HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.01 Draft 04-05-2005 CC Min · RE6ULAR MEiITIN6 - APRIL 5, 2005 A regular meeting of the Dublin City Council was held on Tuesday, April 5, 2005, in the Council Chambers of the Dublin Civic Center. The meeting was called to order at 7:04 p.m., by Mayor Lockhart. .. ROIL CALL PRESENT: ABSENT: Councilmembers Hildenbrand, McCormick, Oravetz, Zika and Mayor Lockhart. None. .. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The pledge of allegiance to the flag was recited by the Council, Staff and those present. .. ACCEPTANCE OF GIFTS TO CITY FROM ST. PATRICK'S DAY SPONSORS · 7:05 p.m. 3.1 (150-70) Parks & Community Services Manager Paul McCreary presented the Staff Report and advised that the City received $25,280 in sponsorships for the 2005 St. Patrick's Day Festival and Fun Run. In addition, the City received overwhelming support in the form of in~kind donations of goods and services. The Council recognized the businesses and organizations that supported the events. Festival Monetary Sponsors: Guiness, SBC, Trendwest, Wells Fargo, Hacienda Crossings, lKEA, RJ's Promotions and Safeway. Fun Run Monetary Sponsors: World of Shoes, Alameda County Deputy Sheriff's Association, Alameda County Firefighters - Local 55, Applebee's, Pacific Care, Chow Chiropractic and Club Sport San Ramon. In-Kind Sponsors: Coca-Cola, Diablo Magazine, Dublin Trophy House, EI Monte RV, Enterprise Rent-a~Car, Erik's Delicafe - Dublin, ESSN,]azzercise, KFOG FM 104.5, Mimi's Café - Dublin, NBC 11, Pizza Hut, Radisson Hotel, Safeway, Select Imaging and Tri-Valley Herald. · CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 24 REGULAR MEETING January 18, 2005 PAGE 148 The Council also recognized local non-profit organizations: Dublin Sister City . Association - Green & White Gala, Alameda County Firefighters - Local 55 - Community Pancake Breakfast, and Dublin Host Lion's Club - St. Patrick's Day Parade. On motion of Cm. Oravetz, seconded by Vm. Zika, and by unanimous vote, the Council formally accepted the contributions. Certificates of appreciation and commemorative gifts were presented in recognition of support for the Dublin St. Patrick's Day Celebration. - FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE FOR SOUTH ASIA TSUNAMI VICTIMS This item was moved forward on the agenda. 7:13 p.m. 7.1 (150-10) Assistant City Manager Joni Pattillo presented the Staff Report and advised that on January 18,2005, Staff presented Council with a detailed report outlining a fundraising and outreach program to aid South Asia Tsunami victims. With direction from the Council, this effort was set up as a matching program, with a maximum donation by the City of Dublin of up to $10,000. The matching program was established and ran for a full 30 days. Special recognition was given to: Sangam Indian Cuisine Restaurant for a donation of . $6,501; Tri-Valley PS Bowling Challenge for a donation of $1,025; and Valley Christian Interact Club for a donation of $1,058. A total of $17,468 will be forwarded to the Red Cross. On motion of Cm. Oravetz, seconded by Cm. Hildenbrand, and by unanimous vote, the Council formally closed out the 30 day fundraising endeavor for tsunami relief and directed Staff to prepare a check from the City's contingent Reserve for the American Red Cross in an amount matching the total contributions received ($8,734). The Council extended appreciation to the charitable donors that made this fundraiser a success. .... PROCLAMATION 7:19 p.m. 3.2 (610-50 Mayor Lockhart read a proclamation declaring April 3 - 9, 2005 as Week ofthe Young Child and urged all citizens to recognize and support the needs of young children in our community. -- CITY COl:NCILMINUTES VOLUME 24 REGULAR MEETING January 18, 2005 j>AGE 149 . · CONSENT CALENDAR. 7;22 p.m. Items 4.1 through 4.12 On motion of Vm. Zika, seconded by Cm. McCormick, and by unanimous vote, the Council took the following actions: Approved (4.1) Minutes of Regular Meetings of March 1st and March 15,2005; Accepted (4.2 600-35) improvements for Contract 04-] 0, Civic Center Vertical Blind Replacement and authorized final payment to contractor, less retention to be paid in 35 days if no subcontractor or supplier claims are received; Adopted (4.3 600-30) RESOLUTION NO. 49 - 05 APPROVING AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT WITH THE ZAHN GROUP, INC., FOR CONSULTING SERVICES RELATED TO THE CIVIC CENTER ROOF DECK REPAIR AND · POLICE EVIDENCE STORAGE VENTILATION PROJECTS Adopted (4.4 350-40) RESOLUTION NO. 50 - 05 DECLARING CERTAIN ITEMS AS UNCLAIMED AND SURPLUS PROPERTY Adopted (4.5 700-30) RESOLUTION NO. 51 - 05 AMENDING THE CLASSIFICATION PLAN (JOB DESCRIPTION· CITY CLERK) Approved (4.6 600-30) Change Order #2 ($50,000) for additional services related to Emerald Glen Park, Phase III Consultant Services with Carducci & Associates; CITY COUNCIL MJN1JTES VOLUME 24 REGULAR MEETING .January 18, 2005 PAGE 150 · Adopted (4.7 600-30) RESOLUTION NO. 52 - 05 APPROVING AN AGREEMENT WITH KLEINFELDER ASSOCIATES, GEOTECHNICAL CONSULTANTS FOR GEOTECHNICAL TESTING SERVICES FOR THE FALLON SPORTS PARK (NOT-TO-EXCEED $45,990) · Adopted (4.8 600-60) RESOLUTION NO. 53 - 05 APPROVING PARCEL MAP 7892 AND IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT (DUBLIN TRANSIT CENTER, SITES 0 & E) Adopted (4.9 600-60) RESOLUTION NO. 54 - 05 APPROVING TRACT 1525 FINAL MAP AND TRACT IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT (DUBLIN TRANSIT CENTER, SITE B) · Accepted (4.10 600-35) improvements for Contract 04-01, Traffic Signal at Dublin Boulevard and Inspiration Drive and authorized release of retention after 35 days if there are no subcontractor claims; Adopted (4.11 410-40/670-40) RESOLUTION NO. 55 - 05 APPROVING PARCEL MAP 8021 (MICRODENT AL) Approved (4.12 300-40) the Warrant Register in the amount of $2,557,714.81. . CITY COUNCIL MINlJTES VOLUME 24 REGULAR MEETING January 18, 200S PAGE 151 · · · · REQUEST FROM DUBUN AND BRAY SISTER CITY ASSOCIATIONS TO INSTALL PEACE POLE AT BRAY COMMONS 7:23 p.m. 5.1 (920-20) Parks & Community Services Director Diane Lowart presented the Staff Report and advised that the Dublin and Bray Sister City Associations have jointly presented a Peace Pole to the City of Dublin. In September 2004, the City Council confirmed the date of May 7, 2005 for the Bray Commons dedication event. Staff recommended that the Peace Pole be accepted by the City at this event. Staff recommended that the final location be determined after a meeting at the park with representatives from the Dublin Sister City Association. The Mayor of Bray has indicated that she intends to be present at the dedication. The estimated cost for installation of the Peace Pole and dedication plaque is $250, and the DSCA has indicated they would reimburse the City for these costs. Jim Kohnen with DSCA stated along with Carol Satterthwaite, Pat Kohnen and Tom McCormick were instrumental in this project. On motion of Cm. McCormick, seconded by Cm. Hildenbrand, and by unanimous vote, the Council approved the request and directed Staff to work with DSCA to identify an appropriate location for the Peace Pole at Bray Commons. . PUBLIC HEARING - DUBLIN RANCH WEST ORDINANCE APPROVING A PLANNED DEVELOPMENT PREWNlNG AND STAGE 1 DEVELOPMENT PLAN SUBMITI'ED BY JAMES TONG ON BEHALF OF CHANG SU-O (AKA JENNIFER) UN ET AL. PA 02-028 7:27 p.m. 6.1 (600-60) Mayor Lockhart opened the public hearing. Planning Consultant Mike Porto presented the Staff Report. This project consists of approximately 189 acres of land proposed for annexation to both the City and DSRSD. The site is located in unincorporated Alameda County. The project includes a General Plan and EDSP Amendment Annexation application, Supplemental Environmental Impact Report and Mitigation Monitoring & Reporting Program and Pre- annexation Agreement for the Lin Property to replace a 9.7 acre elementary school site with Medium High Density residential to replace neighborhood commercial land use with Open Space Land Use and approval of a Stage 1 prezoning for the entire property. CITY Cm/NCIL MINlJTES VOLUME 24 REGULAR MEETING January 18, 2005 PAGE 152 This is the second reading of an Ordinance which would approve the planned Development. This project is scheduled to go before LAFCO on May 12, 2005. No testimony was entered by any member of the public relative to this issue. Mayor Lockhart closed the public hearing. On motion of Vm. Zika, seconded by Cm. Oravetz, and by unanimous vote, the Council waived the reading and adopted ORDINANCE NO. 10 -- 05 AMENDING THE ZONING MAP TO PREZONE A 189 ACRE UNINCORPORATED AREA KNOWN AS DUBLIN RANCH WEST TO PLANNED DEVEWPMENT (PO) AND APPROVING A RELATED STAGE 1 DEVELOPMENT PLAN WCATED SOUTH OF THE COUNTY BOUNDARY, NORTH or THE CITY LIMITS, WEST or TASSi\JARA ROAD AND EAST Of CAMP PARKS (PARKS RITA) FA 02-028 .. . ruBUC HEARING WEEDS AND COMBUSTIBLE REFUSE ABATEMENT ORDER 7:29 p.m. 6.2 (540-50) . Mayor Lockhart opened the public hearing. Fire Marshal Theresa Johnson presented the Staff Report and advised that in accordance with Dublin Resolution No. 26-05, the City Council declared that there is a public nuisance created by weeds and combustible debris growing, accumulating upon the streets, sidewalks and property within the City of Dublin. Notice of this declaration was posted as well as abatement Courtesy Notices were sent to all known existing property owners to abate the hazard. Ms. Johnson stated we have sent notices and will be starting inspections shortly. Fred Loskutoff, Marw1ck Drive stated he was concerned with the time that weeds have to be abated. They are still growing through May. Could they change this back to June like it used to be? They also used to do just the perimeter of the property. He has a 60 degree slope on the back side of his property and it becomes a problem to maintain that. This will help with heavy rain seasons. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 24 REGULAR MEETING January 18, 2005 PAGE 153 . · · · Ms. Johnson stated he can work with Scott McMillan. She explained that we are trying to create as safe an environment as possible before the 4th of July. Mayor Lockhart closed the public hearing. On motion of Cm. Hildenbrand, seconded by Cm. McCormick, and by unanimous vote, the Council directed Staff to continue the weed abatement process. . PUBLIC HEARING - AMENDMENT TO TIlE WUKIANOFF SITE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW (SDR) FOR A NEW SINGLE-FAMILY CUSTOM RESIDENCE ON AN EXISTING LOT (HALIM RESIDENCE) PA 04-056 7:33 p.m. 6.3 (410~30) Mayor Lockhart opened the public hearing. Associate Planner Pierce Macdonald presented the Staff Report and gave background information related to this location and advised that the proposed SDR Amendment requested by the Applicant would amend the architectural colors and materials of the home, the design of the roof, and add 606 square feet of additional habitable floor area. Mr. Mohammed Halim requests City Council approval of an Amendment to the approved Loukianoff Site Development Review for a new single-family home at 11299 Rolling Hills Drive (Lot 1), created by Tract Map 5073 in conjunction with planned Development PA 85-035 (Hatfield Development Corporation, Inc.). Lot 1 is a flag lot, 21,943 square feet in size. The eastern 1j.¡ portion of the lot is relatively flat, while the remaining 0/. of the lot drops off steeply with a 30%-50% slope. The site includes 2 moderate-sized oak trees designated Heritage Trees pursuant to the Heritage Tree Ordinance. Surrounding properties on the north, east and south sides are desîgnated single-family residential land use as part of the Hatfield PD District. The property to the west has an agricultural land use desîgnation and is outside of the City limits within Alameda County. The proposed SDR Amendment requested by the Applicant would amend the architectural colors and materials of the home, the design of the roof, and add 606 square feet of additional habitable floor area as a basement. Pursuant to the Loukianoff SDR approval, the location of the home has been relocated away from the Heritage Trees on the site by moving the location of the home to the south. The new location provides a minimum distance of 5' from the drip line of any Heritage Oak Tree on the site. The new CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 24 REGULAR MEETING January 18, 2005 PAGE 154 location is sited over the previous location of the Common Area Storm Drain Easement on Lot 1, which was moved by the Homeowners Association as a result of the Loukianoff . SDR approval. Changes to setbacks and building height measurements as a result of the conditions attached to the Loulåanoff SDR are not considered part of the current Amendment project because they are considered part of the approved SDR. Background information presented related to: 1) Hatfield Development Approval in 1985; Z) Black Mountain Development PA 00·009 approval in December ZOOO; and 3) Loukianoff Development PA 03-040 in July Z004. Mr. Loukianoff transferred interest in Lot 1 to Mr. Mohammed Halim in the fall of 2004. Ms. Macdonald stated in summary that the Loukianoff SDR Amendment project is in conformance with the Dublin General Plan, City Council Resolution No. 82-85, the Zoning Ordinance and the Heritage Tree Ordinance. The home is well-sited and well- designed for the lot and compatible with other neighboring residences in the subdivision. Impacts to views will be minimized by the low gable roofline and design of the residence. Conclusions and recommendations of the Heritage Tree protection Plan prepared by Hortscience have been incorporated into the draft Conditions of ApprovaL Additional tree protection measures and other conditions were recommended, such as roof design, basement construction and new materials. Ms. Macdonald advised that the property owner of 11293 Rolling Hills Drive came in and spoke with Staff, but no written comments were received. . Cm. McCormick asked about the neighbor that came in and Staff responded that they asked about the dormer windows and whether this was a second story. She explained that these were skylights. They were concerned about privacy and mass of the home. Cm. McCormick asked if there will be a one year bond on the tree. Ms. Macdonald responded yes, this is correct. Mr. Halim stated Pierce did a really good job covering everything. They took the plan which was already approved and increased it. The heritage tree takes up a lot of the land. He stated he is dedicated to making sure the trees are preserved. He has been working with City Staff to make sure they comply with all regulations and hopes they can get this moving forward. Vickie Hathaway, Rothschild Court had a picture for display which showed how massive this house will be. They are very concerned about their privacy. They bought their house in 1991 and like the feeling of being out in nature. This house will tower above CITY COIJNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 24 REGULAR MEETING January 18, 2005 PAGE 155 . e e . their garden. How tall is the house? She stated she knew someday a house would be built on that lot, however, until she saw the gigantic home built on Brittany, she shudders to think a house like this will be built. She felt the City has an obligation to consider existing neighbors regarding design and how they will be affected. It should be harmonious with the existing homes and the environment. This massiveness overpowers the hillside. Safety is a concern with emergency vehicles. They need at least 20' for emergency vehicles. They measured 18 1Iz' at the widest. She remembers the Oakland hills fire with their narrow streets. How will they get in there to put out any fires on that home or any other home up there? She requested that this be carefully reviewed. She stated she did not know she could talk to an individual staff member about this. Mayor Lockhart stated the house is 29 feet high which is actually a little shorter than the house that was going to be there. Ms. Macdonald stated it will be 19 feet from the front and 29 feet from the back. Counting the garage, it is 4,100 sq ft. Ms. Hathaway requested that they not do any grading near her property. She asked if there will be any stabilization or retaining walls? Ms. Macdonald stated we are working with the applicant to address the geotechnical rep0l1 to address landslides. She advised that she can provide a copy to her. Nancy Albrecht, Rolling Hills Drive stated they basically face them and the new home will be directly behind them. They purchased their home last year and saw the plan that was proposed. They are concerned about the length of the roofline. The pitch has gone down, but not by that much. Also, regarding the dormer windows, they hope they will remain skylights, but they could build an attic and/or loft room, and then they could look right into their yard. They anticipated something totally different when they purchased their home. Ed Hathaway, Rothschild Court asked if this redesign has changed the length of the house? Ms. Macdonald responded the length has not changed, but it was shifted about 7' to the south. The setback is 10' on the corner closest to the lot line. Mr. Hathaway stated there is a drain that comes out of the corner of his lot and they are concerned that the elevation be maintained. There is a low point there. Mayor Lockhart closed the public hearing. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 24 REGULAR MEETING January 18, 2005 PAGE 156 Cm. McCormick stated she was very pleased to see the revised plan. It is a great improvement over the previous plan. Also, she was happy to see it moved away from the . heritage trees. She stated she is sympathetic with neighbors. They are fortunate to be in the area where they are. We are building a lot of $1 million zero lot line homes. This is probably the best compromise we can do. She stated she will support the plan. Vm. Zika stated he appreciates the efforts to save the trees. He realizes we can't please everybody all the time. It is a flag lot for a custom home. Mr. Halim has worked very diligently and he stated he will support this. Mayor Lockhart stated it is scary when someone comes in when you have had a view for a long time. She requested that neighbors please call and talk to Pierce about this process. There are probably no other lots in the City which have been more discussed by the community and the City than these custom lots. On motion of Cm. Oravetz, seconded by Cm. McCormick, and by unanimous vote, the Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 56 - 05 APPROVING AN AMENDMENT TO A SITE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW FOR A SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENCE ON AN EXISTING LOT (LOT 1) AT 11299 ROLLING HilLS DRIVE (LOUKIANOFF PA 03-040) . .. FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE FOR SOUTH ASIA TSUNAMI VICTIMS This issue was discussed earlier in the meeting 7.1 (150-10) .. AWARD OF BID CONTRACT 04-08A VIIJ..AGE PARKWAY SIDEWALK WIDENING AND UGHTING IMPROVEMENI'S, AMADOR VALLEY BOULEV Am TO DUBUN BOULEVARD 8:11 p.m. 7.2 (600-35) Public Works Director Melissa Morton presented the Staff Report and advised that this project will widen sidewalks, install decorative street lighting and plant new street trees on Village Parkway between Amador Valley Boulevard and Dublin Boulevard. The City CITY COUNCIL MINTJTES VOLUME 24 REGULAR MEETING January 18, 2005 PAGE 157 . Council was asked to consider awarding the bid for this project to Ransome Company ($919,435.50). In order to fully fund construction of this project plus a 10% contingency, additional funding in the amount of $275,278 is required from the City's Downtown/Open Space General Fund Reserve. This FY 2004~05 Budget allocated funds from the reserve for this project. This Budget Change will leave a balance of $1.3 million in this Reserve after the project is completed. Mayor Lockhart ask if part of the increase relates to the timing and waiting until after the holidays or the specific hours that they can work? Ms. Morton replied there has been an increase for concrete and steel costs, so the lion's share of the increase is for building materials. On motion of Cm. Hildenbrand, seconded by Cm. McCormick, and by unanimous vote, the Council approved a Budget Change in the amount of $294,009 and adopted RESOLUTION NO. 57 - 05 AWARDING CONTRACT 04-08a VILLAGE PARKWAY SIDEWALK WIDENING & LIGHTING IMPROVEMENTS AMADOR VALLEY BOULEVARD TO DUBLIN BOULEVARD · . · FINAL REVIEW or ALTERNATIVE LAND USE PLANS FOR FUTURE PRIVATE DEVELOPMENT AT CAMP PARKS 8:14 p.m. 7.3 (420-20) Senior Planner Kristi Bascom presented the Staff Report. Ms. Bascom discussed City Council feedback from the February, 2005 meeting. The City Council also discussed the issue of parks and open space at the March 15, 2005 City Council meeting, and will be discussing traffic and circulation, as wel1 as the land use mix on site at this time. In summary, Ms. Bascom stated Staff will be providing to the Army a comprehensive memo summarizing the direction given by the City Council on all issues related to parks and open space, housing, traffic! circulation, and land uses as discussed at the last 3 Council meetings. This information will aid the Army În developing the land use plan that will ultimately become their project proposal. She noted that there are still CITY COUNCIL MINlJTES VOLUME 24 REGULAR MEETING January 18,2005 PAGE 158 · unknowns regarding the project that may impact its outcome and the eventual land use . plan that is proposed for the site, including: · A lake or water feature. · There are environmental resources on the site that could restrict development in certain locations. · The City will need to ensure that the project is fiscally positive. · The City will need to further analyze the traffic impacts of the project. · Staff will recommend to the City Council that the future project be approved only after a Development Agreement has been executed. Vm. Zika stated he felt this was a good compromise, and he supports going forward with what we have. Cm. Oravetz agreed and felt we have a good plan for the Army to look at. It's exciting. Cm. Hildenbrand stated she was concerned with Alternate #5, which has only 50 acres of park. Scenario 1 and 2 shows that usable acreage is only 43 acres. Alternate #5 has the least amount of parks. When a plan comes in, we will make sure that park space meets the minimum. . Mayor Lockhart stated this plan is really a rough map of where we're going. When we start looking at densities and other issues, the City Council will have opportunity for lots of discussion. There needs to be something special for the community on this space. She thanked Staff for all their hard work on this. By Council consensus Scenario 2 of Alternative #5 will be forwarded to the Army. .. DAY ON TIlE GLEN FESTIVAL DATES 8:Z4 p.m. 8.1 (950~40) Parks & Community Services Manager Paul McCreary presented the Staff Report and advised that the 5th Annual Day on the Glen Festival has been tentatively scheduled for September 24-Z5, ZOOS. However, there are 3 other local events planned for the same weekend. After reviewing the other events, Staff recommended that the City Council consider alternate dates of September 17-18 for the festival. CITY COUNCIL MINlrTES VOLUME 24 REGULAR MEETING January 18, 2005 PAGE 159 . · · · Cm. Hildenbrand stated she thought the Harvest Festival was the same weekend last year. This didn't seem to create any problem. On motion of Vm. Zika, seconded by Cm. McCormick, and by unanimous vote, the Council directed Staff to change the dates of the Day on the Glen Festival to the weekend of September 17 -18,2005. .. RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING APPUCATION TO TIlE CALIFORNIA STATE DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING &; COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT FOR A WORKFORCE HOUSING REWARD PROGRAM GRANT 8:27 p.m. 8.2 (430-20) Housing Specialist Julia Abdala presented the Staff Report and advised that the City of Dublin may be able to secure up to $977,000 from a grant that may be used by the City for construction or acquisition of capital assets that benefit the community. This Workforce Housing Rewards Grant Program is available to cities that have a certified Housing Element, have turned in the required Compliance Report for 2004, and have provided very low and low~income housing in their communities. The City of Dublin is able to meet all of the conditions set forth. The awards for the Workforce Housing Rewards Program Grants are anticipated to be announced by HCD in June of this year. Vm. Zika stated we can use this to help rebuild Shannon Center. On motion of Vm. Zika, seconded by Cm. Hildenbrand, and by unanimous vote, the Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 58 - 05 AUTHORIZING THE SUBMISSION OF AN APPLICATION PACKET FOR A WORKFORCE HOUSING REWARD PROGRAM GRANT FROM THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT AND AUTHORiZING THE CITY MANAGER AND/OR HIS DESIGNEE TO EXECUTE THE APPLICATION AND RELATED DOCUMENTS .. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 24 REGULAR MEETING January 18, 2005 PAGE 160 AFPROV AL OF WCAL MATCH OF $25,000 FOR THE MEASURE B GRANT APPLICATION FOR THE ALAMO CANAL TRAIL PROTECT UNDER 1-580 . 8:29 p.m. 8.3 0060-90/930-30) Public Works Director Melissa Morton presented the Staff Report. The City of Dublin, East Bay Regional Park District and the City of Pleasanton have applied for Measure B funds for the engineering feasibility study of the Alamo Canal Trail project under 1-580. A local match of $Z5,000 is required from Dublin for the project. This match is proposed to be funded with local Measure B Bike/Pedestrian Program funds allocated to Dublin. . On motion of Cm. McCormick, seconded by Cm. Oravetz, and by unanimous vote, the Council approved the local match of $Z5,000 and directed Staff to establish a new Capital Improvement Program project in IT 2005-06 for the study. . OTHER BUSINESS 8:32 p.m. Assistant City Manager Joni Pattillo advised that on Tuesday April 1 Zth there will be a . joint study session special meeting between the Parks & Community Services Commission and the City Council, 7-9 p.m. in Regional Meeting Room. On Saturday, May 7th, from 10 a.m. -12 noon, the Bray Commons dedication event will be held. Cm. Hildenbrand stated she was proud to say that Dublin Pride will be April 16th - 23ro and a large variety of activities will be going on during that time, including a blood drive, a poster contest (winners announced this week), canned food drive and we will be selling orchids hybrid formally named the Pride of Dublin for $ZO. There are only 200 available. There will also be a barbeque and a nature walk at Tassajara Creek, as well as e-waste and hazardous waste collection. For more information, people can check out the website - www.dublinprideweek.com. Cm. McCormick stated she had an important announcement for all Dublin resident seniors over 60. If you need help with spring cleaning, minor home repairs, moving furniture, turning mattresses, washing windows inside and out, you can call the City of Dublin during Dublin Pride Week and volunteers will be going to homes and providing CiTY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 24 REGULAR MEETING January 18, 2005 PAGE 161 . I , I I I L___ · · · help for all these jobs. This is a wonderful service being offered. This will be a great week and she encouraged everyone to help. Look on the website for further information. Cm. Oravetz advised that he will attend the East Bay Division of the League meeting on April 2pt in Alameda. Mayor Lockhart stated at the next Mayors' Conference they will again be discussing the Bay Bridge and they are trying to decide whether to support one type of bridge or another. She asked if the City Council is interested in taking a position on this. Vm. Zika stated he felt he did not have enough information to go on. If the fancy design is not that much more, and regarding the redesign suggested by the Governor and Caltrans, he doesn't see how this will be any cheaper or faster. The City Council indicated they have no problem with the Mayor taking a position. Mayor Lockhart reported that the Alameda County Child Abuse Prevention Council has provided information and material for Council and Staff. They have a little blue pin to remind people about child abuse prevention. It only takes a minute to be an advocate and make a difference in the life of a child. . ADJOURNMENT 11.1 There being no further business to come before the Council, the meeting was adjourned at 8:43 p.m. Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk .~ CITV COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 24 REGULAR MEETING January 18, 2005 PAGE 162