HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.2 SpeedLimitGleasonDr CITY CLERK File # íTS1r9lØJ-~[Q] AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCil MEETING DATE: February 1, 2005 SUBJECT: ATTACHMENTS: RECOMMENDATI~ 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) FINANCIAL STATEMENT: Public Hearing: Adoption of Speed Limits on Gleason Drive Between Tassajara Road and Fallon Road and on Grafton Street Between Gleason Drive and Antone Way Report Prepared by: Melissa Morton, Public Works Director I) 2) 3) Ordinance Engineering Surveys (3 pages) Location Map Open Public Hearing and receive Staff Presentation Take Testimony from the Public Question Staff and the Public Close the Public Hearing and Deliberate Waive the reading and adopt the Ordinance (Attachment!) approving speed limits for Gleason Drivc bctwccn Tassajara Road and Fallon Road, and for Grafton Street between Gleason Drive and Antone Way Sufficicnt funds are budgeted in the Street Maintenance Operating Budget for the installation of speed limit signs. DESCRIPTION: This is the second reading of a proposcd ordinance that was introduccd at the January 18th City Council meeting. California Yehicle Code (CYC) Section 22358 provides that a local agency may, by ordinance, adopt a speed limit which is "appropriate to tacilitate the orderly movement of traffic and is reasonable and safe," eye Section 40802 provides that in order to use radar for enforcement of speed limits on roadways which do not meet certain conditions, a local agency shall conduct cngineering surveys to support the posted speed limits. The conditions under which engineering surveys are NOT required are: roadway width of 40 fcet or less, less than one-half mile of uninterrupted length, and not more than one lane in each direction. Neither Gleason Drive nor Grafton Street meets all three conditions, and engineering surveys arc thcrefore required. On December 7,2004, the Dublin City Council accepted Gleason Drive as constructed between Tassajara Road and Fallon Road, as well as the portion of Grafton Strcet constructcd between the boundary of Dublin Ranch Phase I and Gleason Drive. It is now appropriate for the City Council to review the ø______________________________________________________________ g:\agenmisc\a.gst gleason & gralluD speed limits COPIES TO: ITEM NO.~ liJ'oL !Y engineering survcy results and adopt speed limits for the new portions of both Gleason Drive and Grafton Street. Glcason Drive Speed surveys were conducted for segments betwecn Tassajara Road and Grafton Strcct and bctween Grafton Street and Fallon Road. The 85th percentile or critical speed was measured at 44 mph between Tassajara Road and Grafton Street and at 46.3 mph between Grafton Street and Fallon Road. The 85th percentile or critical speed is generally regarded as a "safe" speed. Eighty-five percent of the vehicles in the survey sample were traveling at thc critical speed or less. An engineering survey also evaluatcs roadway conditions such as geometrics, land use, and proximity to schools. Based on the measured critical speed and the existing speed limit of 40 mph on Gleason Drive west of Tassajara Road, Staff believes that a speed limit of 40 mph is appropriate on both segments of Gleason Drive bctwecn Tassajara Road and Fallon Road. Grafton Street The new portion of Grafton Street was extcnded from the Tract 6959 boundary to Gleason Drive. Within Tract 6959, Grafton Street is a residential neighborhood strcet. The Grafton Street extension scrves the ncw Fallon Middle School, which is presently under construction. Since this portion of Grafton Street exceeds 40 fcet in width, an enginccring survcy is required. The 85th percentile or critical speed was measured at 35 mph. Sinee this strcet is in proximity to residcntial areas and serves the frontage of a school, the survey recommcnds a speed limit of 25 mph as appropriate. Staffrecommends that the City Council conduct a public hearing, deliberate, waive the reading and adopt the Ordinance (Attachment I) approving speed limits for Gleason Drive between Tassajara Road and Fallon Road, and for Grafton Street between Gleason Drive and Antone Way. Page 2 ~'?..... ICVS' ORDINANCE NO. -05 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN ********* ESTABLISHING SPEED LIMITS ON GLEASON DRIVE BETWEEN TASSAJARA ROAD AND FALLON ROAD AND ON GRAFI'ON STREET BETWEEN ANTONE WAY AND GLEASON DRIVE The City Council of the City of Dublin does ordain as follows: Section 1: Pursuant to Dublin Municipal Code Section 6.04.340, speed limits shall be established as follows: Grafton Street: From Antone Way to Gleason Drive, 25 miles per hour Gleason Drive: From Tassajara Road to Fallon Road, 40 miles per hour Section 2. Said speed limits shall be added to City of Dublin Traffic Code Sections 6.60.010 (25 miles per hour) and 6.60,040 (40 miles per hour) respectively. Section 3: This ordinance shall become effective 30 days after its final passage and adoption by the City Council. The City Clerk of the City of Dublin shall cause this ordinance to be posted in at least three (3) public places in the eity of Dublin in accordance with Section 36933 of the Government Code of the State of California. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 1st day of February, 2005. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: Mayor AITEST: City Clerk g:iQgellmlJclon/i_ce gleas01l & groftoll speed limits.doc Pagel (o,~ 'd./I¡OC I 'D m:6f Orch11LJnCß./ - ,,- .,.' .'/. - ~ùb"::) ( CITY OF EJUaLn\1 SPEEDU~IT 6NGIt!JE.E.RII\rG1 TR./Îi'ÞFJC SURVEY Street: Gleason Drive limits: Grafton St. to Fallon Rd. Length (feet): 2,110' SPEEDS Loc:ation of Survey: Date Taken: Posted Speed: Pace Speed: % in Pace, Above, Below Critic:al Speed (85%) Range of Speeds I ROADWAY D¡::SIGN AND TRAFFIC ¢HA~Jl.çTE.RIST!9$ Width (ft.): 89' No. of Lanes (Both Directions): 4 (2 each wav) Average Dally Traffic: NA (new) Date Taken: Special Conditions (Parking, Roadway Alignment, Land Use, School Area, etc.): 2 lanes each wav with median: Moderate curve and orade (uphill eastbound): Undeveloped on both sides: No parklno allowed. I ACCIDENTCHARAÇT£5~I$'tIC$ -l Accident Period Analyzed: NA (new) Number of Accidents (List Total and Each Year): N,A. (new) Number of Speed Related Accidents (Total and Each Year): NA (new) Calculated Accident Rate: NA (new) Statewide Average Rate: N.A. (new) I ' ,., "'è; "'!\'·;""l.. sURVey R¡::$bl4:t<> L;':, ". ':"'.!": Recommendations: Based on the measured critical speed and the current/recommended speed limit of 40 mph on Gleason Drive west of Grafton Street. a speed limit of 40 mph is appropriate on this seoment of Gleason Drive. :,.1"'"""" '" :::,:,~ ,..' .~ ,.' ." .'. ': " ", ~..; "'::..<::,,;', Roadway Map Study Prepared By: Omni-Means Enclneers & Planners Date: 11/04 . ::J APprove~y~ >v /,; 4"" '7'r'rf'rY Date: ,,/, /Ç, ., ø / , ~ ~ .. ~ ..- ..-r I .' ".,-' na""- I' Gf.,i/IISQ,.s-,....... ~ ....~ -~ Approved Speed Limit: 40 mph Per cve 40803, Survey Expires: 11/03/11 N ,f .,,"','" ',' '",'þ ", "" . ffl~Mt1 ri~ 6urYe:Js 3pp, 3OV5" CITY GFDt,j$WINI SPEEDLlIVi:F¡i: ,E!NGltI.IgE~JNG r Tß:~'fFJC s !Rc~!!E¥ Street: Gleason Drive Limits: Tassaiara Rd. to Grafton St. Length (feet): 2.375' SPEE[)S Location of Survey: .. Date Taken: Posted Speed: Pace Speed: % in Pace, Above, Below Critical Speed (85%) Range of Speeds I ROADWAY [JESt$NAN[¡)TRi¡i¡FF!¡¡¡ØH:Ä~,!I:CTE~¡:~fi:l:þ~" " ,'.' . <:,':;- Width (fl.): 45'-88' No, of Lanes (Both Directions): 2-4 (1-2 each wav) Average Daily Traffic: N.A. (new) Date Taken: Special Conditions (Parking, Roadway Alignment, Land Use, School Area, etc.): 1 lane each way near Tassaiara. then widens to 2 each way for eastern portion: Moderate "S" curve in road: Undeveloped on both sides: No parkinq allowed. I ACCU¡¡~NT al· ¡'1;J'i~@t!;f~J$;iÎ;'IC$,:, Accident Period Analyzed: N.A. (new) Number of Accidents (List Total and Each Year): N.A. (new) Number of Speed Related Accidents (Total and Each Year): N.A. (new) Calcuiated Accident Rate: N.A. (new) Statewide Average Rate: . . 'W ~¿:";, N.A. (new) ¡ SURVEY RESUL.TS Recommendations: Based on the measured critical speed and the current speed limit of 40 mph on Gleason Drive west of Tassaiara Road. a speed limit of 40 mph is appropriate on this seqment of Gleason Drive. Roadway Map Study Prepared By: Omni-Means Enoineers & Planners Date: 11/04 ~ 3 Approved ~:t=~11( /;.;'...A r ):¿¡'.?'i7 Date: II /0$.' / / Approved Speed Limit: 40 mph Per evc 40803, Survey Expires: 11/03/11 ~ ~,,-_........... ......, '" ' " "i & ~ 0' '11,&-" - ~ -- -... ~... / ~ ~ N ~ 4LbS" C. I.T..·ff'0F;BU13Llt>I.·.·..·., . . . S. PE.'..ED.:iJIMI'[· '. ENGINEE.R.INqInMfEIC SURyeŸ Street: Limits: Gleason Drive to Antone Way Length (feet): 1 ,850' Grafton Street SpeEDS Location of Survey: Date Taken: Posted Speed: Pace Speed: % in Pace, Above, Below Critical Speed (85%) Range ef Speeds I ROADWAYbES!G.NAN[)·tRA:F¡;;:lCCF!:a;~@;,..eªISm .Þ$.. J Width (ft.): 40'-58' No. of Lanes (Both Directions): 2 (1 each wav) Average Daily Traffic: N.A. (new seament) Date Taken: N.A (new seamen!) Special Conditions (Parking, Roadway Alignment, Land Use, School Area, etc.): 1 lane each waY: Uohill orade northbound toward Castleton Ln.: Residential north of Castleton Ln.: Planned residential south of Castleton Ln.: New school under construction on west side. I ACCIi;>EN,'yCH,G¡Ii»:CTBRIS-¡\ICS Accident Period Analyzed:N.A. (new seqment) Number of Accidents (List Total and Each Year): N.A. (new seament) Number of Speed Related Accidents (Total and Each Year): N.A. (new seament\ Calculated Accident Rate: N.A. (new seqment) Statewide Average Rate: N.A. (new) I SURV.EY R'~:$l:/L;TS ....~. Recommendations: This seament of Grafton Street is a residential collector located within a school area. The school is currentlv under construction. Therefore, a speed limit of 25 mph is appropriate. Roadway Map IJtI'1Ð í( fIJ. . Study Prepared By: Omni-Means Enqineers & Planners Date: 11/04 j Approved B:f yy 1).,/,;',-,)'7 Y )2~h7 Date: ////~ / 7 Approved Speed Limit: 25 mph Per evc 40802 and 40803, Survey Expires: 11111/11 ~ (;p,~·,LN. ( (~ \ r('. I ! ~ j / Æ-¿",;¡J'"", ÞR.. I l I N it' "'OQ) ro > 0·- 0:::L.. CI C o c o ro U'J u...ro Q) ,8(9 "'00 ro'" 0>- O:::ro ro3: L.. roQ) ....... c roo U'J... U'J c ~« E~ o L.. L.. l+- I+- ... Q)Q) > Q) .- L.. L..... CI(/) c c 00 U'J'" rol+- Q) ~ (DC,!) ',: ~ ; l¡;.Ð''''- t~ c:a:f;> ,~ ç.':~~''-¡ 6.; '~ I' n~' -"::ì ,/ 'f., \ --- I' \ \ I', ,'. \,.,-"" " --- ...... ~ /" ,....... , .; \ \ ".,. \ - \ \ ~.-I .... --"-, -.... - - t -1 1 /. GRþ.nON STREET I - PROPOSEO 2SMPH '" uJ I>.- '" :£ % <I ::t ß % ~ ~~ uJ I>.- -' ~ " I>.- WIIIIi~,,1IIMW FALLON MIOO.E SCHOO. ~ '''' ~......./ \ , . i ..... I r-i ". \ ;:¡; uJ I>.- ~ 2i o ~ Z 0 o uJ (f) (f) , ¡:¡ !i:' , .... 0 '" ~ .. ;-rr-~ -1:-11,-: ~-F I " _-I \ ,~.... 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