HomeMy WebLinkAbout8.2 TsunamiFinancialAssist CITY CLERK File # O[[][5][Q]-[IJ[O] AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: January 18,2005 SUBJECT: Financial Assistance of South Asia TSLlnami Victims Report Prepared by Joni Pattillo, Assistant City Manager ATTACHMENT: BLldget Change Form RECOMMENDATI0p,I. 2. Consider a $10,000 appropriation from the City's Contingent Reserve Consider the proposed outreach efforts or supply Staff with additional direction. FINANCIAL STATEMENT: The contingent reserves wOLlld be reduced by $10,000 to fund this requcst. DESCRIPTION: At thc January 4, 2005 City Council meeting, direction was given to Staff to come to back to the City Council with a proposal to set-up a relief fund in a similar manncr as was done with the tragic events of September I l, 2001. In researching this item, an additional itcm was added to the September 18, 2001 City Council mccting by the unanimous vote ofthe Council to establish a fund for the Septcmber II, 2001 victims of New York City, Washington, D.C. and Johnstown, Pennsylvania. The City of Dublin established relief fund in the amount of$IO,OOO on behalf of the residents of Dublin to the Amcrican Red Cross Disaster Relief Fund. Thc City Council also encouraged residents, businesses, and employees to contribute. There was also the establishment of a City of Dublin phone line for 30 days to receive funds from individuals or business. During the 30 days the City received numerous caJls and donations that were written out to the City of Dublin totaling $1,146, as well direct donations to thc Red Cross Disaster Relicf. Thcre was a desire by City Council to explorc the possibility of a matching program with a maximLlJ]l donation by the City of Dublin on bchalf of its residents to encourage contributions to supply response, relief and recovery to the elcven countries in South Asia that were dcvastated by thc recent tsunami. In making contact with the American Rcd Cross, Staff was able to attain addition information on this disaster. It appears at the writing of this Staff report; American Red Cross is reporting that the death toll estimatc is at 160,000 and they believe that this may be largest cmergency relicf operation cvcr. In discussing a potential matching program with American Red Cross they CLlrrently do not have thc capacity to support such a matching program. American Red Cross, however, could establish a dircct link from thc City of Dublin's web site that would help facilitate on-line donations directly to the American Red Cross. _w___~______________________w_________________ww__~~__-----------.--~------------.--.-------------~---------- COPIES TO: ITEM NO. ß.?· H/~c-f"orms/agdastmt.doc Proposed Outreach Efforts If the City Council direction wcre to support the maximum contribution of $10,000 to aid thc tsunami victims of South Asia, Staff would propose the following outreach effort: Post the information on the City Web site with a direct link to the American Red Cross Prepare various media releases (which would include print, television, and radio) on the City's contribution on behalf of the residents of Dublin to the tsunami victims of South Asia Set-up a City phonc line for 30 days to help facilitate contributions to this disaster effort Set-up coJlection bins at various City buildings for 30 days Recommendation It is recommended that Council consider a $10,000 appropriation from the City's Contingent Reserve and approve the proposed outreach efforts, or supply Staff with additional direction. CITY OF DUBLIN BUDGET CHANGE FORM CHANGE FORM #: New Appropriations (City Council Approval Required): From Unappropriated Rcst.'TVCS fund # From New Revenues Budget Transfers: X From Budgc1<d Contingent Reserve (IORO-799.000) Within Same Department Activity Between Departments (City Council Approval Requírcd) Other Name; Contingent Reserve Name: City Council ß~.dget Account: OOl.lOIOO.73LOOO 10.000 Account: 001.l0800.799.000 Name: Name: Account: Account: Name: Namti: -"..-.-...--.--,,-- Account: Account; Name: Name: Account: Account: Name: Name: ....--..-.....-.- Account: Account: Name: Name: ......----.-... Account.; Account: Name: Name: -.,,-...-- Account: Account: Total 10,000 Total I"''''' fu. "."" '"""' Fin Mgr / ASD: Signature Date: City Manager: Date: Signature ,,','11',",','1',",',',',,',",·.·.'1.',.'1',.1',.·.'.·.'.·,..',..",llllllwl,·... !'I'¡'lllllijllllll::IIWIIIIIII"IIIIIII:'·.1..111111,.,,'..1,,',.,....',,'..,'.".'..... ',I;,'I"II'I','IIII"'1"111'IIIIIIIIIIIII'III'¡i,ilil:'''''::'IIIII''mllllllll:'''''''¡¡':I''''''i!<II~!'~lruUJI~U1J¡¡W"IIii:_,""~I~I¡¡'¡¡¡¡II~,"'""""",I:""" "'\'11'1' I 1111·lI"'II'I······ I ¡!I" WM % % " """"!\1:I¡[¡:'I:0ßI,I ','<11111:;1',',""' ¡ß! *ht',I::,¡I;''>''_llII1Iml!!lI!1~I~HM!IIII~!~I!IIIII!I!\!!~¡I,I\iféÞ~1!g9n. ",¡!Ik,"ni.' {/,i,I,I;»II, Mayor: Date: Signaturc Posted ny: Date: Signature H:\Forms\budget change form lofl 1/10/20054:57 PM