HomeMy WebLinkAbout8.4 EmerldGlenParkRenov CITY CLERK File # D[G;][Q][Q]-~[Q] AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: February 1, 2005 SUBJECT: Emerald Glen Park Water Play Area Renovations Report Prepared hy J Jerma Lichtenstein, Parks and Facilities Development Manager ATTACHMENTS: I) Budget Change Form RECOMMENDATION: . . / I) ;(l}1' 2) \ 3) Approve Budget Change Form in the amount of $61,930 Waive Competitive Bidding requirement and authorize Staff to enter into an agreement with Robertson Industries for an amount not to exceed $25,500. Authorize Staff to proceed with the remaining project items provided the cost is with in the total available budget. FINANCIAL STATEMENT; Richardson Industries Contract Amount $25,500 Additional Work Items $30,800 10% Contingency $ 5,630 Projeet Budget $61,930 An additional appropriation from the Unappropriated General FWld Reserves is neeessary to proceed with the projeet DESCRIPTION: At the end of last summer it was brought to the attention of the Parks and Community Services Department that the resilient surfacing at the Emerald Glen Park water play feature had failed. The surface has delaminated from the sub-layer and was presenting a tripping hazard. At that time Staff closed the facility to minimize potential hazards. Staff contacted the original manufacturer 0 f the product and found that they were no longer being represented on the West Coast. FuTlher, the loeal dealer said that they could not warranty the product because it was installed near a sand play area. Staff then contacted the landscape arehiteet who designed the water play feature and found that the manufacturer had not made this problem known to them when the product was originally speei lied and that it had not been an issue at similar installations that they had designed. Consequently Staff and the park's designer researched several other products and fonnd that California Sports and Recreation, a local play equipment supplier could provide the City with options. California Sporls and Recreation had just begun work with Robertson Industries, makers of Tot Turf who conld meet the City's criteria. This company has been in business on the East Coast and in the Midwest and was beginning to install its product in California. The firm was able to meet all of the City's eriteria whieh included fall zone resiliency and drainage issues. They were also willing to warranty the product. In addition, they have stated that should this product not work they will replaee it with whatever the City deems appropriate at their cost. -----------------------------------------~~.----------------------------------------------------------------- COPIES TO: ITEM NO.A!I G;\COUNCII.\Ag."(\fI S~\t.me,,"\2005\2·1 EG I'lay arcar.doc \r5b3 t, Before moving forward, Staff contacted the City of Cathedral City in Southern California. They have a similar applieation and it has been in plaec for two years. To date they have stated that it has perfOHned as specified. Although Staff eontacted several other play surfaee representatives, none of these representatives could provide the City with a product that would meet the requirements of the City. Based on the above analysis Staff believes that the Tot Turf product available through California Sports and Reercation will be the best option tor replaeement. While Section 2.36.030 of the Dublin Municipal Codes requires eompetitive bidding for eontracts over $20,000, Section 2.36.050 provides exceptions to the eompetitive bidding requirements. As there is only one vendor who ean meet the City's requirements, the City Attorney has determined that Section 2.36.050 (6) applies. The section statcs; when a purchase involves goods of a teehnical nature, where it would be diffíeult for a vendor to bid on a standard set of specifications, the Purchasing Agent shall undertake a thorough review of known products and a comparison of features whieh would most elosely meet the city's needs at thc least east. As the surfaeing is of a teehnieal design and use whieh makes it difficult for a vendor to provide the necessary warranty and Staff has wldertaken a thorough review of simi lar produets and compared warranty of use with cost and play experience, this seetion applies. Based on the above information Staff recommends that the Competitive Bidding process be waived and that the City enter into an agreement with Robertson Industries to perform the work. REPLACEMENT COSTS AND FUNDING: The replacement costs for this projeet can not come from Publie Facility Fees since this would be considered a maintenanee and repair item. The project will therefore need to be funded by the General Fund. In eonjunction with replacing the surlaeing, Staff reeommends additional work, to be performed under separate eontract, to include replacing the sand in the adjacent rock play area with Fibar to reduce maintenance issues related to sand in the water play area. The estimated costs are as follows: Resurface with new Tot Turf product $ 25,500 Additional Work Items Remove old surfacing and prep concrete $ 3,300 Remove 65 cu. yds. of sand Install 78 eu. yds. ofFibar illspections Subtotal Contingency· 10% TOTAL $ 14,700 $ 12,300 $ 500 $56,300 $ 5,630 $ 61,930 SCHEDULE: I I' the City is to open the play area on timc for the warm weather the work would need to be completed by the end of ApriL The antieipated eonstruction period would be approximately three months. Most ofthis time is due to thc 6-8 week delivery period for materials. Actual removal and replacement would take two to three weeks. ;)~3 RECOMMENDA nON: It is reeommended that the City Council take the following action; 1) Approve Budge! Change Form in the amount of $61,930 2) Waive Competitive Bidding requirement and authorize staff to enter into an agreement with Robertson Industries lor and amount not to exceed $25,500. 3) Authorize StalTto proceed with the remaining project items provided the eost is with in the total available budget. Sq;3 CITY OF DUBLIN BUDGET CHANGE FORM 1 ðh\ CHANGE FORM # New Appropriation. (City Council Approval Rcquir<d): Budget Tran.rers: _X__. . From Unappropriated Reserves (If Other than General Fnnd, Fund No- From New Revenues From Budgeted Contingent Reserve (1 tl800-799.(00) Within Same Department Activity ._. Between Departments (City Council Approval Required) Other -.- DECRIí:~SEBUDG.E'f AC00Û.: ··::IU~MOUN'I':i::' ::,ÍN(¡;R:EÁSE;jlliiDGE1;i:í\cdOI.!lii4!t::il..,.·.. AMou'NT-- Name; Nam.; Emerald Glen Park $ 61,930 Account #; 001-95600-740-000 Acc()~nt #: Name: Name: Account #: Account #: Name' Name~ Account #: Account #: Name: Name: Account #; Account #: Namc; Name; Account #: Account #: ASD/Fin Mgr Date; Signature REASON FOR BUDGET CHANGE ENTRY; City Manager: Dale; Signature As approved at the City Council Meeting on; Date; Mayor: Date; Signature Posted By; Date: Signature 1I.'¡(,C_FOkMSIFORM_/xldgel dmn},"t',d,yc: £.L\ -- ~-\ -o~