3: Chapter 4: Chapter 5: Chapter 6: Introduction, explanation of the purpose of the document and how it shall be used An overview of the original Dublin Village settlement area and vision for thc future of the area Commercial and Mixed Use Guidelines (ineluding architectural, site planning, signage, lighting, and landscape guidelines) Residential Guidelines (including architectural, site planning, lighting, and landscape guidelines) Guidelines for Historic Resources (applicable only to those historic resources listcd in the Chapter) Streetscape and Public Space Guidelines (including gnidelines for community gathering spaces, streetscape furniture and amenities, and public improvements) The Draft document was revicwed by the Heritage and Cultural Arts Commission at their meetings on November 18, 2004 and December 9, 2004 and the Commission voted unanimously to recommend approval of the Design Guidelines (with the revised boundary) to the City Council. In approving the attached Resolution (Attachment 4), the City Council will approve the Dublin Village Historic Area Design Guidelines. In order to ensure that the Design Guidelines are complied with, Staff is proposmg the following amendments to Title 8 of the Dublin Municipal Code: I. The Creation of Zoning Ordinance Chapter 8.62, Historic Overlay Zoning District Site Development Review (following approval of the Dublin Village Historic Area Design Guidelines); 2. An Amendment to Chapter 8.104, Site Development Review; and 3. An Amendment to the Zoning Map to add an overlay zoning designation to the Historic Area. Creation of the new Chapter 8.62 of the Dublin Municipal Code (Hist(}ric Overlay Z(}ning District Site Development Review) Staff proposes to adopt an overlay zoning district that will serve to implement the Dublin Village Design Guidelines and provide the mechanism for ensuring compliance with that document. The full text of the Overlay Zoning District is ineluded in the draft City Council Ordinance, which is Attachment 5 to this Staff Report. In summary, the new Chapter 8.62 of the Zoning Ordinance states that any new development or construction in the Dublin Village area shall be subject to a Site Development Review process specific to the Historic Overlay Zoning District and that the project shall be revicwed for substantial compliance with the Dublin Village Design Guidelines; these processes are explained in more detail below. Chapter 8.62 also states the findings that must be made in order to approve a project in the Historic Overlay Zoning District and outlines the rcview and approval process, which is nearly identical to the City's standard Site Development Review process (Chapter 8.104 of the Zoning Ordinance). Thc Dublin Village Historic Overlay Zoning District is a dcsignation that will exist on the properties in the area in addition to the base Zoning District that each property in the Historic District retains (i.e. C-O, C-l, PD, R-M, etc.). The base Zoning District contains all information regarding permitted and conditionally permitted uses, development standards, and regulations, while the Historic Overlay Zoning designation provides a mechanism to review development on any of the properties in the District for substantial compliance with the Dublin Village Historic Area Design Guidelines. Page 3 of4 In approving the attached Ordinance (Attachment 5), the City Council will authorize the creation of the new Historic Overlay Zoning District (Chapter 8.62 of the Municipal Code). Amendment to Chapter 8.104 of the Dublin Municipal Code (Site Development Review) Staff proposes to add the following paragraph to the Site Development Review section of the Zoning Ordinance under Section 8.104.030 (Projects subject to Site Development Review): "8.I04.030.H: Historic Overlay Zoning District Site Development Revicw. Any development in the Historic Overlay Zoning District (as indicated on the Zoning Map) shall be reviewed in accordance with and subject to Chapter 8.62, Historic Overlay Zoning District Site Development Review, in addition to this Chapter." In approving the attached Ordinance (Attachment 5), the City Council will authorize amending Chapter 8.104 of the Municipal Code and adding a new Section 8.104.030.H. Amendment to the Zoning Map to add an Overlay Zoning Designation to the Historic Area In order to indicate which properties the Historic Overlay Zoning District Ordinance applies to, the Zoning Map needs to be amended to include the overlay district. The revised Zoning Map will still indicate the base zoning district for each property (i.e. C-O, PD, R-M, C-l), but will also indicate the area in which the Historic Overlay zoning regulations apply (See Attachment 2). Tn approving the attached Resolution (Attachment 4), the City Council will authorize amending the Zoning Map to add an overlay zoning designation to the Historic Area. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: Staff recommends that adoption of the Design Guidelines and the ordinance be determined to be exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) per CEQA Guidelines Section 15061(b)(3). Section 15061(b)(3) states that CEQA applies only to those projects that have the potential to cause a significant effect on the environment. The adoption of the Design Guidelines and the ordinance is an activity that is exempt from CEQA because the action does not, in itself, allow the construction of any building or structure, but it sets forth the design guidelines that shall be followed if and when a building or structure is proposed to be constructed or a site is proposed to be developed under existing entitlements. The action, therefore, has no potential for resulting in significant physical change in the environment, directly or ultimately. PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDA nON: The Planning Commission reviewed the project application at their meeting on January 11, 2005. All owners of property within the moratorium area received notification of the Planning Commission meeting and a notice was published in the newspaper. Several of the property owners requested and were sent copies of the draft design guidelines. The Commission voted 4-0 to recommend approval to the City Council (See Attachment 3). CONCLUSION: The proposed amendments to Title 8 of the Municipal Code will provide a suitable mechanism to implement the Dublin Village Historic Area Design Guidelines in the absence of an adopted Specific Plan. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the City Council open the public hearing, receive the Staff presentation, take testimony from the public, close the public hearing and deliberate, adopt a Resolution (Attachment 4) approving the Dublin Village Historic Area Design Guidelines, and waive the reading and introduce all Ordinance (Attachment 5) to amend Title 8 of the Dublin Municipal Code. Page 4 of4 [~I()() e! . 8i'1 ~ -i d ,-<':If,,;:;:: . ~ E to ~ i! t ......&' ell :J ! I'~ 0( E jlh I' · \~\ .;: III f .. . 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WHEREAS, the area generally surrounding the present intersection of Donlon Way and Dublin Boulevard is the crossroads of two stagecoach routes and the location of the community of Dublin's founding; and WHEREAS, In 1993, the City of Dublin acknowledged the area's historical nature by acquiring several historical structures and properties in the original Dublin Village settlement area -the Old St. Raymond's Church, the Old Murray School House, and the Dublin Pioneer Cemetery-and establishing the Dublin Heritage Ccntcr; and WHEREAS, the original Dublin Village settlement area contains several important historic architectural and natural resources, mostly dating from the mid-nineteenth century and the early twentieth century, including buildings in the Dublin Heritage Center as well as other buildings including the Green Store, Ponderosa House, Bonde House, and Alamilla Springs; and WHEREAS, City Staff worked with RBF Consulting, and in consultation with the City's Heritage and Cultural Arts Commission, to develop design guidelines intended to ensure that future development in the area is compatible with the existing historic resources; and WHEREAS, approval of the Dublin Village Historic Area Design Guidelines and the creation of Zoning Ordinance Chapter 8.62, Historic Overlay Zoning District Site Development Review; an amendment to Chapter 8.104, Site Development Review; and an amendment to the Zoning Map to add an overlay zoning dcsignation to the Historic Area will serve as an appropriate mechanism to ensure that ncw development in the historic area is designed and bunt in compliance with the Dublin Village Design Guidelines; and WHEREAS, the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), together with the State guidelines and City environmental regulations require that certain projects be reviewed for environmental impacts and that environmental documents be prepared; and WHEREAS, the project has been found to be Exempt from CEQA, according to CEQA Guidelines Section 15061 (b )(3) because it can be seen with certainty that there is no possibility that thc proposed amendments to thc Dublin Municipal Code (Zoning Ordinance) may have a significant effect on the environment; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a public hearing on said amendments to the Dublin Municipal Code (Zoning Ordinance) on January 11, 2005, for which proper notice was given in accordance with California State Law; and ATTACHMENT j Y.~lOi:> WHEREAS, a Staff Report was submitted recommending that the Planning Commission recommend City Council approval of the amendments to the Dublin Municipal Code (Zoning Ordinance); and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission at its January 11, 2005 meeting did hear and use its independent judgment and consider all said reports, recommendations, and testimony hereinabove set forth. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT, the foregoing recitals are true and correct and made a part of this resolution. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT, the Dublin Planning Commission does hereby recommend that the City Council approve the Dublin Village Design Guidelines attached as Exhibit A (incorporated herein by reference), and recommends that thc City Council find that the proposed amendments to the Dublin Municipal Code (Zoning Ordinance) do not represent changes that may have a significant effect on the environment (CEQA, Section 15061(b)(3)); that the amendments arc consistent with the General Plan and all applicable Specific Plans; and, recommends that the City Council amend the Dublin Municipal Code (Zoning Ordinance and Zoning Map) as shown in attached Exhibit B (incorporated herein by reference). PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 11"' day of January 2005. AYES: Commissioners King, Biddle, Schaub, and Wehrenberg NOES: ABSENT: Commissioner Machtmcs ABSTAIN: Planning Commission Chairperson ATTEST: Planning Manager 2 - ?1t'D RESOLUTION NO. -05 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN ****************************** APPROVING THE DUBLIN VILLAGE HISTORIC AREA DESIGN GUIDELINES WHEREAS, the area generally surrounding the present intersection of Donlon Way and Dublin Boulevard is the crossroads of two stagecoach routes and the location of the community of Dublin's founding; and WHEREAS, in 1993, the City of Dublin acknowledged the area's historical nature by acquiring several historical structures and properties in the original Dublin Village settlement area -the Old St. Raymond's Church, the Old Murray School House, and the Dublin Pioneer Cemetery-and establishing the Dublin Heritage Center, and WHEREAS, the original Dublin Village settlement area contains several important historic architectural and natural resources, mostly dating from the mid-nineteenth century and the early twentieth century, including buildings in the Dublin Heritage Center as well as other buildings including the Green Store, Ponderosa House, Bonde House, and Alamilla Springs; and WHEREAS, on January 15, 2004, the City's Architectural Consultants, Page and Turnbull, completed a historical inventory for the area which recommended the protection of the Dublin Heritage Historical District Area and development of Design Guidelines to gnide future building in the area; and WHEREAS, City Staff worked with REF Consulting, and in consultation with the City's Heritage and Cultural Arts Commission, to develop design guidelines intended to ensure that future development in the area is compatible with the existing historic resources; and WHEREAS, the intent of creating the Dublin Village Design Guidelines is to guide the design of future development to reinforce the unique historic qualities and design elements that once defined Dublin Village; and WHEREAS, the City Council finds that the adoption of the Design Guidelines is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act per CEQA Guidelines Section 15061(b)(3). Section 15061(b)(3) states that CEQA applies only to those projects that have the potential to cause a significant effect on the environment. This adoption of the Design Guidelines is exempt from CEQA because the Design Guidelines do not, in and of themselves, allow the construction of any building or structure, but set forth the guidelines that shall be followed if and when a building or structure is proposed to be constructed or a site is proposed to be developed under existing entitlements. These Design Guidelines, therefore, have no potential for resulting in significant physical change in the environment, directly or ultimately; and WHEREAS, a Staff Report was submitted to the Planning Commission recommending that the Planning Commission recommend approval of the Dublin Village Design Guidelines to th.e City Council; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a public hearing on this item on January II, 2005 and recommended approval to the City Council (Resolution incorporated herein by reference); and WHEREAS, the City Council held a public hearing on this item on January 18, 2005; and WHEREAS, proper notice of both public hearings were given in all rcsPATTACHMbENT 'i !o 'b I cR> and WHEREAS, the City Council did hear and consider an said reports, recommendations and testimony hereinabove set forth and used their independent judgment to make a decision. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the City Council does hereby approve the Dublin Village Design Guidelines (Exhibit A to this Resolution and incorporated herein by reference). PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 18'h day of January 2005. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk G:IP A#\2002102-074 Historical StudylOvorloy Zonh'glCC Re,o Desigo Guidelines,doc 2 '" GI C .- GI -a .- J - ~ c en \, .- F' ,. '" QI 0 GI en t\1 C -- - .- ..c > = C 0 .- 11II- .a 0 ~ T- ..... C -- u .... "'11 - - - - - - - - ... - .- .- .- .. .. ft <,. '1,'Cj; ttl, 1100 ~ ~ lit, .. \. ,U ,~~ ;#,~~ ...-,..J,T--" ~, II'" .- ,I'f .., 't "I. ~ ~ 1# .....,~\ ~~:'r; ~,:,'".,"-,' l,l '~"~~ . "f' ~ ',.....1 L -'R ,~. :,. " .... . ~:,. .. f~ .!: - .!:l ::: Q ... o rfit>'. :::: W rJ) ~ Z - ..J ~ Q - '-' o ~ n. I..J - 'JJ. ~ Q i ~. - v' If! ~ 'X, E'IJ 2 if. '5 (""-.j g ~z; ........ ~ _--t ..5.. ...: If"J r-l '_ l= :l,J 0'. ro.t ~.22:4o ~ ... 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' , . . \<'t:' . f';~ .,. ~ A,"" .., < .~:' AftftAAnA^ftAAAAAftftftftnftftnftn~ 1',-+ Ub IOi) ORDINANCE NO. - 05 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN ADOPTING A NEW CHAPTER 8.62 OF THE DUBLIN MUNICIPAL CODE TO CREATE PROVISIONS FOR HISTORIC OVERLAY ZONING DISTRICT SITE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW, AMENDING CHAPTER 8.104 OF THE DUBLIN MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO SITE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW, AND AMENDING THE ZONING MAP TO CREATE A NEW HISTORIC OVERLAY ZONING DISTRICT The City Council of the City of Dublin does hereby ordain as follows: Section 1. Findings: The City of Dublin finds that: A. The area generally surrounding the present intersection of Donlon Way and Dublin Boulevard is the crossroads of two stagecoach routes and the location of the community of Dublin's founding. B. In 1993, the City of Dublin acknowledged the area's historical nature by acquiring several historical structures and properties in the original Dublin Village settlement area -the Old St. Raymond's Church, the Old Murray School House, and the Dublin Pioneer Cemetery-and establishing the Dublin Heritage Center. C. The original Dublin Village settlement area contains several important historic architectural and natural resources, mostly dating from the mid-nineteenth century and the early twentieth century, including buildings in the Dublin Heritage Center as well as other buildings including the Green Store, Ponderosa House, Bonde House, and Alamilla Springs, D, In March of2001, the City Council, as part of its annual Goals and Objedives program, made a high staff priority the development of plans for a historical district designation in the Historic Area, specifically including the Alami1la Springs and the Green Storc. E, On January 15,2004, the City's Architectural Consultants, Page and Turnbull, completed a historical inventory for the area which recommended the protection of thc Dublin Heritage Historical District Arca, F. City Staff worked with RBF Consulting, and in consultation with the City's Heritage and Cultural Arts Commission, to develop design guidelines intended to ensure that future development in the area is compatible with the existing historic resources. G. The creation of the Historic Overlay Zoning District will serve as an appropriate mechanism io ensure that new development in the historic area is designcd and built in compliance with the Dublin Village Design Guidelines. Section 2, dec1 ares this Compliance with Califbrnia Environmental Quality Act ("CEQA "): The City ordinance is exempt from CEQA per CEQA Guidelines Section 15061(b)(3), 1 Council Section ATTACHMENT S '15Ubloo 15061(b)(3) states that CEQA applies only to those projects that have the potential to cause a signitlcant effect on the environment. This adoption of this ordinance is exempt from CEQA because the ordinance does not, in itself, allow the construction of any building or stru"iure, but it sets forth the design guidelines that shall be followed if and when a building or structure is proposed to be constructed or a site is proposed to be developed under existing entitlements, This ordinance, therefore, has no potential for resulting in significant physical change in the environment, directly or ultimately, Section 3. Creation of Chapter 8.62: Chapter 8,62 entitled "Historic Overlay Zoning District Site Development Review," is added to the Dublin Municipal Code and shall read as set forth below: CHAPTER 8.62 HISTORIC OVERLAY ZONING DISTRICT SITE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW 8.62.010 8.62.020 8.62.030 8.62.040 Purpose. The purpose of this Chapter is to establish a procedure to ensure that all development in the Historic Overlay Zoning District is reviewed for substantial compliance with the Dublin Village Historic Area Design Guidelines. Intent. The intent of this chapter is to: A. Preserve and enhance the remaining historic resources within the Dublin Village Historic Area; B. Guide the design of future development to reinforce the unique historic qualities and design elements that once defined Dublin Village; and C. Improve the public realm to create a positive pedestrian experience, enhance the area's image as a historic district, and create a unique sense of place, Applicability. The Historic Overlay Zoning District is a designation in addition to the standard Zoning District that each property in the Historic District retains (C-O, C-l, PD, R- M, etc.), The standard Zoning District contains all information regarding permitted and conditionally permitted uses, development standards, and regulations, while the Historic Overlay provides a mechanism to review development on any of the properties in the District for substantial compliance with the Dublin Village Historic Area Design Guidelines. Projects subject to compliance with this Chapter: A. New Construction, Any new construction or additions to an existing structure within the Historic Overlay Zoning District that alters the exterior appearance of the building. Internal tenant improvements are not subject to compliance with this Chapter, B. Exterior Modification of an Existing Structure. Any exterior modification of an existing structure located within the Historic Overlay Zoning District, including but not limited to, facade renovation, new and/or additional windows and doors (with frames), and roof or ground-mounted mechanical equipment. Re-roofing or repainting an existing building that is not undergoing any other modifications with like materials and/or colors is not subject to compliance with this Chapter C. Signage, Installation of new signage or replacCffient of sign copy in the Historic Overlay Zoning District. 2 8.62.050 8.62.060 8.62.070 8.62.080 8.62.090 8.62.100 qWJbltlO D. Modification To Site Layont. Any modification to site layout or site improvements in the Historic Overlay Zoning District, including but not limited to, parking, fencing, circulation, landscaping, accessory structures, or trash enclosures. Application. The Applicant shall submit a complete Site Development Review application pursuant to Chapter 8.124, Applications, Fees and Deposits, accompanicd by a fee and such materials as are required by the Director of Community Development. Notice Of Decision. A Notice of Decision shall be given consistent with Chapter 8.132, Notice and Hearings. No public hearing is required for Historic Overlay Zoning District Site Development Review unless the application is being considered concurrently with another permit requiring a public hearing. Concurrent Consideration. When Historic Overlay Zoning District Site Development Review is required for a project that is also subject to a Conditional Use Permit and/or Variance, it shall be approved, conditionally approved, or denied by the same decision-maker or body for those actions. Required Findings. The following findings shall all be made in order to approve an application for Historic Overlay Zoning District Site Development Review: A. Approval of the application is consistent with the purpose and intent of this Chapter. B. Any approval complies with the policies of the General Plan, with any applicable Spccific Plans, with the development regulations or performance standards established tor the standard Zoning District (C-O, C-], PD, R-M, etc.) in which it is located, and with all other requirements of the Zoning Ordinance. C. The approval will not adversely affect the health or safety of persons residing or working in the vicinity, or be detrimental to the public health, safety and general welfare. D. The design of the project will provide a desirable environment for the development and an attractive environment for the public. E. The project is in substantial compliance with the applicable chapters of the Dublin Village Historic Area Design Guidelines. Action. The decision maker for Historic Overlay Zoning District Site Development Review applications shall be the Director of Community Development (or his/her designec), except as provided in Section 8.62.070, Concurrent Consideration. The Director of Community Development may, based on evidence in the public record, and on the findings above, make an administrative decision to approve, conditionally approve, or deny a Historic Overlay Zoning District Site Development Review application. Amendment. The process for amending a Historic Overlay Zoning District Site Development Review approval shall be the same as the process for approving a Historic Overlay Zoning District Site Development Review application. The decision-maker for the Historic Overlay Zoning District Site Development Review amendment shall be the same decision-maker that ultimately approved the Historic Overlay Zoning District Site Development Review including approval on appeal. The Community Development Director or hislher designee may grant a Historic Overlay Zoning District Site Development Review 3 8.62.110 8.62.120 8.62.130 8.62.140 Cf"71111v Waiver for applications approved by another decision-maker or body upon the determination that the modification is a minor project and in accordance with Section 8.62.11 0, Waiver to an approved Historic Overlay Zoning District Site Development Review. Waiver to an approved Historic Overlay Zoning District Site Development Review. Thc Community Development Director or his/her designee may allow a minor change to an approved Historic Overlay Zoning District Site Development Rcview as a Waiver upon determining the following: A. The proposed change is in substantial conformance with the approved Historic Overlay Zoning District Site Development Review; B. The proposed change is minor in scope; C. The proposed change is Categorically Exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act; and D. The proposed change is consistent with the conditions of approval for the Historic Overlay Zoning District Site Development Review and is substantially consistent with the Dublin Village Historic Area Design Guidelines. It is not the intent of this Chapter that a series of Historic Overlay Zoning District Site Development Review Waivers be used to circumvent the need for full and complete Historic Overlay Zoning District Site Development Review. Waiver for a project that does not have an approved Historic Overlay Zoning District Site Development Review. The Community Development Director or his/her designee may allow a minor change to an existing site or building in the Historic Overlay Zoning District that does not have an approved Historic Overlay Zoning District Site Development Review as a Waiver upon determining the following: A. The proposed change is minor in scope; B. The proposed change is Categorically Exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act; and C. The proposed change is substantially consistent with the Dublin Village Historic Area Design Guidelines. It is not the intent of this Chapter that a series of Historic Overlay Zoning District Site Development Review Waivers be used to circumvent the need for full and complete Historic Overlay Zoning District Site Development Review. Dublin Village Historic Area Design Guidelines. The Dublin Village Historic Area Design Guidelines adopted by the City Council on January 18, 2005 through Resolution _, and as may be amended thereafter, shall be used to guide the review of Historic Overlay Zoning District Sitc Development Review applications. Building Permits. Building Permits shall not be issued except in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Historic Overlay Zoning District Site Development Review approval. 4 4-'& tb I<lli) 8.62.150 Ordinary Maintenance and Repair. Nothing in this section shall be construed to prevent the ordinary maintenance or repair of any existing exterior architectural feature on any property in the Historie Overlay Zoning District that does not involve a change in design, material, or exterior appearance. 8.62.160 Procedures. The proeedures set forth in Chapter 8.96, Permit Procedures, shall apply except as otherwise provided in this Chapter. Section 4. Amendment afChapter 8.104: Chapter 8.104 of the Dublin Municipal Code, entitled "Site Development Review," shall be amended to add a new section as set forth below: 8.104.030.H: Historic Overlay Zoning District Site Development Review. Any development in the Historie Overlay Zoning District (as indicated on the Zoning Map) shall be reviewed in accordance with and subject to Chapter 8.62, Historic Overlay Zoning District Site Development Review, in addition to this Chapter. Section 5. Zoning Map Amendment. Pursuant to Title 8 of the Dublin Municipal Code, the City of Dublin Zoning Map is amended to add an overlay zoning district (hereinafter referred to as the "Historic Overlay Zoning District" to the following properties: Assessor Parcel Numbers 941-1560-009-01, 941-1560-007-01,941-0113-003-01,941-0113-154, 941-0040-006-16,941-1550-004, 941-1550-005-02, 941-1550-003-02, 941-1550-001-12, 941-1550- 001-02,941-1560-001-01, 941-1560-002-02, 941-0040-006-10, 941-1560-003-04, 941-1560-001- 02,941-1560-006,941-1560-005, 941-1560-003-03, 941-1550-002-02, and 941-1550-001-10. The Historic Overlay Zoning District is a designation in addition to the standard Zoning District that each property in the Historic District retains. A map of the area is shown on the following page: 5 Cj ~'b lot> f, ~ nllll,.....:Y2.":'.~ ~ \* . ,'. .-/ ~:, \'~ ;.,~! - Section 6. Severability: In the event any section or portion of this ordinance shall be determined invalid or unconstitutional, such section or portion shall be deemed severable and all other sections or portions hereof shall remain in full force and effect. Section 7: Effective Date and Posting o{Ordinance: This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after the date of its passage. The City Clerk of the City of Dublin shall cause the Ordinance to be posted in at least three (3) public plaees in the City of Dublin in accordance with Seetion 36933 of the Government Code of the State ofCalifomia. 6 10D'I{) loD PASSED AND ADOPTED BY the City Council ofthc City of Dublin, on this 18th day of January 2005, by the tollowing votes: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: MAYOR ATTEST: CITY CLERK 7