HomeMy WebLinkAbout3.1 P&CSCommissionAptMember CITY CLERK File # nl1JTl[ðJ..J3][] · A~ENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIl,. MEETING DATE: June 21,2005 SUBJECT: Mayor's Appointment of Student Member to Parks and Community Services Commission Report by: Diane Lowart, Parks & Community Services Director . ATTACHMENTS: 1) Applications RECOMMENDATIONh.£V f)l.-- . ~v < , Confirm Mayor's appointment of Brianna Hart to the Parks and Community Services Commission FINANCIAL STATEMENT: None DESCRIPTION: The term of the student member to the Parks and Community Services Commission will expire on June 30, 2005. The opening was advertised and ten applications were received (Attachment I). · Mayor Lockhart recommends the appointment of Brianna Hart to a term expiring in June of 2006 on the Parks and Community Services Commission. Staff recommends that the City Council confirm the Mayor's appointment to the Parks and Community Services Commission and direct Staff to notify the Applicants, or provide other appropriate direction. · --------------------.-----------------------------------------~~----------------~--~~-----------------~-~-~-~ COPIES TO: Parks & Community Service. Commi..!on Applicants IDb' ITEMNO.~ G:\PARKS COMMISSION\STNDTREP\cc 6-21 .tudent membor.DOC ...."... ·'. '. ~:I . CITY OF DUBLIN 100 CivIc Plaza Dublin, CA 94568 (925) 833-6645 ~~- I Db Il.o ,~~1. \) 1. ..~If'\ ~ \$~1tti@~ ~ -,ar Student: Thank you for expressing an interestln eerving as the Student Representative to the City's Parks and Community servl(:es Commission. The purpose of the Commission Is to consider and make recommendations to the City Council and Staff in all matters pertaining to recreation services for the citizens of Dublin. The Parks and COlT'lmunlty Services commission is made up of six members appointed by the Mayor and approved by the City Council. The term of office for the Student Commissioner is for one year, commencing July 1st and terminating the following June 30th. The Commission meets the third Monday of each month at 7:00 p.m. Commissioners receive $50.00 for attendance at each meeting. . Please take a few minutes to complete the following questions. 1_ Why are you interested In serving on the Parks and Community Services Commission? 2_ What Is the most important contribution you can make to the Commission? e What knowledge do you have of the parks and recreational facilities In Dublin? 4. What knowledge do you have of the programs offen.d through the Parks and Community Services Department? Have you ever participated in a program or class offered by the p.rks and Community Services Department? 5. What school and lor extra curricular activities are your Involved In? Name0~~\W\~"\ -\ Address to ç. . \.\~(\ l C\XB Current Gr~ ~~ Phone {~ : Q HI \ D \ "PLICATION DEADLINE: May 27, 2005 (5:00 p.m.) Applications may be submitted in person at the Parks and Community "rvlces Department OffIce on the 1"' floor of the Dublin Civic Center or may be mailed to the Dublin Civic Center. 100 Civic Plaza, Dublin, California, 94568, Attention Dlene Lowart, Parks end Community Services Director. For questions on the. application pro~ss, please call (925) 833-6645. ITEM ~,\ LP~'l1 ~oS- ,./ 'd. ðb \ 1.0 Brianna Hart e " City of Dublin Park and Community Services Commission Application 1. Why are you interested in serving on the Parks and Community Service Commission? I am interested in serving on the Parks and Community Service Commission because I have lived in Dublin my whole life and I am interested in Dublin's best interest. I have some good ideas about the parks in Dublin and I can't wait to have my voice heard. I care about Dublin and the community very much and have always wanted what was best for Dublin. 2. What is the most important contribution you can make to the Commission? I was on the Youth Advisory Committee for the term of 2004 -2005. I have been in leadership since the 811> grade so I know how to be a leader. I ãlways look for the positive in people and always have a positive attitude. I work very well with other people and on my own. I am a responsible and reliable person. If I am given a project I will do my best to complete it and I follow directions very well. When r need to step up and take charge I do it without hesitation. 3. What knowledge do you have of the parks and recreational facilities in Dublin? Then knowledge that r have of the parks and recreational facilities is what I have learned nom being on Y AC this past year. I have learned a lot about what the city does with teens, and the different events that the parks put on for the children. I have learned that the parks are for the people of Dublin. The Commission is always interested in the people of Dublin's best interest. e 4. What knowledge do you have of the programs offered through the Parks and Community Services Department? Have you ever participated in a program or class offered by the Parks and Community Services Department? Since I have lived in Dublin my whole life, everything I have ever participated in has gone through the Parks and Community Services Department. I played soccer for six years for Dublin and I loved it. I partiCipated in ballet, tap, and tumbling. I played softball and I took swim lessons at the Dublin pool. 5. What school and I or extra curricular activities are your involved in? r have been in Leadership for four years at Wells and Dublin High. I was on the Youth Advisory Committee for the 2004 - 2005 term. I am the Vice - President for the Leos club and I am on School Site Council. I plan on continuing School Site Council for another year also. I am in the French club and have been in CSF for five consecutive semesters. I have helped with Homecoming since freshman year and also show my school spirit. r volunteer at the Animal Shelter and I am a buddy for Challengers Baseball. e CITY OF DUBLIN 100 Civic Plaza Dublln,CA 94568 (925) 833-6645 <1"&''\1 ~ !."'\\\\ --~©~ V '-;<) .~.....'( " 'It '1.~ v'" """' .ar Student: '3 ~ \ W:¡ Thank you for expressing an Interest In $ervlng as the Student Repre$erítatlve to the City's Parks and Community servlcte$ Commis$ion. The purpo$e of the Commission is to consider and make recommendations to the City Council and Staff in all matters pertaining to recreation services for the citizens of Dublin. The Parks and Community Services commission is made up of six members appointed by the Mayor and approved by the City Council. The term of office for the Student Commissioner Is for one year, (:ommencing July 1st and terminating the following June 30th. The Commission meets the third Monday of each month at 7:00 p.m. Commissioners recelvl' $50.00 for attendance at each meeting. Please take a few minutes to complete the following questions. 1. . -'z.(._ ...v . 2. What Is the most important contribution you can -- What knowledge do you I' ave of th parks and t;'.:reatlonal facllltil's in Dublin? 'r Lj *" "'-/ 7-'''-'<.. c' I '-€' .. 4. What knowledge do you have of the programs offered through the Parks and Community Services Department? Have you ever participated in a program or class offered by the Parks and Community Services Department? f!f:' . he., . !('c.' f<'.· I h p.:; r..A ¡,-,'''.'/14 Ox~ß ht>ir{J.~;.'. b~< Th:/j.,"7:',.~J/ r-Qt,ß:::~ f-1~(' q¡,/:Þ;ð::. 5. ~ ~~tr~:~. d~ :~ c~. r..r~.C._.~.I::.;t.IVltles are your inVOIV~?!;:f::!:.. f~.j}?;:ßbJ ~ h~¡:i'~'~.1 ì.J;t), ~,,¡¡¡¡;-_ p_ 'j ,.m rE#5 "'hiW¡e6'"itiFi "Pr ,,¡., · '" Name 1'.t¡0.1-f- ¡Of> Cf2.7 q' . Current Grade 7 Address ";/@7 Lp;/'fI.(>WiP&) T -"""-<;,,,,4'_. D"j, 1,,"1 Phone 6;:;/-OiJ4'fi· /' ~ APPLICATION DEADLINE: May 27, 2005 (5:00 p.m.) Applications may be submitted In person et the Parks and Communl;y 'Wervlcas Department Office on the 1" floor of the Dublin Civic Centar or may be mallad to the Dublin Civic Can;ar, 100 Civic Plaza, Dublin, California, 94Se9, Attention Diana Lowert, Parks and Community Services Director. For questions on the application process, plaaSB cell (925) 833.664S. CITY OF DUBLIN 100 CIvic Plaza Dublin, CA 94568 (925) 833-6645 íi) m:~mn"'1I'~ ~ MAY 2 S 2005 ~ L-\ CJ}; \ \D e Thank you for expressing an interest in serving as the Student Representative to the City's Parks and Community Services Commission. Dear Student: The purpose of the Commission is to consider and make recommendations to the City Council and Staff in ail matters pertaining to recreation services for the (:Itlzens of Dublin. The Parks and Community Services comm Ission is made up of six members appointed by the Mayor and approved by the City Council. The term· of office for the Student Comminloner is for one year, commencing July 1st and terminating the following June 30th. The Commission meets the third Monday of each month at 7:00 p.m. Commissioners receive $50.00 for attendance at each meeting. Please take a few minutes to complete the following questions. 1. 2. 1 e 4. What knowledge do you have of the programs offered through the Parks and Community Services Department? Have you ever participated In a program or (:Iass offered by the Parks and Community Services De rtment? '"' , ~.~~~U?'~~~ ~~~r:ss\f~~l?~~~W. w\1\\Vì CCì ~ , 5. .t:~ Current ~e ~fu Phone,~ 1) L\lO APPLICATION DEADLINE: May 27,2005 (5:00 p.m.) Applications may be submlttod In person at the Parka and Communl_ Services Department Office on the 1"' floor of the Dublin Civic Center or mey be mailed to tha Dublin Civic Center, 100 C1V:w Plaza, Dublin, California, 94568, Attention Diane Lowart, Parks and Community Services DI....ctor. For qUHtions on the application process, pl..aee cell (925) 833-6645. " " ~ CITY OF DUBLIN 100 CIvic Plazs Dublin, CA 94568 (925) 833-6645 W1m©~rtWm:í~ ~ MAY 27 2005 ~~ 5~l.:J , _ar Student: Thaok you for expressing an interest In serVing as the Student Representative to the City's Parks and Community Services Commlulon. The purpose of the Commission Is to consider and make recommendations to the City Council and Staff In all matters pertainIng to recreation services for the citizens of Dublin. The Parks and Community Services Commission Is made up of six members appointed by the Mayor and approved by the City Council. The term of office for the Student Commissioner is for one year, commencing July 1st and terminating the following June 30th. The Commission meets the third Monday of each month at 7:00 p.m. Commissioners raceive $50.00 for attendance at each meeting. Please take a few minutes to complete the following questions. 1. Why are you Interested in serving on the Parks and Community Services Commission? ~~;~:- r!:-~:.;t~~Y ,;- ~:..,~:r¡IUr~:~"I>;:~;"'! t ~" J-"~~ ,if ~ "'~P\.14"".~ :I. .tJ.f'P"V ~..... A'~~t ~ Cð."..,~ ~t'PJ~ "t, ,l ~ ......,Al~ h"'" 1../J. ~~ ~ - . 2. e 4. 5, Na.me Address What Is the most Important contribution you can make to the Commission? T~ ....-f _.t ir'f!..t ø.(" .,....." DA,I..4fItI ~'ftI , . " tit ~l·-q .,,~, h~) l..l". _.~...i' ___ø. .L-~ 0lil .." 'f.- .. I'ff/y .¡..,..,~ .. "-. l,_J '''' i"to-.......JII_ .(,,,,_~ W;~~?~h5~;~~~ ~~~o~:~~r?:t:?t;::z~ ~.. What knowledge do you have of the programs offered through the Parks and Community Services Department? Have you ever participated In a program or class offered by the Parks and Community Services Department? . ~ ,.¡~ /';~¡;/I:~"~/:" J"'~~ ~~(: .("';Y/:"':!J~~ ~-:rl. , 4ØA:;; ~. I~~' (.,.....~.~. "f'þ~H.., r1-,")~ ~nlr "11~'~___(j øf.l....-"'r ., ' - - .. ' ~ What school and/or extra curricular activities are your Invoived in? S#o'I';'~~ ~.a.::ø~;\ ~;~r...~-~/ f:.::;:1. k;: ~dá,;:ff~- :~~~-~ ~~:;t ...+ ~- <1..(((.".",,( Z'~. M,ki!. , ~-., ~,,_'l-. l.J" I__-J curran'grade Phone 'U) cr GC'''.liIllfS ...,...........~,s "PliCATION DEADliNE: May 27, 2005 (5:00 p.m.) Applications may be aubmltted in parson at the Parks and Community "rvicas Department Office on the 1'" floor of the Dublin Civic Center or may be mailed to the Dublin Civic Center, 100 Civic Plaza, Dublin, Callfornle, 114568, Attention Diane Lowart. Parks end Community Services Dlractor. For questions on the application process, please call (925} 633-6645. CITY OF DUBUN 100 Civic Plaza Dublin, CA 94568 (926) 833-6645 ~. ~©m;~\1 ~~ L,J MA'l 2. 6 2.005 W 6}-¡llo . Dear StUdent: Thank you for 8xpresslngan interest In serving a8 the Student Representative to the City's Parka and Community Services Commission. The purpose of the Commission Is to consider and make recommendations to the City Council and Staff In all matters pertaining to recreation services for the citizens of Dublin. The Parks and Community 5ervl(:es Commission is made up of six membllH'S appointed by the Mayor and approved by the City Council. The term of office for the Student Commla810ner Î6 for one year, commanclng July 1st and terminating the following June 30th. The Commiesion meets the third Monday of each month at 7;00 p.m. Commissioners rsceiye $50.00 for attendance at each meeting. Please take a few minuteS to complete the following questlona. 1. 2. What Is the most important contribution you can make to the Commlsalon? ~ß~ ~~~~~~~~~µ)~t~b1~~\'~D~f~' 3. ,e ) ..fCJ¡2 SLPJ,,¡(Yì CC'-J..{Î\'V'· , 4. What knowledge do you have of the programs offered through the Parka and Community Services Department? Have you ever p.rtlclpated In a program or ciass offered by the Parks and Community Services Department? \ )- f.l-C./-f'r'·'1 Or\6 I "' "\<:::'C.& . What school and/or e>rtra CUrrlC~ItI88 are your involved in? ~ 1f~~di~~9~~i~;iJ9;~;~~ Name~wG ¡.~~~ Current Grade 10 Address \ ("' (" {:. 1;L<6 Phone .,..-..;; 'h "", - q ;\ -1 2- '..i 5. APPUCATION DEADUNE: May 201, ZOOS (5:00 p.m.) Applications may be aubmlttèd in person at the Parks and communlJÞ Servicea Department Office on the 1·' floor of the Dublin Civic Center or may be mailed to the Dublin Civic Center, 100 Clv Plaza, Dublin, Califomia, 94568, Attention Diane LowIIrt, Parks and Community Services Ði",ctor. For qUlllltlons on th appliçatlon procees. pl_ çall (928) 833~5. CITY OF DUBLIN 100 Civic Plaza DublIn, CA 94568 (925) 833-6645 ~~:y:~:~ I 6];.., I v tþsar Student: ' I Thank you for expressing an interest In serving as the Student Representative to the City's Parks and Community Services Commission. The purpose of the Commission is to consider IInd make recommendations to the City Council and Staff in 1111 matters pertaining to recreation services for the citizens of Dublin. The Parks and Community Services commission is made up of six members appointed by the Mayor and approved by the City Council. The term of office for the Student Commissioner is for one year, commencing July 1st and terminating the following June 30th. The Commission m&ets the third Monday of each month at 7:00 p.m. Commissioners receive $50.00 for attendance at each meeting. Please take a few minutes to complete the following questions. 1. Why are you int&rested in serving. on th& Parks ItIld Community Services Commission? <:;<!:f. at;-ad,,~, 2. Whet Is the most important contribution you can make to the Commission? S~ (.1t..,¡·¡.,.rl e What knowledge do you have of the parks and recreational facilities In Dublin? (~ r.i~b:t'k.è'\ 4. What knowledge do you have of the programs offered thrOlJgh the Parks and Community Services Department? Have you eve.r participated in a program or class offered by the parks and Community Services Department? f't:Þ n-tl'i-Of~Ðñ 5. What school and/or extra curricular activities are your Involved In? Þ& ,~-i--U!' MÐJ Name "nud 11' \-\oWlU Address ..,~,.,~_ Ja'r'¡'~" ,4- fW,¡,,, cÆ ."',"",10" I ... Current Grade D - Phone !1~\ s."'-, ð ,3, apPLICATION DEADLINE: May 27, 2005 (5:00 p.m.) Applications may be submitted In person at the Parks and Community wervlces Department Office on the 1" floor of the Dublin Civic Center or may be mailed to the Dublin Civic: Center, 100 Civic Plaza, Dublin, California, 94568, Attention Diane Lowart, Parks end Community Services Director. For questions on the applicetlon process, please call (925) 833-6645. :.ß ðb \ l..? Houda Hamze 7272 Burton Street Dublin, California 94568 (925) 556·1013 e May 26, 2005 Responses to questions 1 through 5. . 1. I am interested in serving on the Parks and Community Services Commission because I want to continue to be involved in my community. My last year with Y AC has been both rewarding and fuI:filling. I believe that I can continue to contribute to the community and City of Dublin by now participating with the Parks and Community Services Commission. I am interested in studying architecture and planning. I believe my interest in this area would help me increase my knowledge in this field of work, but that because of my interest"I would be a valuable and driven member of the commission. 2. I feel that I have some good ideas for the parks and recreational facilities of Dublin. I would like to be a part of a team that develops not only my ideas but the ideas of other Commission members. The most important contribution I can make to the Commission is my willingness to help. Through my activities with Y AC I have demonstrated my willingness to help and I would put that same energy into development and implementation of ideas put to the Commission 3. My fimrily and I have spent time at and enjoyed most of the parks throughout Dublin. We have taken advantage of the many facilities that are offered. I have been involved with soccer through the Dublin Soccer League and played at the Dublin Sportsground and Emerald Glen. Other than that, I do not have an extensive knowledge of the parks and recreational facilities in Dublin. However, the times 1 have spent benefitting ITom what is offered have been very valuable to me and I believe the time has come for me to become involved with the program and give back to my community. I e 4. I have participated in Day on the Glen, St. Patrick's Day Festival and various activities at the Dublin Swim Center. As a 4'" and 5'" grader I attended the After School Recreation Program at Murray Elementary School. 5. I will be a Junior at Dublin High School for the 2005-2006 school year. I have participated with the leadership class since I was in 8'" grade. This year in leadership I was active with the Fundraising Committee and Community Service Committee. 1 play on the High School Volleyball team and am also arnember ofthe Track & Field Team. I have been awarded a Scholar Athlete award for 2 years. I am the current Chairperson ofthe Dublin Youth Activities Committee. e CITY OF DUBLIN 100 CIvic Plaza Dublin, CA 94568 (925) 833-6645 ~ Db\\.Ð .ar Student: Thank you for expressing an Interest in serving as the Student Representative totne City's Parks alldCommunity Services Commission. . - . . . The purpose of the Commission is to consider and make recommendations to the CltyCounoll and Staff in all matters pertaining to recreation services for the citizens of Dublin. The Parks and Community Services commission Is made up of six members appointed by the Mayor and approved by the City CounciL The term of office for the Studellt Commissioner Is for one year, commencing July 1st and terminating the following June 30th. The Commh",ion meets the third Monday of each month at 7:00 p.m. Commissioners; receive $5D.OD for attendance at each meeting. Please take a few minutes to complete the following questions. 1. Why are you interested in serving !!In the Parks and Community Services Commission? 2. What is the most important contribution you c:an make to the Commission? e What knowledge do you have of the parks and recreational facilities in Dublin? 4. What knowledge do you have of the programs offered through the Parks and Community Servic"s Department? . Have you ever participated In a program or class offered by the Parks and Community Services Department? S. What school andlor extra curricular activities are your involved in? Nama Address 0¡'o..X:Ue. .~ ,5~ ~"",.."r:J,. ~p-~ Current G~ Phone t;U-\J75" AF'PLlCATION DEADLINE: May 27, 200S (5:00 p.m.) Applications may be aubmltted in person at the Parks and Community -"rvlces Department Office on the 1" floor of the Dublin Civic Center or may be mailed to the Dublin Civic Center, 100 Civic Plaza, Dublin, California, 94568, Attention Diane Lowart, Parks end Community Services Dlrllctor. For questions on the application process, please call (925) 833·6645. ,i \ 0 ~\\.D City of Dublin, Application to the position of Student Representative to the City of Dublin Parks and Community Services Commission. e "\¡:í 1. Why are you interested in serving on the Parks and Community Services Commission? I have many creative ideas that would greatly enhance the City of Dublin's programs, ideas that have come up while working in the various programs, such as those in JLP. Having volunteered with various programs, such as "Fun in the Sun" (Emerald Glen and Kolb Park), and various sports camps for the past two summers, I have an inside look at . how these programs are run, since JLP's work closely with the . . .,' participants and really find out the opinions of parents and parnclpants about certain programs. I also believe that these programs are important to the City's well being, and I will be contributing ideas and helping our city. This is because these programs are extremely important towards the well-being of the City of Dublin because they affect almost all of the city, from safety to economy. For example, the summer day camp and after school programs allow parents to work more and contribute to the economy, and the teen programs help in keeping teenagers in supportive, a structured activities and out of trouble. These Programs create a sense of . community that in turn fosters care and more responsible activity towards Dublin. As these programs are so important. and as a student representative to the Parks and Community services, I will add ftesh ideas and new points of view that others may have overlooked. I am also very good at seeing things that might have been overlooked. I am also a creative person that will add 'interesting ideas to the committee. I addition, since over half of the Parks and Community Services programs are targeted towards Youth and Young Adults, I will approach matters not just ftom theory, but also from experience, having done much Volunteer Work in my City, and having seen the inner workings of it in action. I already have many ideas and observations that would improve the programs, having had firsthand experience both as a volunteer and from enrolling in the programs themselves. Last but not least, many students believe that their voice will not be listened to since they are just Young Adults, but here is our chance to vocalize our opinions and be heard. As a teenager, I have many things that I (Teenager in general) might know that People might not knøw, and many People (not teenagers) know many things that teenagers might not know. So, by offering the opinions of different age groups, more ideas e \ \ Go \\..0 " e will be discussed and more solutions will be voiced. Like they say, two heads are better than one. Or, in this case, the more the better. 2. What is the most important contribution you can make to the Commission? As the student representative, I will bring a ftesh Voice to the Commission and offer many insights on City programs that! have noticed through my experience in various problems, both as a volunteer and as a participant. I am also very good at creative and very good at out of the box thinking, seeing solutions to problems that others might have missed. I have improved my skills through being a JLP and working in my School extra- curriculars. 3. What knowledge do you have of the parks and recreational facilities in Dublin? e I know how most of the Summer programs, and Sports Camps, are ron. I know how programs are designed, implemented, and organized (and how they are run by the leaders). I have been to all of the recreational facilities, such as the Dublin Parks, the Tennis Courts, and the Aquatic Center. I know what goes on during Recreational Activities and after (I go there on weekends a lot), and know the area very, very well. I also know how different programs are improvised according to the situation and not run according to the planning. In different programs this can mean for better or for worse. 4. What knowledge do you have of the programs offered through the Parks and Community Services Department? Have you ever participated in a program or class offered by the Parks and Community Services Department? e I have been in the Junior Leader Program, ftom my 8th_9th grade summer, and from my 9th _10th grade summer. I worked at Kolb Park and Emerald Glen for the Fun in the Sun summer Programs, and for the Sports Camps at Stager Gym and Ted Fairfield Park. I have also enrolled in Dublin City Programs, such as Tennis and Swimming. Being in the Junior Leader Program, and volunteering alongside the Camp Leaders while participating IZ.~ \lþ the Program's workshops, I have learned how the Programs are set up and _ how to manage and organize many activities in the best ways to target, ., reach, and satisfy the people whom these programs are directed to. For informational reasons, I always read the Dublin Guidebook and see which different programs Dublin offers. Growing up in Dublin, and hearing different reviews from people on the Recreational Programs, I know which ones are complained about most by participants (and parents for the youth activities), and which ones are always a success with students because everybody knows that these programs have the best reputation. (Such as Pee Wee Soccer and Open Gym Night) 5. What school and/or extracurricular activities are you involved in? I am currently involved with my school's animal club, and Interact club. I'm an officer in Animal Club (treasurer), where students volunteer through the Tri- Valley Animal Rescue (TV AR), and help socialize/condition orphaned Dogs, rabbits, and cats so that they are more likely to be adopted. In Interact we are involved with the Rotary Club of Dublin, which is a professional organization that helps the community at large. Through these I have done many things, such as baking cookies for .A the Women's shelter. I am also involved with the Video Bulletin Team; .- which writes, shoots, and films the school's "watchable" TV news bulletin (it's very funny and entertaining). Through working in the Video bulletin team, I improved my skills in team-working and learned to organize, brainstorm, and plan agendas and meet them right on time. Also, I play for Dublin High's Tennis team (Girl's Fall Season). Thank you for your time!!!!! I Look forward to yourresponse Name: Jiaxue He Address: 5780 Idlewood Street, \>i..b\ 'I..... ,CA I q456g Current Grade: 10 Grade following year: 11 Phone: (925) 560-1335 . ~J~r...1I. , '~j e , .'if ,ftk. ~ CITY OF DUBLIN 100 CIvic Plaza Dublin, CA 94568. (925) 833-6645 13()~\©~'llwm~ §, MÞ.Y 2 6 2.QQS e.ar Student - Thank you for expressing an interest in serving as the Student Reprli!sentative to theì::lty's Parks and Community SÐrvlces Commission. The purpose of thli! Commission is to consider and milks recommendations to the City Council ilnd Staff in all matters pertaining to recreation services for the citiZens of Dublin. The Parks and Community Services commission is made up of six member& appointed by the Mayor and approved by the City Council. The térm of office for the Student CommissIoner is¡ for one year, commencing July 1st and terminating the following June 30th. The Commission meets the third Monday of each mClnth at 7;00 p.m. Commissioners receive $50.00 fClr attendance at each meeting. Please take a few minutes to complete the following questions. 1. 2. -- 4. 5. . Why are you interested in serving Cln the Parks and Community Services CommissIon? ~~::. ,~:;~~~~ ::, .~:::~;:î~~1;~~~~~y~:;J~~~::7 ~: f~~<:" ~d , ,t1.V'\A ,^ñu~ '\ 1A,£A.Üd. d~ "'tD ~S\'\'e.- ~ö",^1"'~tv..crj hn..l'.....·. What is the most Important contribution you c:<In make to the Commission? ~~~ '-~¡~~~~~~ ~,-Uk ~ :.~~~~~~'='"'''~~ . *' t~ ~ ~ <., ''(""\ ;..}ro, ~ T \~ :(' \ ?!c.. I ~ k1:;I ~ 0Jt\~ 7~::2"'~ ~~ :~ ~~~. ~..~:~~V"'O~"'~ .w.".., ~d,~<. '= -\-V\, What knowledge do you have of the parks and recreational facl\l.ties in Dublin? ""L "",,","'_>.) ~ 'fA""'?!> ck ov-.\oI.\-(\ ~\\. 1: Vi<,.Îo\:" "'^"-"''i .,.ç. ~ o~ . ""~ II,- '::. ;;:.:;:; \(~:~'"'"",~,:..~1~~:",U::~ "~l~ ;"~-:lA~~~1-.;~'7: ~::::<~:~~"''' -r- \1"" NAy- ~ ~'" CD.V\~<.>'" 0<". "\<'0.,\ - ö,^,- <>~ "'^~ ~VD'f"i,\-",- """",-(V.. \:t> ",tlu., What knowledge do you have of the programs offarli!d through the Parka and Community SeTVices Department? Have you ever participated in a program or (:lasBoffli!red by the Parks and Community Services Department? ¿~V\Ö').) . ""~""2'C0cM~ ~~. ~ .~~. ~".~\' ~ <>-\~~' o.I'V~ ~": ~I I~M-S. _ \\,\\f"t\A:.... _ "'\\._~nllj, 1/. _ ~s;~__ ~ð.. ç.""'V\ '_ ~_ ~'-"-""'_;.... ---.:....- -~'?-~ r.\o.c..G,. v....(~ ,C:.".t,:>J.f\A"- tJ..",a t1 ~I~ n\apoA<"ðt\(!~~ G\.o..~ ~~ V\J"o.i .A.-i.VV\'"'h{, 1::' \--\~~. \Jr.L..I('"~CA""~a.~ð \'<\ k\r..r.1k ~uvt)...,\(V\'"::1. o..~ \.......""I"J. ~\. 'T' rtxV"-. ~J."'NJJ'II'o..'~~ J J What school and/or extra curricular activities lire your Involved In? T- "''''''''' '<><.0() I""",\~ \"^""'"' """"- 10......\:.\,,,, Wc"'- '>c""""""\..· ~""'l~. "-~ ~\., o.\; ~ -r::.....~~, «(..o"^^vv...v......,..,~~'1 ~"-^'t.f:..) (,,\JJ..~...J x:.. ('}..\W\ n-. "'^~~~r-.f' (').&- ~ \Q~~ \o...'Z.."L ßt'LV\Å. ~ ~ ð..\<;.o '-ð..~h.... ~ ~o ....¡a.~"l~ ßcJ,R~\\ +-t'1':ulv", to 1)00'<\ "!: \r\ð,?~ "J: ~.\)... "«..- o...~ ~ ~ \....%JA:ó""~ 'r.o~ì,Iõ,.I¡.\:o",^.ort.1 ~ ~ \"t~! Name I:':~:A\<-"" \;\-(À~<A Address llL\'Î'>2-- ß""i L-<\~\ ":k. (>')o.Io.\{"", Cf\, <\'-\'ii"'" Current Grade \ \ Phone ~1J;;) B:Lo..-'w-\ 'L Ao-PWCATION DEADLINË: May 27, 2005 (5:00 p.m.) Applications may be submitted In person at tha Parks and Community "rvioes Department OffIce on tha 1" fioor of the Dublin Civic Center or mey be mailed to the Dublin C1vlc Center, 100 Civic Plaza, Dublin, California, 94568, Attention Diane Lowar!, Parks end CommunIty S..rvloes Director. For qUIi!stlon$ on the application process. plaaae call (825) 833.6645. CITY OF DUBLIN 100 Civic Plaza Dublin, CA 94568 (925) 833-6645 1õì~©m:llt"Œ~ _;'c: MAY 2 6 2005 ~ J,! f5b \lD . Dear Student: Thank you for expressing an interest in serving as the Student Representative tDthe City's Parks and Community Services Commission. The purpose of the Commission is to consider and make recommendations to the City Council and Staff In all matters pertaining to recreation services for the citizens of Dublin. The Parks and Community Services Commission Is made up of six members appointed by the Mayor and approved by the City Council. The term of office for the Student Commissioner is for one year, commencing July 1st and terminating the following June 30th. The Commission meets the third Monday of each month at 7:00 p.m. Commissioners receive $50.00 for attendance at each meeting. Please take a few minutes to complete the following questions. 1. Why are you Interested in serving on thlf Par :t. , \(..n 2. What Is the most Important contribution you can m"ke to the Commission? c~~~~~-\ ~:~':~~h~~n~;\~~~~~\ T o~~~úJ:rA \~r~ 0.. ~\?J Idi"C/\ -+0 help DUblin h.@nH"\O j n ~..r n4-lJ- 3. What knowledge do you have of the parks and recreatiDnal facilities in Dubiln? :¡: Qm owo\'""..{> n+ f(;\Q VQnQI..¡\ '¡:::G(I\\+-1..¡o~ .-thú4- öf-H<>,.. CA.C+1VI<Í"1f' '" 1~!~~i~:1~~f+~~~~~E~05J~~1~~:1E~~ U~lr~' ~n;;(¡M~ e 4. What knowledge do you have of the programs offered thmugh the Parks and Community Services Department? Have you ever participated In a program or class offered by the Parks and Community Services Department? . K~~~{~~~ Ze~J~~i~1~~~e0evl;~~~~~~~ ,rtr~sn~~; 5. What school and/or extra currlcul"r activities are your involved In? î.(À a;;;'e~~~~-I'y~~n onH~g~ r~[~~ ~:::~~~~ ~~~\~b~~ ¿,t~~'k~ úm ij~; ~~~~!.fe~~ ~~J\;'i ~b N"l1j In\föÌ\l-(> ~n-+ In (hl"-", ,on ff' (1'<: Ir-, Name &I±lto ..-\Ç.L£nSL__ Curren~ Grade \ \ +1-0 Address lo\7,1' L€C.lg-eu.'J:Y"d \-("\,((1('-<" Phonø(QZS") &F,-Oc.c =!1- APPLICATION DEADL.iNE: May 27, 2005 (5:00 p.m.) Applications may be aubmltted in peraon at the Parks and CommunltyA S..rvlces Department Office On the 1"lIoor of the Dublin Civic Center or may be mailed to the Dublin Civic Center, 100 CiviC" Plaza, Dublin, California. 94568, Attention Diane Lowart, Parks and Community .Servlces Director. For questions on the application process, plene cell (925) 833·6645. eear Student: 'í'ì~©~\1~\t~ GIJ ).p" t , t~ JS~/{() - -- Thank you for expre$slng an Interest in serving as the Student Representative to the City's Parks and Community Services Commission. CITY OF DUBLIN 100 CIvic Plaza Dublin, CA 94568 (925) 833-6645 The purpose of the Commission Is to consider and make recommendations to the City Council ilnd Staff In all matters pertaining to recreation services for the cltizøns of Dublin. The Parks ilnd Community Services Commission Is made up of six members appointed by the Mayor and approved by the City Council. The term of office for the Student Commissioner is for one year, commencing July 1st and terminating the following June 30th. The Commission meets the third Monday of each month at 7:00 p.m. Commissioners receive $50.00 for attendance at each meeting. Please take a few minutes to complete the following questions. Stz..ja..· )J-T~4-Gff"{Þ.f) i. Why are you interested in serving on the Parks and Community Services Commiulon? .';;.'e¿ ~ r.-t,p øf ' 2. What Is the most Important contribution you can make to the Commission? \I:e ~r../^-" 01 . -- What knowledge do you have of the parks and recreational facilities in Dublin? ~ ~~. .~ 00_ 4. What knowledge do you have of the programs offered through the Parks and Community Services Department? Have you ever participated in a program or class offered by the parks and Community Services Department? J.k CJ.~C?" ¡;>( . 5. What school and/or extra curricular activities are your Involved In? ..fRe :3&;; , Ià ( .-ftß at Ii 1;;.0 4 Name M (\,\ì I J2... Address t1G-¡ ;:,,':;:;. . Wr"7 Current Grad~ Phone 82. '1/ .PLlCATION DEADLINE: May 27.2005 (5:00 p.m.) Applications may be submitted In person at the Parks and Community rvices Depsrtment Office on the 1"' floor of the Dublin Civic Center or may be mailed to the Dublin Civic Center, 100 Civic Plaza, Dublin, California, 94555, Attention Diane Lowart, Parks and Community Services Director. For questions on the application proceas. plaese cell (925) 533·5545. ÅMrt- .~ Ho ~\lR Parks and Community Services Commission . Student Representative Application 1.. Why are you interested in serving on the Parks and Community Services Commission? I would like to serve on the Parks and Community Services Commission because I like to be to be involved in the community IUld be a part of the planing of events for youth. 2. What is the most important contribution you can make to the Commission? I have a lot of ideas that I can share with the Commission. I like music and would like to contribute in music programs. I feel that I have good leadership abilities, as I was elected captain of my cross-country team as a Junior. I am a good listener and would be willing to discuss the concerns that I hear to the Commission. 3. What knowledge do you have of the parks and recreational facilities in Dublin? I am familiar with most of Dublin's parks and facilities. As I mentioned before, I am on the cross-country team, and we visit various parks throughout the city to play games such as Frisbee and Capture the flag. We have been everywhere- from Ted Fairfield to Shannon, Kolb to Emerald Glen. I enjoy using Dublin's parks and facilities. 4. What knowledge do you have of the programs offered through the Parks and Community Services Depar1Jnent? Have you ever participated in a program or class . offered by the Parks and Community Services Depar1Jnent? I read the city's "The Guide" catalogue to learn what programs the city has to offer. I . also know many of the programs through the Youth Advisory Committee (we actually help to organize many of them) , I have participated in many programs offered by the Parks and Community Services Department such as Recreation on Campus (REC) at Dubli11. Elementary and Nielsen Elementary, Recreation on Campus (ROC) at Wells Middle School, and the city's Junior Leader Program (JLP). 1 am also on the Youth Advisory Committee (Y AC). 5. What school and/or extracurricular activities are you involved in? I am. involved in many extracurricular activities such as: · Youth Advisory Committee · DHS Varsity Cross Country (Captainoftearn) · DHS Varsity Track and Field · Muscular Dystrophy Association (MDA) Office Volunteer · MDA Summer Camp Counselor · DHS Interact Club (publicity Commissioner) · Advanced Placement (College-Level) Courses at DHS · CSF (California Scholarship Foundation) · National Merit Scholarship Qualifier · DHS Jazz Band .